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Dawn Rose Grieves [Ghost]

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:20 pm
by devu
Player Nickname: devu

Name: Dawn Rose Grieves
Codename: Ghost
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 01/27

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: California
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: Tattoo Artist/Piercer

Personality Profile: Dawn has always been a bit of a wild child, a rebel and a box-breaker. She always goes down her own path, does things in her own way, and refuses to let people dictate her life for her. She's got a fiery temper and is prone to getting physical if confrontations can't be avoided.

Physical Description:


Powerset: Dawn is.. more or less like a ghost, or a wraith. She's pretty useless, combat-wise, but she's got some pretty handy survival skills.

Ability One: Ghostform: While she used to be able to generate plasma. this ability has warped and condensed as she's grown up, and instead she converts her body into an incorporeal, faintly glowing form. Dawn has some control over the bioluminescence, and can bring it from a subtle glow to blinding. In her regular, human body, this ability is tied into her emotions, with the light flaring the more agitated she is. She can pass through walls, though the usual restrictions apply. She cannot pass through lead or iron, and metals in general give her trouble. More than a foot of stone will be difficult, and over two feet impossible. While in this form she's subject to all the ghostly superstitions, such as not being able to cross iron or lines of salt, repelled by silver and brass, etc.

Ability Two: Forced reincarnation: When she dies, Dawn's spirit is forced up into her ghostform, and she wanders until she finds a new body.

Ability Three: Exorcism: Dawn can force spirits out of bodies, even the spirits of those that actually belong in the body. Since she cannot DESTROY said spirit, she generally only exorcises spirits that don't belong, and only in dire circumstances.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Unless she's dead, the ghostform is incredibly draining both physically and mentally. It would be relatively easy to trap her, as well, so that the power eats away at her body's lifeforce until she dies and then.. she'd still be trapped. She's vulnerable to anything that affects spirits while all ghosty.

Projected Power Growth & Development: She might find out about the forced reincarnation, hopefully through death. In that case, she'd find out about being able to exorcise spirits that are in their proper body, and perhaps gain a bit more control over her ghostly self, and a bit more stamina for it. Perhaps that could be the case every time she dies, which shouldn't be too often.

Skills: Drawing/Painting, tattooing, piercing, motorcycle repair. She's a decent cook, but average-housewife level, not 5star chef.

Background: Dawn grew up in the sunny West Coast, a true Californian child. A rebel and a fighter, as well as a mutant, her once-happy home was soon broken, and the young mutant hopped from school to school, leaving a trail of expulsions in her wake. Finally her brother took her away, driving the long miles to Salem, and the old Cobalt Academy where they both might learn to control the powers and abilities that were manifesting.

It was hardly even a school year before trouble with her friends had the young woman disappearing into the night, and she's been as good as gone up until her recent return to Salem. Only returned because an old friend offered a place in their shop, Dawn's hoping that this time she can make a better go of it.

Criminal Record: Some how, some way, Dawn's record is clean.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Dawn is a pretty awesome tattoo artist.
  • Blueberries are the best fruit.
Thanks Eva!

Re: Dawn Rose Grieves [Ghost]

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:19 am
by Remu
Exorcism: How does it work exactly? Are spirits permanently forced out of the host body? How often can she do it? We feel that she needs something that prevents her from exorcising, say, the spirits of people who happen to piss her off at random.

Re: Dawn Rose Grieves [Ghost]

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:39 am
by devu
I don't think exorcisms would be permanent, no. I'd say she has no way to stop a spirit from ENTERING someone, she just has the ability to force them out. I'd like to say the difficulty depends on the offending spirit's force of will, which will usually be pretty high for an invading spirit.

Kicking a spirit out of it's proper body seems like it should be even more difficult, and I'd be entirely cool with her only being able to do it when she's dead. Maybe later she'll be able to force someone to have a sort of 'out of body' experience, leaving them slowed/dazed for the duration of it, but I'm totally willing to wait on that, too.

...I really should have quoted the issues. >.>

I'm also cool with the idea of Dawn having to go incorporeal to mess with any spirits at all, which would make things extra draining, and make her susceptible to any powers that effect spirits/whatnot.

If you guys have any suggestions for hindrances/weaknesses/conditions, etc, lay them on me! Characters that can do everything perfectly aren't fun.