Connor Warth [Cynnar]

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Connor Warth [Cynnar]

Post by Cynnar »

Player Nickname: Cynnar

Name: Connor Warth
Codename: Cynnar
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 2/08

Height: 6’2”
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: South Africa
Nationality/Race: African American
Classification/Origin of Powers: (Mutant, human, metahuman, cyborg, etc.) Cyborg

Status: Resident
Occupation: Ex-Cop

Personality Profile: Connor seems to have little emotion anymore, sometimes you can see him cracking a smile when he is around people he likes, but other than that he usually is very quiet.

Physical Description: Connor is a tall, lean and has light brown skin. Connors torso is almost all cybernetic technology and metal. His arms are even more covered in metal; both of his arms have been replaced with robot arms as well as his legs. He has short brown hair and his brown eyes seem to close sporadically.


Powerset: Cybernetic technology/interchangeable limbs

Ability One: Cyborg
Connor can has had his torso, both of his arms and legs replaced with cybernetic technology. His lungs, heart, and the rest of his vital organs are now artificial. His body is covered in metal and is pretty heavy at that making him a little bit slower. The metal that is covering his torso and limbs makes it so that he doesn't take as much damage, making it harder to actually harm him. Connor can be hurt it just will take a bit more than usual to do it. His everyday arms are not as slow as his legs, but are still slower than a normal human. His hands have a very strong grip, because of the hydraulics in the arm.

Ability Two: Lung Adaptability
Connor having his lungs replaced with cybernetic parts, does not need to worry about breathing in harmful gases or anything like normal humans need to. His lungs filter out the air and keeps harmful pathogens from getting into vital parts of his body.

Ability Three: Interchangeable Limbs
Connor having cybernetic arms and legs allows him to have them removed and then replaced with other types of cybernetic technology. He can have different arm types if he is fighting and everything up to just working around. The same with his legs if he wants to jump high distances he can get them replaced with stronger legs or if he wants to run fast he can quick leg replacements. There are limits though to what he can change his limbs to, he cant have huge cannons for arms or massive legs. The replacements are only for practical purposes, nothing more, in the future he will have access to better replacements. He has a set of arms and legs that are made to look like normal human skin and everything just for everyday use. At present time he does not have any additional limbs.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Connor’s limbs are also very heavy most of the time he moves slowly. Connor also has no emotion so if you want to become friends it might be pretty difficult because of his personality. The downside to having interchangeable limbs is that it takes about 3-5 minutes to actually replace them, making it a necessity to do it before doing something important. Changing his limbs is also difficult at times depending on how advanced the replacement is. His limbs being heavy also hinders how many replacements he can actually carry around, he can only carry around one set of replacements for his arms and legs at a time.

Projected Power Growth & Development: (Where do you see your character's powers going with training and practice? What kind of other powers could they possibly develop? This section is not required for staff members, characters who are considered adults, or villains -- keep in mind, however, that a character at their full potential will be judged more harshly than one who still has room to grow.) Connor at his beginning stage is not very advanced, in the future he will be getting much better cybernetic parts and hopefully become a little bit more human. Connor could also in the future be able to connect into mainframes or any other type of computer and hack into databases.

Skills: Connor being an Ex-Cop is a positive thing because he has skills with investigation. He can look into criminal’s backgrounds and get an advantage with some criminals. He has a lot of connections with the police squad.

Background: Connor grew up in Johannesburg, when he was 13 years old he came over to the United States with his mother to try and get a better life. At the age of 25 he went to school for criminal justice. He soon later joined the police squad in Dallas, Texas. He worked for the police for 5 years and quit because he was sick of dealing with all the scum in the world.

At the age of 30, Connor was walking around in the city at night coming home from the store. On the way home, a gang of 5 thugs came out from an alley and held him up at gunpoint. He tried to fight back, but was unsuccessful, one the thugs had a machete off his right arm and broke the left arm beyond repair, along with his legs. The thugs seemed to belong to a gang that he had put away some time ago and not they had gotten revenge. One of the thugs had a shotgun and shot Connor in the stomach, the buckshot had hit most of his torso and destroyed most of his vital organs. When the paramedics got to him, they brought him into the ambulance and try to keep him alive. When they get to the hospital he is beyond saving, that is when they got scientists to come down. These scientists had technology that they had just developed and they needed a test subject, Connor was perfect. This technology wasnt perfect though, it had many flaws, it was extremely new. When they figured out what he needed, they replaced all of his vital organs and part of his spine with cybernetics. They also replaced his arms and legs with cybernetics. They designed it so that he could detach them and replace them with others.
Criminal Record: He does not have any type of criminal record in America, but it is unknown what he did in Johannesburg.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Connor really likes puppies, but really he likes any small fuzzy animals.
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