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Tim (Hatter)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:24 pm
by Hazmat32
Player Nickname:

Name: Tim
Codename: Hatter
Age: unknown
Date of Birth: unknown

Height: 6'0
Weight: 189 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Portland, Oregan
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Street Performer

Personality Profile: Tim is nuts... something happened to the guy that kinda drove him off the deep end, he isn't dangerous but tends to spout off weird sayings and act well as crazy as he is.

Physical Description: Tim is best described as is muscular but overly so having the body of a high class gymnast, standing 6 feet, he isn't bad looking though his black hair is always messy and his green eyes kinda shine like he is seeing things from a slightly skewed perspective. Tim favors solid colored button up shirts and loose pants better for movement, he is never without his slightly too big top hat and a slightly battered trench coat that is a size too big for him.


Powerset: Dimensional Portal Generation

Ability One: Storage Space - Tim has the ability to open up a portal to another dimension, the dimension is barren, devoid of life, and as Tim has found is a limitless storage space (hence his name for it). Tim can open a portal about 6 feet in diameter or two portals about 3 feet in diameter but that's his limit cause the portals stem from his hands and allow him to basically pull things from midair as long as they are already stored in storage space. Storage space has only two real limits the first being is that no living thing can be put into storage space be it humans, animal, or plant and the second is that anything that is put into storage space is frozen just as it was when it entered, so put a hot cup of coffee in storage space and six months later, you pull out a hot cup of coffee. This power can also be used for offense or defense, Tim can expel items from speed for with the force of major league fastball though he can’t pull off a black hole effect and in a pinch he can use the portals as shields. Now while storage space is limitless, the amount you can put in 10 hours period is not, Tim could put the equivalent of car into storage space but then would be unable to put anything else in unless he took some stuff out for the next ten hours.

Ability Two: Mental Shielding: Tim's link to storage space and close connection to the dimensional portals has created a strange energy field that surrounds his body and shields his mind from telepathic control or mind reading.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Tim's shields block mind reading or mental control but he is not immune to all mental attacks, things like mental blasts still affect him just as much as anyone else. The creation of portals is tiring, small portals or drawing things out are not really a problem but larger portals and storing larger items grows increasingly difficult and will exhaust Tim over time.

Projected Power Growth & Development: ? Eventually he may be able to use his portals to teleport or even allow for living items to be stored or more can be put in at one time and of course his 3rd power has yet to appear.

Skills: Tim is a highly trained thief and fighter thanks to his time with the Consortium, he is also a fount of useless information, and is fluent in French, Russian, Spanish and Klingon. Tim has been trained in Parkour and Gymnastics.

Background: Tim's real name is Devon Matthews, he was born in Portland Oregon, to Doug and Nancy Matthew's two completely normal loving parents. Devon's powers appeared early on and while his parents accepted him, his uncle Terrance saw a darker potential. Devon soon found himself a orphan and property of a program that sought to use this young mutants powers for less then kosher reasons. Devon spent quite a few years working with this group until a new type of mission was presented, an assassination. Devon had been plotting his escape for a long time but this stepped up his plans and caused him to make mistakes, which led to a climatic and bloody battle. The horror of killing several people just seamed to overload Tim's mind causing him pass out, the traumatic event has caused him serious psychological issues which have just grown worse over time. Tim doesn't know his own history past the killing of his handlers, he woke up in an alley his clothes and most of the alley covered in blood, the only two clean items in the whole alley were a trench coat and a top hat. Tim discovered his powers pretty early on and was pretty amazed that other people saw what he was seeing for once; he also discovered his skills as a thief and has been living on the streets since that day using his powers and or skills to survive. Originally one of the higher ups from the school saw one of Tim's street shows and invited this modern day mad hatter to the school promising to help him find out just what happened to him but after the wonderland attacks and the death of his closest friend Bella, Tim just disappeared. Now several years later he has wandered back into Salem and is heading towards Cobalt.

Criminal Record: Unknown

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Tim has a veritable cornucopia of mundane items stashed in his storage space, basically anything from meat cleavers to fried chicken to bowling pins... though you wont find any super special items in their cause Tim just has no access and no way of stealing things like special types of knives, supercomputers, things of this nature. Tim did at one point acquire some guns following a battle with the Wonderland team but has long since run out of ammo and has never bothered getting more. Tim got his current name when a nice lady told him he reminded her of her son Tim.

Re: Tim (Hatter)

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:05 pm
by Remu
The ops believe that it might be a better idea for you to bring back/app a different character before trying this one, given how long you've been away and the setting changes.