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Jazmin Turner

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:33 am
by vile
Player Nickname: vile

Name: Jazmin Turner
Age: 17
Date of Birth: November 11, 1994

Height: 5'9
Weight: 160
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Atlanta, GA
Nationality/Race: African-American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other

Occupation: None. Homeless, lives off of what she can get on the street.

Personality Profile: The only personality Jaz seems to have is varying degrees of irritation. Most of her day is spent with her panties riding right up in her crack because she's just not a pleasant individual and lacks any motivation to better her life. Her short but hard life has left her jaded and introverted, caring more for herself than anyone else. But she'll go out of her way to help a person in need because under that rocky exterior lies a good person that's just been beaten down.

Physical Description: Jaz isn't much to look at. Maybe if she spent the time to do her hair up, put some makeup on or get some new clothes that fit, she'd be a lovely individual. But she does none of that stuff, opting to use what little drive she has to procure food and shelter. She's lightweight and lanky, built like a model and has the bone structure of one, stunning dark skin and full lips. She doesn't do much to her hair other than trim it so it's just a puffball on her head.



Powerset: Telekinetic

Ability One: Telekinesis The ability to move an object with one's mind.

* Jazmin can influence objects by sheer force of will alone. This includes simple rolling of a pencil to picking it up and flinging it across the room. The upwards limit of her power is roughly that of an average car: 2 tons. While it's possible for her to push higher than that, say to move a truck, it will take quite a bit of effort and start putting her in harm's way, risking some severe side-effects. The lower limit of strength, when she's perfectly calm, is roughly twenty pounds of force.

Ability Two: Flight

* The ability to fly is actually an extension of her telekinesis. She can lift herself and either hover around or fly, having complete control over her movements. There's no time limit to this ability but the same weight limit applies along with the mood control. It doesn't take very much energy to hover so she can maintain this fairly well even on low power. She enjoys hovering but doesn't get much actual flight time in due to her restrictions.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

*To use any of her powers at a respectable power level, she has to be at least pissed-off. Her powers are directly related to her mood and the strength fluctuates along with that. If she's pleased, happy or even impassive, she'll be pretty weak. And if her power's activated and she calms down, she'll lose strength until it fades away or she gets worked up again.

*She can rile herself up but it's not as effective as external sources.

*Psychics, empaths, anyone that can influence mood are a major source of trouble for her as they can influence moods.

*As she genuinely enjoys flight, she has quite a bit of trouble staying aloft for periods of time. If she can stay worked up, she can get some good times in. But it's generally not worth the risk so she avoids joyflights, carrying passengers or precious cargo.

* As she gains strength, her blood pressure rises significantly. Once at a moderate strength, blood trickles from her nose and she develops a headache. Once maxed out, the blood vessels in her eyes can burst and turn them a dark red. This takes days to heal and causes her great discomfort. If pushed too far, she can suffer a stroke, fall into a coma or pass out for the rest of the day.

*She doesn't have a high level of dexterity when using her telekinetic powers. It's something she needs to work on. At the moment she can work reasonably well but nothing spectacular like setting up a game of dominoes.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Ability to use powers at will so they won't be controlled by mood (gradually as she grows more accustomed to her powers).

Skills: Survival, sleight of hand, dirty fighting, brawling. Most of her skills and knowledge are based around practical things.

Background: Jaz had a very hard life from the get-go. Born into a low-income family in a house with far too many people living in a very small house, she didn't have much room to stretch and thrive. School didn't appeal to her when she actually showed up and her grades reflected that. If she ever passed a course, it wasn't by much. Her parents did as best they could to raise her but one day she'd just had enough.

That day she stormed out to start a life elsewhere. A runaway at 12, she set out into the world to find her place elsewhere. It got old fast but she was determined to not go back home. Not when she had to share a single bedroom with four siblings. She did what she had to in order to survive. Steal, crash in whatever buildings she could find a way in, panhandle, anything to keep going.

Something unexpected popped up when she hit puberty: mutant powers. It was something she couldn't have been prepared for. They first showed up when she got attacked by a guy who couldn't take 'no' for an answer. One minute he laid hands on her and the next found himself embedded in the windshield of a car across the road.

The rest of her life is a blur, filled with run-ins with the cops, near-misses with fellow low-lives. That brings us to today where she's still trying to find a place in life, a next meal and some happiness.

Criminal Record: A number of assault and theft charges, time spent in juvenile hall for skipping class.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: