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Alexandra Hardin

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 5:47 pm
by emily19
Player Nickname: `Emily

Name: Alexandra Hardin
Age: 19
Date of Birth: January 7 1993

Height: 5’5
Weight: 128 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: San Diego, Ca
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mystical

Status: Refugee
Occupation: none yet

Personality Profile: On the outside Alexandra seems carefree, happy, and well-adjusted but this is just a mask to hide the fact that she has become increasingly paranoid and distrustful of people and their motives.

Physical Description: Alexandra stands a whopping 5’5 and weighs in at 128 lbs., she is slim with an athletic build, she is well tanned from spending hours outside, has short blond hair and blue eyes and is cute bordering on pretty. Alexandra doesn’t really have a style so much and as long as it isn’t super girly will wear just about anything.


Powerset: Mystically Empowered Human and Item.

Ability One: Mystical Baseball Bat: When Alexandra smashed the Norn Stone with her handy dandy baseball bat, the bat was suffused with massive amounts of magical energy bonding it to Alexandra and changing it forever. The Bat is now nearly indestructible and because Alexandra is bonded to her baseball bat she is able to summon it or call it to her as long as it is in sight. Alexandra can sense the location of her bat but the farther the way it is the fuzzier this sense is. The Bat is capable of absorbing, draining, or drawing in electrical energy, at its max the baseball bat can store up to the equivalent of peak average energy of a lightning strike, anything in excess of this will not be absorbed. The bat can discharge electrical bolts in varying intensity from a little static shot to a lightning bolt to a max of 3. An alternative to shooting lightning is the ability to electrify the bat for melee purposes which takes up much less power and can be used for an extended period.

Ability Two: Durability: The magic that transformed her bat into a mystical object also granted Alexandra enhanced durability, enough to stand up to short bursts of fire from automatic weapons (though it will hurt like hell) but things like sustained fire from automatic fire or high powered sniper rifles are going to cut right through her.

Ability Three: none yet

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Alexandra is now a beacon to the mystical world, she is unable to hide her powers from even the weakest of magical users, this makes her not only a huge target but a magnet for mystical baddies. Alexandra may be hard to hurt physically but she is not unkillable, she is still susceptible to poisons, gases, pathogens and the like. Alexandra is tied to her bat and while she can summon it to her if it’s within eye sight this is not full proof and it can be blocked or held at bay or even teleported away, if she is separated from it from more than 5 minutes she will lose her powers till she is reunited with it.

Projected Power Growth & Development: As time goes by the powers of the bat and Alexandra’s durability may increase plus there is always that third power.

Skills: Alexandra has become skilled at wilderness survival as well as living on the streets, she is very skilled in using her baseball bat as a weapon, prides herself on her great cooking skills, and is fluent in Spanish. Alexandra has picked a lot of knowledge on the occult and magical world in the last year.

Background: Alexandra grew up in San Diego the only daughter of two absentee workaholics who loved their daughter but rarely had time for her, she had a lot of acquaintances, several good friends, was getting good grades, and even had a after school job at an antique store…. All and all the girl was doing pretty well in her nice normal life. Things took a decidedly weird turn one idle Tuesday when the nice old lady who was her boss brought in her newest acquisition, a stone supposedly used in ancient Nordic rituals, of course neither of them could have known that the stone would change both of their lives forever. A week passed by uneventfully and Alexandra had been heading to work from baseball practice only to arrive and find the place being ransacked and her boss being attacked by a rather large figure. Alexandra being a stupid teenager tried to play hero, she pulled her baseball bat out, snuck up on the large figure, and hit him as hard as she could on the head! Sadly this just pissed the man off who turned around, smacked Alexandra and sent her flying across the room into a stand with a chest on it. Now as fate would have it the chest fell off its stand revealing exactly what big boy wanted, a now glowing Norn Stone, smiling nastily the man headed over to retrieve his prize and Alexandra did the second stupid thing of the day. See Alexandra saw that the guy really wanted this stone and she had read enough fiction to know you should never let the bad guy have what he wants, so in a burst of stupidity fueled strength Alex brought her trusted bat down on the stone smashing it to itty bitty pieces and unfortunately caused a rather large boom! Our young heroine woke up a day later in the loving care of a hospital feeling like she had just been hit but a car. Over the next week Alexandra recovered and was interviewed by several cops who despite hearing Alexandras story wrote the whole thing off as horrible accident during a robbery. A month passes uneventfully until one night Alexandra is walking home and only to be jumped by a small green thing with some wicked claws and a bad habit of shooting painful yellow energy out of its eyes. Despite her best efforts at defending herself Alexandra was soon overwhelmed by the cackling little troll and truly thought she was going to die when suddenly out of nowhere her baseball bat appeared, this surprised the troll and allowed Alexandra to get in one good hit with the baseball bat which sent the little monster flying into and through a wall. When Alexandra went over to investigate she found a dying troll who proceeded to curse her, tell her that it would not be the last to come seeking her power. Initially Alexandra just blew off the threats but after several more attacks and several near deaths Alexandra ran away fearing for her friends and families lives. The next year and half Alexandra has lived on the streets and in the woods surviving however she could and escaping or fighting her way free from one fight to another until finally she found herself in Salem and hoping to find some sense of safety made her way to Cobalt.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Loves to cook, has a love for fantasy novels despite her current circumstances, and her eyes glow a nice bright white when she is mad. Alexandra decided a while back she needed a cool name for her bat but still hasn’t decided on one.