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Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:09 pm


Post by Phira »

Player Nickname: Phira

Name: Natalie Pier
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 7th June

Height: 5'5
Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Place of Origin:Salem, Oregon
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Energetic, always willing to help, Loyal and protective of those she cares about.

Physical Description: Image


Powerset: Light Control

Ability One: Light Generation/Manipulation - The subject can generate and manipulate light, be it the light the subject created or ambient light. The subject can bend light around herself to allow for invisiblility, push the light away to create darkness or create light to illuminate the darkness. The subject's creation of light takes the form of sphereical orbs, the size, brightness and direction of movement is controlled by the subject.

Ability Two:

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The subject's ability to make herself invisible is limited to 5 minutes showing great fatigue afterwards and is unable to move, any movement breaks the invisibility. The other aspects of the subject's abilities seem to be controlled with ease, however appear to be limited to 50 feet in any direction around the subject.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Greater control and increased power.

Skills: Cooking, Swimming, Hiking.

Background: During an earthquake her powers manifested, all of the power went out and she was trapped in the basement of her families home. Being completely in the dark and being afraid of the dark an orb of light appeared in front of her an illuminated the basement. Having plenty of food and water stored in the basement she was able to survive the three days it took to get her out, during that time she discovered she was able to control the orb, making it brighter and more dim changing it's color and creating more than one at a time allowing her to have a party in her basement tomb.

Once she was rescued she kept her ability hidden from her family all of whom were strongly anti-mutant and her parents tried to push their view onto Natalie but she didn't fall into the cycle of hate, and now she definately didn't want them finding out about her abilities. There was an instance in which she was invited to a party and left to fend for herself by her "Friends". After a while she became very uncomfortable and just wanted to disappear, she did. She became entirely invisible as everyone around her seemed to not notice she was there until someone bumped into her as they were walking which caused her to become visible once again. Creating a veil of darkness around her as she left the house in a hurry she ran back home. Thankfully nobody knew exactly who it was at school the next Monday.

Knowing her parents and community would probably not accept her for who she is, Natalie looked online for a haven. Her parents were strongly against such things and always talked about them so she knew they existed. She was excited to hear that there was one in Salem, but her smile quickly faded when she realized it was the other Salem, the one on the other side of the country. Seeing there was an age requirement to reside there she had to wait until her 16th birthday, which thankfully was not that far away. The day she turned 16 her parents bought her a car, and she finally got her license which she promptly used to skip school pack up some clothes and begin her drive to Salem, Mass. Arriving a few days later.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Is terrified of the dark, unless it is of her own creation.
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