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Billy Callahan

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:16 pm
by Hazmat32
Player Nickname: `Tim

Name: Billy Callahan
Codename: None
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 6/2/1993

Height: 5’9
Weight: 162 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Lewisville, TX
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Student at online school

Personality Profile: Billy is kind but socially awkward having been sheltered for most of his life by his parents.

Physical Description: Billy is a slim blonde kid with blue eyes, he is a good looking guy who stands a little under 6 foot. Billy has a long scar across his left cheek from a bicycle accident when he was little.

Powerset: Creature Creation: Billy can create and control different types of creatures to aid him, he is psychically linked to these creatures so he can see, hear, and smell what they do.

Ability One: Scout Type Creature: The first creature Billy can make stands about 4 inches tall, is greyish white with deep blue eyes and wings. The scouts can see in the dark, have a good sense of smell and nasty little claws and teeth. Scout types are pretty easily hurt and can be killed about as easy as one kills a common frog or mouse. These are the easiest to create and Billy can create about 2 dozen at a single time, he can keep them around for about 12 hours before he would be completely exhausted and need to reabsorb them.

Ability Two: Helper Type Creature: The helper class resemble gremlins save they are that same pale grey with blue eyes, they are quick and agile, about half as strong as normal full grown man, and they have claws and teeth. Helper types are a little sturdier then scout types and match a medium sized dog for durability. Billy can create a max of 4 of these at one time as long as none of the scouts are out and about, if he had all 4 of them out at one time he could keep them out maybe 3 hours before he collapsed from exhaustion.

Ability Three: Warrior Type Creature: The warrior class stands about 6’2, is greyish white with blue eyes, some nasty claws and teeth, has a thick scaled hide that can take a good amount of blunt force and even a stop a knife but won’t stop a bullet of any type, and is strong enough to tip over a compact car at max with relative ease. Billy can create only one of these and only if he has nothing else created at the time. The warrior class is very draining to create; Billy can keep it around for an hour max if it doesn’t do anything strenuous but only maybe 30 minutes if it exerts itself before Billy will pass out.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Billy is psychically linked to his creations and killing them will send a backlash that will cause Billy varying levels of pain: killing a scout would fell like a badly stubbed toe, killing a helper would feel like a broken leg, killing a warrior would feel like getting hit by a car. Creating and keeping creatures is draining and excessive use will wear Billy out or cause him to pass out from the strain.

Projected Power Growth & Development: In the future Billy should be able to create more creatures at one time and keep them along for longer period, the creatures themselves may even evolve into diff things.

Skills:Billy is very intelligent and is incredibly skilled with computers. Billy’s parents own a bakery and Billy himself is a pretty skilled pastry chef and baker.

Background: Billy grew up in Texas with two loving parents who ran a successful bakery in Dallas, most of Billy’s childhood is uneventful and was spent hanging with friends, going to school, getting in trouble and hanging out at his parents bakery. When Billy was about 12 he woke up one night from a terrifying dream only to find himself face to face with one of the little monsters from his dream sitting on his chest staring at him... you can imagine this didn’t go over to well. Billy flipped out and started screaming bloody murder which caused his parents to come running in just in time to see the gremlin for lack of a better term slowly being absorbed into their sons chest, this cause more freaking out which was quickly followed by a trip to an emergency room. A few blood tests later and Billy’s parents learned their 12 year old was in fact a mutant. Billy was lucky enough to have some awesome and understanding parents who didn’t mind having a mutant for a kid and were very supporting of Billy's new talent though eventually they did have to pull their son out of school and into home schooling after an incident with the Warrior and a middle school bully. Billy spent the next 7 years learning to control his power and how to create and absorb his new friends.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Billy is fluent in Spanish.