The Triplets [Heads of Security]

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The Triplets [Heads of Security]

Post by Remu »

IRC Nickname: NPCs

Name: Unknown on all accounts.
Alias: One, Two, and Three; The Triplets
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 8.4
Hometown: Salem, Massachussetts

Height: 6'2
Weight: Between 200-220 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: White
Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Occupation: Security Personnel at Cobalt Academy

Personality Profile: As far as the triplets go, One is a no-nonsense guy with little in the way of a sense of humor except when it comes to his brothers. Two tends to be a lot more easygoing and sympathetic, something a free spirit, and Three is a philosophical bookworm. The three of them take great care in their work and strive to keep the campus safe and chaos-free, even if it doesn't work nine times out of ten. Either One or Two can be found at the security booth, with redshirt grunts in between their shifts, while Three now assists Faefae with clerical work in the administration building.

Physical Description: Identical triplets with platinum blonde hair and colorless eyes, One wears a buzzcut and has indulged in a bit more physical activity than his brothers, bearing quite a bit more bulk as a result, Two has mussed hair and frequently wears sunglasses, and the wheelchair-bound Three has grown his hair nearly to his shoulders. These seemingly minor physical differences help them to be individually identified much more easily.

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Primary : Truth Detection - The ability to tell whether or nor a spoken statement is the truth. Each of them experience something that separates fact from fiction. One hears a buzzing in his ears when a false statement is made. Two feels a tingle in his hands. And Three sees a flash of red before his eyes. Their truth detection is unable to be bypassed.

Secondary : None.

Tertiary : None.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Knowing the universal truths about life, the universe, and everything else can be quite the burden.

Background: The triplets were originally wards of the state, sent to the academy shortly after it was first established. After graduating they chose instead to stay on as security guards and were happily accepted, and have been there ever since.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): One enjoys chess and Battleship. Two likes to draw and paint. Three has a pet boa constrictor named Sparky and plays a lot of videogames. Three was paralyzed from the waist down in a campus attack and was forced to step down from active security, though the administration job that he took on still keeps him busy.
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