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Hayden Really IS a Bad Guy! - Also, JULIE IS DEAD!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:06 am
by Suzthulhu
[20:35] <Ph`Ahriman> A bus pulled up to the sanctum's gates. Unlike other vehicles recently, this one was colorful and clearly marked as a chartered bus. From it a small cadre of people stepped off and mingled about, 8 in all; some were dressed in what amounted to rags, some had decent, genetic attire, but one of them - the very last one off the bus - was immaculately dressed. Hayden, who had been absent for months, was suddenly back, and in force. Of course, by necessity, One stepped forward, cautious and a little confused. "Potential residents. Refugees from a town in North Carolina," he greeted the guard. The ones who could, offered up identification; the rest milled about looking vaguely sullen. "I was hoping to give them a little tour, see if they might want to settle here."

[20:38] * Midas returned a few moments later, his white t-shirt tucked in and hair slicked back for lack of a better word, as he meandered back up to Kayla's group. After all he had ordered food with her anyway. Simply offering a wave as he approached not wanting to interupt any conversation that might have started.

[20:39] <@Sisip> Kayla turns bright red, stumbling over her words. "Oh.. I'm.. yes.. gods.. I'm .. an idiot. I'm sorry. I.. should.. go wait for food." And with that the little redhead, mortified as hell, bolts away to go wait for curry because.. convinient! "ILLCALLYOUWHENITGETSHERE!" She shouts, forgetting completely that he had no phone.

[20:39] * Cynnar stands up and walks out to the courtyard, when he walks you can hear the gears and mechanisms turning and clanking in his legs. He is wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans, he starts to blink rapidly for a few seconds, he must have malfunctioned for a second

[20:43] > "Yeeeeaahhh, alright, Kayla! Enjoy your dinner!" Gina waves as the redhead makes like a tree and gets outta there, turning to grin at Deva, forgetting she can't really -see- the expression on her face. "People are curious, as I'm sure you've run into before. No one means any harm by it. I just wanted to say hi and welcome you, since I'm sure sitting here with Ron all afternoon is just thrilling." Her eyes flicker over to Midas, and she jerks a thumb toward the door. "You -just- missed Kayla. She ran in to wait for the food to get here." The sound of clanking and gears turning would have gotten her attention, but the bus at the gates with a ton of people piling out seems to be a bit higher on her priority list. Out of nosiness and habit, she digs into her pocket for her earbud, popping it into one ear and tuning in to listen to the guard chatter.
[20:45] * Midas Well that was unexpected, he'd hold up two twenties from the envelope. "But what about the money?!" Ah hell..she was already gone. Folding the two bills up, he'd stuff them into his pocket. Nodding to Gina. "I noticed Chica." That friendly smile was back again, as his gaze was drawn curiously as well at the sound of clanking and gears.

[20:45] <Ph`Ahriman> LOTS of formalities, what with an apparent influx of people, especially now with one decently-sized group. Everyone seemed to be fairly good natured about it, at least. One by one, One checked them out; the ones he'd finished with took to chit-chatting with a couple red shirts who'd been called out just in case. Hayden, especially, seemed accommodating, offering personal vouches for the people who had no forms out I.D.

[20:45] <Shatter> Tori hadn't wandered off far, in the end. She'd gone to work out, and exited the Rec Center just now, looking freshly showered. She slipped her mirrored glasses back on as she hit the open air and glanced over to the gates, a platinum brow raising for a moment before she shrugged to herself.

[20:48] <@Sisip> She'd been stir crazy lately, not realizing how much she'd miss actually being in charge of things. Sure, being able to take five baths, 3 massages and hours to read was nice but.. it wasn't what Sisip would call fulfilling. No, wait, she had paperwork. Oooodles of paperwork. Today finds the short Cobalt Pocahontas wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a tanktop that was rather form fitting, her tight attire comfortable but also revealing a very slight swell in her stomach. Easily mistaken for a bit of a gut, really, if you didn't know the woman. Dark hair falls around her face, framing her features nicely. She sighs, moving over towards the group of people, at least two she wasn't familiar with. Disappointment flicked across her eyes, not from new people but from the fact that Sisip had no idea there WERE new people. She was so out of touch. For a reason, of course, but still. "Good evening everyone."

[20:48] * Cynnar looks around the courtyard and is wondering to himself, if people know what he is, they probably do because how loud he is. "god why did this have to happen to me, i cant stand living like this" he says to himself trying not to draw attention

[20:49] > Gina pulls her phone out again, sliding the keyboard out and tapping out a text to both Sisip and Conrad, just to see if either of them was aware of... well, whatever the hell was going on at the gates. ~Hey, either of you know anything about a shitload of folks arriving here tonight? There's a vanload of them at the gate checking in with security. Looks like Hayden is with them.~ Right as she hits send, Sisip's greeting comes out from behind her. "Well, speak of the devil herself. Hey hot mama, I was just sending you a text to see if you knew anything about...?" Gesturing toward the gate, Gina raises an eyebrow.

[20:50] <@Deva> Yeah. It was fortunate for Deva that her repuation since arriving was... well, it was squeaky clean compared to what it had been before she came! One dead, several others injured, all out of panic -- but they had to take precautions. Otherwise they more often than not wound up with broken arms and such. One of her twisted, pointed ears flicked a little as Gina spoke, a soft sigh slipping past her lips, "...not from people who were not armed with guns, no. Their curiosity was misplaced." Deva said with a faint hiss before she turned her head. So many voices. So many sounds. After a pause, she squinted, reaching up to scratch at the bridge of her nose. Ron had wandered off to smoke, leaving the silver female clueless, "What happens?"

[20:52] <Brad> "I am watching." Says Conrad, through the communicator. He has a feed of the video in his office. It's not unheard of, what Hayden is doing, but he's never quite trusted the man. Far too phony. Still, assume the best.

[20:53] * Midas glanced at the front gate, seeming a bit puzzled by the arrival of the bus, but shrugging anyway. He'd offer Sisip the chunky a wave, that was friendly enough though he didn't want to simply barge in on there conversation. He didn't hear what Cyn had thusly didn't reply to it! Those brown eyes darting from person to person, it was almost enough to make the poor young mutant dizzy!

[20:55] * Cynnar gets up and the gears in his body all move to adjust for him standing up, they all make noise in unison. He starts to walk around, pretty slow at that, Cynnar just needed to walk around and get his mind off of things

[20:56] <@Sisip> Frowning she shrugs just a bit, "I don't know, Gina." Taking her phone from... between her boobs.. because where ELSE are you going to carry it when you're wearing yoga pants and a tight tanktop??? Reading the text she frowns, reaching to her wrist to take the small comm unit from the pouch and slip it into her ear... discreetly, of course. "Nobody has told me anything, but I don't know, it could be sitting on my desk... some lost memo or something." Dark eyes slide over towards the bus as she hmm's softly before she looks over to Deva and her handler (who had moved off) and Midas. "It's nothing, simply looks like a group of new friends." Lips curl into a warm smile, "My name is Sisip Webster, welcome you.. three.. to Cobalt." She looks over at Cynnar, including him in her greeting.

[20:57] <Ph`Ahriman> Everything peaceful, everything cordial, and after a while, everything in order. Hayden made a point of apologizing for not calling ahead regarding the refugees, but promised to do so next time. Some lagged slightly to wrap up conversations, otherwise the group moved forward to the Sanctum-proper, with Hayden leading the way. Their first destination was the rec lounge, since that always struck Hayden as the most socially active area, and why not take a group of newbies to mingle with the established residents. That's the obvious assumption, anyways.*

[20:58] * Cynnar turns to sisip and waves to sisip quickly and nods his head to her "hey..." he only says one word to her and then continues to walk around the courtyard trying to get his bearings together

[21:00] > "Oh, yes. Sisip, this is Deva." She sort of gives Sisip a look... one of those *AHEM* looks that means Sisip should know what she means by that look. No giggity. "Deva, this is Sisip, and you know Midas I think? And..." Glancing over at the slow moving man pacing, she tilts her head. "I don't know who you are either. But hello anyway!" As the group with Hayden heads inside and toward the lounge, Gina clears her throat. "Would you excuse me for a moment? I'm going to go say hello to our new friends and see what we need to do to welcome them properly." With a shrugs at Sisip and a brief wave to the others, Gina trots back to the door and inside, smiling broadly as she enters the lounge again. "Hey, everyone! Big crowd... Hayden, who are your friends?"

[21:02] * Midas "Si! I am Alejandro, but my friends call me Midas..but to be honest..maybe I'll change it to Knox?" Tapping his chin in thought for a moment, he'd nod to the pudgy native, assuming she was just a lil thick, nothing wrong with that. "Ah yes I met Deva earlier, but she had to leave.." Peering in Cynnar's direction. "I do not know him either.."

[21:03] * Cynnar walks over to the group of people that were pointing and staring at him and stops suddenly "hello, my name is Cynnar and yes I am very new here" he reaches out his hand to each person in the group for a handshake

[21:06] <@Deva> Deva turned her head toward the sound of Sisip's voice, squinting behind the metal mask that wrapped around her eyes. "...hallo." She offered a very hesitant greeting to the woman, who sounded friendly enough. Too many damn footsteps. Too many voices. Pursing her lips, she reached up and scratched beneath the mask again, gritting her teeth. She wanted it off. She wanted to see. Ugh. Naturally, Cynnar's handshake went, er...unshook, as the black mask made certain that the only thing she was viewing was emptiness. "Deva. I come today by Meeta van."

[21:09] <Ph`Ahriman> "Hey," he greeted Gina cheerfully, though since he couldn't remember her name, he didn't try using it. "Ahh, my friends here. Refugees from a less-than-friendly town in North Carolina. Thought I'd give them the dime tour so they can decide if they'd like to settle here. I apologized to the guy outside for not calling ahead. Kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing, ya know?" Some of the group frowned slightly as the story was retold, the rest were busy looking around at everything. "I told them they'd be safe here." At that, a few looked a bit skeptical.*

[21:10] <@Sisip> SHE'S NOT PUDGY!!! The young fellow gets a grin, "Midas, hmm? Knox? Aah." A single eyebrow raises, curious about his abilities now. Taking cynnar's hand in hers for a shake she nods, "Well, welcome to the Sanctum then, I hope you find it agreeable." As Deva speaks the injin turns to her, "OH? Well I hope it was a pleasant journey. It's always nice to see new faces around here." Meta van? Who was this Deva? Making a note to ask about that later she rests her hand on her stomach briefly and not because she adored her fat. -,-

[21:13] * Midas would take Cynnar's hand reintroducing himself again. "Alejandro or Midas, if you prefer." Not quite able to place the mans accident, but didn't mention it. Raising an eyebrow as the the tour for lack of a better words story was told. Frowning a little he'd nod and offer the curious on lookers a wave..hmm with as much as he waves..he'd be good at parades.

[21:14] > Gina glances from one person to the next in the group, her expression welcoming enough. "Wellll.. welcome to the Sanctum then. My name is Gina, and Hayden is correct. You'll be very safe here. We have an outstanding security team, and the facility is quite well built." She's left her comms line open while she talks, whether on purpose or accident, either way, anyone else with a bud in would be able to hear her talking. "Anyway, this is our recreation lounge. TVs here, cable, all that. Down that hallway is our locker room and gym, which can accomodate just about anyone and any thing, as well as the pool. Are any of you hungry? We can head to the food court if so while I shoot off a message or two to see if we can at least put you all up for the evening while you have a look around and see if you might want to stay."

[21:18] * Cynnar just leaves the talk at that and walks away, he did not want to stay any longer, he knew that he had no reason to be there. He found a bench to sit down on and took a seat, the gears and mechanisms readjusting for him sitting down

[21:22] <@Deva> "I would not know about seeing faces." Deva remarked dryly to Sisip, giving a tap to the thick, visor-like mask wrapped around her head. Her hands fell into her lap, silently following the sounds of footsteps as Cynnar walked away without a word. Huh. She leaned back on the bench and drew one leg to cross over the other, rolling her shoulders and sucking in a deep breath.

[21:26] <@Sisip> Laughing softly the woman nods, "Well, sometimes that's a blessing." Her amusement is obvious in her tone, the woman joking. Watching Cynnar sit the woman does the same, finding a bench to relax on. "A lovely night tonight." Leaning back she tilts her head back just a bit and stares up at the sky.

[21:26] <Ph`Ahriman> The group, consisting of 4 men, 3 women, and Hayden, was vaguely drifting though the lounge as Hayden and Gina chatted. One of the men just behind Hayden on his left, seemed to still be unconvinced. "How do we know well be safe? We thought we were safe in our homes, but that notion was shattered easily enough. What guarantees do we have here?" The woman on Hayden's right looked much more interested in the mention of food. A couple others perked at the description of the facilities; the rest just looked kinda lost.*

[21:31] > "Ahh, well, I'll put it this way. The last couple times anyone tried pulling any shit here, it didn't last long. Our security is good, very good, and they don't take any chances. We know... well, we know folks aren't always friendly to mutants and others we house here, and the last thing we want is for people to feel unsafe in their own home. We take this stuff seriously." She shrugs, answering first the one question, then beckoning for folks to join her. "The food court is this way... if anyone needs it, we also have a top knotch medical facility here, too." She pulls her phone out of her pocket and taps out a message, summoning up the duty administrative folks to pop up and start checking on room availability. So far, everything seemed fine.

[21:33] * Midas would scratch the side of his head, pondering to himself. This was alot of people to meet at once, and to tell the youth it was a tad bit overwhelming. but he'd get over it. It was trying to keep track of w hat everyone said that was boggling! "I am gonna go see if the Curry is here..I think Kayla forgot that I don't have a cell yet.." And with that he would meander off to the front gates, because he was f'n hungry that's why.

[21:35] <@Deva> "Hrm." Was, presumably, Deva's 'goodbye' to Midas. Drawing her legs up, they crossed on the bench, her arms folding and chin resting atop them. Her feet were still bare, likely because they were difficult to find acceptably fitting shoes for. She 'stared' ahead, then sniffed at the air, remarking to Sisip after a minute, "Air is moist. Feels slimy."

[21:38] <Ph`Ahriman> The majority of the group followed Gina immediately, apparently enticed at the prospect of a meal. The two closest to Hayden lagged behind, as did Hayden, but they still followed along behind everyone else. "So, what are your feelings about this?" he addressed the woman. She was a waif of a lady, her clothes being closer to rags. She was chewing on a fingernail, apparently giving the question some thought.*

[21:43] <@Sisip> Sisip raises an eyebrow as Midas wanders off mentioning Kayla offhandedly. "See you around... Midas." A bit of a frown slips over her lips as she shakes her head. She was just being silly, if anything had ended between Kay and her adlopted little brother Marlo would have come straight to her. Looking back to Deva Sisip hmm's softly, "You're quite sensitive, do you prefer a dryer climate?" This Devu was curious, but then again most here at Cobalt were curious.

[21:47] > Playing tour guide was not on her list of ways to spend a Saturday night, but here she was, thanks to a large group of unannounced guests. "Annnnd here's our food court. Lots of different folks here, with different appetites, so our head chef tries to make sure there's a good variety for everyone's tastes. Anything special can be requested, and she'll do her best to try and accomodate everyone. If you're hungry, please, grab something to eat." Gina gestures toward the beginning of the line, where the trays and silverware were available, and then looks towards the back at Hayden.

[21:49] <@Deva> "No more sensitive than others. But where I come from, is desert. Desert and buildings. Very warm. Here, things get cold, then warm, then cold again. Is confusing. I do not like cold, and when air is too wet, is hard to breathe." Deva explained quietly to Sisip, twiddling her fingers and picking absently at her nails, "When is hard to breathe on top of not being able to see... it gets scary."

[21:53] <@Sisip> Frowning just a bit Sisip stands and moves to sit next to Deva, as she does the small girl would be able to feel the air warm quite a bit around her. "I'm sorry to hear that, I can imagine all the rain lately has made things so very difficult for you. We have some very good facilities here on the grounds, if you need anything please let me know and I'll make sure it gets priority." Though, if she was here because of META she was probably already set up.

[21:56] * @Julie`Leon There wasn't all that much to do down below, in the more secure cells of the area so affectionately called names like The Maze and The Catacombs. Not that the menagerie this freak facility called a guard staff were much help. Sure, it was comfortable and Julie had more than just four blank walls even Cobalt wouldn't be so cruel. Some television and computer privlages, she was also allowed a music player and strictly supervised time above ground. But mostly? Stuck in this (*Taco shell*) of a JailCell. But still she wasn't letting that get to her. Julie had to laugh sometimes, she was actually fairly low on META's baddy list and yet they kept her here. An area reserved for Reds, yet she didn't even warrent a Yellow Priority. The age manipulator chuckled at the thought. She knew they feared her. She liked that thought. Fear was good. Presently, the girl was laying down on the cot that passed for a bed and reading some nondescript book with a faded and torn cover.

[21:57] <@Deva> "Not... really. The Meeta humans not often let me outside. In my cell, it was dry and hot." With a faint shrug, Deva lowered her head, plucking at a nail. Her head snapped up at the temperature change, eyes narrowing briefly behind the mask before she began to settle back down. Warm. Warm was good. She warbled faintly, shuddering and 'fluffing' up comfortably, "Man called Conrad gave a cell with hot lamp. Says sand is harder to find, but cannot sleep in bed."

[22:01] <@Sisip> Sisip's phone buzzes and she reads the text, shooting off a reply, "Ah that's good. Conrad is a good man, he'll make sure you're given what you need." Sand, hmm? "Any particular sand? Does it require anything or would sandbox sand do?" It should be no problem to get a sort of .. sand box .. set up for Deva. If Kevin could have an entire aquarium a sand bed should be simple. Lips curl up into a smile as she watches the girl 'fluff', the warble heard. She enjoys being able to make someone a little more comfortable.

[22:01] <Ahriman> Only a couple from the group took advantage of the offered food, two of the men. "If it's alright with you, Gina, I can continue their tour. I'd hate to think I've pulled you away or am keeping you from something." He seemed so genuine, so honest, so..rehearsed. Already another man joined the two already grouped Hayden; this one's clothes were at least completely intact. The remaining group, the ones who weren't getting food, looked to Gina for her answer.

[22:06] <@Deva> Her nose twitched a little, Deva 'looking' around slowly before turning her attention back on Sisip's voice, "Slept in box of sand with Meeta humans. Not know what kind. Just sand." If she needed a specific kind of sand, it would likely be very specific and unobtainable. Thankfully, she seemed easy enough to please... as long as the mask was on and keeping her compliant, anyway.

[22:06] > Gina shakes her head, chuckling. "No, no, Hayden, that's fine. We can pause for just a few minutes while these folks eat, I think." She's not going to split the group up, more for accountability in case someone gets lost in a new place than anything else. "While they're getting food, I can at least do a little more talking, right? Anyhow, the Sanctum used to be a school, from elementary to college-level classes for mutants and the like. Due to some of the very safety concerns some of you all have, it was converted to what you see now, a sanctuary, no longer a school, although private tutors are available, and some students do internships here in the labs and use the simulation chambers for video classes." To explain the chambers she adds, "Think Star Trek's holodeck. The sims are fantastic learning, training, and recreational tools. They're located downstairs from the lounge we were just in." Gina's phone buzzes a couple times, and she checks it, nodding. "Good news! You're all welcome to stay the night if you'd like. We have room enough for everyone."

[22:19] <@Sisip> "Ah, well we should be able to get you something to sleep in relatively easily. I'll see if I can sneak it in for you tomorrow." Looking around for Deva's handler Sisip clears her throat, "I was going t ogo inside, if you'd like to join me? I don't see your.. friend.. though." Standing slowly she watches the girl, "Can I touch you?" She's kind when she asks, simply wanting to know if that was the best way to guide the obviously blind girl around.

[22:20] * Midas meanders back up after a while, letting his eyes wander the gathered peoples curiously as he gives them the once over, offering a smile or friendly wave now and then. Apparently the food had infact already arrived...and been devoured.

[22:23] <Ahriman> Despite Gina's insistance, a pair of the 'refugees' wander off from the cafeteria. One of them drifts toward the med center, while the other wanders back toward the rec. Hayden, conveniently and innocently enough, seems to not notice them leaving. He does, however, turn to the fidgeting woman near him, his expression expectant and annoyed. "I.. I have a good feeling," the woman gives a mousy reply, keeping most of her face covered with her hand all the while. "Finally," Hayden said with a deep sigh of relief.

[22:24] <@Deva> "He will be yelled at -- not by me. By other upset security man." Deva couldn't help but smile as she pushed herself off of the bench, rolling her shoulders. She blinked behind the mask, slowly tilting her head, "If... you must." She supposed it was a better alternative to wandering around aimlessly and bumping into everything. The other alternative was getting the mask off! ...but she imagined that wasn't going to work. Ambling blindly and letting others point the way, it was. Her skin, the portions that were not covered in that almost jewel-like faceted scaling, was smooth to the touch and reflected heavily on her environment. It was warm enough now, thanks to Sisip's thermal power.

[22:25] <MarloCross> Marlo is walking through the halls, yelling into his phone at a voice vaugely female and very angry at him. He looked utterly furious as he seemingly tried to rebuke the heinous charges that had brought on the verbal onslaught," I was there because she had a nightmare, Ma!....I don't care WHAT they said they heard! The rooms are sound proof and that's bullshit!.....I'm 17 Ma, I don't need you....Don't bring Sisip Into this!" He wasn't winning the Why Were You Caught In Kayla's Room argument. He passed by the Rec center, fuming as he went.

[22:29] * Midas watched two of the folks start to wander off, he wasn't sure if he should say anything or not, then he caught sight of Marlo another perosn he knew and waved at him, but decided against approaching what with the phone yelling and all.

[22:30] > Gina -does- notice them leaving, and clears her throat. "Well, the med center, as I said, is the best around for dealing with mutants or others with different physiologies." There's just a hint of stress in her voice on the words 'med center.' "After we're finished here, we can go back toward the lounge and perhaps check out the sims?" Again, the word 'lounge' is said just a teensy bit louder than the other words in her sentence, although she neither looks nor sounds particularly... uh, stressed. She knows her comms link is open, the tiny earbud in her ear picking up and broadcasting her conversation to other team or security members who had theirs in. Glancing toward the figiting woman, she lofts a brow. "Is everything alright?" Her phone is still open, and she takes just a moment to type three words. She doesn't press send just yet, pausing to pose her question of well-being instead.

[22:32] <@Sisip> "Well, I will speak with META and let them know I was the one who made the choice. I'm certain he won't get into very MUCH trouble." She laughs, a bit amused to be honest. The man was obviously charged with keeping an eye on the girl and had shirked his duty. Reaching out her fingers rested on Deva's shoulder before her hand gently takes it. Hers is a soft touch, just enough to apply pressure in the direction to go. "I'll make sure we get there without any stubbed toes." Again her voice was filled with mirth. Leading her towards, then into the rec building Sisip chuckles softly hearing Marlo's argument. She gives Midas a wave with her free hand.

[22:35] * Midas wiggled his fingers at Sisip, the smile giving hooker that he was had him tossing one her way as well as she meandered off with Deva in tow. Casually he'd lean against the foutain, somewhere in the back of his mind pondering how much an iphone would cost him.

[22:37] <MarloCross> Marlo gave Sisip and Midas a nod as he stops in the hall and continues to yell at his mother," Ma, you can't pull me out.....Yes! Exactly! Who else is gonna fly the chopper?!.......No, strangely enough, no one can fly since Xerxes hightaled it outta here....He was a dick. Nevermind." Everyone nearby could hear Marlo's mother, Gayle, yell at him to watch his mouth.

[22:37] <Ahriman> The nervous woman, bless her heart, gave Gina a real smile, though it was mostly blocked by her hand. Her mouth opened to reply, but Hayden stepped in the way. His back was to Gina, so she couldn't see the death-glare he was giving the mousy lady. The well-dressed man took the phone from his inner jacket pocket and tapped at it quickly, sending off a text message. From the pocket of every person he'd brought with him came a ton, and suddenly things.. changed. From the food line, there was a roar. It wasn't animalistic; rather, it was the sort of roar that accompanied a gout of flame. (Rec) The woman who'd wandered her way back over moved to stand more-or-less as centered as she could in the room, turning slowly to take catalogue of who was near. (Med) The woman over by yonder med center began to, quite literally, step away from herself. This one was a cloner, and though she was duplicating casually, her extras were already infiltrating the area. (Hayden) Hayden set a hand on the nervous woman's shoulder and nodded. She gave him just a slight frown, but turned to lead them out of the cafeteria.

[22:38] <@Deva> Silent footsteps carried Deva beside Sisip, her head turning as various sounds fell on her ears. A very, VERY loud male, some footsteps -- you know how it is. She didn't think about trying to negotiate her way out of the mask. It was likely not an option at this point, though she had been allowed to remove it to, say, shower. "...he deserves. I cannot see, but I know the stare. Is full of fear, distrust."

[22:41] * @Julie`Leon the book was boring her, Julie marked the page and let it drop next to her cot. She looked to who her current guard was and scoffed. Not the Squid. They never put the Squid on her block. Too much history between the two of them she figured. Pity, he was fun to rile up, watch all those colors he turned. Better entertainment than anything on television these days. Julie sat up then got to her feet, pacing her cell once again.

[22:43] * Midas blinked as the woman by the med center began to duplicate herself. "What is she do-" Then roar of flame happened albeit from the opposite direction (assuming) jerking his head in that direction browns widening. "The hell?"

[22:44] > Gina hits send on her phone.... the text goes out to the entire team as well as security. The three words? ~SANCTUM UNDER ATTACK~ That was all she'd needed to say, and being no dummy, well, she'd at least gotten that far ahead of the game. After that? She yells, right into the comms link through her earbud, "Doppleganger to team, eight total. Hayden is with them." And since Hayden had brought them here, as she's yelling, she goes straight for him, moving in the blink of an eye, ghostly grey spectrails warping ahead of her, pulling her body with them. Should she manage to tackle him, it would feel like two of her hitting, one right after the other.

[22:44] <vile> Things are starting to look up for Nicholas! It's been a long day but he's finally done with whatever he'd gone to the medical center for. This time around he was getting treatment, not giving. The arm is doing better even if it's still in a sling and there's a faint smile on his face. But he rolls to a stop so he can gawk at the woman cloning herself. His head tilts to one side and he quirks a brow. It's shrugged off and he continues on his way. Oh look! A Midas! A wave is offered but then he hears roaring and freezes again. He just sighs. "I should have just stayed in my room." is muttered under his breath.

[22:45] <@Sisip> Sisip sighs softly, "Well, his job is full of danger, to be fair. I can imagine he has had his share of .. scary people. Sometimes that makes people hesitate to trust others. I'm sure it is nothing personal." They were in the hallway as they walk but Sisip clearly hears a familiar cry of her niece, who was on duty tonight in the food court. Tensing up sisip frowns, "Deva, I need to.. go see what that was.. will you be ok on your own?" She moves the girl over towards a wall. "I'm sure it's nothing, I'll be back soon, I promise." Reaching up she taps her comm unit, "~Something is up in the food court. Probably nothing but I'll go check it out.~

[22:47] <Buzzard> "One, you and Two lock down the front gate. Three, man security protocols, await further instructions. Everyone else, arm up and fan out." Conrad says into the comm, to the triplets and the security redshirts. His eyes narrow as he gets up from his desk, and almost casually reaches for that heavy coat that's nearly bending the hanger on which he's let it rest. The worst thing about having a bad feeling about things? It's usually right. He starts striding out of his office, hands in the pockets of his coat, moving with determined quickness. "Gina. Situation report." He says through the comm, lips tight, but his facial expression impassive otherwise. "Sisip, if you're on this channel, we appear to have a breach."

[22:50] <MarloCross> Marlo got the text and HUNG UP ON HIS MOTHER. An act that will get him crusified later. Fishing the com from his pocket, he hears only Hayden is with them. Then he hears Sisip speak. He no longer needed clarification as he heads her off." Crippler here. I'll head with Weaver to the food court unless there are other orders from you, Conrad." He gives Sisip a look of You Are Not Leaving My Sight You Pregnant Liability.

[22:50] <@Deva> "When first came here, had guns pointed to my head at all hours of the day. Who should have troubles with trust?" Deva inquired dryly before -- whoah. She straightened up, looking around quickly and baring her teeth. Trying to pinpoint the direction of sound when the panic was steadily rising was near impossible. Instead, she backed towards the wall as directed, "As you wish." Not like she wanted to go anywhere if things were... getting blown up or whatever. She gently itched at the visormask and grunted.

[22:53] <Shatter> Tori wasn't sure what was going on, but it sure didn't seem good. She really wished she'd had a radio, but being on indefinite suspension made it hard to get her hands on one. At least that was one more notch for why she poured out all her alcohol. She moved from the edge of the courtyard where she'd wandered off to and back to the fountain, scanning the area for a moment. With a frown she pulled off her mirrored glasses and tucked them away as she tried to take stock of things. Radio or not, an attack within the campus was just that, and she was far from defenseless.

[22:54] <@Sisip> A breach? Surely she'd heard that wrong. One didn't cat-tank into mordor! Eyes flash to Marlo and she gives him an upnod "I promise I'll be back for you, Deva." Her voice was strained, obviously there was something very wrong. She had to remind herself to step back from suddenly issuing orders. This wasn't her gig anymore. She was thankful that at least she wasn't being cut out completely. She was also thankful that Conrad was smart enough to lock things down quickly, "Hear you loud and clear." She gives Deva's shoulder a final reassuring squeeze before the woman motions to Marlo and heads down the hallway, intent on making sure whatever was going on in there was ended quickly.

[22:55] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) Gina got a tackle in.. at least, that what it seemed at first. And it wasn't like someone stepped in the way and she tackled someone else; it was definitely Hayden. But when Gina hit the ground, her arms were empty, and Hayden was upright, brushing off his suit and straightening his hair. He snorted at her, and looked like he wanted to spit, but he was a civilized man, and would never do that. Probably. The 4 interlopers continued out of the cafeteria. (Rec) The woman there called out to Sisip and Marlo. "I'd really like it if everyone could just stay in here. No one will get hurt that way." Her voice was saccharine, but there was of course a touch of menace to it. (Med) The duplicator continued, so far unabated. She was a mob in and off herself. (Foodcourt) The fire-using mutant gave another display, this time in a less-harmful direction as straight up. This time he leaned over the rail that helped corral the food line and opened his mouth wide, flames spewing forth just over the head of the nameless eaters already there. The other man ran out of the line the same way he'd gotten in, heading for the general entrance to the foodcourt.

[22:58] * Midas jerked his head back in the groups direction as he gaped at Gina ...falling through Hayden? Not that he knew him or anything. "Stop this!" He'd shout at him pushing himself away from the foutain and trying to catch the man by his shoulder. Oh he was frightened, but he just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time he supposed.

[23:01] <@Sisip> Sisip freezes as she looks over at the woman, her eyes narrowing. "Crippler... detain this woman for security." Her voice drips with it's own menace, "And please... don't be gentle." Sisip was a very nice woman... right up until you brought the crap into her home... and this was her home. With the thought that she'd give anything for her friggen belt of items she took a few steps backwards towards the door, dark eyes locked on the woman.

[23:01] > "Situation is..." There's a frustrated grunt and a thud as Gina hits the ground, arms empty, rolling to her feet. "Very fucking hostile! Crippler, you stick with Skie." She gave that order, confirmed it anyway, since she'd taken over the duties of, well, giving orders really. Teamwise anyway. "One in the lounge... one went to the med center... TEAM. REPORT." Dusting her hands off on her jeans as she stood up, she leveled her eyes on the group heading out of the cafeteria. "Alright, assholes. Let's dance." A group of people required a bit more finesse, something Gina was good at. She didn't spend hours in the sims beating the crap out of large groups for nothing. She'd shoot towards the two in the back, the ones following Hayden, reaching for the backs of both of their necks. The plan? Using her enhanced strength and speed to grab them and introduce them to one another, very hard, very fast, and hopefully resulting in a couple cracked skulls.

[23:03] <@Deva> There wasn't much for Deva to do except fiddle with the thing on her face in the hopes that maybe she could get it off. Not likely. Elswhere, however, the redshirts were preparing for a fight! Sort of. Most of the new guys didn't carry anything particularly lethal -- tazers, tranqs, dampening cuffs if they manage to get ahold of a suspect. "Security on the way!" And they couldn't activate any of the special security protocols while the hostiles were inside. Someone planned this, they mumbled amongst themselves as they prepared to storm the halls.

[23:03] <vile> Gina? Hayden? The fuck. He stares at Midas, looks down at the guy's hands and goes back to gawking at the multiplier. THE FUCK IS GOING ON. "The fuck is going on?" The squwaking of his comm unit can be heard coming from his messenger bag. He fumbles with the thing, finds the unit and jams it into his ear. Too bad he doesn't have anything useful to contribute! Hell, he doesn't even have a cane! The undampened zombie sighs again. "It's not one. This woman is multiplying and I don't know which is the original. Midas, did you see which one was there first?"

[23:05] <Shatter> "Bloody hell." She said to herself. "Can someone direct me t' ... t' something!?" She called out loud. "I don't think this fountain needs much in the way o' protectin' and I ain't one for ... y'know. Standin' around!"

[23:05] <Buzzard> Conrad practically kicks open the door leading out to the courtyard, and strides out with a purpose, hands still in the pockets of his coat. He spots Tori, and calls out. "Ms. Allison, if you would be so kind as to come with me, there is a situation that needs to be dealt with." He takes his hands from his pockets then, as his trajectory changes to start toward the med center. It's the furthest away from the other incidents, where Gina, Sisip, and Marlo already are. The last thing he'd seen on the security footage was a self-replicator, and who knows how many she could make. Better to deal with her quickly, before they have a full scale riot on their hands. He opens one side of his coat, and the reason for its heaviness is revealed. The interior is little more than a shelf of ammunition and small weaponry, carefully arranged for easiest access. With a deft motion, he retrieves something from a secured holster, a riot gun of some kind, with a barrel chamber. "I am very, very displeased right now." He says, to no one in particular, as he kicks through the door of the med center.

[23:06] * Angel`Pearson was on one of his usual stoned out wanderings around the grounds when the little group by the fountain caught his attention and he drifted closer. He was wearing his pink fleece cropped jacket, tight shirt underneath displaying a large pink star with a rainbow border on its chest, ruffled black skirt, and kneehigh boots with pink stars on them.

[23:06] <MarloCross> And the leash. Was. Off. Marlo's eyes narrowed. His com was open." Crippler here. Engauging one in the Rec Center." He stepped in, his voice now cold and emotionless. His mind was in Crippler mode." you're In my home." He was hoping for a complimentary blast of air to fuel his punches, but he'd settle for seeing what this hoe bag had in store as he reached for her....

[23:08] * @Julie`Leon meanwhile down below all prisoners were confined to their cells even more so, that dratted field dampener was set up stronger than usual. Something had to be going on topside. Julie smirked and yelled out to a guard. "Can't you guys ever do your jobs right? Let me guess, the next time a paint job's due you'll be going for a target design?" She laughed. "Or maybe arrows pointing directly at the weakpoints. You guys can't do anything right!" Yea, she was baiting ang poking. She was bored! What do you expect? This was entertainment like no other. Watching the guards running around like Sisips... Chickens with their heads cut off. Only thing better would be to have some way to watch the shenanagins above.

[23:08] > **CONK**

[23:08] * `Emily popped her neck as she ran full speed for the Med Center.."Emily here, Im heading to the med center" Thankfully Emily's long legs made the trip quick and in no time at all she found herself at her targeted location

[23:13] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) This time, when Gina went for the other two, she found Hayden. He wasn't some immovable force, but as she rushed forward, she'd collide with the well-dressed baddy. He gave an 'oof' at the force of it, but just after the impact, he was once more not where he should be. Back with the other 3, who hadn't actually stopped, still following the nervous woman. "Bulwark, take care of this one. She's.. feisty. Flammen.. have fun." (Rec) "I! Said! STAY!" The woman was clearly used to getting things her way, and with Sisip clearly not listening, she.. threw a tantrum. She flailed her arms and stomped, but each time her foot hit the floor, it shook mightly. Geologists would be thrilled, shocked, and maybe even terrified, and the sudden earthquakes coming from Cobalt Hill. Marlo was either going to overload, or have the absolute time of his life. (Med) By now, the original had disappeared into the throng of herself, though her powers continued. Her duplicates began streaming to other parts of the Sanctum; the apartments, admin - anywhere to get some room. (Foodcourt) The man with the fire breath, Flammen, gave a cliched grin; this time he turned on the staff behind the sneeze guard, the roar of fire coming soon after. The other, identified as Bulwark, who'd been heading for the entrance, now diverted and charged for Gina.

[23:15] * Midas supposing he didn't manage to touch Hayden at all before he moved again, he simply gaped at Nick. "I dunno..I think.." He'd point to one of the women..that all looked alike. "That one I-" Suddenly his balance was thrown off as he flung his arms wide to try to keep from toppling over as the very earth itself seemed to get pissy!

[23:15] <@Skieweaver> Her hand did rise as the injin woman knowingly ignored the 'stick with Marlo' portion of her duties. A wind tunnel blasts from her... towards Marlo... as strong as she could manage with a single hand, the other moving towards the woman. Sisip was no dummy, they'd had breaches before in the past. Successful one's, like this... not mobs rushing the gate.. and they always went for the same target.. the maze. The not-so-discussed prison under the ground beneath the sanctum where the worst of the worst were locked away. As Lead-foot-Lisa pitched a fit Sisip stumbled just a bit, her other hand whipping up to give Marlo a double blast. "Take her down, Crippler." Her com was left open, to both be able to hear and speak freely.

[23:20] <MarloCross> Fear was the first thing he felt. Between the rumble the girl let off and the wind blasting his back, he felt the rush of power fill his every cell. His mind went into animal mode. A side effect of his mutation. His black eyes focused on the quarry as his heart raced. veins pumped into view on his arms and forehead. The ground under him shattered as he kicked off, using a stomping foot to propell him toward the assailant with a left haymaker primed and ready. He had little time: Expell the Energy or his heart might explode!

[23:22] <vile> FFFFFF the ground starts revolting! Nick crouches down and tries to not fall on his ass or anything. The small man scuttles across the courtyard, snatches up a stick and goes back to Midas. "Turn this to gold." he snaps and thrusts the thing towards the other man. Why? Gold may be a soft metal but it's still metal and a better weapon than a stick! One of Nick's arms might be fucked up but he can still try to do something useful! "And don't get yourself injured. Let me know if you do." He goes over the comm units again, "We need help by the medical center." Oh god so useless. OH LOOK ANGEL. He narrows his eyes, "I think you're the only one that can attack more than one thing. Will you consider taking off your dampener and, er. Well, try going into the group of them and stay away from us. How fast does your drug act?" Oh god is Angel really going to be the one to save them?

[23:22] * Security did what they did best -- ran around like mad and shot things! Well, with tazers and tranqs. Let's be honest, the redshirts were called that for a reason. However, among all the chaos, the newer guards were enthusiastically rushing into the fray, trying to give an edge to the brave, and sometimes stupid heroes.

Re: Hayden Really IS a Bad Guy!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:20 am
by Suzthulhu
[23:22] * @Julie`Leon always with the Conks! Not literally of course, that would be unjust... Just like keeping her locked up and forgotten about down here!!! It wasn't like she'd killed anyone with her powers! If anything she'd extended life. exxxxcept for Jack that one time. ONE. TIME. and she'd been forcibly injected with Pulse at that point. Can't blame her for that one, Grousey! Nananana. Still she was locked up down here and the lunatics wreaking havok were up there. Not to mention there were at least three Code Red muties still on the loose that META was doing nothing about. She angrily stood in her cell, hands where guards could see them and waited for this break in monotony to end so she could get back to aimlessly pacing her cell.

[23:24] > Like a cat, Gina lands on her feet, the giant wall of a man between herself and Hayden, which in her mind, was not the best place to be. She wanted Hayden's ass, yo no giggity. Fine. She'd just go through the son of a bitch. But her line of thought was much like Sisip's, in that Hayden had to have a goal in mind. "Buzzard, Hayden and two others broke off, one's an old woman. Not that it matters." She can handle Bulwark herself, but the screams coming from the cafeteria are a concern, as well as the smell of smoke. "Security team, get the extinguishers on in the cafeteria, NOW." As fatty bombatty started to charge, Gina did something possibly unexpected. She could dodge him, certainly, she's fast enough. But instead, she holds her ground, bracing for the impact, and lets him hit her. AStral shields fan out over her body, and though they don't absorb all of the impact, they allow her to keep her foooting long enough to drop to a crouch, letting Bulwark's momentum bring him within enough range that she shoves both fists right at his crotch. No fighting fair here.

[23:24] <GM`Ahriman> *Hayden and three others
[23:25] > Counting is hard.

[23:28] <@Deva> Meanwhile, Deva panicked. Sort of. It was a very quiet panicking. She felt her way towards a door that led back outside, stumbling back out into the courtyard. The halls were being practically flooded, chaos. She needed this damn thing off of her face. But there was no key. No way to rip it from her head. Falling into her knees, she grunted, feeling her way blindly along the ground. Grass, pavement, grass, pavement. There was no end in sight.

[23:28] <Shatter> Okay, well. She'd avoid the hell out of the cafeteria, she could clear that much up on her own. She wasn't much good for fighting fires, or fighting fires in doors. No, Tori looked about as she shifted into glass and lifted up into the air a few feet. " worries mate. Got a plan then." Tori drew the line at octuplets on the campus, and this centuplets nonsense had to go. She launched into action, doing her best to knock duplicates out of commission- she couldn't get them all, but she could get a decent number to at least slow the tide, so to speak.

[23:31] <Buzzard> "Suppress and contain." He responds to the question of whether he has a plan. With that, he makes a 'get down' motion with his free hand, and fires the first round from the riot launcher. A flashbang, angled to bounce off the ceiling of the med center and into the teeming crowd of duplicates, resulting in a blinding flash of light and a loud, deafening boom for anyone closeby. Once the sound and fury settles, he charges forward at the nearest duplicate, or possibly the original, it's hard to tell, and rams the butt of the riot launcher toward the back of her neck.

[23:32] * Angel`Pearson his arms shot out to the sides, flailing a moment in an attempt to keep his balance as the ground started shaking, latching onto the nearby edge of the fountain. His head snapped up as he heard Nicholas "Huh?Oh! Yes! I can do that! Its -very- fast acting. They'll be tapdancing on the moon in notime." his head bobbing in a quick, excited nod.

[23:36] * `Emily turned and covered her eyes as Buzzard fired the flash bang off, after the massive bang she charged into the room, using quick brutal moves she had learned from Ginas training sims Emily did her best to knock out and subdue any of the multiple peoples she could while they are still disoriented

[23:41] <GM`Ahriman> (Rec) Tantrum was no brawler. She had no martial training. She was a prissy, special widdle snowflake. She continued stomping until someone did what she said - at least, until Marlo careened into her, fist-first. And it was just that easy. One punch, and little miss prissy-pants was out, flung backward by the force of it all. Her landing did send out one last rumble, but afterward, she was out. Almost as a replacement, though, a group of women from the Manifold woman stumbled into the rec, a bit off-balance by all the rumbling. (Med) More likely than not, security would probably be meeting Manifold's duplicates. Other than all of them being identical, they apparently had no other mutations. Or training, for that matter. They were dispatched easily enough; a portion fell to Tori's efforts, and even more from Conrad's flashbang; some covered their eyes, some clutched their ears, one was knocked out by the butt of a weapon, but they just kept coming. The clones streaming to other parts of the Sanctum didn't seem to be out to cause damage; mostly, they were to distract and occupy - and they were effective at that. (Foodcourt) Bulwark gets between Hayden and Gina, and after the initial impact, was ready to defend as ordered. But Gina, apparently, wasn't playing fair. The double-fist contacts the crotch, but makes contact with a sturdy cup concealed within those Levi's. Powered as they were, though, the plastic shatters, and illicits a deep, uncomfortable groan from the man. Oddly enough, it doesn't move him. He goes cross-eyed for a moment, but it was an irresistable instinct to bring one of his fists down at the head of the bitch going for his jewels. (Hayden) The group of four was out of the courtyard, following the frail woman as she seemed to divine some sort of location. She soon enough stopped, and turned to one of the other men. "Burrow. She's.. down there.. deep, deep down." Her voice was small, but it was certain. The man she addressed stepped forward, focusing intently on where the woman indicated. First the floor began to give way, as if being swallowed by a sudden sinkhole. And that hole went deeper, down down down to that prized maze.

[23:42] * Midas grabs the top half of Nicks stick, and snatches one up of his own. Closing his eyes both sticks would start to shift from wood to gold. "Done!" He was nervous, but damn it he didn't want to get ran off just he started to settle in! Letting go of Nicks stick he'd pick the woman..or one of her copies and swing said now gold stick at her!

[23:44] <vile> "Alright, Angel. Do your thing. And try to not dose myself or Midas. Just try to run between them and get as many as you can. We'll follow once the clones are fucked up and vulnerable. Also avoid anyone you recognize. Friendly fire is bad." Midas' golden stick is accepted and he flees from Angel! He doesn't want to get stoned out of his gourd! And so he goes away from Angel but still at one of the Manifold clones. The golden stick of clobbering is swung at the clone's head! Oh goodie whack-a-mole.

[23:48] * Security hurried into the food court, grabbing up fire extinguishers as they went to try and hose things down. Others were still rushing the halls, heading for clones, employing tranqs and tazers. It wasn't like any of them knew where to find the 'real' one, after all.

[23:48] > The feel of the cup shattering and giving way brings a satisfied cackle out of Gina, as does the man's groan. But... he's not doing what he should be doing, doubling over and going down for the count. She looks up just in time to see his fist coming down toward now her face. Not her pretty face! He's a dead man now. Bringing her forearms up to defend herself, a wash of watery grey fans out over her again, cushioning much of the man's heavy blow. Still, one forearm is smashed into her cheek, making her see stars for a split second or two. Instinctively, she grabs Bulwark's arm, wrapping her hands around his wrist, lifting herself off the floor enough to swing both legs around under and behind one of his ankles in an attempt to bring him down.

[23:48] <Shatter> "This is ridiculous, guv." Remarked the glass mutant, shaking her head in the midst of the fighting. "And taking them down one at a time seems counterproductive. And exhausting." She frowned as she kicked one across the jaw. "If ye've got a mild concussive ... thingy to hit me center mass... or better yet, and dangerous- ye got another flashbang ye can lend me? And send a radio signal t' all nearby personell t' uh.. close their eyes."

[23:49] <@Skieweaver> Not realizing the women stumbling in were a danger Sisip goes to barge right through them, "Headed for the maze. Crippler, secure the room and follow when you can." The woman in the yoga pants and tanktopwas hardly ready for battle, but she knew what would happen if those people down below escaped. She didn't even stop to think, for one moment, that it was Julie they were after.. because.. who the hell wanted HER? Pressing into the hallway the pregnant injin tore ass to the nearest stairwell.

[23:50] * @Julie`Leon what was that sound... Julie looked up. The sounds of fighting shouldn't be heard down here right? They were too far away and only complete idiots would try to break into a high security mutie jail. "Laughable work here, you guys. Can't this place go one week without blood shed and being infiltrated? Step up your game! This is embarassing. Making me think you haven't chnaged your protocols one bit from the first time I arrived."

[23:51] <Buzzard> The commotion in the courtyard doesn't go unnoticed by one of the security redshirts, and soon enough, Redshirt Bob is on the comm. "They're digging, it looks like... they're trying to get into the Maze." Conrad grunts and stock-strikes another of the clones. "We're being distracted." He says, keen black eyes narrowing in frustration. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He should have known. "Tory, find the original. Look for the densest concentration of these things, that is the likeliest place for her to be. Emily, head through the cafeteria, engage and subdue." He reaches into the side of his coat, and pulls out a strip of three small cylinders, each with a pin and a yellow band across them, and tosses them to Tori. "Here. Use them in good health." With that, he turns back the way he came in, and starts out into the courtyard, riot gun raised again. He's used the flashbang round, and now he fires another at the group attempting to burrow their way into the Maze. It's less, well, flashy, but no less effective. As soon as it rolls to a stop near them, an opaque, acrid smelling smoke begins to issue out of it rapidly. Tear gas.

[23:54] <Crippler> The Crippler had expended energy. He wasn't out of the woods. His Heart still beat like a grenade threatening to blow. He didn't yet see his new targets. He was too busy keeping his wits about him. Hit. Break. Cripple. Only the expulsion mattered. Only the release of that amazing, deadly energy. He felt blood dribble from his nose. His vision clouded around the edges. He needed more targets. Then, he heard Sisip. Going to the Maze? Dangerous. Doppleganger told him to stay with her. His head spun as he launched into one of the Clones with a hard left right left to the body. It was like being hit by a heavy weight MMA fighter: THink Shane Carwin if you know him. He called to Sisip," Don't you FUCKING DARE go in without me, Skie. No Risks!"

[23:54] <`Emily> "you got it boss.." Emily took a deep breath before turning and darting off for the cafeteria, in no time at all Emily busted into the Cafeteria and looked around assesing the situation before acting, oh great a fire guy, how the hell is she supposed to fight a fire guy!

[23:55] <Crippler> Bone-Head was hiding under his bed with a box of Fig Newtons and a nudie mag waiting for the booming to stop...

[23:55] * Angel`Pearson nodnodded quickly "Right!" pushing off the fountain and running for the group of clones as the tremors started dying down. He was sure to keep clear of fleeing Nick and Midas as he dashed into the mass of dupes, reaching down to switch off his SND once he'd reached them. With the dampening tech gone a cloud of the potent hallucinogen quickly flared into life around him, whacking the clones in his immediate area with dopey hallucinogenic magic.

[23:56] <Shatter> "Right then. Got it." She crouched low and shot forward, barelling through any nearby clones, her face hard to read with its glass features, but she was scanning. First, direction. They were going in a direction, so they were coming from one. Not exactly the hardest logic problem, but then again simple problems had simple solutions. Tori kept one flashbang in her hand and flew, cross-checking what way she thought was right as she avoided most of the clones, taking out a few here and there, but largely following the trail back to the source as fast as she could manage.

[00:03] <GM`Ahriman> (Foodcourt) Flammen was having a field day. With the main course now black and burning, he turned attention back to the seating area. He inhaled deeply, even rearing back to do so, and once more sent out a torrent of fire, the flames licking over the tops of tables and residents unlucky enough to not duck. Bulwark turned his body away from Gina, knowing full well a second blow to the balls would end quite poorly for him; as it was, he was probably down to only two. His fists weren't at all powered up; just the strength of a man who'd seen more than a few back alley fights. But he just stood there as she moved and grabbed at him, and attempted her trip. But he ain't moving; not even a little. As she tried, he threw another punch with his free hand. (Med) The crowd was thinning, but still duplicates were coming. Midas and Nick were effective; gold might be soft, but its dense, and it's heavy, and it freakin' hurt. Angel sends several into lala-land with his hippy mojo. Downed or otherwise useless clones began disappearing as the group effort began taking its tole. As Tori followed the flow back, clones reached up to grab at her and otherwise get in her way. But, assuming she forced her way through, she'd follow the crowd into the med center. (Rec) Multiple hands reached out to grab for Sisip. They might not intend to harm her, but they certainly didn't want her going anywhere. A few more of the clones tried to get around in front of her to block her path. The last of that group were being taken out one by one by Marlo, putting up a laughable amount of resistance. (Hayden) Burrow but all his effort into his task, pushing aside rock and dirt as he went down. The woman decided that, since she'd done what she was told to do, she could take a rest, and took a seat on a bench. The last of the group (the one that wasn't Hayden) moved to intercept Conrad, but was instead gifted that teargas round. He picked it up, holding it at arms length, before disappearing - with a literally audible 'blip'. He was back not a second later, no longer holding the canister, but shaking the hand that held it, while the other hand wiped at his face.

[00:07] * Midas swung his golden rod for lack of a better word around almost haphazardly as he actually knocked one out! When it vanished, "Wait..they don't get-" Then clicked only one of the many was worth not actually hurting. Grinning a wicked idea came to mind, he'd swing and try to touch the nearest of the clones if he managed to touch one he'd transmute whatever part he touched into gold. Not really paying much attention as he’d go after another…and then another. Granted he probably wasn’t taking any of them out faster than the security was…but he was trying! Midas 1 Dup chick 0 Yataa!

[00:08] <@Skieweaver> "We don't have time, dammit, just... GAK!" Her words are cut short as she's grabbed, the woman jerking away from the hands as she whips her own downwards, windblades projecting from them, "Get the hell off me you *$%!s!" She jerks hard against the grip, lips pulled back against her teeth as she almost snarls, the temperature in the room dropping around her.

[00:09] * `Emily eyes widen as she sees Flammen make like a dragon but thankfully it doesnt look like the fire breather had taken notice of her so it gave her a moment to think, slowly a smile spread over her face as she reached over and ripped a large booth out of the ground before hurling it full strength at Flammen.."please god let this work"

[00:10] <Crippler> Enemies. They had Skieweaver. Teammate. Friend. This would not do. Fist flew freely, uncaring on who might die in thier wake. Each punch taking away from the charge. Knuckles bled, even with his powers protecting his hands. His skin still made contact. He yelled a wordless threat at the horde infront of him. The next closest would get two fingers jammed into the first joint he could find. His father told him never to do that. It focused the kinetic explosion, almost like putting a small caliber pistol to a person's shoulder and pulling the trigger. He would repeat this with everyone that wasn't a friend that got in his way.

[00:11] > Welp. That wasn't working. Seems she's dealing with the Immovable Object. What happens when it encounters the Unstoppable Force? Another shot to the nuts, that's what. She'll take that fist coming at her, using the grip she still has on his other arm to pull herself to the side enough so that it lands in the middle of one side of her back instead of to her face, body curling defensively. Still more or less under him, she lets his arm go, using her curled posture to roll to the side he'd turned to. Bracing with her arms, her body blurs as she sends both feet up to his groin full force.

[00:11] <Buzzard> "Very cute." He says, as the man teleports away with the tear gas canister, and then back. Looks like it's time for a change of tactics. The riot launcher is dropped to his side, and the other side of his coat is moved open. In that holster, a 12 gauge military shotgun, and all sorts of color-coded rounds lining the side of the coat. It's a wonder he can stand in the goddamn thing, but he's a lot more fit than his gaunt appearance would lead one to believe. With practiced quickness, he unholsters the shotgun, and loads it with a set of rounds bearing bright orange markings, and then levels it at the teleporter. "Enjoy." He says, and then pulls the trigger, sending a shell toward the man. The explosive force of the gun's firing rips the casing, and the payload is sent rocketing forward. It's almost beautiful, for a moment, a small, glittering cloud of some kind of metal, but then, as zirconium-based rounds are oft wont to do, it bursts into a gout of flame toward the man.

[00:14] <Tomcat> Nickypoo continues to beat the everloving hell out of these bitches. On some level, he's liking the violence. It's letting him work off frustration. Too bad these bitches aren't dropping candy or anything. No candy, gore or...anything else! Just vanishing into thin air! But at least they seem to have the durability of paper. Whether or not his golden stick is bending isn't a concern to him. He's just focused on destroying the targets. Also not getting doped up by Angel's magic.

[00:14] <Shatter> "It's like some... really bad version o' the Beetles concert me mum told me about.." She remarked to herself as she barrelled through- being made of glass also helped, although her clothes were taking something of a beating. Still, she followed as fast as she could manage, shifting the flashbang in her hand. When she hit paydirt, so to speak, glass mouth curled in a grin. For a few long moments she had to fight off the clones grabbing at her, concentrating on something. Just ahead of her a complex glass chamber formed. "Y'know, I've been workin... on sommat like this for a while, mates and I can't think of a better way t' test it.." She shoved the flashbang into the construct and floated it out as far as she could before she was tackled to the ground, and gladly, shielding her own eyes as flash itself was severely intesified before the contruct broke from the force of the explosion. The shards were likely too small to be more than annoyance.

[00:21] * Angel`Pearson continued on into the group, reaching out to to poke and prod at those he passed, transferring still more hallucinogenic goodness to the duplicates as he ran through the crowd of identicle faces "Tag, tag, tag. Enjoy!" and then he flinched as he heard the banging of the flash grenades and the firing of the gun in the distance.

[00:23] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) Burrow was already out of site, very nearly into the coveted Maze. The woman was well out of the way - that left Hayden and Blip in the path of Conrad's firebreather round. Blip had the good sense to get the hell out of the way; one blip out, one blip in, behind the Buzzard, fist pulled back for a cheapshot. So Hayden took the foll blast. His clothes were ruined, and he wasn't happy, not one bit, that he was on fire. He dropped to the ground, and as he learned in elementary school, rolled around, screaming his fool-head off. (Foodcourt) Flammen didn't notice Emily; she hadn't done anything to draw his attention. Not until she threw a freakin' booth at his head, anyways. The crafty firebreather used the corralling rails to help protect him, but figured that wouldn't last very long. And now that his attention was taken away from burninating everyone else, he gave a quick fireball to the poor redshirts trying to put out the blazes, before concentrating a stream toward Emily. Meanwhile, Bulwark was having a time with Gina. He chuckled at her attempt to move him, but serioused quick when she tried something else. He tried moving his body with hers, but he didn't have enhanced speed. So whiloe he did get turned a little bit, her feet found purchase on his crotch once more. He went crossed-eyed and moved a hand to cover them defensively.. but still, the woman didn't move him. (Med) The shiny golden staves gripped tightly around the base by Nick and Midas were effective - when they actually took out a clone. A hit to the arm or both or leg or whatever still hurt, sure, but the clone remained. When they conked one hard on the head, though - that got them disappearing. Tori found the source of the clones - Manifold had taken residence on one of the medcenter's patient rooms, and all the clones were pushing their way out from there. But when she arrived, the obvious materfamilias ducked down, using herselves as a shield. (Rec) The clones keep grabbing for Sisip, but she certainly takes some down with those windblades. They're left immobile and screaming, until they disappear entirely. A couple of them got the idea to try to pull the windy woman's arms behind her back. And Marlo was making easy progress; fist met face, face disappeared. The same for when he turned to using his fingers and focusing the force. The rec crowd was shrinking.

[00:26] <Midas> "This isn't working out the way I hoped!" He'd call out to Nick while thwacking one of the dupes with his stick o gold! When he could he'd try to grab at any dupes exposed skin in order to transmute it..hoping it too would cause em to poof..perhaps a bit faster than his stick was! Yet there seemed to be an unlimited amount of them!

[00:26] <Buzzard> "Typical." When the man disappears, a smile crosses Conrad's face. Teleporters. So god damned predictable. They never go for the side, or above, always from behind. The moment he hears that second 'blip' Conrad drops into a crouch, and drives the butt of the shotgun hard behind him, and then wheels around, sweeping one leg out to strike at his opponents legs. He's hoping it's enough to disorient the teleporter long enough for him to deliver a quick knockout blow.

[00:27] > At least he's distracted now... and hopefully missing another ball or two. Gina's juuuuuust about had it with him though, and while he's got a hand over his nuts, she pops to her feet, grabs a nearby table (yep, whole fucking thing), and with a grunt, brings it straight down onto Bulwark's head. If she can't move him, maybe she can at least knock his ass out.

[00:30] <@Skieweaver> It was like falling down the tunnel with the hands from Labyrinth, except not as much groping. Hands grabbed her arms and pulled them back, "... motherfucker ..." She grunted before the temperature dropped even more, each breath visible in the cold. Her loose hair began to move, almost on its own, "Let. Me. Go." She hadn't been this angry since the day Ollie had driven his truck into the school gate and wouldn't get out of the way so they could put the fire out, the risk of exploion and killing numerous people overhwelming. She'd been angry then, enough to lift the work truck... but that wasn't even CLOSE to her anger now. Wind began to swirl around her, the mere twitching of her fingers guiding it. Swirling and pulling at hair and clothing of the clones holding her. Not painfully but certainly enough to be noticed, small items being picked up, caught by the winds.

[00:31] * `Emily let out a loud eep before diving behind a table sadly not without getting a nasty burn to her upper arm, hissing loudly she bit back a loud scream, ripping the table out of the ground she ducked down and used it like a shield to protect herself from the flame while she thought of what to do next

[00:31] <Tomcat> Nickypoo gets tired out. At least he feels better now! If that's the only thing he gets out of this mess, he's okay with that. The golden stick is tucked under his still-bandaged arm and he pulls the glove off his good hand with his teeth. It's crammed into a pocket of his jeans and he bolts for the nearest clone, lunges out and grabs at its neck, face, whatever exposed skin he can get. What's the point? To attempt a transfer of his injuries to the thing! Is it even possible with a fragile clone? It's worth a try! "I got nuthin', Midas. I don't know whre the original one is. Nobody's talking over the comm units. We could try somewhere else?" because they're obviously doing no good where they're stationed now!

[00:32] <Crippler> He was running out of force. His punches were no longer like bullets or cannon balls. They were just heavy handed strikes, like a punch from a martial artist. He needed fuel, He needed force. The Clones weren't doing much to help him there. Then, Sisip started the wind going again. Fighting his way closer, Crippler threw everything he had at those still in his way and at those holding Sisip. All to get closer. All to catch some wind and syphon the kinetic force.

[00:34] <Shatter> Tori shot upwards, both having used the clones as a shield, but Manifold's weren't trying to punch her or anything. She spun about, elbowing harshly before focusing on the pile of clones. "You stay right there, lass, just like that, and don't make any more clones, and we can sit here in silence or chat, or.. whatever ye like. But if ye make one more clone, I'll have t' stop pretendin' I'm civil. Fair?"

[00:42] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) Blip wasn't expecting that. He doubled over from the butt of the shotgun, and has his legs taken out with the sweep, but the finishing blow Conrad was hoping for wouldn't be that easy. He blipped out again, still being parallel with the ground. The blip that brought him back was, this time, over Conrad. He used his awkward position to his advantage; should Buzzard not get out of the way in time, he'd get a hefty elbowdrop. This one, apparently, was sometime trained. That, or he liked pro-wrestling. (Foodcourt) Gina's table shatters over Bulwark. Not over his head, though; he took a step forward, still hunched over, to take the table on the back. He cries out from the impact, reaching a hand back to somehow soothe that sudden pain, but still - aside from the step he took himself, is immobile. "You're gonna have to do better than that if you wanna nudge me, girly," he said to her through gritted teeth. His voice was gravelled; it could be because he was about to spit out one of his testicles. Or it could be because he had a mouthful of blood. Meanwhile, Flammen wasn't just some firebreathing dupe. He had a little cunning. He took another breath, spitting a gob of fire at Gina, then returning to Emily. He didn't shoot the flame directly at the center of the table she used as a shield. Rather, he focused around the edges, trying to catch any part of her that might not be protected behind the cover. The cover that was, by now, burning steadily at the part aimed at him. (Med) The dupes were indeed transmuted, but if it was only a patch, they remained, and continued trying to push out against security and mutants. Tori had quite successfully taken out all the clones around her, putting a big hole in the stream. This means that, once all the clones outside the med center, and in the admin and apartment and the rec sections were taken care of - that was it. But Manifold had her orders, and despite seeing what Tori was capable off, the clones kept coming. At the very least, she needed to rebuild her shield.(Rec) The extras holding onto Sisip were confused. It was downright crisp around the injin, and they didn't much care for it. Their grips loosened, at least the ones Marlo wasn't taking out. Even with his weakening hits, when placed right, they were enough to take out a clone. And he had definitely fought his way right up to the women clutching at Sisip.

[00:45] * Midas would swing, his golden stick to thump whichever ones he got ahold of! Transmute, Thwack! Transmute Thwack! He was starting to wear himself out, and though he noticed they had started to thin would still be quite easy to get overwhelmed by them!

[00:47] * Angel`Pearson just continued to do his thing, doping up any clone he came into contact with, using the combination of the chemical cloud that surrounded him, and his hallucinogen coated touch to send them into lala land. Wooo, he was helping! He'd never actually done anything productive during an attack before. The standard response was run and hide.

[00:47] <Tomcat> FINALLY he's free of the broken arm and the other shit wrong with his fragile body! WOO. Okay that makes him happy. But he's still confounded with all these goddamn clones that he's wasting his time with. "Where are your locations?" he asks over the comm unit. Maybe he can be useful somewhere else! Or be useless somewhere else. "We need to communicate. That's what these goddamn things are for." Irritated Nick is irritated. The sling is pulled off his arm and thrown at one of of the passing clones. "Sisip? Marlo? Gina?" Anyone.

[00:48] <Buzzard> Clever girl. The disappearance catches him off guard, and then he feels the impact of the man falling down upon him, but as much training as Blip might have had, Conrad's is far superior. He was trained to deal with mutants, all kinds of mutations, and he was trained in combat, tactics, and strategy. Whomever Hayden picked up in his big truck labeled "NEED SUPERVILLAINS, WILL PAY", it's not enough for someone like Conrad. With few exceptions, one on one, there's few things he's not prepared to deal with. He takes the impact, but his shoulders roll with it, lessening the force as he moves along the same momentum, and moving him into position so that he can strike his arm upward to wrap around Blip's neck very quickly, and thrust him just as quickly face-first into the ground of the courtyard. "Again. Very cute."

[00:48] <@Skieweaver> There was lots of wind to catch, especially now. Small objects were caught up in the wirlwind that seemed to only grow, chairs and coffeetables jerking across the floor. The woman herself? Was unnervingly calm, even when she jerked her hands out of the grip of the clones. Her quiet voice was heard clearly over the coms, even if it was lost in the growing roar of what was turning into a large whirlwind in the rec center, "We are in the rec center. We are not pleased." We? Herself and Marlo, certainly not the ROYAL we.

[00:49] > "Get to the lounge, Tomcat. Skieweaver's in trouble." Spitting fire at her? Not nice. Not nice at all. She sees the fireball coming out of the corner of her eye. Better than that? Easy, Gina. In the span of the deep breath she takes, things seem to slow down for her. A heartbeat. Focused. Finding her center. She turns to face the fireball, putting herself between it and Bulwark. Timing would be the key here. Closer. Closer. Another heartbeat. The ball of fire hurtles close enough that she can feel the incoming heat. Still, she waits a split second longer. When it's close enough, hopefully too close for Bulwark to move, since he seems intent on -not- being moved, Gina shifts, spectrails fanning out to one side, jerking her body out of the way. If Bulwark wanted to play, let him play with fire.

[00:50] * `Emily was starting to sweat, in more then one way, picking up the table as much as she could and still stay behind cover she hurled the table at the fire breather and using that as a distraction she put all of her strength into a jump and lept behind counter where there would be more breathing room

[00:52] <Crippler> Two Fingers, holding everything he had in equal portions in each hand. Everything he could gather and hold from the gigantic windstorm. Ignore the pounding headache, the chest pain. That growing stress fracture in your left arm. Just fucking fight. Like a viper, his hands shot forward toward the backs of each woman's head, aiming for the nerve stem. Sure they were dupes, but they had to have anatomies right? Meh, maybe not, but it was damn good practice. If they had been real, they wouldn't feel it. the pin point contact would sever their spines...maybe.

[00:52] <EVENT> It was inevitable, given all the fighting and damage and chaos. The power began to flicker. It went out briefly, but it was enough time for prisoners down below to hear familiar 'click's as their cells unlocked.

[00:53] <Crippler> "I'm on it, Doppleganger." He said as his mun hits the enter button.

[00:53] <Shatter> "You are tryin' way too hard for a lass that twat you're with ain't comin' back for. Still, ye can't say I didn't warn ye, luv..." She took a few steps back, positioning herself in the doorway. Not dressed for the occasion, her t-shirt was certainly torn in places and she'd lost a flip flop- the other she kicked off now for dramatic effect. Rather than get violent though, Tori saved that for a last resort and focused. She defended herself, some blows landing and causing chips and cracks in her frame as she built a glass door, a few inches thick, behind her. When it was done, she thrust it forward to fill the doorway and used her powers to hold it in place, though given how she was feeling, perhaps violent might have been the way to go. Curse those morals.

[00:54] <Buzzard> One of those prisoners, a hulking man by the name of Bob, simply stays seated where he is. He's calm, and quiet, and for whatever reason, there's a small smile across his lips. "Heh." He chuckles to himself, and leans back in his cell. Let the other suckers try and make a break for it. He knows somebody else has plans for him.

[00:56] <@Julie`Leon> "Why aren't any of you (*Poptarts*) telling us anything! Unlike the freaks upstairs WE'RE stuck here." Sitting ducks! Julie was getting angry - no. MORE than angry. Someone was going to pay for this. It didn't matter who she grabbed a hold of or which direction her powers turned. Someone was going to be in diapers. And her unspoken prayers were answered. Glee! She was out. AgeRaping time! She had a lot of anger to get out And release on some redshirts. She waited on the heavier hitters to cut a path through first. Before Julie was loose once more!

[01:02] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) Blip isn't nearly as skilled, or prepared, as Conrad is. As such, he's immediately caught up in the man's hold. But no, teleporters are a sliperry lot, so he doesn't stay there long. A blip out, and a blip back in - again from overtop of Conrad. This time, he was going for a full body drop. Hayden is soon enough not on fire, and pushes himself back up to his feet. "That fucking hurt!" he yelled at Conrad. "What the hell man?!" Hayden should have been a crispy lump by now. But no; his skin was pink and healthy beneath the smoldering fabric of a formerly fancy suit. He did look quite a bit older than he did when he first arrived, though. "I'm through!" Burrow called up from the hole, eliciting a wicked grin from the partially-suited man. "Until next time," he tipped a hat he wasn't wearing to Conrad, then hopped down the hole created for him. Once down there, he called out in a sing-song voice, "Oh Juuuuuliiiieee.." (Foodcourt) Great. On top of crushed testicles, now Bulwark was on fire, the flaming spittle having hit him square in the chest. It wasn't a forceful thing, but it was napalm for all intents and purposes, all sticky and refusing to go out. The man tore off his shirt and tossed it aside, but there was still a bubbled-up mass of skin across his chest from where the burning had been. As for Emily, Flammen sure as shit wasn't just gonna stand there and take the table, like Bulwark. No, he dove the hell out of the way. But Emily didn't exactly have much breathing room behind the counter; Flammen had already set that general area ablaze, though there were probably some diligent redshirts with extinguishers working on putting that mess out. (Med) Midas and Angel and Nick are superout effective! The clones around them drop with their attacks, and soon enough their standing there with only a bunch of redshirts as company. (Rec) With their grasps gone, the remaining clones were pretty easily taken out by the combination of whoapissedSisip, as well as Marlo's relentless punching.

[01:03] <Tomcat> Rec center! Nick makes his way there because it's pointless to keep screwing around with these clones. It's not worth even trying. They may be numerous but he's quick on his feet from all that running in terror. "On it." he snaps over the comm unit. A firm grip is held on the golden stick of headaches to make sure he doesn't drop it or anything. Except there's no clones to defeat so phooey. Oh well. He can still make sure Sisip and company aren't injured or anything.

[01:06] <Buzzard> Well, now Conrad's just getting tired of this bullshit. The second the man disappears from his grasp, his hand darts into his coat and retrieves another of his little toys. Quickly pointed upward, since he's assuming the man is dumb enough to try the same trick twice, he flicks the end of the the baton, and presses the button, sending several thousand volts coursing into the tip of the stun baton for Blip to land on. He could have just gotten knocked out the easy way, but noooooooooooo. Had to be cute. Conrad sidesteps as he holds the baton up to strike at Blip as he attempts to body-press him, and moves smoothly to face Hayden and whomever else he has with him still. "I'll get to you in a moment, do not worry." He says to the arrogant man that was on fire not a few moments ago. But then he disappears underground, and his eyes narrow. He taps his comm unit. "Breach in the Maze. I repeat, Hayden has reached the Maze."

Re: Hayden Really IS a Bad Guy!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:35 am
by Suzthulhu
[01:07] <@Skieweaver> With Marlo taking care of the remaining clones the woman steps out of the doors, her body surrounded by the swirling windfunnel now, all sorts of rec room items caught up in it but not seemingly hitting the woman herself. As Nick comes up to them it was apparent he wasn't getting anywhere close to her like this, her hair whipping crazily around her face as dark eyes stared down the hallway. "We are going to the maze. Now." and with that she started forward, the hallway clearing before her because.. wtf walking tornado! More items caught up in her personal windfunnel shield, her hands clenched at her sides. "Cripper, Tomcat.. " She didn't say it, but the command was in her voice.. the 'come or you're toast' tone.

[01:08] * Midas wasn't really paying attention to where he was going as he thwack, and thumped his way through the clones and suddenly found himself standing close to Angel. "You okay?" Maybe his power hadn't clicked in Midas's mind..or maybe he had forgotten. "Maze?" He'd say turning to peer at nick..and his..headmouth on the back of his head?

[01:09] > That buys her a second or two to think. "Crippler. Tomcat is on his way. YOU calm down and stop. And I mean STOP. Just keep an eye on Skieweaver, please." Before you have another heart attack and she has to deal with that, too. "Shatter, status?" While Bulwark is busy ripping his shirt off, Gina backs up further into the cafeteria, turning to look over her shoulder at Emily and Flambe Man. "EMS! Switch! Come out here and beat on this ass... you're better for him. I'll take down Napalm Breath." She keeps heading into the cafeteria, turned to the side to keep both Bulwark and all the fire in her line of vision.

[01:11] * @Julie`Leon Alas! Timing's a... female dog. Hayden jumped down the rabbit hole just as Julie had made her exit. Gotta love chaos. Hayden might see some redshirts in clothes too loose or tight on them as he looked for his prey. Not too many though. Only those who would try and stop her. Julie also seemed to be going more for gathering up ammo to use, so younger was the dominant direction. She wanted out... NOW She could feel a breeze even from that hole the tunneler made. Yea... she wasn't going that way. Not even when her name was called. She pushed and ageraped some more redshirts on her way to the exit. SHE WANTED FREEDOM NOW. So close. The youngified guards likely causing a nice big diversion. Crying in their confusion. Like the little kids she made them. It was laughable. Run to freedom!

[01:12] <`Emily> "sounds like a plan!" leaping out from behind the counter she charged at Bulwark pushing her legs to there max as she put her shoulder down and went to hit tackle him pro football style with all of her considerable strength!

[01:13] <Shatter> We'll assume Conrad tossed Tori a radio for convenience sake. She leaned against the nearest surface, holding the glass door in place. "Uhm. I'm alright. Little cracked in places, but I've got th' Doll Factory here penned in. Uh.. could probably use a wee bit o' support as makin' this door has kinda... put me on reserves. Fine for now, but, ye know." She sighed, not bothering to fix the cracks and chips in her appearance as she didn't want to expend the effort.

[01:15] <Crippler> Crippler winced, his face a mass of puffy veins and blood. His phone was ringing. Probably mother. He decided to leave it. Looking at Sisip, then Nick. Hearing Conrad on the com, then Gina. He headed after her, then stepped infront of Sisip. He was gonna be a shield if it killed him." We're headed to the maze. I'll take point. I'm Okay..." He was breathing hard, but he was coming down from the worst of it. Looking back," Please stay back. If anything happens to you I..." He didn't want to think about that. But he did as the headed TO THE MAZE!!!

[01:17] <Buzzard> Horde just sits in his open cell, watching Julie escape. He even waves to her and Hayden. "How y'all doin'?" He says, his tone of voice almost maddenlingly casual.

[01:23] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) The nervous woman was still there, sitting quietly and calmly. She even smiled at Conrad. Blip suddenly wasn't so happy, though. He was so sure that this move would work again, he didn't really register the stun gun until ZORT. He hit the ground, blipping in and out a couple times, uncontrolled while electricity coursed through him. The last pair of blips took him over to the hole, which he weakly pulled himself into, falling all the way down to the Maze. "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Hayden smirked at Julie. "C'mere, we're getting out of here." Convenient, too, as Blip lands on top of Burrow to break his fall. "Ahh, and here's our ride." (Foodcourt) Bulwark stood frowned at his burned chest, but only long enough to see Emily charging at him. "Ah.. another fiesty one," he said, blood dribbling from his lips. He leaned forward, readying himself to catch the impact. And impact there would be - but still, Bulwark moved nary an inch. Flammen, though, apparently didn't give a fiddler's fart about his partner in crime. Getting back up to his feet, he takes another one of those huge breathes, and leans forward for effect as he hoses everything in front of him with fire, friend and foe alike. His head turns to either side, as well as moving up and down a bit, trying to make damn sure every speck of dust gets a coating. (Med) The clones in and around the rec are gone, save for the ones now trapped in the room Manifold had been in. She creates just enough to be an effective shield, then just..sits there, staring at Tori, and frowning. (Rec) No more clones. No more Tantrum. The rec is all clear! And with security and other mutants sweeping through the Sanctum, it was only a matter of time before the other clones were dealt with.

[01:24] <Tomcat> Both of Nick's arms are thrown into the air with supreme frustration. OH FUCK THIS SHIT. He doesn't really drink but he's getting drunk tonight. Or...something. He doesn't know. "Yes, Mistress." is snapped at Sisip's orders. He follows her like he's ordered to. He glances over at Marlo but follows Sisip.

[01:26] <@Skieweaver> Dark eyes focus on Marlo as he steps in front of her. She watches him for a moment through the swirling winds of speed and doom before an almost serene smile slips over her lips, "I'll be fine, Ashimal, go see Nick. I'll be right back." With her comm open every word could be heard, though Marlo himself didn't seem to hear them as he ehaded towards the Maze enterance. Despite the calm in her voice and smile the area was still bitingly cold, the winds still violently churning around her. Down the hallway they go, Sisip, Marlo and Nick, towards the nearest 'off limits' doorway which was, with a raised hand, opened quite easily. Down down down the stairs, into the Maze itself.

[01:27] <Buzzard> Conrad calmly strides over to the woman on the bench, and more or less out of spite, he zorts her with the stun baton as well. He collapses the device again and tucks it away, and then looks to the hole. Eyes narrowed, he frowns, and then hunches forward. The change only takes a few moments, but after a grotesque transformation, where once stood a man now stands a roughly eight foot tall nightmare cross between a man and a vulture. Huge, powerful wings extend, and then he flies up to the top of the residential building, watching the hole below. Anything that comes out is going to e a target for close to a thousand pounds of very pissed off hybrid vulture monster.

[01:27] > Gina switches places with Emily, letting her go to work on Bulwark while she breaks into the cafeteria. As the fire breath goes streaming out again, Gina grabs the edge of a table, swings herself underneath, and goes shooting across the floor at Flammen. Spectral trails slither outward like a vaguely Gina-shaped snake, bringing her under the flames and right up close to Flammen. Close enough for her to drive herself upward from the ground, left elbow aimed for whatever she might hit on the way up--nuts, gut, ribs--right hand clasped around her fist to add even more force to the blow.

[01:27] * Midas attention had shrunken to one compariable to a mushroom. As he stumbled away from Angel albeit it rather unintentionally. "Get back here Gingerbread man!" He squeel laughing as he literally skipped after...well nothing visable to anyone else...swishing his golden stick this way and that Weeee!

[01:32] <Crippler> Doc Phantom just sits in his chair, looking out at the jailbreak. His computer voice muttering," can YOU beLEEV this. THEY willNOT even HELP a criPEL." Descending the stair, Marlo defends his health with a shiver from the cold." I'm fine. Just a stress fracture and some palpitations. I'll be fine." Yeah with help from the pain killers he was slowly getting more frightened of being addicted to. Over the com, Crippler asked," Conrad, Doppleganger, what are we dealing with? Powers?"

[01:33] <@Julie`Leon> "You!" Julie cackled. "No, no. I'm not going anywhere with you. You're crazy. I'm guessing this." She waved an arm, gesting. "Is all your fault. Seriously? Compound wide invasion and attack just for little old me. I'm flattered. But you're still crazy." Julie was so wary of crazy now. Helpful crazy or not. The last tiem this happened? She nearly got shredded by that preachy ghost girl, Iyala. "Bye now! I gotta get out of this nut house far from all the crazy muties. Start up that spa. Maybe on the other side of the world. Wouldn't be the first time I simply vanished. See ya!" She'd run away from Hayden and what she saw as insanity. Desperation much, no?

[01:33] <Buzzard> Conrad's voice through the comm unit is a croaking sound now, as he's in his hybrid form. "Tunneler... and unknown." They DON'T know the extent of Hayden's abilities, after all.

[01:35] <`Emily> "yes but I can do something she cant" Emily brought her knee leg up as hard as she could into Bulwarks nuts before shifting around to use the big man as a shield from the fire!

[01:39] <Shatter> Tori sat there in her very tired standoff with Manifold, although she preferred her own nick name for the lass. As much as she wanted to help elsewhere, she couldn't even if backup arrived. Once this was all done and Doll Factory was in custody she could go find a place to pass out.

[01:45] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) Conrad just attacked a harmless old lady. He's a terrible man! "Julie.. I've gone through way too much effort to get you. This little stunt here won't go unnoticed. I'm going to lose my livelihood. Now," he said, reaching into the side of his jacket that hadn't been burned away, and producing a tazer gun, "you're coming with me, one way or another." Blip was picking himself up while Hayden advanced after Julie. "It's either with me, or back in one of these cells. You think they're not already covering everything? This," he gestured back to Blip, "is the only exit." (Foodcourt) Well.. that's inconvenient. Getting punched wasn't something Flammen had planned for this evening. But Gina had to go and ruin the whole thing. The way he was standing, the gonads were a bit out of reach, and there was whoafire coming from the mouth, but everything else was fair game. With an elbow lodged firmly in his solar plexus, the flames suddenly cut off, and naught but a wheeze escaped his mouth. After a round with Gina, Bulwark was ready for a kick to the nuts. Hell, he still had a hand in front of them after the last attack. Emily's knee hit that hand, but that was it. His free hand threw a punch at the girl that was easily too close. (Med) Manifold wasn't pushing on the glass barrier. The room was full of clones, but that was just for cover. Even the duplicates started looking bored after a few minutes. "What will they do with me?" a voice comes out of the group.

[01:47] <@Skieweaver> Unfortunately when Julie runs it's directly towards Sisip and crew. When the injin woman see's the bane of her existance, the ruiner of lives, the reason Jack ended up in a coma for so long, Kevin in toddler form, Marlo a broody adult, seven a teeny thing and herself a twelve year old things go from violent to worse, the winds picking up to the point of being dangerous to those around her, foe and friend alike. "Julie is free." She speaks over the comm, her voice tinged with what could possibly be an almost unhinged quiver. "No." She says quietly before another, much louder, "NO. YOU WILL NOT!" is shouted, Sisip lunging forward, her arms pulled back for just a moment before with a strangled cry she throws them in front of her. That massive swirling tornado of protection, filled with glass, shards of wood, blunt objects, and probably purses, broken cds and dvds as well as their cases and now wreckage from the maze, is hurled forwards, the roaring death funnel only growing more violent as the rage from the pregnant Sisip Webster fuels it even more. The sound fills the maze, like a freight train barreling down the passages, that tornado almost in the blink of an eye surrounding Julie, trapping her within, blocking her from view. Sisip stands in place, her arms high and wide above her head, staring intensly towards it, waiting.

[01:48] * Midas meanders off into the green do who knows what? Snickering to himself and grinning like a fool as he'd wave his stick around watching it as he went about. "Woah..."

[01:48] <Buzzard> Conrad gives NO fucks.
[01:49] <GM`Ahriman> Honeybuzzard don't give a fuck.

[01:50] <Tomcat> Nick follows behind Sisip, glances over at Marlo and...doesn't force a healing on the kid. NOPE. He just does as ordered and he wasn't told to do any healing. Just follow! And then a glass tornado! Nicholas cries out and STOPS FOLLOWING. Oh hell no. The scrawny little bastard turns tail and bolts, looking for somewhere safe to hide! Somewhere like under a desk. That's where you're supposed to cower during a tornado right? Immortal or not, he just got healed again and doesn't want to spend another healing session in the fucking medical center.

[01:50] <Shatter> "Take ye t' META for processing. Ask ye some questions about yer boss, ask if he's workin' for someone else, throw ye back in a cell then decide what facility t' take ye to." She waved a hand dismissively. "S'all straight forward and ... friendly like, s' far as police processings go. Long as ye play nice... they play nice." She sat up some, dragging one hand along a crack that ran down her cheek. "All first hand experience by th' way, not conjecture. Might even be lenient since.. y'know. Obviously a pawn, yeah?" She chuckled tiredly.

[01:51] * `Emily didnt have time to dodge the punch from Bulwark but a large grin spread over Emilys face as the punch connected with her jaw only to met with a dull thud, her face didnt even move from the impact, this was gonna be fun. Emily stood up and three hard punches at the bruisers stomach not bothering to hold back as she let fly with her power.

[01:53] * Angel`Pearson just wandered off somewhere out of the way, switching his SND back on again >_> wooo.

[01:53] > Gina follows the elbow with an uppercut to Flammen's jaw to put him down for awhile. "Tomcat! Where is Skieweaver?" Even Gina is panting after this effort. A line of sweat runs down her back, both from the effort of so much ass kicking and from the heat in the cafeteria. Of course, various redshirts are dutifully putting out the flames. "Hey! YOU!" Gina calls out to one of them. "Toss me an SND!" One of them does, and provided Flammen is out, she'll slap the cuffs on him and leave his ass there to be picked up.

[01:54] <@Julie`Leon> "how sweet. I'm flattered really. But I've learned my lesson in trusting freaks like you. I've been kidnapped and used as a personal fountain of youth before and it aint gonna happen again with you. A taste of freedom before getting locked up in there again is preferable to being a slave." And she was still backing away still trying to get away from Hayden. And the reason you should really look where you were running. Julie bumped right smack into Sisip. "Great. You." She deadpanned. "Oh sh-" Julie was cut off from finishing whatever it was she was about to say. (it was totes sharpei) There was a stunned look on Julie's face. Both of which did not last very long. (and now some discretion space): Yes, both the look and Julie's face. There was not even a moment for the age-raper to scream. One moment Julie was standing there, and the next? A whirlwind of pain and gore. The sound must have been aweful a wet slicing a sound very much like splortch. Cracking and snapping. Julie's body was torn apart, dousing the grouse girl in a wash of red. Anyone around would receive a similar coating. Blood. Chunks. Viscera. Was that a foot? She never stood a chance. But at least it was over quick.

[01:56] <Buzzard> As he waits atop the building, watching the hole that's been, well, burrowed through the earth, Conrad croaks through the comm unit again. "Tori, containment status on the duplicator."

[02:01] <Crippler> Marlo shields his face from the wind, feeling the splatter. Oh God. She did It. She killed Julie. Marlo was shocked. Over the com," Oh Fuck...Sisip Killed her! Holy Fuck!." It was then that Marlo noticed Hayden, standing there with his stun gun. Blood. Pain. everywhere. His face contorted in anger. Obviosly, this was either one of the prisoners OR one of the invaders. In a bull rush, Marlo kicked off and rocketed toward Hayden, aiming a shoulder to shoulder body check. He was only trying to knock him off kilter.

[02:04] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) "No! NO!!" bellowed Hayden. Well.. all that planning, right down the goddamn toilet. Big fucking waste of time now. Out of sheer frustration, he fired the tazer at Sisip; he dropped the main weapon whether or not the prongs struck. "You think you've taken her out of my reach? NONE of you are out of my reach. I'll go back and make sure I'm haunting your fucking dreams before you can even walk," he threatened. "And her," he motioned to the mess of gore. "She still exists in the past, ripe for the taking." (Foodcourt) Bulwark reared back, all the while taking each punch Emily threw. He clasped both fists together, the double axe-handle blow aimed for the top of the woman's head. He wasn't moving, but he certainly wasn't in good shape. Each hit left behind a fist-shaped bruise on the man's body. It was especially uncomfortable, because Emily was punching his burns. So she, at least, would get her hands lightly coated in pus. Flammen was indeed down after the blow, but he wasn't out yet. Weak, sure, but he had enough strength to spit a fiery glob at Gina, just before he got suppressed. (Med) "I didn't have any choice," Manifold replied to Tori's details of what would happen. "He would have.." A shuddered sigh cut it off. "I didn't have a choice. None of us did."

[02:05] <Tomcat> "In the Maze. We're in the Maze and just ran into Julie." Even if he's hiding! And then OH GOD WHAT. Nickypoo falls silent and just stares. "Well. Julie was here. Now she's not. Well. Now she's...not." Of course he didn't get far enough to flee the blood and gore. The zombie gets splashed with OH GOD WHAT EEW and freaks out properly. This isn't dinner! DINNER BELLS ARE NOT RINGING. Should...should he...wait. Are they going to put Sisip in a cell now? THE. FUCK. "I don't think she's going to be a problem now." The way he's staring at Sisip makes it clear he thinks he's next. HEY. When Hayden attacks Sisip, Nick retaliates by throwing the golden stick at that bastard. TAKE THAT. Fucker.

[02:06] <GM`Ahriman> Just Marlo's luck, though, he'd probably get zapped in Sisip's stead. There'd be no Hayden to tackle, though. It was as if they were transposed; Marlo would sail through where Hayden was, and Hayden would be where Marlo had been.

[02:07] <@Skieweaver> The spray of blood, uncensored even, coats Sisip as completely as a printout of an anime tween gets coated with the release of a weeaboo's excitement. It's a damn shameful mess. Her outfit was ruined, obviously, her hair soaked and sticking to her blood coated face. Almost at once the tornado dies, pieces of Julie being scattered across the room as it fades, like frogs after a real tornado, dropping to the floor like rain. SPLUT SPLUT.. THUD.. SPLUT.. WATCH FOR THE HEAD! Sisip doesn't even look upset, or even angry anymore. Slowly her hand slips to her gore coated belly, resting on it as she shakes her head, "Julie has been neutral....AAAHIFHAAFFFFFUUUUUU" She didn't even have time to ask the bro not to taze her, the woman dropping to the floor as her back arches in that almost inhuman fashion, this time not to show people what she could do.. but because of TAZING..WTF!

[02:09] * `Emily 's powers were no good for things like bullets and knives but she could absorb a crap load of brute force and ewwww pus! Emily shifted slightly to the side and let the blow from the man glance off her shoulder before twisting around behind the man and in a quick move tried for a move that was a little smarter then brute force as she quickly tried to lock the guy up in a sleeper hold and squeezed hard!

[02:10] <Shatter> She reaches a hand up to tap the comm. "Seems docile enough. Just havin' a chat while I wait for back up t' take her in." She dropped her hand from the button and gave a broad shrug. "Lass, I'm not about t' judge. And I ain't certainly ain't th' person t' confess too. Th' Sanctum... META... whomever... they'll sort it all out. What ye need t' do is cooperate... n' what I need t' do is go take a nap." She turned, tapping the comm again. "Seems like this.. rag tag team was forced int' this. I mean, I'm no expert, but Doll Factory here seems sincere enough. S'all I got."

[02:13] > "Oh you son of a bitch!" Gina shrieks as the front of her shirt catches fire, her astral shields not yet focused enough to cushion or absorb, well, fire. Following a move from Bulwark, she grabs hold of it and rips it in half, fueled by adrenaline and the weakness of fabric when on fire. Thank god she wore a bra today (sigh). She just tosses the smoldering remnants at Flammen, not giving two fucks about whether or not he catches. Her stomach reddened, blistering in places, her face a mask of pain and anger, she strides right past a redshirt and grabs a taser off his belt. Past another one, and then a second taser. She's not fucking around anymore. She barks into her comms,"Get security to the med center and bag that bitch up. No, I do NOT mean Shatter this time. Shatter.... thank you. When they get there and get that twat secured, go get some rest. I'll make sure Gains knows what you did. Buzzard, status? Tomcat, Crippler, did I hear that right? Julie is dead? Where is Hayden?" All of this comes out in a rush as she marches straight for where Emily is wrestling with Bulwark. "EMS. Let go... NOW." She aims both tasers and fires.

[02:14] <Buzzard> "Excellent. Good work." Conrad responds to Tori, but then he hears, several accounts through the comms, about Julie. The transformation is almost as quick, going back to his human form. "Calm her down if you can." He continues to Tori, eyes narrowed. He starts walking down the maintenance stairs into the residence hall. "Metzger to all points, status on Skieweaver."

[02:15] <Crippler> Marlo hit the bars of a cell nearby, rebounding with a pop of his right shoulder. THe tazer must have missed him...When he pulled himself up and saw Sisip hitting the ground: Marlo. Went. Berserk. Even with his shoulder burning in pain, He threw himself at Hayden, no Leap, just a run," YOU MOTHER FUCKER! I'LL RIP YOUR GODDAMN HEART OUT YOU SUNNOVABITCH!" He was so furious, he couldn't answer Gina's request. Or Conrad.

[02:16] * `Emily lets out a loud curse before jumping off Bulwark half a second before the tazers are fired by the very pissed off Gina....

[02:18] * Julie`Leon is now known as GorePuddle

[02:24] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) It's a little confusing, there being a pair of Haydens. Marlo had indeed tackled one, but he was gone before the Crippler hit the bars. He'd even gotten the prongs, but that Hayden was gone before the he could get out a good ZORT. But those devices became a regular stun gun once the cartridge was fired, which the Hayden near Sisip was holding. Clones? Nope. And again they transposed; Marlo charged forward, and Hayden was now where the crippler used to be. Speedster? Nope. He crouched down, scooping up a bit of what was left of Julie. Who knows, maybe someone could do something with this. He let the gloop drop into a pocket, now finally eyeballing the carnage. Now he had to weigh his options. Stay, and fuck everyone up for ruining his plan? Or run off and let them lick his wounds? He was very seriously leaning toward the former, regardless of how much of might age him. (Foodcourt) Bulwark chuckled as Emily went for the sleeper. "You should meet my friend Blip, you'd like him. Same pro-wrestling bullshit." He didn't have time to go into how strangling him wouldn't work either, when he got tazed, bro. Even then, not a budge. But - now he's out on his feet.

[02:26] <Tomcat> "Julie's a fine red paste. Also chunks. And liquid-y parts. It's...pretty bad. I can't do anything for her. Julie's chum." IS THAT THE MUNCHKIN RADIOACTIVE GIRL HE HEARS SINGING ABOUT THE BITCH BEING DEAD? Oh, no. He continues to stare at Sisip. "And she's tazed. Hayden's down here. We need backup because Hayden's about to be chum too." While Marlo goes after Hayden's throat, he bolts towards Sisip. Is there anything he can do for her? Probably not! But he can try! Or at least calm her down. "Marlo's completely flipped his shit. Bring dampeners and medics. At this rate his heart's going to blow a hole any second now." He reaches for ZORT'd Sisip and moves to touch her skin, offering what healing he can. If it even applies! If she's not injured it's not going to do her any good. But better safe than sorry!

[02:29] > "Thank GOD. Fuck this clown." Gina tosses the tasers on the floor, wiping the back of her hand across her forehead. "Security team to cafeteria hallway entrance. Bag up the big guy passed out on his feet." She adds as an afterthought, "Make that two teams. He's a little hard to move. On my way, Tomcat." She grins at Emily. "Come on, Ems. Nice job, by the way. Medical, get a team to... this hole in the floor to the maze. Get down here now, bring a crash cart for Marlo." She snatches another taser from a security redshirt, along with a dampener. Once she's near the hole, she drops down into it, letting her spectral self cushion the blow and avoiding landing on anyone else down there. Unless it's Hayden. Then she totally takes his bitch ass out.

[02:31] <@Skieweaver> She was safe to touch, of course, and very calm, considering she was unconcious. Not much healing was needed, the tazing combined with the stress and exhaustion of such a power-drain having taken her out quite sufficiently. Nick wouldn't feel any damage being taken, so minor was the damage, though her pulse was just a titch slow.

[02:33] <Crippler> His face was contorting in fury. He wasn't hitting the target. It was moving on him ev ery time. His head spun with anger...and the Kinetic overflow from Sisip's tornado. Spreading his arms, Marlo stepped away from Hayden and brought his hands together. As they clapped together, he expelled the kinetic charge. It went off like a flashback aimed right at Hayden,...and continued the break on Marlo's left forearm. He screamed, the snap audible in the Maze. Phantom just watched, the sight of Julie getting souped making him fill his colostomy bag.

[02:35] <Shatter> Tori made her way off when a small contingent of redshirts arrived to take in Manifold. The brit wandered back to her room and passed out on mattress she kept in her living room- although she was tired enough right now that the claustrophobia of her bedroom wouldn't likely kick in until morning.

[02:37] * `Emily races after Gina and just hops down the hole flexing her legs to take the rough impact of the landing and doing her best not to land on any..

[02:41] * Angel-Pearson was just off basking in the awesomeness of having been sort of helpful when shit broke loose. He totally wasn't used to that....If he'd known about Julie getting torn to shreds he'd probably be less thrilled, but at the moment he thought shit was going pretty alright. The team peoples seemed to be getting shit under control, that was the way it should be....He'd drift over to roughly the area where the hole had bee

[02:43] <GM`Ahriman> (Hayden) Blip stepped out of the way of Gina's descent, but Burrow was out cold on the ground. And there was Hayden, clothes half burned and fuming. "Ahh, more babes for the slaughter," he said, alerted to the newcomer by Blip's squeak of surprise. "You goddamn simpletons. You think this is terrible? This planet is fated for far worse than I could ever hope to bring to this backward asylum." Marlo's kinetic clap wasn't something Hayden was going to be there for, either. He was back up in the courtyard, looking down the hole, hoping to see Gina get hit by the attack intended for him. "Time is on my side. This setback is insignificant enough to barely even be minor!" He gave a disgusted 'ugh', and then was just gone entirely. Blip left briefly, but the dumb bastard actually came back. He didn't go back to where he was, not after Marlo's wave. Instead, he peeked a head out of one of the cells, ignoring the creepy quadripalegic behind him. Burrow was left vulernable to whatever happened. If Marlo didn't accidentally kill him, he'd be easy fodder for a META van. Mental, the woman who'd been on the bench, didn't fare so well. She was frail to begin with; a good ZORT was all it took to finish her off. (Foodcourt) Flammen was carted off easily enough, still trying to catch his breath. Bulwark, now unconscious, was easy to move. He was a normal-sized man, even, but after the beating he'd taken, welts and bruises quickly formed all over his body - not to mention a crushed testicle, and the burns on his chest. There were more than a few broken bones as well. Immovable, sure, but not invincible. He probably wasn't going to make it through the night. (Med) Manifold tried to overwhelm the redshirts once the glass barrior was gone, but they soon enough got a dampener on her and hauled her off. (Rec) Tantrum was still there. Still unconscious. And soon dampened and collected.

[02:44] <Tomcat> Nicholas stays at Sisip's side and gawks at Marlo. "Ouch." is muttered. He glances up at Gina but turns his attention back to the downed injun. "Sisip isn't injured but she needs to stay under observation for the night. Someone give Jack a call but make sure he knows she's not in peril." OH GOD Julie was immortal. He made cash off her! They were going to start a business! And now he's a little more alone for eternity. Sure he didn't get along with the cunt but now he's sad. Sad and afraid of Sisip. NOT AS SAD AS GABE AND NIPPER. Maybe. If either ever find out the wicked bitch is dead.

[02:49] * Angel-Pearson blinkblinked, head snapping up as Hayden was just sort of...there on the edge of the hole....Oh! He could totally be fabulous amazing hero guy! While he went on about the horrible fate of the planet a hand was flicked across his SND to deactivate it, and he hocked a hallucinogenic lougie at the back of the ranting villainy dood's head...He'd probably vanished off before it got close, but wouldn't it be awesome if h

[02:49] > She jumped in behind Marlo, so NOPE.AVI. Concussor went off in the opposite direction, thankfully. "I got it, Nick. Medical is on the way." Gina pulls her phone out of her pocket, mireculously undamaged (thank god for good jeans?) and dials Jack's number. While it's ringing, she gestures to the security folks funneling in so they can wrap everything up down there. Hayden is gone... but she's sure as hell not going to forget this. "Nick... can you make sure Marlo doesn't hurt himself further? Don't..." She hated to do this, but a) Marlo needed some down time to learn and b) Nick got fucked up enough as is. "Don't heal him right now. Just keep him stable until the rest of the medical team arrives."

[02:52] <@Sisip> Sisip snoozes, needing a bath to wash off the julie on her.

[02:53] <`Emily> "does anyone want to tell me what the hell this was all about?" Emily did her best to ignore the large amount of chum that she was pretty sure she had heard had once been a full grown human, she just kept on repeating in her mind over and over again dont freak out, dont freak out, dont freak out..

[02:54] <Crippler> Marlo collapses, screaming and holding his arm." COME BACK HERE YOU FUCKER!!! God FUCKIN' Damn It!" Ah, his catch phrase. He slammed his fist in a bit of..well, Julie. He started to sob. Covered in blood and in pain. Rolling onto his back, he looked up at Gina..." she okay...jesus christ...Gina. She fuckin...oh fuckin god." he was still just a kid. And a kid that had seen way too much shit. Phantom was just watching Hayden, hius face contorted angrily," you gonna get me outta here or what you simp. i will not spend my last years in a basement."

[02:55] <Tomcat> "I don't know if I can get close to him without getting smeared across the wall. He's worked up and wants to tear me from limb to limb already. I...would but...I don't want to--" he glances over at the gore splattered across the room and shrinks away from everyone else. This is different. He knew this smear! The zombie looks about ready to get sick all over the place. EW DEAD MAN PUKE. At least he manages to not vomit or anything...and instead faints. Dead faint. WELP. At least he's not going to heal Marlo up too much when he's unconscious! TOO MUCH STRESS for Nickypoo. He'll wake up later in a room in the medical center and wonder if it was all just a horrible dream.

[03:00] * `Emily helps the med-team as much as she could helping with the heavy lifting if it was needed, she got the arm on her burn treated, then went to her room to quietly freak out over everything that had happened to night and to destroy her blood soaked shoes

[03:00] > "Oh shit... Ems..." Gina of course tells Jack what's going on and finishes up the call with about a billion assurances that she did NOT ask Sisip to help with the bad guys, that she had folks looking out for her, and that no, Sisip was not injured, just zapped and in need of an overnight stay. She holds the phone out while Jack yells a bit, and then hangs up when she hears a click on the other end. "She's fine, MArlo... calm down." And then Nick faints. Le sigh. "Long story short..." Gina crouches down next to Marlo and lays a hand on his forehead, reassuringly. "Julie is... was an age manipulator. She could make people older or younger with a touch. She was also a complete cunt. Hayden... well, I don't know what his story is really, but he's definitely not what he put forward. His powers age him? He can heal himself and... fuck I don't know. I don't know what he was doing." He'd said Julie still existed in the past though. And that he could... a light bulb goes off in her head. "Son of a bitch." Text messages go FLYING off her phone then.

[03:03] * `Emily drives a few times as the smell finally reached her noise and there were tears in her eyes but she wiped them away with her arm before looking to Gina.."ill be okay Gina, what do you need me to do?" The tall girl took shallow breaths just trying to keep her cool as she waited for orders, trying not to think about she was standing in or what was plastered all over the walls

[03:03] <@Sisip> And off they take said woman to medical for her rest, which would probably end up interrupted by a loud significant other who was more scared than angry. Sisip would, of course, apologize to Gina later. But hey! At least for now Jack gets to be the first person (other than Nurse Bonobo and Doctor Machina) to hear the babys heartbeat! Bonus? Maybe?

[03:06] > "Go rest, Emily. Are you hurt? Check in with medical if you're hurt. Otherwise, just go get some rest. Thank you. You did a fantastic job tonight." Gina watches as they cart Sisip away, then Nick most likely while he's passed out. She pats Emily on the arm as medics start loading Marlo up as well. "You too, Marlo. Get some rest. I'll come check on you tomorrow, alright? If you so much as set foot out of medical before you're cleared, I'll wake Sisip up and tell her you said she was fat." She means it, too.

[03:08] <MarloCross> She could feel him trembling. Hell, she could feel his heart beating just by the veins in his head. He was a wreck. And it wasn't just the powers. He'd seen some one obliterated. He felt horrible. He knew how it must feel to watch him do it. His right hand falls on Gina's and nods, tears falling from his black eyes. He got to be carried out. His body was a wreck after that much intake. Tantrum's quake had been a replay of Tremor's episode...A dangerous opertunity.

[03:09] * Midas pressed his hands against a random tree and tilted his head. Those brown eyes were almost entirely taken up by pupil now as he giggled. "This is biggest Candy Cane ever!" Hehe! And it was all his! He'd lick the trees trunk happily.

[03:10] > The tree licks back.

[03:12] * Angel-Pearson saw Midas over by the tree and drifted closer, snicker-giggling "You alright over there? Looks like you caught some friendly fire."

[03:12] * `Emily nods gently and gives her a gentle smile at the praise before she carefully made her way out of the room, Emily took the time to let the medical team treat the bad burn on her arm before she headed off. Emily took off her shoes before she entered her room and tosses her beloved boots in the trash before laying down on her bed and cried softly, she had never seen things like this before and now that she had, she didnt know how to deal with it.

[03:13] > Gina gives Marlo's hand a squeeze before they take him away. "It'll be alright, Marlo. You did good tonight. Thank you." Once everything seems to have settled, and Conrad and security have rejailed the old folks and jailed the new folks. Somehow, the fact that she's been standing around in a bra for the last 10-20 minutes has escaped her until just now. "Oh fuck me. Alright, I'm outta here." The burns on her stomach would be fine with some aloe and some meditation. Gina heads home.