Sygny Fynn

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Sygny Fynn

Post by Suzthulhu »

Player Nickname: Suzthulhu

Name: Sygny Fynn
Codename: Skuld
Age: 28
Date of Birth: September 10

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Skien, Telemark County, Norway
Nationality/Race: Norwegian/American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Human/Otherworldly

Status: Staff
Occupation: Working on her PhD in Physics; studying the application and theory of the failure of common theories in physics with respect to mutant powers/abilities.

Personality Profile: Sygny's personality almost immediately makes up for what many would see as an imposing physical presence. She is outgoing, quick to crack a joke and a smile, and frequently peppers her accented speech with good-natured jabs. She does enjoy time to herself when she needs it, and will take time to get out to recharge her batteries now and again. She has a very scientific mind, often prone to getting lost in the logic and science behind things rather than just accepting that 'it is what it is.' To her, there is an explanation for most everything, and she's certain she can find it.

Physical Description: Sygny looks every bit the part of her Viking heritage. She is tall and well-muscled, and has a natural strength and grace that make her adept at physical activities. She usually keeps her hair pulled back in a braid and wears little makeup. Her manner of dress generally reflects her mood and can be as varied as shorts and a tank top to dresses and heels.

Character Picture:Image


Powerset: Valkyrie

Ability One: Valkyrie Form: Like the Valkyries of Viking lore, the transformation that takes over Sygny's body is summoned by the heat of battle. When nearby friends or allies are faced with imminent confrontation, Skuld, the Valkyrie spirit residing within Sygny takes over, transforming her body into pure energy and light. She still has a tangible physical form, able to make physical contact with objects and/or people and be contacted as well, but her durability is greatly enhanced in this form. Energy and light-based attacks deal significantly less damage, but shadow-based attacks affect her much more than normal. Fire has almost no effect, but electricity attacks deal normal damage. Edged weapons penetrate to a much lesser degree, but firearms deal normal damage. While blunt weapons can still do a great deal of damage, she runs much less of a risk of sustaining broken bones in this form. While not true flight, she is able to hover several feet off the ground for several seconds at a time and glide through the air for short distances.

Ability Two: Berzerker Rage: In concert with her Valkyrie Form, Sygny is able to grant herself and her allies the Berzerker Rage of her Viking ancestors, effectively tripling their strength and endurance. This Berzerkergang grants immunity to fear and fear-based mental attacks as well as reduced damage from edged weapons and fire to her allies (their skin can be cut by blades, but they do not penetrate as deeply as they would on normal skin, nor will they lose as much blood, and 3rd degree burns are reduced to severe 1st degree or mild 2nd degree, for example). Blunt weapons and firearms still deal normal damage, but the rage's increased pain threshold means that they will not feel this damage until the rage wears off. Following a rage, Sygny and her allies will require more rest and recovery time than usual due to the added strain on their bodies and the physical demands of increased strength and stamina. These rages last for a maximum duration of 30 minutes, generally as long as is needed for combat to be completed.

Ability Three: Physical Affinity: Sygny's heritage and Valkyrie spirit gives her a natural strength and grace as well as an affinity for tasks requiring physical actions. She is naturally good a sports, particularly things such as rock climbing, skiing, and track and field events. This does not mean she can easily master physical tasks, but it is much easier for her to learn them and commit them to muscle memory. She has studied various martial arts, including Krav Maga, and has also learned to use swords, hammers, and other traditional Viking weaponry as a hobby, and because she enjoyed the ease with which she was able to learn.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: While Sygny is transformed into Skuld, her Vaklyrie spirit, she is only concerned with the lust and heat of battle. The only thing that matters to her is ensuring a positive outcome for herself and her allies, no matter the cost. She will cut down enemies indiscriminately, whether they need to be slaughtered or not. Controlling her is not an option; she will not listen to reason and cannot be stopped until her bloodlust is sated or the enemy subdued and the threat removed. After returning to her human form, Sygny falls into a state of near unconsciousness for 1-2 hours, and then complete unconsciousness, requiring rest and sleep for at least 24 hours to recover. While Skuld is generally controlled enough so as not to pop out with slight provocation, it has taken her years to ensure that loud verbal altercations don't trigger her, and Sygny frequently has to excuse herself from situations where there is even a small chance that things could get out of hand in order to prevent... incidents. Skuld will also remain in control for as long as it takes, which can be physically harmful to Sygny, as her body does not get nourishment in her energy form, requiring medical treatment if the transformation lasts for more than a few hours.

Projected Power Growth & Development: While it is possible Skuld may develop a better sense of reason and differentiation when she is present, Sygny's powers are as developed as they are going to get.

Skills: She can drink just about anyone under the table, and she excels at first person shooters.

Background: From birth, Sygny's mother always said there was someone watching over her daughter, something that made her special and different from other kids. Sygny often reached for something that her mother, father, and older brothers said seemed like a flash of light out of the corners of their eyes, but when they looked, they saw nothing. By the time Sygny was old enough to talk, she could frequently be heard having conversations with someone, or something, that wasn't there. When she was around 10 years old, she came down with a mild case of the measles, and it wasn't until she continued running a fever and began to display other symptoms such as confusion, loss of appetite, and complained of a constant headache that her parents realized something was still very wrong.

At the hospital, the doctors diagnosed her with viral encephalitis as a result of the measles infection and began treatment. The swelling in her brain became worse, and Sygny fell into a coma days later. Her parents prepared for the worst, staying at her bedside and praying constantly. Sygny was never alone in her room, until one afternoon one of the nurses came in to give her a round of anti-viral medication, and her parents stepped out to get something to eat. The nurse left her room after administering her medication. In her unconscious state, Sygny had visions of a woman, clothed in light and bearing a shield, who spoke to her. "I am here, Sygny. You are not alone. You have never been alone. I will always be here. It is not your time yet to join your brothers in Valhalla. Wake up." The light seemed to surround her, and then it joined with her, lifting her from the bed. Her parents arrived just in time to see her floating, and her mother screamed, trying to get into her room, which was inexplicably locked tight. What they saw, her mother and father, they couldn't explain later. Their daughter's body transformed, becoming light and energy, so bright it seemed blinding, but they could still look at it...

When it was over, Sygny's fever had broken. There were no signs remaining of the life threatening swelling in her brain. The doctors had no explanation for her sudden, miraculous recovery, but there she was, healthy as could be, back to normal in a matter of hours. Well... at least they thought she was normal. Sygny knew though, that she'd never be normal again.

Skuld stayed quiet for many years, until well after Sygny had left highschool and gone off to college. Out with a group of her girlfriends one night, one of them started acting strangely, falling asleep in her chair at the bar, etc. Determined to get home safely, Sygny and their other friend tried carrying her to the car, along with the help of their 'friendly' dates. Their dates didn't understand that no meant no, but Skuld did. Thankfully no one ended up dead, but after that Sygny dropped out of her school and transferred elsewhere. She made several other transfers before ending up in the United States, and then Salem a few years ago, where she's finally found a sense of normalcy and control. Now, she seeks to finish her PhD, and has developed a strong curiosity about tracing her ancestry to try and discover why she was chosen to bear the Valkyrie.

Criminal Record: Assault, 2 counts, charges dropped.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Sygny's taste in music is pretty all over the place, but she's a huge metalface. Her favorite song is Led Zepplin's "Immigrant Song," which she can sing in four languages: German, Swedish, Norwegian, and English. She also likes to dance.
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