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News - Park Phenomenon - 1/31/12

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:48 pm
by Lanse
"... questions are still on the lips of many in Salem over events of the past few days, but it seems as though events have conspired to bring brand new questions to the forefront." While the main news was reported on local channels, radio stations and news apps on Smartphones all told a similar tale. "This is Chuck Ball reporting. Breaking news from several sources are reporting one of the strangest weather phenomenon- which is saying something. What began as a curious weather report earlier in the day turned into pandemonium in the park as at least two individuals drastically altered park conditions. While only minor injuries have been reported thus far, one section of Salem Park has been turned into an arid wasteland, while another section is defying the season by becoming completely overgrown. Curiously, over half the park remains untouched in the wake of these developments. META agents are in the process of setting up a perimeter, and our news chopper is moving into position now to get an eye on the situation. What do you have for us, Dave?"

The view switched to the familiar top down camera of a news chopper as it settled in above the park. From just a bare glimpse one could see at least one fourth of the park had been washed in flames, burnt husks of trees along with suddenly dry and cracked ground. Meanwhile, another fourth was absolutely teeming with plants, and even wildlife suddently coming out of hibernation. There were even visible evidence of plants and flowers clearly not found in the Salem area, even to novice eyes. The other half of the park remained normal in comparison. One could also see the META perimiter being developed, barricades set up to keep people out.

"As you can see, Chuck, the scene is very curious. Reports coming in from the ground say those that caused it gave park visitors a warning to leave, and given recent events most were quick to heed them. Details on the inviduals are slim so far, but reports are still rolling in." The camera cut back to the news room.

"Thanks, Dave. More on this story as it develops."

Re: News - Park Phenomenon - 1/31/12

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:28 pm
by Lanse
"Good Afternoon folks, Chuck Ball reporting this breaking update. Reports have been rolling in all day from the situation at Salem Park, and just recently META has given us clearance to release them. Satellite imaging of the scene has given us a clear picture of the individuals that have taken over Salem Park. While it appears that there are only three of them, they seem to be powerful mutants of some kind."

The screen cuts to footage of the park, first to the section washed in flames. In between the burned out husks of trees one can make out the form of a person ocassionally sending a wave of flame from his fingertips to burn a little more of the park. He seemed calm and collected, wearing simple clothing that was black fringed with red. His hair was a bright red streaked with black, and as the camera zoomed in one could see one eye was bright red in color, while the other was harder to see with such quick glances.

"Reports from META ages around the barricades also say that the temperature in this mutant's section of the park are at least 80 degrees, and there's barely a trace of humidity in the air. Moving on, one can see quite a different story in this section of the park..."

The images shift to the overgrown section of Salem Park, and the only thing seperating it from a rainforest were the type of trees and animals. Various plants grew wild and out of control, larger than normal. Rain clouds swirled directly overhead in odd, localized pattens. Through it all the cameras were able to pick up a figure gliding through the forest on occasion, although it was hard to get a clear picture. The image paused and zoomed in to show a figure that looked female, purple skin and hair streaked with yellow in places. Small plants bloomed along her arms and legs appeared to be covered in vines or roots.

"Animals in hibernation in this area of the park have all woken up to take advantage of the bountiful plant life and reportedly warm and pleasant, if rainy, conditions. And yet things take another turn in the third section of the park where Satellites have picked up a third individual."

Again the images change, though this one is not so drastic. The park seems relatively normal in comparison to the other two, and the camera zooms in a figure who appears to be sleeping against a tree in the middle. Rough grey clothing covers his form, and his bright orange hair is streaked with grey as he rests peacefully.

"Reports say that even animals in this section of the part that don't go into hibernation have all gone to sleep- that there is not a single sound coming from inside the park where this individual is resting. And yet, there is one fourth of the park completely untouched still, causing people to speculate if there isn't more to come, still. The mutants have yet to step forward and make any demands, but Salem Action News will be here to tell you first. This has been Chuck Ball, now back to your regular programming."

Re: News - Park Phenomenon - 1/31/12

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by Lanse
"Good Evening, Chuck Ball reporting breaking news from the Salem Park incident. Let's go live to Maria at the scene. Maria?"

"Thanks, Chuck. Surveillance shows the three mutants have gathered together in the untouched section of the Park to discuss something. They started talking about five minutes ago, and while they seem call, who knows what is going to happen next?"

The image on screen has shifted to a top down view from one of the news choppers, and one can clearly see the three mutants talking. Gathered together in the same spot, the vivid colors that make up each one become even more obvious by comparison. After a few more moments they nod to each other and part ways, the florakinetic retreating to her lush, life-filled section of the park while the sleepy one moves back to his spot to sleep again. However, the pyrokinetic strides through his section to approach the perimeter, stopping a safe distance away.

"It looks like one of them is coming forward at last to make some sort of demand. Things have been peaceful past the commandeering of the park, let's hope things don't turn sour now."

The red and black haired mutant eyed the META perimeter and cameras about, drawing in a deep breath as the air around him rippled in the heat.

"We are looking for our Sister. We will remain here, in this park, until she returns. It is not our desire to hurt anyone, but attempting to remove us with force will be met with force in kind. Again, we are simply here for our Sister." He gestured with a hand to the untouched section of the park. "We would have words with her in a place of our choosing, not of hers. "It is the first time Winter will be the last to arrive."

Message delivered, he turned and strode back deeper into the park, though still mostly visible given the burned out husks of trees around him. The camera cut back to Maria.

"There you have it folks. They're looking for a fourth mutant to join them. The sooner she shows up the better. This has been Maria Schumaker reporting."

Re: News - Park Phenomenon - 1/31/12

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:53 pm
by Lanse
"Good evening all, this is Chuck Ball reporting for Salem Action News. As you may well know, it has been a week since NETA began negotiations with the trio of mutants who have taken Salem Park and word has just reached that an agreement has been made. As you may know the mutants Summer, Spring, and Fall arrived about a month ago, and each tailored a section of the park to their particular namesake. They claimed to be looking for a fourth member- well known mutant and former Dean of the now defunct Cobalt Academy- Winter. When META was informed that Winter was on sabbatical and could not be contacted, they were able to initiate contact with the mutant Summer, and the result of those negotiations is about to be announced. We go live to the scene..."

The image cuts from Chuck to the untouched section of the park, where a META official in a suit stands next to the trio of mutants at a hastily put together news podium. Clearing his throat, he nods off to one side before beginning to speak.

"After talking with Summer, Spring, and Fall, it has become apparent that their invasion of the Park, while inconvenient, was never meant to alarm or cause any harm. They have been peaceful and cooperative in discussions with META, and have agreed to move to a place that is safer for them and less disruptive to Salem." The man stepped to one side, the red and black haired mutant stepping up to the microphones. His one red eye almost burned with intensity, the other one simply white with a black outline.

"I apologize on my siblings behalf for our boldness in commandeering your park. Before departing, my brother and sister will return things to as they were. There may be some minor differences, but..." He trailed off and nodded to the other two. The purple skinned woman wrapped in vines nodded in return and faced the park. Gesturing to the near-rainforest like section, the abornal trees rapidly shrank into nothing, along with any other non-native plants and flowers. Vines extended from her arms to gather up what appeared to be a number of seeds before she turned to the burned up section of the park. Concentrating, she forced the burned out husks of trees to repair themselves and grow until they reached the rough height they had been at. Stepping back, her vines curled about her arms again and she seemed tired. Turning to the orange and grey haired final member, she nodded. Fall gave a long sigh and stepped forward, raising a hand. The still lush trees leaves turned yellow, orange and red, leaves falling out in rapid succession to leave the park looking much like it's usual wintery state. Lowering his arm, his tired eyes looked towards Summer.

"There you have it. Now that your park is repaired, we will depart for what we have been informed is a safe haven for our kind. We bid you a good eve." Summer retreated from the podium along with his siblings towards a META SUV in the distance as the META representative stepped up to the microphone.

"The organization SAVIOR has agreed to pay for any fines levied against Summer, Spring, and Fall, and META is glad that this has reached a peaceful conclusion. Thank you."

The screen cut back to Chuck in the newsroom.

"A sentiment we can all agree on. This has been Chuck Ball- we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming."