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The circus is coming to town!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:27 am
by Remu
"Come one, come all!" Televisions on campus turned to certain channels will cut to a commercial, starring a particularly reptillian looking man. Lime green skin and the most piercing yellows eyes were his primary features, and while he otherwise seemed human with his shock of electric blue hair, his charming smile had a bit more teeth than the average person might be used to. "Prepare to be dazzled and amazed by wonders never seen! Cirque Supérieur is guaranteed to entrance!" He removed his tophat and spun his cape dramatically, exposing a bright and colorful display -- a circus! The performers, some of them at least, were easily identifiable as mutants (or they were wearing the most convincing makeup of all time). "Death-defying feats, fantastic acts, and everything from the strange and mysterious to the supremely supernatural awaits you!" POOM. He vanished in a plume of shimmering pink smoke, revealing the logo to the show, the voice swapping over to that of your standard announcement. "Cirque Supérieur. Coming to a city near you."