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Shiloh Leary [Void]

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:14 pm
by Eva
Player Nickname:

Name: Shiloh Leary
Codename: Void
Age: 21
Date of Birth: January 14

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lb.
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: green and blue
Place of Origin: Midwest
Nationality/Race: American mutt
Classification/Origin of Powers: mutant

Status: resident
Occupation: None.

Personality Profile: insane, spontaneous, carefree, friendly, vocal, outgoing

Physical Description:


Powerset: Shadow Walker

Become Shadow: Shiloh has the ability to physically become a shadow in any area that isn't too bright or overly lit. While it's not a perfect match to a real shadow, it's very convincing. Essentially she becomes nearly two-dimensional and a transparent black or gray, depending on the light around her. Her movement's is limited to solid objects and if she is completely exposed to bright lights, she's knocked into the shadow world and must find a shadow to escape through.

Shadow Walk: In shadow form or in human form, she can travel through the shadow world, which is something like a back door to reality. She enters one shadow and, as long as it is in her line of sight, she can reemerge in another. There are risks to shadow travel, though. For one, if there are no shadows to pass through she becomes trapped. Another problem would be that if she stays for long periods of time, she becomes noticed. There are other beings that call the shadow world their home and they do not look kindly on strangers. Thankfully, Shiloh has yet to come face-to-face with any of them, only glimpsed them from a distance. And thirdly, the adjustment from shadow to light is hard on her eyes and worse the longer she's been in shadow and can even cause severe headaches. The best way to avoid this is a slow and steady exposure to light following shadow travel.

Ability Three: Has yet to manifest...

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: She is sensitive to bright lights and often wears sunglasses.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Perhaps someday she could learn to mold and manipulate the shadows around her or bring people into the shadows with her.

Skills: She's a decent cook and has managed to keep most of her houseplants alive, but doesn't really excel in any one skill.

Shiloh was born somewhere in the midwest. She was quite the surprise to her parents who had just divorced only months before she was born. They already had a five-year-old son, Tanizz, who went with their father. She stayed with her mother, but would visit her brother and father once a month and during the summer. Tanizz would do the same, visiting Shiloh and their mother wherever they happened to be. Her mother hopped from job to job and they moved from city to city, state to state. On top of that, her mother was very lax in her parenting. Shiloh grew up without stability.

She was thirteen when she first stepped into the shadows. It was a complete accident and it scared her. She didn't go back until two years later, and over the years that followed she ventured deeper and stayed longer. When she was sixteen and exploring the deepest she'd ever been, she started getting the sense that she was no longer alone in the shadows. Now she felt like a trespasser. She tried confiding in her mother once, but all that got her was some anti-depressants and a weekly meeting with a shrink until she moved out on her own. To this day her mother thinks all of her "so-called abilities" are simply in her head and Shiloh doesn't care to correct her. Her father doesn't have a clue.

Criminal Record: At fourteen and sixteen she was caught shoplifting from two different malls. Since she was a minor, they were wiped from her record when she turned eighteen and hasn't had any trouble since.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: When she was eighteen, she posed for some nude pinups for a site called Suicide Girls. Those pictures still exist, though sometimes she wishes they didn't...