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Alejandro Rivera aka Midas.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:12 pm
by Tabris
Player Nickname:Tabris

Name: Alejandro Rivera
Codename: Midas
Age: 18
Date of Birth: December 12th, 1996

Height: 5’7
Weight: 137 pounds.
Hair Color: Gold.
Eye Color: Brown.
Place of Origin: El Paso Texas.
Nationality/Race: United States Citizen/Hispanic.
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant.

Status: Refugee/Trainee.
Occupation: Student/Amateur Goldsmith.

Personality Profile: Midas is a kind hearted teenager that only seeks to have a normal life again. Though he would hesitate to use his powers for his own gain at present, he wouldn’t think twice about using them to help the downtrodden. Though he is quick to trust, he is far more cautious now than he was before. Overall he is quite the optimistic most times, and believes in second chances.

Physical Description: Image Picture him with blonde hair.
A slender framed Hispanic teen, with rich tanned skin, brown eyes, and blonde hair that seems to shine particularly bright in the light. His hair is long enough to hand down to his shoulders, but is usually kept combed back to hide the fact that he has trouble trimming his slowly growing hair. Those rich brown eyes hold a hopeful empathy in them, and light up easily upon meeting new people or better yet helping them if he can.


Powerset: The Midas Touch.
Ability One:Matter Conversion – Nonliving Matter into Gold.. Midas is capable of turning any matter into Gold. Though the larger the object (Density matters as well) the longer it takes. A good scale would be he could turn handheld objects into gold almost instantly, but turning a small car into gold would take fifteen minutes. (Touch based)

Ability Two: Matter Conversion - Living Objects into Gold. Midas can also transform living matter into Gold as well. This can be partial or in full. A person turned to gold in this way would die in the process. The process itself happens at about the same rate he can convert nonliving matter. A Full grown average sized person would probably take three minutes to convert at present. (Touch based)

Ability Three: Gold Sense. Midas can sense the presence of Gold within a 100 yard radius around him. Though he does not know what exactly the Gold object is, he would roughly know the objects size and weight.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Should Midas burn himself out, the Golden touch would simply cease functioning, along with Midas having a nose bleed and passing out. A side effect of his mutation has left Midas’s fingernails and toenails transformed into solid gold. They are still attached to his skin, but no longer grow or need to be clipped. A further physical side effect being that his hair has also turned into a substance similar to gold thread. Unlike his nails it still grows at a greatly retarded rate, and can prove a hassle to cut. (Oddly enough this does not include his facial hair.) During moments of High emotional stress Midas has difficulty controlling just what exactly he turns into Gold. (A recommended counter balance to this would be Goldthread gloves, as he cannot turn gold into gold.) His top weight limit before burning himself out would be 1 ton, however if forced to repeatedly convert smaller objects over and over again the result would be the same. He cannot convert liquids into gold.

Projected Power Growth & Development: In time I see him gaining total mastery of his use of the golden touch. Additionally I’d like to put forth the idea of eventually being able to convert his body, or part of his body into living Gold (ala Colossus) for offensive and defensive purposes. The only other possible growth I could see would eventually being able to restore objects/beings back to their original state before turning them to gold.

Skills: Midas is actually quite bright for a kid his age to spite his rough year. Before he was abducted he aspired to be a goldsmith, after watching the man he used to sell gold to work. Not one using his power, but one that actually uses skill. He is also a relatively good cook, specializing his southwestern, and tex-mex food in particular.

Background: Midas lived a relatively quiet and normal childhood for the most part. He was born only twelve hours after his parents crossed the border into the United States making him a full-fledged citizen. His family was never wealthy, his mother cleaned houses and father working construction. Yet they were all relatively happy to spite some financial troubles, yet the day before Midas’s fifteenth birthday his powers manifested.

At first he didn’t possess the ability to turn anything into Gold. Rather it manifested as his Gold Sense originally. This helped him namely, by allowing him to locate broken or thrown out jewelry. Midas would then take it to a local goldsmith would gladly pay him half the gold’s weight value. Though he was being shorted it was a good deal for all parties involved. However a month later when his family was facing eviction, he wished he could find enough gold to pay the rent, and spontaneously transformed the alarm clock he was winding into solid gold. Selling it for money he was able to give his parents enough money to make the rent but they were highly suspicious of how he’d managed to obtain it. He tried telling them what happened, but they didn’t believe him. Three months later through a little trial and error he finally succeeded in being able to will his power to manifest.

Revealing it to his parents they were understandably freaked out by their little boy as he turned an old teddy bear into one of solid gold before their own eyes. The family agreed to keep it a secret, but like all secrets it eventually slipped, and his father was the cause. Telling his brother of his sons amazing gift, he had no idea that his brother still in Mexico was a member of the Ramirez Cartel now. A week later several masked men broke into his home and gunned down his mother and wounded his father before abducting him.

He spent the bulk of the year then at the cartels mercy. It took only three days to make the boy reveal his gift, and they forced him to do it..over…and over again. This overuse of his budding power burnt him out several times, and left him with his gold thread hair, and golden finger and toe nails as a result. Slowly they allowed him a longer leash. Letting him leave his cloistered hotel room/prison as long as he had an escort from the cartel. However this would prove to lead to his eventual liberation. Spotting a homeless man during a trip to the movies, Midas didn’t hesitate to scoop up a handful of rocks and convert them into gold before handing them to the bum. Enraged at this secret being exposed his escort began to beat the man and was about to kill him, before Midas panicked and grabbed the man’s arm. He wasn’t sure what happened, he didn’t want to kill the man…to spite the horrors his gang had visited upon him but he couldn’t let go. Within a minute his escort had been converted in a solid gold statue.
Scared he fled. Wandering from town to town as best he could, until finally stumbling across a flyer proclaiming a sanctuary for the gifted. Perhaps he could still find a home.

Criminal Record: Wanted for questioning involving the Ramirez Cartel.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Midas oddly enough speaks Spanish with a highly American accent to spite both his parents being Mexican nationals. He is deathly afraid of roller-coasters, a fear that manifested itself during a rare family vacation to six flags in Dallas Texas. He also has an unhealthy obsession with Anita Blake Novels.