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Seasons Rough Outlines

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:00 pm
by Lanse

Color Scheme: Red/Black


Fire Control

Summer can create fire in any shape he can imagine and also reshape existing fire as he sees fit. He can apply direct control over how fire spreads, despite the existence, or non-existences, of fuel sources other than oxygen. He can not telekinetically control fire and 'throw' it like traditional pyrokinetics, but he can send sweeping waves of fire along any nearby surface that may reach at least one story in height. His abilities fluctuate with the weather, making him more effective in hotter weather and less effective in the winter months.

Limited Weather Control

Using this power allows Summer to raise the temperature in the area around him by a fair amount, generally to about 100 degrees celsius. In theory he could push it further, but every degree above 100 makes the ability more tiring to maintain. Furthermore, with time and effort depending on the current season, he can alter the local weather into a clear, sunny, and warm day, with almost no humidity, creating a very dry, arid, desert like condition. The quickness with which this happens is relative to the seasons, happning in minutes during summer but it takes several hours to a day to manage in winter.

Boiling Blood

Summer is hot to the touch, and tends to wear durable clothing that can withstand the constant heat. Under his skin, his blood remains at exactly 100 degrees celsius at all times. If cut, his blood is capable of giving severe burns if it comes into contact with another person. It also makes him immune to any kind of disease or poison as the substances can not withstand the temperature. Summer does need to eat and drink, but for all intents his unique physiology makes sleeping near impossible, and as his internal functions have adapted to the heat it has granted him a super-human endurance and durability, made him relatively flame-proof, and some suspect he may live far longer than the average mutant.


Like any of his siblings, Summer's powers are dependent on the weather. Rainy days effect him, as does colder weather in general. The colder it is, the less active Summer is, although he hardly hibernates. His blood and temperament make him restless, and while he tries to appear calm and collected most of the time, he's been known to fly into fits of rage when provoked.


Color Scheme: Purple/Yellow


Plant Control

With her abilities, Spring has a vast amount of control over plant life. She can both rapidly age or deage plant matter, speeding growth or slowing it. Furthermore, by concentrating, she can create seeds of any plant she has come in contact with and make them grow. By fully applying her powers she can make plants grow to monstrous proportions and control the sway of their limbs. Weather conditions conducive to her state allow her to control a larger mass of plants at once, while when out of her element she can only control a few plants without becoming extremely tired.

Limited Weather Control

Spring's weather control allows her to normalize the temperature to a cool, spring day. She can also make an area extremely humid and summon rainstorms that range from a drizzle to a downpour. This ability is often dependent on current climates, and the less humid, or more hot/cold and area is the longer it takes for her to change the conditions.

Chlorophyllic Form

As a result of her mutation, internally Spring is far more plant than human. Her purple hair and skin absorb light to transform into chlorophyll, and she often tends to root in the ground to absorb water when stationary. The process only takes a few moments to engage in and disengage from. Spring is also far more active in the day than she is at night, although on particularly sunny days she'll usually have a store of energy to carry her through the night a little better. Spring has little need to eat, but often chooses to do it regardless, but a lack of water is just as devestating to her as it is to a normal person. She has the ability to reserve some water for desperate times if needed, but when her stores run out she will become weak rather rapidly.


A lack of sunlight or water sources is extremely debilitating to her over time. While a lack of sunlight is not likely to kill Spring, she will fall into a hibernative state until the light returns. Her stores of water for desperate times can last her for about four days before she becomes desperate. Spring is also not a fan of any kind of extreme temperature as both hot and cold are debilitating to her in different ways.


Color Scheme: Orange/Grey


Hibernation Control

Fall's main ability is to induce a hibernative state in just about anything living. More commonly this power is used to cause people and animals to become drowsy, or sleepy, and causes them to instinctively desire to return to their homes. Most people with a strong will can fight the effects. This ability is stronger the more comfortable someone is to begin with. While the weather may be a factor in the effectiveness of his ability, the weather has little effect on Fall himself.

Limited Weather Control

His particular form of weather control is simple compared to those of his siblings. He has the ability to create a cool, windy, fall day- the kind of day that is typically relaxing to the average person. Maintaining the weather condition will often cause animals to begin gathering foods and preparing to hibernate.

Hibernative State

Laconic is a key word to describe Fall. He acts when necessary, and his organs put in the minimal amount of effort to sustain him. As his body expends so little effort he is unnaturally long lived, aging at an incredibly slow rate compared to most.


While Fall is less effected by current weather conditions than any of his siblings, his hibernative state makes him extremely slow and apathetic. His only compensation is that his powers are always at their natural height, but especially strong willed individuals can usually overcome the effects of his powers if Fall is singled out.