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The Hunt for Tremor

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:13 am
by vile
[20:23] <[TremGM]> *The van moves along at a fair clip towards the nearest highway interchange. They would need to hop off the interstate before they could make their approch to Salem, but as it stood, they seemed to be making pretty good time so far...*

[20:25] <@Ashlynne> Ashy pouts, eyeing Ferus a bit. "I coulda been team leader." Her hair was tied back into a ponytail to keep it out of her face, the girl wearing her skintight stretchy catsuit and looking a-freaking-dorable, especially with her puppy-pout.

[20:25] <Midas> "I dunno I like Nick being in charge.. atleast we get Ice Cream then..." He'd comment as they roll out into Salem proper. He'd fish a pair of fingerless...well drivers gloves from his pants pocket. Why? Because they looked cool thats why. Slipping them on as they went.
[20:27] * Midas blinked and reached under his seat plucking out a rust red colored cell-phone. "Who is..Hey it's on!" Holding it didn't hit him that it could be a bug.

[20:28] <vile> Nick laughs when Midas brings up at least he gets us ice cream. He crosses his arms over his chest and watches the rest of the group. "You can after you do a couple of runs, Ashy. Or at least train...hey, we can train in the sims sometime!" A bright grin crosses his face and he reaches out to give her a light nudge to the shoulder. "Now, everyone. If we're really going head to head with Tremor, bear in mind it won't be a walk in the park. The team's already gotten their ass handed to them the last time we bumped into the guy. He's...not on our side. At least I'm assuming so considering that text. He uses sneak attacks and is pretty quick. He'll be armed and he doesn't play fair. He can create earthquakes that will knock us off balance and crack stone and cement."

[20:30] * [TremGM] *It's dark out by the time they reach the interchange between I95 and the Newburyport Turnpike, the road curving up and over on its way to the city lights of Salem. The overpass was restrictive to the usual two lanes, but oddly the traffic seemed light, which was fairly bizarre at this hour. As the near the apex of the overpass, a dark blue porsche boxster convertable comes speeding
[20:30] * [TremGM] up the second lane, it's sterio blareing Zebrahead's 'Riot girl' at top volume. It seems to slow slightly by the Cobalt van, the young woman inside peering over at their vehicle with a mischievous smile. Her hair is a dark brown and is tied back in a pony tail that lashes about in the wind. There's barely enough time to get more detail than that, but one could swear she winks at them before
[20:30] * [TremGM] gunning the throttle and speeding on ahead. It's maybe a quater mile ahead when it's breaklights flare red and the sound of screeching tires pearces the music. Before anyone can react, the rear windows are suddenly flooded with light as a semi-truck that had quietly closed in behind them kicks on it's highbeams and accelerates to ram the back bummper.
[20:30] * [TremGM] *As if on que, another car pulls up beside them, this one a vintage dark red mustang with white stripes, effectively boxing in the van between two vehicles and the guardrail to the left, and fast approching the now stopped porsche ahead to close the lid on this little vehiclular trap. Out the back, one can't really see the driver of the semi because of the lights, but all anyone an
[20:30] * [TremGM] make out is that whoever it is, he or she is -big- their silhouette taking up the majority of the cabin. To the right, the driver of the mustang appears to be a man in a black trench coat with raven hair. He pulls some kind of assult rifle from a dufflebag in the passenger seat and then suddenly -melts- into the car, along with his weapon. Dispite not having a driver, the car doesn't slow,
[20:30] * [TremGM] and in fact swerves to ram into the side of the van and push it into the guardrail. Faint ripples can be seen under the hood as the machine seems to be reforming as it drives. Finnally, a cloaked figure flies through the air along the left side, easily soaring through the open air alongside the van. The humaniod appears to be wreathed in smoke, the cloak itself made of the same stuff. It
[20:30] * [TremGM] turns its head and banks hard into the side of the van, the cloak comming to life to stab into the van with apparently very solid and very sharp talons which begin to claw and peel away the metal to get at the passengers inside.
[20:36] <Midas> "I think someones been listening on th-" The Ram threw the cellphone that was currently on...from his hand, and at a random person in the van. "The Hell?" He'd turn to peer back out the window, only to squint unable to make out anything but headlights. "I think we got issues..." He'd Bucking up awkwardly from his seat as claws start to shred the van!

[20:37] <Ahriman> "Grabs goggles and breathers before disembarking, too, just in case." That was more for protection from Fergus than it was from Tremor or Wormwood. Although he didn't know what Wormwood might have set up, so it could be protection from him, too. And then vehicular hell broke loose. Shit the mobile bed. From the backpack, he took his dear paintball marker, but since they were at highway
[20:37] <Ahriman> speeds, he figured the pepper rounds wouldn't do much of anything. So he got out the glassbreaker rounds, and loaded a hopper of that. With the side of the team van being torn open for him, he wasn't going to have to try to open a door and peek out dangerously. Instead, as his right eye faded red, he stuck the barrel through one of the new holes, and fired a stream at the..cloak..thing? He
[20:37] <Ahriman> also made a note to add this sort of scenario to his training sims.

[20:37] * Sunder The van got slammed by the semi and the mustang, later he would question the logic in taking a mustang and ramming it against a much heavier vehicle. But for now it was a matter of making sure they didn't get tossed off the overpass, or simply smashed. "Out shannon! If no one 'as a quick fix i'm frying those vehicles!"

[20:38] <vile> Of course Nick is running his mouth up until the point where shit starts going down. The car collides with the van and he squeaks like a frightened mouse. The shit is going on. OH GOD WHAT WHY NO. At least they're not in his car! The poor thing's been through enough! Ideas run through his mind. Shoot the wheels out? NOPE. The other cars could crash into other shit. But there's two guys with rifles in the car! Crap. Hoo boy they could use JJ just about now. He eyes Fergus and Sunder, "Do it, Sunder. It may start a pileup but we're done for if they don't get stopped. Fry the bastards or take their wheels out." He nods to the metalhead and holds on to the oh shit handle.

[20:38] <@Ashlynne> Ash gets over her pouting as she listens to Nick and frowns, "Tremor... is not a bad guy?" She was obviously confused, thinking they were going to help him somehow. "What's going on? I don't under..." The glowing girl was obviously not up on her 'tremor' rumours. When the van is slammed into she jerks to the side and squeals, grabbing at the seats to not get thrown around. The scream
[20:38] <@Ashlynne> of metal wrenching makes the girls glow vanish completely, eyes widening as she fumbles in her neck pouch for her Zort gun as they jerk around.

[20:40] <Eva`> The first bump from the assaulting vehicles was enough to prompt Shiloh to fade out into her shadow state, slipping down into the shadows along the floor of the van. There she would stay until she felt it was safe to materialize again, or was given some kind of useful orders.

[20:41] <`Alexandra> "what the f*ck!" Alexandra is tosses to the side from the massive impacts made by two heavy vehicles, pulling herself upright again she lets out a little growl before pulling her bat out. Alexandra was use to acting on her own so instead of asking permission or what the plan was she just shoved the bat through the back window and let fly with a full stregth bolt of lightning at the Semi-Truck!

[20:44] <@Shannon> "On it, Sunder!" And yes Shannon would quickly exit the vehicle, taking to the skies. It would be realllly horrible for Sunder's powers to activate with her in there. And JJ would likely be upset as well that he wasn't a part of a mission. But then the boy was feeling pretty horrible about the Griffin and Aislinn thing so his head wouldn't be in the game. "I'll be in touch, just use the
[20:44] <@Shannon> coms!" Woooo, abandoning a moving vehicle! Shannon lived dangerously! But you know, flight!

[20:51] * Angel-Pearson had been all quiet up to the point the shit hit the fan, and ever brave in the face of danger he latched onto the closest object available...Seat in front of him? Yeah. and promptly screamed like a little girl. Yay helping! This had been a -great- idea!

[20:51] * Sunder With shannon out and no one screaming any bright ideas he went for the EMP blast. Oh there would be some pretty sparks as everything electronic within a few hundred feet got well and truly fried, leaving the engines on all the cars dead. Thankfully steering and braking were manual, yeah power steeing and antilock braking were out, but that was the worst of it. Of course, EMPing meant pain, and slumping over in his seat
[20:51] <Sunder> half passed out.

[20:54] * [TremGM] *Fergus is first to return fire, the cloaked figure seems to recoil in surpise as the rounds fly through him, puffs of smoke and ash exploding from his ethereal looking wardrobe. The talons instantly jerk back, black marks of ashes powdering the holes they left. The figure seems to swoop up and over, diving down on the roof of the van to stab a single shadowy blade down inside the
[20:54] * [TremGM] vehicle near Nick and Midas! Alex's bat lets loose lighting at the Semi and there's a shower of sparks before the engine and fuel-lines light up. The now on fire rig shudders violently and begins to drift into the guardrail, metal grinding on concrete before it clips a corner and the frame throws the rest of the heap sideways. It falls clear of the van, but the blast is enough to knock it
[20:54] * [TremGM] about. Meanwhile Shannon exits the vehicle in time to see the mustang's hood and engine warp and reform into the man with the raven hair, only his skin was the same dark red as the car's paint job and with the same gloss too. He lifts his assult rifle, which is now -part- of his arm and opens fire at Shannon. Up ahead the porsche is doubleparked in the middle of the road, the riot girl
[20:54] * [TremGM] standing on the back and leveling two pistols at the windshield of the van and opening fire. She appears fearless, even with the vehicle about five seconds from hitting her dead on. Then the EMP hits and everything shuts down. The van slows slightly, but it's still bound for the porsche, the mustang seems to falter and the raven haired mutant growls in frustration and continues to fire at
[20:54] * [TremGM] Shannon full auto, even with his car slowing. At this point, they are at the top of the overpass.*

[20:58] <Midas> "DIOS MIO! NIck this your fault!" He'd accuse leaning to one side to avoid the plunging claw! If it Tarried..he'd try to press his hand against the flat of it. Why...because he could transmute it! Sure it might not help much..but gold couldn't cut through stuff as fast as most metals!

[20:59] <vile> There's not much to do at this point. Not for Nickypoo at least! Other than jump with surprise when he finds a strange guy sitting beside him. It's then that the nutty respawner flips his shit and just arts clawing at the figure with his bony fingers. There'll be a total bitch fight going from his side, complete with hair-pulling, face-ripping and he even goes for the eyes! YEAH TAKE THAT. "SHUT UP MIDAS!" he snaps and hopefully doesn't get turned into gold as well. CLUSTERFUCK. Oh god what is going on. He doesn't even get to see the suicidal girl on the porche. At least he keeps his cookies down and somewhat okaynotreally sane.

[21:02] <@Ashlynne> Not knowing what else to do the glowing girl... LEAPS from the van, arms and legs spreading out as she turns to catch the wind in in her stretched out self. Her ZORT gun is aimed and the trigger pulled, the zorty blast aimed towards Ms Fearless riot girl. The cars pull away from the girl as she parachutes backwards but she does manage to whip one hand forward, the oen not holding the gun
[21:02] <@Ashlynne> and she grips the bumper, the girl being dragged behind in the air like a drogue-chute with a gun.

[21:03] * @Shannon radiokinesis how wonderful! She could manipulate those waves and said and receive messages through the coms. "The car... the hood and engine! They're part of a man! And the gun! He can merge or shift or something!" She'd warn, not sure if they had the same sight as she from her higher vantage point. She gasped and would float higher. Muttering to herself. "Bad idea guy... REALLY
[21:03] * @Shannon bad idea!" Shooting at Shannon? She'd fire back at rifle man. Concussive force!

[21:05] <Eva`> Shiloh stayed in the shadows, waiting for the vehicle to stop moving before doing anything.

[21:06] * Sunder He was now out cold. It would be a minute or two before he came back to, in the meantime he was a sitting duck, though there was that rescue handle on his tac vest he had thoughtfully put some red markings on. Seemed like a good idea when you knew you'd knock your own fool self out mid fight at some point.

[21:10] <`Alexandra> "stopping would be good right about now please!!" Alexandra was to far away to get the driver seat to hit the breaks and she so did not want to be in this vehicle if it slammed into the porsche at its current speed so she got ready to jump out of the moving van if need be

[21:11] <Ahriman> Fergus didn't have nearly enough arms for everything that needed to be shot at! When the semi explodes, he braces himself against the van wall in front of him to keep from faceplanting. One target presumably neutralized, he looked for the next. Porsche lady seemed a good choice, so he loaded a taser shell and fired through the bullet-destroyed windshield. After that, he braced for impact.

[21:14] * [TremGM] Midas touches the blade and it begins to transmute, the rest of the blade suddenly flailing like an angry snake before it breaks off at the top. Nick doesn't get many hits in on the cloaked figure as he was still ontop of the van, but the clawing at the thing and his own flailing about managed to save him a few bullet holes from the girl fireing through the front windshield. That is
[21:14] * [TremGM] untill Ash jumps out and goes all flying squirle with a GUN?! The zort shot zips through the air and... misses. No, that wasn't quite right. The riot girl took a step to the side just before she fired... then whips her head around to clear the hair from her face as Feergus's shots whizz by. The timing wasn't just perfect... it was -lucky.- At this point, the van impacts the porsche, clattering
[21:14] * [TremGM] everything in the van violently. The riot girl? She jumped at -exactly- the right time, rolling and standing again to retrain her aim on Ash now, still firing off shots from her pistols. She seems to be having a -great- time. Meanwhile Shannon returns fire at the car-man. The blast hits the vehicle which was already slowed and shatters the frame, forcing it to grind on pavement. The man
[21:14] * [TremGM] seems to reel at the blast, but then snaps back, his form slightly dented and chipped, but otherwise ok. A hand comes out of the dash to grab at more guns from his duffle bag and they all melt into the car. When he pulls his arm free of the hood, the -entire- arm is replaced with a maddening assimbly of weapons, they all seem to cock themselves and then open fire at Shannon in a torrent.

[21:17] * Midas would shove the nod golden blade aside. "We gotta get out of here!" Shame the door was on the otherside of the van. "Go!" He'd shout at those next to him pointing at the door..of course assuming the EMP had there van stopped as well..He at least wanted to be able to move around in the event of this fight continuing...and not be a Death Trap.

[21:19] * `Alexandra took to long to try and jump so instead the magical bat girl who was standing hunched over in her seat with no seat buckle goes flying out the front window like a rocket though luckily she was facing the back of the van so she exits the front widown back first, its the ground and tumbles widely before sliding to a painful stop...

[21:20] <Ahriman> Fergus, conveniently enough, braced himself against Sunder, so that neither of them got too thrown around from the impact. He waits a moment after the crash before he figures they've definitely stopped moving, before he piles out. He paintball marker gets left in the van, in favor of the shotgun, and sligning the milkor over a shoulder. He loads another taser round into the shotgun, and
[21:20] <Ahriman> again fires at the porsche lady, ducking back to maintain cover.

[21:21] <vile> Nick's attack fails, he notices the turbulent ride isn't going to let up so he just clutches at his seat. The seat in front of him. The door. Whatever he has to hold on to so he doesn't go flying when the van smashes into the porche! Unlike Alexandra who goes flying out the windshield. That's not good. And Midas, runing like a coward. Hey that looks like a good idea! Only after the vehicle comes to a complete, and forceful, stop does he bolt out of the van like a cockroach fleeing from a lit kitchen. "Out! Before it explodes!" Oh right cars tend to explode after they hit shit. There's still guns. So many guns. He yanks out his tazer, points it at the jackass on the roof and pulls the trigger. ZORT!

[21:21] * Angel-Pearson just held on for dear life, clutching harder at the seat in front of him as he heard the insane sound of all those bullets ripping through the air, doing is best to hunch low and make as small a target as possible. Ohgodpleasedontletmegetshot. When the van impacted with the car in front of it he slammed hard against the seat to which he'd been clinging. Ow.

[21:22] <@Ashlynne> Ashy keeps hold of the vans bumper right up until the point of impact when her grip is jarred away. Not the most trained girl in the world the jerk tilts her off balance and she sort of spirals quickly to the ground, thankfully just before she's shot at by Riot girl! Ashlynne has no idea how fortunate she really was as she rolls along the road like a carpet dropped out of the back of a
[21:22] <@Ashlynne> truck. Her ZORT gun goes flying from her grip before she slows to a stop. Her hair was a mess, she had road rash on her cheek and a goose egg on her forehead, but she gets up, the stretchy girl, her glow turning a cold bluish white. Words that would put a sailor to shame slip out as she runs towards the van, trying to get to her friends. Out of the neck pouch she pulls the tazer out,
[21:22] <@Ashlynne> "IS everyone ok? Please? PLEASE be ok!" Her voice comes over her com unit. "I lost my ZORT!"

[21:24] * Sunder Thankfully the metalhead always wore his seatbelt, especially since he'd seen what most cobalt drivers did in the automotive sims. The impact would jar him awake, but he could not be described as coherent. He would look about slowly, he knew there was lots of danger and he should get somewhere safe, but everything seemed to be happening way too fast, all he could do was duck down in the wreck of the van, still belted to
[21:24] <Sunder> his seat trying to get some breath back in and let the fog lift so he could get back in the action

[21:25] <Eva`> Quite as can be, Shiloh the shadow slips from the van and, as far as anyone can tell, disappears in the shadows around them. Thank god for night time! So no one saw her making her way towards the riot girl until she was reaching out from the girl's own shadow and gave her legs a mightly tug, to try and trip her up. It was a quick movement and, sucessful or not, her arms would disappear back
[21:25] <Eva`> into the shadows, like she was never even there.

[21:26] * @Shannon apparently having a radiation symbol on her chest meant -nothing- to these guys. That and the fact that she was firing glowing green blasts at the car man. Real easy to believe She IS Radioactive. Bullets. Lead. She didn't cry out as they hit there wasn't anything for them -too- hit really that would hurt her. She fired at the gunman hoping to take him out. Not kill. Never kill even
[21:26] * @Shannon when the idiot was about to kill them all by shooting at her... Armor was getting seriously dented aand stuck part ways within her. More blasts, stronger than she intended but still trying not to be lethal. It would hurt reallly badly if hit though. Burns concussive... She couldn't... needed to stop... She cried out time. "Pulling out! Pulling out! Sorry... I have to get out of
[21:26] * @Shannon this... I'm hit... need to go.. Have to concentrate on... holding inside... Armor. Not breeched. But... a lot concentrated on me..."

[21:41] * [TremGM] At this point, anyone who can hear over the noise or doesn't have ringing in their ears and make out Riot girl talking as she continues firing at Ash and anyone attempting to get out of the van, until Fergus hops out and starts opening fire. She quickly darts back around the side of what remains of the porsche to take cover, though she doesn't seem too worried. "-I repeat. Red Knight
[21:41] * [TremGM] isn't here. Tremor isn't in the vehicle, it's just a bunch of those Cobalt people. The target's cell must have been a diversion." One can make out the com in her ear and a tattoo just off the corner of her right eye in the shape of a queen chess piece. Then Shiloh sneaks out of the shadows to try and trip Riot girl off her feet, but this was a trained professional with some kind of luck
[21:41] * [TremGM] power, she stummbles only to spin around and fire at where the hands were sticking out from the shadows, then quickly moves around to get a better vantage point. Meanwhile, the cloaked one ontop of the van gets hit with a taser as Nick exits, but the darts just punch into some kind of suit the figure wore. It wasn't like the shadow cloak, this was just a big rubber suit. The holes made by
[21:41] * [TremGM] the darts don't bleed red. Instead, ash seems to pour from them as the figure leaps down on Nick, his cloak forming more blades to strike out and stab at the zombie man. A short distance away, Car-man continues to fire at Shannon before she appears to be flying away, the returned shots however do a number on the vehicle, basicly rending it to pieces. The gun clad man sticking out of the hood
[21:41] * [TremGM] groans and slowly seems to melt his way off the car, the shots combined with the ratiation seeming to play tricks with his melding ability. Then the whole bridge seems to shake. A series of loud booms rocking the ground before the burning ruins of the semi in the distance ruture and a huge shape launches from the slag and lands behind the porsche, turning to face Midas and Alex. The figure
[21:41] * [TremGM] is a man... maybe... it's like a flesh toned hulk, only it has no -face-. It wears a fairly nice business suit, complete with hat, but where it's face should be is just a smooth surface. He looks down at the two and begins to approch them.

[21:46] * Midas stumbles from the Van shaken after it too crashed, shaking his head. "Everyone okay?" That seemed a bit of a redundant question as catch sight of blades coming for Nick...then notice..a rather large..king sized version of the not so slender man bearing down on him. "Oh hell..." Oh yes he was scared, but well..he really didn't have anywhere to run. Balling
[21:46] <Midas> he’d been training after all. Brown eyes glancing at time to really say anything or check on her. “You can leave peacefully if you want…” He’d say to the faceless brute. Of course in a straight up fight he’d get pounded, but he didn’t intend to fight fair..and the man did have clothes he could turn. He would let the brute make the first move!
[21:47] <Midas> balling up his fists he'd assume a boxers stance* <that got cut>

[21:48] <@Ashlynne> As the woman talks about the red Knight Ashy darts around the back of the fan and fires her stun-gun at the woman, the sound of the bullets hitting vehicles causing the glowing girl to damn near pee her pants. Please oh please let this one hit! Let them get at least one of them! The stun gun only had one charge, but it was a powerful one!

[21:48] <vile> Up until this point, Nick's fared pretty darn well! At least until he's skewered by that goddamn cloak. A grunt is snorted out when he's hit but there's no shrieks of pain, no real fighting or the usual reactions one would give when stabbed. That includes blood! Instead of the usual bright red, thick black ooze leaves the cuts. Instead of that mess, he rips off his gloves and...well there's no visible target on this guy! Fuck. OH TO HELL WITH IT. He goes for the holes in the guy's suit, anywhere that ash is coming out, and tries to jam his fingers in. Either he'll make those tears bigger or transfer over his injuries right back to this douche.

[21:51] * Sunder The metal head was finally getting his senses back. The seatbelt would come off, and his pistol would make its way from its holster. The woman who kept taking shots at anyone leaving the van would be a problem, except thats why JJ had made them flashbangs. He'd fish one from his tac vest, pulls the pin and lets it fly out the broken out windshield towards the womans position. He'd decide what to do about that rather
[21:51] <Sunder> unnerving shaking after he made it out of the van.

[21:52] * `Alexandra groaned as she pealed herself up off the street, she looked like she had made a fun of the size of the hulks junk! Her clothes were ripped to shred, she was bleading in several spots and her back, part of her legs, arms and her face hand some nasty road rash going on but thanks to her durability she was still in one peice. Alex started back towards the group even as she called her
[21:52] * `Alexandra fallen baseball bat back to her outstretched hand...

[21:53] <Ahriman> Fergus moves around the beck of the van, fortunate enough to not round that corner until after Slim makes his landing by the porsche. The shotgun is lowered, instead bringing up that lovely grenade launcher of his, aiming it at the Mustang Melder. A satisfying 'thump' signaled one of those special 40mm pepper grenades being launched at the man having difficulty; he didn't wait for impact,
[21:53] <Ahriman> though. He was back behind the van to maintain his cover.

[21:54] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne helps in the background from here on out, getting people out of the way and stuff.

[21:55] * Angel`Pearson his head spun for a bit after the initial impact, and he stayed slumped against the seat in front of him for a moment before pushing himself back with a little groan "..Ow. Shit." blinkblinking and shaking his head to clear out the cobwebs. That had sucked.

[22:09] <Eva`> Shiloh had slipped back into the shadows quick as a flash, narrowly missing being shot at. The riot girl wouldn't see anything as Shiloh drifted through the behind place, inside the shadows. When riot girl stopped moving to aim again, she reached out beneath her and grabbed at her legs again, before letting go and dropping back into the shadows. She was playing cat and mouse.

[22:10] * [TremGM] Midas would stand up bravely to the giant no-face monster, but if it impressed the creature there wasn't anything to show it. It reels back a fist and punches down -hard- in Midas's direction. Nick jabs his fingers into the holes and the wound exchange begins. It's a tricky thing, but somehow the suit seems to wither and develop more holes from which more ashes pour out. Theres a
[22:10] * [TremGM] strange sort of hollow sigh that escapes the cloaked foe as the blades seem to move and reshape slower. It quickly pulls back and tries to escape Nick's grasp. Ash lets the taser shot fly at riot girl, but she moves like water and narrowly avoids the shot, the taser crackling through her hair as her head whips to the side as she grins. Then Sunder's flashbang would go off and she would
[22:10] * [TremGM] stummble back, covering her eyes as she cries out in pain. Ether her luck was starting to run out or a flashbang was a hell of a thing to avoid. Fergus steps out to fire off a grenade round at the melder, who is just liquid enough for the round to sink into the portion of his body that meets the hood. He looks down, "Oh-" and BOOM. That poor car is finished off proper. Scraps of metal and
[22:10] * [TremGM] engine go flying everywhere, Fergus well out of the debris field but others might get hit by an engine block that has what looks a lot like parts of human bone inside. A portion of what looks like half a man lands near the front of the van where Angel sits, the mutant has no lower half and no arm, but his remaining arm reaches out towards the van to begin melding, though it could be just to
[22:10] * [TremGM] keep himself alive.
[22:14] * [TremGM] ALSO Shiloh's cat and mouse game with riot girl continues. While she was still blinded by the flash bang, Shiloh successfully grabs the girl's legs and throws her off balance. The girl hits the ground with a grunt. Her eyes were beginning to clear though.

[22:14] * `Alexandra lets off a blast that is similar to a high level tazer blast at the lucky girl while she is blinded by the flashbang hoping that the girl couldnt dodge while she is down on the ground and blinded!

[22:14] <Midas> "Oh god oh god oh god!" It was trying to hit him! Narrowly he'd jump to the side feeling the woosh of the fist before taking a swing at the faceless brutes outstretched arm. He was literally playing with fire, if he hit it, he'd try to convert a part of his sleeve into gold. Not a large part, as he'd dance back not really wanting to get hit by the oaf if he
[22:14] <Midas> retaliated. He desparately wanted to call out for someone to distract it so he could go for it from behind. Yet he didn’t call out for it…telling ones plan rarely worked out when shouted with the enemy in your face. He only hoped he wasn’t turned into a greasy smear before the fight was done!

[22:16] <vile> A wicked evil grin seeps across Nick's face when his attack lands. A dark chuckle rolls from his chest and he's quick to react, keen on keeping his fingers jammed into the holes. Once the claws are pulled out from his body and the wounds have been successfully transferred, he just starts tearing at the other man's suit. Spill ALL THE ASH! Yeah fuck you buddy. Not even the flying engine block goes noticed by him. Some shards of debris impale him through various parts of his body like a living dart board. Or unliving as the case may be. The injuries go unnoticed, at least for now, as they won't be much of a hassle until it's time to really move.

[22:17] * Angel`Pearson flinched at the nearby sound of the explosion, looking over at the impact sound as the half-body landed near him. His eyes widened...and as it started reaching for the van he shrieked and scrambled away. He managed to hit his SND amid his panicked flailing though, and spit his crazy hallucinogen over at the reaching half form again and again as
[22:17] <Angel`Pearson> he scrambled back. He had no idea if it would be effected atall when it went all machiney, but he wasn't really thinking clearly either.

[22:17] <Eva`> Success! That's all she needed! The flashbang was a bit inconvenient, but brief enough that as the light faded and the girl was on the ground, Shiloh used the riot girl's own shadow against her. She reached up, hooking her arms around both of riot girl's and pinned her to the ground. Basically, all that was sticking out of the shadows were two elbows, her shoulders and hands still in shadow.
[22:17] <Eva`> Her face materializes beside the girl's head. "Shoot her, Ash!"

[22:18] * Sunder As soon as the flashbang went off he'd dash up to the front of the van, using the dash as a place to brace his pistol while he lined up the rather lucky woman who was fond of shooting at them. He couldn't see shiloh hidden in shadow, but he could see the woman face down. He'd line up the shot fast, letting a .40 slug fly at each of her arms, hoping to have her out of the gunnery business for the night.

[22:23] <Ahriman> Midas may not have called out for a distraction, but with luck, he'd be getting one. One car down, and most of the rest pretty well occupied, Fergus brought his attention to Dr. Noface. This time it was back to the shotgun, loaded with the beanbag round. A vein along his left temple throbs to prominence; in the midst of HOLYSHITSTUFFISHAPPENING, the silly Scot had completely forgotten to
[22:23] <Ahriman> activate that ability. Now fully powered, he took a calming breath, then fired at where the big man's face should have been.

[22:35] * [TremGM] Midas strikes out to turn part of the faceless giant's sleve gold, but instead the transmutation goes all the way through! It would seem the clothes are just part of his body, which is some kind of organic clay. The giant doesn't seem to feel it though, as it cracks off the portion of it's arm that isn't gold and takes a step back, reaching out to the back part of the ruined porsche
[22:35] * [TremGM] and sinking it's thick fingers into the frame before lifting the whole rear axle of the car off the ground and swinging it at Midas! Before the vehicle can hit home, a beanbag strikes the giant in his lack of a face. It seems to pause a moment, still holding the car, and then stomps past Midas on it's way to Fergus. Vile continues to make more holes in the cloaked stranger's suit, ashes
[22:35] * [TremGM] pouring out regularly now. When the debris fly at them, the damage is also transferred, but one round in particular stikes the back of the figure's head. the cloak seems to slip away in smoke as the fiberglass like helmit of the cloaked foe cracks from both the sustained punishment of the new wounds and the explosion and it's form shakes violently before going limp. The helmit's face plate
[22:35] * [TremGM] shows nothing but a skull, grinning out at Nick. Angel fires his -sweet sweet drugs- at the almost dead melder. What little of the melder's brain was still organic seemed to trigger off of the stuff, but the reaction was muted. His depth perception suffers from it though and he just flops around on the ground reaching for anything mechanical at all. Riot girl is pinned by Shiloh, but now
[22:35] * [TremGM] the lucky mutant's sight was back and she was fairly dissapointed with the whole situation. She sees them finish off the cloaked one and calls out over the coms, "WAIT!" as if both to the cobalt team -and- her own... "Stand down..."
[22:40] * [TremGM] BUT ALSO Alex's blast uses up the last of Riot girl's luck. The blast hits her, true, but it -also- frees her from Shiloh who still has her arms exposed. She rolls away just as Sunder's shots would hit home, but by now her luck is all but gone as a round catches her in an arm. It's a bad one too... broken bone. But the alternative was worse so maybe she's still ucky after all. He
[22:40] * [TremGM] looks at them, holding her arm and dropping her weapon, "I said stand down!" and the giant no-face headed for Fergus seems to freeze and lowers the car in his grasp. Melder guy on the ground just twitches.

[22:41] * Midas blinked agast! "The hell are oh shi-" His shock as the giant cracks off a portion of it's own arm, then the car was coming! He threw his hands up if that would help. He little time to dodge..then...nothing happened? He didn't realize the faceless man had been hit in the face. Since the car wasn't coming at him he'd scramble back from the

[22:41] <vile> Nickypoo stares down at the grinning soul and his face contorts into a grimace. AIEE! He takes a quick step away and whirls around to see if anyone else is in need of assistance. But then the Riot girl hollers! His head snaps up and he stares at her. The shrapnel that's embedded in his body is yanked out and thrown to the ground. A piece from his leg, one from his side, a small bit in his shoulder. It's not enough to affect his mobility but he'll have to get it patched up once he gets home. A quick stride carries him towards Riot and the ruined cars. Both his hands are raised to show he's unarmed. "Stand down!" he echoes the order, even speaking with an authoratiave tone.

[22:41] <Midas> brute, in a wide circular arc. He’d let the brute turn his back to him completely before he dared try anything else! Not having heard the Stand down notice he’d prepare to fling himself at the giants back at the first opportunity…only waiting for the right time! Which doesn't come as the car is lowered...but the teen is still tense.

[22:45] * `Alexandra stands down but she is not to happy with the idea cause she love to pay back everyone for the many ouches that she now has, looking around for a second she heads over to a street lamp and holding out her bat smile as a arc of electricity shoots out hits her bat as she starts to charge up the bat just in case...

[22:46] * @Shannon incase people missed it at the Sanctum: Shannon would send a messgae on the comms. "Team, Ion reporting. Made it back to the Sanctum alright, changing suits now. Do you need back up? Me to return?"

[22:47] * Sunder His aim would move from the woman, to the big thing holding the car. She was shouting for a stand down, but while that sob was weilding a car like a baseball bat that didn't seem likely. Still this called for a strategy shift, a handgun wasn't going to do a thing. he'd glance to angel, grinning evily "Oi! Angel! Think you can tag mr 'ulk o'er there?"

[22:49] <Eva`> Shiloh is hit! Friendly fire! Alex's attack on riot girl sends a shock through her arms, causing her to let go of the girl and drop back into the shadows, where she stays for the moment.

[22:50] <Ahriman> "Um.. negative, Ion. Cease fire called." His voice was kinda small. Especially compared to the mass of..whatever it was..whose face had just absorbed a beanbag. And was holding a car like it was a kite. He had loaded a taser round into the shotgun as Dr. Noface approached, but with Porsche lady apparently calling off the troops, he lowered the barrel.

[22:51] * Angel`Pearson his brain kinduv took hold again once he was a safe distance from the half-body of the machine shifter guy. Oh! There were people around! Friendly Cobalt people! His arm quickly snapped down to switch off his SND before a thick cloud of the airborn hallucinogen could take shape around him. His head snapped up when he heard Sunder call his name, looking from him to the giant. He'd heard the stand down order, but wasn'
[22:52] <Angel`Pearson> to the giant. He'd heard the stand down order, but wasn't sure who it was meant for. Woo conflicting input!

[22:53] * [TremGM] Riot girl speaks over the coms, not taking her eyes off of her opponents, "He's not here. Tremor tricked us somehow. Black Bishop 1 is down. Black Knight is critical. I'm calling an abort." she glances to the faceless giant, "That means -now- Rook!" The giant seems almost sad and turns around to grab up what remainedof the melder and slowly stomp down the road where an unmarked black
[22:53] * [TremGM] helicopter had already landed, armed men disembarking to defend the position should Cobalt choose to advance on them. Riot girl seems to cradle her arm and wince slightly, which was the first weakness she had shown tonight. She then looks back to Nick who had also been given a stand down order, "Where is Tremor?"

[22:54] <Midas> "If he was up your ass you'd know.." He'd spit out all pissy like at the question, as apparently the fight ended. No he wasn't happy with being attacked...not at all.

[22:56] <vile> Nick opens his mouth to reply but he's cut off by a laugh when Midas chimes in instead. It takes him a minute to recover, get a straight face on and answer: "No idea. We were heading to the location given to us but you guys intercepted us before we could arrive. Chances are he's not there anymore. We lost him too." He continues to approach Riot girl but stops when those guys come out of the choppa.

[22:57] * Sunder Blinks, they actually were stopping the fight? and guys out of a black helicopter. "Oh bloody 'ell... Who the 'ell are you all with?" He'd holster his gun, slowly climbing out of the wreck of the van. He had a feeling there was a lot of paperwork coming in the near future.

[23:00] <Ahriman> Guys in a helicopter? There was a milkor for that. The shotgun hung from its sling, his hand once more transfering to the more powerful weapon. He just set it there, though; no sense in levelling it on anyone, and getting all shot up. "Ion, can you dispatch retrieval? I think we're done here."
[23:02] <Ahriman> Poor Fergus didn't realize his comm wasn't working. THANKS SUNDER.

[23:02] * [TremGM] Riot girl ups a brow at this, "Who gave you the location?" she says when Nick finishes laughing. A glare is spared to Midas before she looks over at Sunder, "We're with people who would be very interested in seeing Tremor gone." The chopper was way down the road, as where the armed men. Her eyes dart between Fergus and Sunder who seemed the most armed at the moment, keeping an eye
[23:02] * [TremGM] on Alex too as she charges her bat.

[23:02] <[TremGM]> **Oh crap. Youre right...**
[23:03] <Sunder> **Yep, all comm units fried. sunder is good at that.
[23:03] <[TremGM]> **HANDWAVE Badguys comcs must be immune to EMP or... got a reboot or... something.**

[23:03] <Midas> "I don't think anyone remembers where...Yanno on the count of our van being in the middle of a car wreck..." Of course he didn't know the exact coordinates...but that wouldn't stop him from being a smart ass...and assumed midas was close enough to hear her anyway.

[23:04] <Sunder> **or someone was overwatching the operation from beyond a few hundred feet and therefore was out of range, problem solved!

[23:04] * `Alexandra glares at the guys that jump out of the helicopter.."you guys owe us a van and me a new outfit, this was one of my favorite shirts.." Alex finished charging up the bat because she will never get back as much as she expended right now but she had more then enough to flash fry a few people or that helicopter if she really wanted too

[23:05] <vile> "You'll be competing with us because we want him back." He tells Riot girl and glances over at Midas. "You aren't taking him out.He's part of our team. We're retrieving him." He crosses his arms over his chest and watches the helicopter. "So get your ass out of here."

[23:06] <Eva`> Shiloh would rise up from the shadows somewhere behind Nick, and near the others. Arms crossed, she just stood there trying to look badass and intimidating. NOPE. She was pretty peeved, though.

[23:08] * Sunder Suddenly lost that feeling that they were on the same side. ".. Answers now, or your chopper goes dead an you are all stuck on this bridge bleeding waiting for our people to show up and cart you off. Who the bloody hell are you with?"

[23:11] * [TremGM] Riot girl's expression turns grim, "Fine. It doesn't matter who planted the cell in your van. We'll find out sooner or later." she turns and begins making her way to the chopper, leaveing their fallen team member's corpse. Then Sunder lays out his demands and she turns slowly to glare at him and then to Nick, "Make sure your troops stand down. I hardly think you want to be held
[23:11] * [TremGM] responsible for a war on your little sanctum."

[23:12] <Ahriman> Well then. Fergus steps up behind Nick, so that Nick has a vaguely intimidating half-black guy with large weapons standing behind him. Maybe that would help with whatever the Tomcat and the Porsche lady were talking about.

[23:15] <vile> So he has a lanky girl and an somewhat intimidating half-black dude standing behind him. Noreallyit'sawesome. "We are standing down but that doesn't mean we're going to let you run like a scared bitch. Tremor's one of our people and we came out to collect him. It wouldn't be the first war we've had. That's not really something you should be throwing around like an idle threat." He narrows his eyes at her, "So tell us what you know or you'll be one chopper short and walking home. Those are expensive I hear."

[23:17] * Midas wanted to be part of the badass brigade too! Thusly...since none of there own seemed seriously injuried beyond a little road rash, and some bruises he'd make his way over too, standing behind nick but slightly to the left! This time he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to be the spark of a war if one started here.

[23:18] * Sunder Judges the distance between him and the chopper. Those things tended to have lots of very sensitive instruments. And for the moment perhaps it was best to leave their electronics a little blind till the standoff was resolved. He'd start jamming, radio and radar would go dead, not that anyone who had been near him earlier had any functioning electronics anyways, but the chopper and troops weren't calling home.

[23:19] * Angel`Pearson Yeah! He just kinduv hung back trying to stay out of the way, still feeling a bit shellshocked from the crash. He really hoped everyone didn't start shooting again, being shot hardly sounded like fun.

[23:19] * `Alexandra stays where she is but she lifts her bat and lets it crackle with energy as she levels it at the helicopter and mhave no doubt she cut a impressive figure as she stood there covered in blood and road rash with her eyes glowing bright white with that baseball bat that had been throwing lightning around earlier..

[23:24] * [TremGM] Riot girl frowns and seems to mull over her options before bitterly yelding, "We thought he was dead. YOu can imagine our surpise when we catch word through a black room monitoring station that he was in Salem. Still that wasn't enough to go off of. We don't typically look for confirmed kills. Then roughly an hour ago we get a call from a cell regiestered to a photo idea matching
[23:24] * [TremGM] Tremor's description. It called our office. Our office isn't listed. In fact, there are many ten people on the planet who know the number to our line. We traced the signal back to your van as it was in route. Orders came to kill the target on sight. We didn't expect anyone else." she glares, "That's all you're getting for now..." She glances between Sunder, then Alex, both whom seemed set
[23:24] * [TremGM] to down her chopper, "I'm leaving now."

[23:26] <Midas> "There was a phone I found..." He'd speak up. "I tried to show you guys..but then we started getting rammed.." It was probably still in the van somewhere...he'd say motioning to the wreck.

[23:27] <Eva`> Shiloh glanced at Midas, then back at the riot girl, just waiting for the next move.

[23:28] <vile> Nick eyes Midas and quietly grunts. "I didn't hear you announce that." He runs a hand through his hair and turns his attention back to Riot girl. "Splendid. So we were both set up. Excellent. Confirmed kill? So Tremor's already dead?" He doesn't really bother ask what the group's business is. That'd probably be 'assassins'. Or at least that's the conclusion he's jumping to!

[23:30] * Sunder thought through the possibilities.. they could sneak shiloh on board the chopper real quick. no promises she wouldn't be discovered and killed when it got where it was going. they could ground the chopper, and deal with what came after. or wait till the chopper lifted off, zap it and watch a nice firey wreck. he'd speak quietly to alexandra "'ow much range you got? I can get it easy on the ground no casualties, but
[23:30] <Sunder> if you can reach that thing after it's lifted off.."

[23:32] <`Alexandra> "Tremor set us up, he planted the phone and then had it auto dial these people so they would attack us while he could get away or just see what he was up against" Alexandra didnt outwardly answer Sunder but she gave him a small smile and very slight nod of her head that was meant to she that she could nail that thing with ease if it took off and they wanted to go that route

[23:32] <Ahriman> Fergus hefted the milkor onto his shoulder, just to make sure it was seen. Finger was still off the trigger, but he grinned an overly eager little grin, like he was hoping someone would slip and he'd get to shoot some more. That order would have to come from Nick, though. He was leader this time; he'd have to deal with that mess.

[23:36] <vile> Nick snaps his fingers and points at Alexandra, "I think we have a winner. Well that's splendid. I wish Tremor could decide if he's a good guy or a villain. All this flopping around is seriously pissing me off." He strolls towards Sunder, wondering what all that whispering was about. A glance is cast to the rest of the team and OH WAIT. Are they waiting on orders? Crap. Where the hell is Gina or Sisip when they're needed? He quietly sighs. Comm units would be useful. "They have offices. Survelliance, teams, helicopters, heavy firepower. If we take that one chopper down, the rest of them will know and they'll bring it to our home. I don't think it's worth it just because we're pissed off. Stand down. It's a draw tonight. It's not in our best interest to start shit with these people." is muttered just loud enough for the waiting team members to hear.

[23:38] * [TremGM] Riot girl shrugs, "That I don't know. A setup isn't like him though... he's more direct than this." She glances between the members of the Cobalt team as the eye her or the chopper, "Look, I have a bullet in my arm and a lot of paper work to do. One is set to have me unconscious and near death and then other is a bullet wound. Let's make a deal. I can stay Tremor's termination
[23:38] * [TremGM] prodivded I have a bigger threat to give my superiors. We can meet again at a later time to exchange intel."

[23:40] <Midas> "Don't forget your dead guy..." he'd pipe up..paling a little when he finally noticed the..corpse? Shivering a little, he didn't wanna and wouldn't ask.

[23:40] * Sunder sighs, she finally decided to get friendly about the whole thing! "'ell couldn't you 'ave made a friendly gesture earleir?" He'd drop the jamming field, their radar and radios would start working again "off you go, on your bike then!"

[23:41] * `Alexandra nods at Nick letting the power recede back into her bat before flipping it up and sliding it back into its sheeth on her back, she was in a lot of pain but she wasnt about to show it while these guys were around, let them think she could take a crash like that and walk away from it without nary a concern..

[23:42] <Ahriman> "Wait!" he called toward the woman before the rival team left, lowering his big weapon. "Um.. you think we could borrow a radio or something? Ours are kinda.. busted."

[23:43] <vile> "I'll take that ultimatum. That sounds satisfactory, doesn't it?" He glances around to the rest of his group, dons a charming smile and strolls towards Riot girl. "And as a gesture of good faith, I can even heal up that gunshot wound of yours." The fingers of one hand are wiggled in her direction like it'll tell her he's a healer or something. Of course not but it indicates how he'll be doing the healing. "And we'd appreciate that radio. So we can get home. Or call a taxi."

[23:44] <Eva`> Shiloh takes her phone from her pocket, but nothing is done with it yet. She just holds it, waiting for this little exchange to be over.

[23:46] * Sunder of course all cell phones, radios, and electronics of any sort at all that had been within a hundred feet of sunder were fried.

[23:46] <`Alexandra> (shiloh was in another realm when your blast went off)
[23:48] <Sunder> ((okay, shiloh is being made the mule for everyones personal electronics at the start of a mission if sunder happens to be around.))

[23:49] * [TremGM] Riot girl turns and makes her way slowly past Alex on her way to the chopper, wary of the bat swinging girl in her current state. She winces at her arm again and attempts to regain composure, glancing over her shoulder with that 'I'll be back' look when Fergus steps up and ask for a radio along with Nick offering heals, "Oh... uhm..." all secret killer spy seems to leave her, as she
[23:49] * [TremGM] searches through her pockets, "Yeah, I've been there. It always sucks and the signal out here can be horrible." he fishes out a small satalite phone and hands it to Fergus, "That has unlimiited minutes." as if to impress the guy. Then to Nick, "No thanks. We have our own. Company policy." She glances to Midas, "Uhm... I'm not sure we even have a clean up team for him." She was talking about
[23:49] * [TremGM] the corpse.

[23:50] <[TremGM]> *emp shielded phone btw**
[23:50] <[TremGM]> *because MAGIC*

[23:52] <Ahriman> SO. Instead of calling back to Cobalt over the comm, Fergus uses the fancy-schmancy phone to call for retrieval. In the meantime, he goes back to the now-ruined team van to retrieve the rest of his weaponry.

[23:53] <vile> "Very well." He offers a charming smile and wave to her before glancing over to the corpse. "Just phone your guys. I'm sure your boss can find some peon to send out here with a cardboard box or something. I take it you have numbers to get in touch with us." He turns to face Fergus and continues smiling. OH RIGHT the van. There's probably more crap in there to get that's worth saving. At least it didn't explode or anything.

[23:54] <[TremGM]> **havewave so I can get to bed. Riot girl gets her phone back and leaves. Team is free to collect ghost guy's remains or if Nick wants a creepy trophy. Phone will likely still be inside though in pieces.**

[23:54] * `Alexandra doesnt move or make any hostile movement towards Riot Girl though she really really wanted to show her what her a indestructible bat can do to her but decides not to at this moment in time

[23:54] <[TremGM]> **Cobalt transport shows up along with road crews to clear the mess. No one gets ice cream because I'm mean.**

[23:55] <vile> Nick totally gets everyone ice cream when they get back >:(

[23:55] * Midas totally takes the claw with him....Midas intends to hang that up in his room. Seriously.