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Hayden Reed by Ahriman

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:52 pm
by Remu
Player Nickname: Ahriman

Name: Hayden Eusebius Reed
Codename: Epoch/Interim
Age: Appears: 43 Actual: 19
Date of Birth: December 21, 1988

Height: 6’2
Weight: 171
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: New York City, New York, USA
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Villain
Occupation: Watchmaker’s apprentice/son

Personality Profile: Hayden is a man of unshakable resolve. His world views come from a hodgepodge sources: science-fiction novels, movies, media, and the internet. He fully believes in 2012 end of the world theories, with one important difference from them: he believes that he’s destined to be the catalyst. With the aid of his powers, and some lucky contacts, he has begun gathering the money and supplies he believes he needs to “bring about lasting change in the year to come”.

Physical Description:


Powerset: Time

Ability One: Personal Chronographic Alteration: Hayden has the ability to go backwards and forwards along his own timeline. Practice has given him great control of this ability; he has learned to localize temporal shifts on specific spots of his body, effectively reversing injuries and maladies. It allows him to speed up to extreme velocities, slow himself down to appear comatose or deceased, escape unfavorable situations by fleeing to another time, or even give the appearance of creating clones.

Ability Two: Rebirth: Whether beneficial or a cruel twist, Hayden’s death cannot come through unnatural means. Injuries, infections, and alterations can be reversed through his temporal control. He still dies, in a sense, from massive damage; though he may fall, seconds later the corpse will dissipate, with the “reborn” Hayden in its stead.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Time Travel
  • Hayden’s body age advances in accordance with how much time he travels, regardless of shifting forward or backward; too much use, and he’ll quickly wither away like a nazi drinking from the wrong grail. Aside from speeding himself up, he refuses to travel forward; the thought of using his power to travel forward through time by larger steps terrifies him. He believes the past is solid and set; everything in the past has happened, so it can safely be revisited and altered to suit his needs. On the other hand, the future - chaotic and waiting to be formed - is too dangerous and unknown to attempt. Even after travelling backward, he won’t return to the time from which he came, for fear an action he’d done in the past changed the new future in ways he can’t guess.
  • Hayden can shift himself and inorganic material, but only what he can carry.
  • He cannot appear in a new place when time travelling; where ever he is during a shift is where he’ll be at the other side.
  • When travelling back through time, if he makes physical contact with a past iteration of himself, both Haydens coalesce into a disgusting mass and die; Rebirth is still effective in such instances, but rather than taking seconds, it takes months, and only the younger iteration returns.
Rebirth: Rebirth works only when death is a result of external forces. Congenital conditions cannot be reversed, but they effect him based on his actual age, not his apparent age. It also has no effect if he dies through old age.

Projected Power Growth & Development: None

Skills: Mix-and-match martial arts; ambition; unshakable “faith”

Background: Son of watchmaker and Arbutus co-founder Albert Reed, Hayden grew up surrounded by the ticking of clocks. Although his father retired not long after Hayden was born, he found himself drawn into the business, fascinated with the machinations, the intricate inner workings, and the precision. Although always unconsciously active, Hayden didn’t come to realize his control over his own timeline until he reached the age of thirteen, where a hit-and-run that should have (and to observers, did) killed him, instead left him ultimately unharmed. He spent the following formative years experimenting and playing with his ability, realizing the payment he had to make with each use.

As he grew, he gravitated toward conspiracy, specifically Earth-ending events. The forces necessary for such an event captivated his young mind. In 2003, with the proposal of the largely fictional planetary object Nibiru colliding with earth, Hayden delved deeper into theories surrounding it, ultimately leading to 2012 theories in general. It took a few more years of research, absorption of entertainment sources, and his own leaps of logic and unsupported conclusions before Hayden decided that it was his fate to assist in Earth’s apocalypse. To this end, he’s been gathering information, primarily through the internet and through unsavory contacts made through his father’s former company, and intends to detonate numerous explosive devices on December 12, 2012, with the intention of not only setting off reactions in man-made structures, but to encourage natural disasters as well.

Hayden isn’t a moneyed individual - his father refused to allow him to rely on family for a source of income. So to meet his needs, he turned to robbery, finding his abilities particularly suited for clandestine activities. Through the purchased assistance of vague criminal acquaintances, he has not only learned a smattering of several fighting styles, but also the means to contact those who would be able to construct for him advanced explosive devices, though with schematics and stolen supplies, Hayden is capable of building smaller, simpler devices himself.

Criminal Record: Wanted for numerous thefts and assaults in North America, Britain, Russia, Korea, and Japan.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Wears a watch on either wrist, only one of which runs.[/quote]