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He Came From Space. So We Kicked His Butt.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:43 pm
by Goldbolt
[09:07] <SisipWork> Her grin is not QUITE 11 but damn near close. The kiss is returned with more gusto than it was originally given, the glowbug obviously in a good mood. "Oh yes it is! No aliens, fireworks going off, everyone celebrating, and you're not fish chum! Which is always nice." She shrugs her shoulders then makes a face, "I don't quite get why they're doing fireworks at 9am though.. seems sort of counterproductive to the whole 'oooh pretty colours' thing." Her arms wrap around his waist as she cuddles up to him.

[09:10] <Brad> "Yeah, don't ask me." He shrugs his shoulders, and then offers his mug of cocoa over to her if she wants a sip. It's still nice and hot, pretty much a fresh mug. "Seems a little early in the morning for that kinda thing. You know those things wanted to turn me into some kind of like, cabin boy manservant? What dicks." He smirks.

[09:11] <Holtzmann> A whistling sound surprisingly similar to a cartoon bomb falling through the air echoes for a few seconds, foreshadowing the collision of something with the courtyard... and its subsequent massive explosion! Thankfully, it's far enough away from the lovely couple that only the blast of hot air hits them, followed by a cloud of dust and tiny pieces of debris.

[09:14] <SisipWork> Honeygolden eyes widen as she snerks, "Oh. I bet we could have hooked you up with the sexy shark outfit... you'd have it made considering how much they love fish." She reaches for the cocoa and takes a 'normal person' sip, always cautious about her intake when it was other people's susitnance. "Mmmmm well I'm glad you're not a manservant.. and I'm glad you're out of the SAD ROOM!" A kiss is placed on Rick's cheek, or it would have if another meteorite hadn't slammed down in the coutyard. Ashlynne's light goes out as she shrieks, cocoa going everywhere in a hot spray of delicious doom! She literally wraps herself around Rick to try to keep the aliens from seeing him.

[09:17] <Brad> "What the f-MMPHG!" He starts, but then he's enveloped, literally, by Ash. In other circumstances, that wouldn't be unpleasant at all. But now it's like they're under attack again. Maybe the shipfish is sending meteorites down as a retaliation for the events of the previous night? He tries to take a fighting stance, but that's sort of difficult with his girlfriend literally wrapped around him like human taffy.

[09:20] <Holtzmann> Another detonation comes from within the dense cloud of dust, quickly followed by a third, a fourth and fifth explosion. A few seconds of this later, and they all sort of merge into an incredibly loud noise... and cease completely. The dust settles, revealing an almost perfectly circular crater, and a (thankfully human, yet bruised and blistered by frostbite) hand emerges, grabbing at the rim and struggling to pull the rest of its body up.

[09:29] <SisipWork> Cover him up. Cover him up and stay really still.. like she did with Felix. Then again... that hadn't worked with Felix. More loud noises are heard and she yelps, finally untangling herself to try to yank Rick towards a door.. ANY door. Pushpush, shove, look back over shoulder and... hand? Uidry didn't have HANDS.. well they HAD hands but they were all froggy like... She calms down just a bit.

[09:53] <Brad> He's nearly suffocated by the point that Ash finally decides to loosen her grip, and he gasps for air loudly when she does. "What the hell is going o-" And then she starts yanking, pushing, and shoving him towards the entrance to the Rec Center part of the building. Granted, she's a small girl, so he's hardly knocked around like a rag doll. When she pauses he turns to look over his own shoulder. "What is it, Ash?"

[09:58] * JJ Gah! The sky was falling! The sky was falling! Not again! JJ was running around his room in a muppetlike fashion checking on all the electronics and making sure each one wasn't all EMP'd. After he was done with his room, it was on to the rest of the house! There was much flailing - short lived though, there was nothing wrong. No anomalies, no short outs. His electric friends were just fine. A glance out the window had him yelping. Something was there!!! Annnnnd hard to tell from this height but the motions and powers... Didn't matter! If there was even a chance that was Ashy out there? Off JJ went! Outside, pausing only to scoop up Poddy. Yup, the little robot was talking to him again, but still seemed wary. Minutes later he stepped out the door and froze... seeing the mess up close. "Eeep..."

[09:59] <Holtzmann> Another hand grabs onto the edge of the crater and their combined efforts finally allow a broad-shouldered, broadly-built young man to stagger out of the hole he's just created. Even if his skin wasn't a patchwork of bruises, burns, half-healed scars and pockmarks that look alarmingly like bullet wounds, his appearance would be at least haggard. He's shoeless. His clothes are singed and torn in most places, his hair is long and matte and one of his rust-red eyes seems to have rolled back into his head. Standing up with difficulty, he looks around with his one good eye, then mutters something incomprehensible before taking a step forward... and collapsing. First onto his knees, then forward to smack his face into the courtyard.

[10:01] <vile> Yesterday was a long day. Well. At least until Nickypoo got to stay up all night to watch the Twilight Zone marathon, after a visit from his BFF. And today doesn't seem to be a damn bit better, either! The previous day, they attacked the alien ship. Is it seeking retribution? WHAT IS THAT NOISE? A concerned Nick slinks out of the medical center. Rather, pokes his head out from between the doors, looks up and scans the sky for any sign of some hostile aliens. Deciding that death isn't going to rain down from the heavens, he steps out, runs a hand over his clothing to straighten it out, and heads for the small grouping of people. Today the undead bastard looks better than he has recently. While he doesn't need his cane, thanks to the magical healers, he still keeps the thing on hand. It's more for decoration now than anything else and it's used to prop him up part of the time but not to actually walk. Lo! A thing appears! He stares at Felipe, tilts his head to one side and arches a brow. "I picked a lovely time to go out for a meal." is muttered under his breath.

[10:03] <SisipWork> "..hands.." was her quiet whisper to Rick. "..It's not .. Uidry... it's.." She blinks, her light still not returning once she realized there was no alien-danger. No.. it was worse than that. "... no ..." Her single word is spoken even quieter than 'hands' had been. "NO" Came an even louder one before she lit up like a lighthouse. It wasn't a merry happy light.. it was cold, almost blue tinged, painful to look at. "NO" Without explaining the girl lunges forward towards the fallen fellow and once she gets close to him proceeds to kick the SNOT out of him. A series of cursewords fall out of her mouth that would put a sailor to shame.

[10:07] * JJ that eeep turned into a snarl. Both from JJ and an electric sounding one from Poddy. He lunged at the form once it was recognized and joined his sister in a game of Kick the Felipe. "You!" Long string of scifi words that were swears from a hundred different tv shows. Poddy wanted to join in but JJ had installed some variant of the Three Laws in him following that ear incident...

[10:07] <Brad> "Woah!" As Ash freaks out and bolts towards... whatever it is in that crater. "Ash, hold on!" He rushes after her, and when she starts wailing on the poor guy, whoever he is, he grabs her by the waist to try and pull her back and away from him. "Calm down!"

[10:08] <vile> Ashley bolts to beat every last fuck out of Felipe. If Nick recognized the guy, he'd probably join in! But instead he bolts after the glowbug, not wanting this strange-and-scary-looking guy to retaliate and make him heal up the girl, damaging him through his shitty power. He glances up at Rick, gives the kid a dirty look like it's his fault this is happening, and focuses his attention on Ashley and the thing-in-a-crater. The waif-like zombie grips his cane tighter, looking to be at the ready to give someone such a wallop with it.

[10:11] <Holtzmann> The guy is unconscious for good, so there's no attempt at dodging. Still, by the way he's body is barely moving as it's kicked, he'd probably not be feeling much even if he were awake. The tattoo on his back is faded and patched, as if someone tried to remove it but didn't care for recent advancements in tattoo-removal technology and instead relied on fire and skin grafts. Embedded into his forehead is something that looks definitely of place: a shiny metallic piece with a groove in the middle, remarkably like the head of a screw.

[10:13] <SisipWork> Out of everyone who had ever disappeared without a word in her life (which was only two.. but the girl wasn't even a year old yet) why did it have to be HIM to return? Why not her mother? There were obviously quite a few underlying issues here which were made obvious as she bursts into tears while Rick tries to pull her away. Ashlynne screams, a sound she'd never made before, an angry noise, "You left me!!! YOU LEFT!!! You're not allowed to come back!!! YOU CHOSE!!!" Stretchy girl stretches and as she's being pulled away she continues to floopily kick at Felipe. Sure, her foot would be sore as hell but for now she didn't feel it.

[10:15] * JJ he looked around sheepishly as Ashy was stopped and somewhat unsuccessfully dragged away (stretchied feet can still kick!) JJ gave Felipe one last kick for good measure and backed off, moving to hug his sister. Poddy on the other hand, though programmed against harming Felipe simply projected images on the man akin to what someone might do with a sharpie. Hug the Ashy.

[10:16] <Brad> Struggling, because while Ash may be light she's fighting like a goddamn crazy person, Rick pulls the girl AWAY from the man lying unconscious at the edge of the crater. "Ash! Calm down!" He says again, raising his voice. Then JJ comes up, and attempts to hug her while he's grappling with her, and it all gets very confusing.

[10:16] <vile> Aiee! Nicholas winces and steps away. Well! At least he won't have to heal up Ashley anytime soon, seeing as the guy is out cold. This causes the zombie to relax, taking a moment to lean on his pimp cane, and watch the scene. Of course he makes no move to stop the glowbug or JJ from beating the fucks out of this guy. He certainly doesn't know this man from space or whereverthefuck he just came from. And his interests are to look after the residents of Cobalt, not random strangers. Even if someone recognized the guy enough to scream, rail and kick. He quirks a brow at JJ and company. "So. Should I get a kick or two in, too?" Of course, he'd have joined in anyway if he had better luck. Because with his, the guy would regain consciousness juuuust in time to retaliate.

[10:21] <Holtzmann> All that kicking has one obvious result: a multitude of barely closed wounds all over his body open again and start to bleed profusely. The body spasms and coughs blood as something embedded into his lungs is shifted out of place by all the movement. Upon closer inspection, it is easy to see heavy metallic shackles around his feet (wow, people still used those?), as well as the cracked and empty shell of a neutralizer around his wrist Maybe calling the medical crew would be a good idea?

[10:21] <SisipWork> Her kicky foot doesn't do much other than just flop around until she gives up completely. JJ ran up and administered hugs, Rick was holding her (to keep her from killing someone, but still)... and it all just felt like too much. She burst out into wailing sobs, that cold bluish light fading to nothing... leaving her looking sickly and pale.

[10:23] <JJ> "Calm, Ashy... we can kick him when he's awake... Ug, Poddy! Where have you been going online? That is completely different from a sharpie... You're getting some virus scans... once you finish that..." He decided to let Poddy have some fun. "Yes, Nick. He's a piece of (*random word*)" Then Ashy was crying! Not good Not good! "I'm here Ashy. I'm here..." Hug. "Don't cry. Stop crying...." He tried not to cry too... stupid chain reaction, they were only nearly 1! Hug.

[10:26] <Brad> "Mmph." Rick says, eloquently, being caught up in the multitude of hugs attempting to calm Ash down.

[10:26] <vile> "Okay. I won't heal him, then." And Nick doesn't look like he has a damn bit of an issue with this. Such a good healer! Instead of helping the bleeding, broken guy out, he heads towards JJ and tilts his head. "Should I call security? Get them to drag this guy off. Or load him up in a van and dump his unconscious body into the river?" Whether he's joking or not isn't quite clear. "Anyone have a car I can borrow who doesn't mind the trunk getting a little bloodied up?"

[10:30] <Brad> "EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!" Rick yells, suddenly, and releases his grip on Ash. He takes a step back, and then a deep breath. "Yes, call security. And medical. NO, we're not dragging anybody off and dumping them in the river." He rubs his forehead. "Jesus christ, it was such a nice morning, too. Someone tell me WHAT IS GOING ON."

[10:33] <Holtzmann> Well, so much for the milk of human kindness. This dude will be unconscious for a while.


[10:33] <JJ> "Security... why medical?" So they could get him better and then kick him back to worse again! "Dumping him in a river does sound fun... but ok.... I alerted medical and security... They'll be along soon." He looked to Rick. "THAT thing is Felipe..." Grrr booo.

[10:35] <vile> "Okay, okay, damn." Nick replies to Rick and quietly laughs. He fishes out a phone from his pocket and gets to callin'! The zombie strolls over to Felipe's broken body and gives it a nudge or two with the end of his cane. "Yes, I'd like to report a body? Oh dear. Seems it's still alive. Well, I'd like to report it anyway. Where? Oh. In the courtyard. Just follow the dust wafting gently through the air to the giant crater. He's roughed up pretty badly so I'd hurry." He nods to JJ and quietly laughs. "Oh. JJ says he already...called. Well. How's your sister doing?" Yay for awkward smalltalk with some random NPC over the phone! Woo.

[10:35] <SisipWork> Ashy just sort of flops down to her rear, curling up into a ball... which she can do fairly well considering she's stretchy. After a few moments her crying calms, but becomes infinately more pathetic.. soundling like a whimpering puppy. | Nobody need to call anyone, the noise had alerted the powers that be and steps were already being taken. Security AND medstaff approached, saying very little. Felipe is slowly rolled onto a stretcher for transport.

[10:37] <Brad> Felipe. That explains it. He nods solemnly to JJ, and then speaks again. "Whatever he did, he's hurt right now, and he needs medical attention, not to have the shit kicked out of him." And as Felipe gets carted away on a stretcher, he sighs again. He moves over to Ash, and crouches down next to her, regaining his calm. "Ash, you okay?" He reaches out and gently puts one hand on her shoulder, or at least where he assumes her shoulder is since she's scrunched herself up into a ball. He hopes it's her shoulder.

[10:38] <vile> THAT'S HER BOOB GOD RICK.

[10:38] * JJ technopathy is such fun. No Kevin wasn't part of security detail this time, he was still in the infirmary - staff making sure he was hydrated and kept the right temperature, not to mention treated for that windburn... everywhere. He'd be out later today. JJ was on the ground, crying a bit himself, though not the pathetic gut wrenching whimpers of his sister. "He's gone, Ashy. They took him away."

[10:45] <SisipWork> When Rick touches her shoulder she springs into life like a facehugger out of an eggpod. Only instead of clinging to his face she clings to him in general, a shivering, sniffling, probably a bit snotty, mess of upset.

[10:47] <vile> Nicholas sighs and runs a hand over his face. He watches Felipe get taken away and can't help but snarl. "He's gone and I can make his life difficult, you know." SMALL THINGS. Perhaps the promise of making Felipe's life suck during his stay at the medical center could cheer her up a little! | And it's then that Ashy's phone goes nuts, announcing a shower of texts from her concerned father. He just found out about the Brazilian returning to the compound and he's not happy.

[10:56] <JJ> "He upset Ashy, and tore up the nice new courtyard... But most imprtantly. He. Upset. Ashy." JJ scowled. Poddy hopped over to Ashy's shoulder to play some soothing songs to her. JJ rubbed Ashy's back. "He's going to be dealt with, Ashy... even if they fix him back up, they can't just let him go after what he did!" You don't make Ashy cry! "He hurt you! And he just snuck on Campus without any clearance at all!" JJ refused to mention the fact it looked like Felipe lost a fight with a lawn mower.

[11:00] <Brad> "I know, JJ. I know." He says, and he puts his arm around his distraught girlfriend. The two of them don't understand that, well, being a huge dick is bad, and he'd have words with Felipe about how things are now, but they still can't treat him like a criminal for it. "It's okay, Ash." He says, rubbing the back of her head comfortingly.

[11:04] <SisipWork> Her phone jingled and jangled but was not really answered. She would, of course, appreciate her dad's concern. She sniffles and whimpers, voice quiet, ".. why him .. why did HE come back.. i don't want HIM." She pauses for a moment and sniffs Rick, "You smell good." Ah! A break in the clouds. Red honeyed eyes flick over to JJ as she rests her forhead against Rick's neck, the sniffling done with but the girl still not anywhere close to recovered.

[11:09] <Brad> "C'mon," He says, helping her back up to her feet. "Let's get you inside." He looks over at JJ. "Can you get us some cocoa real quick? I think Ash needs to sit down and have a hot drink right now." He looks over at Nick, and sighs. "Thanks again for going up there last night, sorry, but I gotta deal with this right now." He shrugs helplessly, and then startsleading Ash towards the Rec Center. He frowns down at his own mug of cocoa, that he'd been drinking. Knocked from his hands when Ash engulfed him, and now lost forever. FOREVER.

[11:11] <vile> "Yeah, it's fine. Make sure that you take good care of her." He looks Ashley over, a look of concern on his face. "I'll keep an eye on that Felipe fellow." and make sure the guy doesn't get too comfortable being around. He stays with JJ but wonders if the techie will retreat to the rec center, too.

[11:12] <JJ> "On it, Rick! Poddy, stay with Ashy. Love ya, sis! I'll be right back!" Wheels popped out of his feet and JJ would blade away - yes on wheels whilst indoors. He was getting Ashy that cocoa! Fancy Cocoa, Ashy's favorite and he even brought back a bag of little tiny marshmallows. Poddy kept him knowing where they were, since Rick changed locations after teling him to get the cocoa. Regrouping to the RecCenter.

[11:20] <SisipWork> Ashy walks alongside with Rick quietly, Poddy on her shoulder. Blinking she hears Rick talk to Nick and nods, just a bit, "yeah.. thank you..." It's obvious her mind isn't focused at that moment but what can you do, she just had a traumatic experienced of repressed hurts over half her life spewing forth all at once. They head towards the building before her puffy red eyes turn to Rick, ".. thank you .."

[11:22] <Brad> "It'll be alright, Ash." He says to her in a quiet voice as they step through the rec center doors. He leads her over to one of those big, comfy couches, and eases her down, then sits next to her. He knows she's really hurting about this, and he understands why, he just doesn't know what to do about it.

[11:26] <vile> Ditched! Left all by his lonesome! Nicholas takes this time to light up a cigarette and mill around, all while staring at the impact site. But he soon grows bored and wanders off, drifting towards the rec center.

[11:29] * JJ arrived in the Rec center a few minutes later with one of those multi drink tray thingies, rolling into the lounge. "I'm back and I brought cocoa for everyone! Extra 'mallows!" He made a bee-line for his sister, and took out a little packet of soft tissues. "We're here, Ashy. It's ok... I won't let him near you. I'll enter in an exception in Poddy's programming."

[11:35] <vile> Hot chocolate for everyone but Nick. Well. Even if he gets some, he can't really drink it, not without getting a tummyache. The zombie snubs out his cigarette and slinks into the medical center, still using his cane to walk. Some, at least, but it's more of a prop now. Over to the group he heads, settling down on a nearby chair. Both hands rest on the cane and he leans forward onto it, watching JJ, Ashy and Rick with moderate interest.

[11:38] <SisipWork> Once Rick sits down with her on the couch she slides under his arm and curls up against his side. Taking the cocoa she sniffs and sighs, closing her eyes. "He... won't hurt me JJ. I just.. I shouldn't have ..." Ug she hates apologizing, even if the person wasn't there. "I shouldn't have kicked him... but... " She hated him sooo much! Well, maybe not HIM.. but what he'd done... what their mother had done. Of course it was natural for the not yet one year old girl to lash out at the fallen Felipe.

[11:41] * JJ there was one for Nick! Even if he couldn't drink it. JJ was still thinking of him, and didn't want to leave the zombie man out. Cocoas were passed around, one extra left in the tray, ah well. "He won't hurt you again" JJ pointed out. Him leaving had hurt her, him returning had hurt her. JJ wanted to kick him again! "There was nothing wrong with kicking him, Ashy. Except for when we did it... Kicking him once he's all healthy again? Yes. I kicked him too!"

[11:44] <Brad> "Let's... let's calm down about kicking people for right now, okay JJ?" Rick says, somewhat exasperated. He thankfully takes the cocoa and has a sip. He looks back over at Ash, and puts his arm around her shoulders. He gives her shoulder a reaffirming squeeze. "Want to tell me about it?" He asks, then takes another sip.

[11:47] <vile> Nicholas accepts the drink from JJ and flashes a warm smile in thanks. The zombie quietly chuckles and takes the occasional drink from his cup, content to just watch the group for now.

[11:56] <JJ> "I'm not kicking anyone now. I'm calm. I'm just looking out for my sister." He sipped his cocoa which looked more like chocolate marshmallow soup. Wheels retracted and JJ took a seat. Poddy remained with Ashy, playing some soft and cheerful background music.

[12:02] <SisipWork> Ashy grumbles, "He had me move in... cause dad was... being dad... had my own room and everything... then he'd just work all day and all night and never be home but when I'd want him to come hang out he complained about drama... so I didn't ever go anywhere... and then one day he just never came home. They never come home." Her lower lip wobbles but is quickly controlled with a sip of her cocoa. Taking a bit of a breath she frowns, "... Eddie left ... but he came back... and FELIPE... he left... ... but she hasn't come back and she left first." Aaah there it was.

[12:07] <Brad> He nods, and then frowns. He squeezes her shoulder again, and looks over at JJ for a moment. He sighs, and then clears his throat. "Your mom, you mean?" He asks, knowing the answer already. It's a touchy subject, and he doesn't want to hit it too hard.

[12:07] <vile> Damn Ashy, not answering her worried, and supremely pissed off, father's texts! If he wasn't irritated enough before, he sure as hell is now! He had to put on PANTS. Bad enough to do that kind of thing before Abyss put him in a wheelchair. And so he rolls onto the scene, not quite as fabulous as he normally is but still looking good, and heads straight for Ashley. Today he doesn't bother with his chair's handrails, instead using the built-in motor and his technopathy to control it. Once close enough to her, he opens his arms wide, offering a big ol' hug. Or, hell, if she doesn't get in his lap to comply, he'll hug Rick too if he has to.

[12:08] * JJ you could almost hear the click go off in JJ's head. This wasn't about Felipe. This was about Mommy. And now JJ was crying, cocoa set down. when they'd last seen their mother she'd been flown back to campus in a coma and woke up looking almost younger than the triplets looked. It had been very weird and bad, and confusing and then she left again! "Momma..." Then Dad was there and it was group hug time.

[12:17] <SisipWork> ".. she just LEFT us... Rick.. how do you just... LEAVE... even if we fought.. we're kids.. we fight.. but ..I just don't... " And then JJ started to cry and dad wheeled up onto the scene. So much happened all at once the glowing girl wasn't really handling it properly. Her grip around Rick's waist tightens even as her father makes with the big group hug.

[12:18] <Brad> "Mmph." Rick says again, very eloquently, as he's abruptly group hugged.

[12:21] <vile> HUGS AND TEARS FOR EVERYONE. At least James isn't crying. Not yet at least. Everyone gets a goddamn hug, even poor Rick, who is probably wishing he'd gotten beamed onto the alien spacefish just about now. At least James smells nice and indeed put pants on. He doesn't come up with words, not yet at least, and just...hugs.

[12:21] <Brad> "Mmph." Says Rick again, awkwardly patting James on the back.

[12:22] <SuzWork> * Blatant Boy walks by, tapping on his DS. He stops, looks at the hugpile and all the crying, and points. "You guys are gay." And on he goes.

[12:23] <Edwin> And he's jealous that he's not invited to the cuddle party. Haters gonna hate.

[12:32] * JJ crying settled out and Ashy was hugged again, Poddy joined in too, stopping his background music for the moment. "It's gonna be ok, right?.." She'll come back and look like mom again, and not like they were quints. Seriously... Last time he saw her that made both dad and mom looking around the same age as the triplets. Mutants are weird.

[12:33] <SisipWork> Ashy's just sort of squished in the middle, wishing now she'd just thrown Rick's hot cocoa in Felipe's face and been done with it. Eventually she squirms from the hug and shakes her head, "I'm ok daddy. I promise." But the fact that she called him 'daddy' instead of dad was proof against that statement. Stiff upper lip though, yes? "He just... shocked me.." Don't mention mom.. not infront of dad.

[12:34] <Brad> "I should... maybe... go do some... training." Rick says, awkwardness levels now threatening to boil his eyes in their sockets.

[12:39] <vile> "It's gonna be okay, babygirl. I'm gonna keep an eye on that shithead and he's not gonna do nuthin'. He tries to talk to you and I'll run him over with the Lynx, just like in that one zombie movie we saw." When she was a little girl. Nightmares for weeks. Fear of ground beef. OH THE HUMANITY. "Or we could tie him to a rocket and send him back to wherever he came from." Revenge! Even if he has to sacrafice a rocket to do so! JJ would be horrified. The technopath releases the hug to avoid squishing poor Rick but stays nearby. "At least someone learned him a lesson. Now let's go piss off your boss and eat ALL the icecream."