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Laundromat Nightmare

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:38 am
by Brad
1[20:59] <Brad> 6Crowley's Row. Sure, a lot of it is a bastion for mutantkind, a safe haven, a place for the quote-unquote undesirables to be themselves and enjoy the luxury of a modern city free from the prejudice and hatred of a world that hates and fears them. But there's a darker side, of course. Not all the mutants that frequent Crowley's Row want to be accepted, loved, understood. They just want their fix. And that's what the small crowd on a side street is looking for right now. Little blue vials. Pulse. The créme-de-la-créme of drugs of choice for the metahuman underworld. But what's this? Dissent? Conflict? 1"What the fuck are you trying to push on us?" 6Cries out one of them, a young man, mid twenties, steam emanating from his skin. 1"Last week this shit was $10 a vial, now it's $20?" 6The doorman remains impassive. The 'place' is nondescript. It's labeled as a laundromat, after all. Very few would know that this was a dropoff point for the illegal substance. 5"Shit changes, man. Whattya want me to say?" 6The crowd doesn't seem to like that answer, just getting more riled up. Another 'customer', a jittery woman, narrows her eyes. 12"Swear to god this shit's getting smaller." 6She holds up an empty vial of the blue substance. 12"You want trouble?" 6The doorman remains where he is, arms crossed over his chest. This is bad, real bad. He doesn't show it, but he's nervous. The customers are anxious, and an anxious Pulse junkie is a dangerous junkie. Finally, a third man forces his way through, and confronts ol' Stonewall there. 3"Listen, motherfucker. You get us our fuckin' Pulse, or I put you on the fucking ground. Understand me?" 6He seethes with anger, and at this, the doorman finally seems to break role. 14"Shut the fuck up. Normal guy isn't fucking HERE tonight, you understand me? You know who's in there?" 6He grits his teeth, and looks back through the window at the figure counting money inside. 14"Just back the fuck off, and nobody gets hurt, a'ight? I'll hook you up tomorrow." 6Doorman casts another nervous glance inside as the group outside grows angrier and more restless.

[21:04] <@Eden> 6Ugh. What a night. Talk about your insomni-insomnia. All that from a simple talk. That said a lot. Maybe she wasn't cut out for this. Maybe it would be better if she just said 'there's way too much shit going on and I don't think this is a good idea and we should just be friends'. The last thing she wanted was to hurt his feelings. Sleep on it. She'd sleep on it. Eventually. For now,
[21:04] <@Eden> 6though? Shopping! Nothing exciting, really, just some new silver wire for her jewelry and some faux gemstones at a local craft store. It wasn't quite in Crowley's, just on the edge, in fact, but she was a regular. A regular with money to spend. A regular whose backside was probably being ogled by the store owner's son, but that was neither here nor there. Her shopping bag was being loaded
[21:04] <@Eden> 6up with an array of colorful glass beads and stones as she went over various new designs in her mind, anything to keep from thinking about the talk she had yesterday -- or, rather, the talk she didn't have yesterday. The talk she should have had yesterday?

1[21:11] <Brad> 12"You hook us up now, asshole!" 6Cries the jittery woman, advancing on the doorman as well. Doorman takes a step back, until he's almost pressed against the glazed windows of the laundromat. 14"Fucking listen to me. You come back tomorrow, I'll give alla you a hit, no charge? Okay? Just back off now, before shit gets ugly." 6Inside, the young man counting the money smiles to himself. He can feel it. The anger, the rage, the hate, it swirls around like a miasma, and goes straight into him like a sponge. It's... pungent... delicious... intoxicating. Outside, the steaming man shouts again. 1"FUCK YOU! I been waiting all night for this! Now you're charging me double, and tellin' me to come back tomorrow?" 6The doorman looks genuinely afraid at this point, but not of the crowd outside. Push comes to shove, he could probably take them, if he needed to. But they're kicking the wrong hornet's nest tonight. That, and they're starting to make themselves very, very obvious to anyone nearby. 14"Look man, just back off. I told you, normal guy isn't here. The fucking... goddamn psycho's here, okay?" 6That's not enough for the third man, and the air seems to crystallize around him as his anger builds. 3"I don't give a fuck who's in there. I'll fucking tear the motherfucker apart after I'm done with you."

[21:12] <Angel`Pearson> yayjunkies! ))

[21:15] <@Eden> 6One of these, one of those, a few of these pretty fake sapphires, and Eden was wandering up to the counter and dumping her contents onto it before fishing around for her wallet in her back pocket. The cashier mumbled her total and she pulled out some cash, handing it over. While he worked on change, the silver-haired girl was busy scooping her purchase back into her tote. "Thanks." 6She
[21:15] <@Eden> 6forced a smile, tucking her wallet away and exiting the shop, bell a-jingling as the door closed behind her and the guy at the register prepared to close up. Technically, they should have been closed an hour ago, but he had something of a difficult time saying no to... that, so he let her browse for nearly forty minutes longer than he should have. Oops! She wandered down the street, deciding
[21:15] <@Eden> 6to make a detour and maybe pick up dinner on her way back home.

[21:31] <Ahriman> One night out. Just one night out. Fergus figured that's all he'd really need to set himself straight before diving face-first back into all that security business. He'd ventured to his previous employer, the one he was taking a hiatus from in order to fill Conrad's shoes, just to be among things he lusted for and to make himself feel better. With that out of the way, he had gone to Crowley's
[21:31] <Ahriman> Row to find something to eat, as he Sanctum folk were want to do. Maybe he'd see some people he knew there. Maybe not. Either way, he was clearing his head.
[21:32] <@Jeemdrivesmom> 6Maybe he'd shoot someone in the eye. Maybe not.

1[21:33] <Brad> 14"Seriously, just go home, okay? Just go home, because he'll fucking..." 6Doorman spots Eden walking down the street, and his brief distraction causes the other three to look in her direction as well. Then, the man with steam coming from his body grabs Doorman by the collar and slams him against the glass. 1"You fucking NARCed on us, you piece of shit? That's what this is?" 6He lets go, letting Doorman back to his feet, and backs away. The steam rises from his body more evidently now, heat coming off of him in waves. The other man backs away, seemingly very uncomfortalbe around the heat, and twists his mouth into a deep frown. As he continues backing away, it gets colder and colder around him. The jittery woman seems unfazed by both, and just locks her eyes on Eden. Doorman takes a deep breath. Hoo boy. This is... not how tonight was supposed to go. Why couldn't Dusk have been dealing with the money? He's reasonable. This wouldn't have happened if Dusk was here. But no. No. He's got the psycho tonight. 14"Nobody called the cops, man, just chill, just let her be. She look like a cop to you?" 6Inside, the young man puts the money away in a lockbock, and stands. Slowly, he walks forward, toward the exit. Oh shit, oh shit, thinks Doorman, as he glances inside. Too young to die. And out steps the mysterious figure. He can't be more than 22. Lean build, muscular and wiry, but not bulky. His hair is a brown mohawk, spiked up from his temple all the way to the back of his neck. There's a ring through his left eyebrow. But it's his eyes. His eyes are all wrong. Red, for starters, and seemingly permanently bloodshot. He looks at the gathering with an animalistic glint in those eyes. 4"Now. What seems to be the problem?" 6He says, his voice raspy as he lights up a cigarette. He catches sight of Eden as well, but doesn't acknowledge her, yet. The Doorman cringes against the glass, and the other three shrink away as well. He could have told them it was this guy.

[21:40] <@Eden> 6Yeah. Eden looked like a cop, all right! The nerdiest cop ever. She blinked as she stepped out of her alleyway -- or whatever -- glancing down the street toward the building where-- that was a bunch of people, huh! She pursed her lips and averted her gaze, at least until they all looked at her. After that, she decided it was proooobably best to turn and go the other way. Reaching up to
[21:40] <@Eden> 6idly muss her bangs and then adjust her glasses, she pivoted on her heel and started in the opposite direction as she intended. Slowly, though, because the bystander in her was sort of curious. Probably drugs or something. None of her business, anyway. She also clutched the strap of her tote bag. Heaven forbid one of Salem's hobos try to steal her wire and fake stones, right?

[21:44] <Ahriman> The half-Scot was still in his team uniform, but he had a light jacket on over it, not really wanting to draw any anti-Cobalt attention. Considering the people they'd put away, and the people they were still after, he figured it would be safer to be mostly anonymous. So, team uniform, light jacket, and his handy-dandy backpack. That was the only part of his attire with a visible logo. He
[21:44] <Ahriman> wasn't too concerned about that part, though. He was wandering around Crowley's, still trying to figure out what he wanted to eat.

6[21:46] * Angel`Pearson happened to be down Crowleys way in a rare solo trip away from the sanctum...He didn't often wander off on his own, because some crazy shit always seemed to go down when they left home....but his sooper amazing clothes had to come from somewhere, and he'd managed to stumble onto some FAABULOUS! mutant boutique with the most amazing stuff. He was currently
[21:46] <Angel`Pearson> He was currently shopping obliviously, in a tight black shirt bearing a heart eyed jolly roger over the left hip, black ruffled skirt, and his kneehigh star boots, forearms covered in a shitton of cheap plastic bracelets

01[21:48] <Brad> 4"Oh no." 6Says the young man, and he stamps one combat-booted foot on the pavement. As Eden tries to walk away, suddenly a wall of.. something, red, crackling energy, bars her path, blocking off the alley from which she came. 4"Where are you going, sweetheart?" 6He says, advancing on her, slowly. There's something wrong about him, that way you can tell when you're dealing with someone that just isn't quite right. The other four, we'll call them Heatwave, Frostbite, Landslide and Beatdown, wait at the storefront of the faux-laundromat, all of them looking very much scared right now. The young man with the mohawk walks casually, taking another drag off his cigarette. He flicks it away, and then adjusts the black tie he wears with the short-sleeved red button up shirt on his torso.

[21:54] <@Eden> 6She let out a sharp gasp of surprise as the wall of... ENERGY, shot up in front of the alleyway, now taking a step back. Swallowing, she paled slightly -- had she seen something she shouldn't have. Scratching lightly along her scalp, she sucked in a deep breath, slowly turning to face the... guy. 'Not right', that was right. The guy was a mutant (or something), probably not the nicest.
[21:54] <@Eden> 6Still, it couldn't hurt to try and diffuse the situation! "Er. Home. Sorry, I didn't mean to, uh--" 6Crash your party? Run into your... freaky meeting of freaky people? Her bright-eyed gaze darted briefly in th edirection of the other four. This guy must have been bad news. "Intrude. So, if you could just, like, drop that... field-thingy there, I'll be out of your hair. Promise. Didn't
[21:54] <@Eden> see a thing-- not that I'm implying you were doing anything illegal... if you were I don't care, of course, it's none of my business!" 6Aaaand she was rambling. Finally remembering to breathe, she inhaled, then sighed heavy. "Sorry. Again. I'll just be going now."

[21:59] <Ahriman> Mama always said there was excitement around every corner. As he rounded on on this particular evening in Crowley's, Fergus was wishing mama had just shut her flip-flop-wielding mouth. Down the street was a group of people. Hobos and ne'er-do-wells, from the looks of it. They were all kinda walking slowly away toward someone/something else; he couldn't really see, what with everyone in the
[21:59] <Ahriman> way. But yoou never knew. He reached behind him and took his comm unit from its place on his backpack, and put it in place. "Deadeye here," he whispered, not wanting to get their attention just yet. "Possible situation in Crowley's."

1[22:04] <Brad> 4"What's your name, sweetheart?" 6The young man advances still, walking slowly, hands now tucked into the pockets of his artfully torn black jeans. His head tilts a bit as he looks the silver-haired girl over. The Doorman, Beatdown, moves away from the glass, and makes the mistake of talking. 1"Uh, hey, boss, maybe we should just leave he-" 6His words are caught in his throat as the young man whips one hand from his pocket. Without looking, he aims another tendril of that same blood-red energy at the doorman's throat, constricting and cutting off his airflow, lifting him several feet in the air. He turns his head, very slowly, toward him. 4"Ah ah ah. Daddy. Is. Talking." 6And that's when he spots Fergus there, coming up the other end of the alley. Red eyes narrow, and he drops the doorman back to the ground. Angrily, he looks back at Eden. 4"Well, well, well. You brought a little friend." 6The barrier blocking her escape through the alleyway crackles anew, as the young man's own anger increases. 4"You two picked the wrong night, sweetheart."

[22:11] <@Eden> 6Don't talk to strangers. Suddenly all that kindergarten bullshit was starting to make sense! She hesitated -- didn't answer, but took a single step backwards, even if it was toward the barrier. She gave a sharp yelp, eyes widening in shock as the man who dared to interrupt this guy was choked out by some kind of energy rope. Reaching out, she-- didn't do a damn thing, "H-hey! Stop
[22:11] <@Eden> that!" 6Oh, shit. Her gaze followed his, eyes going even wider as she spotted Fergus. Simultaneous 'hooray' and 'oh fuck' feelings ensued, her attention quickly turning on the stranger again, "I... I didn't..." 6Goddammit Fergus. "I didn't bring anybody! It's a public street, you know." 6Eden scowled, mentally cursing herself for leaving the house today.

[22:17] <Ahriman> Eden didn't bring anybody? Well, that was true, they hadn't ventured out together. This was a chance meeting. Maybe she was trying to play it off like they'd never met? From the sound of the angry guy, that was probably closer to what was going on. "Situation in Crowley's," he said over the comm. "1 hostile, 4 more possible. They've got 1 innocent cornered." As he spoke to whoever was
[22:17] <Ahriman> listening on the other side(s) of the comm, he was reaching behind him for one of his precious paintball markers, and a hopper filled with the pepper balls. Also, a vein along his left temple throbbed into prominence. "Alright, everybody," he called to the group while loading the gun. "Just disperse and go home, and we can just pretend this was all some simple misunderstanding." Whatever
[22:17] <Ahriman> 'this' was; he still had no idea what he walked in on.

1[22:23] <Brad> 4"Who sent you? That old fossil making his move on our territory?" 6The mohawked young man's eyes don't narrow, they go wide. As he stares down Eden, she'd see just what's wrong with him, in those eyes. It's like someone took a person, emptied him out, and filled him up with every violent emotion there is. There's nothing in those eyes but anger, rage, hatred, spite, and a clear intent to kill anything in his way. With a snarl, he whips his head towards the four mutants still sort-of cowering in front of the laundromat. 4"What the FUCK are you standing around for? Kill this asshole." 6He says, jerking his head in Fergus' direction. The four kind of murmur amongst themselves for a moment, but then decide it's better to tangle with the stranger, than to incur this guy's wrath. Frostbite makes the first move, arms held out. His body becomes encased in an armor made of ice, and he begins moving towards Fergus. Heatwave hangs back, but the heat emanating from his body increases as he circles around, keeping his distance from the cryokinetic. Landslide doesn't move yet. The jittery young woman is still too scared, too unsure. As for Beatdown, the doorman, he groans and doubles over. And then doubles in size. His muscles erupt forth, growing and thickening, until what's left is something akin to an eight foot steroid monster, clothing ripped (but still tastefully arranged to avoid an NC-17 rating).

[22:23] <@Jeemdrivesmom> 6Parents thank you.

06[22:25] * Angel`Pearson browse browse browse, he was flipping through fabulous clothing items in weird mutant boutique when he heard the noise from his phone ooor whatever, 'O!'ing and snatching it from the messenger back at his side to listen to the relayed message. Hey! Crowleys! Whatluck! Ornot, depending on how you looked at things. The items he'd already selected
[22:25] <Angel`Pearson> were dumped atop the rack he was currently browsing and he beat feet out of the store in search of said situation. Yay helping!

[22:29] <@Eden> 6himself. He was 'official' -- the question was, could he handle himself against four of them? Probably. But her back was to the wall -- literally. Slowly, nonchalantly, she let her hands slide behind her back, sucking in a deep breath and leveling her gaze on the stranger, lips pursed. At least she tried to show resolve, "--way. If you could, off your friends. We wouldn't want
[22:29] <@Eden> to attract any undue attention by having some guy die, would we? You know, cops, do-gooders, that sort of thing?" 6Her hands balled into fists behind her back, brows raising on her face. OH GOD FERGUS DON'T DIE.
[22:29] <@Eden> 6She'd apologize later for referring to him as 'some guy'.

[22:31] <Ahriman> Well. Looks like he's in quite the pickle now. "Alright, Vera. Let's show these guys what you can do." So. An ice user. Someone who was..matric-rippley? Someone who was muscle-rippley. And a random chick. Also, the guy calling the shots. He'd dealt with a fire bender before, so he figured the ice guy would be just as tricky. The matrix-rippley was either fire or..something else. Probably
[22:31] <Ahriman> tricky, too. The woman looked like she wasn't gonna do anything but twitch, so he left her alone. That left Ivan Drago over there. "I must crush you," he said in his best terrible Russian accent, just as his right eye went red. He raised the marker, and while keeping an eye on the two obviously closer, used his peripheral vision to send a trio of those pepper-filled balls at the chest of
[22:31] <Ahriman> Beatdown.

Re: Laundromat Nightmare

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:46 am
by Brad
[22:34] <Eva`> A short ways down the street and Shiloh would get the message. From there, Griffin was kind enough to turn around and drop her off about a block from the scene, earning himself a second kiss before she darted off to join... Fergus. And Eden. She stopped a short distance fro the scene, trying to get an idea of what was going down before getting involved. She fished her comm from her pocket
[22:34] <Eva`> and put it in place. "Void, here. Right behind you, Deadeye. Eden." She couldn't remember Eden's codename! She slid on her sunglasses, just in case bright lights happened. She would need to start carrying a pair of those fancy team issue glasses with her at all times.

01[22:39] <Brad> 6Beatdown rises up, the pain of his transformation subsiding, but just as he does so, he's pelted directly in the chest by... what are those? Paintballs? Paintballs usually don't... oh god, tears. Flames. Flames, on the... on the sides of my face. Huge, meaty hands clutch at his face and he roars loudly, incapacitated for the moment, but not out of the fight yet. Of course, his vision will be impaired for the duration. Taking the opportunity, Frostbite lunges forward, moving quickly as the ground freezes in front of his feet and he quite literally skates in Fergus' direction. That ice armor grows nasty looking spikes as he advances quickly, and obviously a hockey fan, he looks like he's going for a vicious shoulder check against the mutant gunman. Heatwave stays back, but starts bringing his hands up. It's not fire that he unleashes toward the brick wall above and slightly behind Fergus, but pure, boiling heat. It blasts towards the brick, and the stonework actually melts from the impact, first dripping, and then pouring behind Fergus to cut off his escape. Landslide continues to try and figure out what to do. She doesn't want this, none of them do. They just wanted their fix. But they can't risk upsetting him. He'll do far worse to them than these others possibly could. For right now, she moves to Beatdown to try and help him, but there's little she can do. The young man watches this, and then turns those angry eyes back to Eden. 4"Just some guy." 6As she backs herself up against the wall he'd made, tendrils erupt from it behind her, moving to wrap themselves around her and trap her. They move very quickly. 4"I am really... really pissed off now." 6He snarls at the girl.

06[22:41] * Angel`Pearson there was a bit of blind searching before he finally stumbled onto the scene...Once powers started going flashy it was fairly easy, he headed in the direction that the smarter of the drifting street peoples were hastily heading away from...He spotted Shilohs pink hair from a distance easily and smiled a bit, getting closer to the scene and
[22:41] <Angel`Pearson> trying to remain inconspicous, not wanting to draw attention of any of the angry powered up mutants.

03[22:47] * Jeemdrivesmom is now known as [HELIOS]

03[22:48] * Brad is now known as Brother`Bile

[22:50] <@Eden> 6While the strange, veeeery angry young man was busy watching Fergus, Eden hurriedly went to fix her communicator into her ear -- and release the floating silver light that had formed in her balled fist. Roughly the size of a baseball, and glowing rather brightly. Just as she'd gotten the damn thing formed? Tendrils. Of energy. Oh, she tried to run -- which would have been dumb, since HE
[22:50] <@Eden> 6was right there and she would have run into him. Still. Grabbed and constricted, she squealed, squirmed and flailed but went nowhere!, "Well, you know what they, say, better to be pissed off than pissed on--fuck-- yeah, hey guys, if anyone's on this channel? This guy's got me aaaand I'm marking my location in like, five seconds." 6What? She tried to hdie the fact that she was pretty goddamn
[22:50] <@Eden> 6scared of being force choked by energy tentacles -- and failed. Instead, the sphere, floating somewhere near her knees, bobbed its way over toward the stranger. And with a blink of her eyes -- BAM. It exploded. Not at its fullest force, and she was probably going to regret it, but it was enough to scorch unprotected skin and the impact could knock the average person on their ass as bright,
[22:50] <@Eden> 6hot, colorful residue filled the area.

03[22:51] * Tomcat ( has joined #CH*Beyond

[22:53] <Ahriman> Well, pickle indeed. No way to know if the pepper would work against Frostbite and Heatwave, but he'd never know if he didn't try. So, a pair at Frostbite, and a pair at Heatwave. He took in a breath so he wouldn't have to breath in the pepper powder when it burst, and after waiting a moment for the skater to get closer, took a cue from Miles. He crouched with one leg out farther than the
[22:53] <Ahriman> other, switched which leg was out farther than the other, then with a palm planted on the ground, wheeled himself over while throwing out a foot. With luck, his aim would hold true, and the kick would somehow make it through the spikes to get the icy armor directly. If not, he was gonna be in a really awkward position when Frostbite hit him.

[22:56] <Tomcat> VROOM VROOM. Well, more like put put because Nick's shitty-ass car has proven to be...shitty. It's still getting restored! And there's only so much a man can do to keep a pretty lemon running because in the end it's still just a lemon. The Caddy rolls into the area but not close enough to the action to lose yet another car in the crossfire. The scrawny little man hops out of the car,
[22:56] <Tomcat> shoulders his bags and strafes over to a nearby building. He checks his phone and communicator and reports in. "Tomcat near the scene." Finally.

[23:02] <@[HELIOS]> 6The HELIOS Mk IV armor roared across the sky, the thrusters luckily drowning out a) the screams of the teenagers attached to his back, and b) Greg worriedly shouting, "ARE YOU GUYS OKAY? SHOULD I SLOW DOWN? KEEP YOUR ARMS IN STOP FLAILING I CAN'T KEEP BALANCE IF YOU DO THAT," 6and other such things as they streak towards Crowley's Row. The location would be obvious. Greg comes to a hover
[23:02] <@[HELIOS]> 6not far from the scene, observing the chaos beginning to set in below. "Okay, I'm going to drop you two down below. I am not your chaperone! It's not my fault if you get hurt! ... pleasedon'tgethurtplease." [Very authoritative.] "Shut up." 6The power armor slowly descends down the block from the 'laundromat' where the rest of the party has assembled, and he kneels down to allow them to
[23:02] <@[HELIOS]> 6disembark. A little more dignified than the squat, yep. "Alright, Phaeton. This is... this is heavy lifting. It's just like working in a quarry." [There are angry mutants with abnormally large muscles and cryokinetic abilities. This is not heavy lifting and I will be keeping a record of this for when we return to Ori-] 6The dull yet sarcastic mechanical voice is cut off as Greg stares at
[23:02] <@[HELIOS]> 6the scene unfolding ahead of them, and once Midas and Kay have climbed off, the more industrial looking Iron Man leaps into the air. Goal? Plow right into Beatdown.

[23:04] <Eva`> Shiloh takes a step back, squinted at the bright light despite the sunglasses, and oh so glad she'd thought to put them on. An arm is raised to further shield her vision. "Please tell me you brought some equipment, Tomcat." From now on, she sure to carry equipment with her at all times. This shit was crazy and she was kind of a sitting duck. At least she wasn't a target yet.

[23:04] <Ahriman> And then Eden sits on it.

[23:04] <@Kayla> Kayla continued to scream, right up until she can climb off, or rather ungracefully fall off. She really should have stayed home. Wide eyed she stands and looks over towards the scene, mouth dropping open. What could she do? All she could do was touch people!

06[23:05] * Midas all too eagerly hopped off Helios's back, feeling like his lunch was about to come back to haunt him. Much like Kayla he didn't know how useful he could be with touch based powers, but maybe if nothing else he could distract one!

01[23:12] <Brother`Bile> 6The pepper rounds, unfortunately for Fergus, don't do much good against either Frostbite or Heatwave. They impact against the hardened shell of ice encasing the cryokinetic and explode, but the armor shields his mouth and eyes from the payload. As for Heatwave? The plastic casings simply melt when they get within range, and the pepper payload burns up in midair, such is the heat emanating from the thermokinetic. Fortunately for Fergus, however, his aim is true, and he knocks Frostbite off balance with his flashy ponytail HA! kick, sending the frigid mutant careening into the wall, and taking him dangerously close to the molten sludge of stone and mortar. Regaining his composure, Frostbite backs away quickly from the extreme heat, then lunges toward Fergus, one frozen arm turning into a large, curved blade of ice as he strikes. Heatwave turns away as more people show up, and as... is that IRON MAN? No, no. Iron Man's better looking than that. As some guy that isn't Iron Man shows up, he aims both hands out, and sends out a double barrelled blast of extreme heat towards the flying machine. Of course, it's not enough to keep him from impacting with Beatdown, which sends the two of them crashing into the laundromat, glass shattering and dust and debris spraying every which way. Landslide, in a panic, screams out. 12"GET AWAY FROM ME!" 6She yells, as she sort of curls into herself, sending huge spikes of earth jutting up in every direction around her as a kind of protective rampart. Eden, on the other hand, would be surprised to see another of those blood-red tendrils of energy, this one resembling a four fingered, clawed hand, snatch that sphere in midair. It curls around it, encasing it completely, and absorbs the blast. The young man controlling it sneers at her. 4"My name's Brother Bile. And you're fucked."

[23:18] <Ahriman> Was Fergus gonna be able to notice that there were trainees here now? No, not while he's occupied with Frostbite and Heatwave. Well, just Frostbite, when Heatwave turns his attention elsewhere. He very much wanted to switch ammo; no doubt those glass breakers would stand up better against armor and oppressive heat. The rubber might freeze/melt, but maybe the steel core would stay in tact?
[23:18] <Ahriman> Yeah, the glassbreakers would be great. If he could get to them. Not with an ice blade headed his way, though. Spotted from the corner of an eye, Fergus ducked down under, but turned and moved toward Frostbite. What he was planning next was crazy, considering who he was up against. But frostbite could be dealt with later; right now, he had to deal with Frostbite. If successful, Frostbite
[23:18] <Ahriman> would be in a sort of fireman's carry, just long enough to be lifted and tossed away. He'd have to thank Quin for watching pro-wrestling and inspiring the move. If it worked.

[23:21] <Tomcat> "Of course I did." is his reply to Shiloh. He's learned to carry extras of all the things. "What are your locations?" he asks as he stares at the landing...mecha. The fuck. The respawner's brain slows to a stop as he wtfs. But he shakes his head quickly and trots towards the scene, having just as much of a clue as his mun does about what's going on: nothing. So he just heads for Kayla,
[23:21] <Tomcat> Midas and...the machine. And then the machine goes off to kill people. So the very confused Nick just stares at Kay and Midas. He fishes through his bag and fishes out two shock sticks, one for each person. There's no response from Fergus as the guy's too busy flinging bad guys around so he takes in a deep breath and stares at the scene. And looks back at Kay and Midas. "I don't have much
[23:21] <Tomcat> to tell either of you. Kayla, charge up Midas and let's see what he can do." As they might not be able to get close to anyone else yet and he's not dragging some trainees into the middle of...whateverthefuck is going on.

[23:25] <@Kayla> Kayla's heart drops as she spots Eden! Her BFF who looked like she was in a bit of a pickle. The urge to rush up and amp her was overwhelming but Kay remembered, some time ago, how frantically Eden had rebuffed her offer, she also didn't want to risk distracting her, obviously. Looking back to Midas and around Kayla realizes she was seriously out classed here. Spotting Nick relief flows
[23:25] <@Kayla> through her. Taking the shock stick Klutzy Kay stares at it dumbly before nodding. She reaches out and takes Midas's hand, fingers threading through his to get a better grip. Looking over at her friend she frowns just a bit. "Don't let go." Without warning she pushes that wall within her. It wasn't like zorting, letting the dam burst, it was shoving the mass over and through her, and
[23:25] <@Kayla> into Midas. Her skin paled as she wobbled but still managed to stay up. She was getting better at this! She didn't need to be carried anymore!

[23:26] <@[HELIOS]> 6Greg had never flown shoulder-first into anything before. All of his work with testing HELIOS involved heavy lifting, distance flight, long-term manual labor and so forth. None of it involved knocking bitches through walls. The blow sends the holographic readouts in his helmet fuzzy and distorted for a moment, but he's surprisingly unjarred by the attack, shock absorbers and kinetic
[23:26] <@[HELIOS]> 6dampeners keeping his body from having too much of a toll taken on it. It's still almost pants-wettingly frightening though. Why was he doing this? This was a horrible idea! He's an engineering nerd with serious social anxiety issues! Not a superhero! He crawls to his feet, a repulsor burst from his hand righting his form as he steadies himself. "Nobody... uh... move! I don't want to hurt
[23:26] <@[HELIOS]> you!" 6he says - somewhat unconvincingly - to Landslide and Beatdown, holding his hand out in front of him like a loaded gun.

[23:26] <@Eden> 6Oh. Shit. Eden paled just slightly as the entire mininova was absorbed like it was nothing. Her shocked look was soon replaced by one of frustration, another -- no, no. TWO more of those bright silvery bomb-like things were soon forming from faint sparks. "...y-you got lucky, dude. If anyone's still listening -- wall. West alley. Marking my position again." 6She muttered. With a snort,
[23:26] <@Eden> 6THOSE two floating starbombs would explode, just a little higher up. Determined, wasn't she? Everyone else seemed to have their hands full, so she supposed she'd have to hold this one off by herself. It wasn't working so well, of course! Of course, the explosion of two at once had her hanging her head and gritting her teeth as her chest tightened up a little, but she was determined. Fuck
[23:26] <@Eden> 6this noise.

6[23:33] * Midas squeezed Kayla's hand tightly, as he felt his abilities start to be amped up. Suddenly aware of EVERY object made of gold all around him, a slight disorientation following as he released her hand stumbling. The brown color of his eyes replaced by a golden yellow as a sort glowing hue surrounds his hands. "The fuck.." He'd slip falling onto his backside ca
[23:33] <Midas> Causing those glowing hands to smack against the ground, golden trails streak along the ground ending at a fire hydrant with the streak from his left as it was rapidly transmuted. The right smacking into a piece of rubble. Blinking..Inspiration struck then! “DEADEYE MOVE AWAY FROM HIM!” He’d call out if the Iceman had been flipped…and just the same if
[23:33] <Midas> same if not..before smacking his hands on the ground to send a trail of gold along the ground towards him. Intent on transmuting the mans Ice armor in that way into solid gold…hopefully trapping him and hoping he didn’t suffocate him in the process if it worked!

[23:36] <Eva`> "You're a lifesaver." Shiloh breaths a sigh of relief and hurries over to meet up with Nick and get a fancy shock stick. "I'm going after Eden," she says in a hurry as an idea comes to her. Nick's cheek gets a quick peck before she's sinking down into the night's shadows. It only takes a moment before she's rising up behind Brother Bile, hoping he's distracted enough with Eden to not notice
[23:36] <Eva`> her silent approach, or the shock stick in her hand turned to max before it's jabbed into his side.

6[23:43] * Angel`Pearson watched with a O.O expression as a robot appeared to drop out of the sky and slam into big giant hulk guy....Holycrapthatwassocooool!! Inconspicous. Remain inconspicous. He was just another one of the stupid curious gawkers looking for a free show. This shit was obviously better then pay-per-view. He did his best to scoot closer to the scene, scoot scoot....pause to gawk, scoot.

06[23:45] * Midas squeezed Kayla's hand tightly, as he felt his abilities start to be amped up. Suddenly aware of EVERY object made of gold all around him, a slight disorientation following as he released her hand stumbling. The brown color of his eyes replaced by a golden yellow as a sort glowing hue surrounds his hands. "The fuck.." He'd slip falling onto his backside ca
[23:45] <Midas> Causing those glowing hands to smack against the ground, golden trails streak along the ground ending at a fire hydrant with the streak from his left as it was rapidly transmuted. The right smacking into a piece of rubble. Blinking.

01[23:55] <Brother`Bile> 6As Bile stares Eden down, and she produces two more of those troublesome little spheres, they're knocked upward, where they explode out of range of him. 4"Ah, I see. You're those sanctimonious little assholes. Well welcome to the big leagues." 6As Shiloh tries to go for the cheap shot, the movement catches his eye, and he turns, another tendril of energy shoots from Bile's body toward her, to knock her, and the shock stick, away from him with brutal force. Of course, the distraction causes the tendrils around Eden to loosen their grip, giving her just enough leeway to wriggle out as Bile takes a step back. Beatdown's eyes are burning, and his head is ringing after being knocked through a storefront, but he can see and understand just enough to know that the blurry shape above him is what just rammed him. As Greg goes on his loudspeaker, Beatdown grabs for what appears to him to be on of the armored mans legs, the wrench him down hard onto the shattered floor of the laundromat. Fergus tangles with Frostbite there, and while it's a good move, unfortunately for him, Frostbrite's previous proximity to the molten results of Heatwave's trap has left the surface of his ice armor half melted, and very slippery, making it very difficult to keep a proper grip. Still, it serves its purpose, more or less, as Frostbite is launched forward, crunching onto the pavement and then sliding several feet away before shakily righting himself, and reconstituting his armor. Heatwave spots the strange spread of gold on the ground, and narrows his eyes. He aims a blast of thermal energy at the trail of gold, quickly superheating it, that heat traveling up the path of metal and towards Midas' hand. Landslide finally seems to find herself, and the little fortress she'd made of rock and stone opens to let her out, before suddenly a rent in the ground, like a minor seismic event, tears its way towards Nick and Kayla, rock and concrete thrusting up about a half foot in the air in several directions as the quake travels quickly towards the two.

[23:57] <Tomcat> Nicholas keeps an eye on Kayla while she powers Midas up. Damn. He doubts she can't do the same to everyone else. Well there goes one idea! He stays beside the two and tightens up his jaw as he thinks. "Fall back, Eden. Get out of there!" is snapped over his comm unit. He rifles through his bag again and passes out a couple of other toys. The flashbang and deafening siren balls. A short
[23:57] <Tomcat> explaination is given of each: throw them like a grenade, don't lok at the light and keep the comm units on. His head snaps up again and he watches the fight. He grins at Midas' strike and nods to Kayla. "Good job.How long can you keep that up?" Charging won't do him, the mecha any good and good luck getting to Eden. Oh look a Shiloh! "Get Eden out of there. I don't think we stand a chance
[23:57] <Tomcat> here." He's not losing people over...whatever started this bullshit in the first place. "We're getting out." Spotting Landslide's attack aimed at him and Kay, he dives for the redhead to try and knock her clear from the attack. "Retreat." is snapped over the comm units.

[23:58] <Eva`> Shiloh is knocked back easily, tumbling end over end across the ground, the shock stick flying from her hand to land a few feet away. There's a moment of disorientation and dizziness she she sits up, looking for the stick.

[00:01] <@Eden> 6Mother. Fucker. Now Eden was getting really frustrated. But she didn't have it in her to keep trying to blow the guy up, irritating as he was. Shiloh was on the move! Her eyes widened as she went after the guy -- good! But he seemed to be better. Just better. At least he loosened his grip. All that flailing was soon paying off, Eden lunging and stumbling, swerving right around the
[00:01] <@Eden> 6preoccupied Bile and waving her arms at Shiloh, "Get--" 6RETREAT was the order. "Good plan. C'mon." 6As she stumbled over toward the shadowwalker, she held a hand down for her to take so that Eden might help her up, because she was a gentleman like that. Her gaze turned on the others and her eyes became as wide as dinnerplates.

[00:02] <@Kayla> Kayla remains gripped to Midas's free hand, blinking slowly as she turns to look at Nick. She's obviously exhausted, her hand turning white as she holds Midas almost painfully tightly. "I .. don't know.." She doesn't say much as she's knocked clear by Nick, the girl pretty much ragdolling and probably jerking Midas off his angle by the movement.

[00:03] <Ahriman> The hopper of pepper rounds is unceremoniously discarded, and quick as a turtle's wink, is replaced with a hopper of the glass breaking rounds. He's all wet, and it's gross, and we'll say that because of how awkward it was, that icy blade managed to give him a good nick across one of his arms. AMbidexterity can be thanked later; for now, he needs to see how effective these rounds were against
[00:03] <Ahriman> ice armor. Three or four of the little darlings should be conclusive enough. This encounter was enough to make him ponder carrying his shotgun around with him, though. But then Nick give's the order for retreat. Well.. this should be fun, on foot. "I'll cover who I can," he answered through the comm.

6[00:07] * Midas apparently didn't send two streaks out as Kayla's still had ahold of his right hand. That sizzling heat would travel down the ONE gold trail, burning palm and the underside of his fingers with a wicked sizzle. "AHh shit!" He'd hiss pushing up to his feel. The underside of his hand a rosey red color, before he's jerked by proxy along with Kayla ebfore he c
[00:07] <Midas> can reorient himself.

[00:09] <@[HELIOS]> "Hey! I said don't- HRRK" 6Greg is leveling his repulsor at Landslide as she begins to step out of her shell, and then Beatdown is pulling a Hulk on him and yanking him away. He accidentally looses a repulsor bolt out into the alley as he's dragged, exploding into one of the walls in the alley near Bile and the ladies he's accosting. HELIOS slams into the floor, and Greg groans a bit. Is
[00:09] <@[HELIOS]> 6this what Iron Man deals with? REALLY? Wrenching himself up onto his palms, he struggles to free his leg. [Discharge your right leg calf and heel repulsor units, and prepare to right yourself.] "What? Oh!" 6Greg slams one of his hands into the floor, augmented gauntlets digging into the concrete and gripping - and Beatdown receives the brunt of a repulsor blast directly into his arm, or
[00:09] <@[HELIOS]> 6chest, or face depending upon what angle he's being held at. Goals? A) Deliver the equivalent of a fierce punch to his body, B) wrench himself free of the enormous guy. "GET OFF!"

06[00:13] * Angel`Pearson scoot, scoot, shuffle. He stayed back on the edge of the encounter looking for an opportunity to make himself useful. Fire and ice guy were out of the question, their powers clashed with his, giant hulkguy had been smashed into the laundromat thankgod, and angry guy with magic glowy tendrils was pretty far off...When then rock shelter opened to let
[00:13] <Angel`Pearson> twitchy girl out his hand slid to discreetly switch off the SND hid among all his crappy plastic bracelets, and after she sent the siesmic attack off he launched a hallucinogenic loogie for the upper torso area from fifteen feet or so away he'd managed to creep up to, turning to run whatever the result happened to be as the retreat order was heard.

1[00:21] <Brother`Bile> 6Poor Beatdown. He was just trying to do his job, what someone had grabbed him off the street and paid him to do. But first he had to deal with angry Pulse junkies, then getting pepper spray shot at him, and now this? It hasn't been a good night for Beatdown. The leg repulsor hits him in the chest and shoulder, and the agonizing pain causes him to loosen his grip, and then let go of the armored leg as he writhes on the floor of the laundromat, crushing several viles of synthesized Pulse under his bulk. But as the others start to retreat, Bile turns, very slowly towards them. His eyes suddenly glow a bright red. 4"Oh no." 6He says. He's angry. So very. Fucking. Angry. That red, crackling energy swirls around him, encasing his body like a shroud, eventually leaving just his shape, swirling with it. 4"NOBODY. IS GOING. ANYWHERE." 6He bellows out, rising into the air, as tendrils of whatever force he's calling upon lash out from his body like strikes of lighting, cutting gashes and knocking holes in the walls around him. 4"I AM NOT GOING HOME UNTIL I HAVE FUCKING MURDERED YOU PEOPLE."

[00:25] <Eva`> Shiloh reaches for and grabs the shock stick before taking Eden's hand and scrambling to her feet. Oh... fuck... She could run, like a pansy. Just shadow out and leave Eden behind. But she wouldn't do that. Shock stick at the ready, she stood her ground near Eden, but of Eden decided to make a run, hells yeah she was following.
[00:28] <Tomcat> "Everyone that can't fly, teleport or otherwise escape, report to my location and get in the black Caddy." Next upgrade for JJ: turbo button. Also armor plating. TAKE THAT EMILY. "Repeat, we're getting out of here. Nobody is being left behind but don't dawdle either." With the order given, he hops up to his feet and moves to yank Kay up too and get everyone's ass to his car as quickly as
[00:28] <Tomcat> possible. The doors are unlocked with a quick press of a button on his keyring. In he goes, revs up the motor and waits for people to pile in. Hurrythefuckup.

[00:29] <Ahriman> Well. Fuck this. One round each for the badguys he could see, 'cept Bile, who got two. Then, he turned, and mustering all the half-blackguy athleticism he could, got the fuck out of there, in the direction of Nick's car. "NICK! Pop the trunk!" He'd wait for the thing to pop open (hopefully it was an automatic one, and not one Nick would have to unlock himself) and hop in, but left it open.
[00:29] <Ahriman> Now they'd have cover for their escape!

[00:31] <@Kayla> Kayla lets go of his hand as she tries to push herself up off the ground, the extended use of her amp draining her quite a bit. "Muh... Midas.." The girl stumbles towards Nicks car, the shock stick long since dropped from her grasp. Midas would feel the rush of being normal return once she released him, her abilities obviously only lasting as long as contact did.

[00:32] <@Eden> 6Shit, shit, shit. Eden looked over her shoulder at Bile, then over at Shiloh, waving a hand and ushering her off, "Go! Now, I'm good!" 6And then she ran! WHUMP WHUMP WHUM-- no, her footsteps didn't actually make that noise, but she was in a damn hurry to get to Nick's car, PRAYING all the while as she dashed across the street that she didn't cause the undercarriage to like... fall out
[00:32] <@Eden> 6or something. She looked over again as she ran, staring toward Midas and Kayla, her pace beginning to slow. Urgh! Now, she was anxiously bouncing on her toes, ready to rush back and help them if she had to.

06[00:32] * Midas would dutifully follow, hand burnt light...why was it always his hand? New strange power manifestation of his power thanks to Kayla...and Nearly being crushed by concrete. Pushing himself up he'd grab ahold of the flagging Kayla' wrapping his arms around her waist to drag her stumbling self towards Nicks car quickly as he could!

[00:37] <@[HELIOS]> 6Greg blinks as Beatdown is sent crashing backwards into the floor. Success! He beat up a bad guy! He's a bad guy, right? Has to be. He repulsors himself to his feet, wobbling unsteadily, crashing into a table but stabilizing himself, small units built into his boots 'gripping' the floor so he can't topple further. Holding onto the table gingerly so as to not crunch it under the high weight
[00:37] <@[HELIOS]> 6of the HELIOS armor, he blinks as he looks at the floor under Beatdown, vials of blue liquid shattered beneath, then to the table. And the boxes on it. FULL OF THE VIALS. "Is this..." 6He picks up one of the vials, and squints at it. [I suggest you leave this building promptly. Dangerous levels of energy building outside the structure.] 6Gritting his teeth, he grabs a handful of the
[00:37] <@[HELIOS]> 6vials - two, large robot handfuls - and glances down at his waist area. A few compartments eject from the suit, and he drops the vials into them, the compartments snapping shut moments later. Heeding Phaeton's suggestion, Greg repulsors himself back out the way he came in a short leap, landing outside - awkwardly, stumbling a few steps and blasting the air with a short burst to steady himself
[00:37] <@[HELIOS]> 6again - and in plain view of everyone... and the guy that looks like he's about to nuke the whole block. "Oh. Shit."

[00:40] <Eva`> Shiloh followed close behind Eden, with the running and the stuff.

06[00:43] * Angel`Pearson ruuuun! Runrunrun! He booked it for the indicated area, reaching to switch the SND back on before the hallucinogen had too much of a chance to form around him. He'd stumble to a halt near Nicks car, resisting the urge to dive into the back seat he instead spun around to see angry guy getting even more angry and grrr....and not
[00:43] <Angel`Pearson> Ironman stumbling awkwardly to steady himself. Still his predominant thought about robot armor dude was 'Coooooool!'

1[00:50] <Brother`Bile> 6Poor Landslide, too! She didn't want any part of this, but now here she is, high as a kite! 12"I don't... feel so..." 6She stumbles on her feet as Angel's hallucinogens take a hold of her. 12"I'm gonna.. I think..." 6And then the ground swallows her. She needs to... be away.. somewhere. And vomit. For hours. But as they try to escape, more of those walls go up, penning the lot of them in. The alley is blocked, the way to the street, and the side street through which Fergus had come in. Bile hovers in the air, energy crackling around him. So much anger, so much violence, so much hate. He really looks like he's about to kill the lot of them, or at least most of them. Some of them might survive. 4"You stupid motherfuckers. This was my chance, and you fucking RUINED IT." 6Another of those energy bolts lashes from his body, punching through one of the walls of the laundromat. 4"IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CLEAN." 6And then, he looks like he begins charging up for something... until something else happens. The wall behind him, the entire wall, becomes enveloped in an inky darkness. It's not shadow, itt's something different. Pure darkforce energy. A tendril lashes out and wraps itself around Bile, then another, and then another. 4"NO!" 6He struggles against his unseen captor. 4"THIS ISN'T FAIR!" 6He continues to struggle, but then another tendril of darkness covers his mouth, finally shutting him up. From the blackness, a man emerges. He looks to be in his early forties. Clean cut. Unobtrusive. Brown hair slicked back, greying around the temples. He's thin, but not fragile. Oddly, he wears a strange pair of small, opaque glasses on his eyes. He's followed by a woman, well over six feet tall, muscular, with a fiery mane of red hair. The man looks at those penned in as the energy walls start to disippate while Bile is dragged into the blackness. He looks up at his protegé, bound by darkness, and shakes his head. 1"Titan will wish to speak with you." 6Then, he turns those opaque glasses on the others trapped there. 1"My apologies." 6He says, in a voice accented with some hard to place Eastern European dialect. 1"He forgot his place." 6He nods to the tall woman, who moves with the grace of a panther. She heads to the laundromat, and without so much as a word, raises her fist and punches the wall. An odd ripple goes through the structure, and the entire thing begins to vibrate, then shake apart, then completely collapse. Poor Beatdown. He's not getting up from that one. The two strangers follow Bile into the blackness as he's finally dragged completely through, struggling and lashing out all the while. The man turns. 1"Go home." 6And then he's gone. Who the fuck are these people?

[00:53] <Ahriman> "Who the fuck were those people?" Fergus voiced the yet-unasked question. He's left just standing there staring dumbly at..he wasn't even sure at what.

[00:55] <Tomcat> The trunk opens when Fergus shouts the order and Nick gives the car another rev. Yeahsure Nick's car can take Eden's weight if she'd just get her fat ass in it. "Angel, get your ass in the goddamn car." is snapped at the distracted kid. Once ALL THE ASSES are in his car, he'll gun the thing and get the fuck out. He's DONE with this shit. Ohfuckno. Let META deal with this like they should
[00:55] <Tomcat> have in the first place. VROOM VROOM going back home time.

[00:57] <Eva`> Shiloh has no words, and gets into the car.

[00:57] <@Eden> 6Eden waited until eeeeverybody else was in the car before she inserted aforementioned fat ass into it so they could DRIIIVE AWAY. And probably call META and file an incident report!

[00:59] <@[HELIOS]> 6Greg is stuck standing in place watching... whatever it was that just happened in front of the 'laundromat'. He has absolutely no idea what the hell is going on, with people having temper tantrums that result in giant chunks of pavement and walls being blasted, and then shadowy guys materializing out of nowhere, and teenagers being superheroes and HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT. Things have quieted
[00:59] <@[HELIOS]> 6down, and while he may or may not have peed his suit, he's alive! He sees the other people across the way piling into the (really shitty looking car) and wave. "Hi! Hey! ... Oh... Oh, okay. Bye. Right." 6Standing there awkwardly glancing around at the area of the block that had been frozen, turned to gold, incinerate, upended, and so forth, he lifts into the air and blasts back towards
[00:59] <@[HELIOS]> 6Cobalt.

06[00:59] * Angel`Pearson O.O What...the...fuck. There was a moment there when his legs felt all shaky and weak before he heard Nicks words and quickly complied, scrambling into the car and slamming the door behind, twisting to try and get a look around the open trunk behind them. What the hell was that black shit? SOHORRIBLE!