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L'angely Tetreau

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:06 pm
by ^Casey^
Player Nickname:^Casey^

Name: L’angely Tetreau
Apparent Age: late teens
Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth: April 11, 1992

Height: 5’11”
Weight: varies
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: green-blue
Place of Origin: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Nationality/Race: French-Canadian / Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee/Resident

Personality Profile: L’angely is often considered to be a shy young man upon first meeting due to his unassuming and quiet demeanor. The truth of the matter is more complex. While he is a generally laid back and quiet individual, the biggest reason stems from the general distractions caused by the nature of his abilities.

Physical Description: Normally, L’angely is a broad shouldered young man with an overall lithely athletic build to him. He’s tall but not overly so, standing an inch shy of six feet even. His dark black hair is generally kept moderately short, swept up this way or that depending on the style he’s going for that day (he likes to change it up now and then). His eye are a steely green-blue that grow in brightness and intensity when making physical contact with someone to ‘feed’.
Note: When L’angely is starved of the psionic energies on which he sustains his existence, his physical appearance changes. He begins to age and become emaciated at a disturbing rate, coming quickly to resemble a starved individual. His eyes darken, and the likelihood of another being harmed in the process of his feeding to save his own life becomes increasingly possible.


Powerset: Psychic Vampire

Ability One: Psychic Awareness - L’angely is constantly aware of the location of any mind of human-level or higher intelligence within a radius of 500 yards from him. This generally takes the form of constant sensory information as to where people are around him, very distracting to say the least. If he actually focuses to use the ability, he may discern the different activity levels of said surrounding minds (ie: awake, asleep, concentrating, etc).

Ability Two: Mind Drain – Through physical, skin-to-skin, contact, L’angely may ‘feed on’ or drain the mental energies used to power any human-level and above consciousness. More than five minutes of contact causes drowsiness like a long day of testing. Ten minutes of a constant feed could put a normal human in a coma (although such lengthy feeding is unlikely save for when he is starved). As a side effect, various memories and thoughts are transferred over as well, note the memories are merely copied not stolen from the originator. L’angely may not currently turn this ability ‘off’ nor can he choose which memories, thoughts, and opinions come to him whilst maintaining contact. This mental drain of energies keeps up his hale and youthful appearance. Without it, he would eventually die.

Ability Three: Mental Maelstrom – This power is more a side effect of the first two. L’angely’s own original thoughts and memories are hidden within his mind beneath a chaotic storm of sensory information and the countless “stolen” thoughts and memories of those he has fed on over the years. This chaotic accumulation of thoughts makes his own mind rather dangerous for fellow Psychics to look into, causing severe headaches, nosebleeds, and rarely providing any actual results to anyone short of a very powerful and well trained person.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: One of the most obvious drawbacks is the fact that L’angely operates under a certain level of constant distraction. While he indeed would be aware of the mind of anyone trying to sneak up on him, he has trouble focusing on the here and now like having a conversation with someone right in front of him. Another drawback is the fact that prolonged touch puts the other person to sleep, making intimacy something that he craves and cannot really experience. That said, he also cannot –avoid- said physical contact without forfeiting his own life in the process. Finally, while L’angely still requires food, water, and oxygen to breath, food no longer sustains him. In fact, ingesting food can cause a violent reaction as his body rejects the substance utterly.

Projected Power Growth & Development: L’angely’s main goal is to learn to control his Mind Drain ability so that he is able to partake in physical contact without feeding on the mind of another. Another avenue of expansion would be to learn to sift through a “victim’s” memories and thoughts, choosing those which he wants to take with him in the feeding process. Beyond that, L’angely is curious of telepathic abilities in general and whether or not his nature grants him the potential for other ‘powers’.

Skills: L’angely has two passions: guitar and swimming. As the son of a musician and a Naval Admiral, these likely come as no surprise. L’angely is a huge fan of ‘soft’ rock, and his mother taught him to play the guitar since he was a child. Living in Halifax, L’angely always had a beach available to him, and he spent countless hours there with his friends. He never picked up on surfing, but he loved to swim and dive.

Background: L’angely was born to Admiral Amoux Tetreau and his second wife, Canadian musician Emma Haynes in Halifax, Nova Scotia. At first glance, it would be easy to assume that L’angely grew up in a wonderland. His father was a well respected Admiral in the Canadian Royal Naval Forces, and his mother was a talented rising star musician from a prosperous family. Wealth, however, does not always equate to a fruitful or ideal surrounding for a child.
Admiral Tetreau was rarely home. One doesn’t rise to prominence in the military by taking off at every opportunity to be with family. The Admiral’s devotion to his career was commendable, but his rise to Admiral had cost him his first wife. It might have cost him his second too, except for Mrs. Tetreau nee Haynes was rarely home either. As a rising musical icon, Emma spent countless hours in the studio or on tour across the Maritime provinces, with the occasional trip into New England. Young L’angely was more often than not left to the care of his nanny, British born Heather Anthony.
Ms. Heather Anthony was a commendable woman, but she wasn’t truly the boy’s mother. He grew up with every toy he could want, but only really craving time with his parents the two weekends a month they both had off. It was during these times that his father would take him to the beach to practice swimming with him, for L’angely’s supposedly inevitable future in the Canadian military. More sacred to L’angely though was his guitar lessons on those Saturdays with his mother. These weekends were cherished, and it was by these times that he knew that he was loved.
Tragedy struck L’angely’s life, as it does to many mutants coming into their own, late in his years of puberty. He was fifteen when he brought his first girl home. It hadn’t been his idea, but his friends insisted that if the high school freshman was going to prove he wasn’t a “fag” he had to sleep with a girl. They’d even been kind enough, so they claimed, to find him an easy girl. One of them had even gotten a bottle of vodka for the occasion, just in case.
His parents were gone, of course. His father was working late at HMC Dockyards, and his mother was on her first national tour. Heather Anthony stuck to her own quarters of the home for the most part. L’angely had always been a good child, and he really didn’t need her watching over him anymore. To his peers’ credit, the girl was indeed easy. It would have taken any of the bottle to get her into his bedroom, but the same could not be said for L’angely. He was as nervous as any young man, though few would admit to it, at that moment. What if he did it wrong? What if he finished to fast and she told? All these worries fluttered through his mind like savage bees.. and one less commonly shared by others: …what if I –am- a fag?
Suffice it to say, that thanks to these worries the entire bottle was consumed.. most of it by L’angely himself, by the time the pair of star crossed lovers-to-be moved from his entertainment room to his bedroom. Clothes were scattered with wild abandon, and by the time their bare flesh hit the plush mastress interwined, L’angely scarcely cared if he was gay or not. In the moment, it didn’t matter, it was just physical. And to his credit, he did not finish too fast. In fact fifteen minutes past before he realized it wasn’t pleasure which had caused the young woman beneath him to still. He pulled away and checked her pulse, shook her, slapped her, screamed her name. The girl did not stir. Tearfully, he screamed.
Being grounded was the least of L’angely’s worries. Laura Miller, his erstwhile partner, spent the better portion of two weeks in a coma before she awoke and confirmed that L’angely hadn’t choked her or otherwise intentionally brought harm to her during their encounter. It didn’t matter by that point. L’angely, and his parents, had already discovered that some.. disease or sickness or mistake in his genetics was the cause. He couldn’t touch anyone without –taking- from them. What it was he took, they did not know. They only knew that it was taken, and it put people to sleep in the best of circumstances.. made them dizzy or lightheaded. Laura had suffered the worst, and Admiral Tetreau was determined to be sure she would be the last to suffer so.
The next five years of L’angely’s life were spent bouncing from one facility to another, being poked, prodded, and tested by every available organization in Canada. He suffered the effects of the mutant x-gene, that much they could determin. As to how to alter it.. make him better so he could touch again though, no one knew. The admiral’s visits to his son grew less frequent as it became more and more obvious that his heir apparent would never, ever be normal again.
Emma Tetreau was either not so deterred, or there is something to be said for a mother’s love of her child. She never abandoned her son. In fact, he saw more of her after “the incident”, as his father referred to that fateful night, than before. She’d cancelled all her tours for the duration of his assignment to various facilities. Emma was the one who began to look outside Canada for both solutions and a place for her son to have a better life. It was Emma who found Cobalt Hill, and it was she who used her husband’s military connections to contact META, seeking aid in getting L’angely enrolled.
Admiral Tetreau at first balked at the idea of sending his son to some American establishment, away from his ability to closely monitor his progress. In the end though, his heart yielded to his wife’s tearful pleas that their son deserved better than to be treated like a leper or lab rodent. And so, L’angely’s bags were packed, he was granted early access to his trust fund, and then he was shipped off via Canadian military transport to Salem.

Criminal Record: none

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: One final thing was noted by L’angely’s various doctors: His aging was slowing by an exponential rate, or at least the signs of aging were. They believe he’d very close to the way he’ll look for the rest of his life, assuming he doesn’t starve himself.