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Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:22 pm
by Dave
Player Nickname: Sketch

Name: Godave
Age: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6’0”
Weight: 205 lbs
Hair Color: Black, Blond when focused
Eye Color: Brown, Green when focused
Place of Origin: Extraterrestrial
Nationality/Race: Extraterrestrial
Classification/Origin of Powers: Alien/Ki Powers

Status: Hero
Occupation: Fighter

Personality Profile: Godave is a very friendly, genuinely good person. He’s always willing to give others the benefit of a doubt and will do whatever he can to make someone’s day better. He has a long fuse but a hot temper when finally riled, and when in his alternate form is regarded as cold and a ferocious fighter. Fiercely loyal to his friends, he’s the type that wouldn’t hesitate to take a bullet to save someone’s life.

Physical Description: While being an alien who looks completely human, Godave is in peak physical condition thanks to his strenuous training and alien physiology. He’s well muscled and regarded as handsome, however his hair seems to do whatever the hell it feels like, often sticking up in strange, spiky angles. Possibly a reaction to the humidity in Earth’s atmosphere?


Powerset: Ki Fighter/Alien

Ability One: Ki Manipulation

This ability allows Godave to perform a broad variety of impressive physical feats. Naturally strong, fast, and resistant to damage, he may utilize his impressive stores of ki to fire off incredibly destructive beams of energy, flurries of weaker ranged blasts, supersonic flight, and increased offensive and defensive potency and speed in hand-to-hand combat. With concentration, he is capable of instantaneous, long-range teleportation. The longer he ‘charges’ his chi beams, the more damage they’re capable of causing - at their peak, they can crack plates in the planet’s surface and cause tremendous amounts of collateral damage.

Ability Two: Untapped Peak Alien Form

In times of great emotional or physical stress, Godave is capable of transforming in to a more powerful form - while his physical self remains the same, his hair will shift to blonde and his eyes turn green. It’s undetermined as to exactly why this transformation exponentially increases his power level, but the amount of Ki energy Godave is capable of drawing on while in this form is near limitless - he becomes faster, stronger, more powerful in nearly every capacity and is able to stand toe-to-toe with nearly any threat, up to and including planetary danger-level metahumans.

Ability Three: Alien Physiology

Godave is more powerful from a physical standpoint than any human on the planet at present. He is capable of tremendous feats of strength, speed and agility, and is incredibly durable - he can shrug off conventional weaponry fairly easily. When injured, his body adapts to become even stronger than it was before.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Godave’s powers are not subtle. They are usually accompanied by excess Ki energy bleeding off in the surrounding atmosphere, which may cause any number of disturbances - fluctuations in local gravity, heat lightning, a ‘halo’ of energy cascading around his body, etcetera.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Put simply, the more he fights, the stronger he gets. There is virtually no cap to Godave’s power level, experience will dictate the upper limits of his strength and skill.

Skills: Godave is highly proficient in every martial art on the planet, and little else. He spends nearly all of his time when not socializing in intense training, and has learned from the best around.

Background: Godave’s background is a mystery, wrapped in an enigma. It’s said he fell to earth as a baby and was raised by a martial arts guru in the snowy mountains of Nepal, but nobody is really sure exactly WHERE he came from, other than the general knowledge of him being not human and clearly from off-planet. With repeated success in martial arts competitions, both televised and ‘off the grid’, along with a lifetime of stopping a number of planet-threatening crises, he has gained a worldwide reputation as a force for good.

Criminal Record: None. He strives to help on the side of good where he can, and has no criminal history.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Godave has yet to receive his driver’s licence, despite repeated attempts to pass the exam.

Re: Godave

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:32 pm
by Goldbolt

Re: Godave

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:33 pm
by Jeem

Re: Godave

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:12 pm
by Dave
You guys are no fun.