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Asher, McCann

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:29 pm
by asheneff
Player Nickname: AsheNeff

Name:  Asher Grigor McCann
Age:  26
Date of Birth:  April 11, 1986

Height:  6'1”
Weight:  187
Hair Color:  Ginger, fades to burgundy at ends.
Eye Color:  Amber
Place of Origin:  Cardiff
Nationality/Race:  Welsh
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation:  Glass Blower

Personality Profile: Ashe is far too open for his own good, believing in full disclosure. This goes even as far as a concept that has been called Radical Honesty by some, 'diarrhea of the mouth' by others.
In general he believes that people start out good and genuinely want to be that way. No one does 'evil' on purpose, they just have a skewed version of what 'right' is. (this means he's just as likely to attempt to befriend Dr doom as he would superman if he didn’t know who they were) Even so he tends to make notes of just where north is on the moral compass of anyone he meets, just to be safe.
His emotional stability is higher than it probably should be. Well, stability is the wrong word. He suffers from unipolar depression (like bipolar disorder, but without the manic phase) so he is easily upset and can stay that way for quite a while. However because of his rather explosive gift he has had to learn a measure of control that most have not. He will seem much calmer outwardly than he actually is.
The other drawback of living with unipolar depression is that if he misses his meds, his ability to maintain his sunny disposition of the world dwindles. He sees every remotely unkind tone or word as a sign of personal hatred toward him, and lashes out in kind. This doesn’t happen often, as he has a responsibility to maintain his stability and rarely misses his meds, but it can happen.
He greatly dislikes being on his own, and is very much a people person. He will even act as a diplomat if two friends seem to dislike each other so that he can have them both around.
He takes great pride in his sculpture work as a show of control over his mutation. When at his workbench he is a perfectionist, as well as when he is training. Strangely, though, for the most part he sculpts 'by hand' without using his abilities accept for achieving things which he could not with traditional methods.

Physical Description: Image


Powerset: Energy Manipulation

Ability One: Excitement: The controlled acceleration of atoms within an object, causing a gain in heat. Mostly useful for cooking, or in his glass blowing projects. In a pinch can be used as a weapon, but he dislikes doing so. For offensive uses the concentration required leaves him very vulnerable, and sometimes disoriented after use. Also, as this is a chemical change, any damage caused by the heating of the object is permanent. He dislikes the idea of permanently blinding someone or scaring them. At its strongest, currently, he could cause damage to ocular tissue and nerves, or flash burns over small areas of a persons body (say like hand and wrist, half of face, that kind of thing)

Ability Two:  Combustion: The conversion of an object's potential energy into kinetic energy. Small objects such as baseballs, coffee mugs, and (regrettably) handguns all become grenades when in his hands. Contact with his skin causes a reaction which releases all of the object's potential energy at once, with a delay and charge time dependent on the size and material of the object. This ability is where his other abilities stem from, and it is not a voluntary power. He must keep his skin covered, at least partially, as much as possible or risk accidentally setting off a doorknob, or worse charging a bit of another person. His strength with this ability isn't great enough to cause spontaneous combustion of an entire creature (well, things like rats he might could do), but he could cause someone to lose a hand.

Ability Three:  Unknown at present.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:  Isolation is one of the biggest problems Ashe has faced with his mutation. He cant really touch people, or risk getting close to strangers with any kind of confidence in the safety of it. It makes him far to willing to take people at their word. If he does not 'discharge' every so often he will lose all control and begin to break out in a bright red rash...after his gloves go poof.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Energy Absorption and Transference by the age of 35-40.   The ability to 'rearrange energy into matter' and vice versa for use as a kinetic barrier.

Skills: Average/decent cook, Artist – glass and metal work, Singing, Can defend himself but is hardly considered a 'fighter', though he knows enough about parkour to be considered decently agile.

Background: Asher, or Ashe as he likes to be called, lived a fairly normal life – save for one massive bump - as far as he was concerned. After all, normal now is hardly what it used to be. He was an outcast even before things started to blow up in his face – literally and figuratively – but he never thought anything of it. He figured that there was no point in caring if someone thought you were weird, since they obviously weren't the people you should be hanging out with.
He'd been choir boy since he was old enough to speak properly, and really loved to sing. At 8, he started taking private lessons from Father Donnal who directed the choir He practically saw Father Donnal as a big brother, as the priest was fresh out of seminary and even more young at heart than he was chronologically. As time went on that relationship progressed to best friend at age 12, secret crush at age 14, and finally Ashe spoke up on his 15th birthday. He was going to be leaving Cardiff, his mother's job was transferred to the States and she was following it. Ashe couldn't leave without telling Donnal how he felt. He was shaking, afraid to say something so vile to his best, closest friend. You don't tell a catholic priest that you are gay, let alone want in his pants; and to do it as a minor? He entered the choir hall and, still shaking and red in the face, quickly and clumsily told the now 30-something man that he was grateful to him for showing him what love was, and that he couldn't say goodbye without at least attempting to reconcile the relationship. He moved in close to the elder man, and quickly grasped him so that he could kiss him the way he wanted without objection. He felt the arousal, and the tenseness, and after a battle of wills on both of their parts, Ashe stepped away from Donnal and smiled sadly. “If only I had one more year here...but I wont ask you to ignore your morals, or the law, just for a goodbye gift.” Donnal was speechless, and Ashe was crying, wiping his face on the back of a lace-cuffed silk sleeve. “I just want you to know that from now on I plan to never hold back. I'll say what's on my mind before it's too late. I loved you, as much as a child can love a man. I hope you got as much from out time together as I did. I'll try to keep in touch, but you know how it is, and I don't want to get you in trouble. The kids here need their choir director.” He kissed Donnal's cheek again and walked away. That was the beginning of the end for his 'normal' life.
In the states, where he was a bit more free to be himself – not that he cared – he had his first taste of sexual relationships just months after the incident with Donnal, and he went through partners fast. He quickly found he was interested only in boys, and just as quickly found out that commitment was not high on most boys' priority lists. Failed relationships, coupled with almost complete ostricization at school in Salem had been hard, and coupled with the hormonal changed of puberty he succumbed to depression. When he was almost 17, getting lunch at the cafeteria, a teacher tripped him. He fell on his face, in his mashed potatoes to be exact. He put his hands to the ground, to get up, and the tiles beneath them began to glow. Seconds later there was total silence, followed by two slightly staggered explosions. Ashe woke up, strapped down to the gurney, in the local hospital's meta ward.
After dozens of trips to see lawyers, go to meetings, and so forth; the school dropped the assault and vandalism charges against him if he agreed to leave the school and sign a non-disclosure agreement about why he left. His mother quickly got in touch with Cobalt Hill, seeking refuge and schooling for her boy. She couldn't have the house blowing up after all. At his request she moved in with him. He has been seeing a therapist for the depression, studying sculpture at the local community college, and training his abilities religiously since he arrived He has recently begun considering applying to join the X-Team, though is still unsure about using his abilities for combat even if it is for defense purposes.

Criminal Record:  once got caught shoplifting in a Cardiff drugstore

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Wears only tight fitting clothes, a reminder of control. Loves and is inspired by the j-rock scene. Hates lies of any kind, but can let them slide if for a good cause. Absolutely loathes bell peppers, things that are safety orange, and smart cars. He will gladly try to blow any and all of these things up. Cannot keep a secret for very long anymore.