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Jennikah Solstrome (Lethe/Persephone)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:35 pm
by Nymphetamine
Player Nickname: Nymphetamine

Name: Jennikah Lynn Solstrome
Codename: Lethe/Persephone
Age: 23
Date of Birth: October 17

Height: 5'7
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Grey
Place of Origin: Rochester, NH
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Courier

Personality Profile: Jennikah's personality is probably best described as bitchy. She tends to mistrust most new people, and is very good at pretending being adjusted and cheerful on the outside. She tends to hide things, bottle up her emotions, and allows only a few people to get really close to her.

Physical Description: Not quite the typical 'goth', though her fashion does often fit itself into the genre, Jennikah tends to range in appearance. Her hair colour is subject to change on whim, often augmented by multi coloured hair falls, or dyes, while her eyes always remain the same. Clothing has run the gaumet easily from the extremely casual of a pair of pajama pants of satin, silk or cotton and a wife beater, to the far dressier velvet bell sleeved gowns. She often favours the punkier fashions, fishnet and the industrial style and has a habit of combining them all for some off the wall look. She tends to wear as an everyday matter of course corsets, vinyl, fishnet, leather and satin in black, red, purple, blue or animal print, as well as a plethora of rings, chokers and often bracelets.

Powerset: Psionic

Ability One: Jennikah's primary and considerably strongest power is telepathy, the ability to read thoughts and memories as well as projecting thoughts. Her control of the ability is great enough now that she can completely contain her mind from any other weaker psions, including attempts at telepathy or empathy, when her shielding is fully in place. She can overwhelm another psion's shielding that is weaker than herself, or any "normal" human. Also, Jennikah can establish rapports between herself and others up to groups of a dozen with some effort on her part. These "networks" allow all of those participating to speak telepathically with one another, whether or not they have the gift themselves.

Ability Two: Her secondary ability, and that which gives her the affinity for memories, is a projected aura of memory loss. Within a radius of ten feet from her, all of those unable to guard against it, or psions who are unshielded, suffer from a sudden inability to recall what they were doing. The effect wipes the victims' memories for the last five minutes and cannot extend further back into the short term memory.

Ability Three: Recently, it seems she's been developing weak telekinetic abilities that are cropping up in moments of great danger or frustration. These are weak, limited to less than 20lbs of weight, and are, at the moment, fairly useless, requiring more emotional support than anything else.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses : Overuse of her powers can result in debilitating migraines and sometimes bloody noses, if not outright blackouts for several hours.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Jennikah will probably continue to develope her telepathy to greater degrees, continuing to practice her abilities so that they're sharper, easier to use, and use with more finesse. Possibly even learning to strength what burgeoning telekinetic ability she has to actually be somewhat functional.

Skills: Since running away at the age of 17, Jennikah has picked up various skills. Working with an ex-soldier by the name of Markus, she learned hand to hand combat and military-grade weapons training; her memory affinity made it easier to learn these skills, but actual practice and muscle memory and tone was a good deal more difficult to come by than the knowledge. A fan of knives and swords, he also guided her developing skills with these weapons as well as guns. While having never been employed as a stunt driver, she drives in much a similiar fashion to one. She can also make grilled cheese sandwiches and boil rice.

Background: Jennikah was born a bastard daughter to her father, Peter Solstrome and his mistress, Mary Kenewick. She never saw much of her father growing up despite being given his name at birth, but lived instead with her mother on the child support Peter sent. They moved around a lot, all over New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey before her mother finally settled in Albany, chosing that city for some reason over all of the others.

Around the age of six, Jennikah's mutation was starting to crop up, though it was unexplained and after the first time of telling her mother that she thought she heard the woman talking about her latest conquest, Jenn remained quiet. Her mother insisted that her child call her by her first name, 'mother' just made her feel old, and thus it shaped their relationship from thereafter. Jennikah's mutation continued to develope, and even as she was entering puberty, she was growing more adept at manipulating her mother. Small things, like making Mary forget that she had to sign Jennikah's report card, or even the girl's grades if they were poor enough. Her manipulations were little, Jennikah having little idea of how to do more than to make her mother forget, or with enough concentration, inject -her- ideas into her mother's head.

At the age of thirteen, she and her best friend Socorro, as well as a few other kids around the same age, were picked up by a self taught telepath, and were given the rudimentary training. This went on for a few years until a traumatic event in Jennikah's life lead to her running away from New York.

She spent most of her time away from her old friends and family, throwing in with this or that, using her abilities to keep herself safe from any outward danger. She picked up random skills and trades, eventually settling into courier work while dodging any anti-mutant authorities or protesters with liberal and juidicious use of her telepathy. During her relationship with an ex-soldier by the name of Markus, she picked up not only his car, but combat training in both bare fists and various weaponry.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Jennikah hates being called "Jenni" and is liable to slap anyone who calls her it. It's "Jenn" or "Jennikah" but never "Jenni", not even to what friends she might have. She's currently estranged from both her parents, but still draws on the trust fund account her father set up for her, using it when necessary. Her first car was a white Dodge Neon, and the second was a black Lamborghini Diablo inherited from Markus. While she still owns the Diablo, she prefers the new, black Jaguar XKR-S, though she's rather tight lipped as to where it came from.

Re: Jennikah Solstrome (Lethe/Persephone)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:04 pm
by Sisip
Hi there! Unfortunately at this time we're going to have to reject this character as she's written. Her initial power (ability one) really is four separate abilities (telepathic/empathic immunity, thought/memory reading, thought projection, hive mind) which sets the powerset vs weakness out of balance and goes beyond our limit of three powers. At this time we're also limiting any memory manipulators to strictly op-approved storyline NPCs. They are simply too powerful a character to be in every day play.

If you would like to rework her to make her a bit weaker while taking our issues into mind and resubmit her we'd be glad to take another look.