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Corrine Clearwater [Security]

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:45 pm
by devu
Player Nickname: devu

Name: Corrine Clearwater
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 12/22

Height: 5'10
Weight: 153lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin:
Nationality/Race: Native American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Staff
Occupation: Security

Personality Profile: Corrine is.. a helper. She wants to make the world a better place, and if that means protecting a bunch of mutants in a sanctuary, she's game. If it were up to her, everyone would just sit down and shut up, and try to get along instead of attacking those that are different. Perhaps she has a bit of a historical chip on her shoulder, but though violence is a great tool of hers, she doesn't think it is the answer to everything. Corrine can be cold and distant, but that doesn't mean she's free from brash behaviour or risky heroics.

Physical Description:


Powerset: Thermo/Hydrokinetics

Ability One: Hydrokinesis - Corrine can manipulate water, making it move as she desires. She's been known to form shields against heat and flame, or form great geysers as a means to attack, like a heavy-duty firehose. Her hands always mirror the movements of the water, directing the flow and direction.

Ability Two: Thermokinetics: This power is limited to water under Corrine's control, but she can both chill water into ice (forming shards, if she wishes), or heat the water until it dissapates as steam. Both thermal ranges have been bent offensively, since she can fling the iceshards or form geysers of steam in the direction of threats and enemies.

Ability Three: Water generation: If necessary, Corrine can generate her own water. This task is difficult and taxing, and works far better if there is existing water to.. duplicate/replicate/increase. Often this means that more water spills out than the original source can contain, making it so that Corrine doesn't have to carry around gallons of h2o.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Water generation leaves Corrine dehydrated, directly proportional to the amount of water she's created. Not liter for liter, but scaling. A few extra liters won't cause much harm, but a few gallons will start showing effects using all the symptoms of dehydration. It is entirely possible for Corrine to hospitalize herself, and while she drinks plenty of water every day, this only helps against small displays of power, and does little to protect her from the damage emergencies and whatnot can impose on her.
  • Corrine is not immune to her own thermokinesis, and can cause damage to herself. If she loses control of boiling water while it's near her, there's a pretty good chance she'll get burned by it. Grasping any ice she's created will likewise chill her skin, and can cause all the medical conditions it normally would (frostbite, etc).
  • Just like any body of water, if Corrine chills/heats enough, she can effect ambient temperatures. While this is awesome for impromptu saunas, there could still be cause for concern where hypothermia or heat exhaustion are possible. Generally this would require small spaces, but the powers of other mutants could easily compound this effect, and Corrine is by no means immune.
  • Like so many other powers, use of her hydrokinesis is physically exhausting. While she doesn't suffer very many headaches or 'mental' side effects, the physical downsides are enough. Muscle fatigue and physical exhaustion are very real risks, and Corrine is limited to her own physical stamina in the use of her powers. If she gets too tired, she won't have the strength to manipulate water.
Projected Power Growth & Development: Any of her abilities might become less taxing as she increases her personal stamina. Perhaps some day she'll become immune to her own personal thermokinetics, or gain the precision to filter water out of other liquids-- either manipulating things such as juice, or simply drawing the water out of it to leave a pile of crystals/solids behind. While not too high on the list, maybe some day she'll be able to generate water without a 'base' source.

  • Corrine is an athlete in peak physical condition. She excels at cross-country endurance running, though she's capable of high-speed sprints when the need arises.
  • An excellent cook, she prefers to stick to simple, elegant meals rather than complicated fanciness.
  • She is capable with both bows and guns, though she finds the latter distasteful and the former impractical in most situations.
  • Due to her upbringing, Corrine is a survivalist, and could likely live in the wild indefinitely, if she chose.
Background: Though Corrine grew up on a reserve, the location was fairly remote, and her tribe kept to a lot of the old ways. Hunting and gathering formed a fairly large part of life, as well as the traditional arts and crafts. Teepees were still in use, though homes were built for general living, and modern clothes and whatnot were abundant. It was a weird mix of traditional and new, but it seemed to work.

When she was old enough, Corrine was sent to the closest school. She stayed with city-living relatives, and quickly adapted to a faster-paced lifestyle, though she still missed her quiet life out on the reserve. She did well at her classes, and was a fairly well-behaved, grounded child. It was during a summer in juniour highschool that her abilities first manifested, and even that was a peaceful thing. One of the elders assisted her in the spiritual side of things, and though he lacked her abilities, he helped her train to an extent. It was through curiousity and exploration that the discovered her the thermal abilities and generation, and after she graduated it was agreed upon that she'd go somewhere to learn further.

She has spent close to ten years helping Native American mutants in the more remote areas, but what with the shaky human-mutant relations, she's decided to take a.. more direct approach to helping out.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Corrine loves to swim and run.
  • She is a spiritualist, often taking moments to silently thank the sources of her food, or taking time to sit outside in any weather.
  • Pepperoni pizza is an incredibly guilty pleasure of hers.