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Daniel Carlysle [Venture]

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:26 pm
by Brad
Player Nickname: Brad

Name: Daniel Carlysle
Codename: Venture
Age: 25
Date of Birth: March 8th

Height: 5'11”
Weight: 148 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: New York, NY
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Unemployed (Compulsive Gambler)

Personality Profile: Nervous with a dry sense of humor. Daniel is quick-witted and generally easy to get along with, but skittish and wary of putting himself on the line. He's friendly enough, but tends to use sarcasm as a shield to keep others at just a bit of a distance.

Physical Description: A generally unassuming man in his mid-twenties. He stays fit, but doesn't appear to hit the gym regularly. Sharpish features and a somewhat light frame for his height give him a sinewy, lean look. He keeps his black hair combed to one side in a neat part, and usually wears casual clothing, tees and polo shirts in the summers, long-sleeved shirts under a neutral colored sweater in the winters.


Powerset: Luck of the Draw

Ability One: Probability Sight – Daniel has a unique form of precognition that allows him to peer into the very near future. However, unlike true precognition, what Daniel sees is the likelihood of several outcomes. The more likely an outcome, the clearer the vision. With this knowledge, he can adjust his own actions to attempt to generate the best possible outcome for himself. For example, when shooting pool, he can see each way the cue ball is likely to travel, and adjust his aim accordingly for optimal results. This adjustment is limited to outcomes within a minute into the future, though he can see probabilities up to thirty minutes in advance through concentration, though the amount of planning and concentration required to affect those outcomes is beyond the limits of the human mind.

Ability Two: Probability Manipulation – Daniel has the ability to subtly manipulate probability in his favor. In general, this ability manifests as almost supernatural good luck, though he can use it subtly on others as well. An attacker might find himself stumbling on a rock, or his shoelace becoming untied. An opponent in a game of chance might find himself drawing bad cards, or rolling snake eyes repeatedly.

Ability Three: Mathematical Affinity – As either a side effect, or possibly the source of his abilities, Daniel has a superhuman understanding of mathematics at a subconscious level. He is able to calculate and solve difficult equations, plot out sequences, and perform split-second calculations in his head with the efficiency of a savant.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Since Daniel is not a true precognitive, there is always the risk that no matter how well he adjusts his actions, he'll be wrong. Each action he takes to adjust his outcome has the potential to backfire on him, the more daring or complex the action, the greater the chance it will go wrong. The further he looks into probabilities (limit of 30 minutes ahead of time), the more concentration he requires. Too much distraction can easily give him a false lead. The further into the future he looks, the more difficult it is to determine the likelihood of an outcome. His probability manipulation is also somewhat touchy, and without properly concentrating, he can just as easily bestow good luck where bad is required, or vice-versa. Generally, in order to effectively manipulate probability to his full advantage, he needs to already have some foresight in a situation. Extremely unlikely outcomes are impossible for him to generate. He cannot, for example, cause a well-maintained gun to backfire or jam. While his affinity for mathematics would make him a genius, he lacks practical knowledge to apply that affinity in many respects. While he can almost instantly count cards in a game of blackjack, or plot the trajectory of a thrown dart, he cannot apply this knowledge in an academic fashion, such as complex sciences and engineering. He simply does not have the training to understand those applications.

Projected Power Growth & Development: With time and training, Daniel may be able to increase and refine his control over probability, making him more adept at generating outcomes that benefit him. He should also be able to refine his precognition, to allow him clearer ideas of probabilities up to thirty minutes in advance.

Skills: Understandably, Daniel excels at nearly any game of chance or mechanical skill. Cards, dice, darts, pool, he's practically unbeatable if luck and skill are both factors, and he makes good use of that fact.

Background: Daniel isn't forthcoming with his past, for the most part, but he claims it's because there isn't all that much to tell. He was born in New York, and lived most of his life there, the only son of working class parents in Queens. His life was uneventful until, at the age of 15, his mutation manifested, allowing him to avoid what would have been a fatal impact with a car by allowing him to see it happening beforehand. As his visions became more common and clearer, he learned how to control his foresight, and quickly realized it could be used for significant personal gain. As he grew older, he became entrenched in the world of gambling. Horse races, poker games, pool hall bets. He was careful to lose just enough to avoid arousing suspicion, but almost always came out ahead. Occasionally, he'd use his ability to manipulate luck to help out some of the 'lovable losers' that he frequently saw, the guys that never could seem to catch a break.

Now, possibly due to a few lucky bets too many, Daniel has found himself at Cobalt.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Daniel has a knack for doing celebrity impressions, and imitating accents. He hates anything that has more than six legs with a passion.