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Hayden Goes Streaking

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:11 pm
by Suzthulhu
<@Ahriman> Normally, his timing is uncanny. And for good reason; he had no reason to ever be late for anything he didn't want to be late for. Like some sort of storybook wizard. But now - now, he was so sure there would be people around, that when he showed up in the courtyard, he was confused to find it holding only one other person, who seemed to have fallen asleep. He, who? He, Hayden.

* Blatant Boy walks by, points, laughs, and says, "Snooze, ya lose, bucko!"

<@Ahriman> Hayden aborts Lesley.

<`Mikhail`> Asleep, perhaps, or maybe just resting, because as soon as he hears even the vaguest sound of movement Mikhail's eyes snap open and he is glancing around...honestly hoping it is the victorious hoarde of mutants returning safely. No such luck...and he recognises the fellow he does see. He is immediately cautious, of course, but he is honestly of the belief that good manners are never a detriment. So, pushing himself upright he turns the weight of still-anxious turquoise eyes to Hayden, his fingers toying around with the spoon he still had with him from his icecream adventures earlier. "Evening...Hayden is it?" With a quick movement and not even needing the use of his hands he hops to his feet, watching the man's movements with the same wary look he gives all folks he doesn't know.

<@Ahriman> "hmmm?" There was an upward inflection to the noise; had he become so popular that his reputation was finally preceding him? "We haven't met. You must be new here." He regarded Mikhail with a raised eyebrow, but only briefly. Apparently slowly looking over the rest of the courtyard, and through all the windows ringing it, became his next priority. "So. Where have all the cowboys gone?" If Hayden actually knew what he'd just quoted, he wouldn't have quoted it. Honest. "Off to retrieve their powers, no doubt? Or just out for another barbeque."

<`Mikhail`> He remembers the man from when the young girl eas freaking out over his visit and looking at Mik like he were part of the big bad plan. He was there to see him only once...but he doesn't question why the man doesn't recognise him...he tends to stay to the sidelines. He nods his head, spinning the metal spoon between his fingers in easy dexterous flips. "Mhmm. Fairly new, yes. I only arrive about two weeks ago." His accent is distinctly eastern european, but very clear, his grasp of the english language quite fluent. "Some of them have gone, yes." Where? He doesn't say. He knows this man's reputation, and he won't give more than polite affirmation that they, of course, arn't -right here-. He glances around to see if anyone else is nearby, then turns his gaze back to the man...curious, really, and though cautious, not afraid.

<@Ahriman> A 'blip' alerts the presence of someone else. If he were out in a city, he would blend right in with the everyday crowd. But he had teleported in in his very obvious way. "Celophane is on the way down, he should call up in a minute." Hayden nodded, and opted to take a seat while he waited. Legs crossed, ankle-over-knee, as he placed himself on a bench. He fussed at a sports jacket that looked like it came from Don Johnson's wardrobe; the entire outfit, as a matter of fact, but Hayden was only fussing wih the jacket. He cleared his throat, and settled his attention on Mikhail. "No need to stand on my account," he motioned to another bench.

<`Mikhail`> Manners followed through on and the other man lowering to a seat, so does Mikhail, on the opposit bench, but not entirely at ease. It isn't just the matter of who this is, but the fact he's never really at ease around people he isn't aquainted well with. "You're here to meet someone?" Then, after a moment of thought, and a disturbing internal arguement with his manners, he offers. "I'm Mikhail." He twirls that spoon around again, flicking it from between each of his fingers like a majorette twirling a baton, minus the glittery outfit and female appendages. His gaze flicks about again...goddamnit would they just hurry and get back so he can stop worrying?...then turns his attention back to Hayden.

<@Ahriman> He glanced to either side, putting off on replying to Mikhail. But eventually it couldn't be ignored anymore, so he gave in. "Yes yes, I'm sure it's nice to meet you." He gave a slight huff; he had, what he believed, to be all the time that was left in the world, and he was actually getting impatient already. "No, I'm not here to meet anyone. I'm here to stir the pot." His attention came back to the other man now. "I've given ample chances. Even offered peace. And even after you people have been humbled, you still can't figure out how to play nice." He reclined slightly, draping an arm over the back of the bench. "So I've come to retrieve a few things I left behind. And then I no longer see any reason to maintain this facade of pleasantries."

<`Mikhail`> Being something of a newbie here, and quite honestly not loyal to the -place- so much as a few people within it, he doesn't take any offence to the 'you people' comment. "I'm afraid I haven't the faintest clue about your history with this place or it's people. I'm new, and I simply rent a room here. Work a shift in the medical center. I only know that the young lady seemed awfully frightened of you." He shrugs his shoulders, leaning back more reclined and tossing his spoon to the other hand to spin between those fingers. "Manners and pleasantries are a dying art, to be quite honest. Something I've come to understand the more I've tried to join into any community. What things need retrieving?" A faint hint of a smile touches his lips, that wall everpresent but the pleasant mask still as always carefully applied.

<Gina> "Awwwww, ain't that a shame. And here I was hoping we had something going, Hayden, something real. You weren't even going to call me in the morning, were you?" That voice, coming from the doorway into the courtyard, belongs to none other than Gina. How long had she been standing there, just listening? Long enough, it seemed. If she'd been wearing long sleeves, this is where she'd push them up before throwing the door open fully and striding out, pulling her hair up into a ponytail and securing it with a scrunchie from her wrist. "I'ma ask you to hold my earrings here in a sec, Mikhail, because shit's about to get real. Now." Hair up, she puts her hands on her hips, the tops of them peeking out from between a pair or low-rise jeans and a snug-as-all-get-out t-shirt with a bright yellow rose on the front. "I'll ask you once, nicely. Are you here to give back Conrad and fuck off? Because if not, we're going to have to do things the hard way."

<@Ahriman> "Oh, I'm sure if you were to ask someone about me, they would tell you I'm the worst thing to happen since Canadian pop singers." He flapped a hand in a generic dismissive gesture. And then there's Gina. "Why not take a seat," that same hand flapped at Mikhail now, though he spoke to Gina. "When I am done with Conrad, I will return him, as promised. You people are always so hard of hearing, but so quick to the draw, it's a wonder you haven't pissed off everyone with the power to destroy you utterly. And save your vaguely ethnic hilarities, you're only going to make yourself tired." Blip, however, wasn't as confident as Hayden, so he backed up. A lot.

<`Mikhail`> Glancing up as the woman approaches, he lifts a brow. Certainly he wasn't going to start anything himself, but his loyalties are very simple. None to the place, but certainly more to Gina...who he has shared icecream and flirtations with...than to Hayden. Moving to push himself to his feet, he steps up closer to her side. Not acting in any way aggressive, but prepared to if he needs to. He lived a life trained quite effectively in handling his business, whether it be with his blades or otherwise. The man's arrogant demeanor doesn't bother him, he's grown used to the attitudes of the gadje and how soft a core it truly covers. "Gina, hello again."

<Gina> "Mm." Gina grins when Blip backs up. "Just keep backing up, and take your master here with you, lapdog. You know Hayden, you're not nearly as smart as you try to play. If you were, you'd be backing that ass up right along with him. Rest assured, we're going to take Conrad back from you whether your "done" with him or not." Quotey fingers and everything, and she keeps getting closer to Hayden, just like she'd done the last time they'd met. "Now go ahead and get this over with. I'm tired of your bullshit, as is everyone else. Give us the schpiel and get the fuck out of here." Handflap. Dismissive.

<@Ahriman> "I'm not here for another speech. I'm here to take what's mine." The arm draped over the bench comes forward so he can laces his fingers together and rest his hands on his lap. "After tonight, all this pretense is finished. I've tried being pleasant, I really have. But if all you people are going to do is spurn peace when it's offered, then consider this a declaration of war." Blip cleared his throat, now practically on the other side of the courtyard. Once Hayden looked over, Blip nodded. "He found them. Bulwark is down there, as suspected." "What about Flammen, Manifold, and Tantrum?" Gina might be familiar with these names - they were the distractions Hayden used during his assault. Bulwark, especially, would be familiar with Gina. "No, not here. Probably with META somewhere." That provoked a small, brief frown, but Hayden nodded. "Alright. Take them back. I'd like to sit here for a while longer." And then Blip..blipped.

<`Mikhail`> Not being a natrually violent person, he really can't understand the need for all of this aggressive back and forth. However in case the need arises he is glancing around the courtyard to see his surroundings before just turning his gaze to watch the back and forth between the two. He has nothing to add, he doesn't have any clue what has gone on aside from a kidnapping. If Gina wants to beat the shit out of the guy, he supposes it is warrented. So, he is staying by her side to have her back shuold a fight actually break out.

<Gina> "Oh hell no you aren't." Gina already has that earbud in her ear, rarely going anywhere without it at least handy for use. She barks, "SECURITY PROTOCOLS. HAYDEN IN THE COURTYARD, LACKEYS GOING FOR THE CATACOMBS AGAIN. LOCK IT DOWN." And then she does something she hopes is unexpected. Instead of going for Hayden, since she knows that sans powers she's not fast enough to catch him by surprise, she goes instead for the bench he's sitting on, clearing the short distance, skidding to a halt and grabbing the end of it and lifting to try and tip him ass over teakettle into the dirt.

<@Ahriman> "SECURITY PROTOCOL ALPHA. 10 SECONDS." It wasn't just Gina and Mikhail paying attention to the conversation; Fergus had been monitoring from the security room. Gina's call was all he was waiting for. A klaxon counted down each second, while through the windows lining the courtyard, a stream of redshirts could be seen bursting through a set of doors, probably leading to where ever Blip and Celophane and Bulwark were. Hayden does literally nothing to stop Gina, but he's not as ungraceful as she might hope he was. Arms shot out as he began to tip, and rather than rolling through he grass and getting his suit stained, his hands landed first, and he pushed himself over. "Security protocols? What're you gonna do, taser me?" He gave a hearty laugh at that.

<`Mikhail`> Well, if this is a security issue officially, he certainly should help if he can...and once the man is getting to his hands Mikhail moves in to again forcefully topple that bench, aiming with as much precision as he can to hopefully this time land it more atop the baddie. If it means buying time for someone else to come in and gather him up, that's great...but he knows better than to touch another mutant with his hands, in case there is some wonky power in use. He is quiet, not shouting any rhetoric.

<Gina> As Hayden manages not to get tossed on his kiester, Gina hops to her feet again as the security alarm announcement sounds. Whirling on her feet, she gives Mikhail a look, jerking her eyes toward the door and hoping like hell he gets it. If not... he'll be covered in blue foam for awhile. She also hopes that Hayden is unaware of exactly what protocol ALPHA is, which judging from his remark, he seems to be. Now, to just keep him in the courtyard and busy for another... eight seconds. "That would be a real party now wouldn't it? Come on Hayden, dance with me. You know you want to, even if you are getting old and wrinkly. Speaking of which, just how much time do you have left, anyway? Can't be much now, what with Julie dead and all." Maybe that bench will delay him some too!

<@Ahriman> Hayden doesn't seem to be in any hurry to leave. In fact, suit be damned, he took off the jacket and tossed it aside, before working on rolling up his sleeves. The equivalent of Gina asking for someone to hold her gold. It left his focus forward, so he could dance out of the way of the second bench assault. And although Gina was technically correct, this Hayden wasn't all wrinkled and gross. This one, at best guess, was probably in his late 20s. "It's so humorous, listening to you idiots try to figure out my powers. The only reason you even found the ballpark is because of Conrad. But no, I'm not going anywhere." He paused, and then grinned, as if he'd thought of something incredibly clever. "I'll be around until the end of the world." OMINOUS FORBODING. Once he was ready (several klaxons later), he jerked his head to either side, getting a wince and a satisfying pop each time. He didn't verbally goad her this time; he took a loose stance, and beckoned her forward.

<`Mikhail`> He doesn't seem eager in any way to leave...running away isn't really his style. It isn't that he doubts her ability, it is more a facet of his morals. You don't leave -anyone- alone in a fight if they matter to you. So, he stays nearby. Stiff jointed shoulders roll and he looks from Gina, to Hayden. Whatever this security protocol is, he hopes it shuts the arrogant fool up for a minute or two.

<Gina> Oh good. He does want to dance. Gina grins like the god damned CHeshire Cat with the canary then, balling up her hands and laying them one fist in the other, cracking her knuckles loudly. "And here I thought you'd never ask." Gina gives no fucks about being covered in blue foam either, if it stops this shit and holds Hayden down for awhile. "The end of your time might be sooner than you think, Hayden. Hope that wasn't an expensive suit." Cuz it's about to get all sorts of fucked up. The professional MMA fighter feints right, once, twice, and then sweeps her left leg around in a swift jab style kick aimed for Hayden's kneecap.

<@Ahriman> Hayden leaned back a bit, taking the attacked leg with it, so that Gina's kick caught little more than air, and maybe a little bit of pants fabric. As he tilts and rotates, the lifted leg is left coiled, until he's positioned just-so, when it's thrust forward for Gina's chest. He wasn't powering himself, so he couldn't say whether or not he would've hit. And for now, neither of them would know how this particular fight would turn out, 'cause the last klaxon finally sounds. Nozzles pop up from all over the courtyard, and spray that sticky blue foam over everything. The foam, as Gina is familiar with, would soon harden and keep Hayden, Gina, and Mikhail stuck in place, however awkwardly they might be posed once caught. "Aww, what the fuck is this shit?!" Hayden is clearly displeased about having the rest of his suit ruined, and suddenly being stuck in place. At least, in theory.

<Gina> "HAH!" Miss or not, she'd kept him in place long enough, it seemed. "That's right, bitch, EAT A DICK." Even if she's also frozen in place, she's cackling like a god damn fiend in all that foam. "Get like, thirty god damn SNDs out here for this motherfucker and do not let him out of your sight. I'm going to fucking sleep next to his cell make out with ever fucking one of your security guys, Deadeye, swear to God."

<`Mikhail`> Yeah....that sucks. Thank god he was only wearing an old and already mostly worn out pair of boardshorts, nothing new or that he would miss. He -hates- feeling constrained, but as he realizes struggling against it is pointless he goes still, thankfully no more awkwardly than with feet shoulderwidth apart and arms slightly out from his sides in a ready position. -Now- he gets why she wanted him to haul ass out, and he can't quite restrain the little chuckle that escapes. It's almost funny if he thinks about it. "Damnit, If knew security was the way to go I might rethink my Med center job.."

<@Ahriman> "Well..don't celebrate just yet, Doppleganger," Fergus replied, using the team comm channel rather than the security channel. "Redshirts report the three in the catacombs are gone." There are a few frustrated, struggling grunts near Gina, each with Hayden's tone, but after a minute he was entirely quiet.

<Gina> "No fucks right now, Fergus, get Hayden locked down. We can handle them later, but we cannot risk losing Hayden again." Shit, he went quiet. "You still with me, Hayden? We've got a niiiiice cell waiting for you down there." Jerk, jerk... damn foam.

<`Mikhail`> At this point, he is really just caught waiting. Humming to himself softly and trying to ignore the fact that his neck is really really itchy. Why is it as soon as you can't move, everything itches? His mind drifts, wondering about how the mission is going. Worried over whether those he knows on the mission are okay.

<@Ahriman> There not much for anyone to do now but wait. Those tasked with removing the solid blue foam do their thing, which probably takes a few hours. Gina and Mikhail are freed first, and the team works around where Hayden is supposed to be while clearing the rest of the courtyard.
<Gina> And as soon as she's loose, Gina TOTALLY haters gon' hate struts around Hayden, shakin' dat ass and cackling like a mad woman. "Hey Deadeye, those guys down in the cells didn't have their powers, so...." But shit. They would soon enough. "But, well fuck me. They will soon. Alright, I'll get Gains on the horn ASAP and let him know what the dilly yo."

<`Mikhail`> Freed from the blue foam, Mikhail is immediately nodding to Gina and commenting. "Hope this all works out. I'll..uh...I'll see you later." Ughgodwhatwasinthatfoam. Must bathe. The more he had lingered in it, the more his rather adament compulsion to be clean began kicking his ass. He needs a shower. Possibly with steel wool and lysol. He is jogging quickly back toward the building and slinking inside.
<@Ahriman> Eventually, once the rest of the courtyard is freed from foam, they turn their attention to the final block of foam, the one holding Hayden. Working from the position Gina was in when she was freed, they worked from the back of Hayden's foamy prison, so they could get an SND on him before freeing the rest of him. Or, that's what they had intended to do. The foam was worked through just fine, sure, but where there was supposed to be a Hayden, there was naught but empty space. Empty space and a nice suit. Which meant where ever - and whenever - this Hayden had gone to, he'd gone there stark nekkid.

<@Ahriman> MEANWHILE, LAST FRIDAY MORNING. Hayden appears in the courtyard, standing in an awkward pose, and stark nekkid. The absurdity of it all leaves his frozen in place for a few minutes, but eventually he shamewalks out of there.

<Gina> And Gina just... oh she is sopissed. So pissed that she literally vibrates with rage. "How in the fuck... what the fuck... MOTHERFUCKINGSONOFAWHORE!!!" She grabs at the suit in a rage and tears the shirt clean in half. Angry Gina is angry. Angry and covered in the remnants of blue foam. Without another word, she just tears out of the courtyard, nearly ripping the door off its hinges.

<Gina> MEANWHILE, LAST FRIDAY MORNING. A VERY startled and VERY confused Chloe throws a whole armfull of books and a latte straight up into the air when a very naked man appears right in front of her. She then NOPENOPENOPES her way right the fuck back inside.

* Angel`Pearson annnd also! last friday morning, Angel who had been vegging in the courtyard enjoying a morning buzz hopped up and darted off to get his giant butterfly net.