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Jasmine Calhoun [Jazz]

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:43 pm
by Lanse
Player Nickname: Lanse

Name: Jasmine Calhoun
Codename: Jazz
Age: 19
Date of Birth: September 22nd

Height: 5'10
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Boston, MA
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Teenager

Personality Profile:

Jasmine is a strong-willed near adult that masks the bitterness of the circumstances of her life behind a care-free, if sarcastic attitude. While she had resorted to some criminal activities while orphaned by her parents, she found that the bad crowd she fell in with was not any better for her than her previous dealings with those that were supposed to help her.

She is fiercely protective of her little brother, even if he is a sullen brat. The two survived together on the streets for several years before META finally rounded them up and took them to the Sanctum.

Physical Description:

While not particularly curvy, Jasmine Calhoun is an attractive young woman. Her light brown hair is long and often set in a ponytail or at least swept back from her face with a headband. She usually dyes a long streak some neon color, usually pink, green, or blue. It is typical for Jazz to put on a brave or happy face despite how she may be feeling at any given time. She is prone to dressing in punk or goth styles- often entirely outrageous and custom made.



Ability One: Sound Creation

Jazz is capable of creating a variety of tones and sounds. While she is incapable of mimicking specific every day sounds, they are flexible enough to allow her to create a sound much like synthesized music. She can also create them at varying decibels, from normal ones to entirely deafening levels. The sounds must also emanate from her person- usually she emanates them from her mouth or hands, but generally she can create them from anywhere within a foot of her.

Ability Two: Vibration Control

By touching things, Jazz is capable of learning the frequencies they vibrate at, much like a tuning fork. Once she has learned the frequency of an object or a particular material she can intensify them or lower them and can affect it as long as she can see it. Usually most objects made of the exact same material have the same frequency, so she does not have to touch every object in the world. Exceptions may be made for unique objects, objects made of multiple materials, or objects of extremely varying thickness. The thicker or denser something is, the harder it is to affect and the more strain it causes on her. This ability mostly only works on inanimate objects- the frequency that most living things vibrate at often fluctuates too much for her to ever truly learn how to effect one.

Ability Three: Sonar

By combining her two other abilities, Jazz can 'ping' a wide area and find vibrational frequencies. She can not learn frequencies this way, but it can tell her what is around her. This ability can pick up living things and differentiate them from inanimate things, even if she can not effect living things with her vibrations normally. This sonar effect is very audible to everyone around her when used as the soundwaves are what help her pick up the vibrations as they bounce off objects.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Jazz cannot walk and use her vibrational ability at the same time. In general the ability is used to control her nervous system and allow her to walk despite the damage to her spine. Using it on anything else takes away from her ability to control her body.
  • The strain of constantly using her ability takes a toll on Jazz. She tires quickly when under stress and generally can not stay up as long as the average person. Whereas the average person tends to remain active for 16-18 hours a day, Jazz is generally only active 10-12 hours a day- more on days where she doesn't walk as much.
Projected Power Growth & Development:

Eventually Jazz may be able to create more detailed and precise sounds, though it's likely they will remain musical in nature- instruments and the like. Also, it may become easier for her to effect denser materials, and she may learn the frequency of more materials in general. It is unlikely she will ever be able to overcome the way in which she tires until she accepts her paraplegic condition.


Jasmine is a very street smart kid, and it didn't take her long to get a feel for Salem. She had a head for numbers, and through the internet has managed to learn a good deal of math that she would have otherwise learned in school. Also, through her time in Salem, has collected a number of musical instruments, and can play all of them at a somewhat average level at the moment. Through heavy experimentation and a lot of trial and error she's also become adept at making her own clothes.


Jasmine's life started like most people. Her parents weren't rich, but they did well enough that the family didn't lack for much. They had a nice middle-class home in a nice part of Boston, and her life began comfortably. Things changed drastically the year Jasmine turned 8- she and her father were in a car accident because of a drunk driver, and while her father only suffered minor injuries, Jasmine was paralyzed from the waist down.

It was their misfortune that the drunk driver in question had been well connected, and the medical and legal fees crippled the Calhoun family. They were forced to move to a poorer area in Boston and went from comfortable living to just scratching by. For a while, Jasmine became sullen and withdrawn, believing the family's problems were entirely her fault. She discovered her mutant powers in secret at the age of thirteen, and through dedication as well as a lot of trial and error, she was able to restore her ability to walk by using her vibration ability on her own nervous system.

It has been her hope that being able to walk would take some of the strain off her family- but it seemed to have the opposite effect. Her parents became even more bitter and distant. The only person that seemed to appreciate her new powers was her little brother, Terry. A year later, Terry's obvious mutant powers manifested while he was at school, causing only minor property damage, but irreparable damage to the family. Unable to handle all of the stress of raising a pair of mutant children, one of them a paraplegic, Thomas and Marianne Calhoun took their clothes and abandoned their children in the middle of the night.

Jasmine and Terry managed to live for a year on their own at their small house before child services caught up with them and put them into an orphanage. The likelihood of ending up in a foster home seemed small, so the two ran away and put themselves out on the streets. They were caught up in the Pulse craze for a while, and fell in with a bad crowd. Having already made enemies in their short life, META took them in for their own safety and deposited them at the Sanctum.

Criminal Record:

Various Misdemeanor and Loitering charges.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Jazz has a very ironic take on fashion, and generally wears the opposite of how she feels; bright colors when sad and gothic clothing when happy.
  • For reasons even she doesn't understand, she's held onto her wheelchair. She rarely uses it, instead just letting it sit in the corner of her room.