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Aislinn Lockhart

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:15 am
by AsurKat
Player Nickname: Aislinn / Karys / Krys_Gallagher

Name: Aislinn Lockhart (formally McRauric)
Age: 25
Date of Birth: April 20th

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 118lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Place of Origin: Galway, Ireland
Nationality/Race: Irish-American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident/Trainee
Occupation: Yoga Instructor

Personality Profile: Quiet. Introverted. Those would be the first impressions of the young woman. In truth she has a vibrant and caring personality, hidden behind a shyness that comes from reluctance to touch other people.

Physical Description:
She has the romanticised look of the irish, from her inky black hair to her pale ivory skin. But instead of eyes of kelly green or deepest blue hers are the grey of smokey quartz, flecked lightly with silver. Though of average height she has a somewhat waifish appearance that tends to lead people to seeing her as more petite. An active childhood and years of daily yoga routines have given her a slender and toned figure, but still with curves in the right places. Despite her years living in America, her voice still retains the lyrical lilt of her homeland.


Powerset: Hypersenses

Ability One: Touch - Abnormal Sensitivity
Always active, Aislinn has an abnormally sensitive sense of touch. A brush of fingers across a piece of fabric can tell her the material and threadcount. Smoothing her hand across a piece of glass can tell her of any inconsistencies, stress fractures, or defects that would otherwise be unnoticeable. Where others might feel no pulse on a fallen comrade, she would be able to detect the faint, thready beat. On the flip side, what to most would be a tap to the arm would feel to her more like a slap. As such, she rarely touches others unless necessary. Or unless they have her unwavering trust.

Ability Two: HyperSenses
  • Sight: By choosing to amp up her vision, Aislinn's sight goes from an already superior 20/10 to the equivelant of using a light microscope (roughly up to 1500x). This allows her to see further distances, or to examine objects up close in microscopic detail.
  • Hearing: Amping this sense allows her to hear sounds that might otherwise be lost in ambient noise or to just hear a further distance, such as a whisper across a large room.
  • Smell: Amping her sense of smell allows Aislinn to identify new and old scents in a room. While she might smell something, however, she won't be able to identify it unless she is already familiar with the scent. Blood, for example, is something she could identify confidentaly, whereas a hidden stash of cocaine would just be an unusual smell to her.
  • Taste: Aislinn has never found this talent of much use, unless trying to guess the secret ingredient in a recipe. Much like scent, she has to be already familar with a tase to accurately identify it.
Ability Three: None

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Aislinn may only selectively amp one sense at a time, and at the cost of another. She has no choice in what sense is lost. This means that if she loses her sight she is effectively blind, sound - deaf. The only sense she never loses fully is her sense of touch, though it will be lessened considerably to below that of a normal persons sense. The lost sense will remain for as long as one is amped and can last as long as an hour afterwards if she was amping for a long period of time. (ie: 5 minutes of amping would result in no delay of sense returning whereas an hour of amping could result in a delay of 30 minutes or longer.) Sometimes the lost sense will not be detrimental or missed, such as taste or lessened touch, while other times it could be a large drawback, as when losing her sight while trying to cross the street or flee an enemy.
(I will roll in ooc channel to determine which sense is lost. 1-Touch, 2-Sight, 3-Sound, 4-Smell, 5-Taste)

Projected Power Growth & Development:
The only projected growth I forsee is her learning to identify more scents and tastes so that these abilities become of more use. Otherwise her abilities are at their peak.

  • Cooking. And due to her ability to amp her sense of taste she is always trying to get the perfect blend of spices/flavoring for each and every dish. This, unsurprisingly, makes her a very good cook.
  • Years of yoga have made her quite flexible. They've also helped her develop and maintain a veneer of calm no matter the stressful situation.

Background: Born in Galway Ireland, she spent the majority of her childhood there until her mother passed away and she was shipped off to America to live with her father, who was surprised to find a pre-teen daughter on his doorstep having never known of her in the first place. It was a struggle at first, but she and her athlete dad soon found some common ground on which to build their relationship. She tried soccer for a time, emulating her pro-player father, but as her abilities began to manifest she found the limited contact sport too painful. Switching to yoga helped her keep in shape and to cope with the discovery that she was a mutant. Her father was supportive, doing what he could to help her, and even helped her find a private tutor who could help her learn to control her abilities. After finishing her highschool years with homeschooling and her mutant tutor, she returned to normal society and normal college, taking up a post at a local gym as a yoga instructor.
Eventually it was inevitable that the world would take a full-out degrading look on mutants. Tired of being caught between two worlds she decided to make the move to Salem and give Cobalt a chance as a place to live. A place where she wouldn't have to worry about people thinking her odd for not wanting to be touched.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
~She attended the Trinity College of Dublin in Ireland, majoring in the History of Art & Architecture as well as Early Irish studies. As such, she is fluent in Gaelic and has an appreciation for art in many mediums.
~Aislinn loves to read and can often be found with a book in hand during her free time.
~She prefers the outdoors for her yoga, so long as the weather is agreeable.
~Aislinn still indulges in the occassional scrimmage of soccer, though usually limits it to one or two matches before becoming overstimulated and needing to stop.
~She finds she cannot spend too much time in front of a television or computer, the overabundance of stimuli to all her senses becoming annoying at the least and painful at the worst.
~Due to her sensitive sense of touch she never wears synthetic fabrics, preferring natural fibers such as Egyptian cotton, silk, linen, and even bamboo. Most of her clothes are custom made, tailored with her issues in mind (no tags, smooth seams, ect).
~Her father once played for the D.C United American professional soccer club, and now serves as one of the assistant coaches for the team.