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Misty Water Coloured Memories - SharkRape

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:08 am
by Sisip
<Dusky|Levina> In the hospital, Levina awakens and is startled not remembering how she got there. She tries to sit up but finds that she has been strapped down and cannot move her arm or legs. Next to her are three catheters: Two that that have been pumping Na+ and K+ into her blood as well as third for food and water. Her stomach grumbles slightly. Would anyone come see her? Only time would tell.

<Blackman> ((pretty pretty she-hulk-spider-gal? Or 'omgwtf spider-gal?))

* Mika_Merrow shrugs and lets the water fall on the ground as she wheels off, looking around, remembering a few things, and blinks... shark-girl? turning direction to the med center*

<Merle> "Oh,"6 Fern replies. 1"Hey now... that's- that's an interesting power, whoa. Healing, that's pretty awesome, but -- the animal bits? Stick them to you? You mean like touch and absorb them, or... uh, like... er, live animals? Or uh, not so alive animals?"
<Merle> 6Wow, she sounds rather confused, Fern decides, even flash of thought comes to her. Where does all that roadkill end up that gets picked up by the cleaning crews anyway? No, okay, wrong thought, wrong thought, yipes.

<@AnE> 6Boot-clad feet shuffled along one of the various pathways. Normally, teleportation would be her chosen method of getting around, but as she had nowhere to be at this particular time? She walked. Hands in the pockets of faded blue jeans tucked into her boots, a Thundercats tee-shirt clinging to her frame with a dark hoodie haphazardly thrown over that. Glancing up as she noticed a
<@AnE> 6number of people off in the distance, she bit down on her lower lip thoughtfully, the tip of one ear twitching before she looked about, perhaps seeking an alternate route to... you know, wherever.

* Dusky|Levina struggles to move the bed. After much exertion she finally manages to hit the help button for the nurse or doctor.

* Sisip blinks, looking up from her inner thoughts again, nutmeg skin quite a bit darker as she blushes. 1"Ah yeah, glad to be back aso.. but.. Jack.. phew... he was good looking."
* Sisip snickers softly, fanning herself in an exhaggerated fashion.

* Mika_Merrow moves up the halls, wheeling faster, careful not to hit others... making it to a nurse station, getting Levina's room and bed number, nodding as she goes to her room...

<Blackman> 6Nurse Bonobo wanders into Levina's room, slaps and SND on her, and kicks her out. Her 'ook ooOk eep!' might well translate into, 2"get the hell out. The medical center is for people with -real- problems."

* Mika_Merrow blinks...

<Rainbow_Dashe> 1"You look lost, kiddo," 6says a voice not far from where Seven wanders. Along comes Ashe, mostly healed from her mission, and gliding along on one of her laser bolts. She's not wearing her armor at this point, though, given that it had been thoroughly trashed last time. Maybe Gains would be a sport and replace it for her. Instead, Ashe is wearing a simple white T-shirt, jeans,
<Rainbow_Dashe> 6and a black leather jacket.

<Edwin> "Damn right, Jack was hot as a girl. Sisip has the photos to prove it, too, but she's not sharing." 6He folds his arms across his chest, pretending to sulk. Whether Sisip and Jack had engaged in any actual photography, he had no idea, but that didn't stand in the way of a joke. Jack had been joking about posing for Playboy while he had the chance.

* Sisip 's grin widens as she clears her throat . 1"Damn right I'm not. Some things are just between Jack and I.. and mmmHMMM were they between us a lot." 6 She winks.

* Dusky|Levina Levina is flung out door and lands ripped/broken catheters and all into Mika with an ouch. She sniffs softly from the pain as her eyes well up. Slowly her pad is flung after her and lands on her head. She cannot remember why she is being treated like this. The SND also looks like it been poorly put on and might fall of any minute. However, as her eyes clearly well up it is clear...
* Dusky|Levina ...the girl doesn't want to be her any more.

<@AnE> 6Seven lifted her head, pointed ears twitching slightly. Was she being addressed? Weeeiiird! Turning red eyes on Ashe, she lifted a brow as well as a hand to wave, 14"Oh. Hello, Ashe." 6Something of a weak smile was managed as she shuffled her feet, one hand settling on the bag that hung at her side from a strap across her shoulder. 14"I... well, I did something dumb today."

* Oliver 5Swinging a bright orange trick yo yo around, Ollie would be slowly making his way thru the quad from the front gate. With the help of his holowatch, the feline had spent a better portion of his day off campus wandering about Salem and Boston using public transit. His job gave him a couple days off to help ease the stress of whacking that car yesterday afternoon. Still looking
* Oliver 5human, 12[CUT]
* Oliver 12[CUT]5 which most people on campus havent seen often, he;d be slinging the yo yo about, performing various tricks as he slowly moves along. Ollie would be dressed in a plain black t-shirt, a pair of loose fitting black blue jeans, running shoes and a yellow Corvette Racing jacket. A baseball cap to match the jacket worn backwards covers black straight hair, which extends
* Oliver 5from under the hat to his ears. 12[END]

* Frank`Davis laughed and shook his head "I can't imagine being a woman. I think I'd be damn good-looking, but I'm very happy being a man." He really was; he couldn't imagine trying to have sex with women as a woman. That would be...odd.

* Merle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)

* Destan`Store ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)

* Sunder (lgjc2@6ca5ecbb.6ca5ecff.70.230.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Academy

* Mika_Merrow blinks, and hugs. "I'm sorry about that..." wheels her on out, letting her ride on her lap.... her pheromone scent a bit stronger "Where have you been?"

<Rainbow_Dashe> 1"Well, I'm sure it can't be that bad," 6she says, trying her best to look and sound reassuring. This might've worked if Ashe actually had any social skills. 1"Besides, it's not like you're the only one that does dumb shit on a regular basis. Look at me, for example!" 6Awk-ward.

* Blackman paused for a moment, then explained, carefully enunciating hiswords as he picked through the truth... It wasn't exactly pretty, but then again, life ain't either. 2"I can attach the peices of an animal to me. The peices have to be reasonably well preserved or fresh... But I am not one to torture animals. That just ain't right... I got these wings from a real pigeon, after it
<Blackman> 2ACTION had expired." 106--
<Blackman> 106--06 He decided not to add that he'd killed it cleanly and ate the rest of it. That... hardly was relevant, right? 10

<Edwin> "Yeah, I couldn't imagine it before it happened, either. Weird, weird week. You want a rough awakening first thing in the morning? Try rolling over in bed and reaching to scratch yourself, only to find that the parts that you intended to scratch aren't there any more?"
<Edwin> "So, after I stopped screaming..."

* Merle ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<@AnE> 6For the longest time, Seven simply stared at Ashe. Ran off to get blown up. Check. Ran off to get beaten up. Check. Ran off to get bludgeoned. Check. 14"You have a point." 6The smile on her face? It became a tad more genuine, shoulders bobbing in a slow shrug, 14"I received... a box. The box contained video tapes, labeled."

* Blackman paused for a moment, then explained, carefully enunciating hiswords as he picked through the truth... It wasn't exactly pretty, but then again, life ain't either. 2"I can attach the peices of an animal to me. The peices have to be reasonably well preserved or fresh... But I am not one to torture animals. That just ain't right... I got these wings from a real pigeon, after it
<Blackman> 2ACTION had expired." 106--
<Blackman> 106--06 He decided not to add that he'd killed it cleanly and ate the rest of it. That... hardly was relevant, right? <RP> 10

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6Perhaps Ashe's answer indicates the current state of her less-than-spectacular emotional health. 1"Video tapes? Are people trying to get you to watch porn again?" 6she asks, sounding concerned for Seven's, um...something something whatever. 1"Do I need to go get Jack and break somebody's knees?"

* Tempest` ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<@AnE> 14"What? Oh, no, no... no. Pornography is no longer disturbing to me. These were tapes of... how do I...?" 6Jack, sadly, lacked the grounds to break knees ever since that night that he realized the reason why the cable bill was so high. Someone discovered that if you press a button, you can watch a movie. And sometimes those movies have lots of dicks and boobies in them. Seven's
<@AnE> 6tail swayed from side to side behind her in its bandaged state, a hand reaching up to rub at the back of her neck, 14"Medical...testing, you might call it. Of people who I-- well, I do not know all of them."

<Dusky|Levina> The pheromone's are slightly relaxing to Levina as she sniffs as they exit the hospital. She flips to the note in her pad that says "Hospital" and winces as she tries to jog her memory. Her mind is a bit clearer as the poorly place SND starts to work on curbing Levina's primal instincts. In fact, the SND jingles slightly as they walk. Eventually she remembers the incident with the...
<Dusky|Levina> ...cup-cake person and Sim Training with Felipe. She balls up again an continue to cry while signing "I raped him, I raped him!!!" Clearly, the girl has a saw wave of fear as she thinks she is going to be executed for murdering Felipe. After all, she has not seen Felipe or Blatant boy recently.
<Dusky|Levina> Soon the saliva in her mouth has built up that her weeps are barily understandable for Mika.

* Mika_Merrow blinks. "You ok? What happened?" rubbing her back a bit, holding her as we traverse to the rec center.

<Rainbow_Dashe> 1"I...don't get it," 6she says, reaching up to rub at the back of her head a bit. It's not that she's dumb, or being deliberately obtuse, but rather that she knows next to nothing about Seven's history. 1"Why would somebody send you videos of medical testing like that?"

<Merle> 6Fern looks thoughful again, listening to John explain exactly how his powers work. She grew up on a farm, sure, and has eaten animals that had names all her life. Nothing better than coming home from school and mom letting you know that you'd be having roast of Bluebell tonight, or that Mister Speckles was in the crockpot. However, part of her really thinks it has to be a tough
<Merle> 6power to live with6 --
<Merle> 6 --6 -- how do you first realize what you can do things like that? 1"Ahhh,"6 she says, sounding curious and fascinated at the same time. 1"I knew you didn't have wings last time -- I see now. Well, okay, I don't, but hey, that's the punchline. The two powers are interconnected, aren't they, in a way? Mending and shaping, sort of?"

<@AnE> 6She tilted her head, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jeans. 14"I was once... involved in such testing. A... not-so-long-time-ago. I have no idea why I received these tapes. But it was stupid of me to begin watching." 6Her head lowered, gaze dropping to the ground as she kicked at a nonexistant rock, a heavy sigh passing her lips. 14"Because now I am going to have difficulty
<@AnE> 14sleeping again."

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6She'd never known, and finding out about this was certainly something of a shock to an already slightly off-kilter photokinetic. 1"Wow. I wish I knew something witty and insightful to say right about now, but..." 6she trails off, glancing off to the side momentarily. 1"Did you talk to Jack and Sisip about these videos?" 6They are, after all, the closest thing she has to
<Rainbow_Dashe> 6a family.

* Blackman sat down quietly and... chambered his wings. It made a soft, but wet fleshy noise and they sucked back into his broad, bare back. He sighed and frowned. 2"They sort of are... and sort of different. Like... I helped this one guy mind his broken ribs, right? They let me volunteer in the medical center sometimes. BUt when I do it, I do it on purpose. Like... maybe I could... nah,
<Blackman> 2ACTION moving on." 106--
<Blackman> 106--06 He'd just met her. Maybe he could fix her eyes? BUt maybe she liked her eyes just the way they where. Well, it was none of his business, anyway. 2"But the animal-part thing. That's... more like half automatic. Like, I can prepare the peice i'm going to... ah... load, ahead of time, but loading... 'Chambering' the peice is like, not something I conciously do. 10

<@AnE> 14"...not yet. I... do not want to bother them. I mentioned it to Eddie, but... ah." 6She seemed to be doing her best not to bother anyone -- as usual. But Seven had a tendency to let these things trickle out every now and then, probably as a way to keep her brain from imploding and her heart from exploding from the stress. A hand was waved dismissively, lips pursing in thought, 14"It
<@AnE> 14is not a big deal. But, um -- how are you? I am glad that you are out of the medical center." 6Smile!

* Dusky|Levina continues to sobs incoherently will a lot of "neens, sobs, and ecc, ..., and a few ---,"

* Mika_Merrow nods, and hugs. "Blatant Boy's around. Making the obvious remarks...."

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6Ashe considers whether or not to press the issue, but decides against it. 1"Still pretty sore, but I'm getting along a little better today," 6she replies, giving Seven a shrug. 1"Just in time, too. If I don't get some artwork sold - and fast - the expenses of replacing all the gear that was destroyed on this last mission is going to bankrupt me."

* Mika_Merrow thinks ,and looks to the quad for Sisip.

* Sisip is sitting on a bench, deep in thought.

<@AnE> 14"Oh? Do... do you need money...?" 6Seven lifted her eyes, a curious look working its way across her face, 14"I have some stashed away that I have not been using -- from my cleaning, if you need it." 6Since Nick hadn't taken the cash, and all that Seven managed to buy was a camera that had been opened and used once, she had a bit to spare. Given that most of her needs were taken
<@AnE> 6care of by Jack, Seven didn't exactly have to scrounge for money for the basics anymore. Or steal, she didn't have to do that either. Someone should have probably reminded her at some point.

* Mika_Merrow wheels over after spotting her, Levina in her lap. "Uhm... have you seen Felipe?"

* Sisip blinks, looking up. She smiles at Mika and the... sobbing .. seemingly unconsollable shark girl. 1"Ah... Felipe? Why..." 6 She shouldn't... but.. it was.. yes. Yes she will. Trying to keep the gleam of wicked amusement from her eyes she reaches out and dials his phone number, handing the phone to Mika. 1"Even better, here you go. If he's not there just leave a message."

<04@Jeem> 6Felipe makes bitches cry.

<Angel`Pearson> lol ))

<Merle> 6The noise is different than anything Fern's heard before, and her brain takes a moment to process it. She 'sees' in a fuzzy, grey-tv-noise sort of way, so the little details are lost to her. One moment, he has wings, and the next moment, he doesn't. She moves over a little more to give him space on the bench, and her dog settles his head on her leg, waiting to be petted. 1"Ahhh,
<Merle> 1I see, it just -6 --
<Merle> 6 --61 kinda happens, then. Do you like volunteering over there?"6 she asks. 1"I mean, at the medical center? That- that sounds actually like an amazing talent to have; you sure can help a lot of folks."

* Mika_Merrow nods, and smiles. "Thank you... sorry, my friend feels something happened after a sim session.
* Mika_Merrow listens at the ringing, curious.

* Angel`Pearson had taken to wandering about the quad again, and eventually his path would bring him close enough to spot Mika the shark girl and Sisip, and he headed over, sliding into the spot on the bench next to her "Hullo."

<Rainbow_Dashe> 1"Seven, I can't take money from you," 6she says, sounding grateful and yet... 1"Besides, I doubt you have that much money saved up. I sank several thousand dollars into my armor alone, and Starlight Designs never really recovered from those expenditures. I've been neglecting showing my artwork and trolling for corporate gigs to deal with...stuff." 6Ashe isn't particularly
<Rainbow_Dashe> 6good with being evasive, but she tries it anyways.

* Sisip lets Mika use her phone as she curls up to Angel, snuggling close to him. 1"Evening Awesome."

<Holtzmann> Click! "Ah, goddamn it--" Fumbling noises. "-- hello? Sisip?"

* Dusky|Levina still has her wrapped her arms around Mika, but starts to look up at Mika with hopeful eyes. Levina also seems calmer as the SND starts to appear to take better affect and causes her dots to start to received a little.

* MarloCross ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<Mika_Merrow> Is this Felipe? *smiles a bit* I have a shark girl worried about you.

* Angel`Pearson smiled as she curled up into him, wrapping his arms around her "Hey, whats up?" looking over in Mika and Levinas direction with a questioning O.o

<@AnE> 6Brows knitted, a 'look' crossing her face. It was hard to pin -- was she upset? Offended? Confused? Muffin? Her tail twitched from side to side, hands slipping out of her pockets so that her arms could cross properly beneath her chest. 14"...okay." 6Her voice cracked a little, though she did her best not to let it show by clearing her throat and all that. 14"Sorry. Just an offer."
<@AnE> 146Now she had taken to staring at the ground, tail falling between her legs. Suddenly -- stuff. 14"...stuff?" 6She glanced up again, hiking a brow.

* Blackman shrugged... 2"Well... I suppose I help people. Those people who can be helpe, those people who want to be helped, and those people who I feel helping will actually do some good, y'know? But I'm no doctor type. It's... you know. It's my power. I feel instinctively urged to use it.

<Holtzmann> "Yea, that's me..." His voice was somewhat hesitant, with a heavy dollop of annoyance. "Who's talkin'? What's up with Chumgirl?"

<Dusky|Levina> As Mika calls Levina shows her that pad to Sisip that says, "Sorry, if I hurt your friend". Answering Angel, She then points to her self point to point cellphone indicating Felipe and makes a obvious sex symbol of a circle and finger going in and out. She then covering her eyes in shame thinking it is all her fault.

<Mika_Merrow> This is Mika, She's ok, they slapped a choker on her, and she feels better... though the nurse was a bit mean. Care to say hi to the shark girl?

* Dusky|Levina is mute

<Blackman> like, back home, I did it a few times... but after a while, it sorta becomes obvious that maybe I shouldn't be healing some folks. Like the crack-head who needs to get straight- Who comes back two weeks later, all messed up again and wants to do the cycle. Or that guy who's just been shot, and is kinda 'edgy' about saying who shot him, and why.

* Sisip 's eyes widen. 1"You FUCKED Felipe?"
* Sisip is heard quite clearly over the phone.

<Blackman> 6heads turn and look at Metalhead.

* Angel`Pearson blinkblinked "...I did -not- need to know that."

<Holtzmann> "Hey, listen... I'm kinda busy in he--" Stunned pause. "WHAT? No, SHE DID NOT! What is up with that?! I just dragged the girl to the Mec Center after she almost killed herself shockin' stuff in the sims!"
<Holtzmann> (Metalhead is over the phone! Not here, don't look at me! D8)

<@AnE> 6Blatant Boy hears this and goes off to spread the news, skipping as he goes.

<Holtzmann> (Blatant Boy was there, the lying prick! D8)

<04@Jeem> 6Isabelle limps by, speaking into her phone. "Yeah. I saw him with the shark girl's head on his shoulder. And then he scooped her up very valiantly..."6 And off she shuffles.

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6Ashe is so glad she's nowhere near that conversation. 1"Well, yeah. You remember when I disappeared to Arizona over the summer, Seven?" 6she asks. It's worth noting that Ashe hasn't even mentioned where she'd gone, and that she'd been pretty evasive about the issue when asked.

<Angel`Pearson> blatant boy is everywhar ))

* Dusky|Levina covers her eyes in shame pull up the pad that as the phrase, "I think I might have done it." Clearly then she, hears what Metalheads said. She hugs Mika tightly with joy. She is glad she didn't rape Felipe.

* Sisip scrambles off the bench and grabs the phone from Mika, enraged. She's practically bellowing into it, 10"You sorry piece of shit, I'm going to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat, do you HEAR me"

* Mika_Merrow holds the phone a bit away as he yells, and giggles as she nods. "Well, here, just say what you did ok?" holding the speaker to Levina's "ear"

<MarloCross> 12 Walking out of the dorm building, Marlo Cross decides to take a cstroll across the quad, or around the campus. Not his usual jog, but just a light stroll. His hands were in his pockets and his head slightly drooping. He was going over the last few days in his head. His sleep wasn't getting any better but he knew it would improve with time.

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6Run, Marlo! Run! Angry women, hormones everywhere...oh Luna, the HUMANITY!

* Mika_Merrow winces, and looks to Sisip. "Hoboy..."

<Merle> "Yah, I understand,"6 Fern chuckles, stretching out her legs in front of her on the bench and taking a sip of her coffee. It's getting cold, but that's okay, she likes cold coffee. Heck, she'll drink most coffee. 1"It's-- like once you have it, you feel... hmm, yeah, instinctive. That's the word. Aw, well... you don't have to be a doctor, but... hey, the pay's good. Well, once you
<Merle> 1get past the6 --
<Merle> 6 --61 amount they charge you for insurance and how much in debt you'll be after school."
<Merle> 6Fern shakes her head ruefully, running her fingers over Red's head. She scratches lightly behind the dog's ear. Red thumps his foot slightly, and smiles up at her.
<Merle> "When- when did you learn about your powers, can I ask?"

<@AnE> 14"Uhm -- well, you disappeared, I was not aware of where. But, yes." 6Tilting her head, Seven looked up at Ashe and blinked curiously.14"Did something happen?" 6She shifted a little in place, taking a moment to look around. Marlo was spotted, but he was aaaaall the way over there. Brows lifted in thought, gaze turned back to Ashe for the time being.

<Holtzmann> "No, I don't hear you over the sound of how ridiculously stupid this fuckin' thing is!" And through the campus an explosion sounded. He probably just slammed his table into a zillion little pieces. "Do I LOOK like the kind of guy who'd do that sort of stuff?! SERIOUSLY?!" Plus, hey... as far as he knew Levina was probably like sandpaper down there, he wasn't going to try to test that out.

<Edwin> 6Eddie decided that whatever was going on with Mika and Levina, he probably didn't want to be a part of it, and ever so stealthily slipped away, heading back toward the dorms with guitar case in hand. Along the way, he runs across Seven and Ashe, neither of whom were looking particularly bright and cheerful at the moment. 1"Hey, 'sup?" 6He asks, throwing an arm around the albino girl
<Edwin> 6to give her a hug. 1"Hey, Ashe." 6He puts down his guitar case so he can wave to her, and notices the bandage on Seven's tail. 1"Oh, hey. Are you all right, Seven?" 6And after a short pause, 1"Did that happen yesterday?"

<Dusky|Levina> Looks at Sisip questioningly, then adds question mark to the last pad, "I think I might have done it?" Clearly she is confused.
<Dusky|Levina> Soon she hears what metalhead says again is overjoyedly hugs Mika. She mumbles eeps into her ear.

* Oliver 5knows now to keep his distance. Finding a pole to lean against somewheres in the quad, the human appearing feline continues to work his trick yo yo.....until the sound of some explosion jolts him out of his consentration. 14"Watch I get blaimed for that...."5 He mutters to himself, re-rapping the yo yo's string.

<Dusky|Levina> ^and again is overjoyed as she hugs Mika. Suhe mumbles eens into her ear.

* Sisip shoots a glare of death and doom at the shark girl as she turns and walks off, 10" I don't know, Felipe, you may have all sorts of kinks hidden away.... should tell Ashlynne to hide the tuna cans."

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6She starts to explain the situation when Eddie makes his way over. 1"Well, my parents got involved in some kind of scheme involving bilking a crime family out of some money, and they wound up getting iced for it. I went home for the funeral, and...I learned a few things I probably shouldn't have," 6she says, sounding a bit distracted. 1"Oh, and hi there, Eddie. Long time no
<Rainbow_Dashe> 1see."

* @Shannon ( Quit (Quit: brb)

* Mika_Merrow hugs the sharkgirl, looking to Sisip, nodding a "thank you" to her.

* Tremwork ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

* Mika_Merrow giggles, and looks to Sisip. "She says she's not a pedophile... quite happily I might add."

* Tremwork is now known as Tremor

<Holtzmann> "Fish to me is food. If I wanted to do one I'd go get one at the supermarket." Heh. "And goddamn it, would I risk Ashlynne for a girl who'll prolly try to eat me AND fuckin' shock me the first time she goes hungry? Oh, come on."

* Angel`Pearson hops up to follow Sisip, not wanting to be left behind.

* Blackman looked sort of uncomfortable, and scooted over till he was almost right next to Merle. His life before now hadn't been... Hallmark approved. 2"Well. I learned that I could heal once when I... 'fell down a flight of stairs'... was seriously injured... and did like anybody would do. I started rubbing where it hurt, yanno? And... it worked." The quotes about '...stairs' was almost
* Blackman palpable. 106--

* Sisip 's eys widen. 1"Pedophile? What the hell is wrong with EITHER of you? Seriously?"

<Blackman> 106--06 But he bulled on through, trying not to let the words hang in the air. 2"It's notk, like, a perfect thing. I can only work with what's there, y'know? Someone breaks a bone, I can mend it, because the bone is there. It just needs to be put back together again, and refused. Someone looses an arm? That... I can't fix." 6 10

<@AnE> 6She listened intently -- 'iced'? But the mention of a funeral clarified everything. About to open her mouth to speak, but then...! Seven jumped visibly when Eddie came up behind her. She'd have probably gone white if... she weren't already. Instinct, however, had her leaning against Eddie as he hugged her, 14"Hello, Eddie. I'm fine." 6A weak smile crept across her face. Her gaze
<@AnE> 6dropped to her tail and she only shrugged, 14"Oh. Yes, yesterday. It is all right, it does not hurt."

<Mika_Merrow> She was worried she raped him, and is glad she didn't...

<Dusky|Levina> Levina also pulls out her pad to show to Sisip that says, "Thank you" and flips to the phrase, "I was confused and couldn't remember"

* Sisip 's attention turns back to the phone and she snarls into it. 10"If I find out you've done her wrong.. ever .. I swear to god Felipe there will...." 1" HE'S a frikken adult. Find a damn dictionairy!" 10" be no place you can hide." 6 She bounces back and forth from the phone to screaming at the aqua-students.

* Blackman frowned at all the distant yelling and glanced over at Merle... 2"Uh... kinda active out here, eh?"

<Edwin> 6It seems that he'd picked the *perfect* time to arrive, as he learned more about Ashe in two sentences than he'd previously been around the solar-powered girl. 1"Yeah, likewise." 6Asking how she's been after finding out that she went to her parents' funeral seemed pretty stupid. 1"...Am I intruding here? Because, if so, I could fuck off." 6He gestures toward the boys' dorm with
<Edwin> 6his thumb.

<Holtzmann> "What the hell is wrong with you?" Audible facepalm. "Hang on, hang on! What's frikkin' Chumgirl sayin'? Or mimin'? Or goddamn it, however she's communicatin'?"

* Sisip grabs Angel by the arm and pulls him with her. 1"This is stupid... dumbass fishfolk and dudes who like to screw them. Gods.. Angel.. I need your help tonight.." 6 She grumbles, headed towards the greenhouse, Awesome in tow.

<Dusky|Levina> Stares back at Sisip nodding with her every word like its law. She also point back to her pad that says, "Thank you"

* Tremor ( Quit

<Mika_Merrow> Hey... thanks for the phone... *was just translating...*

* Angel`Pearson squeeked and snickered following along with her "Sure, anythin'." heading in the direction of the greenhouse with her, thoroughly confused by what had just happened.

<Rainbow_Dashe> 1"Nah, it's okay," 6she says, shrugging to Eddie. He is, after all, one of the few people on campus that she genuinely likes. 1"A subject change is probably in order anyways." 6It gives her an excuse not to spill all the beans.

* Sharrisa ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<MarloCross> 12 Seeing Ashe, Eddie and Seven all hanging out in the quad. Having developed a sense of cabin fever, Marlo was now walking about trying to kill the wanderlust. Swallowing the lump that had been building in his gullet, He walked over to the trio then diverted. THey looked like they were doing ok without him. He changed course to the cafeteria as his syomach grumbled

* Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
* Sharrisa_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)

* Sisip clings to Angel as she heads to the "pot cave" (Thanks Dan). She growls into the phone, 10"We'll talk about this later, Felipe." 6 And finally hangs up.
<04Sisip> Awesome? Can I lick you tonight.. and not in ... any sexual way.. I just.. wait! Do you have your gummies? PLEASE say yes."

<@AnE> 6Seven hesitantly reached up and placed a hand against Eddie's arm, rather insistant that he, you know, not flee the scene. She was feeling mighty awkward right about now. 14"Don't..." 6Her voice trailed off, gaze averting as she cleared her throat. She supposed she could badger Ashe later -- if she remembered, anyway. Speaking off! She looked back in the direction of the lightwielding
<@AnE> 6warrior of goodness (or whatever), rubbing at the bridge of her nose with a finger.

<Dusky|Levina> Thinks back and suspects that she may need to bake some cupcakes or something to apologize to Sisip and Felipe. Right now she is so overjoyed an hugs Mika again. She also now with the SND feels better than ever. Why the doctors hadn't told her about these things earlier is a wonder.
* Dusky|Levina stands up soon and goes over to push Mika along the way. She eventually pulls out her pad.

<Holtzmann> "Goddamn it!" Felipe held back the urge to slam the cell phone down on the table (which he hadn't destroyed, by very little). He'd pay good money for that little device, and the data stored within it was far too important to him. "What the hell was that fuckin' codbrain tellin' people?!" Grumbling to himself, he opened the window and jumped outside. He'd leap about all over the campus, looking for Sisip. Thankfully, Ashlynne was
<Holtzmann> already informed of this whole idiocy, now all he had to do was to get the only person who mattered in this clear on the whole situation.
<Holtzmann> (Do whatever you want to him, but don't insult this dude's honor. Jameson learned that the hard way.)

* Angel`Pearson another snicker and he nodded quickly "Oh sure, I always have some on me. No licking required anymore either...Unless, you really wanna." wiggled his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out as he swung his messanger bag around, plucking a plastic bag of gumis from inside with a large happy face sticker slapped on its front, which he handed across to
<Angel`Pearson> her "Liiike I said tho, my hallucinogen-thing goes airborn now. All I'd have to do is switch off the SND and we'd be trippin' in no time....Buuut gumi's are easier to regulate the dose"

<Dusky|Levina> ((Levina wasn't trying hurt his honor though, it was her fault))


<MarloCross> 12 As he neared the cafeteria, his conflicted teenaged mind forced his hand to pull his phone out and send a text...Then a huge BOOM rocked his ears. He drops his phone in the snow and turns to [DIRECTION OF SAID EXPLOSION TYPE SOUND]

<Angel`Pearson> snow? O.o ))

* Sisip can't help but laugh, putting a hand to her forehead and shaking her head. 1"aww no licking! But you're totally into chicks and I was trying to seduce you with .. somehow."6 She wraps her arms around Angel and hugs him tightly, taking the bag of gummies. 1"You're the bes.." 6 And Felipe is on the scene. She sighs, frowning. Digging her hadn into the bag she pulls out a few and pops them in her mouth, figuring she'd need them.

* Oliver 5With a sigh, Ollie pushed off the pole, stuffing the yo yo into his jacket's pocket. He wouldnt get far, the sound of kabooms and some guy yelling catching his attention. Ollie turns just in time to see Felipe bouncing about, mad'er than fuck, kabooming and bellowing somebody's name 14"Oh hell....Ill be blaimed for that too. I might as well start blowing shit up"5 Actually
* Oliver 5thought abou 12[CUT]
* Oliver 12[CUT]5 t tossing his firework orbs at some of the campus's buildings but that might not end well...atleast for him anyway. Misty gray eyes simply watch the pissed off guy jump and yell..... 12[END]

<MarloCross> ((Is there not snow on the ground in Character? Cause New England got some I believe. Atleast Maine Did. In any case there should still be some left on the ground.)

<Dusky|Levina> Levina pushes Mika along and hers a KABOOM!!! then speeds toward. Eventually, she flips to the pad to Mika that says "Thank you". She then flips around and it says, "I may of mess up with translation." She eyes Felipe wearily but backs of so they are both out of range.

<Holtzmann> "Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it..." Felipe landed behind the Rec Center, his mind sensing about to try and find Sisip' familiar shape in his kinetic sense. "Now where's that girl...?"

<Merle> 6Fern simply listens to John as he speaks. All these years without sight, she's learned to lean on her other senses more and more. This time, it's the catch in his words, the shift of his body on the bench, the pause as he tries to work through the part about the stairs. She frowns suddenly, realizing that there's a good chance that he didn't fall, not in the slightest. She hides a
<Merle> 6frown - not at6 --
<Merle> 6 --6 John, but for him. Peices are starting to click - he stole, he's a bit shy and softspoken, and the bit about helping the drug users... yeah. He's had a rough life, and he can't be much older than her, poor guy. But hey, he's out of it now, and moving forward with his life - good man. Still rubbing the dog's ears, letting the warmth of Red's coat sink into her fingers, she
<Merle> 6nods.
<Merle> "I understand -- if you have something to work from, it's fixable,"6 she echoes. 1"You can build off of what's there, but you can't take nothing and create something. I can see why trying to fix someone on drugs wouldn't work, now. It's- you can fix the body, but you can't fix the addiction in their head. You sound like you were - ah, pretty young when you figured out your powers,
<Merle> 1though. Right?"

<Blackman> 6the building side-stepped Ollie's blast.

<Edwin> "OK, OK, I'll stay. 6Ashe and Seven were both in agreement on that subject. Seven seemed particularly insistent, and wondered what it was that seemed to be bothering her. He'd ask her later on, since it was hard enough to get her to talk about what was on her mind, let alone in front of others. Marlo seemed like he was coming over to join them, but when Eddie raised his hand to wave,
<Edwin> 6he changed direction and headed to the caferteria instead. 1"...Seriously. I need to talk to that kid and find out what the hell his deal is. This is ridiculous, it really is." 6Ashe was proposing a change of subject, and Eddie nodded. 1"Subject change. Works for me. How are Einstein and Newton doing, Sev?

<Dusky|Levina> Levina parks Mika out of the way and runs to look for a sheet of paper anything to write with so she can attempt to calm down Felipe.

<Holtzmann> (Felipe isn't even close to the cafeteria, y'know?)

<MarloCross> 12 Marlo Did wave, In retrospect. Even gave him a nod.

<Holtzmann> (He was at the dorms, then jumped over the buildings to try and find Sisip.)

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6Ashe starts to say something to Eddie about Marlo, but thinks better of it. Instead, she clams up and waits for Seven to give a status report on her pets.

* Angel`Pearson laughed and smiled happily, returning the hug. Aww, he luved Sisip! She was just great. He would follow suit and snatch a small handfull of the dosed gumi's from the bag, shoving them into his gob eagerly. Mmmtrippin'.

* Mika_Merrow blinks, and sighs...

* Blackman shrugged... Today he was, extra talkative. Flight had opened him up a lot, really. But there was a difference between being verbal, and being 'good' at being verbal. 2"eh... I was 16. I'm... 19 now, I guess. There were a lot of people I could help, but some there... wasn't much point to. And I couldn't fix starvation. Or pronounced cancer, or stuff like that. Things that got
<Blackman> 2ACTION to an organ and 106--
<Blackman> 106--2 turned it to flinder 'fore I got there..." 10

* Sisip could be seen (or .. kinetically sensed) by the greenhouse, where she's hugging Angel and starting to feel muuuuch better.

<Dusky|Levina> She then finds an ad for the new sugar story in Cobalt city, ripping it off she begins to frantically write on it while heading back to Mika. She shows flip her pad to Mika, "Sorry" and then to the words, "By me time?".

<Holtzmann> He nearly ripped the doors off their hinges as he stepped into the greenhouse. "Sisip, what the FUCK were you on about?" His voice was -loud-, but more indignant than outright angry. "Gettin' someone else to call me up, then yellin' at me that you're gonna rip out my guts if I hurt Ashlynne. What?!"

<Dusky|Levina> Levina then quickly tries to write on it an explanation. Hopefully Mika will serve as a shield to the angry Felipe.

* Karras ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<MarloCross> 12 Marlo gives up on the idea of doing something outside of school for something that just flew over his head screaming at Sisip. THe voice was farmiliar, having heard Felipe yelling during <shiver> He chose not to remembed and headed off as fast as his body could move him.

<@AnE> 6Seven would have waved to Marlo as he did some crazy change of route and went elsewhere. All... right. Brows knitting, she'd lean against Eddie, tilting her head back with a weak shrug and no verbal answer. Truth be told, she had no idea what was up with Marlo, especially lately. Sure, he wasn't doing the doucheglare or anything, but he was being so... weird. Almost distant. ...not
<@AnE> 6that he wasn't already distant to EVERYBODY but a few people, but still. 14"Oh. They are fine. Einstein, I am afraid, is getting a little, eh... fat."

* Mika_Merrow blinks, and looks to the note.... gulping....

* Rayna ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<MarloCross> 12 Retroactive Waving All around from Marlo?? Is that possible?

* Shannon is now known as Kraken

* Dusky|Levina waves to Marlo attempting to seek protection from him as well.

* Sisip cuddles up to Angel, more gummiebears popping into her mouth. She'd been sober for quite some time because of the musicman body switching ordeal, so these were hitting her just a smiidge faster than normal. 1"Ohhh hellooo friend of the fishies! See.. I thought i was doing the poor girl a favour... cause she was sobbing and a mess... but... now I see she just wanted post-coitus cuddles!" 6 She can't help but snort as she laughs. 1"And.. I think I sad balls... not guts.. but yes.... I will.."

<Dusky|Levina> ((Also to give someone for Mika to talk to while I write this))

* Sisip points at Felipe as she snickers, cuddling up to Angel.

* Angel`Pearson blinked as Felipe burst in all anger and GRRR "HEY! Mr. Buzz Killington! Simmer down. There are people trying to mellow here all the yelling is not conducive to that." ...and then as he heard Sisip he burst into a little gigglefit "...Was all the shark girls fault. She implied you two had sexytime."

* Shinn is now known as Alex`

<Holtzmann> The subsequent facepalm has been deemed inappropriate for audiences below 16 years old. In fact, all the windows in the greenhouse shook and almost popped out of their places. He sighed. "What? No, seriously. What. The. Fuck? And people -believed- it? To the point of threatenin' -me- without even havin' a fuckin' CLUE?!"

<04Sisip> 4{.Ashlynne.} 6 , however, had received quite a few texts during all of this and she was searching the internet to buy entire pallates full of dolphin-free tuna to give to Felipe for his birthday.

* Mika_Merrow tries and pools som of the water... course, could easily be killed despite this with a good amount of force...

<MarloCross> 12 Marlo soon shows up, panting just a bit. The rumbles of the kinetic bursts would normaly feed him. But not so much right now. He winced a bit ans walked up to Felipe," Hey, what's goin' on? Why are you K-Jumpin' everywhere"12 It was what Marlo's father liked to call his Kinetic Leaps

<Edwin> 6Eddie gave Seven's shoulder a squeeze when she leaned against him. 1"Huh. Is he eating Newton's food on him, or is he just not exercising in his habitat?" 6Or maybe just getting a few too many rat treats? Either way, there were ways to remedy the situation that weren't too difficult.

<Merle> "Sixteen? Yeah, me too, and--"
<Merle> 6Fern catches herself then. Her sharp ears caught a whole bunch of commotion too, and she's a bit baffled by it all. The boom and undergrowl of windows shuddering isn't pleasant, and she shakes her head a little, wincing. She tends to shut things like that out; it's too easy for her to get overwhelmed and -- uh, she inclines her head, listens to the end of it, and winces. 1"Yeah,
<Merle> 1a bit. Someone6 --
<Merle> 6 --61 doesn't sound happy over there. Sorry -- I- I tend to hear so much stuff going on, that I tend to block it out a bit. Can't block that out too much, though. Hope everything's all right..."

<Rainbow_Dashe> 1"You sure Einstein's a boy, by the way?" 6she asks, finally deciding to step down off her light bolt and let her powers rest for a bit.

* Lanse[Dead] is now known as Lanse

<Holtzmann> "And now you two are goddamn HIGH! What's wrong with you?" He stomped the floor and almost blasted himself off the ground. "God, what a-- ARGH!" He rubbed his temples with his fingers and glanced over at Marlo. "Hey. Apparently, people think I boned Chumgirl. Seriously, I just got this frikkin' uniform today--" He pointed at himself. He was wearing a form-fitting long-sleeved, high-necked shirt, that looked a lot like a black div
<Holtzmann> suit. "-- and I haven't even found out -how- to take it off. D'ya think I'd be goin' 'round fuckin' girls I don't even -know-?"

<MarloCross> 14 Meanwhile, Bone-Head is slipping onto campus secretively. He needed a new place to crash sadly enough. But, he had an idea. THat cute girl lived on campus, and Bone-Head certainly had his spots to hide out. So, here he was, sneaking back so as to get a chance to blushingly say hi again.

* Angel`Pearson being much more experienced with the hallucinogen his mutation produced, he had a bituv an easier time forming coherent thoughts and spitting them out the mouth area then Sisip...Who was waayyy far off in psychadelic-land most likely "Well...I'unno. I was mostly confused by the whole thing. I think Sisip went right into defense mode no thought involved. Is what family
<Angel`Pearson> does sometimes...Melloooow....Want a gumi?" and he'd offer the hallucinogenic candy over to Felipe.

<@AnE> 14"Well... er. I do not know, he only eats what I feed him... I see him running on his ...running-thing. Uhm--" 6Looking towards Ashe, Seven's eyes widened, a small frown working it's way across her face, 14"Ashe! Do I look like a moron to you!?" 6After a lengthy pause, she closed her eyes and rubbed at her temple with two fingers, gritting her teeth, 14"You know what? Perhaps it
<@AnE> 14is best if you do not answer that. Yes, I am quite sure Einstein is a boy."

* Sisip giggles as she blinks at Angel, then Felipe.. then Marlo. 1"The best part issss? I think... Sharkgirl thinks Felipes like.. 8."

<Holtzmann> Felipe stared at the candy and replied flatly. "I could eat the whole bag and it wouldn't make any effect." No wonder her was cranky! "Seriously, that was a completely unwarranted freakout. You don't just assume the nearest mute fish-person is right when she says 'oh, hello! I think I just raped a guy twice my size who could turn me into sashimi with his bare hands'? Come -on-!" He's... perplexed. Completely befuddled by the thou

<MarloCross> 12 Marlo flinched and held his hands out,"Hey, Look man. Take it easy. You look just a mad as at the fight...I think..Maybe you need to take a time out. Relax or something. THis isn't the time to fly off the handlr."12 Yeah, Marlo talking about flying off the handle. He put his right hand on Felipe's shoulder, hoping to calm him a bit," She's not in a spot to fight. She jumps
<MarloCross> to conclusion and puts her foot in her mouth...Just...calm down and wait till she's not high..."

* Sharrisa 14had dumped her books off in her dorm and put on her brown leather jacket before stepping outside to walk around and stretch her legs. She was dressed in her black flare jeans with gold scroll work along one pant leg that looked like a rose vine climbing up her leg. Her long dark brown hair was hanging down. She tucked one side behind her right ear as she thought about how
* Sharrisa 14her classes had seemed extra long6-12Cut.6->
<Sharrisa> 12(-=Cont.=-)6 today. She had even started to dose off in her history class. Coming upon the quad she noticed quite a few people out and about, not sure what was going on, she stopped and watched from the edge and leaned up against a lamp post to watch. She saw a couple faces that she recognized but that was it.

<Dusky|Levina> Finishing her note, she rushed over with Mika to where she had heard the crash and where she had heard the Felipe being. She tentatively parks Mika and hear behind Marlo, whom she uses as a shield.

<Holtzmann> (What a miracle! The action this time isn't happening at the quad!)

<Dusky|Levina> With Mika and Marlo as shield, she carefully hands a notes to Felipe.

<Dusky|Levina> It says: " Dear Felipe, I am really really sorry, F I am sure no amount of cupcakes will make up for it. I woke up and discovered that I was at the hospital, which Mika rescued me from. The last thing I remember was my hormones going out of wack and kissing you. Considering the fact that I had tried to molest someone earlier, I thought I might have accidentally raped you and been...
<Dusky|Levina> ...sent to the hospital afterward.

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6That was the absolute wrong thing to say to Ashe, and she actually catches herself getting ready to deck Seven. She restrains herself, though, and instead hops right back up onto a light bolt. 1"People make that mistake breeding rodents, you know," 6she says, glaring daggers at Seven. 1"I'm just trying to help you out, Seven. So you'd better watch your mouth - the next time
<Rainbow_Dashe> 1you smart off at me like that, you might lose a few teeth." 6And without waiting for a response, she's out of there at roughly the speed of boiling blood.

<Dusky|Levina> Therefore, Mika tried to calm me down and call you to clarify what had happened. While she was talking to you, I was trying to explain what happened to a concerned Angel and Sisip, but I am not sure if the translation for the word "rape" was correct. I was so panicked that I might have hurt a friend, like you Felipe, that I really was not paying attention to Sisip leaving only that she...
<Dusky|Levina> me. I mean you are attractive and all, but I don’t even think I like you that way. I was so overjoyed at the fact that I had not hurt a friend you that I only realized later the panic that I had caused. Thusly, I beg you from the bottom of my heart for you both to forgive me. I am not sure no amount of cupcakes will make up to either you or Sisip, this but I am willing to...
<Dusky|Levina> ...learn from Seven to bake you two cupcakes for the rest of your life.
<Dusky|Levina> Levina then continues hiding behind Marlo with Mika hoping Felipe doesn't explode.

* Oliver 5With the pissed off guy bellowing and jumping around not jumping around anymore, that means the entertainment of watching him leap about comes to an end. With a sigh, he moves on yet again, hands stuffed in his jacket's pockets. A quick glance around to see who was out, misty gray eyes catch the sight of Sharrisa not to far away. With two fingers placed intricately in his

* Oliver 5mouth, he 12[CUT]
* Oliver 12[CUT]5 gave a loud whistle to grab Sharrisa's attention 12[END]

* Sisip clings to Angel, hand digging into the bag for more gummies. Popping them into her mouth she leans forward to kiss Angel's cheek and misses, grabbing at him so she doesn't fall over. Her laugh is punctuated with hiccups as she makes her way over to a bench to sit. Last time she'd had some of Angel's special 'ability'.. she'd been packing for her trip to Houston and had packed a few shoelaces and a dozen or so McRib wrappers.

<Holtzmann> Felipe didn't even bother to read the note. TL:DR! He simply stepped forward and shoved a finger into Levina's face, his rust-red eyes filled with profound outrage, but with a perfectly level voice. "You, fish-girl, aren't gettin' outta this one with a cutesy 'lil note. All I tried to do was to help you out. That simulation session is logged and all, you can check that yeah, all that happened was a fuckin' kiss on the cheek. Whi
<Holtzmann> -let- you give me 'cos hey, I thought you were just sick. But now -this-? Oh, gimme a fuckin' break. If I ever, -ever- hear you talkin' that sort of crap again, to -anyone-, I'm gonna make it sure everybody learns whether you're enough of a shark you can replace broken teeth. 'Cos you're not gonna have a single one left." He huffed and stepped back, running his hands through his hair. "The fuckin' nerve of some people. You try to
<Holtzmann> help, you get fuckin' yelled at and accused of bein' a scumbag. I'll never understand this."