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Noah Ritter -- "Scanner"

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:12 pm
by cartweel
Player Nickname: cartweel

Name: Noah Ritter
Codename: Scanner
Age: 19
Date of Birth: October 14

Height: 5'10''
Weight: A malnourished-looking 130 lbs.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Bright green.
Place of Origin: Chicago, IL
Nationality/Race: Caucasian American (Possibly with Latino or Italian heritage).
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant; powers appeared at puberty

Status: Refugee, future resident
Occupation: Street urchin, homeless

Personality Profile: Shy, sullen, nihilistic -- This is a result of his life growing up homeless, but he can be cheered up. On good days he is curious, extroverted, and kind -- though not very courageous. He doesn't like living on the street, but enjoys the limited freedoms it gives him (i.e., no supervision, etc.) and would resist being "saved."

Physical Description: Noah is dirty with matted medium-length hair, dirty finger and toe nails, and ruined clothes -- an overlarge brown t-shirt that may originally have been white, and long cargo shorts. He wears no shoes and his feet and hands are hard, caloused, and dark with filth. After he washes his face at a public drinking fountain, Noah's bright, piercing green eyes and many freckles show that he is an attractive, if unfortunate, young man.

Note: Obviously this is only how I'd introduce the character. Hopefully the folks at Cobalt would offer him some new clothes!



Powerset: Memory

Ability One: Eidetic memory (i.e. photographic memory or total recall). Noah can perfectly recall every moment of his life since the development of his powers (~12) and much of his childhood prior. His recall is 100% accurate with sight and hearing, but less so (90%?) with kinesthesis, taste, touch, and smell.

Ability Two: Memory Scan. Through physical contact with another being, Noah can read or "scan" the short-term memory of that being and recall its memories perfectly. Generally, at the slightest touch he is able to scan and remember the last few moments (up to ~5 minutes, if the scanned being had been concentrating on a single task) of a being's memory. With extended contact, Noah is able to scan more of the being's memories -- theoretically to the point of remembering a being's entire life, though this has not been tested. If the being whom he is scanning is asleep, Noah can recall the content of their dreams; once a being has woken up, Noah can only scan those parts of a dream that were (at one point) remembered by the being. His scanning is effective on beings who have been hypnotized to forget certain information, etc.

Ability Three: Fast Memorization. Noah can memorize complex patterns including strings of numbers or words with little to no effort.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

The biggest drawback to Noah's powers is that he must make physical contact with a being -- generally skin-to-skin contact, though he is able to scan through normal street clothes (though not armor, etc.) and that the being being scanned must be biological. I.e., he cannot scan robots or energy beings.

The second biggest drawback is that too extended contact can overwhelm Noah temporarily, causing headache, nausea, and (in extreme cases) blackout. This has prevented him from scanning an individual's entire memory -- so far.

Other drawbacks:

He can scan animals, but the memories are generally gibberish and sometimes give him a headache.
Noah does not have heightened senses. So, he won't remember the sound of a dog whistle or anything that is too microscopic for him to see, etc.
He cannot scan for specific information only.
His powers are partially hindered by brain damage, dementia, memory erasure powers, biopsy, etc. Scanning beings like this is similar to scanning animals. (Note: If powers are used to erase or alter a being's memories, Noah will remember both the false memories and the true, and will be able to detect a "hole" where memories have been erased.)

Projected Power Growth & Development: A progression such as the following: Ability to scan more memory with shorter contact > Ability to accurately scan animals/the demented/memory erasures > Ability to scan at a short distance, without physical contact > Ability to scan through walls, etc > Ability to scan for specific information > Ability to scan robots > Ability to scan at long distance > Total recall of a being's memories with short physical contact.

Note: My intention isn't to make him into the sort of character who memorizes theorems and becomes a math genius, etc. I'm more interested in espionage and interrogation, that sort of thing.

Skills: Street smarts, urban survival skills. Can drive. But no education, etc.

Background: Abandoned around age 7, foster homes then homelessness. His powers developed slowly around age 12 and he used them to make petty cash through a variety of schemes: His favorite is to bump into people after they have used an ATM and so have access to all of their financial information. He has actually acquired a few shady apartments, etc., with money acquired in this and similar ways, though he has usually squandered the money and has been wary of stealing large sums lest he be detected.

Criminal Record: A litany of small-time crimes including squatting, loitering, petty theft, breaking and entering, drug possession, suspicion of prostitution, etc.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Skilled breakdancer and novice beatboxer.