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Gabriella Thais Acquarone

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:28 am
by Suzthulhu
Player Nickname: Suzthulhu

Name: Gabriella Thais Acquarone - "Rielinha"
Age: 18
Date of Birth: February 14

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 115
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Place of Origin: Recife, Brazil
Nationality/Race: Brazilian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Rielinha thinks the world is her oyster, with so much available to learn and experience, and she wants to do it all. She tends to have a lot of nervous energy, frequently fidgeting or tapping fingers, toes, etc. In order to give her hands something to do to keep them occupied, she carries around a pair of Baoding balls which she spins either in her hand or keeps close by in a pouch on her belt. Friendly and outgoing, she sees meeting new people as an opportunity to learn more, and spends as little time in her room as possible, since it's "boring" there. She can come off as nosey and overeager at times because she wants to know -everything-.

Physical Description: Petite, athletic figure honed from a ton of physical activities including Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Capoeira, cycling, hiking, rock climbing, hangliding... pretty much anything she can get out and about to do to give her body something to occupy itself with while her brain is going, and going, and going...

Her brother snapped this shot of her on the morning she took her flight from Recife to Salem.



Powerset: Hypercognition

Ability One: Eidetic Memory/Rapid Recollection: She can remember literally everything she has ever seen, heard, experienced, etc. In addition, she has the ability to rapidly recall these memories. For example, she can remember the words on a page in a book without having actually read them. She remembers everything from age 8, and her memories cannot be manipulated or erased. She can memorize things as rapidly as her eyes can see them, whether she is conscious of this or not.

Drawbacks: She is unable to forget anything, even traumatic events, but she does not remember -anything- prior to age 8. Her rapid recall tends to become a diarrhea of the brain/mouth, with the recounting of events happening in rapid succession with no real processing of the information during the recall phase; she just sort of spits everything out and may not necessarily analyze the information. To actually analyze the data, she must record the recall in some fashion and then process it later.

Ability Two: Hyperprocessing/Quantum Perception: She possesses a computer-like brain, able to process large amounts of information down to minute details very rapidly. For example, she memorized the entirely of Wikipedia in a matter of days and then mentally corrected errors and inconsistencies within hours by combining information from other sources. The only limit to her memorization speed was the need to physically click through the articles and links. She has memorized and analyzed complex mathematical, scientific, etc, textbooks in a matter of minutes and is able to process and understand the information therein.

Drawbacks: Processing data, like with a computer, takes massive amounts of resources. Smaller amounts of information are instantly processed and analyzed; however, if she is to process a very large amount of information, it will require that she just sit and do so for a period of time until her brain has worked around the information. Prolonged time spent mentally processing is as physically exhausting as running a marathon and requires down time to recharge and reboot. Just because she has memorized and analyzed how to perform brain surgery, for example, does not mean she would be able to perform it.

Ability Three: Adoptive Muscle Memory: This is a "monkey see, monkey do" ability, enabling her to perfectly and flawlessly replicate and mimic -any- physical action she has seen; however, her eidetic memory and rapid recall do not apply to adoptive muscle memory.

Drawbacks: Just because she has seen it and can replicate it physically does not make her proficient in the skill, like someone who has spent years in training. After watching heart surgery, for example, she'd be able to perform the exact same actions immediately after, but -only- those actions. If something unexpected occured, she would have no intuition or ability to adapt the mimickry. The limit on her physical memorization and mimickry is anywhere from immediately after seeing the actions, and up to, but not exceeding, 24 hours later. Anything attempted after that time period will result in critical failure, unless, in the case of some things that have interested her enough to keep up with, she continues to practice and study the activity. Performing tasks for which she is not physically adept for, such as gymnastics moves requiring a high degree of flexibility or other things of that nature, can and will result in physical injury and extreme fatigue. She must fully see the actions she intends to replicate. This does not extend to replication of 'powered' abilities, only purely physical ones able to be performed by a normal human being.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Overall, Rielinha generally has issues with too much nervous energy, headaches, lack of sleep because her brain just won't shut off, and a raging caffeine addiction. For specific drawbacks, see individual powers above.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Potentially more coherent recall combined with analysis and processing with more practice in the future. Potential to be able to perform physical tasks more than 24 hours after observation or to incorporate memory and perception into complex actions to adjust the mimickry as needed to adapt.

Skills: Rielinha has many hobbies, aided by her abilities, that she has kept up with and further studied, to include cooking, Ju Jitsu, Capoeira, and playing the drums.

Background: Growing up in Recife, Brazil, is like growing up in a tropical paradise. The city is distributed across rivers, canals, and islands, and is rich in tourism and culture. This is where Rielinha spent what she is told was eight happy childhood years with her parents and siblings before a tragic boating accident took nearly her whole family, leaving her with only photographs of her parents and sisters, no memories of anything prior to the accident, and only her brother to tell her stories of their childhood.

The day had started out calm when the family chartered a small passenger boat to take them out to one of the islands off the northeastern coast of Brazil for a day of hiking and picnics with the whole family. All eight of them--her mother, father, two sisters, her brother, and Rielinha--set off with the boat guide around eight that morning. The seas were a little choppy, but the family was assured that it was a short trip, and there was nothing to worry about. Shortly after setting off, the boat driver announced that they'd have to take an alternate route due to a pod of dolphins in the usual travel areas. The choppy seas got worse, but by the time the driver made the decision to turn back, a storm was moving in off the coast. One tragic mistake after another was made, the boat capsized, and Rielinha was taken to the hospital clinically dead after drowning in the ensuing accident.

She spent 13 minutes clinically dead, with only minute amounts of brainwave activity, before some very unusual and spiked readings in her mesoscopic brain activity were detected. Finally, with the life-saving efforts of the hospital staff, she started breathing again and her heart began to beat. When she finally became conscious enough to be aware, she had no recollection of anything before the very, very painful sensation of water filling her lungs and the minutes it took for her to actually drown. This is a memory she still carries with her, and is the biggest reason for her fear of the ocean, lakes, other large bodies of water, and boating.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: While Rielinha will go swimming in a pool or get into a hot tub, she is terrified of oceans, lakes, rivers, and boats.