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Misty Water Coloured Memories - Ash vs Levina

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:12 am
by Sisip
[21:12] <Levina_> Repost: A lightbulb went off in Levina's head! The voice was same someone that of uncle James who had asked JJ to "You're gonna build a groundbreaking android, kiddo" Levina did need to talk to either in James or JJ. She had talk sent a message to her brother and had either good news or bad news for them depending on how much they knew about standard federal background and DOD funded...
[21:12] <Levina_> ...R1-R5's and security clearance. Wincing slightly she waved faintly to get James attention. Soon of course Levina thought she had heard Ashylnne, who she could tell liked Felipe boyfriend. Levina emitted a slightly "orange noise" at this change of events and hoped in vain Felipe might have forgotten about her.

[21:13] <vile> James makes short work of the cupcake and bobs his head, "Yeah, it's good. Thought about helping out at the bake sale, Felipe? We could always use more hands. I think three people's enough for the kitchen but there's still plenty of other stuff. Like, uh, security. In case it's not on campus." he squirms a bit, "Or not. Erm." this is a problem he'll have to overcome! He sighs heavily and rubs his temples, chews on his lower lip and goes quiet. "Yeah. Guess we can talk about it tomorrow." he licks the stray icing off his fingers and grabs at the hand rails of his chair and backs away from the table.

[21:14] <Levina_> ((Has a plan for security))

[21:15] * Judas_Kincaid eyed his case... "Well Jameson... I can and will help with backup security if it cmes to trouble, but otherwise... I just tend to attracted more then I prevent stuff from happening, I'm sorry to say."

[21:15] * @Shannon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)

[21:17] * Murua swipes her card and then moves over to where Judas is sitting and smiles to the others that are at or near."Hello...I'm Murua." She says her dog tail swishes slightly as she forces it to stop wagging....little hard to stand still with a wagging tail.

[21:17] * Ashlynne blinks her honeygolden eyes at Jamie. "Dad, I'm sorry... about earlier. Things'll be ok, we'll be a family again, just a family with sorta grownup kids. It'll be fun." She was a bit hesitant but tried to sound encouraging. She had no idea that Jamie and broken up with Ena just the night before.

[21:20] * Levina_ has finished dinner and still attempts to get Jameson's attention.
[21:20] * Levina_ is now known as Levina

[21:21] * Judas_Kincaid grinned at Murua and nodded his head. "And I'm Judas... Yes. Really. How are you today, Murua? Enjoying your Saturday evening, I hope."

[21:23] <vile> "It's okay, Ashley." he nods slowly, fingertips slipping under his glasses to rub at the corners of his eye...sockets. Erk. He's suddenly reminded of that project. "No, we're a family now. Maybe broke but we are all the same. Things are gonna get better but don't you forget that we're a family. Nothin's gonna change that. Got plenty of adopted siblings, aunts and uncles to make sure everything's gonna work out." he smiles at her, trying to be just as encouraging but sadness still tarnishes the gesture. "You two have a nice night." and he notices Levina! A brow hikes and he stares at her. He looks just like he did on JJ's phone though now he wears mirrored glasses and is a bit less colorful. "Hey there. I seen you before, haven't I?"

[21:23] * Murua grabs a chair and sits down at a table beside Judas since he spoke."Ah yes I remember, briefly met before I got swept up talking fashion with Fern. I am doing alright. Eh its a dull evening but I'm not going to complain about that.

[21:27] * Ashlynne smiles softly, "G'night daddy. I love you." And she did, for as much as they fought she really did love her dad. She turns her attention back to Felipe, fingers reaching out to gently brush over his burned skin. She frowns at him, "I can't believe they made you work on a hot oven. I wish I had more sway in the kitchen.. I'd give them such a talking too."

[21:27] * Judas_Kincaid grinned even brighter at that. "I have no fashion sense myself, but I -do- like the color red. Perferably in leather and things that don't burn easily, however. I.... am pretty rough on my clothing. Tell me. Do you know how to knit chain-mail?" He asked this as if it was the most normal thing in the world to do., all the while speaking in that proper British accent of his.

[21:28] <Levina> Levina nods to Jameson and flips her to notepad to the phrase , "Are you heading out too??" She pauses and flip to the phrase, "I need to talk to you."

[21:29] * Murua british accent meet african accent this will be fun. She blinks a few times and quirks a brow chuckling a bit."Ah no, I've never really made chainmail before. I've worked with small bits of it for accents on outfits, buuuut thats about as far as that has ever gone." She says and chuckles a bit.

[21:30] <vile> "I love you too, baby." he chimes to Ashley and turns his attention to Levina. The techie shakes his head, "I was but, uh. If you wanna talk then we can. Um. What do you need?" he asks and heads over to the sharkgirl's table, his wheelchair settling into an open spot. "Something up?"

[21:31] <Holtzmann> Felipe had remained mostly silent, simply watching the movement around them. He'd see what he could do to help out with that bake sale later. Security wasn't something he felt like doing. He had said it before, and he had meant it: there was no way he'd do a job like Kevin's. He looked at Ashy as she frowned, then licked a piece of frosting that was still stuck on the corner of his mouth. "Eh, that's okay. I
[21:31] <Holtzmann> wasn't -that- hot." Just enough to make him peel. Which was probably effin' hot. "But hey, it was either that or no awesome foods. As I said, took one for the team." He looked around again and... "Oh, crap." He lowered his voice. "'kay, Cherry... There's Chumgirl, talkin' to Jameson. This is my call to get the hell outta here while she's busy." Quietly, he stood up and tapped Judas in the shoulder. "See ya,
[21:31] <Holtzmann> Word o' advice: don't ever get locked in the same room as shark girl over there." And with that said, he promptly sneaked out of the cafeteria.

[21:33] * Judas_Kincaid sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "Ah well, I guess I'll just look it up on the internet. All I know is that it requires a power drill and some seriously burly wire-cutters, along with some other things. I was thinking of making a tunic of the stuff. Something about being here for more then a few days makes me wish I had bit more protection on me... What do you think, Murua?
[21:33] * Judas_Kincaid What have you seen while you've been living here?"

[21:37] * Murua chuckles softly."Ah and something to weld the links together. Hmmm me? I think it never hurts to be more protected, just don't go too far with it. And what have I seen?" She asks...boy is that a freakin loaded question." Eh, a lot. Not all bad, but all interesting. We had one baddy, the music man that reeked havoc for a while, turned the campus into a desert with weird sand creatures in {-->}
[21:37] <Murua> {-->>} them....I think that may take the cake on strangeness." She says and munches a little on her cake. {<->}

[21:37] * Goldbolt ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
[21:38] * Goldbolt is now known as Shannon
[21:38] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon

[21:40] * Judas_Kincaid frowned... that's the second time music man has been mentioned. He to was dressed in red. For a moment Judas looked disturbed, as he plucked at the stud-lined lapels of his red leather jacket. He was brightly coloured... but hardly 'pimping'... right? "This music man seems to be becoming something like a resident boggie man. I hadn't heard that he turned the campus into a
[21:40] * Judas_Kincaid desert. What sort of weird sand creatures are we talking about, and how... big was this desert?"

[21:42] * Ashlynne blinks as Felipe gets up and leaves.. all because of Levina. He didn't even say goodbye, such was his rush to leave. Honeyed eyes narrow just a bit as her light gets a little harder in glow. Her emotions had been pingponging all over the place today and this certainly didn't ping.. or pong.. her into the 'happy' side of them. She stands and, almost angerily, begins packing up
[21:42] * Ashlynne trash to throw out. She knew she was being stupid, she knew he was most likely waiting for her just outside the doors, but at the same time... this was stupid. While Felipe had left stealthily, Ashlynne doesn't bother, chucking her trash and giving Levina a narrow eyed glare as she walks past and out the door.

[21:43] * @Shannon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)

[21:43] <vile> James hears all the noise and looks up, totally confused. And he watches Ashley storm out. Used to being the cause of it, he wonders what the fuck just happened and what he did to cause it. "Uh." the genius grunts and takes his phone out to send a quick text off.

[21:45] * Murua stretches a bit."He used to be, but now he is but a memory." She says and then reaches out touching his jacket looking at it and the stitching. She then sits back."Sorry about that, habbit. Ah well it was the whole campus and I guess they were kinda fishy amphibian type.......I don't know. I was really weided out when I saw them. No side walks or anything to hide on, it was all covered up." {-->}
[21:45] <Murua> {-->>} She says simply and munches on food. {<->}

[21:45] * Ashlynne 's phone buzzes and she blinks, pulling it out and reading the text. Sending off a reply she looks around for Felipe.

[21:47] <Holtzmann> Felipe was standing right outside, just enough to the side not to be seen from the inside through the windows and mostly camouflaged by his dark jacket. Thankfully, he had the presence of mind to pick it up before running out. "Hey, Cherry." He said, scratching his head. "Sorry for the hasty retreat, but I -really- didn't wanna have to deal with that particular remora." Fish pun! Shark! Remora! Get it? "Anyw
[21:47] <Holtzmann> let's get goin'. Hope you liked the cupcake." He smiled at her.

[21:49] * Judas_Kincaid watched as Murua stretched, and his grin turned into a quite smile. "It's okay, the jacket wont break, but careful that you don't pick up a charge. I've been on and off all day today." An azure blue spark danced between a few of his studs on his shoulders, then vanished. "It's just a thing I do."

[21:53] * Ashlynne 's hard light fades as she wraps her arms around Felipe's waist, "It's ok baby, I'm just.. ug.. Yeah.. time to watch.. uh.. big footed midgets?" She sounds a bit skeptical, if that's really what it was about it might not be all that great. She looks at her phone at the response to her response and giggles, showing it to Felipe.
[21:58] <vile> The techie's phone beeps and he checks the reply text. And he grins, chuckling at it. He sends a reply off and turns his attention back to Levina. A brow is hiked again and he fishes around through the compartments of his chair, looking for his iPad. Once found, it's set on his lap and he opens up a design for some mechanical eyes. Must fix up some problems and get to fabricating!

[21:59] * Murua blinks a few times and tilts her head to the side curiously."What are your powers? If you don't mind me asking that is." She says and munches a little more on cake.

[22:02] <Holtzmann> The Brazilian felt he had cracked a few ribs trying not to laugh too loud as he read the message on Ashy's phone. Okay, he had to admit, Jameson was funny. When he wasn't being an obnoxious twit. Sadly, that didn't happen nearly as often as Felipe would like to. "Anyway, yeah. Let's get goin'. And no, it's not 'big footed midgets'. At least not all the time. There are some short dudes, but really... it all m
[22:02] <Holtzmann> sense when you watch it. It's an adaptation from a book, I wasn't expectin' it to be good." Although they would be watching the non-extended version. He made that mental note as he strolled down the quad towards the townhomes with the glowing girl, then stopped a few yards away from his door. "Uh. Okaaay, I didn't leave that there."

[22:03] * Judas_Kincaid shrugged. "They're static electricity related with a balance between friction born of speed, electricity control and a bit of magnetisim which can sort of life and throw things. It's... Well the science escapes me, but it's pretty fun to do." Judas would have to be one of those mutants that enjoyed being a mutant, wouldn't he? How odd! "What is your power, Murua?"

[22:07] <Levina> Levina sighed and pulled out one of her prewritten messages on a sheet of paper sbe wrote about two days ago. She also brought out a blank pad. The paper said, "So I have good new and bad news. The good news is that I have contacted my brother about the nanoconstruction biomachines. I was thinking about the conversation yesterday I realized I had not asked JJ about security...
[22:07] <Levina> ...credentials nor did I get an idea why you would need experimental Mass Production Taxon fabrication biomachines and graphene induction furnaces for. In fact, in my message I said that I wasn't sure what you all were looking for other than I gave that you were a researcher at Cobalt in nanotechnology and where trying to build some time of AI that components would be nanomaterials. So I...
[22:07] <Levina> ...assume that you would probably only need something that could build small items at max 30 cm by 30 cm in size. Speaking of which what did you need massive quantities of nanotechnology for an AI anyways? Also what is your degree in or credentials as a researcher? What are JJs?" Levina hid the rest till he answered.

[22:08] * Ashlynne walks with Felipe, a soft smile on her face, "Well as long as there's more than just big footed midgets." She tickles his side as they come up towards the house. Blinking again she looks at the package also. "Uh.. well.. it's not from me. I promise." She gets a playful grin as she tilts her head, "Have another jungle-girl you're seeing on the side?"

[22:13] * Angel`Pearson ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

[22:17] <Holtzmann> "Goin' out with another girl? Heh. I'd sooner sleep with the fishes." He replied, paused for a second, then facepalmed hard enough a castle of cards OCD-Boy had been building in his immaculately clean bedroom in the Bryant Hall collapsed. "That's what I get for temptin' fate. It's gotta be Levina's..." He approached the box as if it contained a bomb or the last surviving vial of smallpox. Of course, he knew
[22:17] <Holtzmann> the contents were. His kinetic sense was good for those occasions. He picked up the box with one hand and pulled the note attached to it, reading it under the house's front door light. "'I am really sorry about kissing you! Please forgive me! Sincerely, Levina'." He frowned, making his thoughts perfectly readable. They said 'goddamn it, not again'. "Okay... gotta admit, the girl has nice penmanship. But this
[22:17] <Holtzmann> -still- annoyin'. It's been what? Two months already and she didn't just let it go?" He sniffed, then tasted blood. For the first time in his life, he had managed to give himself a bloody nose while facepalming. Congratulations, Levina! You just took Felipe's nosebleed cherry!

[22:18] <Judas_Kincaid> OCD boy frowns. A single tear rolling down his nose- only to be kept and bottled for a possible emergency, or something.

[22:19] <vile> After reading all that, James tiiiiilts his head and seems to need a moment to process all that. "Uhhh..." comes his stunningly brilliant reply. "I uh. I got some nanos already. Just standard machines, ones I got from a guy that developed some stable ones. They're pretty basic. I grew a big enough batch for the thing I'm working on." . his head tilts, "Security credentials? Why would I need the fabrication biomachines and the furnaces? I'm not a researcher, I just build stuff. The machine with AI I got is built into an old OSBOURNE unit. And I don't got no degree, I ain't no researcher and JJ is still in high school." he scratches the back of his head, "Uh. I think you assumed a whole lot of stuff, man, and it don't sound like none of it is right. Wanna try this again from the top?"

[22:20] * Ashlynne blinks as she looks at the note. Her eyes narrow as her skin glows an angry white light. Without even asking she grabs the box from Felipe and walks off, headed back towards the cafeteria at a quick pace. To say she was done with this shit was an understatement. She glows like a lighthouse as she cuts back across the quad.

[22:20] <vile> <five bux on ashley>

[22:20] * Judas_Kincaid glanced over at Jameson and arched a brow, he couldn't help but pick up the tone of consternation coming from a table away. "Problems, Mi- erm. Jameson? You okay over there?" While speaking, he swiped the last of the cheesecake, and twirled his fork.
[22:21] <Judas_Kincaid> (20 on Ashy)

[22:21] * Murua chuckles and grins a bit."Definately can be fun. Ah my powers, enhanced speed, shape shift into an african painted dog, and ah noticed when my anger is peeked ground under my feet shake a bit....need to explore that more.." She says and takes a sip of her coffee.

[22:22] <Joe`Jager> Over in the Med Center, Joe shrugged out of his white coat, grabbed a radio from the nurses' station, and hied himself off to the cafeteria. The night had been slow. He had put two stitches in the temple of a freshman telekinetic who had struck her head on the corner of her desk while fainting, but that was it. But it was a Saturday night and he knew the lull wouldn't last; hence,
[22:22] <Joe`Jager> food. Food, like sleep, weren't things he took for granted. And when he was working, he took them whenever he could. He stepped unhurriedly through the cafeteria's automatic doors, swept the room with his eyes, and joined the queue at the grill. He had his food a few minutes later, grabbed a bottle of water and a green apple, then checked out. "Mind if I sit with y'all?" he asked as he
[22:22] <Joe`Jager> approached Jameson, Judas et al's table. It wasn't that he was particularly outgoing, but there was nobody else in the cafeteria and he didn't want to seem like a loner. Also, he made a point to make friends with the students whenever possible in the hopes of building trust. If someone OD'd or had a reaction to a recreational drug, Joe wanted to be there to help and treat, and spare
[22:22] <Joe`Jager> the poor unfortunate from expulsion.

[22:22] <@AnE> Blatant Boy's 'senses' begin to tingle and he starts nomming popcorn.

[22:23] * Judas_Kincaid blinked at Murua as she spoke, then nodded, busted out his phone. "Uh... African Painted Dog? Right. One moment." Google-fu to the rescue! What the heck was one of those? "So you're beginning to make some sort of little earthquake perhaps? What does being an african painted dog have to do with that?"

[22:23] <Levina> Levina panicked slightly at James response and reviewed part of the paper she was hiding: "The bad news is... well are you all familar with doing reasearch with the military and background checks. Have you gotten a mysterious call or interview from the fed recently asking question on how your family is doing or what your advice for new parents would be, or what do you think about the...
[22:23] <Levina> ...ethics of care in terms of the recent BP Oil Spill? The things I requested are not exactly 100% commerically out yet... and mostly DOD funded either R2 - R3 stuff. So if you haven't already gotten asked, well you or James may get picked up soon. Strictly speaking it just to make sure that any AI or sientant biomachine well doesn't go evil due to giving any intentional or unintentional...
[22:23] <Levina> ...sentient or non-sentient AI a chance to grow in a loving family. You know it’s basically evil apocalypse prevention through Care Ethics."
[22:25] <Levina> She continued to write new a note on her pad, "Umm... opps well what did you need the biomachines for again? And wait so you don't have an electrical engineering BS degree or physics degree? Did you even go to college?"

[22:25] <Judas_Kincaid> ...Murua... why is the strange lady massacering a bunch of trees over there?

[22:25] <Holtzmann> "Hey, hey! Heeeeey!" Goddamn it! Bad way to start the evening. And if he knew Ashy well enough, that cake wouldn't be in an edible state by the time the glowing girl was done with it. Well... it would probably still be edible. And all over Levina. Some people would find it sexy, Felipe just found it a lamentable waste of food. He ran after his girlfriend, awkwardly pulling a rag from his pocket and holding i
[22:25] <Holtzmann> his nose. "Hold it! Ashy, it's just not worth it! Let's just ignore it, c'mon...!" No, he wasn't trying to defend the shark girl. He was trying to keep Ashlynne from being turned into glowing charcoal if Chumgirl lost control over her powers. Watching Ashy storm into the cafeteria, he resigned himself to the code word everybody around him would recognize as a final plea for help. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu--"

[22:27] * Levina is completely obvious to any evil intention toward her...

[22:28] <vile> Now James' head tilts in the opposite direction. "No, I don't really do research. Aaaand no? No questions from no weird people. Why would they be questioning me when I don't work with biomachines and you requested the stuff? And the AI program I've been developing is entirely open source. It's under a GPL license, like Linux." he looks mighty confused! "I...don't think I'm interested in hearing nothing else. I get bad vibes from you, lady. You went from offerin' some information to...this? Yeah, no. I'll stick with my old-fashioned bots. At least they're legit." he glances up at Joe and nods, "Yeah sure." though he's sitting with the sharkwoman and Judas and Murua are at another. And he's blissfully unaware that his daughter is about to storm in to raise hell and possibly grill some shark for dinner tonight.

[22:29] * Murua shrugs her shoulders a little."Its not about what they have to do with eachother but what they can possibly do together." She wags her finger lightly at him. She then looks over at Lev." I have no idea..."

[22:29] * Judas_Kincaid and Murua where rather close. Which could be fortunate or unfortunate depending on how one looked at it. "Erm... Maybe you and Joe should sit over here, James? It's remarkably less brain numbing over here..."

[22:30] * @Jimhasaheadache ( Quit
[22:30] * Jimhasaheadache ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

[22:31] * Ashlynne bursts through the cafeteria doors, angerier then she'd ever been. Not even her father had managed to push her this far. She's almost blinding her glow is so bright. Honeygolden eyes glare daggers at Levina and she raises her voice quite a bit, "Look you goddamned overgrown tuna, leave my boyfriend alone. You tried to rape him, he turned you down, fucking deal with it, take
[22:31] * Ashlynne no for an answer and fuck off, Jaws. Got it? Even a mental midget would have figured out what 'no' means by now!" Like a seasoned pitcher Ashlynne drew back and heaved the box, still not even knowing what was in it, towards Levina.

[22:32] <@AnE> Meta Girl glances over the top of her book at BB and snorts, " just came."

[22:32] * Judas_Kincaid decides that now is a good time to be under the table. Soooo! He is now slipping under the table. Remarkably, he was grinning wide from ear to ear. "Well? This should be an interesting time."

[22:32] * Murua blinks a few times at Ashlynne and leans towards Judas more."Too bad they don't have popcorn, this just got very interesting."She finishes her cake and sips her tea.
[22:32] * Murua leans down towards him since he is on the floor now and out of the chair.

[22:33] * Judas_Kincaid yanks her under the table with him! It's a lovely mixture of half chicanary and half gallentry. "Leave us take cover from what could be remarkably awesome."

[22:33] <Holtzmann> Felipe, still holding a rag to his nose, had just crossed the doorway when he saw the box flying through the air. As it spun almost in slow motion, he felt torn. On one side, Ashlynne was kicking ass. He liked that, it was pretty hot. On the other, cake was being wasted! Noooo! The tragedy! The horror! Oh, the humanity! What has mutantdom come to? The cake was innocent! It didn't deserve it!

[22:34] * Murua laughs at getting pulled under the table. She mvoes though to keep from falling out of her chair so its a more graceful movement.

[22:35] <vile> James stares at Ashley! And he drops whatever conversation he'd been holding and wheels his chair right over to the pissed girl. "Woah, woah. Pull yourself together, Ashley. There's no need to be like this. Come on, it's okay. Hey, hey. Just take a breath, Ashley. Uhm." he glances over at Felipe and winces. "I think it's time to go home?" such a father figure! Asking his daughter to not murder someone else! "Before Kevin shows up to let you cool off in whereverthefrack they got the guard house now."

[22:40] <Joe`Jager> "Thanks," Joe said to James, setting his tray on the table and taking a chair. "Joe Jager, I work in the Med Center," he explained, though it might not have been necessary in James' case, since they had been introduced before. By Paul? He couldn't remember. "How're y'all tonight?" he asked, oblivious to the conversation that had been going on before his arrival. He was dressed for the
[22:40] <Joe`Jager> weather: a grey v-neck sweater over a dusty pink Oxford cloth button down, dark wash jeans, and cowboy boots. On his plate were a burger and fries.

[22:45] * Lily ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

[22:47] <Levina> Levina tried to write the words, "Wait" and "Let me explain!" on a new sheet quickly to show James. She was getting slightly frustrated with a "black saw wave". She felt slightly startled, but quickly narrow her eyes. She was about turn turn around an try to calmly reason with Ashlynne by refering to the orginal note "where she promised to do this" and which Ashlynne as present and quiet...
[22:47] <Levina> ...drunk at the same time to here--when a cake hits her with a nice "Splat". If someone was recording this might make a good youtube WIN video. After the cake drips her face, Levina attitude changed from a "black saw wave" to red blarring noise any telepathic mutant could hear for at least 100 meters.

[22:47] * Murua ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[22:47] * Lily is now known as Murua

[22:48] <Levina> Acting on pure instinct, Levina charged up and sent a bolt of electricity into the near by light fixtures and floors causing them to most them to pop with an explosion! Fortunetly not all light where out or Ashy wouldn't be able to notice the word\ burnt and meltsed into scortched tile earth, "Like him!? He doesn't accept my apology fine! If you done then get out of my sight!!" Levina...
[22:48] <Levina> ...had be praticing especially fabricating her bolts by a fractalization since the Music Man's death. Its usually why she slept during the day.

[22:50] * Murua eyes went wide."Shit..." She says glad to be under the table now....

[22:50] <@AnE> Blatant Boy squeals like a girl and topples out of his seat as the lights start exploding, "Someone get this bitch a dampener!" He cowers behind Meta Girl ... and discreetly sniffs her hair.

[22:52] * Judas_Kincaid wouldn't ordinarily get involved... but his element called to him. A sweet sweet siren song of humming electric cars mixed with the chance to show off. Admitedly it was a subtle sort of thing. Only half of what Levina was trying to do would actually happen. He arches a brow, narrows his eyes... and calmly neutralizes the electrical charge in the air. "No no little spark-fish.
[22:52] * Judas_Kincaid Not today."

[22:52] * Ashlynne was not caring about written words right now and the bolt of lightening only serves to piss her off even more. "You piece of saurkraut cabbage eater!" And forward she hurls herself, through the sparks of the bursting lights, fist balling up and lunging themselves towards Levina's nose. Ashy had watched SharkWeek reruns on Discovery. "Leave him the fluffernutter
[22:52] * Ashlynne alone!"

[22:53] * Angel`Pearson was on his way to the cafeteria just moments after Ashlynne burst in, blinking and quickly backing right back out the door as he saw what was happening. He wore his blue fleece cropped jacket, a tight white shirt underneath, studded belt and skinny jeans with his kneehigh boots, a blue flower shaped hairclip fixed in his hair.

[22:55] <Holtzmann> Know what? Screw that. Felipe leaned back against the wall besides the door and started counting stuff the maintenance team would have to fix tomorrow. Better do that early so he knew what to expect. Yes, he could have lunged in there, but really... at 230lbs, he'd probably do -far- more damage than he actually intended. So, for once, he watched the comedy unfold.

[22:55] <@AnE> Pablo started to tally up repair costs somewhere behind Felipe, leaning on his mop and sighing wearily.

[22:56] * Murua blinks and watches him. She chuckles softly and grins. She felt a little more at ease now..and then blinks watching ash rush the shark girl.....She tilts her head to the side some.

[22:56] <Judas_Kincaid> Pablo> saaame shit. Different daaaay."

[22:56] <Holtzmann> "You here often?" "Yeah, yeah..." "Damn kids, eh?" "Yeah, yeah..."

[22:56] <vile> Jameson looks nothing short of horrified! Lightning everywhere! Shattering lightbulbs! It's horrific. And now his daughter is throwing herself at an angry electric catfish! "Someone do something!" and he aims a look at Felipe, expecting him to step in and do something. But he doesn't! So instead James grabs the rims of his chair and bolts over to the fighting women and tries his best to grab Ashley, wanting to pull her off the sharkgirl. "Woah! Calm down, both of you! I swear to god, if anyone gets put in the med center for burns, I'm gonna make people sorry." he snaps and tries to intervene.

[22:57] * PhoneSho ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
[22:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +o PhoneSho
[23:06] * `Todd ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
* Retrieving #Cobalt*Academy modes...

[23:07] <Levina> Levina feels her noise crunch as her tail trips Ashylenne. She had gone for the typical shark weakness. Dazed slightly and confused, Levina still feels Ashylenne latched onto her wailing as her electricity goes haywire and she ends up shocking Jameson as well as Ashylenne. Eventually, Levina very bloodied starts glowing as she tries to push Ashley of with her hands. People should noticed...
[23:07] <Levina> ...that there probably nonfunctional electrically device where turning on and getting very hot.

[23:12] <Holtzmann> "Okay, that's enough!" Felipe dashed his way through the whole mess and quickly pulled Ashlynne away from Levina. "Are you fuckin' insane?!" He shouted at the electrical disaster in front of him. "Couldn't ya just let it fuckin' GO for once?!" Bracing himself for -quite- a lot of pain, he leaned down to drag the most likely struggling shark girl out of the cafeteria. Was he going to get shocked to hell and
[23:12] <Holtzmann> back? Most likely, YES!

[23:12] <Levina> Redo: Levina gets knocked back to some chairs as the electrically surge she build up hits Ashylenne and anyone who was touching her at that particular moment. Dazed and confused, she pauses for a minute shackes her head and gets up putting up her fishts.
[23:12] <Levina> ^fists

[23:13] * Murua ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[23:13] * Trish ( Quit (Quit: They're coming! We must act, before mother shaves us!)

[23:15] * Judas_Kincaid was watching for Levina's electric manipulation and, while not able to save the people on her, did keep ipods laptops and usb drives in the vacinity from dying. Also keeping the arc damage to a low low minimum. You're welcome Pablo!

[23:17] * Ashlynne threw one punch before Levina's knocked backwards and into the chairs, so when her electric current shocked anyone touching her the glowing girl was not shocked (as there was no contact if Levina had been knocked back). Ashlynne is pulled out of the way by Felipe, eyes widening as she watches him then go to help the shark girl? She looks confused, and betrayed. She's only three
[23:17] * Ashlynne months old and one day, she'd never been in this situation before and watching her boyfriend go to the assistance of the problem-causing chumgirl only made everything worse. Tears start up again.

[23:17] * Holtzmann ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:18] * Angel`Pearson just sortuv took up a post outside the cafe to warn off anyone trying to enter.

[23:18] * Ashlynne stands next to Jamie, not knowing what to do other than rub her sore fist and mumble, "Fucking bitch."

[23:19] * Holtzmann ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

[23:20] <Joe`Jager> "Y'all want to keep this up, I can call security," said Joe in a raised voice, loud enough to carry over the combat. He held a radio close to his face, but kept his thumb wide from the "talk" key. And he hoped he might be heard. "Think hard.," he added. "Or maybe y'all want to settle things amicably instead of getting locked up?" And here his voice was almost a shout, and it was certainly
[23:20] <Joe`Jager> a plea.

[23:21] <vile> James at least tried to pull Ashley off! But fails, thanks to Felipe finally stepping in. The techie rolls away from the group, escaping with a mild shock. He trembles just as hard as Ashley does, staring down at Levina. "The frack was that about, Ashley?! What got in to you!" he exclaims and stares at his daughter, a shocked look on his face. "Come on. It's time to go home before anyone gets hauled off by security." he glances at Joe and nods, "Let's all go home. You got a movie to watch, I got to get working on some stuff and I'm sure everyone else got something better to do than chill out in the temporary guard shack, whereverthefrack it is."

[23:21] * Judas_Kincaid hummed and vibrated under that table... his hands out-stretched towards Levin as... well... nothing other then his eyes glowing seemed to happen. "Huh! Is it over?"

[23:27] <Joe`Jager> "I'm not assing around. Y'all knock it off, or it's security," Joe drawled from his table, his tone matter of fact, flat. "We've got problems enough as is. You really want to do this?" He could've been more lecturous, but wasn't; he knew it woulnd't have done any good. "Go home, sleep it off, and think about who your real enemies are." A little dramatic, perhaps, but it hit the mark--or
[23:27] <Joe`Jager> at least he heoped it did.
[23:29] <Joe`Jager> -e

[23:30] <Levina> Felts someone strong behind her an immediately kicked or rather swipped to the groin. While palming her hand upward toward his chin. This allowed to break free from his graps. Only then did she realize who she had hit and winced again slightly. She backed on in a defensive position. While her body started to glow emitting a Hall Field defensively. The Hall field met Judas weakening...
[23:30] <Levina> ...field as reacted to it as if becoming more constant and the random Brown part reverberated. Hearing Joe the first time Levina pointed again to what she had written before. Afterall, the shark girl's reaction was mostly defensive. If Ashley continued she was going to have to resort to more desperate measures. Levina was thankful that James had step in and nodded them thanks.

[23:31] * `Todd ( Quit (Quit: -a-)

[23:31] * Ashlynne looks at her father, her angry glow fading almost instantly in the 'hoshit I'm in trouble' realization. Her eyes widen as she points over at the shark-girl. "Daddy she won't leave him ALONE! She just keeps at him, over and over and he told her no already, every single time he tells her no and now there was a GIFT on his door! I'm gonna come home and find my damn pet in a
[23:31] * Ashlynne boiling pot of water and that bitch going all Fatal Attraction on us!" And a 'fatal attraction' scenario with a land-shark involved was just damn scary. She does, however, lower her voice, looking over at Joe. She doesn't know him but she certainly saw him talking to Professor Montini. Looking back at her father the tears continued to slip over her cheeks, "She needs to leave him
[23:31] * Ashlynne the hell alone and if SAYING "no" isn't enough I'll damn well SHOW her that she's not a part of this relationship."

[23:35] * Judas_Kincaid just shuts the entire field down as it was within his range and ability to do so. "Fish girl, please stop... or one of us will get hurt... or sent to lock up. And I dare say, stopping you from frying things is -not- fighting."

[23:36] <Holtzmann> Felipe stepped aside and dodged the kick. Seriously, she was going to try to brawl with him? "Just call security already!" He shouted to Joe. "We're gonna need an SND here! NOW!" And then he turned to Levina, letting her go as she tried to break free. "Okay, last chance, fishsticks!" He nearly growled at the shark girl. "Stop usin' your powers. NOW! And no one gets hurt. Keep tryin' to shock' people, and I
[23:36] <Holtzmann> gonna make good my promise to check whether your teeth grow again! Yeah, I KNOW you were sorry! TWO FUCKIN' MONTHS AGO!" His voice reverberated through the cafeteria. "Why didn't you leave me ALONE when I asked you to? You fuckin' KNOW I have a girlfriend!"

[23:38] <vile> "Woah, woah. It's okay, Ashley. Next time just call security. That's what they're there for, baby. And if anything else happens, there's the Dean as well." aah, typical father. He seems to have forgotten that his precious little girl just tried to make the fishgirl chow down on a knuckle sandwich. "I think she learned her lesson, babygirl. Let's just go on a walk, okay? Outside, get some fresh air? Away from the stressful situation? We can go talk about this somewhere else, if you wanna. It could just be a misunderstatement." he reaches out for Ashley's hand, "Let's get outta here before security shows up? I think it's a real good idea to just leave. Like, now."

[23:41] * Lily ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

[23:42] * Levina didn't give shit about the SND when Ashlynne need one as well. She wasn't lowering till she knew Ashlynne wasn't going to attack her anymore. She was pretty sure that another mutant using power on other mutant first allowed for them to defend themselves. Levina of course had left her pad in the dark so she could really respond. She looked at Felip with watery eyes. Nothing was going...
[23:42] * Levina ...right today. Thus she waited for Ashlynne to make the next move.

[23:42] <Joe`Jager> "Look, miss," said Joe from his table, grey eyes steady on Ashlynne's. "I don't know this problem, but everyone needs to take a step back and be cool, be cool..." And then as Felipe stepped in and shouted, he raised his hands, as if in surrender. "Whoa," he said. "Whoa, look, let's just everyone be cool." He shifted his gaze to meet Felipe's and held it. "Be cool. Let's leave this to
[23:42] <Joe`Jager> the admin, alright? This with both of his hands in the air. "There's a process, right? Everyone be easy."

[23:45] * Judas_Kincaid blinked at Joe... not too sure of what he was asking, and if it applied to him. So! He asked, to keep things clear. "Um... Sir? The Shark-lady is trying to build some sort of offensive electro-magnetic charge... Should I stop 'preventing' that from building up to unhealthy levels?" He didn't want to spend time in any cell for trying to keep the property damage down.

[23:46] * Ashlynne looks over at Felipe as he begins to shout. He wasn't running to Levina's rescue like she'd originally thought. She looks relieved as she blinks down at her father. She shakes her head, "I'll go outside, daddy, but I'm staying here till security comes." She nods to Joe, "You're right.. yeah.. but I'm not sorry." Honeygolden eyes narrow at Levina before she heads out
[23:46] * Ashlynne of the cafeteria, waiting for her father to catch up with her. "Daddy, I did this and I'm gonna own up to it, but I'm not sorry in the least. Bitch won't listen, fine, I'll show her the hard way."

[23:47] * Angel`Pearson zipped over to Ashlynne as she stepped out of the cafe "Heyareyouokay?!"

[23:49] <Levina> As Ashlynne left Levina, calmed down lowering her field and glowing less. She in the meantime searched around for her pad trying to find it.

[23:49] <vile> Jameson stays at Ashley's side, "You don't gotta be sorry. I'm not sorry I tried to rearrange some cunt's face when she talked about hurting your aunt." he reaches out for her hand again, wanting to hold it. "It's okay. Wanting to own up to it is very good. I want you to be a person like that. I just didn't want you to do something worse. You'll probably just get fussed on and some detention at worst." he grins at Angel, "Everything's fine." and back to Ashley, "Lemme see your fist. Are you bleeding? Come on, I just wanna make sure you're okay, baby. You can tell the security people how she makes you feel and they might do something about that. Just don't worry, it's gonna be just fine."

[23:50] <Holtzmann> Suddenly, Felipe was perfectly calm again. He looked at Joe. "Security, please?" Then at Levina. "Sit down. Calm down. No one is gonna throw anythin' at anyone anymore. Nor punch anyone, unless they want -me- to punch 'em back." He pointed at random passerby #35. "You, toss me that notepad." He caught the notepad mid air and tossed it over to Levina, pulling a pen out of his pocket as well. "Now. You're gonn
[23:50] <Holtzmann> explain me exactly -why- did you think that cake was a good idea, with what... a month of delay? It makes you sound like a frikkin' stalker, d'ya know that?"

[23:50] * Lily blinks a few times just watching and listening to everything."Esh, and I thought my sisters were scary when they faught......and they are normal." She says and moves out from under the table and back into her chair.

[23:51] * Lukas` ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
[23:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Lukas`

[23:52] <Levina> Levina caught the pad, a blank one to write with. She started to scribble somethin down.

[23:52] <Joe`Jager> Re Joe's motivation: he wasn't security, but he was trying hard to keep perfectly good people (or so he thought them) from doing something stupid enough to get them thrown out of the academy. "You should report it to a member of the faculty and leave it to them," Joe said to Judas. "They're older--usually--and smarter than us, and this is their institution. If you've got a problem wwith
[23:52] <Joe`Jager> it, it's best to take it up with them." Then, to Felipe: "I think we're past the worst of it. I won't call security, but you're free to do so. Mind, if you do, you might get someone thrown out, and how useful is that?"

[23:53] <Holtzmann> "Try not to give us the collected works o' Shakespeare. This was a simple question, it should have a simple answer."

[23:54] * Merle ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

[23:55] * Judas_Kincaid arches a brow, then shrugs and stops doing what he's doing. Which is just as well as it seems that Levina isn't trying to manifest her power anymore. "Right then, Murua? How's about some fresh air then, eh?"

[23:56] * Ashlynne forces a smile to Angel as he rushes over. She nods and wipes at her eyes with her barely glowing hand. "Yeah... we were supposed to watch hairy footed midgets fight over a ring or something but she left a gift on his door like a friggen scary assed psycho..." She looks at Jamie, then at her hand. Levina's nose had done some sort of crunching thing as she'd fallen backwards.
[23:56] * Ashlynne It was big enough, larger than the nose of a Druish Princess even! Maybe Ashy had broken it? She wasn't sure. "My hand hurts.. but .. it was worth it." She lets her father take her hand and hisses in a breath. She wasn't familiar with punching and had balled her fist up wrong, her middle finger now dislocated. Her eyes widen as she see's it and she doesn't know whether or not to
[23:56] * Ashlynne be scared or impressed.

[23:57] * Lily nods her head to what he says standing taking up her trash. She moves for a trashcan and then for the door."Sounds like a great idea." She says as she goes.

[23:57] * @PhoneSho ( Quit (Quit: bb!)

[23:57] <Levina> Levina finished the first page a ripped it off, "Well, I didn't want to you. However, when I appologized you said you hadn't forgiven me so I told you that I would at least make you something to say I am sorry for a month. It took me a while at least 2 months to learn to cook sweets! I promised the same thing for Sisip."
[23:59] <Levina> She quicklly gave him another note that said, "I was working on a different kind of cake chocolate for her. Did I do it for attraction. No! I said that at least 2 time in the past and at in charcoalled letters, offense, but honestly you don't really turn me on intellectually nor does Sisip. No matter how much I didn't want to do it, I never break a promise ever. Its an Irish thing--well...
[23:59] <Levina> least in my family it is."

[00:00] * Angel`Pearson blinked as he listened to them...Hair foot midgets wha..? Oh! Her hand? Ooooh she must have toootally slugged the shark girl! He nodded along as Ash spoke, wincing lightly as James took her hand and he saw the dislocated finger...All he could think to say was "..Ohwow."
[00:00] <Angel`Pearson> hairy^ ))

[00:00] * Judas_Kincaid bonelessly eases out from under the table, his hair doing the young einstein look as he headed towards the door. It's almost a happy shuffle step that he does as he walks. But it's swift, his stride, and he makes it to the door just in time to open it for Murua. "After you, lovely lady. My hasin't this been an interesting time?"

[00:01] <vile> "It's okay. I'm sure you're still gonna watch the creepy hairy midgets later and wind up making out on the couch halfway through, even if the movie is kind of anti-making-out." he chuckles and narrows his eyes at the finger. "This is gonna hurt." he announces before giving said finger a sharp tug. And from the looks of it, he expects a smack on the head to be his thanks. "You hit her wrong. Screwed up a finger. It's fine now, gonna be sore and swole for a while." there's a pause and he snickers, "I pulled your finger." the genius moron grins up at his daughter and opens his arms wide, inviting her to settle in his lap again. "That's my little badass. I'm so proud of you! Standing up fer yourself like that. Gimme a hug."

[00:01] <Joe`Jager> "Well, thank you the fuck all for being adult," said Joe, loud enough to be heard, as he watched the combatants go their serparate ways. He took his seat and turned his attention to his ignored burger and fries, and the idle chatter that filtered through his radio.

[00:02] * Lily chuckles and slips out the door as he opens it."Thanks. And yep it has. Never know whats going to happen on this campus." She says and grins a bit chuckling.

[00:04] <Holtzmann> Felipe read the note aloud, so the people around wouldn't need to look over his shoulder, then frowned. "Okay, Levina... lemme tell you somethin', then." He looked at the girl, then picked up the other note and read it as well. Goddamn it, that girl wrote fast. "Right. Okay. I'll tell ya this: I don't care. I don't forgive stuff 'till I can forget it, and thanks to you I just remembered this whole damn thing
[00:04] <Holtzmann> over again. So do me a -huge- favor and -don't- bring it up again. Ever. If you have something to tell me, just walk up to me and frikkin' give me whatever note you need to. But just let this frikkin' subject -go-." With a sigh that bordered on a frustrated growl, he turned around. Oh, he'd have a nice talk with Sisip about this later. But for now... he walked over to Ashlynne and Jameson. He wanted to say
[00:04] <Holtzmann> something, but words failed him. That had been so massively -ridiculous-, he couldn't even begin to process it.

[00:06] * Ashlynne 's glow fades to almost nothing as her father yanks on her finger to pop it back in place. She yelps loudly, like a little puppy, and like the little puppy her eyes go wide and she looks at her father with a mixture of confusion and pain. Why did he do that? It's almost pathetic. If this has taught Ashy anything it was to learn how to properly throw a punch... and never to offer
[00:06] * Ashlynne your hand to your dad when it hurts. Her lower lip wobbles again but this time no tears fell. She pulls her hand back and holds it against her, blinking at Jamie. "... ow ..." She eases up to him and hugs him with one arm, trying to keep her hand away from him incase he pulled on another one of her fingers. Looking over at Angel she's about to clear up the midgets and ring thing
[00:06] * Ashlynne when she looks up at Felipe. He looked angry. At her. "I.. I'm sorry... I..."

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