Avery McCay - [Trompe]

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Avery McCay - [Trompe]

Post by Laurie »

Player Nickname: Laurie

Name: Avery McCay
Codename: Trompe
Age: 23
Date of Birth: Sept. 13

Height: 5'10" (1.78m)
Weight: 175 lbs (79 kg)
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Light brown
Place of Origin: Ottawa
Nationality/Race: Canadian(Caucasian)
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Former call center tech support

Personality Profile: Inquisitive and generally sociable, though with a bit of a nervousness to him, what with his life having been all turned upside down in his recent past.

Physical Description: Avery is of moderate build, with short curly blonde hair and a vague attempt at a beard that his light hair on his barely tanned skin can't really make look more than stubbly. He has a slightly long face, a straight nose, and a sharp chin- generally sharp features in general, softened by his light brown eyes.


Powerset: Surface based illusion/space altering.

Ability One:Trompe l'oeil: Avery can cause visual alteration of any generally flat and uninterrupted surface, including creating an appearance of depth 'underneath' the surface. For instance, a solid floor might appear to develop a hole into an open space underneath it, or a wall might appear to have a window in it through which can be seen another room or environment. Any such depth effects are consistent from any angle while Avery is maintaining the illusion. He can affect up to ten square feet of noncontinuous surface at a time, and does not need to maintain close contact to maintain the effect, though he does need to remain within the general vicinity.

The surface the illusion is projected onto sometimes remains partially visible, due to irregularities and shading from ambient light- and, of course, any objects will still treat the original object with whatever degree of solidity it already had. The net effect, dependent on viewpoint and lighting, is anywhere from a 'window' through which the illusion is visible to a convincing alteration of the environment like a matte painting. Light sources within the effect will cast light out of the surface, but not strongly, and reflective surfaces will reflect accurately.

When he stops actively maintaining an effect, only a still image is left behind on the surface in the form of a fragile film- if there was any three dimensional appearance such as perspective, it will then only be 'correct' from one particular vantage point, as in trompe l'oeil painting. This image remnant tends to deteriorate quickly, but can be(for instance) varnished to preserve it.

To affect a surface, it needs to be generally flat(No more than about eleven degrees of curvature) and fairly smooth- a flat brick or tile wall would work well, while a cylindrical pillar or a field-stone wall would not. Specifically, only a small portion of the cylinder's radius could be affected, up to about eleven degrees, while individual planes of the stone surface could be affected but the overall wall would be far too irregular to hold the image. If two walls at a greater angle than can be affected continuously are used, there will be a small seam between them- the illusory space will not be continuous though Avery can somewhat disguise this.

Ability Two: Roadrunner special: With the typical use of his power, Avery can pretend to interact with his illusions in a manner reminiscent of Gertie the Dinosaur- but he is also capable of physically entering the normally illusory space, taking with him clothes and other small items in contact with him but not any larger items or living creatures. No matter what apparent depth his illusion has, the actual interact-able volume of the space cannot exceed six feet in depth from the surface. Any damage done to the surface while he is inside may damage himself as well if it disrupts his image, and general breaking of the surface to the point where it cannot maintain the image can be seriously dangerous, though he usually would be ejected before actually being killed by this. He cannot move between non-contiguous illusory spaces, such as between a wall and a floor illusion- and if a break in the surface he is altering interrupts the image from one edge to the other, it will similarly be split into completely separate spaces(hopefully with him in only one of them, or he'd lose some of those body parts he is generally attached to).

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Creating his effects is difficult for Avery- he has only barely practiced serious use of it, and in fact has only actually managed to activate his secondary power a single time to date. Generally, his abilities do not have much in the way of drawbacks per se, but they still are significantly circumscribed by environmental factors.

Projected Power Growth & Development: With actual training, Avery will probably grow more comfortable and expressive in the use of his abilities, as well as perhaps finding ways to manage the limits of his ability.

Skills: Avery is a a bilingual Canadian with general suburban survival skills, an associate's degree in computer science, and a modest CV in tech support positions. He cannot build rayguns of any sort, but he can definitely walk you through resetting your modem and reinstalling an antivirus.

Background: From the time he was a fairly young boy in Rockcliffe Park, Avery amused himself with doodling idly as a sideline to his proper education, but it was not until he was halfway through his degree course at the University of Ottawa that his doodles started to animate. And given the stress the guy was under, little wonder that it took him a while to believe that it was real- a while, and the fact that a few others saw him do it. Fortunately, none of his friends turned immediately upon him for being a mutant, but he still kept things rather on the down low for some time, practicing on a very small scale in private. He never even told his girlfriend at the time- or the one after that.
Post graduation, he barely stayed in touch with his old group of friends, moving to downtown Ottawa and a succession of tech support jobs. He settled in with his girlfriend, Helene, and was vaguely considering his life to have decided upon a comfortable course. Showing his girlfriend his mutant abilities, before moving deeper in their relationship, seemed like the next logical step. And boy, did that go over like the In and Out scandal.
Of course, her family got involved. And so his his family. And soon everyone knew he was a mutant, things were generally uncomfortable all around, and he decided to take a hard look at options. Massachusetts seemed like a fairly nice place to take his nest egg.
Criminal Record: Three fairly minor vandalism charges in Ontario, charges dropped. A couple of parking tickets.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Avery is a fan of music from the sixties and seventies, loves lemon pie, and while he cannot quote the fights historical from Marathon to Waterloo in order categorical he CAN, at least, manage to belt out the majority of the Major General's song, as well as a few other songs one might not typically use in social situations. Unless you have weird friends.

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