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Augustin Moreau [Gargoyle]

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:24 pm
by Brad
Player Nickname: Brad

Name: Augustin Moreau
Codename: Gargoyle
Age: 24
Date of Birth: December 5th

Height: 6'5”
Weight: 375lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Solid red with Black Pupils
Place of Origin: Marseilles, France
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee/Refugee
Occupation: Currently unemployed

Personality Profile: Taciturn, withdrawn, yet prone to bouts of temper, Augustin is a tough nut to crack. While he attempts to be polite and courteous to those he meets, he tends to come off as somewhat haughty at times, outright hostile at others. He has become somewhat bitter and resentful towards normal humans, as well as mutants with no overt evidence of their mutation. In general, Augustin is standoffish, and slow to trust others.

Physical Description: Despite his monstrous appearance, Augustin projects himself with an air of poise bordering on regality. He seems to have decided that the best way to combat the looks he's been cursed with is to dress very well, and carry himself as a proper, refined gentleman. His hair is jet-black and slightly curly, and falls just over the pointed tips of his ears, though he has yet to manage to keep his horns from poking through. He wears finely tailored clothes, for the most part, that have been designed with his wings and tail in mind.


Powerset: Monstrous form (Permanent)

Ability One: Gargoyle physiology

Augustin's mutation has left him with a body resembling that of a gargoyle, or grotesque statue. His skin is a dark, slate gray, two small rows of horns adorn the top of his head. His canine teeth (top and bottom rows) have elongated into fangs, and his hands and feet are both tipped with hardened claws. Two great, batlike wings sprout from his back, as well as a flexible tail (roughly 3 feet in length) ending in a hardened, mace-like projection.

Ability Two: Winged flight

Augustin's wings are strong enough to allow him to fly with relative ease, giving him aerial speed, power and agility comparable to a large bird of prey. Much like a falcon, he is capable of very short bursts of high speed flight, though this requires great exertion on his part.

Ability Three: “Stone Skin”

Though not truly made of stone, Augustin's skin and muscles are far harder and denser than a normal person, granting him a far greater degree of durability and strength than an average, fit adult male. His skin is more resistant to common cutting weapons, often reducing the impact of a small blade to be more of a glancing blow, and his muscles act as an additional layer of protection underneath.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:The primary drawback to Augustin's mutation is his appearance. His mutation is very obvious, and he can't blend into normal society without the assistance of banned technology. While the enhanced density of his musculature provides him greater strength, the tradeoff is in a more limited range of movement than most humans. While certainly not handicapped, his movements, particularly at major joints, is noticeably slower and stiffer than normal, which becomes even more pronounced as he tires. In addition, Augustin suffers pronounced pain in his joints at times, and must exercise very regularly to keep them flexible and manage this pain. Prolonged flight at cruising speed is tiring, he can manage up to an hour of sustained normal flight before requiring at least some recuperation, with short bursts of high speed flight being exhausting.

Projected Power Growth & Development: With strict, regimented training, Augustin should be able to lessen the effect of his dense musculature on his ability to fight. He'll never be a kung fu master, but he should be able to gain a smoother, less limited range of movement through endurance and combat training, should the need for him to fight arise. Additionally, it is possible that he may develop a further mutation, allowing him to actually transform his skin into a stonelike outer shell for brief periods of time.

Skills: Augustin is very well learned, thanks to his years of being tutored privately in France. He is a fluent speaker of both French and English, though he will occasionally slip into his native tongue in conversational speech. Ironically, he has displayed a great aptitude for sculpture.

Background: Born to an affluent, wealthy family in the second largest city in France, Augustin Moreau's early life was one of luxury and happiness. An exuberant boy with doting parents, he was well liked among his classmates at his private school, as well as by his teachers. His youth was uneventful and pleasant, and he still remembers it with great fondness.

However, with puberty came changes far different than others undergone by boys his age. Initially, due to the extreme muscular pain that left the boy bedridden for weeks at a time, his parents feared he had contracted a rare disease. Dozens of doctors were consulted, with no hope for a cure in sight. When his skin became a dark gray, and the beginnings of wings and a tail sprouted from his back, his parents understood that their son was not deathly ill, but a mutant. They chose, however, to continue to tell the boy that he was sick, believing erroneously that it was better for him to believe that.

As his mutation progressed, and as Augustin became stronger and less prone to debilitating pain, he was no longer allowed to leave his home. His parents, still loving their son, feared what would happen to him should he venture into the outside world as a mutant. His education continued under a series of excellent tutors in many different subjects, and he continued his studies adamantly, even as his body underwent further changes.

When he was seventeen years old, Augustin learned that his wings had developed and strengthened enough to allow actual flight. He also learned, after sneaking out through his bedroom window, what he truly was when he made his first exploration of his city in years. He was shocked, dismayed, and hurt by the reaction his form received, from mockery to outright violent hostility. He quickly retreated home, and confronted his parents. They told him the truth then, that he was not ill, but a mutant, explaining that the outside world was not ready or willing to accept his kind.

After years of arguments, and with his mutation's progression seemingly finished, he was eventually allowed to begin leaving his home, under supervision. While he enjoyed the limited freedom he was given, the stares and whispers from other citizens began to sour him further and further. He eventually managed to suppress these feelings, but only overtly. Inwardly, every gawking stare, and every person that shrank away from him, stung deeply, adding to his bitterness.

Now a man grown, and educated as best as could be, given the circumstances, Augustin's parents gave him a choice. He was welcome to stay with them, or leave for Cobalt Sanctum, a place that had been referred to them by a close friend. After much deliberation, Augustin chose to leave the safety of his home, in order to be with more of his own kind, and hopefully prove to the world that despite his appearance, he is not a monster.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

-He is a great fan of beer, particularly stouts.
-He most certainly knows the difference between a gargoyle and a grotesque, and is quick to point it out to anyone who will listen.
-He is well aware of the irony of his surname, thank you very much.

<4/29 - Edit made to Winged Flight ability with Op approval>