Bank hiest fail

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Bank hiest fail

Post by vile »

[20:00] <vile> You'd think that, by now, the banks would go to some measure like installing a dampening field to keep this shit from happening. But no! Not yet at least. This time around there's not that many people around to get in the way. The local businesses have shut down for the night save for the bars, cafes, clubs and Crowley's. Tonight there's just a handful of mutants out on a get-rich-quick scheme in downtown Salem at a nation bank chain. A goup of six loiter around the outside of that bank. Half of them smoke cigarettes and mill around the sidewalk, doing their best to look mundane and like they're just deliquents out for some drinking on the town. They don't stick out too much: it's Friday night after all and they're hardly the only ones downtown. Two of the other three chat off to the side of the building and a third fumbles around with a side door.
[20:02] * [Tremor] was downtown, as usual. He could never manage to stay at cobalt very long these days, though he figured he would have to return sooner or later. The check he had gotten from meta for their silence about the rescue mission aboard an alien ship had lasted him quite a while. Still, the cash wouldn't last forever. He had to find another means of living and if nothing presented itself,
[20:02] * [Tremor] it was back to cobalt. That wasn't why he was downtown though, tonight it was him operating on a hunch. This group of ragtag mutants had always managed to hit the city in key areas. A train station, the court house... he wasn't sure of a pattern, but it didn't seem random yet. His bet was that they would stike again, but so far he had been wrong for a few nights in a row. He's about to count
[20:02] * [Tremor] this as stike three as he walks down the sidewalk around the corner from the nation bank.
[20:05] * Eva` is now known as Eva`zZ
[20:05] * AnE|Away is now known as AnE
[20:06] <Ahriman> It's just Fergus' luck that tonight, he was entrusted with the night deposit. He had one of those zip-up cloth bank envelope-things tucked into one of his cargo pockets, and had been walking carefully so that the change didn't jingle-jingle-jangle too much. Considering the amount of money he had on him, he was packing extra heat tonight, in the form of a large-caliber handgun stowed in a
[20:06] <Ahriman> shoulder harness, hidden beneath a light jacket. He of course still had his backpack with his usual arsenal, as well as his standard slip-on shoes, khaki cargo pants, a black t-shirt, and his trusty knit cap to keep his hair in check. He was just now approaching some sort of bank; whichever one it was his boss told him to drop the deposit at, eyes all shifty to make sure he wouldn't get
[20:06] <Ahriman> jumped.
[20:08] <vile> The man at the door continues to fumble around and almost looks like he's taking a really long leak on the door. That'd be entirely least until he successfully gets the door open! WIth that out of the way, he pushes his way in and whistles to attract his buddies. Four wander over to the building and slink in as if they have every right in the world to break in. The fifth guy mills around for a bit, idly puffing away on his cigarette. A yawn is stifled and his attention wanders to those wandering down the streets. A friendly wave is offered to one or two people. There's really nothing that stands out about anyone in the group, especially this last guy. No fancy clothing, nothing that makes him stand out. He just looks like an Average Joe, complete with a glassy look to his eyes. Somebody'd been hitting up the bottle already. A bit early but at least it's still a Friday.
[20:14] * vile is now known as vileGM
[20:15] * [Tremor] rounds the corner in time to see members of the group shuffle in the side door at the bank. At this hour, and with the clothes they were wearing, he didn't figure they were up to anything good. What business was it of his anyway? It's not like he's some grand crime fighter. He might spot Fergus making his drop as well. He didn't know the guy very well, but he remembered him from
[20:15] * [Tremor] Cobalt. He wonders over to the fellow mutant, all the while keeping an eye on the one lookout who had been left just outside the side entrance. Doing his best to act casual he nods to Fergus, "You notice the after hours customers making their withdraw?"
[20:19] <Ahriman> Fergus wasn't quite there yet - he was still around the corner and down the street a bit. He did eventually spot Tremor, though, and gave a nod, so as not to attract as much attention as a wave. He waited until he was closer, and made like he was just shifting his weight while he peeked around, trying to make sense of the question. "Not really, no," he replied. 'Cause he actually hadn't.
[20:19] <Ahriman> But if someone saw something fishy, in Salem, it was probably something fishy. So he reached back, taking his comm piece from its place on his backpack, and using a head scratch to hide the movement, put it in place. "What's up?" he asked Tremor, keeping his face pointed at him, though his eyes ticked toward the bank to imply what he really meant.
[20:22] <vileGM> The group may be a ragtag one but they seem to have some idea what they're doing. One of the girls heads straight for the hallway leading towards the vault. Midway through the walk she pulls out a silver gun straight out of a b- sci-fi movie and charges it up, making some lights flare up along the barrel. Three others follow her, two flanking and one holding up the rear. A fourth remains in the front of the bank, keeping an eye out for any would-be do-gooders. Stumbles watches Fergus and Tremor for a moment before turning on his heels and slinks to the building. A small flask is yanked free from his coat, the cap twisted off and he takes a deep drink. Well that's why he's wobbly on his feet! There's no rush in the way he moves like he has all the time in the world.
[20:26] <Suzthulhu> At a stop light about two blocks from the bank, Dina looks over her shoulder at Bill, bike throttled down a bit, and yells, "I gotta hit the ATM. Bank up ahead." She points with one finger as the light turns green, twists the throttle, and pulls her feet off the ground back onto the pegs. As some assclown nearly cuts her off because no one looks for motorcycles, she guns it past him
[20:26] <Suzthulhu> and gives him the single finger salute. "ASSHOLE!" The light ahead is green, and she pulls into the turning lane to turn left into the bank's parking lot.
[20:26] <Brad> ZORT gun?
[20:26] <Ahriman> ZORT gun.
[20:27] <Brad> ZORT™ gun
[20:28] * MarloCross ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[20:29] * [Tremor] shrugs at Fergus, "Not much." he turns and looks at the street opposite the building and just tilts his head in the slight direction of the side door, keeping his voice low, "I counted six. The lush seems to be the lookout. Something is weird though. I expected... I dunno... -masks-." he spots Dina and Bill, though he doesn't know who they are yet, glancing back to Fergus, "You want
[20:29] * [Tremor] point?"
[20:30] <Brad> Bill's remained more or less stoic throughout the whole ride there. True to his word, he don't give much of a shit how she rides. It seems to take a lot to cut through his generally unflappable exterior. "Yeah, whatever." He says to her need for an ATM. He holds on tight as they're nearly cut off, and just waits for her to make her turn, so they can get on with it and get to a bard.
[20:30] <Brad> A bard, yes.
[20:31] <Brad> Bill's totally down with the fucking lyres and shit.
[20:31] <Ahriman> "I can keep watch out here," he replied, again reaching back to his backpack, this time producing his favorite paintball marker. As he checked that it was fully loaded, a vein at the side of his temple throbbed to prominance. Once Stumbles was inside, he tapped the comm unit: "This is Deadeye. Downtown Salem; looks like a bank job."
[20:31] <MarloCross> Bone-Head was having a night on the town. he'd taken in a movie, gotten some ice cream and was now enjoying a Taco on his way back. Realizing he was short on cash and didn't want to walk, The chubby mutant headed to the nearest bank to pull out some money for the cab ride home.
[20:32] <Ahriman> Hayden and Angel are on the scene soon enough. Hayden didn't need to stop by a bank, but he was still fairly unfamiliar with the area, and so was his driver, so they more-or-less (less) followed Dina, though with the way she drove her bike, it wasn't the easiest thing in the world to do.
[20:34] <vileGM> Tiny, the woman heading up the front, aims her cheesy gun at the vault door. The trigger is pulled and...nothing happens. Nothing obvious at least! But the whine of metal being forced to move against its will fills the air, signalling that something not right is going down. The steel face ripples like a pebble tossed into a still pond and bolts twist and begin to give way. Within seconds the door begins to visibly change, growing smaller in diameter while its frame stays constant. | One of her fellow female accomplices leans towards the door, watching Tiny work her magic. "Hurry up." is muttered under her breath and she starts pacing. Her thin fingers wring at the strap of her large purse. Fern doesn't really want to be here and has likely been forced to tag along. | The three others inside the bank quietly wait to be let into the vault to do whatever it is they came along for. To rob the place blind? Odd that none of them carry a duffel bag, mask or anything else that the average thief would be carrying around. Doubly so considering they've done their homework and waste no time getting busy. | Stumbles takes another hit of booze and disappears inside the bank. The door is shut behind him and he shuffles towards the others. "Think we're good." calls the fail watchman before he wobbles past a window to glance out it, eyeing the people still outside.
[20:34] * Angel`Pearson wants an awesome cheesey sci fi gun! Buuut for now he just sat in the car with Hayden looking happy. This should be fun.
[20:35] <MarloCross> On the other end of the Com," You gotta be kidding me? Lemme just get outta... NO, You put that thing down and get back..." And Marlo's com goes dead. Fucking Moms
[20:40] <Suzthulhu> Once it's clear, Dina makes the turn and pulls into the parking lot, taking a space right in front of the ATM machine next to the front door. Killing the engine, she gestures for Bill to dismount before she does as well, pulling her gloves off to fish around in her pockets for her card. Now the sound of metal twisting and all that is pretty fucking loud, and even through her helmet, she
[20:40] <Suzthulhu> can hear it pretty plainly coming from inside the bank. Before she even steps up onto the curb, she glances back at Bill. "Do you hear that?" She doesn't have a comms bud, and so has no idea Fergus and Tremor are down the street, since she doesn't see everything and everyone around her at all times, especially in the middle of downtown Salem while driving a motorcycle.
[20:40] * [Tremor] nods and turns to make his way around to the side door just as it slams shut. He could make the door hinges shatter or use his knife to carve a hole, but suprise would be pretty useful right about now and he still wasn't sure what these yahoos were up to. He firmly places his thumb on the door lock and focuses a narrow vibration through the mechanism. It wouldn't be enough to shatter
[20:40] * [Tremor] the assembly, but it might rattle the thumblers into place quietly and allow him access. If so, he would step inside as quietly as he could.
[20:41] <Aislinn> <Krys> She'd been downtown at work, getting ready to head out for the evening when her phone beeped at her. The team one. She'd programmed it to go off if the comms were activated. Giving a wave to her boss she stepped outside, pulling her comm unit from her purse and placing it at her ear. ~Tesla here, whats going on?~
[20:41] * M` ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[20:41] * Angel`Pearson ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[20:42] <Brad> "It aint' the sound of me gettin' drunk." Bill says, stepping off the bike after her. He takes the helmet off his head, and then runs a hand over the buzzed, sandy brown hair atop his head. "Whatever it is, it ain't our problem." He sets the helmet down on the bike and stretches his arms out, planning to just wait for Dina to get her cash so they can be on their way. He notes, right
[20:42] <Brad> next to the bank, a CONVENIENTLY LOCATED CONSTRUCTION SITE, and peers at it for a few moments, wishing he were gainfully employed already.
[20:44] <MarloCross> Bone-Head had just pulled a 20 out of the machine when he heard the groaning sound from inside the bank. Slowly, he stepped away, forgetting his reciept anmd backing into Dina whom-I assume-was going for the Same ATM at the same bank," Oh uh s-Sorry..." He politely stepped out of the way and looked back at the building, a bit cutrioiusly.
[20:45] <Ahriman> <Fergus> The sound of an approaching motorcycle is hard to miss. He follows Tremor toward the door, of course spotting Dina and Bill (who he doesn't remember meeting) pull up nearby. Well.. at least they'd maybe get a little bit of backup, possibly. | <Hayden> The driver pulled up next to Dina's bike a couple minutes later. The window rolled down (not the door this time), and he called
[20:45] <Ahriman> out to the mohawked wonder: "Don't worry about it," he motioned toward the ATM. "I can cover everyone tonight." He'd just need to get up to the same unlawful activity that was already happening inside.
[20:47] <Suzthulhu> "Maybe not, but it's not a normal sound coming from a bank either." She flips her visor up and peers inside. "There's people moving around in there. Call the cops." Just for giggles, she tries the front door, finding it locked, of course, conveniently sidestepping Bonehead, since she hadn't actually even walked up to the ATM machine yet. When she turns around, lo, there's a Fergus.
[20:47] <Suzthulhu> "Hey, fancy meeting you here. Something going on? Did the Scooby gang get called in?" A glance toward Hayden as he pulls up, and she gestures at the bank. "Something's wrong, I think. Did you hear that noise too, Fergus?"
[20:48] <vileGM> SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! Goes the metal of the vault door as it warps and is forced to take up a smaller footprint than natural. It doesn't take long for the bolts to snap from stress. It continues to shrink until growing unstable enough that it topples forward! But by that time it's small enough to land inches away from the groups' feet with a very loud CLANG. | The group of five just stare into the vault at all of those riches. Sure they'd been coached or educated enough to get this far's just so much money. They collectively exchange glances before tumbling inside. | One of the guys, a tall lanky white boy, waves a hand through the air like he's conducting a symphony. The safety deposit doors rattle as the contents inside shake violently like they're trying to escape. Bars of gold and other precious metals are whipped through the air, flowing over to another accomplice's open bag. Materials flow in but it never gets filled. Magic. | Stumbles continues to drink and finally notices there's people showing up outside, snooping around and shit. "Uh. Guys?" is muttered and he points a finger at the window. That and a seventh person shows up. Tremor! He vacantly stares at the other guy as though trying to identify who this dude is.
[20:49] * M` ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[20:51] * Angel`Pearson ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[20:51] <Aislinn> <Krys> She heard only...silence. Huh, well then, maybe it had been a false alarm. Maybe she'd programmed her phone wrong. ~Again, Tesla here, is anyone on the channel? What's going on?~ The bank in question just so happened to be a mere block away, and the sound of screaching metal was loud in the night air. So she slipped off her heels, stuffing them in her purse as she took off at
[20:51] <Aislinn> a brisk trot in that direction.
[20:52] <Ahriman> <Fergus> Fergus shook his head. "No, the rest of the cubscouts haven't responded yet. I was here for work business. Just my luck, huh?" | <Hayden> Something going down in the bank? "We'll, uh.. we'll meet you there." He glances over to Angel as the window rolls back up, and the driver gets the hell out of there.
[20:53] * heh ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:53] <MarloCross> As he didn't know too many folks outside of Marlo, Kevin, Kayla and Ashlynne, Bone-Head reached to his phone and started to dial the police," Okay, this is weird, I'm calling the cops." It was the civic minded thing to do. He wasn't a fighter by any means. He was a chubby mutant that molded bone!
[20:53] <Brad> "Whatever it is, it ain't our problem!" Bill calls out again when he's told to call the cops. He doesn't want to get involved in this superhero shit, whatever it is. He just wants a goddamn drink. But begrudgingly, he moves over to a nearby payphone, and dials 911 from it.
[20:53] * Brad is now known as Sandstorm
[20:54] * Suzthulhu is now known as Ifrit
[20:56] <Ifrit> She's kept her helmet on, as she did the last time she was in a strange situation with shit going down. "Bill and I were headed to the bar. You don't happen to have a couple extra of those... earbud thingies do you?" She gives Bill a look, though it's probably hard to see through the visor of her helmet. "We're here, we can't just tuck and run. We have to at least call the-there's a
[20:56] <Ifrit> good Bill." As he goes to a payphone, she turns back to Fergus. "You here alone? Need a hand?"
[20:56] * Ahriman is now known as Deadeye
[20:56] * [Tremor] walks up to the drunk guy with a confused look on his face, looking all around the room as if completely helpless, "Oh thank God! Listen, I think I left something here and I've been trying to get in all day to get it." he looks to the shady mutant with concern as he walks up to him, "Seriously, I need your help! Quick, hold onto this for a second-" and in a single lighting fast
[20:56] * [Tremor] movement his knife flashes out at the drunk's chest.
[20:56] <Sandstorm> Bill flips Dina off as he's on the phone.
[20:58] * M` ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[20:58] <Ifrit> "Charmer. I bet you get all the ladies like that." Dina snorts.
[21:00] * Angel`Pearson Hayden guy had been following Dina and Bill, and as he saw Bill head off to make his call he hopped out and headed over to where Dina stood "Whusgoin'on?"
[21:00] <vileGM> The safety deposit doors strain and get all jostled around by the animated crap inside. They can only take so much before popping off! Precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, they all zip through the air and into that handy dandy bag Troy holds, getting transported off to godknowswhere. Everything continues going smoothly. Three of the others milling around manually dump stacks of cash into the bag as well and even play around some, tossing the green around like it's a game. | Stumbles vapidly stares at Tremor, not really seeming to process the information well. He may be wobbly but this wouldn't be the first altercation he's been in! That body language is something he can recognize. As the blade strikes out at him, he swings off to one side. A couple of fingers are snapped and aimed at the other guy in a smooth motion. Bubbles jet out from his fingertip, fired off at his opponent. Best mutant power ever. | The sixth mutant pokes her head out from the vault, stares at Tremor and grimaces. "Guys, we should leave..." she squeaks, totally not wanting to be here right now.
[21:02] <Deadeye> Fergus shakes his head, hoping Tremor would be fine alone for a moment. "Tesla, Deadeye. Downtown Salem. Bank getting robbed," he finally answered over the comm. Then back to Dina: "No, just the one. Usually only hand 'em out to team members. But I'll keep you in the loop," he winked and made for that side door. "Promise." And then Tremor starts a fight. Great! He retrieves his goggles
[21:02] <Deadeye> and breather, putting them on before heading inside.
[21:05] <MarloCross> Bone-Head waits to get connected to the police, staying close to the ATM outside the bank. Let those trained to fight do the fighting." God why does it take so long to get the cops on the phone here?!" He watches Fergus go in, stepping back as he realizes that shit might hit the fan. As he talks, Bone-Head starts to weave a thick layer of bone over his body, hoping to give himself
[21:05] <MarloCross> a chance not to die before the call can go through.
[21:06] <Sandstorm> Bill's already calling 911 from the payphone.
[21:07] <Ifrit> "Bill..." She flips her visor down again. Sure, limited visibility, but protection from.... bubbles at least. In case she encounters such things anyway. She pushes the sleeves of her jacket up to her elbows and trots past Angel while following Fergus. "Bank robbery. Wanna come play?" The wolfish grin is evident in her voice, even muffled as it is by her helmet. Blue flames dance over
[21:07] <Ifrit> her hands, wrists and arms, and her reasoning for pushing her sleeves up is pretty clear. The flames flicker in and out, and the air around her gets hotter.
[21:10] * [Tremor] blinks, not expecting the drunk to be so quick on his feet. He should have known it wouldn't be so easy. Then the bubbles fly at him and it takes him a second to realize they might be dangerus. He reels back out of the path, but not before soaking a small amount of them. Suddenly he feels warm, the room seems a little less stable than it was before and he shakes his head trying to
[21:10] * [Tremor] focus on his foe. He knew this feeling... aw crap, the bubble had made him -drunk-? He frowns and tries to kick up his vibro-blade. It hums to life, but the tone and frequency are irregular and seem to waver. "Listen... -you-... I'm not in the mood... ya know?" he can still keep his footing and has to shake his head now and then to keep focus. Without warning he bolts forward and tries to
[21:10] * [Tremor] duck under any return bubble fire to slash at the hands of the boozer, hopefully cutting off the directional ability of his power.
[21:11] <Sandstorm> "Yeah, it's at... <ADDRESS GIVEN>. Shit, no, I don't know what the hell the deal is. People are robbin' a damn bank. Just get some damn cops here, or somethin'." Bill says into the phone before slamming the receiver down again. He looks over at Dina as she flips her visor down, and gives a 'come on' gesture with both arms. "What? I wanna go get a fuckin' beer. What is this shit? This is
[21:11] <Sandstorm> not my fuckin' problem. Let the fuckin' cops handle it."
[21:11] <Aislinn> <Krys> Downtown Salem was huge, so we'll assume he gave her some additional info than that. Like a street name, and which bank branch. Yup, it was definately the bank in the direction she'd heard the noise from. Swaering quietly and not really caring if people stared at her oddly, she broke out into a run, long legs carrying her swiftly down the sidewalk. "~On my way. Just around
[21:11] <Aislinn> the block. We got anyone else on scene?~" He'd be able to answer that in person soon enough, the electrokinetic rounding the corner and spotting the group gathered out front. She took a quick minute to assess the situation, then tossed her purse down by Bonehead's feet. "Watch that for me, will you? I love those shoes." Why did shit always hit the fan when she was in her work clothes
[21:11] <Aislinn> anyways? So, what did they have here then? Bubbles? Because thats all she could see through the front so far. Well, that and the pyro.
[21:13] <Ifrit> "Bill, honey, the cops can't handle this shit. You think they can handle a bunch of freaks? Come on. Besides, it'll be fun!" She's backing up around the corner, beckoning Bill. "I'll take you to Sully's after, buy you a lapdance and all the beer you can drink babycakes. Promise."
[21:13] * Angel`Pearson flashed a small, nervous little grin "Oh sure...I think I'll just uh, hang back toward the rear and see if theres anythin' I can help with.." and also stay out of the line of fire. That would be good. He couldnt help remembering last time, when the girl with the OCD touch had whacked him and he'd gone all nutty for a bit.
[21:16] <Deadeye> Fergus' right eye faded to red, moving away from the door to clear the way for other people. He'd let Tremor handle Stumbles - or get drunk off his ass; either way, Fergus was gonna focus on the folks in the vault. "If you put everything back and leave now, I promise we won't hurt any of you," he called. He kept his body turned slightly, so he could keep the way to the vault, as well as
[21:16] <Deadeye> Stumbles, at least in his peripheral vision.
[21:16] <vileGM> "HURRY UP!" Stumbles shouts back at the vault, keeping his eyes locked on Tremor. Normally he'd get a kick out of dosing up a random guy but not when the dude's trying to shank him. A scowl darkens his scruffy features and more bubbles are shot at Tremor, coming out of his finger in a steady assault. "I'm not in no mood to be fuckin' around with nobody. So just fuck off, k?" | Troy glances around at his fellow mutants and weighs his options. "See ya later." he chirps before prancing out through the vault door and down the hallway. Not for the front exit, of course, but the rear! He's done. Jail or death is not an option! Or the hospital! | Tiny swears and charges up her gun again. A few errant pieces of jewelry are jammed into the pockets of her coat before she turns her attention to...the floor? YEP. The gun is fired up again and trained on a spot on the floor directly in front of her. The concrete cracks and ripples much like the vault door had as it's warped. | Fern whines and shifts her meager weight between either foot.Unlike the others she hadn't bothered stealing anything. But the action going on in the main part of the bank makes her act. Both hands are raised and waved through the air in his direction. Unlike Stumbles, there's no flashy display involved with her powers.
[21:16] <@Lanse> It took some time to get from the Sanctum to Salem- what with gearing up and signing out and getting the anklet adjusted to travel mode- but it all got done soon enough, and a navy blue stealth suited figure touched down on the top of the roof of the bank. Settled, she tapped her earbud. "Shatter 'ere. Ready to uh ... do somethin', I guess. What's the sit rep? Hostages?"
[21:20] <MarloCross> After being told that the police were already informed, Bone-Head keeps his eyes on the Bank, not realy seeing what was going on inside. He'd long since dropped his Dorito Taco out of sheer distraction...
[21:20] * A_bum wanders by and picks that shit up, because it's a taco with a Dorito Shell. Total no-brainer.
[21:25] <Deadeye> People trying to get away? Not if he could help it! The soft 'pfft' of the paintball marker firing sounded several times, signalling that he people were about to be crying. Troy was the first, since he was most obviously trying to run. Then came Tiny, since she looked like she had a weapon; kinda like that ZORT gun he'd helped retrieve. And then Fern, 'cause she was gesticulating, an that
[21:25] <Deadeye> was rarely ever a good thing. Fergus held his breath, hoping people didn't die this time.
[21:26] * [Tremor] takes another heavy dose of bubbles, almost stumbling himself as he finishes his sprint to Mr. Bubbles. The vibroblade in his hands is out of control now, his slashes at the rouge mutant seemed less calculated and more angry than anything. The blade almost jerks about in his grasp with the rise and drop in frequency. Tremors travel up and down his whole form, at times making limbs
[21:26] * [Tremor] blur as he continues his assult on his foe. He still had his speed, a flurry of underhanded slashes and stabs fly out to sever fingers, hands, arms, -heads-, whatever he could.
[21:26] <Sandstorm> Bill grunts, not liking this shit one bit. He didn't come here to get caught up in a bunch of weird shit. "What the fuck, DIna?" He exclaims, moving closer to the entrance of the bank. "I don't wanna deal with at bunch of weird bank robber bullshit."
[21:27] <Aislinn> <Krys> Another came on the line, and a brow lifted. Shatter huh? She'd met her once, long time ago. "~No idea on hostages, but I'm gonna say probably not since its after hours. I'm heading in now. We've got...bubbles.~" And since she didn't know what said bubbles did she stayed clear as she approached the front, waiting till their creator came into view and Tremor was clear before
[21:27] <Aislinn> letting loose a zap of electricity for the drunken mutant.
[21:27] * Aislinn ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:28] * Aislinn ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[21:29] <Ifrit> Since burning people to a crisp along with property damage was likely to be frowned upon in this establishment, Dina toned down the flames quite a bit. Cooler blue flames enveloped her hands again, and since Tremor was going all blender on the guy, she tucked and rolled under the flailing, out of range of the blades and bubbles for the moment. Weapon spotted, or at least what looked like
[21:29] <Ifrit> a weapon. She points her left hand out toward the gun... thing, two fingers aimed at it, and unleashes a jet of flame at it, aiming to heat it up enough to cause the woman wielding it to drop it.
[21:29] <MarloCross> As the fighting Started, Bone-Head did what he usualyt did: Hid and tried not to get killed. Namely, He hid behind the nearest parked car or mail box and awaited police intervention...
[21:35] <@Lanse> "Alright, then, luvs. Give me a light description and a target, and I'll do what I do best." She flew off the roof of the building, turning to face the bank and holding out a hand. The windows and anything glass began to rattle ominiously as she lowered to ground level.
[21:37] <vileGM> Fingers, hands, arms...heads. If only Stumbles knew about this penchant for killing that the team has! BUT NO. Okay well his head doesn't go dramatically flying off but he gets cut bad enough to notice it. The drunk swears, loses his shit as well and bolts towards Tremor and...grabs at the other man's face? F the bubbles! He's going for full-on alcohol poisoning now. No more screwing around! The blood from a gaping wound across his side gets quickly soaked up by his clothing and runs down one of his legs, puddling on the floor, smearing on the tile as he steps in it. | Troy's bag is left flopping around as he runs and by some stroke of luck, the paintball soars right in! Somewhere else in the city, some other goon on the business end of the power gets hit in the face by a pepper round and swears so loud. | Tiny is less fortunate. Pepper round to the back of her head! The small woman hollers some random noises and pitches forward after losing her balance. Right into the crumbling floor! It gives way underneath her and she falls straight into the basement. This isn't the method she'd had in mind when plotting her escape! } As for Fern, she's a lucky winner of a pepper ball to the face. The woman erupts into a coughing fit and SCREAMS with rage. Both hands slam down onto the ground. The clothing to anyone remotely nearby might start feeling a bit wool-like, all uncomfortably itchy. But unfortunately for her buddies, that's really...just them. And Tremor and Dina.
[21:40] <Sandstorm> Bill throws up his hands and starts walking away from the bank. He can get a cab back to the Sanctum.
[21:41] * Sandstorm is now known as Brad
[21:44] <Ifrit> "What the fuck?" Suddenly, she's really... itchy. Really itchy. Like her clothes are wool, and not the good kind either. With a frustrated grunt, she rips her jacket off, because at least that will provide some relief. She throws it on the ground and takes a few seconds to assess the situation. Flopping bag, tiny woman on the floor. Two hands. Dina's left hand shoots out toward the flopping
[21:44] <Ifrit> bag, aiming a jet of red flame toward the opening, and her other hand erupts in blue flame, aimed at the floor under Fern.
[21:45] <Deadeye> "Shatter, where you at?" Fergus replied over the comm. "Watch out for anyone escaping through the back." He was assuming she was still outside, and for now, that was a good assumption. So.. Troy was a fancy bastard, huh? Well.. let's see if he could do that trick with an entire volley of pepper rounds! Not all of them aimed at his head, either. The best part of these rounds, was that they
[21:45] <Deadeye> burst open and made a cloud of peppery pain. So he aimed for he head, shoulders, and even the walls around him. Fern got a couple more, too, these aimed more at her chest/shoulders than her face, since she already got a good dose that way. And Tiny was gone, so she didn't get anything more; he just hoped parts of the ceiling fell on her.
[21:50] <@Lanse> "Righto, that makes sense." She smirked and crouched, making an exaggerated leap that would carry her over the back of the bank, landing in front of where she judge the vault to be, keeping an eye out for uh... you know. Criminals that weren't herself. Not that she was criminal... anymore...
[21:51] * Brad ( has left #CH*Beyond
[21:59] * [Tremor] grits his teeth as the drunk grabs for his face. He was already pretty wasted by the sustained blast, but it was clear the guy was going to replace Tremor's brain with vodka. Then his clothing starts to itch... -alot- The mind numbing itching and toxins running through his system was enough to drive him up the wall, but then again he was way past thinking things through. His whole
[21:59] * [Tremor] body instantly becomes a violent skism, the room around them begins to rattle and shake as the vibrations pulse in and out of tune. If he was quick enough, force would channel its way through Mr. Bubble's arm with enough force to shatter his skeleton.
[22:01] <vileGM> For those fortunate enough to feel itchy clothing, a special surprise is soon coming their way! The fabric of their clothes starts to And leafy. There's three leaves and a red stem on each sprig that forms. Poison ivy. Fortunately it only affects their clothing's also their clothing changing into poison ivy. Hopefully someone has some Calamine lotion on them! | The bag erupts into flame! Troy curses, drops the bag and slams his body into the fire escape door. Out he goes, making a total run for safety. Fuck the rest of his team. Fergus' pepper rounds smack right into the door. He twirls around, points and laughs at said door before bolting down an alleyway. Little does he know about Shatter watching out for escapees like himself.| Marvin, who made all that precious metal dance into Troy's bag, glances around with a look of horror. He eyes the big ol' hole in the floor and takes a leap of faith! He hops on in, finds Tiny trapped under the debris, steals her gun and fiddles around with it in an attempt to figure the thing out. It leaves him trapped in the basement for now. | Fern continues to shriek in pain and discomfort. The continuing barrage of pepper rounds only strengthens her power, threatening the nearby individuals with poisoned pants. AND THEN THERE'S FIRE. She starts crawling away, trying to escape the flames. But she catches on fire, is left blind and on her own. This isn't going to end well for her. | There's one more guy but he's mysteriously gone now. OoooOOOOooo. Either that person's a dirty rotten cheater and phased out of there, they've gone invisible or just disappeared completely! | Stumbles gets hit hard by Tremor's attack and makes another attempt to dose the guy up even more with alcohol. But he soon goes down, collapsing in a heap of blood and cheap booze.
[22:02] * Aislinn ( has left #CH*Beyond
[22:09] * Eva`zZ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[22:10] <Ifrit> Oh hell no. She's not going for this. Poison ivy EVERYWHERE is not okay, in anyone's book. Dina stands up straight, and then does the only thing she can think to do to get the itch off. She sets her clothes on fire. All of them. She rips her helmet off before it can engulf her head, and then, guided by her hands, blue flame suddenly envelops her whole body, burning her clothes, and hopefully
[22:10] <Ifrit> the oils from the poison ivy, off her skin. Being pretty damn tolerant to fire, it won't hurt her unless she lets herself roast too long. Of course she'll be itching for awhile still, but it won't be nearly as bad as if she'd left her clothes on for however long this shit was going to last. She gives ZERO fucks about being stark ass naked right now, ZERO. The flames burn every shred off her,
[22:10] <Ifrit> save for metal studs and chains, which fall to the floor. She's going to be pissed about losing her boots, but shit happens. The flames eventually die off, and she just sort of.... slinks back into a corner.
[22:11] <@Lanse> The pacing sound behind the bank was odd- glass muffled by synthetic leather if ones ears were particular- and fortunately, the wait paid off. "Got one escapee.." Remarked the brit into her ear bud. A smirk as she pulled a glass sphere from a pouch usually reserved for grenades. "Let's keep it dialed down low, for now." She threw the sphere, her control doing the best she could
[22:11] <@Lanse> to make it hit Troy's foot to trip him up.
[22:12] * [Tremor] shakes his head and watches the drunk go down with his head tilted to the side, "Y-yyeeeaah... Thashhh what I thought..." his body still blurs and buzz here and there, but all around less than before. Then THE ITCHYNESS!! He looks down puzzled at the green shirt that he could swear was black before and his coat- oh no! Not his coat! He begins to sob as he pulls the coat off, then
[22:12] * [Tremor] the shirt. Tremor begins to scratch randomly all over as he morns the loss of his beloved jacket. Wait... his -pants- too?! He sniffs and begins to unbutton them, slipping in some of drunk guy's blood and falling over with an "ow" and then suddenly he can't stop laughing. Somewhere deep in his mind, he's very glad Nick isn't there with a camera to reap sweet revenge.
[22:14] <Deadeye> As Fergus finally edged toward the vault, he started getting that itchy feeling, too. That, and probably because Fern was fully freaking the hell out. Scratchyscratchyscratchy with his free hand as he edges closer, ultimately peeling off his jacket awkwardly. He was keeping the paintball marker aimed at the vault, and trying to just get rid of the jacket, while keeping the backpack. This
[22:14] <Deadeye> also exposed his shoulder holster, and the oversized handgun secured in it. Still scratching, he advancced further. "I swear to god if you don't stop, I'm gonna make it hurt even worse," he shouted at Fern. They saw what Stumbles could do, and since this screaming woman was the last obvious person left, the power of deduction put the itchy blame on her.
[22:14] * Blatant_Boy , however, is there, does have his camera in the form of a phone, and is making damn sure this entire fucking thing winds up on Youtube.
[22:15] <Ifrit> "I swear to GOD LESLEY I WILL END YOU!"
[22:16] <vileGM> POISON IVY SNOOCHES FOR EVERYONE. Well. Not for Tremor. While Dina's fire cleanses her body of the evil poison ivy oils, it doesn't treat Fern so well. The girl's screams go quiet soon enough and she collapses, still up in flames. Not ending well for her at all. And none of her buddies are around to help her either! Well. There's Marvin but he's busy doing a GOTTA PEE dance, scratching at his body and trying to figure out the shrink ray gun. And he's in the basement. As for Fern's itchy powers, the poison ivy stops growing once she goes down but doesn't go away. The oils remain as well. | Troy's successfully tripped up by the grenade and is horrified to find there is glass through his foot and everywhere else. OhgodohgodohgodWHATISHAPPENING. The poor kid starts panicing and just screeches. He gets up and tries to stumble away, leaving a blood trail behind him. Where does he hope to go? Anywhere that's not here!
[22:18] <@Lanse> Uh. No. False. It's just a glass sphere and she's hitting him in the foot with it, and if it was going to break she makes sure it doesn't. It will cause a very mean bruise at worst, MAYBE break a toe.
[22:18] * Angel`Pearson ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[22:19] <vileGM> Troy's successfully tripped up by the grenade, gets up and tries to stumble away. Where does he hope to go? Anywhere that's not here! Okay probably that truck over there. He bolts towards it, punches out a side window and clambers in. Does he know how to hotwire it? Hopefully!
[22:19] <Ifrit> Mercifully, Dina kills the flames on Fern, suppressing them before they can do -too- much damage. Still, she's going to need medical attention, but she'll live. Venturing cautiously toward the hole in the floor, she looks down and spots Marvin. "Ah, ah ah.... I don't think so." A poinpoint thin shot of flame, like an arc welder, would shoot out of one finger at the gun in his hand.
[22:19] <Ifrit> Naked chick with a welder finger. Hot. HARHAR.
[22:20] <MarloCross> Bone-Head is still Hiding, Having covered himself in a Bone-Dome, if that's a good word for a giant egg that's covering him...
[22:23] <@Lanse> "Luv, if ye needed the window gone, all ye had to do was ask. Now..." She holds out a hand, gathering the loose shards from the car, going a little further and popping the the driver side window outwards where it would snap into several pieces. The assorted shards would levitate, surrounding Troy. "I suggest you stop messin' around with that care, 'fore I have t' get serious, mate."
[22:25] <vileGM> Fern stays limp on the ground, alive but badly burned. But she lives! And she'll probably hate Dina for the rest of her scarred-up life too. | As for Martin, he cries out and drops the gun when it gets heated up. Both arms shoot up into the air and he backs away. "I give up!" he cries and bumps into a wall. But it's not that easy. Whether Dina will see it or not, a couple bars of gold zip through the air with every intent on pummeling her. This is not a time someone would want riches to be flung at them! | A confused Troy stares at Shatter for a long moment. "Uh. Thanks?" He has no idea what's going on. The shards of glass are eyed and he pats down the inside of the vehicle, searching for keys.
[22:25] * [Tremor] is up and stumbling donw the hall in nothing but his boxers of which he has cleverly turned inside out in a drunk logic way of preventing itchyness. It doesn't seem to be working. He coughs and scratches his rear, obvious to the rubble around him. Walking by the burning body of ivy girl he wrinkles his nose and motions over to Fergus, "Hey-heeeyy! Did you-sh-*cough* sssomeone left
[22:25] * [Tremor] their girl on fire... th-that's fu- that's fu-... that's messed up." he wobbles a ways and ups a brow unevenly at Dina's form, "Weeeelll hellooo there! I dunno what yer buyin.. but I'm sOOOOOLLLLDD-" his utterly fail line cut short by him almost falling through the hole in the ground.
[22:28] <@Lanse> "... I swear." She muttered to herself. Since she wasn't about to kill the guy with all of those glass shards and the intimidation factor wasn't working, she took off at a run. Provided she reached the car in time, she jumped up, hands grabbing the roof of the car to anchor herself before she swung forward, lifting her legs up to drive them through the window and into Troy's face for a
[22:28] <@Lanse> rather effective drop kick if it landed.
[22:29] <Ifrit> Who throws gold at a naked woman? Honestly? THAT GUY. And gold bars are heavy. But Tremor comes stumbling into the picture, which probably saves Dina from being knocked into the hole by those flying gold bars, even if it's in a drunken stupor that she might have set -him- on fire for. She grabs at him to shove him back from falling, her hands hot enough to leave burn marks on his skin,
[22:29] <Ifrit> and as she does, the bars miss knocking her down and instead give her a sharp crack in the ribs. She doubles over, that cracking the pretty unmistakable sound of bone breaking, and wheezes sharply, letting out a surprised shriek of pain before she stumbles back from the hole and slides down a wall of deposit boxes, arms wrapping around her ribs.
[22:32] <Deadeye> Well, that's not very nice of Martin. Since Dina is busy with Tremor, and probably some broken ribs, Fergus takes the opportunity to pepper Martin with pepper rounds. Only one is aimed at his forehead; 5 or 6 are aimed at his chest, so that there's a nice thick cloud of pain to breathe in. But then he likewise backs away from the hole; no telling if it was actually Marty who did it. Could've
[22:32] <Deadeye> been Tiny, for all Fergus knew. Plus there was still all that damn itching.
[22:34] <vileGM> Troy now realizes this person isn't going to actually help him. "Fuck." he mutters right as the kick lands. He's not especially big, a fighter or anything else that would help him out any. Just an aaaaverage guy. He's left swearing as blood flows from his broken nose. The guy flails and cries out, "Okay okay! Stop! I give up!" Because -fuck this-. Done. He's done. It's over. | Marvin isn't quite done. When his attack is successful, he starts scrambling around. But he's stuck in the basement and all he can do is run! RUN. He might find some way out! Except when he gets the fucks shot out of him by Fergus. A pain-filled scream fills the air and he collapses, wheezing, struggling for breath. Tiny just...lays there, totally out cold. She's still alive but pinned under rubble.
[22:36] <@Lanse> Sprawled out across the car in the wake of the dropkick, she smirked. "Might be kinky unnder different circumstances. Too bad for you, eh?" She gripped the roof of the car with one hand to draw her legs back and settle into the passenger seat, dusting herself off. With one hand, she gestured. "Ye've got a little uh.. blood, there. Heh. I'm just messin' with ya- but get out of
[22:36] <@Lanse> the bloody car, eh?"
[22:39] <Ifrit> "Where...." Wheeze. "Are the...." Gasp. "Fucking..." Wheeeeeeeeeze. Cough. Angry sound. "COPS." She draws her knees up, curling into a ball against the deposit boxes, groaning. She's had broken ribs before, among other things, and ribs are by far the worst. Can't breathe, can't move, can't do a damn thing. Bruising is already beginning to spread over her ribcage. Dark eyes sparkle
[22:39] <Ifrit> with anger and pain, and she notes that Tremor is pretty much naked, and Fergus is also covered in ivy clothes, which means, there are no clothes. "Fuck." That left... her helmet, and Bill's hat in her saddlebags. Which is suddenly pretty god damn funny. And funny hurts like a son of a bitch right now. So she laughs, then cries out, then laughs, then growls, laughs again, and grunts.
[22:41] * [Tremor] gets burned at Dina's touch and shouts a a short line of profanity as he jumps back just in time to be missed by the gold bar barrage. He falls on his rear and shakes his head to try and clear the cobwebs. He was still thrashed, but the burn had woken him up to what was going on at least. He looks to Dina, his head doing its best to stay level, "Uhm.. thanksh." He frowns and glances
[22:41] * [Tremor] at the hole, watching as Fergus plants a few rounds in Mr. Magic. His head bobbles as he looks back to Fergus and gives a shaky thumbs up. "Man, thaaat was like... boooooo-bop!" he laughs and then coughs and shakes his head again. His form still blurring in some places, he slowly gets back to his feet and takes a deep breath, "Everyone freeze... noone moooove... I think... someone stole my
[22:41] * [Tremor] pants."
[22:46] <Deadeye> Fergus manages a few snickers for Tremor, scratching at himself all the while. This wasn't like a back scratch; the kind where you itch one spot on your back, and suddenly everywhere itches. This was a different itch. He was familiar with this itch; got it a few times while camping back home. He wasn't some kind of.. itchologist.. or whatever that would be. So he wasn't sure yet. "Alright..
[22:46] <Deadeye> anyone else down there wanna get shot in the face?" he calls down the hole.
[22:47] <vileGM> "Maybe later." Troy mutters and just sits there, head reeling. While he's in no shape to be resisting the citizen's arrest or whatever this is, he's not getting out of the car just yet. It takes him a minute to get his head straight. But the door is cracked open and he falls out and stays down. NOPE. Over. He groans with pain and just lies there, blood flowing from his broke-ass face. | OOOEEEEOOOOEEEEOOOO. OH LOOK THE COPS SHOW UP right when they're the least needed. META agents, an ambulance or two. Apparently the local Dunkin' Donuts was having a buffet or something. The place is soon swarmed by agents and medics. Too bad one of those guys is left staring down into the basement. Uh. One of the more intelligent NPCs leads the way down to some stairs so they can rescue Dina and the failed bank robbers. Or successful. Because the guy pelted in the face earlier with a pepper ball also got a boatload of precious metal and cash for his trouble. | Fergus gets no replies! The bad guys have all been dealt with one way or another. Dead, incapicated, apprehended or just downright seriously messed up.
[22:49] <Deadeye> As the cops storm in, Fergus hurriedly puts the jacket back on, over everything, to hide the hand cannon. Itches be damned; he'd at least get treated if he made it back to the Sanctum. In a holding cell, he'd be screwed.
[22:52] <Ifrit> Dina waves off the medics. "I'm fine. Just give me something to wear. Anything." Luckily, the cops have a spare set of coveralls or something, and she snatches them, offering no explanation for why she's naked. She just zips them on, grabs her helmet, cursing about her lost jacket, and glances at Fergus. "Come on. Before they ask anymore questions. Spare helmet's on the back of my
[22:52] <Ifrit> bike." She'd head that way, pulling her helmet on over her head and fastening the chin straps.
[22:54] <Deadeye> WELP - another incident of Dina keeping Fergus from getting arrested for having too much fire power. Humorous, considering she had more literal fire power. "Lead the way," he replied, following after the mohawk'd woman. "I'm all itchy; what the hell did they do to us?" He hoped he didn't have lice or something. Chloe wasn't going to be happy about it either way.
[22:56] <Ifrit> "Look at your clothes, man. Poison ivy. I burned mine off." Her voice is muffled through her helmet. Once they reach her bike, she mounts it, no giggity, and puts up the kickstand. It roars to life, and she waits for Fergus to get on. "Hang on. Gotta make this fast. It's cold out here and I'm not good in cold weather." They'll have to make it back before she starts getting sluggish.
[22:56] <Ifrit> But with the way she drives, that shouldn't be an issue. Once he's on and hanging on, she's off like a rocket.
[22:57] * vileGM is now known as vile
[22:59] * [Tremor] blinks and works to keep his dinner from comming up. He glances around and then looks to Fergus as the crackshot hunted for more targets, "It was six of em... soooo..." he counts in no real order on his fingers, "Yeah... I think we're missing one." he narrows his eyes and frowns, "always seems to be one missing." he sounds out the words a few more times to himself to make sure he's
[22:59] * [Tremor] doing it right. Then cops, "Heeeeeeey!" He gets to his feet carefully and then gives a drunk salute with a giggle. then he spots Fergus and Dina get their stuff and make an exit. He stumbles out into the street in his boxers and waves to them as they take off. He smiles and sighs, "Nice people." and then it dawns on him... "... oh well that's just crap." left him here to rot they did! He
[22:59] * [Tremor] frowns and storms over to some meta agents, who promptly take him into be treated for the ivy and given a new set of clothes.
[23:01] <vile> Nobody asks why Dina's naked. There's just some things...not to mention she's clearly one of the good guys, being left standing and all. One of the cops pauses to stare at Tremor, sighs, and lets META deal with him.
[23:02] <Ifrit> Dina also happens to look like she might murder anyone who does ask. Convenient.
[23:03] * [Tremor] (Tremor@50.11.lnv.jgx) Quit (Quit: Someone stole my pants...)
[23:03] <@Lanse> Shatter would heft up Mr. Got Kicked in the Face and drag him around to the authorites. "He's in one piece, but.. prolly not too happy about it. Wish it wasn't so bloody late..." She remarked as she lifted off into the air. "Or it wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg to get a bottle of booze from a bar..."
[23:04] <Deadeye> Fergus holds on tight. Hopefully she doesn't mind his gun digging into her; no giggity. And hopefully Chloe wasn't around when they got back; that would be a hard one to explain, but all things considered, still pretty believable.
[23:08] <vile> Troy gets turned over to the cops without much complaint. At least he'll get medical attention! And drug off by the fuzz.
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