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Griffin Lockhart

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:55 am
by tumbleweed
Player Nickname:

Name: Griffin Lockhart
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 5/19

Height: 5'11
Weight: 270 (appears no more than 160-180)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Portree, Scotland
Nationality/Race: Scottish Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: (cyborg)

Status: (Refugee)
Occupation: Catburgler/Identity thief

Personality Profile: Image
Naturally playful and fun-loving, mischievous and fond of video games, Griffin has a knack for computer sciences and can spend hours in front of his laptop gaming MMOs and RPGs. His sense of humor has been known to get him into trouble, and he tends to behave like a lovable geek that doesn't realize his own strength just yet.

Physical Description:Image


Powerset: (How would you classify your character's particular set of abilities? Having even a loose theme is more likely to get approved than a random grab bag of powers.)

Ability One: Cyborg
Due to becoming recently awakened in a new and unfamiliar body, Griffin is still unaware of many of his body's functions and sometimes discovers something new in the most mundane way. Most of the original human pieces still exist and were simply 'augmented' or reinforced to create the perfect blend of flesh and machinery. Becoming a cyborg has made Griffin more durable, but not impervious to injury. A punch to the jaw might break his assailants hand, unless the attacker has the power of super strength of course, as there are layers of fibrous steel and metal beneath his exterior layers of skin that are interwoven within his own tissues. Burning or sustaining fire damage would of course damage the exterior skin that is still alive, revealing the metallic plates or muscle weaving beneath. Considering that, Griffin cannot sustain broken bones, and his skull is lined in enough metal that it cannot be penetrated aside from key, obvious points of weakness like the eye socket or throat. Other vital organs such as heart, liver, kidneys, and so forth are unprotected or improved at the very least. Griffin is watersafe and does not pose a danger to swimming individuals unless he wants to be a true jackass by discharging his battery.

Cyborg Odds & Ends
~Griffin has one hell of a wifi set up, and is able to literally jack into appliances and connections using a USB cord. A data slot as well as the proper outlets for connections are located just behind his ear, concealed within his hair.
~EMP Shielding - (Considering that most of his vitals are electronic and an EMP is on the level with a normal person getting plugged with a bullet to the heart, Griffin has been outfitted with EMP shielding of military calibur. This is to say that the every day person or mutant couldn't automatically nuke his life functions to deactivate him, and that it would take one incredibly strong device. Should they fail, emergency reactivation features would kick in, allowing him to make a hasty escape.)
~Cannot strain or pull muscles, either he can lift it or can't, and the addition of improved joints has increased his lifting capacity thricefold.
~Auto-Targeting - Capable of estimating and judging the distance between objects and the trajectory of a thrown or launched projectile with deadly efficiency.

Battery Power
A superpowered generator resides within Griffin linked to solar cells implanted within his skin. Visually they resemble tattoos but upon a glance through a magnifying lens, one can determine their true purpose. These often need replacing over time and are slow to charge, replenishing to full over the course of spending a full day in the wonderful sunshine. Aside from that, Griffin is capable of deactivating his solar regeneration in favor of directly leeching current and energy from a wall socket. Total depletion of his battery is not recommended.

Ability Two: Technopathy
Griff is able to bypass secured connections, tapping into wireless networks and other systems as needed. He understands visual and audible computer languages and signals, reading symbols fluently as if they were English letters of the alphabet. Electronics and devices 'talk' to him, and they understand one another with ease. A cheap brinks alarm system, a magnetic ID card slider, ATM machine, and other objects of simplistic and non-complex make, they're able to listen to his nonverbal commands, and yield information. Generally, he sees them and knows where they are due to the constant 'voice' made by electronic devices.

Probability of successful linking/hacking
Unsecured port: 100%
Secured port, locked system within close distance: 80-95%
Distanced port, connected via cyber wifi: 60-70%
Computers and networking systems protected by other technopaths and technophiles are a 50/50% chance that either person might emerge victorious. There's no guarantee that he can virtually take over the, just as there's no guarantee he'd be successful in overcoming them.

Linking through means of a physical cable or usb connection increases the odds in Griffin's favor, but creates a vulnerable point where it becomes wholly possible another technopath could get into his secured system. If this were to happen, Griffin would be unable to control his actions until the other party relinquished control.

Ability Three: Electrical Conduction
Like the name implies, he's capable of running electronic equipment. If it needs any form of battery power, adaptor, light switch, or plug to jack into a socket, he is able to turn it on as if it were using its primary power source. Generally, it's limited within small objects such as computers, video game systems, battery operated objects which are charged within minutes of contact. For larger and more complex objects like a car battery, he's able to give it a jump start and get it running again. Without a battery, it'll only run with maintained physical contact. Doing this discharges small amounts of the high-tech generator and battery that operate Griffin's advanced nervous functions.

Small Simple Item: <1% of his battery
Flashlight, pair of AA batteries, briefly operating a blender or can opener for a few seconds, Light bulb.
Small Complex Item: 5-15% of his battery a charge
iDevice, Cell Phone, hand held game system
Medium Simple: 10-20% of battery
Microwave oven
Medium Complex Item: 15-25% of battery power
Laptop, television security system
Large Simple: 30-35% of battery power
A fridge or oven during a blackout
Large Complex: 40-65% of battery power
Powering then operating a vehicle without a battery for up to 30 minutes.

When an object is not involved and it is a living person, it is felt as a small burst of electric current. Griffin can discharge his battery power to manipulate it these in short bursts ranging from a quick, split-second zap to three second sizzles. It hurts as much as sticking a finger in a lightsocket and leaves minor electrical burns, makes the hair stand on end, etc. but has the possibility of posing an actual danger to unprotected persons.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: (What happens if your character overexerts themself? Do their powers provide them with any negative attributes, like a weakened heart, lack of resistance to toxins, etc? Does their power make them shaky and high-strung? Anything that adds balance to the character is great and is more likely to be accepted!)
~Overexertion for Griffin means a lack of battery power and bodily functions reduced to 25% capabilities. He moves slowly and is close to inoperable, becoming a true sitting duck that cannot defend himself at all. Battery-saving functions kick in, shutting down all security features, wifi cabilities, and shutting down memory processes. This leaves him vulnerable to more than simple physical damage, but also cyber attacks and mutant powers. Likewise, if Griffin has plugged or jacked himself into a system, a very real possibility exists that another technopath or educated party could hijack his system.
~Various wires, tubes, and designs within his body have regulated the combination of man and machine, requiring proper nourishment and diet. Griffin has come to realize that sugars are practically useless within his body and thrives on a diet of meats and protein. Carbohydrates provide little nourishment, while fats and oils provide an excellent natural lubricant between muscle and metallic components.
~He can be overloaded through an abundance of electricity if caught unaware an unable to discharge the current as it's flooding his cyborg body. When this occurs, his system performs an emergency shut down and is vulnerable to physical damage, rendering him in a state similar to human coma until he is physically rebooted.
~Xray machines will see the metal plates, bits, machinery, and computer systems stored in side of him, he is far heavier than a human male of his size is expected to be, and one can feel the metal bits under the skin throughout his body in some places.

Projected Power Growth & Development: (Where do you see your character's powers going with training and practice? What kind of other powers could they possibly develop? This section is not required for staff members, characters who are considered adults, or villains -- keep in mind, however, that a character at their full potential will be judged more harshly than one who still has room to grow.)
~It is highly possible that given time, Griffin will acquire the knowledge to augment and update his own body. With help from friends, physical component upgrades and written software will improve the efficiency of what he already has, but it is unlikely that he will gain more.

Skills: (What things does your character excell at? Cooking? Swimming? Are they a survivalist? Remember to be realistic and not overdo it, as your character can always learn new skills over time!)
~Griffin excels at being a cheat, talented in sleight of hand and other such things that have gotten him banned from Las Vegas. He played World of Warcraft for 5 years before friends intervened, saving a bearded, skinny friend from a life of grinding.

Background: It all seemed like a good plan at the time. For years, Griffin Lockhart was that guy who made his earnings from the comfort of home. His couch, his combination bedroom and office, a payphone. It didn't matter. An older, retired couple living upon meager savings would be at home, enjoying their morning coffee when customer support would phone in a friendly survey, and so, Griffin would politely end the call after a sociable chat, and moments later, their money was now his. In later years as he grew into adulthood, his conscience began to weigh upon him enough that he sought a different target. He was the handyman who visited the desperate house wife to fix the oven, to repair the fridge, or even to reprogram the alarm system that had been on the fritz. While present, a bevy of information was available within households from bills to overheard phonecalls, and then...there were the women. Lovely and lonely house wives indeed. He stole identities, lived dangerously and was always looking for the next best thing.

One day he found it in a pharmaceutical company that had recently hired a close friend as an evening security guard. Griffin used his silver tongue to persuade this dear friend over to his way of thinking and together they planned the heist of all heists. The friend gave him vital layouts, information, and passcodes. It was quite unfortunate that on the night of the planned heist, Griffin made his way into the company after bypassing all forms of security, and was not seen or heard from again. The last thing that he remembered, was opening a door to the computer server room, where everything went dim.

~ Five years later
Griffin awakened in an abandoned laboratory setting years later with little memory of the last waking days of his life, and very few answers. All of the researchers were gone, abandoning their project in the unfinished stages, and from that point on, nothing else made sense in his life anymore. Friends had moved on without him, family that knew him missing, were unable to accept that he was changed. Money that had accrued in his accounts since the time that he went missing was still available and funds were used to secure a comfortable lifestyle in the only place where he might be welcomed.

Criminal Record: Griffin has a B&E on his record, the only one he was caught committing before he cleaned up his sloppines.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: (This is what makes a character unique. What do they like? What don't they like? Any crippling fears? Do their powers cause them to glow in the dark? Vegetarian? Eat live sheep? Etc, etc! All the little things that make your character different from the rest!)
Griff likes to read books, and since recently downloading kindle app directly to his brain, found that reading is far more interesting when people can't make fun of his choice of reading material. He loves the Harry Potter series.
Loves Tennis and sports, can't be beaten at soccer.