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For the LOLs

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:45 am
by Goldbolt
Player Nickname:Semthak
Name: Kaito Jay Nakamura
Codename: Megaton
Age: 22
Date of Birth: July 22nd 1988
Height: 6’4
Weight: 174 pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Unnaturally Neon Green
Place of Origin: San Francisco California
Nationality/Race:Japanese-American Mix (Caucasian) United States Citizen
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant
Status: College Drop out.
Occupation: Unemployed
Personality Profile: On the whole Kaito has a live and let live outlook on life, however he has a very clear moral compass of right and wrong. He will not hesitant to put himself in dangerous or harmful situations if he thinks he can help. Politically he could honestly be called a liberal.
Physical Description: Standing at six foot four inches with a lean swimmers build, Kaito’s dual ancestry is apparent. His eyes are perfectly almond shaped his skin tone a creamy tan coloration. He has a bullet scar on his left side, both front and back, along with two slender ones along his chest and right forearm. He also has a well-kept thin black mustache complete with an equally well trimmed tuft of hair on his chin.
Powerset: Radiation Controller.
Ability One: The Absorption of Radiation/Radioactive Energy. He can absorb all sorts of radioactive energy. Everything from the harmless ambient radiation that is always around us to nuclear fallout. This effectively would make him immune to the ill effects of all radiation.
Ability Two: Radiation Blasts/Radioactive Energy Blast. He can only hold so much energy before needing to periodically expel the excess. His mutation has come with the ability to fire powered blasts of radiation.
Ability Three: Flight
Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Negative Side Effects of his Powers include Unnaturally neon green eyes which glow faintly in the dark, making even contacts a temporary solution at best. Use of his absorption power, blasts or flight is accompanied by a bright glowing aura around both hands and his eyes making use of his power impossible to hide. It is currently unknown what will happen if he absorbs too much radiation, as he has yet to have fed off a source powerful enough to even find his upper-limit for absorbing it.
Projected Power Growth & Development: I could see him eventually developing into becoming fully Radiokenetic.
Skills: Kaito has turned out to be a surprisingly skilled leatherworker and tailor. A skill he only recently discovered when he created his Megaton outfit. Kaito is somewhat skilled in painting, sculpting, western philosophy and southwestern cooking(An oddball assortment gained through constantly changing his college major). Kaito is also versed in unarmed self-defense, however he has mastered no individual style.
Background: Kaito lived a rather cushioned and pampered life through his childhood, and teenage years. Upon applying to college he couldn’t settle on a major and constantly found himself distracted by all the various things a college student might. However when he was twenty his powers finally manifested. He dropped out of college initially terrified by his untapped power, however within the year he gained a semblance of control over it. Inspired by his favorite television show as a child and adult Kaito perhaps unsurprisingly detected to try his hand at becoming a super-hero. His first few exploits being successful but sloppy led him to devout his time fully to it. To the point of even creating his own costume to fly around in. However soon enough reality kicked in. His school loans went into default and his parents were no longer willing to support him. Bouncing from job to job and at times shelters and the homes of friends Kaito continued to masquerade under the name Megaton when opportunity allowed. However he soon found his alter-ego a wanted man after critically wounding an attempted rapist. It wasn’t long before that did he very nearly meet an untimely end. Attempting to halt a mugging in progress our college drop-out found him facing another mutant. The end result was two slices from a knife, and a gunshot wound to the side before he escaped after the victim had already fled. Unable to help it, Kaito admitted himself into a local hospital and only just barely dodged being brought in by Police due to the incident. Which saw him fleeing towards a place that was a haven and sanctuary for those like him?
Criminal Record: Wanted on three counts of Vigilantism under the guise of Megaton. Suspected and wanted for questioning in six other cases. Is known to have been wounded in the San Francisco Area in the last incident.
Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Kaito is a unrepentant Transformers fan, chances are if he has lived somewhere a month he has his full collection of both action figures along with show and movie Dad’s.

Re: For the LOLs

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:24 pm
by Sisip
I love you so much, Sho. <3