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Adrian Luchs

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:05 am
by gunnar
Player Nickname: Gunnar

Name: Adrian Luchs
Codename: N/A
Age: 18
Date of Birth: December 4th

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 157 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Place of Origin: Middleton, Kansas
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Adrian is a friendly and outgoing young man, some would describe him as being very talkative, sensitive to a point, and somewhat empathic. His style is somewhat ecclectic, though he tends to just 'wear whatever' on most days. He can most often be found in a pair of jeans, sneakers and a loose T-shirt of a variety of colors. Adrian is a bit of an activist for Mutant rights, and helped organize a community group back in Middleton while he was in high-school to improve awareness and reduce hostility towards mutants. The main focus was on education and debunking myths surrounding mutants, and using positive examples of mutants in the community, emphasizing their commonality rather than focusing on their differences.

Physical Description: Adrian wears his hair in a somewhat messy razor cut style that when combined with his somewhat soft features has lead to some cases of mis-identification until he opens his mouth that is. Of average height and somewhat narrow build, Adrian is not exactly the picture of masculine strength, but he isnt super skinny either.


Powerset: Precognition

Ability One: Pre-Cognition - Dreamer : Adrian has always had dreams. Like most people, he dismissed the vivid dreaming as nothing more than the result of a hyperactive imagination. Many times as a young child, he would draw what he recalled from his dreams. His parents began to suspect that something more was at work when at the age of four he drew what in hindsight closely resembled the events of 9/11. Largely, the dreams Adrian experiences have been of such ordinary events that they are of little importance and as such do not stick with him into waking life, however occasionally his dreams will spur him into writing or drawing his 'memories'. Over the years, Adrian has kept a journal of his 'stories' and artwork. There is no telling if what is contained within will resonate with what is occuring around him...

Ability Two: None / TBD

Ability Three: None / TBD

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Adrian has no control over his dream visions, and they are often of such mundane subjects that they are of no importance. They only occur while he is sleeping at night, though if the dream is vivid enough it will interrupt his sleep and wake him, compelling him to either draw or write about what he saw, no matter how simple the dream may have been. Obviously, this can take its toll on his health if he doesnt get enough sleep.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Hopefully with training, Adrian will become more adept at guiding his 'dreams' towards more important subjects, or events of greater impact. The level of detail will be more easily controlled, and his ability to recall those details on waking will become easier. Also, perhaps with time, Adrian will be able to 'dream' specifically about an individual instead of being subject to random chance.

Skills: Cooking, drawing, sculpting, horseback riding, basic auto mechanics, hunting, fishing, swimming

Background: Adrian Luchs grew up in a fairly normal middle class family in a small town in Kansas. He attended public school until graduating from Highschool last year with a 3.5 GPA. While not super popular in school, Adrian had his own circle of friends and his easygoing manner helped deflect problems before they could develop. Adrian's powers began to manifest at an early age, but it wasnt until he hit puberty that they began to really make themselves known. It seemed the more emotionally charged an event was, the more likely he was to dream about it before it happened. Things like the surprise upset victory of the highschool football team over the top ranked team in the district, the car crash and resulting death of a loved local personality, all these things became dreams for Adrian, sometimes years before they happened, sometimes the night before they happened. Adrian prefers swimming over most other forms of exercise and for a brief while he competed on the school swim team, usually coming in third or fourth during competitions. His grades were such that he could have gotten into most any school he wanted to attend, but with the growing issues between mutants and non-mutants, He and his parents decided perhaps it would be best if he went somewhere that was safer.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Adrian enjoys writing and drawing, though not a professionally trained artist, he has been at it a long time and developed his own style. He also enjoys cooking, sculpting, and metal working. His favorite food is meatloaf, (Mom's is the best!)and he enjoys reading about history.