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Thomas Young

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:39 pm
by Thief
Player Nickname: Thief

Name: Thomas Young
Codename: None
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 5/7/93

Height: 6’0
Weight: Looks to weigh about 190 actually weighs 412 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Sacramento, Ca
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Security

Personality Profile: Friendly, easy going, and even a little on the goofy side at times, loves to goof around with his powers.
Physical Description: Good looking guy with a physique of course these could be a result of his powers. Thomas is 6’0, looks to be about 190 pounds, has brown hair that he keeps shaved closed to his head, is clean shaving, and has bright blue eyes.

Powerset: Metamorph

Ability One: Bio-Clay Body: Thomas’s body is made up of one solid mass of a dense clay like substance he refers to as Bio-Clay. Thomas’s body can take a lot of physical damage with very little worry seeing as he has no internal organs and can reform much like the T1000 Terminator or harden his body to a strong stone like density upon command. Of course this does not make him invulnerable to damage and any lost Bio-Clay must either be recovered or his body will regrow it slowly.

Ability Two: Shape-shifting: Thomas is able to manipulate his body to his heart’s content allowing him to change colors, features, form weapons, or look like anyone or thing as long as it doesn’t exceed his personal mass.

Ability Three: Enhanced Strength: Thomas is stronger then a normal person thanks to his body density and he can lift about 1000 pounds at max.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Bio-Clay: Thomas’s body can stand a lot of damage this is true but being splattered all over the place is still disorienting and painful plus it will take time for him to reform himself. Heat or Cold are also a problem for him, heat/fire will dry out his body making him brittle, easily breakable, and eventually turn him into a living statue till he is rehydrated. Extreme cold will freeze the water in his body which is not only extremely painful but much like heat will turn him into one big immovable target or cause him to suffocate to death. Electricity will cause him to loose control of his shifts and his body causing him great pain as well as making him randomly shift.

Shape-shifting: While Thomas can mimic a things shape and look he cannot mimic its properties, he cannot make a shooting gun or gain night vision by giving himself cat eyes, he can form a sword but can at the most make it stone hard not steel hard, nor can he at this point grow wings and suddenly be able to fly. Thomas can look like other people but it is not perfect, his eyes cannot pass retinal scans, he can’t copy finger prints, and while he is good at mimicking voice that is a talent learned from practice and not a part of his powers.

Projected Power Growth & Development: All of Thomas’s powers should progress in strength over time.

Skills: Thomas has a good memory and is decent at ventriloquism and and impressions , he also has basic training in hand to hand fighting and shooting a gun but he isn’t an expert at either.

Background: Thomas was born in Sacramento to two parents who while never abusive were just too busy for a son and as a result Thomas spent most of his young life being raised by tutors and nannys. Despite his absentee parents Thomas was a pretty well-adjusted kid, he went to public school and got along pretty well with everyone, he even got good grades. Life was pretty routine up until Thomas gained his powers in august of his 13th year, he woke up feeling a little strange and half way through the day he started feeling sick which turned into him hacking up blood and other unpleasant things. After being rushed to the hospital the doctors found that he was x-gene active and his body was slowly transforming into what would eventually be his Bio-Clay body. To make matters worse the clay was slowly devouring or rejecting his blood and internal organs, there was nothing to do but to keep him comfortable and let the transformation run its course. 5 days later Thomas woke up feeling better and by day 7 he felt better than new. Thomas was only home 3 days before he figured out the metamorph powers, he had been watching tv and kept transforming into the person he was watching, which got just a little creepy when he snuck out to watch skinamax… Eventually though in time and with a lot of training and focus, Thomas was able to get his powers under control. Now at the ripe old age of 19 Thomas has moved to Salem hoping to meet some fellow mutants.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Thomas loves Halloween and is fond of practical jokes using his powers. Thomas works as security and occasional bodyguard for public events.