C-team to the rescue!

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C-team to the rescue!

Post by vile »

[22:18] <Ph`Ahriman> As he so enjoyed doing, Hayden woke his fiery captive at random hours, always keeping her guessing, keeping her mind from getting any meaningful rest. He may not be harming her physically, but he stuck in a mental knife and was taking all sorts of pleasure twisting it slowly. "Wakey wakey, Kayla. It's time we had a chat."

[22:22] <@Kayla> The short redhead jerks awake, almost violently. She'd been trying to nap when she could, desperate to find a way out of this. Her blindfold was on once again, not that it mattered, they were fairly lazy with it and seemed to forget about the fact that she could feel them easier than seeing them. Well, if she wasn't as doped up as they'd made her before. "Wut... I... what now." She's
[22:22] <@Kayla> tired and starting to sound almost defeated.

[22:31] <Ph`Ahriman> "I don't think our little arrangement here is really working out very well. You don't seem to be quite what I was looking for when I originally borrowed you." He was paving around her slowly as he spoke, pausing briefly to check that her SND was secure. "I think that mans it's time for our arrangement to change. You're not useful to me anymore."

[22:34] <@Kayla> The already pale girl seems to pale even more as the implications of what that means runs through her head. Unable to help herself Kayla begins to cry, "No.. no I can find someone.. I promise.. just.. give me another.. chance.. I promise you I'll try harder." Please don't kill me. PLEASE don't kill me! "I won't fight.. anymore.. I'll find someone... Sir.. please..." She didn't want to
[22:34] <@Kayla> disappear, vanish into the night.. she just wanted to go home.

[22:38] <Ph`Ahriman> "Kill you? Kayla, I promised your friends I wouldn't hurt you. And if nothing else, I'm a man of my word. But, your parents. And your boyfriend. And I'm sure some of your other friends, they're all forfeit now." He steps up next to her, then crouches, so that his voice is closer as the menace lowers its volume a bit. "You should have just been honest from the start. I cannot abide liars."*

[22:42] <@Kayla> Tensing up Kayla whimpers as he mentions her family and friends, trying to shy away as his voice whispers into her ear, "I didn't.. I can.. find mutants.. I didn't lie! I promise!" She just didn't tell ALL the truth, that was better, right? "Please.. don't hurt them, Sir." She'd learned the hard way that disrespecting Hayden was a bad idea. He didn't do anything himself, at all, the
[22:42] <@Kayla> man WAS a man of his word, but the emotional scarring was something that would make even the most stoney hearted brute crumble.

[22:52] <Ph`Ahriman> Hayden sighed. "Please don't beg, Kayla. It's so distasteful. And we both know it's not going to work. Finding mutants isn't the hard part. I could their a rock and hot three below it touched the ground. It's specifics I'm after, and you're just not the girl for the job." He was faking so much compassion, it was giving him a headache. He stood and crossed his arms, but only briefly, before a hand reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose.

[22:57] <@Kayla> She didn't know what to do, he'd just threatened her family, her friends, he'd kidnapped her and held her.. she was just so confused. "... I don't know what to do ... I could try.. just once more."

[23:00] <Ph`Ahriman> "And what? Suddenly manifest a brand new power? I'm sure there are some among us with that ability, but no doubt they're far more rare than people with my own gifts." His previously calm, though venom-filled voice, was now agitated. But it calmed again before he continued. "Since you can't find what I want, why don't you tell me shay you already know? About the mutants of Cobalt Hill."*

[23:04] <vile> The chopper VROOOOMS through the sky, piloted by the oh-so-talented Blue Man! It moves fast, about the speed of a handwave, and zooms towards the location Sisip gave their pilot. The C-team is coming to rescue the day!

[23:07] <@Kayla> "I... " She wasn't about to deny the fact that she couldn't really sprout a new power but when he started asking about Cobalt people she froze. "I... can't.. I won't." Kayla begins to tremble. She knew what saying no could mean but she couldn't tell those kind of secrets to a man like Hayden.

[23:10] <Ph`Ahriman> He chuckled. It was an ordinary amused chuckle, but no doubt something terrible to someone held captive for so long. "Kayla, we both know you very well can. Now we're just negotiating." There's the sound out an approaching helicopter, but considering where he chose to keep his captive, he figured out was a police chopper, looking for done crack haven. Still, always a cautious man, he sent out a text.

[23:14] <@Kayla> She could, for the most part. She didn't know EVERYONES power but she certainly knew a few. As he chuckles she whimpers once again, ".. nuh ... negotiating?" Did Hayden negotiate? Her shoulders slump even more as she shakes her head, despair creeping in. She could... but she wouldn't. "I will not." Her voice is quiet, meek, like an itty bitty trembling mouse.

[23:15] * [Edward_White] spots the New York skyline and adjusts his glasses, waiting for the chopper to find a proper landing zone. No one seemed to be forming a plan yet so he ventured one himself, "Midas, If you can turn a local power transformer to gold, it should screw with the grid enough to cut the electricity to the local area. I'll act as decoy while Nick and Katie secure Kayla and get out.... unless
[23:15] * [Edward_White] someone has a better idea?"

[23:16] <Katie_O> That works for me. Katie says nodding, like nodding her head was the only way to stop her mouth from spitting out an odd variety of nonsense that would be totally out of place here.

[23:17] <Midas> "A what?" He had an idea of what Edward was talking about of course. "No..not really, just point it out to me, and I'll give it a try." Doing his best to stay optimistic of course, as he slipped off his overshirt, and set his phone to silent.

[23:18] <vile> The chopper reaches its destination: on top of Random Warehouse Number 32b! The blades wind down to a stop, letting the ragtag group of would-be heroes get back on solid ground! Nickypoo is more than happy to hurtle off the craft and get back on solid ground. It even takes him a couple of steps to get balanced on his feet. Once he has his landlegs back, he turns to face the group. "As I'm the only team member on this surprise mission, I'll be taking the place of leader." There's an odd tone in his voice, one of authority! A strange thing to hear in the normally quiet man's speech! "I honestly don't know, Edward. We don't know how many Haydens there will be there, as he can spawn more as he pleases, and his henchmen. One teleports, the one who walks through walls escaped last time. So we have to assume those two are present and that they'll try to make off with Kayla. I say we just get to her as fast as we can and make everything else up as we go. That's the plan: to rescue our friend and teammate, not to 'win' and defeat Hayden once and for all."

[23:23] <Katie_O> nods, summoning up her well of inner strength and determination Alright, I'm ready to make some shit up, and if I tell you guys someone's dead, it's cause I'm talking to them. Then makes sure she's behind Nick and ready to rock
[23:24] * `Emily sat back just listening to people make the plans as she mentally prepared herself not to do anything stupid tonight, no throwing classic cars or in the case no throwing helicopters, just get into save people and dont get dead in the process...

[23:25] <Ahriman> "You may actually upset me, Kayla. I'm If you won't cooperate with me, I can always carve it out of Marlo. See, I made no promise to leave him unharmed." A bluff, but she had no way of knowing that. Cheryl had been great in setting that up for him.

[23:26] * Midas hopped off the chopper...cause well it had landed. "Alright." Would be his reply to Nick taking change glancing at Edward for a moment, then back at Nick. "So...Where are they?" He'd ask...wondering if they'd landed on the building..or just one close by.

[23:28] <vile> "Hopefully this building. Hard to say exactly where. Try to keep the noise levels down in the meantime. Get ready. Just keep in mind our objective is to get Kay and run back here. No heroics unless it's absolutely necessary. There's no need to lose a second person tonight. And we don't leave anyone behind." A hand is waved through the air and he trots towards the access stairs on the roof. The door is yanked open and he trots down the stairs, beginning their search for Kayla.

[23:28] * [Edward_White] nods as Nick takes charge -like a boss-. "Understood." he looks to Midas, "Look if it's a box with a bunch of wires running into it, odds are it will short out if you turn the whole thing gold. You'll know it when you see one. For now..." he nods in Nick's direction, "I'd say he has seniority." He gives a nod to Katie, though he will be weired out by the concept of talking to the
[23:28] * [Edward_White] dead later. A glance is given to Emily as well.

[23:30] * Katie_O follows along like a good little soldier. She is smiling and more than a little excited. She looks like she's about to ride a roller coaster for the first time. The only sign of fear in her is a slightly bitten bottom lip. Her eyes dart all over the place, as if the only way she can keep her mouth from running right now is to study every inch of their environment

[23:31] * [Edward_White] follows Nick, keeping an eye out around him. He takes a moment to press his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose as he quietly makes his way down the steps.

[23:31] * Midas nodded and would start looking around on the roof for said object. After all he figured would be up here, or visable somewhere on the side of the building anyway. Unless Nick told him otherwise, since he had seniority. Of course that would after following Nick across the stairs to the roof!

[23:32] <@Kayla> Carve it out of Marlo? Lips curl downwards, "He'll kill you. He's get out of this... and he's going to kill you. You just wait and see." She had no idea that he'd been forbidden from getting involved in the matter and that the distant screams she'd heard weren't actually him. They'd been good enough to finally realize she had a limit to her abilities and Cheryl had been smart enough to
[23:32] <@Kayla> stay beyond that once realized. Her words were bold.. in her head... though her voice betrayed her, the girl obviously wavering.

[23:35] * `Emily climbs out of the copter and follows along with the group her eyes darting here and there as she takes in her surroundings, she didnt think she would ever get used to the fact that she was kind of on a team of mutant vigilantes that were hunting down a time traveling kidnapper (rp)

[23:38] <Ahriman> Hayden moved around behind Kayla again, and gave her SND a nudge. "You think I haven't," there's a 'blip' as someone arrives, "thought about that? He's as gentle as a lamb without those powers. And a lot more calm. It's almost heartbreaking the way he sobs for you, though."

[23:43] <@Kayla> Kayla jerks as that 'blip' feeling appears again, incredibly muted against the force of the illegal SND. She hated when that happened, hated people who could sneak up on her and steal her away. Gods she hated Blip, maybe even more then she hated Hayden. She turns her head towards Hayden as he continues, a sharp inhale of breath taken. "... leave him alone. He didn't DO ANYTHING." Kay's
[23:43] <@Kayla> voice raises in pitch as she gets a bit of her fight back, struggling against the bindings that held her to the chair. Hoarking loudly she spits towards the time manipulator once again. It wasn't a large loogie.. none of them were anymore, the girl so very parched.

[23:46] <vile> ONWARD HO! Nicholas leads the group on through one room of the warehouse to another. No luck yet! At least until the sound of distant voices can be heard! He glances back at the rest of the group and motions for them to shush. The scrawny bastard crouches and continues heading towards the voices.

[23:48] <Midas> "So I'am gonna go look for this electric thing...if see anyone..how do I let you guys know?" He'd ask as he took a few steps from the group. Waiting to listen of course before darting off to find his own target...which should only take a few moments...or so if luck held. Upon finding it, he'd press his hand against the fuse box, and close his eyes as he start
[23:48] * Midas started transmuting it!

[23:49] * Katie_O follows Nicholas, crouching down, quietly behind him. The grin on her face seems like it's about to explode.

[23:51] * `Emily does her best to crouch down and be stealthy but this was really not her strong suit but hey a little effort was better then saying screw it! Emily grimaced a little as she kept to the back of group, this was so not the way she had wanted to spend her saturday night!

[23:57] * [Edward_White] also follows Nick, though with less grinning and more of that hardlined serious expression. At the sound of voices he continues on, glancing back to the rest of the group now and then. He had noted that Midas had split off from them, presumeably to find a power box. It dawns on him that the lights might go out prematurely...

[00:01] <Ahriman> Blip was quiet after his arrival, prompted by Hayden to stay that way. "Neither did you, Kayla. Innocence has never been a draw for me. It's always been how useful you can be to me." The loogie sailed by him, landing with a sound 'splat' a few feet away. "How unbecoming."

[00:05] <vile> The problem with not having a plan is...not having a plan. Now that they've located Hayden and Kay, Nick's mind goes blank. He pauses, motions for the group to come near and points at Blip. "That one teleports." He takes a minute to consider the group's powers and narrows his eyes at them. "Emily. You throw shit at Hayden. Whatever you can pry off the floor. Edward, try to get in there and nab Kay before Hayden's lackey can make off with her." Katie...he doesn't know about. So he just smirks. A stun gun is taken out of one of the numerous bags he carries and is offered over to her. "Stun gun. We're holding back until Edward and Emily complete their actions."

[00:05] <@Kayla> She grumbles quietly, "I'll remember. All of you. You'll never get away... you can't change how you feel." At least she didn't THINK they could. Pausing a moment she looks back towards Hayden, ".. if .. you let Marlo go.. I'll tell you everything you want to know. But.. only if I know he's safe at home." It would buy them time, right?

[00:09] <Katie_O> holds the stun gun in her hand, her entire body tense as she quietly whispers to herself It's go time Katie. Go time. Katie keeps her eyes on Emily and Edward, ready to bust in after they've done their thing.

[00:11] <Midas> "I think I found it..." He'd say into a comm..assuming they'd gotten one before departing.."When do you want me to try it?" At least he thought he did anyway...turns out the last one had a fire axe in it. This one was on the side of the building, with fire escape stairs leading to it. Surely this had to be the one! Maybe.

[00:12] * [Edward_White] nods, mentally cursing himself. He didn't have the ability to draw people into hypertime yet... or he had never tried before. Still he would think of something. He wait for Emily, mostly because if he slips into hypertime now, he will be down there before she even picks up the first object to throw. He had to time it so that blip couldn't react fast enough... or so he hoped.

[00:13] <`Emily> Oh now he wants her to throw things and Emily has the huge urge to roll her eyes but instead she starts looking around for a large item she could hurl at the bad guy only to grin as she spots a heavy looking piece of rusty machinery that will perfectly, grabbing it she takes careful aim and then launches it at the bad guy!

[00:15] <Ahriman> "Kayla. I have both of you already. You're in no position to be making demands. What would your parents think of their precious little girl making silly demands and putting them in danger?" His tone was chiding, almost disappointed. He clearly didn't consider her on par with himself. He was going to say something else, but suddenly - machinery. It would've been a great move, had Hayden not
[00:15] <Ahriman> been standing right next to Kayla. Thankfully, Blip saw it first, and not only dove to push Kayla out of the way, but there was a tell-tale 'blip' before the two hit the floor. That just left Hayden, confused for a moment, before there was that abandoned bit of machine landing on top of him.

[00:19] * Midas start up operation black-out then. Pressing his good hand against the actual power box this time, and starting the process of turning the entire thing into solid gold..wires and all. Either he would end being shocked...or shut down the power...if Edward had been right. Brows furrowing a little as he focused on the task at hand.

[00:19] <@Kayla> When Hayden mentioned her parents the girl falls silent. She didn't want them involved... he already had Marlo... right? At first he didn't but ... maybe he did.. the isolation had really done a number on the girl. She's just about to say something when she cries out, not expecting to be tackled by Blip. Her cry is cutoff as the blindfolded girl and the teleporter just simply... disappear.

[00:23] * [Edward_White] watches as Emily hurls the old rusty machine in Hayden's general direction. He paces himself, waiting for the sharp sound of impact before he instantly snaps into Hypertime. For him, the world falls silent as sound fails to take the same effect on him in his super accelerated phase as it normally would. The world looks to him like it had been paused. Leaving his frozen team mates
[00:23] * [Edward_White] where they are, he steps out and quickly makes his way to where Kayla, Hayden and Blip are. He didn't have long, as he was forced to hold his breath in hypertime, the normal time oxygen not moving fast enough to be absorbed by his lungs in this state. Finding a spot where he sound place himself between Kay and her captors, he jolts back into normal time, the rest of the clattering sound
[00:23] * [Edward_White] blareing in his ears as the world springs to life. To all others, the jump was instant. Like a frame missing from a movie reel, just the soft thump of air rushing to fill the space where he once was. He then begins to try and free kay from her binds.

[00:28] * Midas would hear a POP! As the circut well...metal could conduct...but the circut just had a rather large piece of gold wedged into so to speak, as the young mutant would grunt, as floor after floor started to go black. Well at least he was on the outside.<addition to my post:P>

[00:28] * [Edward_White] OR blip moves too fast for him. The teleporter mutant had already started the jump when Edward had made it into hypertime. It stood as a sort of silent monument to his failure as he crossed the room, seeing the strange slow motion ripple of blip and Kay dissapearing in space. He appears near Hayden instead, though safely clear of any landing machinery.

[00:32] * Katie_O runs into the room after the machine is thrown and
[00:33] <vile> tazers Edward!
[00:33] * Katie_O Edward appears. She is holding the Tazer out and running towards the man she's never met that was seemingly smashed under the machinery

[00:35] * `Emily groans.."new rule on missions, no more throwing things!"

[00:37] <vile> FAIL. They failed. Bigtime. Once Kay and Blip are gone and Hayden's smooshed, Nick just stands and facepalms a couple of times. Smack, smack, smack. "Alrighty. The outing is over. Maybe next time...we should train in the sims some?" He heads over towards the very dead Hayden and rest of the group, staring at the...oh look the lights are out. The sound of more facepalming can be heard. "Sounds good, Emily. No more throwing shit. WELP. I think we're done here." He can be heard rummaging through his manpurse, searching for a flashlight.

[00:37] * [Edward_White] looks back at Emily and Nick and then down at the Semi-crushed Hayden, "Uhm... well this... is something."

[00:38] <Ahriman> With the lights out, there's no one to actually see Hayden just suddenly being next to the machine he'd previously been under. He waited a second, letting Nick finish his speech.

[00:38] * [Edward_White] pulls his phone and turns on the flashlight app, shining it over where the machinery landed and then to Katie, "Any ghosts?"

[00:39] <Katie_O> Nope.

[00:39] <Ahriman> With the lights out, there's no one to actually see Hayden just suddenly being next to the machine he'd previously been under. He waited a second, letting Nick finish his speech. "Done here? Yes. Done entirely? At this rate, it'll be very soon." The man gave an exasperated sigh, holding a hand out until he found the relocated machine, then leaning against it. "You guys really know how to
[00:39] <Ahriman> be inopportune."

[00:42] * Midas would start back up the fire escape stairs along the side of the building making his way to the roof. Unknown to him that this had been a flop, but hey at least he got to feel useful. Not really sure what floor they were on..nor in a hurry to go into a dark building with hostiles around alone..yep straight to the roof with him.

[00:44] * Katie_O tries to tazer the now up and monologing bad guy.

[00:45] <`Emily> "so what is the plan now that the previously dead bad guy is no longer dead!" Emily rippled a large bar off of the machine to use as a weapon not that it will do any good agaisnt the time traveling douche that is Hayden

[00:45] <vile> Ohsnap. Well even if the villain is alive and well, they still failed! Just...a bit more than he originally thought. "...I think so." he admits to Hayden with a self-conscious laugh. "Swing and a miss." In more ways than one. So now what? For one he finds his flashlight, flicks it on and shines the thing at Hayden. There's no real point in getting in a fight with the guy considering there's a google of them. "At least we excel in something. We're the C-team. A and B were out for bowling night at the Cabana."

[00:54] <Ahriman> "Nono, whoever decided to redecorate for me had good aim, and that did hurt. Just know you also almost took out the hostage with that stunt." Nick's joking makes Hayden grind his teeth. If he'd known about the time Nick spent with the spider-things, he might try to arrange something similar for him.

[00:54] * [Edward_White] frowns slightly shining his light at Hayden. He instantly blinks from where he stood to suddenly standing behind Hayden, "Granted, our methods need some polish, but we still want Kayla back and from the looks of it, you've been less than a gentleman."

[00:58] * `Emily knows she just made a rule about not throwing things but this guy is so asking for it and she had a clear shot so suddenly the pole in her hand is more like a spear and stepping to the side so she wouldnt hit Edward if she missed Emily launched her projectile at Haydens junk! no it wouldnt be perm but damn it make her feel better!

[01:00] <vile> "Oh, good!" Nick chimes and glances over at Emily. A thumbs-up is flashed at her and he turns his attention back to the bad guy. "Mhmm. I think he said it quite well." He gestures towards Edward, "We don't give up easily. We'll get her back even if it takes a couple of tries." A smartass grin is flashed at Hayden.

[01:03] <Katie_O> Holds up her hand towards Hayden as she looks to Nick. Is he a bad enough bad guy that I can use my power to suck life out of people to kill him? I don't wanna kill him if he isn't a bad enough bad guy.

[01:05] <Midas> "Whew!" He'd need to more training himself, rubbing his throbbing hand for a moment as he looked around. No sign of the team...he'd tap his comm. "Hello did we get her?" He'd ask as he peered around..it was mighty dark up here.

[01:08] <Ahriman> No telling how Edward's powers worked. But that was of less concern than not getting his junk pierced. He'd gotten wind of how Bulwark was tortured that way. The projectile meets machine, while Hayden is standing next to Edward. "What is it with you people and attacking testicles? You're all neanderthals." He shook his head disapprovingly. "And less than a gentleman? I've kept my promise.
[01:08] <Ahriman> The girl has come to no harm from me, or my cohorts. Although if my partner hadn't acted, her blood would've been on your hands." He shook his head, and took a few steps away so he could stand more by himself. "Now, you need to stop throwing things," he pointed at Emily. "You-" he looked at Edward and Katie, "I don't know who either of you are, but you're clearly with Cobalt." And then
[01:08] <Ahriman> there was Nick. Which brought a wolfish smile to his face. "Nick, you have so far performed admirably. I have no complaints about your conduct." He even winked.

[01:13] <vile> A smile and wink? He can't help but be confused but also tickled pink. "Why thank you!" he chimes and offers a small bow to the bad guy. "Yes, we appreciate your man rescuing our dear Kayla. Quite nice of him. I don't suppose you can let me know where to send the fruit basket to for a proper thanks?"

[01:14] <Ahriman> Oh yeah! Let's not forget Blip and Kayla. They appeared..somewhere else, not an instant after they left that New York warehouse. They didn't hit the floor back there, but when they reappeared, they landed properly. Blip, at least, gave a soft 'oof', having taken the brunt of the fall, even for the chair-bound girl.

[01:18] <`Emily> "well then you need to be less of a douche, i mean really, did you take fucking classes in assbaggery?" Emily is starting to get really irritated and not feeling at all bad for trying to castrate this guy

[01:18] <Katie_O> Is still looking back to Nick. I know he's been polite and all, but if I kill him, I can force him to tell me where she is now after he's dead and use the dead him to lead us there and maybe to stop the other dude from doing shit if he's dumb enough to think a black and white version of him is the same as a real version of him. She then nods as if it's a good idea and quite similar
[01:18] <Katie_O> morally to going out and buying groceries. Her hand is still pointed at Hayden

[01:20] * [Edward_White] hears Midas pipe in over the coms but keeps his attenion on Hayden... or he did until Hayden was suddenly standing somewhere else! Ed adjusts his glasses and looks between Katie and Nick before he slips back into hypertime to walk the short distance around Hayden again, though making sure to say out of the line of fire should Emily throw something else. He appears behind Hayden again,
[01:20] * [Edward_White] but this time he takes a moment to breathe. Popping around the room rappidly was starting to take it's toll, like being dunked in water over and over again. He glares at Hayden, "While your approval is noted, it doesn't change anything. Even if this serves as an example of your ability, it also proves we can track you down anywhere you go. Or any time. All you can do is run."

[01:21] <@Kayla> Kayla keep sdoing what she does when with Blip. hating himl.

[01:21] <vile> F YOU BLIP

[01:23] <vile> "I'm not entirely sure that will do much good." he tells Katie with a shake of his head. "I think we've pissed him off enough for one night. I think we just call this a scratch and run back home with our tail between our legs." He taps his comm unit so he can talk to Midas, "Still in the building. No, we didn't get her but we're having a splendid chat with our friend Hayden."

[01:25] * Midas blinked at the reply, if it were possible he'd give his mic a what the fuck..look. "Then Catch him! Even if more pop up later we'll have one to make talk!" The young man almost literally screamed this into his com. Seemed like an obvious idea to him.

[01:27] <Katie_O> nods towards Nick. She stops bouncing. Ok. Katie looks back at Hayden then Nick. So we're not going to try threatening him to come with us? I really could suck his life out. It tastes like Almonds.

[01:31] <Ahriman> FRUSTRATED GRUNT. "Why do you people think it's so easy to kill me? It's like you're all just brainless, bloodthirsty monsters, just waiting for a target. Lucky me." He peered back at Edward. "Do you have some sort of fetish? Being behind me won't help you." A hand rose to again pinch the bridge of his nose. "You're like children, with silly notions of being heroes. Your teamwork is at best
[01:31] <Ahriman> comparable to a throng of barely pubescent girls at an Usher concert, your timing is terrible, your actions are horribly unplanned and misjudged, and your speeches are complete drivel!" He spun on a heel to face Edward. "Threats benefit no one. You've seen nothing of my abilities. You're terrible trackers. And as for following me through time? I know for an absolute fact no one in that
[01:31] <Ahriman> sanctum can follow me. To imply anything close is a shameful lie." He stepped forward, his ordinarily handsome face ruined by a scowl. "If there's one thing I detest, it's a liar." He spoke over his shoulder now. "Nicholas. Let your superiors know: The next time any of you confront me," he glared at Edward. "Leave this one home. I've left your people alive so far. Up to now, I had no interest
[01:31] <Ahriman> anything otherwise. But if I see this one again, the notion of nonviolence will be gone." Speaking of gone - that's just what Hayden was. Ranting one second, gone before the next second ticked.

[01:32] <vile> Nick sighs theatrically, "No, dear. You aren't going to eat his soul or whatever you're asking to do." And then he has Midas screeching in his comm unit. Poor Nick cringes and paws at his now ringing ear. "Fine. Go ahead." is muttered. Might as well make an attempt at capture even if he's sure it'll just fail just as spectacularly as their attempted rescue! Aaand then Hayden is gone. "Or not. Okay. Well, let's get something nice out of this. Let's go get ice cream." His hands are clapped together and he musters up a grin even if he knows he won't have fun explaining this to Sisip tomorrow.

[01:37] <Katie_O> nods in agreement. I haven't gotten much of a chance to run around the city yet. It'll be fun. Do we get to ride in the helicopter?

[01:41] <`Emily> "I can always go for some mint chocolate chip after a night of complete screw ups
[01:42] <`Emily> "I can always go for some mint chocolate chip after a night of complete screw ups" sighing Emily headed out with the group and looked forward to the promise of ice creamy goodness

[01:42] * [Edward_White] quirks a brow at Hayden's reaction and then frowns slightly as he vanishes. Some kind of time-displacement he guessed, though he could be wrong. Apparently he had pissed off the man. That wasn't good. Ed turns to Nick and shakes his head, searching for words, "I...I'm sorry." Edward wasn't in the mood for ice cream, -even with chocolate chips-. He follows the group as they head out.

[01:43] <Midas> "At least the owner of the building can pay for any damage easy..." He'd say once the group arrived on the darkened roof top where he was. Falling into step with them, sorely disappointed that the mission as a whole was a bust.

[01:43] <vile> "We ride the helicopter home. I'll spring for the cab ride to an ice cream shop and probably hotdogs too." He taps on his comm unit so he can speak to Midas. "We're going down to the street level so we can get something to eat. I'm treating everyone." He flashes a smile at Edward, "It's fine. We all fuck up. You tried at least. I just hope it doesn't damage Kayla's health in any way."
[01:44] <vile> "Or we're going to the roof!" And so up to the roof he goes ._.

[01:45] * Midas Or midas would meet up with them somewhere...meh whatever! *waves the magic wand of hearthstone*

[01:46] <Katie_O> follows. Oh, and I can't do that killing hand thing at all. I just figured lying about it might help at some point. Katie nods as she walks with the group. though I bet eating life would taste kinda like almonds

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