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Time Has a Voice (Cheryl and Hayden plotting in Boston)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:55 am
by Suzthulhu
February 18, 2012

<Ahriman> On the edge of Boston, in front of the Boston Harbor Hotel, a black Lincoln Mark VIII pulls up to the front of the building. It's no regular Lincoln, though; oh no, not for Hayden. This one had been stretched to be an appropriate limousine. And then beefed up, as though the watch maker thought he was some sort of foreign diplomat in need of added protection. And as an added bonus, once the car came to a stop, the rear passenger door rolled down and disappeared into the car, rather than swinging out. Hayden Eased out, though leaned back in to give the driver a few words, before heading inside. As he went in, he tapped out a text to his companion for the evening: "Your chariot awaits," it read; with that done, he stood in the lobby, looking slick, and waited.

<Suzthulhu> And there Cheryl is, in the lobby of the hotel as promised, leaned against the reception desk, schmoozing it up with the guy standing there. From the look on his face, she's doing a good job, and when she lays a hand on his arm, leaning in to say something to him, his face goes all googly eyed for a moment before he nods, typing something into the computer in front of him. Cheryl leans back again and laughs, laying her hand over her chest and doing a wonderful impression of gratitude before the chiming in her coat pocket catches her attention. With another look sent the clerk's way, she turns and steps away from the desk, fishing her phone out and checking the message. Looking up, pale blue eyes spot Hayden waiting just inside the door, and her expression changes from one of girlish flirtation to a more mature appraisal. She looks him over, eyes sweeping from feet to head, and he's met with an approving nod as she approaches him. "Impeccable timing, Hayden. Of course, I would expect nothing less." Her coat is draped over one arm, a brilliant white article of excess, with a fur trimmed collar and black satin lining. She's wearing a rather fetching number herself, in a strapless Oscar de la Renta dress in a navy blue and white jagged line pattern with a long slit up one side and strappy navy heels to match. Around her neck is a simple gold chain with a diamond pendant, and she wears matching earrings. Her specially chosen piece, one she knew would get his attention, is a lovely gold watch on her left wrist, with a moon dial and exposed inner workings. It's a Movado.

<Ahriman> The very first thing that Hayden noticed, and so the very first thing that he checked out, was her watch. That's the sort of businessman he was. And a Movado? May as well have been a Swatch, for what he was concerned. He made a slight face at it, but that disappeared when he finally looked at the rest of her. Mentally, there was a whistle. Externally, there was just a slight grin. He was back to looking like a middle-aged gentleman: shoulder-length hair combed back with errant strands tucked behind his ears. Face, shaved smooth as a baby's backside. Clothes, immaculate. As usual, nearly everything was black. Shoes, pants, jacket, shirt. The pants and jacket had subtle, grey pinstriping; the shirt was a solid color, and the tie was a light grey. As Cheryl approached, he turned back toward the entrance, crooking an arm for her to accept. "The day I'm not punctual is the day I move into that godawful sanctum for good," he replied, visible disgust on his face at the same time. "I was thinking sushi tonight. Game?"

<Suzthulhu> His slight shift in expression while he studied her watch didn't go unnoticed, and she chuckled to herself inwardly. It's easy to learn about people just by watching subtle little things like body language. Of course, his age fluctuations also hadn't gone unnoticed. She says nothing at the moment though. She lays her hand artfully along the inside of his arm, not hooking it like a damn hillbilly, but a gentle touch and acceptance of his escort. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I'll help you put yourself out of your misery if it does." That smooth voice, with a bit of a rasp to it, a perfect facsimile of Kathleen Turner, flows from flawlessly painted lips in a shiny nude shade without so much as a hint of wrinkles under the color. At his suggestion of sushi, she tosses her head back a bit, long blonde hair swaying from one side to the other down her back, left loose for the evening, and carefully brushed to be smooth and shiny. "A wonderful idea. I'm sure the sushi here is decent, being so near the coast and all." At least close enough to farm the fish. She walks with him, gracefull as a dancer, toward the door and the waiting limo. "Ahhh, a limosine. How nice. I was going to suggest it myself, but you've beaten me to it."

<Ahriman> "Driving is for pedestrians," he smirked through the snide. The benefit of the roll-down disappearing door, besides looking freakin' cool, is it was a great deal easier to get in and out of, while maintaining decorum all the while. He helped her in, then slid in next to her. The door rolled back up and into place, and the driver pulled out.

<Suzthulhu> "Entirely true. Although I do like my car. When I'm out of town though, I avoid driving. Especially in cities this large. Entirely too much hassle." She waves a hand dismissively before folding herself into the back of the limo. The slit up the side of her dress shows a good bit of leg as she settles herself, all part of her plan to observe Hayden and let his reactions feed her judgement. She settles her coat over her lap as the limo takes off, turning to regard Hayden for a moment. "The last few weeks have not been kind to you, Hayden. You should take better care of yourself. Aging isn't flattering on you."

<Ahriman> "It's an..unfortunate side effect of what I do," he answered. Oooo, foreshadowing. Yes, the watch maker had noticed the flash of Cheryl's leg. But he'd regarded it the same way he had the rest of her when they were checking each other out in the lobby; it was almost a complete lack of interest, more of an appraisal. Did he think she'd taste good slow roasted with a dab of barbecue? Probably not. But if he was lustful, it was damn well kept in check.

<Suzthulhu> A thin blonde brow raises, but the rest of her expression remains mutedly amused, if anything. "Oh? And what is it that you do? That is if you care to give it away." Some people are touchy like that, afterall. "Perhaps we could do a bit of sharing, you and I." A little 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours.' Quid pro quo, Clarise. She'd already made a bit of a guess, having seen him in three varied ages now, and what with his mention of not needing doctors, it had only fueled her speculations further. It would be interesting to see if she was correct in her train of thought, that he had some sort of ability that kept him healthy, but that something else made him age.

<Ahriman> "Officially? Healing factor and speed." Unofficially? Not likely. Even his associates didn't know for sure. "But the price for use, is being aged. One of the reasons I stick around that Sanctum, is one of the residents has the power to refund that price." Who that was, and the manner in which the 'refund' was done, was something else he was going to keep to himself. In his line of dealings, it wasn't smart to tell people he didn't know excessively well things of an extremely sensitive nature. Especially beautiful women. So now she knew he had a damn good reason for being there. It really, really wasn't part of a vacation. For Hayden, it was like a Mayo Clinic.

<Suzthulhu> Cheryl laughs, briefly. "Officially? Is there something unofficial?" The way she says it is clearly condescending, as though it should have been accompanied by an eyeroll at his phrasing, sounding sooo mysterious."The only reason I show my face there is because I'm very choosey about who I seek medical care from. In my opinion," Which she regards very highly, obviously, "The only doctors suited to treat mutant issues should be mutant doctors. Otherwise, really, it's like asking a high school music teacher to perform in a symphony." But now that he had shared... so would she. When next she spoke, her voice had changed. Instead of Kathleen Turner, it was Hayden Reed that came out of her mouth. A perfect mimic. "This is what I do. Part of what I do anyhow.It is flawless. Digital analysis cannot even tell the difference."

<Ahriman> Well now.. that was interesting. And the way he stared made that evident. Already he was trying to figure out how to use that to his advantage. "Do you have some sort of pool of every voice you've ever heard, or do you forget voices after a while of disuse?" he asked, at the same time taking the phone from his inner jacket pocket. He stared at her, the swipes and taps and swipes coming almost as a second nature.

<Suzthulhu> Her voice reverts back to the 'default' setting of Kathleen, and his interest is noted with a wry smirk. As was his fiddling with his phone, something that got a rather displeased return stare. "It's rude to do that while talking to someone." And it is, which he's likely well aware of, but the bitch in her can't resist pointing it out, since at the moment, he seems to her like a kid having seen Santa for the first time. Still, she answers his question. "I don't lose voices I have heard from not using them. I lose them because I just forget them. But if I've heard it before, I can use it. I can still do my mother, and she's been dead for two decades." Her first foster mother anyway, but that sort of information is entirely too personal. "But like anything, there's a price. Over use means I can't talk at all for several hours. I have to let my voice rest. I'm trying to see what sort of medical procedures can be done for it, but so far, nothing." Her eyes leave him, and she takes a glance around the inside of the limosine. It has, of course, bottles of water and glasses, and she selects one of the glasses, holding it up in front of her. Lips press together, and she whistles. It's just one note, long and steady, and not particularly loud. Still, the glass in her hand protests, singing resonantly before cracks begin to appear in it, spiderwebbing outward. Just before it threatens to shatter completely, she stops, bringing the glass closer for Hayden to inspect. "I could break every window in this limosine with a shout." And then a smile, but not a pleasant one. "I could stop your heart with a scream."

<Ahriman> "Ordinarily, I would agree. But some notes need to be taken immediately." He was at least kind enough to turn the display to her. It was less note and more text, but at least it was a text addressed to 'himself'. It was a simple message: 'Cheryl, voice mimic'. "Even ballistic glass?" he rapped a knuckle on the window next to him. Again, he was a little paranoid, considering some of his acquaintances. Ahh, but her last claim. She could stop his heart; he could do worse, sure, but he wasn't about to say that. "Well.. for a moment, maybe," he at least replied. This time, he didn't suppress a grin.

<Suzthulhu> "Taking notes on me? Should I be flattered or concerned?" The question was stated genuinely, but without actual concern. As his knuckles rap the glass, she shrugs. "To be truthful, I've never been in a situation that called for it. I'd be willing to give it a try. I will confess though, a secret." Not so much a secret; it's more or less a given, considering what her voice could do. "Earplugs are a necessity. Blown eardrums are painful, and I'd rather not go through the suffering again." She keeps a few things to herself, of course. Best not to lay all one's cards on the table, especially since it's clear Hayden isn't doing so either. Another lofting of one eyebrow, and she huffs. "Yes, well, let's just say that hearts that refuse to stay still don't often cross my path."

<Ahriman> And then they were there! Their destination for the evening, as promised, one of Boston's best: Fish Market. He still got a kick out of watching the window lower, and then the door lower, and disappear into the bottom of the limo. He slid out first, repocketing his phone at the same time, then reached back in to offer a hand to Cheryl. "Those are just my personal notes. I found your background check to be a more interesting read." Whassat? He was checking up on her? Ohmy, yes.

<Suzthulhu> Her what? Even she wasn't able to completely mask her look of surprise, a bit taken aback by his snoopiness. Nevertheless, she takes his hand and slides out of the limosine, leaving her coat draped over her arm. It's just a few steps inside afterall; no need to put it on for that. Blinking a few times, her expression returns to its usual practiced Mona Lisa, and she tilts her head to the side as she accompanies him into the restaurant. "A fine choice. I hear good things about this place." Asking him why he was checking up on her so intrusively would have to wait until they were seated, but oh yes, she intended to ask.

<Ahriman> Having helped her out, she was between him and the restaurant, but thankfully someone else opened that door for them. "Everything you've heard is well deserved," he replied as they strutted in, and were shown to their seats. Given that they'd be dining on sushi, warmed saki was ordered before they even made themselves comfortable. "I'm sure you're curious as to why I looked into your background." youdon'tsay.jpg "I was going to offer you a position with my company, but now that I know what you can do, I think you should be in a position a little closer to me." No giggity, either, in either voice or expression.

<Suzthulhu> noshit.avi She'd let the hostess take her coat at the door after retrieving a small clutch and her phone from it. Seating herself across from him, she sets them both down on the end of the table and lets the waiter assist her with tucking her chair in and getting settled. If there had been giggity, she likely would have gotten up and walked out; doing a background check on someone and then hitting on them was probably one of the worst ways to pick someone up. But his offer intrigues her, she she lifts her chin a little, taking a moment to have a few sips from a glass of water. It eases her throat, which has been parched since she left the hotel. Pains of the talent, so to speak. "Your company? You mean making watches?" That was just to clarify, since he had other intentions. She avoids gulping the water, but only just, and takes another smaller sip. "Go on."

<Ahriman> "Consider Arbutus as more of a hobby for me. The sort of business I do for a living, the sort of business I would need you and your talents for, isn't the sort of business one reports on their tax forms." Topical, considering all the people running around to get theirs done this time of year. And a little clarifying, as to why he had her checked out. "And not something one goes into any greater detail in a public place."

<Suzthulhu> Now that was interesting, and she doesn't hide the smile that pulls the corners of her mouth. "Now Hayden... I think that's the first really, truly interesting thing you've said since we've met." What a bitch. When the warm sake arrives, she lets the waiter pour them each one of the small cups before she places her order. She's enough of a sushi afficionado that looking over the menu isn't much more of an affair than a cursory glance to see some of the restaurant-specific rolls. Her order is exotic and expensive; no California rolls for this girl.

<Ahriman> Hayden's is likewise as varied as it is delicious. And spicy; he has a thing for heat. "But now that you're aware of it, it's the kind of business that you should accept," he finished after her comment. Thinly veiled? Sure. Hayden figured she was alert enough to know what it implied. Wine and dine and threats; he knew how to treat the ladies. When the sake arrived, he raised his cup to her slightly, then enjoyed the first sip, though eyed her all the while.

<Suzthulhu> "Oh I should?" She intended to do so, but that not-so-thinly veiled menace in his voice made her chuckle as she picked up her sake and toasted with him. Ahhh... warmth.... it felt so good down her throat. She takes a moment just to enjoy the sensation before she speaks again, leaning forward just a little. "And if I don't?" Nuances of voice are something she's very used to listening to, and even subtle things rarely escape her notice. There's a subtle hint of haughty amusement in her voice now, and her eyes sparkle a bit. She's toying with him, perhaps a dangerous game, but one he's opened the door on himself with that little threat. With a dismissive hand wave, she sits back in her seat, taking another sip. "You should brush up on your people skills. I would have thought you much better than feeling the need to resort to... that sort of talk."

<Ahriman> "People.. are inconsequential," was his answer to that. Cheryl wasn't the only bitch! \o/ "But let's not lower ourselves to 'or else'. Let me know when you've decided, hmm?" And that was going to make for an especially awkward dinner. At least it was going to be delicious, right?

<Suzthulhu> She raised her sake again in support of his assertion about people. That was something she could agree with most definitely. A chuckle. "Or else... so... base and crude. It's appealing in some way. I'll let you know." It would make for a quiet dinner, surely. When the sushi arrives, Cheryl simply watches Hayden from across the table as its arranged in front of them, and then plucks her chopsticks up with little fanfare, selecting a piece and eating it. Two could play the quiet game, but really, why bother with a battle of wills she knew she could win anyway? And plus, Salem is just so damned boring. So she lets the silence linger for another piece of sushi and then breaks it. "I've decided." Drinking some water, she clears her throat softly. "That I'd like to hear more. What you say can't be gotten into in such a public place." She raises the fingers on one hand to pause anything he might interject, to allow her to continue. "Before you jump to conclusions, let me just say that you have my interest and my services, whatever they should be. But a girl needs to know what, and who, she's getting in bed with." Giggity? She'd just leave it as it was and not bother giving an indication either way.

<Ahriman> "On the books, you'll be my assistant." On the books, with a big thumbing of the nose and a large wink. "By morning, you'll have an advance for your services, and later in the week I'll have something for you to do." And no, certainly no giggity was taken from her comment; he'd gotten that phrase from several other people, most of them not having the luxury of her gender. But at least now they could probably have a more pleasant meal.

<Suzthulhu> She nods, chewing thoughtfully, drinking some sake, and then dabbing at the corner of her mouth with her napkin. Licking her lips, she levels her gaze on his and states, matter-of-factly, "I do have a job currently. One that I will be keeping. But it shouldn't interfere with anything. It's only two nights per week, from eight to ten." Silly, maybe, to be adamant about it, but it's a job she's fond of, and it certainly makes her stay in Salem appropriate.

<Ahriman> Hayden nodded his understanding. "We all need our hobbies," he replied. A few pieces of one of the rolls were enjoyed, and more of nothing good was plotted. Cheryl would have some use, and although for what he had in mind they were limited, he was sure he could find some way to put her abilities to work for him. Already he had a thought as to how she could make his dealings easier.

<Suzthulhu> Soon enough, she's had plenty of sushi, enough that she's pleasantly satisfied and full without having been a glutton. She sets her chopsticks down on her plate, brushes her napkin over her lips again, and folds it next to her plate. Finishing what must be a third serving of sake by now, she then picks her water up and polishes it off as well. "Well. I have to say, this has been one of my more pleasant trips to Boston." She doesn't go so far as to say thank you just yet; but it's at least hinted at somewhat. She also hadn't asked about how much he planned to pay her. Money really isn't much of a thing for her. She has plenty, and any more coming in is really just superfluous at this point. Still, she's not going to just do anything for him for free.

<Ahriman> As she spoke, Hayden checked his watch; another social faux pas, but apparently it was one that made him grin broadly. "And thank you for the evening, Cheryl," he replied to what was implied. He wasn't actually thanking her for the night out; she was proving to be an excellent alibi, though. A well-crowded restaurant, and with her dressed as she was, there were plenty of people looking over. Even if they were checking her out, they would at least take a tiny notice of who she was with. Even for a description of him, in any event. And that was all he really needed. "Believe it or not, you've already served a purpose, and quite effectively at that," he let his grin grow. Sushi digesting, sake intoxicating, and check paid, he rose, and robbed the waiter of pulling the woman's chair out.

<Suzthulhu> "Oh no... thank you." She smiles, graciously even, as he thanks her first. And what's this? He even pulls her chair out for her. What a gentleman! Even if it is an act, which she strongly suspects, since she feels he's more like her than she initially thought. "I've had a lovely time. Are you staying in town for the night, or are you headinb back to... Salem?" The obvious distaste in her voice is obvious. Standing, she gathers her clutch and phone, and accepts her coat from the waiter, who, having felt useless when he's robbed of the chance to pull her chair out, had at least gone and gotten it for her. She has no idea what purpose she could have served, but bides her time until they're back out in the limosine. "So what's been going on that you needed my company for?"

<Ahriman> "Better you don't know," he gave her a knowing nod. "Suffice to say you won't be considered an accomplice." Nor would it be believed. Considering the powerset he had registered with Cobalt, and the distance from the restaurant to..where things were happening..he was in the clear. Not to mention the number of..things happening. The limo pulls up, and there are stares following immediately after. Some were at Cheryl, some were at the unique way the door opened. But shortly, both were back in the luxuriously secure transport, and speeding back to the other side of Boston.

<Suzthulhu> Cheryl laughs. "I should think not. It would be a bit of a stretch to think I'd be responsible for anything in Salem while I've clearly been here in Boston." It hasn't occured to her that it's entirely possible to in fact, be in two places at once, more or less. Or whatever it is that Hayden has going on. He hadn't answered her first question though, so she asks again. "So will you be heading back then?"

<Ahriman> "I will, yes. I need to see a person about getting my youthful complexion back," he replied, turning enough to check himself out in the vague reflection on the window. Sure, it wasn't terrible, but it was still odd looking at a much older face on his body.

<Suzthulhu> "Mm." She turns to look at him as he checks himself out, thankful she doesn't have the same issue. Vanity. "You are looking a bit haggard." Bitch. She finds this hilarious, but at least she doesn't actually start laughing. Oh no. She's far too polished for that. Besides, there's no need to be cruel, not when it comes to someone who might just have offered her a good time! "But not everyone has the luxury of being able to maintain themselves like you can. Small price to pay, I suppose."

<Ahriman> "Small price?" he frowned at her. "How old would you say I look, Cheryl?" he turned to face her as much as their seating arrangement allowed. He was like the Judge from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, staring daggers into the woman. 'Small price' was on a British level of understatement. And, before the year was out, he was going to make sure that 'small price' was paid by everyone else.

<Suzthulhu> She peers at him critically, raising a hand in a vague gesture. "Early forties? I was only kidding, Hayden. You don't look terrible." He seemed sensitive about it, and while it might be fun to keep poking, it likely wouldn't provide any other insight, other than which buttons to push. "You're handsome. Distinguished even. How old -should- you look?"

<Ahriman> "Early forties?" Again he looked at himself in the reflection, then back. For effect, you know. "And what would you say if I was less than half that?" Still he stared. She was a bitch, but now he was trying to make her feel bad. And it was sorta fun.

<Suzthulhu> "I'd say you should seriously consider consulting a dermatologist, or finding that person you mentioned a minute ago, much more often." Making her feel bad wasn't going to happen. She didn't have it in her, not about something as piddly as someone's appearance anyway. She'd only attempted to make light of it to avoid some sort of dramatic outburst. "I'd also say you should probably take it easy on whatever it is that's causing this..." Waving a hand to indicate him, "Sort of aging. It can't be good for you."

<Ahriman> Hayden shook his head. "It can't be stopped now. Not for how long I've been working on this." This was never mentioned over dinner. Or even now, in the assumed privacy and safety of the limo. But he was clearly adamant about it. If not fanatical. Oh Cheryl, what have you gotten yourself into.

<Suzthulhu> Her hands flatten into a placating gesture. "I didn't suggest stopping. I suggested that you take it easy." Her voice was soothing, but it had grown noticeably quieter since they'd left the restaurant. Either it was getting tired, or she was trying to preserve it for the remainder of the evening. "You can't finish something you're... indisposed for. Correct?"

<Ahriman> "There's nothing I don't have time for." A knowing smirk came after. She at least had a reason for why he didn't always come across as quite so refined as she was; he was still a teenager. Prone to bouts of impetuousness, stubborn and headstrong, and fully deadset in his ways. He may not have been planning..whatever he was planning, for comparatively long as others have planned various misdeeds, but the scope of his own was no doubt extremely ambitious.

<Suzthulhu> "Reminds me of a Rolling Stones song." Time is on my side, yes it is... She huffs again faintly, more a muted snort of amusement than any sound of defiance or annoyance. "So how old are you really?" Turning more toward him, she crosses one leg over the other, folding her hands over her coat, which is folded across her lap. "Go on... impress me." Blue eyes sparkle with an almost merry glint.

<Ahriman> Hayden was well acquainted with that song. It was almost a gimmick, like some sort of Batman villain, the number of time-related things he held interest in. "Nineteen." He thought to show her his license, but she might be able to find out more information with that than he cared for her to know.

<Suzthulhu> She almost let slip a completely uncouth, 'you've gotta be shitting me.' Instead, she raised both eyebrows and really gave him a once over. Of course dressed, there's no way to tell what sort of shape he's in otherwise, but he didn't have the figure of a middle-aged man, so he likely wasn't, in fact, shitting her. "Really." It does explain a lot. Her lips press together faintly, and she finds herself both surprised and annoyed at the prospect of working with what amounts to be an overaged child. Her toes curl inside her shoes, and it's definitely not in a good way. Still, she maintains, and with a few breaths, simmers down internally as well. "And how long have you been... in this line of work?" This. Whatever this is.

<Ahriman> "Long enough." Of course, any length of time in clandestine activities was 'long enough'. And given his age, it really couldn't have been very long. Or at least, he couldn't have been taken seriously for very long. "I'm sure you can appreciate why I won't go into details." No doubt she'd seen similar movies, the bad guy spilling the entire plan way before it was finished. Or telling anyone at all. Hayden had no intention of being that kind of villain. He wasn't going to tell someone early. He wasn't going to tell someone when it was too late to stop him. He wasn't going to tell anyone, anything. Let them figure it all out the hard way, he thought. At the very least, he wouldn't have to deal with people for too much longer.

<Suzthulhu> "Mmhmm." All she says for a time. Silently judging. Time would tell. How close she is to the truth is actually fairly funny, or would be, if she knew. As the limo pulls up outside her hotel again, she gives Hayden a pleasant smile. "Well. It's certainly been an enlightening evening. Thank you again. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I will be back in Salem tomorrow afternoon." Of course she waits for the awesome door to slide down and for him to get out so she can do the same. "I'd invite you up for a drink, but I'm afraid I need to get some rest." Her voice does, anyway. It's quieter now. "So don't think me rude. It's just been a long day."

<Ahriman> Hayden nodded, and again helped her out of the car. "We can go over the final details later," he replied. Again, Cheryl's outfit, and the way it drew attention, served to further the impossibility that he might be somewhere else, doing bad things. Having had no designs on joining her even before picking her up, he wasn't terribly put off by her need to rest. "Tomorrow, then. Good night, Cheryl."