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Oksana Starkovich (Gecko)

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:12 pm
by Sisip
Player Nickname:Sisip

Name: Oksana Starkovich
Codename: Gecko
Date of Birth: July 14, 1990

Height: 4'5"
Weight: 100lbs
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Yellow sclera with black iris
Place of Origin: Chernihiv, Ukraine
Nationality/Race: Ukrainian American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Internet Model

Personality Profile: A pleasant woman, friendly enough though she's just a bit guarded. She's surprisingly not self-conscious about her appearance.

Physical Description: Though not a little person Oksana is .. a little person! Standing only 4'5" the woman covers her baldness by a wide variety of wigs that she's collected over the years. She's come to terms with the yellow scaled patches that litter her body randomly and though she may not LIKE them they don't bother her as much as they did when she was younger.



Powerset: Radiation

Ability One: Absorption - Oksana has the unfortunate ability to absorb radiation like a big sponge. Even ambient radiation that everyone deals with day to day. Her body is unable to process it and it builds up within her. She's able to absorb much more than a normal person can, having been tested well up to 8Sv (which is a fatal dose for a normal person, even with treatment)

Ability Two: Expulsion - Oksana has the ability to project concentrated globes of radiation away from her. While it's nothing explosive or violent the shimmering globe of about 400mSv of radiation, causing anyone unlucky enough to be targeted to develop radiation poisoning, though it's treatable if caught soon enough.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The constant sucking of all levels of radiation with the inability to expel it properly has stunted Oksana's growth, making her no taller than 4'5". This poses enough issues as it is even if you don't combine it with the lack of hair, and scaled patches on her skin. Any wound she obtains takes twice as long to heal, even with mutant healing. She's not the fastest, most excitable person in the world, the radiation sickness she suffers making her easily tiring from exhaustion. The expulsion of radiation saps the strength out of her when it happens though once she recovers (requiring about 2 hours rest) she feels quite a bit better as there is less radiation within her system.

Projected Power Growth & Development: With time Oksana hopes to find a way to expel greater amounts of radiation radiation from her in a safer fashion.

Skills: She can cook a burger 30 seconds faster than anyone else with the aid of her absorbed radiation. Unfortunately the burger is also radioactive and not fit for consumption. Bilingual, American and Ukrainian and she likes to write.

Background: The only child of parents who lived around Chernobyl, it took a few years before the scaled skin and the hair loss hit Oksana. Her family moved to the United States to make things easier on their daughter. Living in mutant friendly communities Oksana was never really subjected to the more violent side of mutant hate. She had her fair share of stares and comments but nothing that would scar her for life. When she heard about the Sanctum she decided she'd see if perhaps the people there would be able to help her hone her abilities.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Oksana is a model for 'Mutant Girls', the mutant equivalent of Suicide Girls, where she calls herself Gecko. For days when she's feeling particularly tired Oksana has an i2 Cargo Segway in bright yellow.