The Amtrak Incident

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The Amtrak Incident

Post by vile »

[17:28] <vile> "The fuck, man? It's been all warm and shit and now it's all raining and shit. The hell? Is it spring? Is it summer? Is it goddamn fall again? This shit's really getting on my nerves. I don't take no weather changes too good. It makes my sinuses get all fucked up and shit. Snot everywhere, hacking up crap constantly." Two buddies stroll down the street downtown, holding a mundane conversation. Neither look particularly interesting. Both are in aging clothes: ratty jeans with the bottoms all chewed up from being too long, faded t-shirts and baseball caps from two opposing baseball teams. The one complaining is bundled up in a brightly colored knitted hat and a dark red hoodie bearing the Cardinals logo on the back. "I mean, you know? C'mon, man. You go mute er somethin'? You needs some paper to write on? C'mon, Larry. Speak up. I ain't talkin' to no wall." He gives Larry a nudge and is thanked with a hissed, "Fuck off, Carl. You aren't the most eloquent speaker. I'd talk to you if you said anything." "I was talkin' about the sno--" "I've noticed. Trust me." The two fall quiet for a bit. At least until Larry bumps into a guy in a suit passing by. A loud swear is hollered and he flails some, looking like he's about ready to start a scene. But the suited man hurries by. Larry continues to walk and spends a moment looking over a fancy watch that's now on his wrist. "Swank." he rumbles and shows it off to Carl with a huge grin on his face. "Think it's real? Shoulda gone fer his wallet too. So whadadya want fer dinner? Pizza again?"
[17:41] <vile> "I dunno. We got that thing to go to. Think they'll have snacks later? Think that one bitch that makes candy poof outta nowhere'll show? Ooh. Think they gonna have her fill up a target with candy? Man that'd be the worst pinata ever. I mean. For the pinata. Wait. I dunno. Could she turn everything into candy? Uh. Those little cinnamon drops for blood or something." Larry continues to ramble on, earning him a roll of Carl's eyes. One person they pass up stops to stare but shakes her head and continues to walk. "Soooo. Are you still with that one girl? Uh. What'shername. Jill?" The banter continues for another couple of blocks until the two come up to a jewelry store. Larry stops and gestures at the place. "We could hop in there for a minute. Get Jackie--" "Kelly." "--whatever. Somethin' nice." Carl sighs and runs a hand over his face. "No. Amtrak station. We're going to Amtrak." "Oh right. Of course."
[17:46] * SisipPhone (Andi@166.134.xuk.jks) has joined #CH*Beyond
[17:54] <vile> Tweedledee and Tweedledumb continue on their merry way. Larry bumps into another person, this time a middleaged woman. "Hey! Watch it buddy!" he shouts and shakes a fist at her. "Yeesh. Damn bitches don't watch where they're going. Yeah you heard me bitch." She stops to stare, mouth opening to fire off a response but she quickly shuts up. There's no way she's getting in an argument with two lowlives. At least until she notices there's no weight around her throat where a pearl necklace used to be. A hand flutters up and pats at her skin, searching for the missing jewelry. Again her mouth snaps open and she just stares. Carl realizes they're in shit, punches Larry and the two take off running just as, "THIEF!" is shrieked in their direction. Larry erupts into laughter as he barrels down the street, bumping into a few other unfortunate individuals.
[18:05] * vile is now known as vileGM
[18:11] <Brad> "Fellas!" Comes Rick's voice from above the pair. What's he doing in downtown Salem? Well, he was shopping, and then the commotion caught his ear. He'd quickly launched himself, unseen, to the side of a building above the two, and was now dropping down onto the street in front of them to block their escape. "Didn't anybody every tell you stealing is wrong?" He makes a tsk tsk sound,
[18:12] <Brad> and shakes his head. Two lowlife muggers? Yeah, Rick can handle that without backup, no sweat.
[18:13] * @Kraken ( Quit (Quit: woosh)
[18:19] <vileGM> "As long as Mama gets her smokes, she don't care none!" Larry shouts at Rick and waves a hand at the guy before darting through traffic to get to the other side of the street. Little does he know about Rick's bouncy ball capability! Carl swears and follows suit, narrowly missing a collision by hopping up onto the roof of a car that screeches to a stop. "Watch it buddy!" he snaps at the driver, now leaning on his horn, before following his buddy. The two continue fleeing. Carl jerks a finger up and points at the Amtrak station. "There!" and off they go, fully intending on fleeing to their destination.
[18:20] <Suzthulhu> Well, Crowley's Row didn't have -everything-. There isn't a Best Buy there, since there were plenty in other parts of town easily accessible to anyone and everyone... and plus, you could just as easily order everything online anyway. But Narcisa wanted to actually physically inspect what she was looking into purchasing before she invested the money into it, and so she'd mustered up the
[18:20] <Suzthulhu> courage to go out into the "normal" parts of town. The store wasn't -too- far from mutant friendly areas, she rationalized, but she'd had to take the bus there nevertheless, and endure a few uncomfortable stares from folks curious about the paper white woman with the black hair and glowing silvery blue eyes. She'd gotten off a few blocks down at the closest stop, and heard shouting going on
[18:20] <Suzthulhu> that caught her attention. Peering down the street, she sees two men running her way, and then... is that Rick? dropping down in front of them. Dressed in a pair of long jeans to hide her hooves, her wings and horns invisible at the moment, she watches as the two of them dart across the street. "Rick? WHat's going on?"
[18:22] * Sketch ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[18:22] * Shane` ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[18:24] <Suzthulhu> What is*
[18:25] <Brad> "Just a sec!" He responds to Narcisa, after the two men bolt out into traffic. He dashes after them, unfazed by the busy street. He hops onto one car hood, and then the next, using his repulsion field to cushion his impacts. "Sorry!" He calls out to the driver of a family sedan. "Comin' through!" He exclaims to a couple in a station wagon. "Hey buddy, gas mileage. Think of the
[18:25] <Brad> environment." He says into the window of a Humvee before springing off towards the two escaping robbers, intending to cut them off at the proverbial pass.
[18:31] <vileGM> By now Larry has the stolen jewelry on. Around his neck is the string of pearls, a couple watches and bracelets around his wrists. When he grins, his teeth shine with the splendor of highly polished platinum. "Heyyyy buddy. What, you got somethin' you want lifted too? Or do you wants some of the spoils? C'mon." A diamond-encrusted ring is twisted of his thumb and given a shake in Rick's direction, "You want? I'm sure you got some bills to pay. Fancy hoppin' round like that. Ain't no good come from stompin' us like no mushroom, Plumber." | Carl just sighs. "We don't want any trouble. Just let us pass. We have a train to catch." One of his wrists is flipped over and he checks the time, "And we're going to miss it if you keep us waiting. We can't be late." He glances up over at Narsica and smirks. "Why don't you tell your friend to cool off some? There's a nice pearl necklace in it for you. Or a shiny tennis bracelet if pearls aren't your style."
[18:34] <Suzthulhu> "Do you need he...?" The question is left unfinished as Rick darts across the street after them. Would she follow? Not on foo-, er, hoof. Too crowded, and she'd never be able to keep up. But she also didn't feel comfortable just letting him go by himself like that. What would she do if she did catch up? No time to decide now. Her legs bunch under her, and she pushes up off the ground, as
[18:34] <Suzthulhu> she leaps, her wings reappear, snapping out from her back (thank God for backless shirts), and she launches into the air. She soars over and across the street, scanning down below for Rick, looking for whoever he's chasing. She spots them, wings narrowing their span to give her speed, and as she aims to get ahead of them, she pulls one glove off, stuffing it in the pocket of her jeans. She'll
[18:34] <Suzthulhu> make a graceful turn in midair and try come down in front of them, wings spread to their fullest, to cut them off.
[18:36] <Brad> "Okay," He says as he lands in a deft crouch on the pavement between the two men and the Amtrak station. "First off, I'm a respectable citizen. I don't steal things. Second off..." He looks at Larry. "That necklace does not go with those shoes, girlfriend." He narrows his eyes at the two of them as he stands back up. It's obvious to these yokels that he's got a build that can do
[18:36] <Brad> some damage, even if he may not be a mountain of muscle. "So why don't you and your Other Brother Darryl just hand over the goods, and we can pretend this never happened, huh?"
[18:40] <Sketch> "... Hm." Shane has made his way down to Crowley's Row and is on the back of his bike at present, when in front of him is ... well, it's a scene, that's for sure. Narcisa flying over the street, Nick bouncing around like a pinball on crystal meth, and two guys in the middle of it. The hell? He's stopped at the intersection they're at, wearing riding gear and his helmet, but the bike itself
[18:40] <Sketch> is relatively distinctive and he's been wearing that jacket for what seems like two weeks now. The hell had he just rolled up on? Traffic has stopped, as it's likely to do when people are flying around - Shane watches for the moment, bike idling.
[18:41] * Brad is now known as Ricochet
[18:44] <vileGM> Larry cracks up laughing from the joke. When Rick suggests to just hand over the goods, the two men exchange looks. "Okay." he grunts and shrugs. It's easy enough to bump into more people later. The pearl necklace, watches and bracelets are stripped off and tossed between his hands. He gestures once in a throwing motion to give Rick the heads-up before tossing the loot his way. "Ha. You're so gonna run off with that siht. Whatever. I don't got no time fer no dickin' around here." Larry complains and starts across the street. Carl sighs again and facepalms. "Then you shouldn't have tried anything to begin with, you damn idiot." And he soon follows suit, strolling away. | A couple more people seem to be in a hurry to get to the Amtrak station. One is a young man who, like Larry, keeps finding himself ramming into his fellow man in his attempt to not be late for whatever train they're trying to catch...
[18:46] <Ricochet> "Well... okay then." Rick says, one eyebrow raised. He honestly hadn't expected them to just give up the loot. He stoops down to start gathering it up, while keeping an eye out from the woman they'd stolen it from so he can be the good samaritan and return it. "Yeah, you guys just.. go on and run then. Don't want any of this. That's right." He sounds a little disappointed, honestly.
[18:46] <Ricochet> He'd hoped they'd put up a little bit of a fight, so he could, y'know, beat 'em up, banter, play the hero. But oh well, so long as nobody is exploding.
[18:48] <Suzthulhu> Her wings vanish, but it's too late. People have seen, and they're staring. "Rick.... I think we should return the items and go. The woman with the necklace that was shouting when I got off the bus, she was right across the street there." Narcisa looks decidedly uncomfortable with the gathering crowd of people watching them. "Should we inform the police?" She pulls her glove from
[18:48] <Suzthulhu> her pocket and rams her hand back into it again quickly.
[18:54] <Sketch> Shane... well, he's not sure what to make of this, quite yet. RICK (not Nick, who is probably off somewhere shambling and harassing people) seems to have defused the situation, but traffic definitely has yet to start moving. He's not going anywhere, and is purposely keeping his helmet's visor down.
[18:54] <vileGM> "I said GET OUT OF MY WAY!" A woman screeches and shoves a small boy out of her way. The kid tumbles down the stairs outside of the train station. The moment he strikes the sidewalk, he erupts into a pile of candy. Cinnamon drops replace blood, twizzlers for bone, sweet jam for brains and white chocolate bark for skin. There's more candy and the bits resemble the body parts they came from. The boy's mother screams in horror and stares at the girl, Amy. The two exchange looks, the woman glances around and bolts up the remaining steps. | Carl and Larry look at each other and speed up. "Gonna be late!" Carl snaps and hops over the boy's remains and pass up the horrified mother. They duck inside the building, flinging the revolving door around in a rapid spin.
[18:56] * Sunder ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[18:58] <Suzthulhu> As the two men rush past her, Narcisa turns and watches them, the screeching of course making her jerk her gaze toward the source. Her jaw -drops- as she watches the boy tumble down the stairs. She darts in that direction, dropping to her knees to reach out to try and catch him, only to find herself kneeling in, and covered in... candy. She looks down at her hands, full of cinnamon drops
[18:58] <Suzthulhu> and jujubees and whatnot.
[19:01] <Ricochet> "Yeah, we should..." He shakes his head. "They never just give up. Something isn't right h-" His thought his cut off as a boy is apparently shoved down some stairs and then erupts into a pile of... candy? Skittles, maybe? OH GOD IT'S TRAYVON TIMES TWELVE. "Yyyyeeeeaaaaaaah, that's not normal behavior for today's youth." He looks at Narcisa, and then scans around. He spots Shane as
[19:01] <Ricochet> well, someone else he recognizes from the Sanctum. "Hey!" He calls out to Shane, and then to Narcisa as well. "Okay, you're both hereby deputized in the name of the greater good, or some shit like that. Weird things are afoot at the Circle K." With that said, he starts toward the train station. Someone just died, at least as far as Rick can tell, and someone has to answer for that.
[19:01] <Ricochet> He doesn't so much sprint toward the revolving door as he does fall towards it, both feet out, intending to use his momentum to shoot right through and try and get some answers here.
[19:07] <Sketch> "Holy shit." Shane looks completely shocked as he sees that kid GET TURNED IN TO CANDY AND DIE, and yanks his Ducati in to a hard turn, sliding it up towards the Amtrak entrance, snapping the kickstand down, and kicking off it in one rather smooth motion. He'll sprint towards that door behind Rick, following in the wake of the guy's crazy gravity manipulation. He, however, will have to
[19:07] <Sketch> shoulder his way through the door. And he's leaving his helmet on, for the moment. He doesn't want brain-candy, thank you very much.
[19:07] <vileGM> By the time Rick gets in the train station, he'd be able to see Amy, Larry and Carl hauling ass over to the check-in area. Amy leads the way and barrels right into the half-dazed security guard. One moment there's a balding man in a blue uniform, glad to nearly be done with his shift, and the next he's replaced by a more delicious version. It's still him, looking just like the good ol' man Steve's always been but now he has a crunchy chocolate shell and a creamy truffle interior. His candy button eyes stare vapidly off into the distance, fixed on his attacker, before she gives him a shove. The guard topples over and cracks erupt across his body when he strikes the floor. Everyone standing between Amy and the boarding platform disperse to allow her and the two men through.
[19:11] <Sketch> That said... Shane doesn't hesitate to dive right in to this mess. It's not the first scrape he's been in, but it's the first one has seen people end up with creamy nougat filling and caramel glaze. What the hell kind of metahuman WAS that?
[19:14] <Suzthulhu> "I am what?" She's still dazed by the fact that where there was once a little boy, now is a pile of candy. Rick shoots past her, then Shane rips up on his bike. She manages to scramble to her hooves, and since they just won't do for running, her horns spiral out of her head, and her hooves are replaced by feet. Bare feet, but what can you do? She gives chase behind Shane, swift enough,
[19:14] <Suzthulhu> and makes it in in time to see the security guard candified. This time, both gloves come off. It's really her only offensive means to do anything. Given that it's a train station, it's not exactly favorable for sustained flights, but leaps aren't out of the question, and she does so, wings erupting again to let her glide over the heads of people scrambling quickly out of the way. In no way
[19:14] <Suzthulhu> does she want to touch the candy lady for fear of being turned into delicious, but she ducks low and reaches for either Larry or Carl, whoever is last in line of the three. If they're running in fear of being caught now, it's going to hurt if she makes contact, and she'll turn the drain up full force.
[19:17] <Ricochet> Rick taps his ear after shooting through the revolving door. He spots the trio hauling ass toward the ticket counter, in time to see another unfortunate soul become delicious before his time. "Jameson! Ricochet! Full blackout on all security cams at the Amtrak station on <mumblemumbleaddressigven>. All points! Any team members available, we have someone that can kill you by turning
[19:17] <Ricochet> you into candy, no I am NOT making that up, at the same address! Two accomplices, assume they're metahuman as well. Backup requested NOW." With that opening for other players to jump in HINT HINT SUNDER, Rick bolts towards one of the two accomplices, leaping into the air and shifting his gravity to dive toward Larry feet first. He knows well enough he needs to stay away from anyone with
[19:17] <Ricochet> a touch-based killing power, so he's trying to separate the three of them.
[19:22] * Sunder He would stare at his radio like it had just gone a bit daft. ".. This some sort of bloody joke, got to be..." He'd stand up, good thing he was still in ready to go mode, all he had to do was pull his vest out of his backpack, zip up and start running for the parking lot, fishing the keys for the mag out of his pocket while tapping the radio ".. Right, just in case this isn't a joke i'm on my way, be just a tick."
[19:24] <Ricochet> "SERIOUSLY NOT A JOKE." Rick replies into his comm unit.
[19:27] <vileGM> The lucky winner is...Carl! When she nabs him, he reels with pain and hisses with anger. His head snaps around and he glares hatefully at the winged woman. "The hell are you doing this?! We're on the same team! Fuck off!" he shouts and jerks a hand not at her to attack but instead to point at his chest. Pinned to the fabric is an oval pin, one with a red antler set on a black background. "We're mutants, lady. This is for our greater good! Didn't you get the memo?" | Larry is paying more attention to getting from point A to point B than he is to people behind him. So when Rick hurtles through the air, he doesn't notice it until he lands on his ass. The guy flails around and essentially echoes Carl's ranting about sides and other such drivel. Again, like Carl, he doesn't really move to defend himself but instead tries to get up to his feet. | Amy whirls around, sees her fellow mutants be taken down and bolts over to an elderly woman leaning heavily on her walker. The girl nabs the woman's arm and presses a manicured nail into her hostage's cheek. "Hey! You leave them alone! Or else. Back off everyone!" she shrieks. The tone in her voice screams business and not fucking around. | As for Rick's order over the comm unit, he gets a quick reply. "What. Oh man. And I was eating some Peeps too. Gettin' right on it." And he does! But not before sending the order out to every available member on the team to get their ass over to the train station.
[19:34] <Suzthulhu> Narcisa hisses and wraps herself bodily around the man, wings and all, cocooning him in a mass of boney joints and strong membranes. She then moves to cup his cheeks with her bare hands, making to drain him to unconsciousness, or at least to exhaustion, unless of course he gets free. "What you are doing... is for NO ONE's greater good! What you do is wrong! It makes the rest of us have
[19:34] <Suzthulhu> a bad name!" She doesn't weigh much, but she's stronger than she looks, for sure. Then the question of him getting free, and her free lunch is abruptly answered by Amy's threats. Narcisa's head whirls around from where she's wrapped around Carl like a rabid bat, and she abruptly lets go, hands dropping from his face, wings vanishing, and she pushes off and back from him, landing nimbly on
[19:34] <Suzthulhu> her feet.
[19:35] <Ricochet> Rick springs backward from Larry after making impact, flipping in midair to land back on his feet. "My side doesn't kill people by turning them into nougat, asshole!" He turns on his feet, and tries to assess the situation as best he can. He can't take on the Candyman....lady himself, he knows that. But he remembers Shane describing what it is he does. He points at the man, and tries
[19:35] <Ricochet> to muster his most commanding attitude. "You! I need a ranged attacker on her! Suppressive fire, keep her away from civilians! Narcisa! Handle this other joker, keep him away fro his friends and any bystanders!" He sounds halfway convincing, good for Rick! That order given, he turns back to Larry, who he'd just pegged in the back. "Look, give up now, and it'll be a lot easier for you,
[19:35] <Ricochet> I swear. Nobody wants this to end in a bloodbath, so let's just calm down and talk things out, huh?"
[19:40] <Sketch> Shane, to his credit, is his usual ocean of calm in the midst of this ... completely outlandish pair of killings he just witnessed. He'll yank off his bike helmet, keeping his distance from the candymancer, and raises his hands fowards, shaking his head. "Take it easy, take it easy... Listen, let the old lady go. Cops'll be here any minute, you don't wanna make this any worse than it
[19:41] <Sketch> already is." There's no hint as to what his mutation is yet, at this point he could just as easily be some good samaritan with a hero complex.
[19:42] <Sketch> And let's face it. She just Willie Wonka'd two people to death, one of them a kid - SOMEBODY will have called the cops by now!
[19:52] * @AnE ( Quit (Quit: When I have your hands in mine, I have with me the heavens divine. When you're close, this world is naught. Destroyed in your love, a triumph sought.)
[19:53] * AnE ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[19:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o AnE
[19:57] * Sunder The black magnum with spikes stuck out of the bumpers would skid to a halt outside, the metalhead would climb out and tap his radio "I'm 'ere! Where can you use a 'and?"
[19:58] <vileGM> Carl is determined to not harm this woman even if she's hurting him. There's not a whole lot he can do. Especially not while all bound up like he is! He grunts, hisses and squirms. "You're wrong. We're better than they are. They walk all over us and restrict everything. It ain't right. We should be calling the shots, not these weak-ass bitches." When she releases him, he just flops to the ground like a ragdoll. Enough energy has been sucked out of him that he's not getting up for a good while. | Larry scrambles to get up to his feet and staggers off to one side. It's hard for him to stand when one side of his hips is left so sore. But he straightens up quick enough and mutters under his breath. "Still fer tha greater good. You'll see. You just ain't seen enough to yet." He takes a couple steps backwards, heading towards Amy. "There's no talking to be done. It's over already." A sinister grin oozes across his face and he points at the approaching train. "It's over." he repeats and comes to a stop beside the girl and old woman. | Amy jams her nail further into the old woman's cheek hard enough to send a trickle of blood down her wrinkled face. "The cops can't do anything. They're useless against us!" she snaps and bares her teeth at the old woman's would-be attackers.
[20:04] <Suzthulhu> Narcisa will likely be on cloud 9 later, once she's not in a situation like this. Feeding is good, mmkay? But right now, she's... very unsure of what to do. "Rick...?" She's not a team member, not a fighter at all, and she can't help but admit to herself that well, she sort of agrees with Carl's sentiments. Some of them anyway. Still. "This is not the way. This only makes them hate us
[20:04] <Suzthulhu> more." Silvery blue glowing eyes go to Larry next, then Amy, and red lips press together. "Please stop. Let her go. She has done nothing to you."
[20:07] * Ricochet ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[20:19] * SisipPhone (Andi@166.134.xuk.jks) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[20:34] * Sunder Starts making his way in and... hey that would have been a tasty pile of candy if some arse hadn't tossed it unwrapped all over the damn place. "Well that's just a bloody waste.. " Then he would notice the raised voices and makes his way down the stairs in a bit of a hurry
[20:35] * [Wormwood] (Tremor@50.11.lnv.jgx) has joined #CH*Beyond
[20:36] <Sketch> Shane is keeping his distance. He's well out of touch range for Willie Wonka's Worst Nightmare, and while he's pretty sure the other two are some sort of metahumans, he has no clue what they can do. He's not willing to risk another person getting killed at this point, he just wants the crazy candy factory to let go of the old lady and get her out of here. "You kill her, your leverage is
[20:36] <Sketch> gone. Let her go, yeah?" He's conscious of all the pro-mutant diatribe they've been spewing, but in his mind it's mostly irrelevant - you kill two innocent people and take a third hostage, whatever point you set out to make has become moot.
[20:39] <vileGM> While Carl won't be harming his fellow mutants anytime soon, that's not the case for the others still hanging around the platforms. The gawkers, people with cameraphones, idiots who think that the handful of good guys will magically protect and save them all. The pissed-off and exhausted man turns his glare to one such rubberneck. A teenage boy avidly recording the whole event on his crappy phone. The kid covers his belly with a hand and groans, clearly suffering from some sort of stomach upset. White liquid dribbles out of his mouth and runs down his chin. He starts coughing and hacking The phone falls and breaks when it hits the ground and he soon follows suit. The coughing turns to gasping and he claws at his throat. Next he turns his glare over to Shane...| A police officer shows up on the scene, brandishing a gun. "GET DOWN!" He shouts but doesn't have long to break up the situation. Larry rushes him and crashes into the guy. He's soon rewarded for his efforts with a gun and handcuffs. But it won't be that easy! The two fight over the gun with it being swapped back and forth between the two. The cop nabs it with force, Larry uses his power. | Amy bursts into laughter and keeps her finger pressed against the old woman's bloody cheek. "I don't care. I'm not here for her. I'm here for him." she chimes and nods towards that approaching train. | What's so important about the train? Probably the guy riding it. There's a madman on top of the thing like he's in a western movie and trying to make a daring escape. As the train approaches, he can be heard cackling and shouting, "Crash. Craaaaaash!" Three guesses what he's here to do. And just as he starts being noisy, a loud screeching of metal on metal can be heard as sparks fly from the rails...
[20:42] * [Wormwood] is now known as [Tremor]
[20:45] <Suzthulhu> "Oh my God... run... RUN!" The train's screeching and the shouting make what little color her face has drain instantly. No time to put her gloves back on... she starts grabbing people, careful to grab them by their clothes at least, and herding them toward the back of the platform, away from the impending crashing train. She spots Sunder on his way in and points frantically at the train.
[20:45] <Suzthulhu> "He is going to crash the train, help me get the people away!" She huddles a group of people up against the wall as far back as she can get them and spreads her wings out over them.
[20:54] * Sunder There would be that brief moment of WTF? trying to hear her over the train, then noticing the train wasn't exactly slowing down fast. Now was he about to outrun a crashing train? Not bloody likely, in fact he had pretty much just enough time to duck
[20:56] * [Tremor] somehow had a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sitting on the train he overhears the faint laughing and shouting that sounded like it was coming from the roof. Doing his best to keep out of the way of any people prone to panic and filling the walkways, he looks over the masses to try and get a better view. Then the sparks fly and he hears the all too familiar
[20:56] * [Tremor] sound of metal on metal. He frowns and instantly bolts for the isle, shoving his way past people till he reaches a junction and pulls his knife, the blade humming to life in his grasp. He kneels down and quickly begins to carve a hole in the floor, the vibro-blade able to cut through even the sturdy metal and plastics below. Once through, he reaches in to grab the coupling connecting their
[20:56] * [Tremor] passenger car to the rest of the train and sends a powerful vibration through the mechanism. The whole car might start to shake, but with any luck, he could channel enough energy through the locking mechanism to destroy it and free their section from whatever was taking place ahead.
[21:00] <Sketch> "Hell." Shane dives, sideways, as a bunch of horrible things start happening at once. His mutation manifests, brief flash of crackling red, and a blade of thermal energy would be flung towards Carl. He's not entirely sure WHAT he did to the kid who was puking his guts out, but he's not about to let it happen to him! This has gone from bad to worse in a hurry...
[21:05] <vileGM> Of course nobody runs when Narcisa tells them to. They've been dumb enough to hang around this whole time! Some even fight when she tries to drag them off to safety! But at least no one else bolts out onto the platform to watch the show. | Tremor's efforts to free up the train are wildly successful! And while half the passengers soil their pants and start screaming in horror and pure terror, they're left a little more safe or so one would assume. The passenger section of the train continues to barrel forward, not slowing on its own accord yet. There's no obvious change in the train's path. | Carl continues to glower at least until the red hot blade burns the shit out of him. He instantly breaks his attention and all effects on both the downed teenager and Shane would instantly relinquish. The teen coughs up the rest of the gooey milk but continues struggling for breath. As for Carl, he screams in pain and writhes uselessly on the ground. | Larry fumbles the gun and winds up dropping it on the ground. The cop and Larry both dive for the handgun but send it hurtling in Sunder's direction. | As for Crash and the front car of the train, it gets more intense. The car wobbles, the squeal grows louder and it looks about ready to jump the tracks at any moment.
[21:14] <Suzthulhu> Welp. Dude on top of the train clearly needs to be put out of his... something. Go go gadget succubus! What the fuck is she doing? Seriously! She's not a superhero! She should just god damn stay put... but no one else is going to get up on top of that train... so she takes a deep breath, peels herself off the group huddled under her wings, and bolts for the front train car. A couple steps,
[21:14] <Suzthulhu> and she launches herself into the air, wings catching and lifting, beating hard to pick up speed in such a short distance. With little room to maneuver, and less room still to get in a good shot with bare hands, she opts instead to aim sharp, cloven hooves at Crashy McCrasherton, legs doubled up before shooting out in a violent kick towards him in an attempt to topple him from the train car
[21:14] <Suzthulhu> and stop whatever it is he's doing.
[21:15] * [Tremor] gets to his feet, bracing himself between the narrow walls. He ignores the screams behind him and reaches for the emergency break for their section of the train when he notices the cars ahead starting to wobble and tilt. If it went off the rails then the obstical would destroy both halves without a doubt. Muttering slightly in frustration he pulls the break and then quickly jumps
[21:15] * [Tremor] the hopefully still small gap to the wobbly half of the train. Quickly shoving, ducking and weaving his way through what people might remain on his way to the front to try and stop this beast. If the breaks were still functional, he might be able to find them in time. If not? Well... he was still working that out.
[21:17] * Sunder He'd grab for the nearest folks, shouting out quite loudly "Move you %*^#$! Move!" the train was slowing down, so a few seconds to throw people the hell out of the way were brought, and he was trying to make the most of it. Not like he could stop the train, or the guy on top.
[21:25] <Sketch> Shane lets his fingers on one hand spread, all five digits lighting up with that same red glow, forming 'claws' of crackling energy as he sees the succubus (who is one of the 'good guys', go figure) vault off towards that oncoming train. He'll yank the coughing teenager back and out of the way with his free hand, bracing himself if it looks like the impact is going to happen, keeping a
[21:25] <Sketch> close eye on Candyland - that was the absolute last person he wanted to lose track of, right now.
[21:25] <Suzthulhu> OH THE IRONY.
[21:25] <Sketch> :D
[21:27] <vileGM> Crash is focused on laughing manically, crashing the train and not flying off the thing in the process. He doesn't expect someone with wings to fucking fly at him! The insane mutant notices Narcisa in time to...stare at her. His eyes do wide and he grunts an intelligent, "Huh?" just before he's knocked clear off the train. His powers are to make things break. That's useless when it comes to saving himself from a far drop off a train going at a moderate pace. It's not going to be a pretty sight for whoever gets to scrape him up off the tracks later. But with him off the car, the train becomes less turbulent and straightens itself out just as Tremor slams on the breaks. It slows in a hustle and screeches to a halt a bit beyond the platform. It's close enough that people would be able to exit out of the rear door if someone manages to pry it open. | Sunder's efforts to continue what Narcisa started are successful! The platform is cleared off fairly quickly, save for Amy and her captive. | She looks pissed when the attempt to crash the train fails. The little old lady is quickly reduced to a pile of Skittles, licorice and gumballs that crash to the ground. Determined to pick up where Crash failed, she bolts for the passenger section of the train with nothing but murder on the brain.
[21:33] <Suzthulhu> Narcisa spares a thought or two for the man she's just managed to kill, intentionally or not. Ok, pretty intentionally, but when shit goes down, you do what you have to do. At any rate, she manages to catch onto the top of the train and not go over herself, hanging on until it comes to a halt, leaving her perched atop it like, well, like some sort of feminine gargoyle. "Do not let her
[21:33] <Suzthulhu> get away, Shane! She will kill everyone inside the train!" She's not about to touch her, and no one else should either. Better to fry her ass from a distance. She does, however, leap down from the top of the train car and glide to a landing on the platform next to where Sunder had been uhering people away and where Larry and the officer had been struggling over the firearm. She kicks it
[21:33] <Suzthulhu> away and then looms over Larry. "I suggest you do not move unless you want to end up like your friend on the top of the train." All things considered, she looks like a monster at the moment. Hell hath no fury and all that.
[21:39] <Sketch> "Damnit." She went and killed the hostage anyway. Not his day, not his day... He'll call back to Narcisa as she cries out, clearly of the same mind. "On it!" Seriously, what karmic debt was he paying back to be involved in this? Shane turns, whips his arm around, and sends that whole handful of thermal blades screaming through the air towards Amy, fanned out to cover the area between
[21:39] <Sketch> her and the subway door full of civilians. Heat haze ripples in the air in their wake, energy crackling.
[21:41] * Sunder Catches sight of the.. candyfication? sweetality? wonkaization? ".. tha fu-" And she went running. He would cringe. He was going to reconsider strongly his not taking along a firearm until cleared to do so by the team lead policy. He'd take off in a dead run towards amy, making sure to run wide of shanes.. whatever they were but liked damn harmful, he'd have to ask later.
[21:45] * [Tremor] sighs with relief as the breaks do their job. Train stopped and passengers freaking out, he starts to make his way back through the crowd to the rear doors. Counting on the idea that someone might figure out how to manually pry them open. If not, he can always use his knife to carve an exit. It might scare the crap out of everyone, but he figured it couldn't be worse than almost
[21:45] * [Tremor] being in a train wreck. He wears shouting over the den of noise inside. Sounded like commands on the outside. Something about "will kill everyone inside"? He blinks and spots the 'her' they are referring to. Ok, maybe the doors are better off closed. Before he can turn to command everyone to get back he spots Shane throwing some kind of energy based projectiles? He ducks on the off chance
[21:45] * [Tremor] of stray hits and keeps his blade drawn, waiting just to the side of the door to slash to ribbons anything unlucky enough to enter the passenger car. If the people inside were smart, they were busy giving him space anyway, what with him being the only mutant apparent nearby.
[21:46] <vileGM> Larry freezes and stares at Narcisa. He doesn't want to tangle with her, especially when he doesn't have a weapon! All he has is...handcuffs. Which he flings at her before making a break for it. F THIS MESS. He's done! Totally ditching Carl, he hauls ass to the other end of the platform and tries to escape. | Shane's attack on Amy is successful! To a point. The girl screams in pain and throws herself at the train, trying to reach it with all of her willpower. She's going to reduce that train, and all the passengers on it, to candy! SHE WILL GODDAMMIT. And these fucking backwards do-gooders won't stop her.
[21:51] <Suzthulhu> A wing snaps around in front of her, knocking the handcuffs away. She doesn't pursue Larry, figuring he'll likely be caught later, or not. Either way, he's scared shitless now anyway. Turning to face the woman booking it for the train, she sees Sunder booking it for her. "Sunder NO! Don't let her touch you!" She breaks for him, wings vanishing, since they're hell to try to run with.
[21:56] * Sunder He'd not hear anything, his only concern was stopping ms soylent candy (yes he would insist on calling her that.). He'd seen what she did to the lady, and it just made sense touch was a bad idea. She made a leap for the train, he might not have had the handgun but he did have the tazer, he'd slide it free from the tac vest, takes aim and fires the shot as he kept running, plan B a jump off the platform and just start kicking the crap out of her,
[21:56] <Sunder> figuring a pair of size 12 steel toes might just be enough protection
[21:58] <Sketch> Shane's shot on Amy is now blocked by Sunder and Narcisa, and instead he'll shift, turn, and move to catch up to Larry and tackle him before he can escape. He's fast - not superhuman fast by any stretch of the imagination - but he's got some speed on him. If he can catch up to the guy and take him down, awesome, but if it would end up with him leaving the rest to deal with the train, he's
[21:58] <Sketch> going to give the guy a pass.
[22:00] * [Tremor] can sense the threat getting closer. The wave of attacks would have stopped if this woman had gone down. He channels an incredable amount of vibration into his knife, the hum turning into a constant teeth jarring noise. The knife, his hand and most of his arm seem to blur slightly as he waits for just the right moment. She would have to get close enough to the door for him to punch
[22:00] * [Tremor] through the fiberglass and sink the blade neatly into her skull. He wasn't sure what she could do, but then again, he wasn't sure about anything that was going on right now. As Sunder's attack would happen before his own, he would make sure to try and hold till the last possible instant.
[22:01] * MarloCross ( has joined #CH*Beyond
[22:04] <vileGM> Sunder's attempts to put Amy down are probably going to end very badly. One of the prongs from his tazer connects and it's enough to slow her progress. It's not enough to stop her when she's this worked up and fueled into action. And so she gets...stomped! A shriek of pain escapes her and she flails wildly. One hand lashes out at his boot, aiming to turn it guessed it. CANDY. Things can only get worse if he sticks around long enough for her to grab on to anything else. At least until a blade is embedded into her skull. She's skewered quite nicely and burbles off some nonsense before going limp. Both arms flop to the ground, now rendered quite harmless. | Larry continues to book it and isn't going down without a fight! He's a criminal, this isn't his first time outrunning the po-po and it certainly won't be the last. So unless Shane is willing to burn his ass up with some flame blades, shoot him or outrun the guy, it's not ending as badly for this bad guy as the others.
[22:10] <Suzthulhu> Narcisa reaches Sunder right about the same second his boot gets candified, and she reaches for him with both bare hands, heedless of where she grabs him. She's just concerned about yanking him back, and so she does, putting her weight into it, insignificant as that may be. It's only after she grabs him that she's able to see the Amykabob...
[22:10] <Sketch> Shane lets him go. He's not a cop, he's not even part of whatever the 'team' was, he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Or wrong place, depending on your perspective. Plus, Larry's running in to where the crowd of people was huddled, and Shane isn't about to start slinging plasma in to a mass of terrified humanity, thank you but no thank you. He'll turn back around
[22:10] <Sketch> only to watch Sunder's boots get candied, and the girl's head get skewered. Yikes.
[22:12] * Sunder The metalhead would then learn she could do the candy thing to stuff other than flesh, and feels just a tad silly for the 'just start kicking her till ribs break and gooey stuff leaks out' plan. For now he'd blink at the suddenly dead woman, and then looks into the train and the man holding the knife. ".. oh.. um.. 'ello" Then narcisa grabs him unexpectedly, the surprise ends up triggering his jamming, anything at all that used radiowaves for
[22:12] <Sunder> a few blocks just stopped working for the moment "BLOODY!"
[22:17] <vileGM> Cops start showing up along with META agents to take accounts of what'd happened, grab Carl, the dead girl and gather up the candified victims. At least one agent chases down Larry to haul his ass in.
[22:18] <Suzthulhu> It's not the sight of the woman that makes her half shriek, half flail; it's the sudden discharge from Sunder. At first, she think's she's accidentally drained him, but when the feedback doesn't shoot through her, she's blissfully greatful. The one time they'd experimented with that, it had ended poorly for Sunder, and while it had been a hell of a feeding for her, well, she wasn't too
[22:18] <Suzthulhu> keen on doing it again, especially unexpectedly. Besides, she'd already drained Carl to exhaustion for him, and now she was pretty well glowing with energy. "Shit, sorry, Sunder. Are you alright? Is everyone else alright?" Except for the candified folks, and the guy she'd killed, and the woman with the split skull. Casualties happen. As META and the cops clean everything up, Narcisa lets
[22:18] <Suzthulhu> the others do the talking, sinking back behind Sunder and Shane as much as possible.
[22:19] <Sunder> Yeah, i'm alright.. Thanks. (He looks about, then looks down at a skittle that had until just a moment ago been part of the sole of his boot. He kneeled down, picks it up and takes a bite.)
[22:20] * [Tremor] smiles darkly as he feels the blade hit it's mark. Thanks to Sunder, he was able to get a clean strike. With her arms out streched, it would be -Tremor- that would have been turned to candy. (I vote Poprocks or sourpatch kids) He notices the others and of course recognizes Sunder. Cobalt, was there any doubt they would show up? He uses a soft vibration to pull the knife cleanly from
[22:20] * [Tremor] the woman's skull and back through the hole he made in the fiberglass window. After some minor effort he gets the door pryed open and looks back inside at all the obviously terrified people, "Off" is all he would say. He would leave it up to them to figure out if it was a threat or a suggestion. Turning to Sunder and Narcisa he nods, "Is it over?"
[22:21] <[Tremor]> ((Resists the urge to point at the corpse and say "No ticket"))
[22:21] <vileGM> The bootskittle doesn't taste like leather, rubber or dog poo! It tastes like a normal skittle. A noooormal, plain ol' skittle. And to think, if only she'd had a little better reach, he could be part of the rainbow!
[22:22] <Suzthulhu> She'd tucked her gloves into the waist of her jeans, and pulls them out, tugging them onto her hands again, eyeballing Sunder as he eats a piece of his... boot. Nodding at Tremor, she wraps her arms around her chest. "Yes, it is over. I believe the META agents and the police will take care of things now." All things considered, she looks damn radiant. At least some good had come of the
[22:22] <Suzthulhu> events. She'd gotten a good meal, and would look good now for a couple weeks at least. "I think... I would like to go home now."
[22:24] <Sketch> "Fine." Rattled, to be sure, but fine. Shane takes manages to track down his motorcycle helmet, which thanks to a small miracle is still in one piece. He'll look around at the aftermath, adrenaline coursing through his veins, and stills, taking a few long, deep breaths to calm himself, tucking his helmet under one arm. That ... that had been one hell of a thing that just happened. Surreal.
[22:24] * Sunder Gives a good laugh "Bloody 'ell! It really is candy!" he grins a bit, so a bit of luck of dumb luck saw him through, might as well enjoy it "Right, anyone 'o wants a lift the motor is out front."
[22:28] <Suzthulhu> "Morbid, Sunder. Yet... amusing." Shr shrugs lightly, then sighs. "Well, I am ready whenever you are. I think I will take a ride tonight. There have been enough witnesses and filming of me flying already." She runs a gloved hand through hair that's now quite shiny and healthy looking and simply waits.
[22:29] * [Tremor] raises his hand at Sunder's offer, "If you don't mind? My ride was apparently hyjacked and almost derailed." he ups a brow at Shane and then Narcisa, "I guess you're one of the new additions then. Hell of a way to start things."
[22:31] <Sunder> Morbid? It was a boot not a thing like.. Oh... (now that the emergency was over there was time to think.) I just watched.. an old lady die.. (that would take some time to sink in, somehow it just didn't seem awful when people were turned into candy instead of blood splatters.) Right, come along plenty of room for everyone. And if anyone wants I think i'll be breaking out the drinks when we get back. (He'd gesture for tremor to come along and starts
[22:31] <Sunder> walking.) Don't think i've met you yet mate, what'cha go by?
[22:32] <Suzthulhu> Narcisa goes along, etc etc.
[22:33] * Suzthulhu ( Quit (Quit: <@Jeem> SHE'S WEARING A NIGHTY <@Jeem> BUT HE CAN NOTICE A DISTINCT BULGE <Griffin> :( he may not clean his apartment or his dishes but he keeps his ferret clean)
[22:35] * vileGM is now known as vile
[22:36] <Sketch> "That woman killed three people - KILLED three people, including a KID and a geriatric - by turning them in to the contents of a kid's Halloween basket. Hell of a way to start things is an understatement." Shane nods at Tremor, still riding a bit of an adrenaline high. "I've seen a lot of fucked-up things in my twenty-five years. That... that ranked up there." He'll rake one hand
[22:36] <Sketch> through shortish brown hair. "But if we - you guys, whatever - hadn't stopped her, and that guy on the train.. damn. I can't even imagine." All things considered, they'd gotten through that about as well as they could have.
[22:36] <Sketch> "And .. no, I've got my bike. Hopefully. Assuming it's not a giant Mars Bar with peppermints for wheels."
[22:42] <Sketch> META is still cleaning up the mess, and Shane sticks around to give a statement, try to piece together exactly what happened. While he's doing so, standing near where Carl had fallen after he'd hit him with one of his knives, he notices something - a pin on the ground, oval with a red antler on a black background. He'll scoop it up and pocket it, noticing that Amy, who they're likely
[22:42] <Sketch> zipping up in a body bag by now, was wearing one as well... The guy riding the train? Who knows, he's rail paste. He wouldn't be shocked if Larry had one also... something to ask around about, with people more knowledgeable in that department than he.
[22:44] * Sunder ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:44] * [Tremor] chuckles at Shane, "I guess we can wait for you to check and see if your bike isn't candified." He glances over at Sunder, "You sure? I'm positive I've seen you around. You were there during the uhm... mass kiddnapping?" it was all he would dare to say. They had paid them to not mention it and he wasn't sure if that counted newer additions to Cobalt like Shane.
[22:44] <[Tremor]> ((and then he was gone!))
[22:51] <Sketch> "If it is I'm going to trade it in at Willy Wonka's, I swear." No humor like gallows humor. He'll make his way outside, and his Ducati? Totally fine, right where he left it. "That's me. I'll see you lot back on the grounds, if anything. Shane, by the way." He's straddling the bike by now, holding a hand out for Tremor to shake.
[22:57] * [Tremor] shakes the offered hand, "Tremor. Nice to meet you. Screaming people not withstanding, you did good work." He then lets Shane take off on his sweet ride while Tremor himself heads to Sunder's car to get a ride back to Cobalt.
[23:00] <Sketch> It's a nice bike, about 5-6 years old by now, but not a ridiculous superbike or anything - it was modeled after the '70s cafe racer styled bikes, and it was the closest thing to a committed relationship Shane had going. "Thanks." He'll pull his helmet on and head out, taking his time getting back to Cobalt. He needed a little time to himself, after that craziness.
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