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Rescue Mission Go! Uidry Finale 01/26/12

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:19 pm
by Sisip
<@Sisip> With the setup all .. well .. set up the injin moves over to Jack and kisses his cheek before she moves back to one of the tables and ... climbs up onto it? No, she isn't about to dance, she just wants to make sure that she can see everyone and they can see her.

<Holtzmann> Drumstickception.


<Brad> And then everyone quiets down, except for Nick's incessant cow-like chewing.

<Suzthulhu> Gina considers tossing some bills at Sisip. Kidding. When she sees the injin woman climb up onto the table, she stops pacing and turns, cocking her hips out to the side and paying attention.

<Vileficent> Nicholas returns shortly from his quick trip to the housing units with the ZORT gun he'd stolen from the alien previously. The heated jacket is gone, left at home, leaving him in the long sleeved shirt, jeans and shoes. No fancy pants on a mission. He settles down on the bench he'd been milling around on before and looks up at Sisip, waiting on her to talk.

* [Tremor] looks up as Sisip climbs up on the table. He zips up the duffle and stands there, hands in his pockets. He spots Nick walking back over with an alien weapon and ups a brow before turning his attenion back to the injin on the table.

<Brad> Tony stops and turns as well, glowing eyes locked on Sisip as she looks like she's prepared to give her Bill Pullman speech. Quentin crosses his massive arms over his chest, eyes narrowed, waiting for whatever is about to happen. He doesn't care what, so long as he gets to kill as many of the Uidry as he can. AND THAT IS A LOT.

<Holtzmann> Felipe shows up at the entrance, curious about the gathering. He's wearing extra beat-up looking clothes and is carrying something wrapped in cloth on a strap across his back.

<@Jeemothy> Jack folds his arms across his chest as Sisip climbs up onto the table. Jack's suit is very... ninja-like, a deep blue, nearly black tone with light ceramic plating along his forearms, shins, thighs, etc, with a hood, that is currently pulled back behind his neck. He's got an honest to goodness utility belt, and a holstered handgun at his side.

* Fuzed moves ina little as Sisip takes her platform, making sure he is close enough to listen. Eyes glance around at everyone gathered. Quite the group they had in order to take on the aliens..he hoped it was enough, and that he would be of some help

<Krys_Gallagher> She turned her attention to Sisip, taking a deep breath. It was game time.

<MarloCross> Marlo soon finds himself stiding out into the courtyard...and It seemed to be the best time for Sisip was standing on a table counting heads....

* AnE|Away is now known as AnE

* MarloCross ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Marlo)))

<@AnE> Speaking of heads, Seven's melted into view, half-lidded eyes glancing around thoughtfully. When had she appeared? When'd she get there? Was she some kind of mondo-invisible stalkermabob? Not really, no. But she was exceptionally good at not being noticed after all. Not being a team member, she lacked a team uniform, but did have the gear she used during 'work', matte black and skintight
<@AnE> with an amount of thick protective plating in important areas. In her left, gloved hand, she carried her new black bow, a silver '7' painted on one of its broader areas, a white blade with a handle wrapped in electrical tape strapped to her thigh. She'd give a totally unofficial salute to those present, white hair tied back into a ponytail and black bandana wrapped around her head.

* ShoFoodz is now known as Shannon

* MarloCross ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

* Edwin ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<@Sisip> The catsuited indian woman lets her dark eyes slide over the group as she purses her lips. Below her, on the tables, are bandoliers with cannisters in them, rebreathers, transmitters, com units, and a wide display of weaponry, quite a bit of it modified to be lethal, though the firearms are set off to the side for obvious 'handed out specially' reasons. "Alright everyone! Listen up!" The woman raises her voice over the group even if they fell silent. "There will be two teams. We need volunteers for retrieval and volunteers for storming the bridge and disabling it. Neither one will be easy. You will each get two bandoliers with a toxin designed to eat into the flesh of the Uidry, you will take one rebreather for your own use and three others to be attached to the bandoliers for the hostages. You will receive one comm unit and one transmitter that has a recon map in it obtained by Gina." She pauses a moment, "Now, hands up those who volunteer to disable the bridge as Team One."

<Brad> Quentin raises his hand SO HARD.

<Suzthulhu> Gina considers for a minute; storming the bridge meant the need for force, and she's pretty good at that. She raises her hand as well and nods. "Yep."

<Krys_Gallagher> Up went her hand. Electricity cut the aliens down and that she had in abundance.

<Vileficent> Nicholas glances around, eyes the weaponry on the table and eyes the people volunteering. Fuck he doesn't know. He leans forward some, figuring the team actually doing the fighting needs a medic but doesn't raise his hand to join that team. F yo action.

<MarloCross> Marlo looked around, confused. He wasn't sure what he was meant for. But, It obviously more violent. His hand went up. He wanted to break some one. But, there was a look of uncertanty in his face as he looked at Sisip. Is this the right place. Now that he was about to get his fight, he was unsure.

* [Tremor] thinks a moment on what team he could provide the most support. His first impulse was to join the bridge team, but seeing Quentin and others going for team one he thinks better of it. Any team with Quentin didn't need a demolitionist, they already -had- a wrecking ball. He keeps his hand down and waits.

* @Shannon she didn't like it, but her powers were needed for bridge storming, and with any luck the only trigger happy lunatic would be Quentin. She moved up to grab a bandolier and the other equipment. Kevin would be going to the hostages as he's none too good in a battle condition especialy in his suit - he wouldn't even have the ability to dazzle the aliens with scary colors. But breathing
* @Shannon was much preferred over anything else. Oh and in repsonse to earlier. "Thanks for the patch kit, Trem." The squidman could still talk in the suit! Special add-on.

<Ahriman> Fergus finally wanders in, dressed to the nines in his suit. The suit itself was the same as everyone else's; what set it apart was his brand new tactical backpack. All the extra ammo pockets he needed were on the padded shoulder straps, with a few extra pouches on the waist straps. The zippers were moved for easier reach and access, and had a hard shell to protect his back from unseen
<Ahriman> aggressors. His hair was gathered and held back with a ribbon, his trusty knit cap also in place to keep his hair tamed. Goggles were set just over the cap on his forehead, ready to be moved into place. As he approached, he wedged an earpiece into place. "I miss anything yet?"

<@Jeemothy> Jack raises his hand for team one.

<Suzthulhu> Gina glances over at Fergus and smirks. "Yeah. If you want to storm the castle, raise your hand and let Sisip know. If you want to help on the rescue team, stand by. I think they could use some help for sure." Most of the heavy hitters had already volunteered to go bridge smashing.

<@Sisip> Sisip watches Marlo for a moment, surprised by his choice but not arguing. She trusted in people knowing where they wanted to be the most, "I can promise you, there will be no lack of aliens for anyone. Word has it we could face a force of thousands. Team One will head to the bridge, Team Two will be in charge of saving our people. The bridge? We know where that is, it will be indicated on your equipment. Team two? You get to run around and find our folks, then get them to where they have the eggs. Each egg should hold one person a piece. Give them a rebreather, shove them in the egg and hope to god there's an exit. If not? Make sure everyone is in one and then cut your way out."

<Holtzmann> Metalhead briefly considers volunteering for Team One, for the sake of generating massive amounts of alien carnage... but he's made a promise he'll be damned if he doesn't keep it. Gotta rescue some folks, and there'd probably be still quite a lot of resistance in the way, so it's Team Two for this high-explosive big boy. His hand goes up, then moves to tie the black bandanna around his head. Alien guts would be hell to get off his h

<Vileficent> Nick nods and quietly sighs. His shoulders fall and he massages his temples, waiting to be told to collect his items and get ready for transport.

<Brad> “Team two here.” Tony raises his hand, albeit it a little hesitantly. He looks over to Gina for a moment, maybe for validation, or reassurance, he doesn’t really know. Then he looks back at Sisip. Honestly, he looks scared, but determined all the same.

* Ahriman ( Quit

<Fuzed> "I'll go on the rescue team as well Sisip!" he may be a full arsenel of hand to hand weapons, but with lack of carnage experiance he decided to be back up for those doing the rescuing.

* [Tremor] raises his hand for team two. He was fast and could cut through walls in a pinch. That and he promised Ash he'd help everyone get back. He aimed to make it true. "Team two Sisip." is all he says.

<Edwin> Eddie was likewise volunteering for the search and rescue mission, since he thought his skills were better suited to that sort of mission than storming the bridge by force. He didn't really have the skillset to cause destruction on a large scale, so he left disabling the shipfish's controls to the better qualified. Plus, in his spider form, his sense of smell was far more sensitive, and
<Edwin> he might be able to sniff out some of the captives.

<MarloCross> Marlo then raised his hand, looking ashamed," Is uh...It too late to switch?" Killing aliens rather than saving his girlfriend? That was NOT Cool. Marlo looked at Sisip," If Team two needs the brawn i'll switch."

<@AnE> Seven nodded, holding up a hand with two fingers, "Right. Two." Make an exit, hm? She looked around, then tapped her chin, that almost Grinch-like smile spreading across her face. That was something that she could help with, actually. Anywho, her expression went neutral, bow hoisted up and balanced on her shoulder, the other hand resting against her hip.

<Suzthulhu> Standing next to Tony, Gina reaches for his hand and gives it a squeeze. "Bring them home safe, babe. You'll be great in there. Just remember..." She stands up on her tiptoes and gives him a peck on the cheek, "You guys are a team, so rely on each other." She then steps over to the table to pick up a bandolier, strapping it on over her vest and adjusting it to make sure she can
<Suzthulhu> still reach all her pockets and move around freely. The vest looks like the Kevlar sort that SWAT teams use, with several pockets. She grabs a rebreather as well, for herself, and an extra one just in case.

<Brad> Tony heads to the table and picks up his bandoliers. Honestly, he's hoping not to have to use them. He picks up his rebreather and places it over his mouth, and straps the extras to his suit. "Well, that's about as prepared as I can get." He looks around, and clears his through. "So... they've got a pretty nice place up there? Let's go wreck it." He grins at everyone assembled.

<MarloCross> Marlo moved to his equipment, putting on the rebreather on and getting the rest ready on the bandolier. As he did so, he muttered to himself," I am a Storm. I rage on and on Untill the imbalance that created me is gone. And Then I will rest untill the next one comes to remind me that I am a Storm, I rage on and on...." It was his Mantra. The Crippler Words were spoken as he
<MarloCross> fastened the old helmet to his face. JJ hadn't finished the new one yet.

* Fuzed walks over to the table and pulls off his hoodie, an under armor tank (black or course) under it. He needed his hands to be free of anything that could catch on his blades. Picking up and putting on his gear and strapped it on then looks around waiting for what was going to happen next.

<@Shannon> He was busy being abducted

<Brad> "Ooooookay." Tony says, backing the hell away from Marlo.

* Revenant ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

* Edwin ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Revenant)))

* Revenant is now known as Edwin

* Brad is now known as Crusader

<Ph`Ahriman> "Team two," Fergus chimed in. He had no idea how soon they'd be leaving, so to be safe, he retrieved his weaponry now. One modified paintball pistol, loaded with pepper powder-filled markers, and one .40 caliber S&W pistol. And now he plays the waiting game.

* Vileficent is now known as Nicholas`

* Suzthulhu is now known as Gina_Stone

* AnE is now known as Seven

* Jeemothy is now known as JacksonFive

* Holtzmann is now known as Metalhead

* [Tremor] walks over to the table and grabs a bandolier, looking at it over real quick before strapping it on and getting the rebreathers and other gear to add to his duffle bag. He hefts the thing onto his shoulder and looks up at Sisip.

* JacksonFive is now known as Jack

* Jack is now known as Jackson

<Ph`Ahriman> "Er... one," he corrected.

<@Sisip> People are handed the appropriate amount of items and the injin gives a bit of a nod, "This is not going to be easy. This is not going to be fun. It's going to be a lot of fighting in hallways. Fast, frantic and furious, against a species that thinks in unison. Fergus? You've got full permission for any weaponry you need. We have a green light for lethal conduct. We want one. ONE single Uidry returned alive. I don't care how you do this, if we need to heal him when he gets here we will do that."

<MarloCross> Crippler stops talking and reaches tohis pocket, pulling Pi out. " You. Stay attached to my collar. Stay behind me and you'll be fine. Understand?" His voice was cold.

* Simarilius`Grey ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Ph`Ahriman> Fergus cursed under his breath. A greenlight for heavier weapons, and he was entirely unprepared. "I have time to snag a rifle and some rounds?" He had to at least check. Now he felt like he'd be underdressed without it.

<Gina_Stone> "Marlo... are you charged?" She finishes adjusting everything and pulls her goggles down, glancing over at Marlo with a raised eyebrow.

<Crusader> "Then keep the one you wish to remain standing away from me." Quentin says, rather bluntly.

* Spectrum ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Metalhead> Felipe puts on the bandolier and other necessary gear, declining to wear any extra equipment. With his detonations being so short-ranged, too much armored bulk would hamper his effectiveness. He cracks his gloved knuckles. "Alright, kill 'em all but one. Sounds just fine to me."

<Nicholas`> Nick gets his equipment on and ready to go, the alien ZORT gun held at his side. His rebreather isn't put on, of course, but carried along with him as a spare for someone who might need it, or for another rescued person. He quietly waits around for further orders like a good peon.

<MarloCross> He looked asside to Gina and shook his head," No. I want to go in full for this. As Much as you and Sisip can pile into me, I'll hold. I'm not holding back." Black eyes shown serious through the helmet, as he stood holding Pi In his hand.

<@Sisip> Once all the transmitters are handed out Sisip holds up what looks to be a remote. "I will not be going with you. You will be expected to work as a team. Quentin, again, anyone on our side is not to be hurt. ONLY aliens and the ship." Her voice gets hard as she stares at the ghost. "Once you are up there I will not be able to hear you, our coms are not strong enough for this distance. You will be on your own." She doesn't want to scare anyone but she certainly won't lie to them. "Once you are back down on the ground you will all report to medical. They you will spend the night in decontamination and healed if you are hurt. This is non negotiable."

<@Jackson> Jack actually pats Nick's shoulder, "Good luck, Nick," said quietly as he makes his way over to Sisip, leaning in to kiss her forehead gently - when she isn't talking - before he moves to be with Team Uno.
<@Jackson> Seven also gets a forehead kiss because her last name's Sterling mothafucka.

<Krys_Gallagher> It was time. She fit her goggles into place, adjusting the bandolier across her chest, ensuring it was secure. No turning back now. Tremors gift of teh car battery was at her feet and she bent down to lift it up, fitting it into a backpack then slipping that on. Left her both hands free and she could get it out when needed. AT least it wasn't from Gains' car. "Alright. Lets get
<Krys_Gallagher> this done." She glanced to Quentin and that huuuuuuuge sword, knowing they'd all have to be carefula round the knight once he started his "cleansing."

* [Tremor] smirks as he half listens. They had run the simulation a few times by now. A basic map had been drawn up based on Gina's notes and Seven and Nick's descriptions. It was one of the more vauge maps he had ever seen, but he had an idea of where some likely holding areas might be. Tremor glances around to watch the others prepare in their own way. Then Sisip mentions decontamination
* [Tremor] and he sighs, "Aw damn."

<Edwin> Well, he wouldn't be able to go full spider and keep the rebreather on, so it was hybrid mode for him. He takes the equipment and slings a bandolier on, and then straps a rebreather on over his lower face. He steps back away from the others to give himself room to transform, and stretches his arms out wide. Skin stretches and bulges at his sides until a second pair of hands force themselves
<Edwin> out, and grab hold of his existing arms and get leverage to pull themselves all the way out. A pair of black, furry spider limbs tipped with a pair of curved claws burst from his shoulderblades, then fold over his shoulders and grab his belt so it looked like he was wearing some sort of weird looking harnass. The skin at his temples and across his forehead blisters, then splits to reveal
<Edwin> six round, black arachnid eyes. He became a good six or eight inches taller, as his entire frame seemed to elongate, and his limbs became disporportionately long. He rejoins team two, folding both sets of arms across his chest while he waits to be beamed up.

<Gina_Stone> She half grins and gives her head a twist. "Alright. You asked for it." She pulls Marlo aside, away from the crowd, and then backs up a step or two. Balling her hands into fists, she lets him have it in a total HADOUKEN move, double fist to the chest, fully powered with her second self. On a normal body, it would be enough to break ribs and knock someone on their ass, but Marlo can
<Gina_Stone> take it. She turns her attention to Sisip immediately after, since she'd started speaking again.

<Crusader> "Again, I am not responsible for their idiocy." The templar growls, voice echoing around those present. He cuts a glance to the other members of this 'team one' as if to accentuate the point.

<Nicholas`> A warm smile is flashed at Jack. The pat actually does some good, helping the zombie relax a bit. "Same to you, man. I'll have to get someone else to watch my back." He manages a weak laugh and stands, free hand ducking into a pocket of his jeans. He quietly sighs and heads towards the group, coming to a stop next to the others in team two.

<Metalhead> "Eddie, remind me to tell you just how badass that form looks when we get back."

* Fuzed looks at Quentin..gulps a bit. He was REALLY glad he was on the other team now. Figuring it was better to go in already shifted he places a finger from each hand on the platinum ring hanging from his neck, and with a creepy fluidity his arms shift to a living version of the matter, from finger tips to just above the elbow. He looks to see if team two is gather in one place and
* Fuzed would move to stand near them

<@Seven> Seven went about fastening a communicator and so on and so forth, slinging on the bandolier and grabbing the rebreather. "Got it." Before splitting up into their respective teams, she'd shuffle over to give Jack a sisterly fistbump of justice following the forehead kiss (FUCK YEAH STERLING), check her arrows, and tighten her bandana. Sisip was going to be down below? How big was
<@Seven> the distance? Oh, right, space. She looked over at Eddie, did a doubletake, derped, then nodded. Watching backs. That's what she'd be doing.

* [Tremor] looks to Eddie and smirks, "Good thing they didn't give you a space suit eh?"

<MarloCross> THe Sweet kiss of Kinetic energy filled him. It was electric. He could feel his cells trembling as they held what could be a fireless explosion in his body. He couldn't help but take a deep sigh in. He could take more, or atleast he thought. He waited for Sisip to finish, hoping to get a hurricane inside him. While he waited, He headed over to Eddie, and tapped him on the shoulder.

<Spectrum> Tony takes this moment of calm to step over to Gina and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "See you on the other side, babe." He grins, and winks at her, then steps away to readjust his bandoliers of toxic gas, or whatever the hell these things are. This is not what Tony came to Salem for, but fuckedupedness is the mother of all heroism, or so someone probably never said.

* Simarilius`Grey ( Quit

* Simarilius`Grey ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

* Simarilius`Grey ( Quit (Client Quit)

* @Shannon She was ready for this, the blue and black armor was freshly cleaned, inspected, taken apart and put back together, everything. Hand blasters were at slightly below power she used for concussive fights, hopefully it would strike the Uidry down but not make them explode in a puff of goo. Bandeliers were worn, rebreathers attached, com too. She was late in deciding she would do this
* @Shannon but she knew what they were up against. She was with Team One. Kevin, another lucky one who wouldn't need a personal rebreather - since well his wetsuit was one giant breathing aparatus. He too geared up, and headed for Team Two, his powerset better for rescue than for massive combat. Especially considering that the suit that enabled him to safely breath up there inhibited him from using
* @Shannon any other powers.

<@Sisip> Sisip, serious as anyone has ever seen her, looks at the group. "God speed, people. Come home to us." There's not much she can say. Everyone was outfitted with the toxin, transmitters, weapons, a map and rebreathers. It was all she could do for them. "Transport in ... 5... 4... 3... 2.... 1..." She presses the button, her eyes on Jack all the while. It takes a moment or so before almost at once people disappear from the courtyard and appear .... elsewhere. | The air is disgustingly humid as the group appears in a the 'belly of the beast'. The room is wide and spacious, big enough for quite a grouping of bodies! Perhaps it's the walls themselves but there is a definate light, always nice not to be plunged into darkness. A large machine off to the side beeps and dings quietly, the room lit by some unseen source. There are three Uidry at the controls, burbling to each other before one of them looks over at the group then away again. An almost comical double take is given as it realizes that what they had just beamed on board was not, in fact, their brothers but rather ... potential slaves! --- FROM HERE ON OUT PLEASE RESPOND IN YOUR TEAM ROOMS ----

Re: Rescue Mission Go! Uidry Finale 01/26/12

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:43 pm
by Sisip

<+Crusader> It's an odd sensation for the Templar, being teleported. He doesn't truly have a physical form, yet he takes up physical space, and is affected by the physics of the normal plane. It's like being and not being at the same time. These philosophical questions are best left to the philosophers, though. As they appear in that control room, his fiery eyes narrow at the Uidry present, and he
<+Crusader> reaches for the hilt of that blade on his back. He unsheathes it, and holds it in front of him. These creatures are probably already feeling the ethereal cold that emanates from his form. "Now then..." He says to them, these monsters, these cowards. "You came here to make war." He begins to step toward them, holding his blade at the ready. "Come and make war with me."

<+Krys_Gallagher> Last on was the rebreather. They'd need it up there and had best have it in place now. She took a few slow, deep breaths, letting her body adjust to breathing through the thing. She'd always hated gasmasks, found them stifling. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... God she hoped she'd make the return trip back to earth. With Quentin in front of them, because really, it was probably smart to stay behind
<+Krys_Gallagher> him and to teh side abit, she didn't have a clear shot at the Uidry. Let him slice them down, feel like he'd accomplished something.

<+Ph`Ahriman> Fergus put his breather in place just before the countdown ended, AnE goggles just after they arrived. Resituating returned weapons to hand, his right eye fading to red. He didn't have s speech readied like Quentin; his opening line was the sound of a pepper marker being fired at one of the Uidry.

<+Gina_Stone> The beam up is rather unsettling, but they manage to make it up without a hitch. Gina makes a quick scan of the room, decidedly not liking the sterile taste of rebreather air. "Alright, team one. Straight through first to get to the bridge. Mow them down." She doesn't need to consult the map; she's been here before. She warps around to Quentin's side, staying out of reach of that blade,
<+Gina_Stone> and grabs one of the Uidry at the controls dragging it away and fishing some zip ties out of her vest. "This one stays alive if we can help it. Best get that part out of the way. Leave him here so we know where to find him again."

<+Metalhead> Metalhead misses out on the fun of dealing with the three aliens, instead taking the time to crouch and reacquire his frame of reference. Teleportation is always a bit disorienting for someone with an extra sense to be overloaded by the sudden displacement.

<+Jackson> Jack is whipping across the room before Quentin can even finish his speech. From seemingly out of nowhere, Jack has drawn out a katana-like sword, abandoning his usual human-friendly metal staff for this mission. One of the Uidry is cut down in seconds - Jackson actually looks like a ninja now, with his hood pulled up.

* +Shannon potential slaves indeed, the nuclear girl reappeared in a horrible location of a room, but at least she needn't feel the humidity. She stood in a careful stance, hands at the ready to blast any Uidry that came close, she hated that hungry look it their eyes. Like they were a product to be bought and sold and nothing like they were thinking free individuals. Only three in here, they
* +Shannon would go down quickly. Visor closed for a moment as she made a silent prayer or it seemed that way... She would release a blast which would hopefully not make Uidry popcorn.

<@Sisip> The aliens had enough time to send some sort of warning, shouting coming from the hallways before one of the aliens is cut down by a hail of fire from both teams! Gina's alien is tied up, eyes bugging out as it squeals. The others fall easily before aliens begin to pour through the doors like fireants from a kicked nest. A dozen or so, squirming over each other to capture potential slaves! They would be mightily rewarded!

<+Crusader> "And in they scurry, like rats." He doesn't want to let these mutants have all the fun, and he charges toward the incoming swarm of Uidry, sword at the ready. He moves faster than he should be able to, given his immense size, but all of his movements are like the attacks of a jungle cat, coiled fury springing at those he targets. That flaming, ethereal sword carves an almost beautiful
<+Crusader> looking arc in the air as he swings at the oncoming horde, an inhuman, bestial growl emanating from behind that helmet as he takes his swing. It's a powerful attack, with all of his fury and rage behind it. He's waited too long for this reckoning, and he intends to make these creatures pay dearly for their crimes.

<+Metalhead> "Now THAT is more like it! C'mere, froggies!" Metalhead grins like a maniac and jumps into the back of the incoming crowd, roaring and charging up a pretty large blast in the process. With some luck the aliens in the hallway would be reduced to slightly radioactive salsa before they managed to find their way into the soon-to-be-very-crowded room.

<+Gina_Stone> She kicks the tied up Uidry into a corner... not hard enough to kill it, of course, but it
won't feel nice. It can just stay there, all tied up and junk. When the rest start flooding in, she looks up, teeth gritting. Here....we....go..... Silvery grey spectrails flash outward, drawing her body with them faster than an eye blink, bringing her into a flanking position behind and to the right
<+Gina_Stone> of Quentin. He's the main line, so to speak, and those that get past him in the flood, she starts in on them, grabbing one by its squishy head and giving it a sharp wrench to break its neck. She drops the body immediately and goes for another, fist barreling for its gross potbelly.

<+Krys_Gallagher> A nod to Gina. She didn't need to look at her map yet, having studied the layout day in and dayout since it had been handed out to them. Having moved to the side so she'd have a clear shot she didn't hold back, releasing a few quick bursts of electricity at the swarming Uidry. No way in hell was she going to end up some aliens slave girl, even if they did give her a Princess Leia outfit
<+Krys_Gallagher> . No. Frakkin. Way. Gina had snagged their prisoner already, no need for the rest to be treated gently. Zzttahpt!

<+Ph`Ahriman> Did the pepper rounds work as well on the shipfish as they had at the Sanctum? The only way to know was to keep using them. As with others, he kept back from Quentin, to avoid being cleared in twain. He also had to contend with the other teammates. To make this easier, a vein on one side of his head pulsed into prominence.

<+Jackson> Jack rips off one of the Uidry-eating poison cannisters and hurls it forward down the hallway that they'll be going down ahead of them, over the heads of alien menaces beginning to pile into the room. Spinning on the other side of Gina and Quentin, Jack cleaves an Uidry's head from its shoulders with his blade, pulling out his pistol in the same breath and dropping three rounds into another's
<+Jackson> chest. "Keep moving forward! Don't stop!"

* +Shannon more came! Shannon sighed. It was blasting time. She made sure to stay far FAR away from Quentin and his wrath. Yes, as though the wrath were an entirely other person. No, Quentin was more like an army of wrath... She glanced to Gina, she had one alive. They needed that. Blasting time. She'd shoot, more aiming to disable than kill, her powers were way more effective on these guys than
* +Shannon anyone else she triedthem on even on this low setting. She lloked to Jack, nodding and kept up the barrage - also keeping down any airborne radiation that got too high.

<@Sisip> Bodies seem to fall into nicely sliced pieces as Quentin cuts through them. Just as an opening shows itself it is closed up by more pulsing bodies. Gina's alien hits the wall hard and passes out cold. Gina is the first of her team to find out that the Uidry, are as frail as butterflies without their armor. It's almost an unfair fight. Unfortunately what they do not have in bulk they make up for in sheer numbers! Krys causes the aliens to bubble and pop, boiling internally like Gremlins doused in water. The pepper rounds continued to work, a highpitched alien scream tearing through the hallways. Then Jack does it! The canister hisses as it's thrown. It takes a moment but when it hits it's obvious. Their skin seems to decay almost instantly, whoever was hit by the mist. It's a disgusting display! Like on earth when Shannon zapped the aliens they bubbled in the same fashion as being electrocuted. The popping noises of flesh being boiled adding to the copious screams of Uidry. Unfortunately they just kept coming and coming.

<+Krys_Gallagher> "Quentin, push forward. We'll take care of any that get past you." she yelled, right hand reaching for the asp baton and giving it a swing so that the metal extended out. The backswing was brought across one of those Uidry who'd made it past the first line of offense, bashing into its skull.

<+Ph`Ahriman> Pepper rounds followed the canister, adding peppery pain to the necrosis of the toxin. There were no rules... in space. Fergus kept to the back of the ground as they pressed on, making sure they wouldn't be ambushed.

<+Gina_Stone> "Jesus tittyfucking CHRIST!" Wave on wave of the damn aliens keep coming, but Gina continues the press. She takes a cannister off her bandolier, activates it, and throws it down the hall as well, hoping to clear some out toward the back of the other bodies so they can continue to move forward.

<+Crusader> "Stay behind me!" The templar growls as he continues to charge through the hallway. He doesn't swing his sword this time, and instead simply barrels through the oncoming horde, knowing already that his aura of cold seems to be terrifying to them. He's like a linebacker now, plowing through the defense to allow the quarterback to make that pass and keep forging on toward the endzone. His
<+Crusader> massive bulk rushes forward like a freight train, sword held horizontally to slice through any Uidry unfortunate enough to be on a parallel with him.

<+Jackson> As Quentin barrels through the bulk of the Uidry like a goddamn freight train, Jack swings himself into the doorway of a side hallway. Grabbing four toxin cannisters, two in each hand, he softball swings the lot of them down the hallway, staggering them so that any Uidry heading their way from that direction are subjected to a long hall full of caustic poison.

* +Shannon she almost couldn't watch, this... this was too easy. It seemed wrong. Some popped, some dissolved, some fell to pieces. Lucky she was no longer capable of vomiting in a human sense. There was a ripple of a shudder coursing through her energy. Shannon stuck behind Quentin, letting him clear his path of doom, she fired off her low powered blasts left and right. Where were all these
* +Shannon Uidry coming from? There had to hundreds of them!

<+Metalhead> Felipe takes another side hallway, letting the Uidry have a taste of thermonuclear death within a nice pocket-sized package. Grenade-like explosions detonate from his hands as he tries to make his way through any aliens in his path, and he stays aware of the others' positions with his sixth sense. No point in rejoining the main hallway right in front of the templar's blade, right? Dude doesn't seem to be very big on looking where he hack
<+Metalhead> *where he hacks.

<@Sisip> Another crunch as the backswing of Krys landed in the soft, huge, skull of an alien while the teltale screaming can be heard as flesh was eaten from their flesh while pepperspray seemed to overhwelm their senses. Almost at once the group begins to retreat, climbing over each other to escape. As the flesh continues to eat away from their bodies they are slashed and shoved, some even being squished against the wall like a frog on asphalt. When Quentin comes in contact with them they frost up where touched, unable to move except to fall to the ground under the furious onslaught of the group.

<+Gina_Stone> "Quentin! Left when you hit the end of this passageway!" She shouts over the sounds of combat and exploding frogs, directing him toward the bridge. She stays behind him, the hallway being crowded enough as is, and finishes off any Uidry in their path that hadn't been completely killed by either blade or toxin. Is it because there's no need to let them suffer? Maybe. It's also so they'll stop
<+Gina_Stone> screaming for more backup.

<+Crusader> "COWARDS!" The knight howls as they start scurrying away. That blade is swung forward again in an arc as he charges through, slicing through any flesh it encounters like the literal hot knife through butter. "BREAK YOURSELVES AGAINST ME!" He continues to charge forward through the swing of his blade, barreling through any alien flesh in his path to clear a way for those that follow him.
<+Crusader> At Gina's word, he begins to veer left, nearing the end of the corridor. Anythign in front of him has to contend with several hundred pounds of ghostly terror charging towards it.

<+Jackson> "We're almost there!" Jack calls as he squints at one of the hologram maps of the Spacefeesh, before slicing an escape Uidry into pieces. "Hundred yards or so when you turn, Quentin!" he shouts, instead of using the communicators - figuring the ghost knight would prefer that. "Felipe, bring up the rear with me!"

<+Krys_Gallagher> Jackson had a good plan and she took the next side passage, lobbing two cannisters of toxin down the hall followed by a flashbang for good measure. Hopefully it would buy them time and lessen the chance of being snuck up on from behind. She followed behind Quentin, swallowing back the bile as he cleaved through the Uidry ranks. They were all covered with froggy innards, no getting past
<+Krys_Gallagher> that. Anytime an Uidry ducked past Quentin she let loose a shot of lightning, zapping it into oblivion, or swung that baton if they got too close for blowing up.

<+Ph`Ahriman> "I've got the rear," Fergus called over the comm. In an effort to not have to reload unslept markers just yet, he shot the other weapon a few times - a 16-round clip would let him put a good few of them down before having to switch again. At the moment, he focused his shots at the Uidry that had been frozen by Quentin's passing.

* +Shannon made sure to clean up after Metalhead... Very aware and caring of the state of her teammates, and though she was constantly generating her own power shooting did get tiring, absorbing the fall out of Ozzy, kept her alert. She was even floating again, seeking higher ground to shoot her hopefully concussive blasts at Uidry heads. She was a long range attacker in her powers... She could
* +Shannon handle hand-to-hand as well but this needed the heavy stuff. Blast blast! please don't pop.

<+Jackson> "Kevin, we're approaching the bridge. What's the status on the rescue?" Jack says over the comm.

<+Metalhead> "Say what?" Half-deaf from all the detonations, Metalhead glances at the map and quickly figures the idea out. "Alright, gotcha!" He bursts through the walls between him and the group, emerging near Jack with his gloves letting off smoke. "Lookin' good so far!" Lip-reading is such a highly useful skill.

* +Shannon answered his comm. "They're running for their lives and begging for mercy, in English even."
<+Shannon> kevin ^>>

<@Sisip> They were cowards! When facing flesh eating fumes and freezing giants, sharp swords, and all the other nasty abilities that were being sprung on them chances are you'd run also! The screams as one would fall and be trampled, or just a bit too slow and be sliced in two, popped, melted or beaten to death were certainly still there. As Felipe bursts through walls the ship seems to shudder, the walls oozing where broken. Where once there were literally hundreds of Aliens ready to meet their foes the only ones that could be seen now were those running away from the group. Nobody followed, nobody approached them, it was oddly quiet save for the screaming, of course.

<+Krys_Gallagher> "Should be able to reach the bridge unhindered now." she muttered, taking a quick count of how many cannisters she had left. SO long as the Uidry weren't activly attacking them she didn't see the need to toss any more down hallways. Hopefully Quentin wouldn't go chasing off after them.

<+Crusader> His charge slows to a trot, and then to a full halt. "WHERE ARE YOU?" He demands of the strange, flesh walls of their environment. It seems the creatures have gone to ground, and he is unable to find any more to kill. "FACE ME!" He screams, voice reverberating around and through everything near him. He clenches his fists around the hilt of that massive blade he carries, and looks
<+Crusader> much like a caged animal, trembling with fury, and ready to pounce on anything that should move in his line of sight.

<+Metalhead> "I'm gonna jinx it all and say it's bein' -way- too easy." Metalhead frowns as he keeps up with the others. The ship bleeding and shuddering catches his attention, but mostly as a nice curious bit of trivia as opposed to the sickening realization they're inside a living being he should be feeling. To be fair, he doesn't quite care anymore. "Bettin' ten bucks they'll be waitin' for us in the control room with a new toy we haven't seen yet
<+Metalhead> takes it up?"

<+Jackson> "Quentin, focus! You can murder more heathens when we take down the ship!" Jack hesitantly brings up the rear with Felipe and Fergus, keeping his pistol trained down any side hallways... and the group should be arriving at the bridge any second now.

<+Gina_Stone> Welp. Aliens running in fear, and the passageway in front of them to the bridge was clear, save for Quentin's bulk. "Please don't slice me in half..." Gina takes a deep breath and darts forward, warping under Quentin and beyond, taking herself ahead of him and hopefully out of reach of that blade, should his bloodlust be too high to stop himself.

<@Sisip> No answer came to Quentin's demanding call. Jack was right, the odd looking door, that somewhat resembled a sphincter, blocked the way, closed for now. Beyond that was most certainly the command and control.

<+Ph`Ahriman> Taking advantage of the lull, Fergus tops off his pepper markers, then checks the .40, making sure he wouldn't have to reload again soon.

<+Shannon> "Too quiet... I don't like this..." She landed on the ground once more, kept an arm out to fire... And yes, like Felipe had said - too easy. Shannon switched her vision along the different spectrums and looked around, head turning and spinning all the way. She eyed the hinged muscle wall. "Do we shoot that?..."
* +Shannon Kevin Com time. "Armed ones! We have armed Uidry here!"

<+Gina_Stone> "You want me to go look? I can..." She stands in front of that giant asshole and looks back, hesitantly. "Your call, Jack."

<+Krys_Gallagher> Surely they must have some sort of...shock troopers. Security. Something. Even if they're mainly slavers they have to have some way of keeping things secure and exerting their dominance." she didn't like this one bit and was with the rest, this felt too easy.

<+Crusader> The templar paces back and forth like a hungry cat. "They hide. They cower and shriek like pigs primed for slaughter." He's definitely not happy with this turn of events. "Send me. I will bring upon them a death they cannot even begin to comprehend."

<+Metalhead> "I can open that, no worries!" Felipe runs ahead and stops shortly before reaching the 'door'. "I don't think they'll be waitin' for us on the other side with a nice tray o' tea and biscuits! So, comin' in strong with the gas might be a good idea. All ready?" When given the signal, he'd demolish that door (and likely the wall it's growing out of) with extreme prejudice.

<+Jackson> "Let me check the other side, hold on Gina, Felipe," Jack says as he moves to the front of the group, phasing himself into that ghostly, wraith-like form just as Kevin comes over the comms, missing it. Jack pokes his head through the sphincter - which he can't believe he's doing oh fuck it feels so weird - and gets a look at the other side.

<@Sisip> As Jack phases through the internal asshole of the ship quite the sight greets him. Great writhing maggot like creatures seem to hang down from the ceiling, razor sharp teeth lining their open maws. Uidry are crouched behind great turret like machines that are sitting infront of what is obviously the control console for the shipfish. None of the aliens are talking, all just staring forward. Not quite sure what to make of the blue ghost face with red eyes one takes a test shot which can be heard through the other side of the tightened muscle. These weren't stun rounds. These were projectile weapons.

<+Crusader> "What do you see?" Quentin demands, itching for more death. He continues to pace back and forth like an animal desperate to kill. "Send me through! I will destroy them!" And likely he can, or at least act as a meat shield for the rest.

<+Jackson> Jack gulps and pops back to the other side of the... nnggh, the sphincter. "They're waiting for us. Huge ambush party. Gun... things, trained on the... door." He refuses to say sphincter, anus, or otherwise. "Might be a bit much to handle straight on."

<+Metalhead> This would be a decent occasion for a Fastball Special™ maneuver, and the thought crosses the Brazilian's mind. Felipe isn't exactly short, but Quentin is so big the proportions would still be right. Sadly, that'd require a level of teamwork he's not sure the ghostly templar would be able to grasp on such short notice. "So... how 'bout I break thru a wall instead? Someone comes with me, we get 'em from the side and keep 'em busy while
<+Metalhead> guy here hacks the door."

<+Krys_Gallagher> She listened to teh report with a grim look, shaking her head at what Jackson had to say. "If we could, say, punch a fistsized hole through the wall or door I could let loose a sustained blast." She slid off her backpack, unzipping it and patting teh car battery within. "Could hold it for longer than usual thanks to Tremor's, er, present. Maybe take out the gunners at least."

<+Ph`Ahriman> "Straight on is for Quentin," he nodded to the armored behemoth. "We have these." He fergus guns under his armpits, replacing them with a couple canisters of toxin.

<+Gina_Stone> Gina presses her lips together. "Well, we have a hell of a bullet shield... I say we let him cleave that door open, then Jack and I can toss some cannisters in there, since we can move faster. Everyone else can get back around the corner for their initial shots?" She nods at Krys as well. "If we can get a hole in the door, Fergus could also take them out, too, I think."

* Revenant ( has joined #TeamOne
* Edwin ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Revenant)))
* Revenant is now known as Edwin

<+Shannon> "I still have my canisters... we could try to smoke them, toss a few canisters in a fist sized hole, make them come out, panic... Easier than us charging in there. We're outnumbered..." She trailed off, gina had thought of the same thing. She trained an arm to the door thing...

<+Jackson> "Right then. Gina and I phase in, do our thing, you guys toss in some cannisters while we have them distracted..." Jack looks up at the big, ghostly knight. "And you get in there and you unload some Holy fuckin' Wrath on them. Nobody sabotages the main console until we know Team Two has our people. Ready? Go!" With that, Jack whips out a pair of cannisters and phases back through the anus!
<+Jackson> "Open up the door and let Gina do her thing!" RECTIFIED

<+Crusader> As soon as Jack makes with the ghost impression, Quentin charges towards that sphincter-door, sword at the ready. The blade comes down upon it, enough to slice through stone, metal, and whatever this fish is made of. He barrels forward along with it to tear his way through, and make himself as big a target as possible for the Uidry waiting beyond it. Let them use their toys on him, he will
<+Crusader> destroy them all the same.

<+Metalhead> "Whelp, small kaboom it is!" Felipe puts his hand to the door. Ew. "Alright, ladies. Fire away!" He blasts a much smaller hole than he had intended, merely giving the ship a severe case of internal hemorrhoids instead of blowing the sphincter clean open, then dashes out of the way.

<@Sisip> Alerted by the fact that Jack's blue face had popped through the closed door the Uidry wait, some probably peeing themselves .. very similar to frogs. Damn pissing frogs. As Jack finally returns through the door more Uidry begin to fire. Screw this blue ghost bastard! Bullets ping off Quentin's sword as it slices through. The ship shudders once more and jerks, obviously not fond of the indigestion it currently has going on.

<+Gina_Stone> As soon as that door is open and she has enough space to get through it, her ghostly spectrails surge forward, taking her under Quentin again (this guy has blue flaming balls...) and into the room. She doesn't pause, but goes straight for the back of the bridge, behind the UIdry. On her way through them, she drops two cannisters, one to her left, one to her right, next to the main gunners.

<+Crusader> Quentin plods forward, sword at the ready, and begins to taunt the Uidry as their weapons prove useless against something like him. "GOD is here, monsters." He cries out, moving slowly, drawing their attention to him and him alone (or so he hopes). "JUDGMENT is here." His steps are heavy on the flesh-floor of the ship, and he begins to lift his blade as he trudges closer, through
<+Crusader> the hail of fire coming from those turrets. "I AM HERE." He brings that sword up fully, and then uses his immense reach to try and bring it down on one of the gunners with incredible force.

<+Krys_Gallagher> She shrugged, then gave a nod. Alright, she could go with that plan. No emperor palpatine routine in here though, not With Gina and Jackson phasing inside they way they do. As teh door opened she flung a few arcing balls of devestation in ahead of Gina to clear a path for the woman, hopefully blowing up some Uidry along the way.

<+Ph`Ahriman> A pair of canisters precede Fergus. Returning guns to hand, the canisters are followed by a series of pepper rounds. Those, at least, dont need aiming, since they burst into analogous on impact. After that, though, he keeps as much of Quentin between him and the Uidry as possible.

<+Metalhead> "Boy, that guy is loud." Says the fellow with the explosi-fists. He brings up the rear again, going for the... well, whatever those things that are not Uidry are. Why? Because they look pretty cool, and he wants to see if they still look cool splattered all over the place!

<+Jackson> Jack drops his own pair of cannisters in the middle of the group, and drops into a near split... rephasing himself back to the material plane, and he begins unloading with his pistol and hacking some Uidry bits off with his sword as he rises.

<@Sisip> As the cannisters are dropped the Uidry scream. One of them whips around and slaps a button the the console and suddenly... there is air movement. On a screen behind everyone shows the outline of what must have been the fish.. it's mouth opening slowly. They were venting atmosphere! It was strange, perhaps they weren't peeing in fear... but there was liquid filling the hallways, the rooms. Pinkish in colour and quite slick. Weapons fire at Quentin, doing fairly little damage to the ghost man as Uidry begin to scream, not fast enough with their venting some of them begin to deterriorate. The two massive maggots hanging from the ceiling begin to snap at random team members, one heading for Krys, the other towards Felipe. Snap snap!

<+Gina_Stone> Gina catches sight of the Uidry smacking a button on its console and promptly grabs it by the back of the neck and yanks it away, throwing it hard against a wall. Scanning the console, she slams her hand down on the same button, hopefully to turn off the venting.

* +Shannon she was ready to blast Uidry, sticking behind the Crusader, the very tall and vengeful crusader. Sheaimed her blasts at the gunners and the base of their weapons. Disable either, but better to disable their guns. Then wait, what was that? The room shook and shiftged and something was coming? Pink liquid... She floted up several feet in the air, aim now shifted to the ceiling maggots!

<+Crusader> <Spectrum> "Uuuuuuh, guys?" Tony speaks through his comm unit. "Everything's getting all gooey."

<+Gina_Stone> "Working on it!" Comes Gina's voice back over the comms.

<+Krys_Gallagher> One razor toothed creepy heading her way. Crap. Krys let off a spray of lightning upwards at the creature, attempting to dodge away from it, but whatever this pink stuff was filling up the room was slick and she slid, nearly losing her footiong and falling to her knees.

<+Jackson> "Working on it!" Jack says APPARENTLY IN SYNC WITH HIS COMPANION through the comm as he moves to stand beside Gina, blowing a hole in the head of an Uidry charging up behind her as she hammers on the button.

<+Ph`Ahriman> Giant maggot dentata? With a couple trigger pulls, the team would find out how these uglies like pepper markers. Then he took aim at the frogs by what were probably control panels. "Stop pushing buttons!" he grunted with frustration. A couple pistol rounds would make sure of that.

<+Metalhead> The young man laughs madly, detonating a blast under his feet to meet the maggot halfway there. "Let's dance, bitch!" Let the others bother with the command consoles and the frog people, he's got bigger fish to fry. Hopefully the thing will try to swallow him whole, he'd just -love- pull an Agent K on that sucker. Suicidal? Why, YES!

<+Crusader> There's a horrible sound from the templar now, a grating, nightmarish rumbling. It's hard to pin down at first, but then it becomes evident. Laughter. Quentin is laughing as he brings that sword down upon one of the turrets, cleaving the Uidry manning it in two. He wrenches his blade free, and then begins another swing towards the other turret, intent on introducing the alien to its maker
<+Crusader> on a first name basis.

<+Jackson> The Uidry says a prayer to The Great and Mighty Feesh as he's mowed down.

<+Gina_Stone> Cthulhu.

<+Metalhead> (Also known as Arnold Feesh to his closest acquaintances.)

<@Sisip> Gina's hand slams down on the button moments after her Uidry is slammed into the wall with a crunch. It slinks down into the goop that seems to continue to rise. The ShipFish mouth seems to reverse! YAY! Closing it! Uidry swarm towards Gina, hissing loudly. They didn't seem at all concerned about the rising ... liquid. They did, however, seem concerned when the venting ceased and the toxin began to eat at their flesh once more! Some did a most strange thing.. they flung themselves down into the goop and began to roll. Stop, Drop and roll? Perhaps! The maggots jerk and writhe as they get shot, obviously not liking that one bit! As Krys roasts her maggot (Mmmm tastey and high in protien) it bubbles and it's ... head ... seems to explode, teeth flying outwards like shrapnel. Felipe's maggot isn't quite the size of a Bug, unfortunately for the metalhead. Razor sharp teeth meet with his shoulder, trying to saw at his flesh. When Quentin brings his sword down on the turret it explodes... loudly.. Once again shrapnel goes flying! The liquid, in the meantime, continues to rise, the button mashing having been ineffectual.

<+Metalhead> "Disappointing, but it works." Pain. Yaaaay, pain! He'd spend some time in the medical ward again! Hooray! Annoyed, Metalhead charges a powerful miniature thermonuclear explosion, the ground zero being his shoulder. Not coincidentally, the one being chewed on by the maggot. He's hoping enough teeth will stick to him that he'll be able to make a necklace out of them after it's all said and done!

<+Gina_Stone> Swarming she expected. Most things didn't take too well to a stranger playing with their buttons... "Whatever we're gonna do, we better do it fast!" She drops low as the Uidry start swarming at her, a confused look on her face as they start rolling on the floor. She grabs one by the arm and jerks ir down with her. "How do you turn this off?!? Tell me or I rip your arms off and leave you
<+Gina_Stone> to scream!"

* Ahriman ( has joined #TeamOne

<+Krys_Gallagher> "F#@%!!!" she swore, ducking down as teeth flew everywhere. She'd be pulling a few of those out of her skin later. But for now she had to concentrate through the pain. Felipe was getting mauled and she flung a sizzling arc at the maggot creature trying to eat him. The goo was rising, making it hard to walk. She looked upwards, seeking out any more maggots waiting to drop down on them,
<+Krys_Gallagher> and if she spotted any would send some voltage their way. "Whatever we're gonna do we better do it fast! Don't know if we can breathe through this...stuff."

* +Shannon blasted at the maggots, these she used lethal power and intent against. Had to protect, had to stop them from tearing off pieces of her teammates! She was continuing to hover higher and trying to take out the guns and maggots, the uidry manning the guns unfortunately she didn't have technopathy and couldn't control the filter levels of her suit with a thought, so the Uidry she was
* +Shannon aiming for after the maggots? They were going to go pop...

<+Crusader> "What fresh devilry is this?" The knight booms as he notices the liquid beginning to fill the chamber. He'd dispatched his foes, and now they confound him with tricks and sorcery. Of course, he doesn't need to breathe at all, so he has far less to worry about than his companions.

<Nicholas`> Over the coms! "Will the rebreathers function underwater?"

<+Gina_Stone> "Rather not take that chance, so hurry the fuck up!" So charming and classy.

<Edwin> Over the Comm: "Hostages located. Trying to figure out how to free them. And, yeah, I'm hanging from the ceiling. Keeping an eye out from up here."

<+Jackson> Jack hisses as one of the maggot teeth sliced through his arm, grabbing at it and squeezing for a moment. He thinks, and looks up to Shannon. "Shannon, Felipe... think you two could punch holes in the floor to drain out some fluid?"

<@Sisip> The liquid, up to mid thigh now, was still rising! Teeth do seem to pull out into Felipe's flesh, especially when the explosion occurs, dislodging the maggot and throwing Felipe off to the side. Head exploded and hanging in shreds the maggot hangs limp from the ceiling. The Uidry held by Gina does nothing but laugh, that uncomfortably wet gurgling phlegmy sound. Both maggots out of order and the turrets unmanned as the Uidry either fled or swam around quickly just trying to AVOID people in general, all that seemed left was the steadily rising water and the alien-language console. The liquid around Quentin, while fairly cold, did not seem to freeze.

<+Shannon> "I'll do my best!" She lowered herself slowly until she was planted on the ground and then would fire a fairly high powered blast downwards, a level she would NEVER use under any other circumstances. If it didn't work at least she poisoned their water supply! Hands and knees went next, Shannon pressed her palms against the floor and fed her power down, all nukey and burny. Blast the floor,
<+Shannon> burn it, melt it, make a hole!

<+Gina_Stone> "Fine. Fuck you then." Gina does a stunning example of her Quentin impression, grabbing an UIdry arm in each hand. With a roar of anger, she rips them right off its body and drops them in the goop. Spinning around, she goes back to the console. She'd studied it a little before, and she squints her eyes, trying to remember which things she'd seen the Uidry push before and what they did.

<+Krys_Gallagher> "Gina, just want me to overload the hell out of it?" she still had the battery and could discharge the energy into the console, frying it to hell. She was keeping one eye to the door, in case more Uidry showed up.

<+Metalhead> "Alright! Hold on to something!" Felipe wades towards the fish ship's mouth and grits his teeth before tapping into the comms: "Get ready folks, this ride might just get a bit bumpy!" And so he punches just above the waterline and detonates! The idea is to give the humongous creature a nice impromptu dental rearranging, hopefully blasting a hole through its mouth the water could drain through. Maybe even make it open its mouth, he could
<+Metalhead> some fresh air now they're on the run. Sure, the explosion is really close to the water... please don't backfire, please don't backfire...

<+Crusader> Quentin has nothing to add to this, so he simply stabs into one of the remaining living Uidry with his sword, wrenching the blade through its skull with a very satisfying *SPLORTCH* sound.
<+Crusader> <Spectrum> "Spectrum here, looking for our evac route."

<@Sisip> Gina's Uidry is torn asunder with a squeal. It may have gone out like a cheap christmas cracker but it didn't spill anything except for it's guts! As Shannon let loose her blast it melted through like a hot knife through butter. The ship jerked and twisted, liquid sloshing everywhere before.. it DID drain! Quickly, with enough force to pull someone unsuspecting from their feet. Multiple tears appeared from the people digging into the flesh to free up the liquid. Occasionally a frantic Uidry would be swept past and down into the hole. Where WAS the liquid going?

<+Gina_Stone> When the ship lurches, Gina feels her footing start to slide out from under her. She grabs the console in front of her and hangs on to keep from going right out that hole. Of course, she kicks and nudges a few UIdry that float past her towards it as well. "Jack, I remember these controls, but I'm not sure what they do..."

<+Metalhead> "Just where is all this stuff going...?" Felipe wonders aloud, looking down the hole after holding on for dear life for a while. Well, at least all that water had washed away most of the guts. He turns to Jack and Gina. "Anyway, how are we doin' in terms of, y'know... takin' control of this thing? Anything we can do to help the others?"

<+Krys_Gallagher> She'd been prepared for the liquid to drain, but not for the ship lurching. She slipped, splashing down into the gunk to her kees, and grabbed at one of the busted up turrets so she wouldn't get sucked away. Pulling back up to her feet she moved over to the console with Gina and Jack, looking it over. Maybe her experience as an ET would help? Probably not unless she had the thing open
<+Krys_Gallagher> and scematics in hand. Oh well! "I'd say we can just start pushing buttons but that would do more harm than good I think."

<+Crusader> "Do not look at me." He says to Felipe, voice reverberating around the lot of them. "I am here to kill."

* +Ph`Ahriman ( Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))

<Ahriman> Fergus was one of those unsuspecting people. Down he goes, with a splash and a rebreather-muffled 'oof!'

<+Shannon> "Gah!" Shannon cried, not realizing her blasts would basically be like poking a wet tissue, the forces knocked her over, but before she could tumble down a Shannon shaped hole, the radioactive mutant floated. "Ew ew ew..." Filters were dialed back to concussive levels and she would attmpt to knock out a few more Uidry. Ug, the people they needed most in this mission were the people that
<+Shannon> needed saving! They have horrible luck..

<+Jackson> Satisfied his bleeding wasn't too bad, he ignores his wound and stands in front of the console with Gina, glancing to the side as Felipe and Krys speak. "We can't do anything until Team Two finds the eggs to evacuate us." Staring at the console, he chews on his bottom lip, pulling his hood back as he thinks. "Hammering on buttons works in the movies..."

<@Sisip> As Metalhead looks down he see's ... blue. Apparently the fish had moved while they were in it, dropping down into what was almost a breathable atmosphere.... that was being showered with pink liquid! The water continues to pour from the holes into the wild blue yonder. The controls flashing invitingly to be played with, though Jack was probably wise with his musings.

* emily ( has joined #TeamOne

<+Metalhead> "This thing must have been retaining water like a boss..." He comments quietly, stepping away from the hole and looking at the hole they used to enter the room through. "I'll keep watch, just in case some more of those froggy bastards decide they're suicidal." Tapping into the comms, he transmits: "The situation seems to be under control up here. How are you folks doing in there?"

<MarloCross> Marlo "We're Pullin' folks out right now"

<+Crusader> You know, since Quentin isn't ALL bad, he reaches down and grabs Fergus by the arm to keep him from getting swept out to sea, so to speak.

<+Metalhead> So... instant frostbite?

<+Crusader> It'll be painful, but preferable to getting sucked out into the upper atmosphere.

<+Krys_Gallagher> She glanced downwards, eyes widening behind the goggles. "Crap, are we reentering the atmosphere?" This could be good or bad, depending. Was the ship crashing or landing to send out hordes of wrathful Uidry?

<Ahriman> With the help of the chilly crusader, Fergus is back to his feet. "Thanks," he offers, figuring if Quentin held on for much longer, he'd be able to snap the arm off and beat the Uidry with it. "And.. sorry for asking if I could shoot you."

<@Sisip> It would appear that Krys's observations were bang on, clouds seen throug the hole in the shipfish as liquid continued to pour out. The flailing of the fish had ceased.

<+Crusader> <Spectrum> "I found that bouncy kid! He's being kept separate for some reason."

* +Shannon Kevin comm: "I've got JJ... and... trying to mask Gabe... he's ow! Not cooperating. Ow! Stop it, gabe I'm try-" It cuts off

<+Gina_Stone> "Get them to the eggs, fast... I have a feeling we don't have much time left before we make a really hard stop..." Gina calls out over the comms, then looks back down to the console. "Well... here goes nothing." She smacks her hand down on one of the green buttons, hoping for some sort of flight stabilization or something useful!

<+Metalhead> "Whoa, Jesus! Lots of noise in the comms, what's goin' on over there?!" Felipe winces and pulls the comm unit off until he's sure it stopped screaming into his ear. Still, he keeps watch. "So, we're goin' down now? As in 'landing', instead of crashin'?"

<+Crusader> <Spectrum> "Spectrum here, I've found our way out."

* +Shannon Kevin comm: "JJ's terrified! and Gabe- (*oregano!*)" An odd crack would sound and kev's comm went quiet.

<@Sisip> As the buttons are mashed... nothing seems to happen, though the image of the shipfish begins to light up in red lights. Still nothing.. before suddenly there's a surge forward. Perhaps it wasn't COMPLETELY dead yet.

<+Jackson> Listening to Tony over the comm, Jack turns away from the console just as the fish surges, grabbing behind him to steady himself. "Time to move, ladies and gentlemen! I can walk right through most of the ship, everyone start heading for the egg room," he says as he pulls his hood back over his head and looks up to Quentin. "Lead them there. Kill all sonsofbitches. I'll be right behind."

<+Metalhead> "Think you guys can catch up with 'em and help 'em evacuate?" Metalhead grins wide as the news arrive. "I volunteer to go down with the ship, just so craft stupid frog-person will try to regain control from a secondary console or somethin'. At any rate, I really wanna see this thing goin' 'splat!' up close!"

* Revenant ( has joined #TeamOne
* Edwin ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Revenant)))
* Revenant is now known as Edwin

<+Crusader> Quentin nods, and holds his sword at the ready. "All of you, come with me if you want to live." Oooh, he saw that in a movie Ted watched once, and he's been waiting to say it ever since. He starts trudging through the ship, heading towards the evacuation point that Tony had pinpointed.

<+Gina_Stone> "Got it!... I hope!" She abandons the controls after seeming to find the right one and starts following Quentin through the ship. "Need to get the hostage Uidry first, then trace the route the others took." Then, through the comms, "Can one of you tell us the route you took from the room we ported up in so we can get to you?"

<Ahriman> Fergus follows behind Quentin, keeping his back to the armored spectre, just in case some of the Uidry suddenly got brave enough to attack from behind.

<+Jackson> Jack grabs Felipe's shoulder and shoves him towards Quentin. "No one's going down with the ship. Get a move on."

<+Krys_Gallagher> She couldn't help but laugh as Quentin pegged the line from Terminator with way more success than she'd expected. Of course she was going to follow him, let him forge a way through the ship for them.

<+Crusader> <Spectrum> "Yeah, hang on." Tony recounts the way he'd come through the ship to this point as best he can. "And then turn a right at the big, gaping butt door, and keep going."

* +Shannon ok Shannon hasn't posted in a while so it's her turn now. It was back where they came to find an exit point. The fish was going down!

<+Metalhead> "And down the crap-chute? I'll take my chances free-fallin', thankyouverymuch!" And dodging Jackson's grab, he dives through the hole Shannon had bored into the ship. Ahh, freefalling! He missed doing that! Specially the ending, where he cushions his fall with enough explosions to make a World War II bomber pilot feel inappropriate.

<Edwin> Over the comm: "Do we still need a captive, or do you guys have one up there on the bridge team?"

<+Gina_Stone> "Alright... Quentin, ahead, right at the junction, back to the room we ported up into!" She follows Tony's instructions, noting them and using them to direct Quentin and the rest of the party around. She'll grab Froggy Went a Trussed Up Like a Turkey on their way through that room as well.

* +Metalhead (Holtzmann@6ca5f081.6ca5ecda.177.41.imsk) has left #TeamOne

<+Crusader> "That was not my fault." He says to Jackson, as one of their idiotic brethren launches himself into freefall for no good reason. He said he was not responsible for any of their stupid decisions, and he hadn't harmed any of them. He's free and clear. Now to just continue acting as their buffer as they head toward the evacuation point. They reach it soon enough, with Quentin following Gina's
<+Crusader> instructions. He's being surprisingly tolerant of being ordered around this evening, probably out of concern for his own human host. He can't stay outside forever, after all.

<Edwin> Over the comm: "Roger that. Proceeding to fuck off now."

<+Jackson> Jack, still at the console once the others have left, is yanking and prying at a few panels and pieces of tech and sliding them into a bag unfolded from his belt. Satisfied with what he's hauled off, he reaches into another pouch on his belt and licks his lips. "Just for insurance. No offense, fishlips..." said as he slaps the charges of C4 on the side of the control panel, twists their
<+Jackson> timers, and starts hauling ass down the halls to catch up to the rest of the team.

<+Gina_Stone> And since everyone is quiet... THEY ARRIVE AT THE EGG ROOM!!! How the fuck is Quentin going to fit in one of those things???

* emily ( has left #TeamOne
* Nicholas` ( has left #TeamOne
* MarloCross ( has left #TeamOne
* +Gina_Stone ( has left #TeamOne

<+Jackson> "Time to fuckin' go! This flying Gorton's monstrosity's going to blow!" Jack yells out as he dives into an egg of his own.

* Seven ( has left #TeamOne
* +Crusader ( has left #TeamOne
<@Sisip> Room Official Closed! Thanks Everyone!
Session Close: Thu Jan 26 22:31:56 2012

Re: Rescue Mission Go! Uidry Finale 01/26/12

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:10 pm
by Sisip
Team Two - Abductees

* +[Tremor] 's bowie knife is out and buzzing before the Urdry even spot them. He's in motion instantly, the duffle hitting the floor as he rushes to slice at the nearest. Time to see if they are as soft as they were in the invasion. If it was anything close his vibroblade would barely slow as it cut clean through.

<+Nicholas`> Upon appearing in the ship, Nick blinks at the aliens a couple of times, flashes a cheesy smile and lifts up the ZORT gun. The whirring of the thing charging up serves as his greeting to the things. One is targeted, the trigger pulled.

<+Spectrum> 'Oh christ,' Tony thinks to himself after the gut-wrenching (to him! he's never done this kind of thing before!) sensation of being transported several miles into SPACE. 'Don't throw up. Don't puke all over everything on your first mission. Seriously.' He manages to hold his gut in, and regains his bearing, and then that... thing starts talking to the Uidry. He doesn't envy them what's about
<+Spectrum> to happen.

<+MarloCross> Crippler selects a Uidry and lunges at him. Hopefully no one else was targeting that one. He took a few steps and slides low, hoping to catch the alien off guard with a sweeping foot.

* +Fuzed just kind blink blinks once he rematerializes in this humid room. Head swimming a little at the climate change and disorientation, kind of making him want to throw up. He shakes it off as he looks around and see's the three aliens. Hand shift into five ling claw like blades, but stays back, as the three are already being attacked, not wanting to cause any friendly fire damage

<+Edwin> Eddie's spider limbs uncurl and begin to twitch and sway as they gathered information about his surroundings. Diagnosis: this place smells like a sack full of sweaty assholes. The others seemed to have the three Uidry in the room well in hand, so he moves to the door and peers out into the hallway to see if there were any more nearby to contend with.

<+Seven> Oh man, it was just like Star Trek! Actually, no, not at all ... the Uidry were not Klingons, a fact that severely disappointed Seven. Wait, they were in space, so it wasn't too different from Star Trek! Scotty didn't beam them up, but. Before she could even level her bow, Tremor, Nick and Tony already went medieval on the aliens in the room. Blink. Shrugging her shoulders, her form
<+Seven> silently melted into invisibility before she began to stalk toward the door -- opposite side as Eddie, looking out into it and narrowing her eyes.
<+Seven> into it = the hall, derp.

* +Kraken new place, hot and humid, the reverse wetsuit took care of its job well, Kevin was having no trouble at all breathing. Instincts were calling at him to attack the Uidry, but that wasn't his point in the mission, besides other had taken care of that just fine. Skin was rippling with a variety of loud poisonous and threatening patterns. All of them lost beneath the wetsuit. He let out
* +Kraken a silent hiss and would move to try and find the hostages, tentacles writhing behind him, itching to coil and throw...

<@Sisip> The aliens had enough time to send some sort of warning, shouting coming from the hallways before one of the aliens is cut down by a hail of fire from both teams! Marlo's alien goes down hard, almost with a crunch. They were so frail without their suits! The others fall easily before Eddie peers through the door. Almost like the movie Gremlins shadows could be seen racing down the hallway, the gurling noise of alarm audible! They were coming, vast numbers of Uidry.

<+Edwin> "Incoming!" Eddie calls over his shoulder to warn the others of the oncoming rush of Uidry. Well, grenades are AOE weapons, right? Eddie pulls the pin on a gas cannister and rolls it down the hallway toward the approaching footsteps, and then gets back.

<+Spectrum> "Shit." Tony exclaims through his rebreather. He moves as quickly as he can toward that hallway, leaping over one of the bodies of a fallen Uidry. Rather than launch an attack, however, he launches a sphere of light down the hall. It doesn't explode in a fury of hellfire, but rather in a blinding flash that envelops the aliens heading into it. His intent is to disorient them to allow his
<+Spectrum> teammates easier access to the killing. He knows they're going to be killed, and has no qualms about it.

<+Seven> Aha. Friends. Seven closed her eyes briefly, sucking in a deep breath and mumbling something to herself. Bow at the ready, she lifted the weapon and took aim -- but Eddie tossed one of the meltygas containers into the incoming group. Her ears perked, the pale girl quickly turning visible, turning tail, and darting back into the room with the others before spinning back around and taking
<+Seven> aim once more. If any stray Uidry emerged despite the gas, they'd have a carbon arrow zipping toward their head.

<+Nicholas`> And now it's time for Nick to notice the fact a giant fucking spider is on his team. A girlish scream catches in his throat, coming out as a pathetic squeak. A couple steps are hopped in the opposite direction of Eddie but he refrains from pointing his gun at the godawful wtfhugeomgwhat spider. The zombie trembles but gulps rapidly, soon recovering from the near panic attack. He turns his
<+Nicholas`> eyes away from the spider. The gun is charged again so he can fire off a shot as needed. He falls into line, following the group. Comm unit go! "Who here is good at locating things?" Something that would have been helpful to know ahead of time. Oops.

* +Fuzed turns to the hallway where the Uidry are coming, looking to his teammates. But before he can say or ask anything Eddie is on top of it. Moving to the side of the entry way he's wait, much like Seven, to take down anything that come through

<+MarloCross> Using the momentum of the sweep, Crippler ends his circle kneeling by the Uidry's head. Focusing energy through two fingers, he jabs it in the temple as he rises and looks to the hallway. They were coming. Standing up, he headed to the front of the group, slipping his gloves into place. After Seven's arrow has been fired, Crippler turns," Which way? I'll take point to soften the
<+MarloCross> first wave."

* +Kraken lucky for Eddie that Nick was able to contain himself. "Sorry, senses are dulled inside the wetsuit, Nick. But we do have maps at least." He would try grabbing Uidry in his tentacles and either tossing them at other Uidry, squeezing, or slamming them against the ground. No pulling them apart just yet...

<@Sisip> As Eddie throws the canister screams of an alien sort can be heard in the hallways. That seems to stop them before they round the corner. Team Two doesn't get to see the flesh eating away from the bodies yet.. not until one or two that escape stumble forward, half eaten by the toxin. The first one is felled, an arrow through it's eye, another shot by a weapon that they, themselves had designed. A few more Uidry escape the toxin, bolting towards the group. Were they angry? Or were they terrified and simply trying to escape!
<@Sisip> Above should be bolded ^

* +[Tremor] smirks and tries to contain his amusement. Focus on the mission. He cracks his neck as Eddie calls out incoming and throws the gas grenade. Tremor quickly checks his rebreather and then spins his knife once or twice as he walks to the side of the door opposite of Eddie, waiting to see if the gas will do it's job properly. He looks to Marlo and in responce pulls out his map, browsing
* +[Tremor] it quickly after covering for the bomb to go off, then points to where the nearest holdign area might be. "It's marked on the map. He got a ways to go."

<+Edwin> Yes, being teamkilled would not be a good end to the evening. Eddie had forgotten about Nick's kidnapping last summer, and the permanent case of acute arachnophobia that resulted. "Uh...sorry?" He says to Nick and then answers his question, "I think between Seven and me, we can track them down." He gets clear of the door to give the others room to clear out the stragglers, and crawled
<+Edwin> up the wall, taking position above the door.

<+MarloCross> When survivors popped up, Marlo lunged forward. He couldn't K-Leap here. No Rotation of the Earth to feed the momentum. But that didn't stop him. The first one he encountered in his rush would be a target for another two fingered strike. This was an attack designed to hit like a bullet. Fatal. Aimed center mass.

* +Fuzed didn't care if they were angry, scared, horny or otherwise. The first one that runs through the doorway he would attempt to sink one clawed hand into, then yank out of the way and slam into a wall before going all freddy kruger on it.

* +[Tremor] moves into the hallway after the couple of Uidry stumble in, knowing the others will be on top of it. He moves quickly down the hall, checking for potential targets and access points. His blade hums slightly in his grasp, his duffle that he had picked up before getting to the doorway (derp) still over one shoulder.

<+Nicholas`> Nick keeps his gun raised as he trots forward, gun ready to fire off more shots whenever a new threat pops up. "'S fine. A little warning would have been nice." is muttered and he nods. "Okay. Let's just not lose track of where we're going. This is the last place I want to be stranded in." Of the Uidry that become visible, he aims at the ones furthest from the team and fires off a shot or two.

<+Spectrum> He aims his fist toward one of those incoming aliens, and after an almost instantaneous charge-up period, a bolt of searing, white-hot solar light erupts forth, towards the invader. He tries to keep the bolt in the nonlethal range, but against one of these creatures, that still might be too much. Mostly he's concerned with not frying any of his teammates to bits.

<+Seven> Because Seven didn't believe in wasting, her second priority (aside from slaying the oncoming aliens), was to retrieve her arrow. She only had so much ammo on hand, after all. But since there were more Uidry, probably having their flesh painfully eaten away by-- oh, wait, Marlo and Fuzed had it. "Tracking." Plucking the arrow out of the skull of a fallen alien, she put it back in
<+Seven> its quiver and grabbed a clean one instead, walking out the door and becoming invisible a moment later. Afterwards, she'd teleport down the hall in search of any corridors leading elsewhere. This looked different from the place she'd seen when she came aboard with Nick.

* +Kraken you know what was awesome? Having six arms! He could throw multiple canisters at once, lift Uidry - well maybe one at a time... two at the very most and even then with his armarms and not the tentacles. Throw! Smash them together. Constrict... Lucky for Kevin his tentacles were covered and therefore he couldn't taste the Uidry. The scent and taste of the blood might trigger a feral
* +Kraken episode, but his senses were locked beneath the wet suit. No biting, no inking, Colors still flashed agressively but the war patterns went unseen. Had to get to the captives..

<@Sisip> Screams of pain and torture fill the hallway before it appears that they try to turn and retreat! These one's hadn't even gotten to the group before they turned and fled. Those few Uidry that had come too far were easily dispatched, wailing and screaming .. in english ... for mercy. Perhaps if they spoke in English the earthlings would let them alone? Perhaps not. This was evidenced by the party continuing to slice and dice like a fine SlapChop! As Seven teleports from here to there she passes empty hallway upon empty hallway. Something... was not quite right. There had just been hundreds of Uidry eager to die.. now they were.. NO! There was one, standing in a darker hallway than the others and looking ..
quite a bit like he wanted to be elsewhere.

<+Edwin> Eddie crawled out through the top of the doorway and onto the roof of the hallway, clinging upside down with limbs bending in ways they ought not to as he crept along. The spider legs continued to twitch and 'sniff' the air, looking for signs of more Uidry coming, or that they were getting closer to the captives' holding area.

<Jackson> "Kevin, we're approaching the bridge. What's the status on the rescue?" Jack says over the comm.

* +Kraken answered his comm. "They're running for their lives and begging for mercy, in English even."

<+Seven> Where was everyone? She continued to blink down the hall, seeking out a sign of the captives -- and instead she wound up spotting a lone Uidry. Well, she certainly didn't blame him for not wanting to be there. Narrowing her eyes, she flickered out of sight, appearing directly behind the single alien and reaching out to hook her arm around his neck, squeezing gently in a hiss. "You! You
<+Seven> speak English?" Let it be known that she didn't like the idea of taking a life, but she knew it was necessary. Watching Eddie go down the hall, she scowled, looking up at the creature. This might have been this one's lucky day.

* +Fuzed flings some alien goo off his finger blades as he moves into the hallway, and raises a brow as he moves. Where were they? He knew there should be more of the things but they were nowhere to be seen. He stick close to a wall as he looks to Seven blink in and out of exisitance and moves further down the corridor

<+Nicholas`> Nicholas doesn't have much of a reason to pay the cries for mercy a second thought: his gun only stuns them, after all. Down the hallway he trots, following the handy dandy map he'd been given. The gun is kept up and at the ready to mow down any upcoming Uidry that show up to play. Or, er, run screaming.

<+Spectrum> Tony keeps his fist leveled on the alien as Seven tries to speak with it, ready to issue another bolt of solar energy if it tries something. He stays silent, glowing eyes narrowed, trying to look like a badass. And trying not to piss his pants, too.

* +[Tremor] seems to slow a bit and frowns, taking note of the lack of resistance. Something was wrong. He spots the lone Uidry standing in the hallway and narrows his gaze. He speaks up over the com to the others on his team, "This feels like a trap." he quickly takes on a more defensive possition and looks around for possible ambush points. He then spots Seven just as she reappears behind the
* +[Tremor] alien, "Sev! Wait!"

<+MarloCross> Crippler let his fall and looked back at Fuzed,"This is a joke? Why aren't they fighting back?"Crippler headed futher down the corridor, fists at the ready. He reached behind his head at the base of his neck to check on Pi. When he finaly gets to where Tony and Seven are, he haults, hearing Tremor's warning.

<+Edwin> Eddie didn't particularly care for the cries of mercy, since they hadn't been particularly interested in showing any mercy toward the humans when they didn't think they posed any threat. "They're slavers, not soldiers, Marlo." He looks remarks from his post on the ceiling while Seven attempts an interrogation. He wasn't sure whether Tremor was right that this was a trap, or whether most
<+Edwin> of the Uidry were busy trying to fight off the bridge raiding party and maintain control of their ship.

<@Sisip> Eddie would smell Uidry everywhere, yet not a single one was to be found. Where were they all? That was the big question. One that Seven was about to get the answer to.. in a fashion. When her arm found it's way around her neck it tenses up and ... begins to laugh. It's a wet sound, like someone coughing with too much phlegm, "Consume Waste Material" was it's garbled response. Did.. it just tell Seven to eat shit? Why yes! It did! In almost an instant a familiar sound was heard, those guns they had during the invasion. Beyond the hallway was a darkened room and within it were Uidry, madly, wildly firing into the hallway. Directly towards Seven's back, towards their own 'man' and towards the team mates at the end of the hallway.

<+Spectrum> "FUCK!" He cries, as those blasts start firing. He narrowly manages to avoid one, and wheels backward. "Everybody shut your damn eyes NOW!" He calls out, and then he makes what can best be described as a bowling motion. An orb of light is released from his hand, and it rolls down the hallway toward where the firing is coming from. When it nears what he thinks is the end, where it's close
<+Spectrum> enough, it erupts into an enormous, blinding flash of light, bright enough to sear the retina. These aliens have to have some kind of visual input, they didn't wear any protective goggles when the attacked. This should be enough to at least disorient them.

* +[Tremor] -hated- being right. He dives out of the way of the oncoming fire and rolls, dropping the duffle bag and pulling a grenade to fling down the hall into the room, aiming high to try and avoid Seven, who he hoped was as quick on her teleport as he knew she could be. He heads Tony and his eyes reflexively shut on the spot.

<+Nicholas`> In the true spirit of a spineless coward, Nicholas hits the deck! The zombie drops to the ground and rolls to one side, scrabbling to get pressed up against the wall, searching for a place to hide like a frightened cockroach. "Get down!" he snaps, jerks up his gun and fires right back at the aliens shooting at them indiscriminately. Two shots to one Uidry? SURE WHY NOT. Especially if it might
<+Nicholas`> kill one! He just hopes to hit any of the fuckers.

* +Fuzed shakes his head, and then nods towards Tremor"If every movie ever created is right, we're def. walking into a giant trap o' doo..." and then the damn electroguns started firing...and then then call to close eyes comes and he doesnt argue, crunching low and placing an arm over his eyeholes

<+Edwin> The fact that he could smell Uidry but not see them was troubling, and he didn't have a whole lot of time to react when the Uidry opened fire. "Oh, shit!" He just pressed himself flat against the ceiling, and closed his eyes when Tony shouted.

* +Kraken couldn't do the things the squid within was telling him, he couldn't stick to the walls, camo, ink, bite, or dig his suckers in. Probably the only thing that save the Uidry from becoming fishflakes and Kevin from discovering a worse case of food poisoning than Nick. Then ack! Just when things seemed to lull they had even plead for lives. Com time. "Armed ones! We have armed Uidry
* +Kraken here!" Canister time! Chuck!

<+MarloCross> Marlo did the only thing he could think of. With blasts headed at Seven's back, he made a leap, spending precious kinetic charge to try and knock her and her hotage to the ground." SEVEN, HIT THE DECK!" He only hoped he was in time.
<+MarloCross> And as he jumps, he clenches his eyers shut. Forgot that.

<+Seven> At some point during all that, Seven may have peed her pants and squeezed her eyes shut and phased out of tangibility and maybe dove to one side and closed her eyes all tight and shit.

<@Sisip> The orb light rolls down the hallway as the firing continues. When it dentonates the room beyond is lit up... and seems to be filled to capacity with Uidry! At least it seems that way, at first, the group though seems to be pressed towards the front of the room. Nick's blind firing envelopes one of the Uidry, blue lightening surrounding it as it drops to the ground, writhing. As Tremor's grenade was flung into the room there was screaming, horrible screaming. The firing decreased, to be certain, missing Seven as she phases out but quite possibly winging Marlo painfully with the electricity as he lunges for her.

<+Nicholas`> Tony's shout isn't processed by the zombie's brain in time but when the light flashes, he snaps his eyes shut. He swears and rubs one of his eyes, thankful that the tinted glasses should have protected him...somewhat, at least. Even when he can't see where he's firing, he continues to shoot in the direction the Uidry were attacking from. The thought of using one of his toxin cannisters hasn't
<+Nicholas`> even entered his brain yet. Besides, everyone else are using theirs up so quickly, he figures it's best to save his so they'll have some for later. PEW PEW goes his gun!

<+MarloCross> Marlo soon comes to on the floor. He was dazed by the bolts that hit him. Looking down at the Uidry he'd pinned, Marlo closes ahand on his throat," You're not going anywhere..." Looking back, Marlo looked for Eddie,"

* Revenant ( has joined #TeamTwo
* +Edwin ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Revenant)))
* Revenant is now known as Edwin

<+Spectrum> As soon as that end of the corridor is lit up, he lets loose with a series of rapid fire blasts from both fists. Theyr'e high impact beams of solar energy, aimed hopefully over the heads of anyone that DOESN'T need to get fried in the corridor. He's not being discriminate, just aiming several searing blasts into that swarm of Uidry, hopefully dazed and disoriented by the massive flashbomb
<+Spectrum> he just laid out.

* Sisip sets mode: +v Edwin

<+MarloCross> Can you web this joker up? Sisip Needs one alive." With that, he'd roll for cover from the stinging blasts.

<+Fuzed> once the blinding light went buhbye he would get up and quickly make his way to where Marlo held down one of the aliens, kneeling next to him"You ok?" Duck a blast.

* +Kraken hissed at the bright flash and raised a tentacle to shield his eyes, blinking his other direction lids a few times to clear the spots, he was a little delayed but managed to at least prevent damage to them. He lowered the eye tentacle then grasped it around one of his few remaining canisters.

<+Edwin> Eddie's spider limbs reach down from the ceiling and nab the Uidry that had been left out in the open as bait for the trap, lifting him up into the air. Those claws were meant for climbing and digging, but they worked just fine for an application like this in a pinch. Four fingerlike spinnerets arranged around his navel began to produce silk, and he used one pair of hands to guide the silk
<+Edwin> and web the Uidry up as requested.

* +[Tremor] keeps his eyes shut for the flash bomb and waits to listen for the continued volleys of fire. He quickly runs through the pathways available in his mind and then quickly bolts away from the group, further into the original hallway and -away- from the one full of Uidry. As fast as he can he finds a wall that -should- have the armed aliens on the other side. His vibroblade flashes thorugh
* +[Tremor] the air to slide a clean triangle shaped opening in the fleshy wall and then jumps through to attack the aliens from behind. Staying low to avoid friendly fire, he works swiftly to cut through as many foes as possible before they even notice him.

<+Seven> Opening her eyes, Seven blinked several times, watching as Marlo landed on the Uidry and snickered softly to herself. Turning to look at the -- nope. She immediately turned away, stepping away from the now snatched up Uidry and back into the hallway, hoping that Tony was able to knock them out of the equation. Hoisting her bow again, she drew back after grabbing another arrow, looking around
<+Seven> with narrowed eyes and preparing to fire.

<@Sisip> The tackled Uidry gasps pathetically, it's ribcage crushed by the force of impact. They were frail creatures, after all. Unfortunately Nick's blind firing puts Marlo, and now Fuzed, in a crossfire. A dangerous situation one way has become even worse. The solar blasts explode heads randomly with a wet popping noise, splattering gore everywhere. The gasping Uidry was wrapped up by Eddie as well as Frodo had been by Shelob. As Tremor cuts through the wall the ship jerks again, hard this time, Uidry falling before him once again.
<@Sisip> Inexplicably the hallways and room seem to begin to gather water. Or something liquid. Liquid, slick and pinkish that began to fill the empty spaces of the shipfish.

<+Spectrum> "Uuuuuuh, guys?" Tony speaks through his comm unit. "Everything's getting all gooey." He begins to slog through the pinkish mess, trying to press forward through the hallway, having no idea what the hell is going on at this point.

<+Edwin> Once Eddie was done wrapping up one order of froglegs for takeout, he stuck the bundle to the ceiling. "We were ordered to let one of you live. It might not be you. Where are the captives?" He asks the captive Uidry, tapping its chest with the end of one of his spider legs for emphasis.

<+Nicholas`> Yay friendly fire! The zombie fires off a couple more PEWs before opening his eyes. The gun lowers, he rubs at his poor eyes and mutters some choice words under his breath. He glances around, crouches and heads down the hallway...but pauses when the floor turns slick. There's a brief pause and he glances around, "The aliens have gills, don't they? I hope your masks work while submerged in
<+Nicholas`> liquid. We should hurry." And he does! Down the hallway in the direction they were originally headed he hurries, standing up partway down the path.

<Gina_Stone> "Working on it!" Comes Gina's voice back over the comms. <+Jackson> "Working on it!" Jack says APPARENTLY IN SYNC WITH HIS COMPANION through the comm.

<+MarloCross> Marlo looked up at Fuzed and nods, pointing to his back," Check on Pi. I dunno If she got hit or not." He hoped the jacket would be enough isulation between the bolts and the little bot. Suddebly, as the liquid fills, Marlo stands. this sludge would slow them down. He HAD to get to Kayla. Stepping back, Marlo called out," Stand Back!" His hands suddenly come together in a loud
<+MarloCross> thunderclap, hopefully clearing a path and sending the water at thier aggressors as well as a kinetic wave.

* +Fuzed is not expecting ship quakes, and therefor is thrown way off balance as the ship jerks, and he falls into the wall behind him as one of Nick arrant shots whizzes by his face. "Nick, watch it!..and..ow.. rubbing his head as he stands back up he then literally gags as the liquid starts gather.."Oh my grossness...guys?! This is bad, right?" He nods and goes to look for the lil
* +Fuzed bot but then is told to watch out so he moves out of the way..

<+Seven> Seven perked up curiously as the floor started to pool with... water? Hard to tell. Was water pink? Eh, maybe on Planet Uidry. Oh, man, she wished she could walk on walls right now. A glance shot up at Eddie and she was soon edging along a wall, looking over at Marlo and blinking. What the h-- oh. Well, that was one way to handle it, she supposed. Wait. A wall!Quickly turning invisible,
<+Seven> she phased her head through the wall, peeking inside to see if there was anything noteworthy.

* +[Tremor] finishes eviscerating the Uidry at the rear when suddenly the halls start to fill with water. He does his best to keep calm, after all the rebreather would still work... right? He does his best to swing by and pick up his bag before sloshing after Nick who is apparently taking point. A zombie in front! Why didn't they think of that before?! He smirks a little and checks behind him as
* +[Tremor] he goes to make sure the others are still in working order. Running over the map in his head again to see if they are getting close to their objective. "Guys. If the hostages don't have rebreathers in this stuff then they are about to be in serious trouble..."

* +Kraken The Uidry was all wrapped up in a disgustingly creepy and strong package. Spider silk! Wonderful stuff. What was this goo filling the room? Kevin turned to look at Eddie and his captive. "No idea... Ug..." The goo looked horrible, he didn't want to touch it not knowing what it was, It could be acidic for all they knew. Poor Pi lost and scared somewhere. Like Seven Kev was looking
* +Kraken to climb the walls but his suckers were trapped beneath the wetsuit. Tremors words got to Kev and he looked for a door, someplace that looked like a sign for Captives are this way. They needed to get to them fasst!

* Ahriman ( has joined #TeamTwo

<@Sisip> The Uidry, gasping for breath, looks towards the room that was just beyond the hallway before it actually passes out. The liquid continues to rise at a steady pace. The liquid is cleared, for a moment, and tidal waves over Uidry. They fall easily to the force of it and remain down... but seem to be squirming around in it, darting back and forth. Perhaps... swimming. The Uidry move faster in the water, almost uncomfortably slow, no longer writhing in pain from the toxins.

<+Edwin> "Stay here. I'll be back, asshole." He mutters to the unconscious Uidry, and started heading in the direction the alien had indicated, remaining on the ceiling to try to avoid the rising goop that seemed to be part of the shipfish's defenses. "This way! ...I think."

<+Nicholas`> Like the spry waif he is, Nicholas bounds out of the way of Marlo's...clap. Of course, the rushing of liquid still fucks around with his balance and easily knocks him over, sprawling just like the equally small Udiry. But the stubborn bastard doesn't stay down for long! He stands and wobbles. "The aliens specifically said the hostages are being 'aired'. That means they're able to breathe.
<+Nicholas`> These aliens are slavers: they don't want their product damaged and death certainly counts. But let's hurry up and hope these masks will function underwater." He shakes his head and follows the map, seeking the hostages. Over the coms! "Will the rebreathers function underwater?"

<@Sisip> The room that Tremor and Seven enter DOES have what appears to be rows and rows of clear ... coffin .. looking containers. Each one holding what would most likely be a familiar face. A familiar human face. The liquid, while not acidic, was quickly rising, now up to mid thigh level. Poor Pi had been hit by the bolts and while still clamped tightly to Marlo's suit.. she was dark. Poor Pi.

<Krys_Gallagher> Over the comms: "Tesla here, keep an eye upwards for toothy maggots! I repeat, keep an eye up for sharp toothed bastards."

<Gina_Stone> > "Rather not take that chance, so hurry the fuck up!" So charming and classy.

<+Edwin> Over the Comm: "Hostages located. Trying to figure out how to free them. And, yeah, I'm hanging from the ceiling. Keeping an eye out from up here."

<+Spectrum> At the call through the comm unit, Tony looks upward, scanning the fleshy ceilings for any signs of the aforementioned maggoty death. He moves slowly, wading through the rising fluid, keeping his arms ready to focus his blasts. God, this is the worst night of his life. Even worse than that one school play he had to be in that one time as a kid. It's that bad. "Somebody tell me what I should
<+Spectrum> be doing." He says to those around him, as he tries his best to follow Tremor and Seven wherever they go.

* +[Tremor] was hopefully far enough down the other hallway to avoid the wave. He blinks, seeing the Uidry dart around in the water and not suffering from toxins. He looks to his grenades "Aw damn... this stuff was made to work as an airborne agent." ether that or the liquid healed them somehow. His blade is up and at the ready instantly as he hear Nick and nods. The zombie was right, can't kill
* +[Tremor] the cargo and expect to sell it. He keeps on the defensive as his tracks the nearest targets, backing up towards the room with the containers. "So now the question is... is it safer for them to stay in those things are be out here with us?"

<+MarloCross> His Crippler Facade faded, Marlo stepped back , guarding the rear as the others searched out the rooms for the others. When he heard the line about the hostages, Marlo Bolted. Any Uidry in his way would get struck with a whirlwind of charged Muay Thai Knees, Haymakers and other strikng goodness. He would hopefully get along side Tremor and Nick." They'll be fine If Seven and Eddiw get
<+MarloCross> them out. We gotta hold em off."

<+Seven> Looking up, Seven nodded, quickly stepping into the room and looking around with wide eyes. "Oh, hey..." Before trying to manually bust them out of their prisons, she considered... And, stroking her chin, she began to search around for some kind of control mechanism that might instead open the damn coffins.

<+Fuzed> entering the room he scrunches"Maggots? Really?fuuuuuck..Hey! people! he looks to Marlo and nods, blades at the ready to fend off any of the nasties that were around. He looks to the other quickly.... "Any ideas on getting them out?"

<Metalhead> Metalhead's voice sounds through the comms: "Get ready folks, this ride might just get a bit bumpy!"

<@Sisip> As before it would appear the Uidry in this area had seemed to ... vanish, the liquid still rising. The holding units, while machinary, seemed to be as sturdy as the outfits they were wearing when they invaded. Lights seemed to flash, green one's. Obviously something was 'on'. Inside the caskets was some sort of gel like substance and the people within it were wearing what appeared to be a body suit made of jellyfish?

<+Nicholas`> Yay coffins! Nick hurries over to the coffins, runs his hands over one of them and searches for a way to open it. "We have to take them out of the enclosures or we won't be able to put them in eggs. The ship can't be destroyed if we leave them here. So out they have to come. Perhaps they should be attacked? Try harming the bottom or side of the thing." And with that said, he charges up his
<+Nicholas`> handy dandy ZORT gun and fires at the coffin he'd just been mucking around with. When Marlo talks, he glances back at the guy but looks back at the trapped person.

<+Spectrum> "Shit," Tony wades through the rising water. "We need to find our way out of here. You guys work on getting them out, I'm going to find those eggs." With that, he dashes off, sloshing down the corridor to attempt to find their evac route. Fortunately for him, there's enough light up here, and he's kept his blasts to a minimum, that he's still at a fairly high charge. Enough, he hopes,
<+Spectrum> to deal with anything he might encounter as he breaks from the group. "Spectrum here, looking for our evac route." He calls through the comm units.

* +Kraken just great ceiling maggots... The room was filling with a pink waterlike liquid... but the uidry weren't the only things on board designed for aquactics! Kevin too could swim and navigate through water well. But the aliens left, oh well, no underwater Kevin action tonight. Making his way to the others, tentacle wrapped around his last canister... "I'll keep watch while you guys work
* +Kraken on the pods..."

* +[Tremor] frowns, looks like everyone's vote was for getting them out now. He looks to Nick, "Alright. I'll do it. I got a key." he smirks and lays his hand on one of the coffins, it blurs a moment as he channels an intense vibration through the material to try and make it shatter. Should the attempt be work, he would try and step back form the goo clearing the container and catch the hostage.

<+MarloCross> THen...Marlo gets an Idea...If the Fluid is filling...Make a drain." I'm gonna drain some of this water. Syphoning the kinetics from the sloshing liquid, Marlo raises and hand and brings it down hard through the water and into the floor, hoping to drain the liquid into the fishship's 'Poop Guts'. He hoped it would give them some kind of leverage.

* +Fuzed shifts his hands back to hand shapes and removes his canisters form his bandolier and hands them to Kevin"Here, I can't use these when bladed up, you are better suited for them I think.. and once they were taken (or not) blades come back and he moves to the closest canister, trying to pry/cut it open.

<+Seven> " do we?" And already people were trying to pry open the coffins. It didn't seem as though there was a control panel, so she unsheathed the white blade that was strapped to her thigh, walked over toward one of the coffins, PRAYED TO THE GODS, and then proceeded to try and pry one open, placing her foot against it to brace herself.

<@Sisip> The ship jerked and twisted, liquid sloshing everywhere! As Nick fires at the coffin it makes a buzzing noise, sparks rising from it, and suddenly it goes dark. Internal lighting, all the lit buttons.. and a hissss is heard as it opens just a crack. Tony heads off through the liquid. There are hallways upon hallways but they seem to get narrower as he goes along. Save one, one fairly large hallway with another sphincter door, closed. As Marlo drives his fist into the floor the fish jerks again and the free flow of liquid pulls hard at peoples legs as it drains down. However the water doesn't seem to leave, the addition coming as quickly as the removal. The white blade of Seven's would stick under the flimsy material and actually splinter some of the metal!

<+Edwin> Eddie was likewise looking for anything that looked like a controls to open the coffins, since there had to be some way of letting people out once you put them in. Now, granted, it depended on what sort of security they had in place. There might be an Uidry somewhere with a keycard, or they might just open if you found the right button if the Uidry had no reason to expect that anyone would
<+Edwin> wander in and free their captured slaves.

<+Spectrum> "Okay, Tony..." He says to himself as he navigates what he unpleasantly assumes are the ships entrails. "When in doubt, go towards the big butt door." He heads where the corridor stays the widest, towards that very, very unpleasant portal. As he nears it, he skids to a halt, nearly falling face-first into that disgusting pink liquid. He brings up both arms and levels a short range
<+Spectrum> solar blast at the door, trying to force it open.

<+Nicholas`> "Someone give me a hand here!" Nick shouts and moves on to the next coffin. "Pry the top open!" The gun is aimed at a second coffin, the gun charged and fired off. "I'll short them out one by one while you guys get them out and masked." Before he takes another shot, he removes the four masks he carries and tosses them to the nearest team member before going back to getting the damned things
<+Nicholas`> opened.

* Ph`Ahriman ( Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))

* +Kraken he would acept Fuzed's cannisters, taking them in a tentacle apiece. "Got 'em" More water issues... He kept alert for any more Uidry ambush, but it seemed they were having issues opening the coffins, tentacles placed the canisters into empty bandolier slots. Masks replaced them in each tentacle as he accepted them from Nick. "Maybe it would respond to someone a bit more physically
* +Kraken like them... my skin's more sensitive and i have webbed fingers..." Covered though... Kev would try running a hand along where a seam would be.... should be...

* +[Tremor] blinks as the vibration may or may not have worked, Nick's gun seemed far more effective. He catches one of the rebreathers thrown to him and sloshes over to the zombie to try and help pry open the container the rest of the way. His feet slip a little as the floor moves, be it the fish rocking around or the water flow itself.

<+Seven> Grunting, Seven applied a bit more force as the surprisingly thin metal began to break. "Is everything about the" She muttered, mostly to herself as she continued to wiggle her blade under the container, trying to pop the cover of it off. Her lack of general strength meant that it was a hard task, even with the extremely weak metal.

<+MarloCross> With only minimal progress, Marlo head in with the others as Kevin makes his suggestion." Can we break it open?" He rushed to help whomever seemed to need the most help. Or, in fact, he looked around to see who was in the caskets if he could make out faces.

* +Fuzed yelps as he loses his footing and goes SPLASH. Scrambling to stand up, he ignores his inner gay nature to flail around and scream about ickiness and instead follows behind Nick as he shorted the containers. He'd work to open one and then figure out what to do next after it opened.

<@Sisip> The solar blast easily tears a hole through the door.. to an empty room. Well, perhaps not quite empty. It was almost lavishly decorated.... with ... of all things .. Gene Wilder posters? It was almost surreal. There was furniture. A desk, a bed, cabinets, a... movie projector? All seemingly earth items except one thing.. a casket.. standing up against the wall. A casket with a human inside it, the light blinking green. As the caskets in the other room are opened the abductees are far from useful for the most part. Sobbing could be heard, cries for help, sudden flailing, powers coming back to people quickly.

<Jackson> Isabelle will telekinetically sock the first person to open her pod in the jaw.

<+Edwin> "Aw, God, sonofabitch!" Eddie's head recoiled back and he clamped a hand over his mouth.

<+Spectrum> "WOW this is weird." Tony says as he steps through the ravaged sphincter (god how often does he get to do that?) into what appears to be... well, if he had to guess, he'd say it was the captain's cabin. At least, as much as what could pass for a captain's cabin in a weird pile of fish guts. He moves cautiously through the opening, and spots that one particular casket, which looks exactly
<+Spectrum> like those he'd just left behind. He peers through, trying to decipher who, or what, is inside of it.

<+Nicholas`> Nicholas continues around, PEW PEWing the coffins until they're all cracked open and ripe for the pickin'. Once that's complete, he heads towards the opened door, curious to see what's over in there. Including the coffin! The gun is raised and he aims it at the casket, glances at Tony and quirks a brow. "Want me to open it? Sorta...strange it's in here, you know. Do you have another mask? I
<+Nicholas`> gave mine to Kevin and Tremor." | The lucky bastard that gets Jameson out will get to drag his gimpy ass around. Alas! His legs weren't magically fixed by the aliens or jellyfish suit. Sadface. | Gabriel spends his waking moments freaking out and fighting against Kevin, not wanting the mask to be put on him. WHAT IS GOING ON WHAT WHY WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME.

<Gina_Stone> Chloe awakens abruptly, with a scream, hands and arms flailing around. Her eyes are closed for the moment, so there's no telling what color they are. Anyone nearby though, should they happen to get touched by a flailing arm, would feel cold... slimey cold, like being touched by some indescribable Lovecraftian horror. They'd begin to hallucinate their worst fear.... it's temporary, a few
<Gina_Stone> seconds at most given her suppressed state, but it's a full on auditory, physically felt, seen, and tasted hallucination.

* +Kraken JJ's inside his mind in happy land the overwhelming boredom having been too much. He likely needs a good smack, a familiar smell, the presence of something techy shoved under his nose. He would accept the mask and then sproing back to life - all tech would start going COMPLETELY NUTSO And poor Kev, he has to wrestle with an agitated birdman....

* emily ( has joined #TeamTwo

<Metalhead> Metalhead: "The situation seems to be under control up here. How are you folks doing in there?"

<+MarloCross> Pulling at one casket, Marlo is kind of dissapointed to find Bone-Head gasping out of the thing." OH MY GOD!!! Thank God! Did Anyone Bring some Milk I.." Marlo silended the osteogenerator by slapping a rebreather over his head," If we get outta this alive, I'll buy you some two Percent! Where's Kayla?" Marlo answers Metalhead," We're pulling folks out right now."

* +[Tremor] works to get rebreathers on all those freed, "Someone start a headcount! We can't leave anyone behind!" he smirks a little as he some of them wake up, He chimes in over the coms to the other team, "Good news. Hostages seem to be waking up."

* +Fuzed cant help but smirk at the mental punch, and then works to secure a rebreather on the mutie he just helped out of the coffin. He'd make sure to give a little comfort, making sure they were okay and telling them to stand by as he would move to the next, and so on, til he was out of rebreathers...then Chloe happens and he goes running from the room, screaming like a bitch..for a few
* +Fuzed seconds, before looking around.."Oh..."

<+Seven> CRACK. "There we go!" Seven didn't know who she was rescuing, but the hell with it. Mask. Mask. Mask. AHA! Shoving the cover to the coffin aside, she'd dive in! Sort of. Not exactly, but the rebreather would be carefully fastened to the face of the unfortunate individual inside before Tremor called for a headcount. "Uhhh... one."

<+MarloCross> Marlo Calls," Bone-Head's here...That's Two"

<+Edwin> After recovering from getting reflexively punched in the face by Izzy, Eddie takes a minute to clear the cobwebs out of his head before resuming distributing masks. Tremor calls for a headcount, and Eddie replies, "I've got Jamie and his kids over here."

<@Sisip> It's not Gene Wilder, no. They hadn't gotten to Hollywood yet to kidnap him. Instead Rick is discovered. Why he was not with the others is a mystery! As the coffins open a familiar pitch could be heard, not quite unlike her singing it's fairly obvious, Kayla's scream. As rebreathers are handed out people begin to calm down. This seemed to be going fairly well!

<+Kraken> "I've got JJ... and... trying to mask Gabe... he's ow! Not cooperating. Ow! Stop it, gabe I'm trying to help you! And JJ, calm down... i tink you're causing interferance int he coms!" JJ was screaming, and reaching out with his powers. "Calm down! OW!"

<+Spectrum> "Hey! It's that bouncy kid! Rich, or Dick, or whatver his name is." He calls through the comm. "I found that bouncy kid! He's being kept separate for some reason." He turns to Nick, and nods. "I've still got my extras. Get him out of there." He hands one of the extra rebreathers to Nick, and then starts off. "I need to find those eggs. We need a clear route out of here or we're
<+Spectrum> all fucked." He looks for any more passageways that could lead towards where the eggs are stored. God, he doesn't want to think about the implications of that.

<Gina_Stone> "Get them to the eggs, fast... I have a feeling we don't have much time left before we make a really hard stop..." Gina calls out over the comms.

<+Nicholas`> Gabriel continues to fight against Kevin, perhaps believing that the squidman is THE ENEMY. A balled fist is sent hurtling towards the other guy's jaw. Mask: NOT ON. Nor does it seem like he'll be willingly wearing one anytime soon. He remains in HULK SMASH mode, hellbent on turning Kevin into fish flakes. | Nick stands back when Seven gets the coffin open. The masks are accepted and he slaps
<+Nicholas`> one on Rick. "Give me a hand, Seven? Let's get him out to the others." | James looks down at his jellyfish suit, grins, and starts poking at the thing like the mental kid he is.

<Metalhead> Metalhead: "Whoa, Jesus! Lots of noise in the comms, what's goin' on over there?!"

* +[Tremor] gives away his last rebreather except the one he currently wears. He hears Eddie, Seven and Marlo call out their numbers, adding them to those he's already come across. He smiles a little at the mention of them having found Rick and then works some quick math in his head. The count is solid. He calls to the other team over the coms, "Headcount is done. We got all of them. Looking for
* +[Tremor] the eggs for evac now."

<Jackson> James gets slapped in the back of the head by Isabelle as whoever she's leaning against helps her by. "Don't be a child."

<@Sisip> More hallways before an open room is discovered. It's humid and smelly, like seaweed, big black balls bunched together with goop... and what appears to be a perfect egg shaped tunnel! How convinient! He's found the cloaca perhaps?

<Gina_Stone> Thankfully, the prolonged physical sedation seems to have muddled Chloe enough that her flailing doesn't last long, nor does the risk of touching her. When someone slaps a rebreather onto her face, she doesn't fight back, simply dropping her arms down at her sides. She's breathing fast though, and looks like a panicked animal.

<+MarloCross> Once he hears it, Marlo is right there, Bone-Head following him like a puppy Until Nick is spotted. Marlo heads over and reaches into her casket to pull her out." I gotcha, babe." Marlo pulls her close. He was nearly shaking. Gathering himself, he reaches behind him for Pi. Frowning at the poor Bot's condition, He hands her to Kayla." She'll be Okay. I couldn't leave her
<+MarloCross> there."

* +Fuzed looks around freaked out, and gather himself..."no one else saw giant land sharks, right? Like...great whites with legs? No, just me?..OK.." He moves towards the now not captive captives and then looks to the one who made him go all crazy pants." You're ok hun, we're gonna get everyone out of here, jsut stay calm...k?"

<+MarloCross> Bone-Head is right at Nick's side, trying to help as best he can," ohmygodithoughttheyweregoingtoeatmecausetheywereallgrossandiknewyoudcometosaveme!"

<+Kraken> "JJ's terrified! and Gabe- (*oregano!*)" Gabe decked the poor squidman, right in the jaw. It made an odd squelchy crack sound and down he went. Gabe was maskless and on the warpath against anything with a fishface or sapce suit it seemed...

<+Spectrum> "Oh GOD." He grimaces, entering the room. He stops, and has to stifle his gag reflex. This is just... this is disgusting. He calls through the comm unit. "Spectrum here. I found our way out." He starts looking at the eggs. Oh god, he's going to have to cram himself inside of one of those. Oh god no. / <Ricochet> Rick starts to stir as he's manhandled out of that coffin, and a mask
<+Spectrum> is slapped over his face. "Wuzzah.. wuzgoinawn... whozza... willy wonka... silver streak..."

<+Edwin> Eddie's never met Gabe before, so this is going to be one hell of an introduction. Eddie tries to come to Kevin's rescue after Gabe punches Kevin out in an apparent blind panic. Eddie peels off the ceiling and drops to the ground behind Gabe, and attempts to restrain him by grappling him with all four arms, and both spider legs if he needs to. "Dude. Calm down. We're trying to get you out
<+Edwin> of here."

* +[Tremor] looks around and sloshes in the direction of what might be the egg room. Catching up with Tony and Nick he blinks at the surroundings and then looks at ether one of them, "What the hell?" He shrugs, not waiting for an answer and then looks to the rest making their way in, "Come on guys. I'm not sure the quiet is a good thing."

<@Sisip> As Marlo picks up the screaming Kayla she grips at him, clinging like some sort of clinging ... thing ... and then a cold feeling would wash through the boy, his kinetic absorbtion/expulsion suddenly just... not there. She didn't do it on purpose, the girl was just completely not built for alien abductions and isolation! Pi isn't even noticed, which is probably a good thing.

<+Seven> Way out? All right then! Seven continued to bash open coffins and help people out of their little prisons -- hopefully people who were less violent than Gabe or Izzy. Damn. Sweat trickled down her face, blade soon sheathed and bow carefully slung over her back, since it didn't seem like there were any Uidry about now. Just that nasty shit that was going to drown them. For the moment, she
<+Seven> chose to take up the rear, making sure nobody accidentally wandered off or wound up left behind.

<+Nicholas`> What the fuck who is this kid. "Er. Hi there." is muttered and he looks a bit freaked out by Bonehead rushing over like this. "Just give me a hand moving this kid. Or assist the others. We have to get these people down the hallway and into the rescue pods." Because explaining 'alien ship eggs' would take too long. | Giant spider. That just freaks the poor birdman out even more. Feathers
<+Nicholas`> are dropped as he flaps his wings in a panic, the things falling out from the level of stress he's in. He continues to fight, now even more desperate now that he's gripped by a giant spider that's going to suck out his brains. | James glances around, "Uh. Help? I can't, uh, walk guys. Um. Nobody's got no wheelchair or nothing, right? Um." James asks in a calm voice and gestures for someone to
<+Nicholas`> come over and give him a hand.

<Gina_Stone> "Okay... okay now..." Chloe echoes the sentiment, eerily calm at the moment. Likely, it hasn't set in yet. Either that or they're all fucked. Luckily, it's the former. She just sort of trudges along where she's directed, unhurried, completely shell-shocked.

* Revenant ( has joined #TeamTwo
* +Edwin ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Revenant)))
* Revenant is now known as Edwin

<@Sisip> The line of confused and terrified people keeps growing, the count perfect now. Everyone accounted for. All that was left was getting people into the eggs and out the poo hole before they crashlanded! Easy, right?

* +Fuzed looks to James and raises a brow...he wasnt that strong but he would move over and kinda squat down infront of him"Piggy back service as you requested.." This was gonna be a fun trek through pink yuckiness with some dude on his back.

* +[Tremor] sighs and tosses the duffle bag in the water near the egg chamber with a splash and then sloshes his way back to James, "Sorry bout that." he gathers up James in his arms and carries him awkwardly back to the egg chamber with the rest of the crew. He frowns slightly at their tactical disadvantage, "Marlo, keep an eye out. We are a little too busy and spread out for my taste. Someone
* +[Tremor] needs to help Seven, I think shes still working on the last of the containers."

<Gina_Stone> Then, through the comms, comes Gina, "Can one of you tell us the route you took from the room we ported up in so we can get to you?"

<+[Tremor]> ((or not carry james. my bad))

* +Kraken poor JJ, the initial shock wore off but he was still terrified. Tech still acting up but just in the kid's immidiate area. Also his right arm wasn't working! Kevin, was down for the count, passed out where he fell after Gabe so brutally assaulted him. Tremor can carry Kevin!

<+Spectrum> "Yeah, hang on." Tony recounts the way he'd come through the ship to this point as best he can. "And then turn a right at the big, gaping butt door, and keep going." He looks at Nick, and whoever else that is bringing Rick along through. "Let's start getting these people into these eggs!" He waves anyone and everyone over to start speeding up the process. With the way the ship is
<+Spectrum> rumbling and shaking, they don't have much time before this is all a moot point.

<+MarloCross> Bone-Head is more than happy giving Nick a hand with whom he is helping. Meanwhile, Marlo flinched as his powers suddenly discharge inward. His left sholder pops and his joints all crack at once. He lets out a quick cry of pain before quickly fastening the rebreather on." c-C'mon babe...we...we gotta get you out.." he was a hurting unit. He stood up, holding Kayla and breaking
<+MarloCross> toward the exit," Tremor...I can't do shit! k-Kayla canceled my power...It popped my shoulder!"

<Edwin> "Little help here? Somebody?" He asks as he continues to wrestle with the birdman. Even if he had fangs in his form, he wouldn't be able to bite Gabe with a rebreather on, anyway. And he didn't know any way to knock him out without risking giving the guy a concussion or worse. "Settle down, you stupid bastard!"

<Jackson> Isabelle gets carried close enough by whoever to gently rest a hand on JJ's shoulder as they're evacuated, squeezing. "We'll be okay, Jay.."

<+Nicholas`> Jameson flashes a dazzlingly charming smile at Kevin, like what a stereotypical superhero would don for a spread on the front page of a newspaper. "Oh, I do declare! Finally, a gentleman." He wags his brows a couple of times and reaches up, arms going around the guy's shoulders and across his chest. The guy holds on firmly but not too tight, of course, mindful that Kev has to breathe. Too
<+Nicholas`> bad James is a big guy! Tall, lightly muscular but not backbreaking. The smile is flashed at Tremor, "Thanks though. Uh. Let's get out of here. I'll make everyone some din-din when we get home. Man it feels like I've been daydreaming for weeks. Hoooo boy I got so many recipes to try out now." He licks his lips and sighs dreamily. | Nick works with Bone-head to get Rick down the hallways like
<+Nicholas`> Tony said. He glances around periodically to make sure no more Uidry are going to ambush them. The zombie moves as fast as he can, wanting to get the people on their way to safety and home. | Gabe smarts up when the spider talks. The mask goes on and he's ready to run the fuck away and get back to where things make sense.

<@Sisip> The good thing about Kay zorting Marlo's power was ... she passed out immediately afterwards so getting the rebreather on the girl was easy! So was carrying her! As would be putting her in a black egg and shoving her into freefall!

<+Seven> "...I do not need help." Seven muttered, having taken just the tiniest bit of offense. She didn't need help, dammit. She had, however, been ready to knock Gabe upside the head to keep him from flailing around anymore, but he seemed to calm down and she was satisfied enough. Sighing, she shook her head and looked around, making sure that she was the last out of the room as they hurried to
<+Seven> get people into the eggs and so on, though she was soon readying her bow just in case they wound up being pursued.

* +Fuzed chuckles a bit at Jameson "1Hey, someone in this stink hole has to remember manners, and god knows NIck isn't gonna!" He struggles a little but not too bad as he treks to the egg room, and would help get him and anyone else into their eggs

<Edwin> "OK, we're good now?" He lets go of Gabe, and joins the crowd of people running for the exits. Over the comm: "Do we still need a captive, or do you guys have one up there on the bridge team?"

* +[Tremor] carries Kevin then! Same story, sets down the squidy in the egg chamber to be loaded by... well... hopefully someone is loading up these people. He hears Eddie over the comms and frowns slightly. It was to be expected really. Then he hears Gina requesting directions, "Gina, Listen up. I need you trace your path back and then follow the far hall. If you see a spot where it looks like
* +[Tremor] there was bombs set off, you're on the right track. Most of the hallways narrow, the one that doesn't is your best bet." He says all this while making his way to Eddie and Gabe, sneaking around behind the birdman and snaping his hand out to crack Gabe in the back of the head with the butt of his knife.
* +[Tremor] is not following posts -nearly- fast enough. cancel the crack to Gabe's noggin.

<Gina_Stone> "Yeah... we're already on that. Tony gave me directions." Gina.

* Metalhead (Holtzmann@6ca5f081.6ca5ecda.177.41.imsk) has left #TeamTwo

<+Nicholas`> James, Gabe and Nick wind up in the eggs and don't seem very thrilled about it. The first two bitch about it for different reasons: James' faaabulous hair would get gunk in it, Gabe just thinks they're grody. But they wind up in the things and plummet safely towards Earth yay!

* +Kraken JJ sobbed as his left arm dangled uselessly. He would hurry for where it looked like all the exiting people were going. His uncle was unconscious, his sister said everything was okay. JJ smiled to her. Dad! Dad looked fine, the soul stealer had him... "Caviar? We're hopping inside caviar?..." But Izzy likely tk smacks him and then it was geronimo egg time

<+Spectrum> Tony continues hurrying people into eggs. but he suspiciously avoids even getting near the things himself. "Come on, people, let's go, let's go, let's go!"

<Edwin> Over the comm: "Roger that. Proceeding to fuck off now." Eddie claims an egg and...well, he really doesn't know what to expect now. Other than this is really gross. And he's going to need a lot of showers after this.

<+MarloCross> Yeah, carrying her with a dislocated left arm. He had to resort to hauling her unromanticly over his shoulder just before Seven. He looked back at the Ghost, wincing as he carried Kayla. He haulled ass toward the egg room. " Seven...any fololowing us?" for once,. he hoped not." God-fuckin'-Dammit." He was moving as fast as he could. Bone-Head stayed right with Seven not to
<+MarloCross> guard the rear but because he was fat and slow. He did have a bone carapace of a frightening nature growing slowly over him." Seven...How are we getting outta here? I wanna go home!" poor kid was nearly in tears.,

* +Kraken as Tremm moved, Kev flopped in his grasp like a rubbery manequin, but made no moves to resist getting shoved in an egg. Squid was lights out.

<+Seven> "Oh, Calvin. Worry not, for we are going home right now!" Seven re-shouldered her bow, smiling cheerfully to the poor chubbybubby, giving him a reassuring, warm, squishy hug ... and then giving him a sharp shove into one of the eggs so that he could safely fall back to earth. She scowled as Eddie hitched a ride, "HEY! You are supposed to be waiting for me!" Well, not really, but
<+Seven> she didn't want to stay on the gross alien ship by herself, so she was quick in diving into an egg of her own soon enough.

<Gina_Stone> Chloe stares at an egg for a moment, swaying back and forth on her feet. "Okay... now..." Lurching forward, she simply curls herself up into it... and down the chute she goes.

* +Fuzed looks around,"How we looking guys? Everyone got a goo bomb to go home in?" even though he was still out of his element in the hero department he wasnt gonna leave until every one of the abductees was safely gone.

* +[Tremor] nods at Koski, "Looks like it. That means this one's got your name on it." he motions to a nearby egg, "You first."

* emily ( has left #TeamTwo
* +Nicholas` ( has left #TeamTwo

<+MarloCross> Marlo Seats his girlfriend in a pod before hitting his own. Turning to Fuze as his girlfriend was away." Last one Down buys pizza for the SuperBowl." Marlo chose an egg and, for the first time, threw up as the eg rocketed towards the ground. No Kinetic Absorbtion, No Fun in Rollercoasters

* +Fuzed grimaces "So not looking forawrd to falling tremor.." and he crawls into his egg and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

<+Spectrum> More and more people go down the eggs, and still Tony waits there, looking paler by the second. As Gina and the rest make their way into the egg chamber, he looks over at her. He doesn't look good. He looks terrified, far moreso than he should be, considering they're about to get out of there. Quentin, on the other hand, simply SHCLORPS his way into one of those things, and down he goes.

<Gina_Stone> "Tony... what the hell are you doing, babe? Get in one of those and get out! This thing is going to detonate!" She sprints into the room with the rest, shoving Fergus into an egg since he fell asleep again.

* +[Tremor] casually walks over to Tony and *SHOVE* into one of the eggs, "In ya go lightbright!"

* +MarloCross ( has left #TeamTwo

<Jackson> "Time to fuckin' go! This flying Gorton's monstrosity's going to blow!" Jack yells out as he dives into an egg of his own.

<+Spectrum> "I can't do it." He says to Gina, his voice shaky. He can't. He can't get into one of those things. "I can't." He's almost shaking with fear at the thought.

<Jackson> Isabelle gives Tony a teleshove before she goes flying out in an egg of her own. ¬.¬

<Gina_Stone> "You don't have a choice. You'll thank me later." She bodily grabs him, and with Tremor's help, shoves his ass into an egg. Then she gets in one, too.

<+Spectrum> He screams as he's forced into one of those things, and struggles, but soon enough he's trapped inside of it, and it falls through the chute.

* Edwin ( Quit (Quit: Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.)
* +Spectrum ( Quit
* +Fuzed ( has left #TeamTwo
* Gina_Stone ( has left #TeamTwo

* +[Tremor] has been working to keep count this whole time. Making sure to double check the numbers he nods and looks at one of the eggs, thinking for a while before sighing, "Whatever... " and jumps in.

* Jackson ( has left #TeamTwo
* +[Tremor] (Tremor@14055b15.6ca5ed39.184.76.imsk) has left #TeamTwo
<@Sisip> Everyone escapes. Scene is ended. Thansk everyone! ^_^
Session Close: Thu Jan 26 22:38:21 2012

Re: Rescue Mission Go! Uidry Finale 01/26/12

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:17 pm
by Sisip
At Home

<@Sisip> Down on earth people were dumbfounded by the fact that the giant fish was floppily falling towards earth while peeing on them. Conviniently right towards Cobalt! Overshooting it, unfortunately, but that was nothing that hadn't been expected, emergency vehicles already on standby.

* Lukas` ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Gina_Stone> Vehicles on standby, decontamination kits at the ready, and a whole slew of Medical staff. Prepared Willow made sure the rest of them were prepared too!

* emily wasnt really trained to help people but she could help with any heavy lifting or as a gopher if need be so she went along with the response team just hoping to be of some use

<@Sisip> Black eggs start to fall from the ass end of the dying, falling fish. They drop to the ground and bounce around before settling and popping! Black gunk coated humans revealed.

<Gina_Stone> As soon as the eggs start to land, the medical crew gets their asses in gear. Dressed in hazmat suits, they start pulling people away from the eggs and toward the vehicles, where the unfortunate process of decontamination begins with a hosing down with sterilized water.

* Metalhead (Holtzmann@6ca5f081.6ca5ecda.177.41.imsk) Quit (Quit: Cave Johnson, we're done here!)

<Edwin> "That wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Only almost that bad." Eddie remarks to the helpful people in hazmat suits as he's whisked off to the infirmary to be checked for signs of extraterrestrial Gonorrherpesyphilaids from being bathed in questionable alien fluids and bodyparts for the better part of the evening.

<Nicholas`> Nicholas pops out of an egg and claws the fuck away from it like a zombie out of a horror movie. While he's thankful for getting hosed down, he feels like the only thing that'd get him clean is FIRE. Some choice words are hissed and he gets up to his feet and resists the urge to start shaking the goo off him. | James also crawls out of an egg and proceeds to whine about how much he needs
<Nicholas`> a real bath. SUCH A WOMAN. | Gabriel doesn't move, too traumatized with WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED. Birdbrain: bluescreened. At least he's not trying to beat people to death anymore.

* emily did what she could to help the response teams, it was mostly just keep busy work and she knew it but it was better then just sitting around twiddling her thumbs

<Spectrum> Two more black spheres strike the earth. Out of one of them crawls a weakened, and very confused Rick Calabro. He's soon carted away to medical by some NPCs. Out of the other? Well, a very, very confused, slimy, and unhappy Theodore Montblanc makes his undignified reappearance. He looks around, then down at himself, and then just SCREAMS for a minute straight.

<@Seven> "THAT WAS THE BEST RIDE OVER." Seven flutteryay'd after bouncing to the ground and blobbily rolling out onto the grass, standing upright soon enough and hobbling over to the dudes in the hazmat suits, "Can we do it again?" She asked innocently, tail wagging and slinging alien gloop everywhere. They were more than happy to get her cleaned and quarantined before she sprayed everyone
<@Seven> with even more eggjuice in her excitement.

<Ahriman> Fergus was still asleep, and was posting in the room he's supposed to! But he's shoved, as is Miles (probably) at some point, and both fall to Earth after being egg-crapped.
<Ahriman> *wasn't >:|

<@Seven> Over = ever~

<MarloCross> Marlo rolls from his, spewing as he gets free. As he gets his bearings, Marlo looks around, whiping gunk from his face. Pi was with Kayla thankfully. Otherwise the bot would be covered in puke. He looked over at Seven and frowned," Speak for yourself...I hate falling when I can't slow the impact...Where's Kayla?"

* @Shannon was clearly the best off of Sho's trio. All Shannon needed was to have her suit hosed down and a batheing over with her powers. Though as this was alien and unknown she would censent to staying overnight in the medcenter. JJ continued to sob and look disgusted, left arm just dead. No lights, no motion, the prosthesis was busted. Kevin remained knocked out thanks to the bird brain.
* @Shannon Of course, then Ted reappeared and started screaming bloody murder which got JJ terrified and screaming himself again...

<Spectrum> Ted's had a bad week, cut him some slack.

* Edwin ( Quit (Quit: Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.)

<Fuzed> POP! Koski hits earth and egg explode everywhere as he just kinda lays on the cold ground, covered in goo. IN an exhausted voice he call outYay...we did it..go us.. and then he rolls over and pukes"Eww...i need fout thousand showers..." After a moment he'd get up and walk around a bit, checking on people and directing them to be decontaminated
<Fuzed> POP! Koski hits earth and egg explode everywhere as he just kinda lays on the cold ground, covered in goo. IN an exhausted voice he call outYay...we did it..go us.. and then he rolls over and pukes"Eww...i need fout thousand showers..." After a moment he'd get up and walk around a bit, checking on people and directing them to be decontaminated

<@Sisip> Kayla was being hosed down with steril water, the little bot resting on her stomach. Once cleaned the girl was loaded onto a stretcher, still out cold and wheeled off to medical.

<Crusader> And another black egg falls from the fish, and bounces to the ground. It's only moments after that a piercing beam of white hot energy tears its way through the egg casing, as Tony tries to obliterate the horrible, constricting nightmare he's found himself in.

* Spectrum ( Quit
* Crusader is now known as Brad

<Nicholas`> Nick, Gabe and James get carted off to medical for a proper cleaning and recovery. Yay.

* Nicholas` is now known as Rumpvilestiltskin

<@Jackson> Jack's egg crashes to the ground, and he rolls out with a groan... looking up to the sky to get a glimpse of the fish. "Right about... now..."

<@Sisip> Given enough time for everyone to get off the fish it continues to fall before... EXPLODEY FISH!!!! The blast is enough to blow the entire head off the fish, ending any pain it may have been in and doing well to scatter it clear across three counties.

<Ahriman> Two eggs land near each other. Fergus bursts his way through one of them, before the egg somehow impregnates him. The other egg just kinda.. sits there. Wiggling. At least until it bursts on its own. But even then, Miles remains in the viscera, examining pieces of it closely.

<Brad> Tony scrambles free of his constraints, practically hyperventilating. As soon as he's out in the air, he curls up on hismelf, teeth clenched and eyes shut tightly, shivering.

* emily heades back to campus as she was really not much use here at the moment and didnt want to get in the way

<@Seven> Seven grinned over at Marlo, apparently in suspiciously high spirits after all of that. Must be the adrenaline. "Heeeeey. Everyone is screaming. I want to scream, too!" Inhaling deeply -- preparing for the wail of a lifetime -- "....aaaaaaaaaaah." Flutterscream. It was interrupted by a blast of almost frigid water. In the face. Do you think they did that on purpose? "Sorry,
<@Seven> kiddo, just tryin'a get the initial gunk off." Suuuure, they were. Dripping Seven was not amused. She looked up toward the fishship as it ... exploded. Her eyes widened, and she slowly sidled over to Jack, where she would continue to stare up at the thing before reaching up to touch fingers to forehead in a quiet salute.

<@Sisip> Sisip, eyes like an eagle.. or.. well grouse.. spots Jack as he falls from his egg, messily. She'd seen him in worse. She does the 'stupid beloved' thing again, much like she had during the julie incident and bolted towards him to mae sure he was ok. His limbs are all counted, and his face, which is kissed. She's exstatic! Finally! A plan that went off like it was supposed to! Her first REAL victory with a full retreival count... including Rick.

* TellaBella (Bellau@6ca5ec7e.6ca5ecf9.64.126.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Gina_Stone> Chloe lands, sprawling rather unceremoniously out of the egg onto the ground. She just... lays there, staring up at the sky. "Okay... now..." She barely moves even as she's hosed down, letting the medical staff manipulate her as they saw fit. When they get her to her feet, she stares at them blankly... until the shipfish explodes, that is. She blinks, then looks around as though
<Gina_Stone> finally coming to. "We're home?" | Gina launches herself out of the egg as soon as it pops and begins a frantic search for Tony. Seeing him, she scrambles to him, dropping to her knees when she reaches him. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I didn't know. You're safe now, it's okay, Tony..."

<@Jackson> Jack is just sliding his arm around Seven's shoulders to squeeze her against him, "Arrivederci, Spacefish," said almost sadly... when Sisip half-tackles him, oofing and laughing softly, kissing her back. "I'm okay, we're okay, everyone's okay..."

<Krys_Gallagher> Fish egg. Eww, ewww, gross! But it was teh only way, so Krys had smooshed into one, clamped her eyes shut, and tried not to hurl as she freefell back to earth, splattering out into the ground with a thud.

<Gina_Stone> Medical staff continues hosing people down. Those with the worst injuries are transported off first, and vehicles return to stand by to take the rest back to the Med Center for further decontamination, rounds of antibiotics, and other assorted EWWW GROSS disease prevention.

<Brad> Ted gets ushered off to medical as well, confused as HELL. He's only had the vaguest idea of what's been going on for the past week, and this is the first breath of fresh air he's had in that entire time. Stumbling, he follows where he's led by the medical staff. "He didn't kill anybody, did he? Oh please god tell me he didn't kill anyone..." He rambles on like that as he's herded
<Brad> into medical.

<MarloCross> Heading after his girlfriend, Marlo speaks into his headset under the helmet," Call Mom." THis wasn't going to be fun. Passing by Sisip, he gives her a thumbs up. 14 Bone-Head starts cutting himself out of his egg with a bone spur only to be doused in water by a decontamination team," PLEEEEASE!! I JUST WANT A SHAKE!!! I'LL SETTLE FOR A LATTE AT THIS POINT!"

<@Seven> Blinking, Seven turned around and ... where the hell was Jack? Oh, a few yards away, ground into the, um... ground by Sisip in her crazy tackle, which had her giggling to herself before she waddled off toward the medical center, trailing water as she went and cuddling her bow against her chest all the while, "You've proven yourself, Maddy."

<Brad> It takes a few minutes, but eventually Tony starts to breathe normally again. He knows he's not inside that thing anymore, and he can hear Gina again, over the slowly dwindling SCREAMING TERROR in his brain. "I'm sorry." He mumbles, still curled up on the grass.

* Gina_Stone is now known as Suzthulhu

* Fuzed watches the spacefish go boom and he feels a little bad...but only a LITTLE..then he's being blasted with cold water"God DAAAAMN!!" but then he takes it and just shuts up. And he is smiling a little. He was happy, he did it, and didnt fuck up too bad! After his hose down he'd still help out until being forced to go get checked out

* Seven is now known as AnE

<Suzthulhu> "What do you have to be sorry for? We made it. With everyone... everyone is alive and back home, and the shipfish is gone. You were amazing, I know you were." They get hosed down together because that's so romantic, but Gina just wraps her arms around him.

* @Shannon 's trio were off to decontamination. Shannon was moved to one of her spare suits so her team one could be taken apart and supercleaned. She'd stay under survailance to make sure her energy form was fine. Kevin was once again on that injured list, but how severe would have to wait for them to take him out of his wet suit, that thing was going to need serious cleaning and if they
* @Shannon needed to cut it off? Serious repairs. JJ took off his robot arm, not wanting the dead thing attached to him. Right now the usually cheerful JJ was in an I hate the world mode. And he looked upset... Not to mention security dampened so he wouldn't interfere with any medcenter tech - which only added to the techie's anxiety...

* [Tremor] 's egg was apparently the last one out. It bounces and rolls a ways before busting open. Out pops Tremor with a dozen flavors of gunk to keep him company. He grumbles something about no good deed going unpunished and waits for medical to show up and cart him off to decontamination. He stops the people in clean suits before they haul him in to look around. Looks like everyone got
* [Tremor] out ok. All of the couples and family were on the spot, laughing and comforting loved ones. He smiles a little then steps into his transport to iso.

<@Sisip> Ashy, Quentin forgotten about, was buzzing around the special room she had set aside for her entire family AND Rick. the girl was waiting there, forbidden from leaving by almost EVERYONE who stayed behind. Bonobo was set to guard her and keep her in that particular room. | Kayla's eyes flutter open as Marlo walks just a bit behind. A trembling hand reaching down for Pi. A Pi that didn't seem to be moving. "Pah" Her voice cracked just a bit, "Pi?" Bluegrey eyes widen as her little bot doesn't respond.

<Brad> And woo, hosed down with hosewater. How wonderful for everyone. Once the cleanup crew is done with them, Tony shakily gets to his feet, with Gina's help. "I'm okay.. m'okay." He sighs heavily, and looks over at her. "Guess we all made it out in one piece?"

<@Jackson> "Aside from the fish," Jack says offhandedly. "And a couple thousand Uidry." He sounds strangely happy about that.

* @Shannon ( Quit (Quit: brb!)

<Suzthulhu> Gina helps Tony up, ducking under his arm and pulling it across her shoulders to help him stay steady on his feet.
<Suzthulhu> ((fail))

<MarloCross> "She got stunned. JJ can fix her, right? She wanted to come...she wouldn't let go of me." Marlo felt bad for not locking the little pod-bot in his room. Standing by his girlfriend's side, Marlo hoped he could provide her with some comfort. " She'll be okay."

<Suzthulhu> Gina helps Tony up, ducking under his arm and pulling it across her shoulders to help him stay steady on his feet. "Yeah, we made it out in one piece. Some injuries, I think, but everyone is alive." She starts them both toward one of the vans to head back to medical.

* Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon

<Brad> "Good... good." He says, walking along with her, his heartrate returning to normal. He feels stupid now, there wasn't any danger. He just couldn't help it. "I should have told you." He says to Gina, shaking his head as they walk. "When you told me how we were getting out, I should have told you."

<@Jackson> Isabelle will be surprisingly affectionate to her brother, sister and father as everybody recovers. ... Then, tomorrow, re-enter Twatmode.

<Brad> Even Rick?

<@Jackson> SIGH, even Rick.

<Suzthulhu> As herded, Chloe also gets ushered toward one of the vehicles and taken back to medical, where she's placed in a room to rest and recover. Strangely, she's still pretty calm, even though she's lucid now.

<Brad> \(^-^ )/

<@Jackson> Savor it while it lasts.

<Ahriman> <Miles> Miles silently protested when medical personnel tried to pick him up, hose him off, and pull him away. He picked up handfuls of egg bits, and fought to keep them from being taken from him. | <Fergus> The half-Scot was a bit more willing to be decontaminated.. just not yet. "I'll be with you folks in a minute, I gotta find someone first," he told one of the med staff who insisted.
<Ahriman> He amble off toward where other eggs had landed, looking for one of the rescued abductees.

* [Tremor] goes through the whole decontamination process, being shoved in a room alone and the door locked and sealed. Here he was again. He finds the slab they call a bed and sits down on it, looking at the wall like it might grow a TV is he thinks hard enough. He frowns slightly, "Yeah... I'm done here." Still the watch to get for Nick... but then he was through.

<Suzthulhu> "It's alright, Tony. We're all fine. Sorry I had to manhandle you like that..." And not in a good way, either. "Just, next time we decide to evac in some alien eggs, it would be good to know first. We could have brought some valium up with us." She nudges him in the side with her elbow.

<@Jackson> Jack will retire, making sure to give Seven and Sisip hugs and kisses, promising them he'll be back... as he heads back to his home, quietly depositing the spacefishtech he retrieved into a hidden safe to be kept for... reasons.

<Brad> "Yeah. Heh." He shakes his head again, feeling steadier on his feet now. "That was wild." He manages a grin over at Gina as they walk. "How was your field trip with Tons of Fun?" By which he means Quentin.

<@Sisip> Once Jack ignores all the protocols and heads home, thus probably needing their etire home decontimated later, Sisip moves on to talk to everyone in turn quietly, welcoming them home. | Kayla begins to cry, but thankfully it's not 'terrified' cry, more 'thank god' cry. She holds Pi closely. "He.. he can... Ma.. marlooo..." More tears! She takes her boyfriend's hand, thankfully not zorting another power from him... "I dont'... Where's Gavin..."

<@Jackson> Oh! Right. Protocols. He doesn't go home, then. He... still hides his shit, though. >.>

<Rumpvilestiltskin> Nick totally hides his ZORT gun too, dammit.

<Brad> He buries it in the yard like a terrier.

<@Jackson> It's just then that Gavin bursts through the doors into the recovery ward everyone is being held in! "WHERE IS SHE? Where's Kayla? Where's that stupid lunk of her boyfriend? If he didn't bring her the fuck back I swear to fuckin'... Kayla!" he cries, the gingerly twin bolting for her and Marlo.

<Suzthulhu> "Oh him? It was lovely. He proved to be a pretty damn useful battering ram. And thankfully, he didn't go all Beni Hana on any of us." She helps him get up into the van and hops in as well. "You guys did a fantastic job finding everyone and finding the way out."

<Brad> Into the van he goes. "I could get used to this, you know." He grins at her, starting to feel a bit like his normal self. "Saving the world and all that."

<Ahriman> Surprise! Fergus hops in the van, too. "Helluva night, huh guys?" he grinned, setting his guns aside to finally slide his goggles up. "This is gonna make a helluva sim mission."

<Suzthulhu> "Eh, it's soooo overrated." She laughs, and as Fergus hops in, he'd be treated to seeing her give Tony one hell of a kiss. The doors to the van close, and she waves at Fergus from behind her back because her lips are currently busy.

<MarloCross> Marlo had this already planned,"

<@Sisip> When Gavin appears Kayla cries out loudly, reaching for him from the stretcher she was on, almost knocking herself off it! Still holding tightly to Marlo's hand the girl's eyes are almost the size of dinnerplates.

<Brad> And scene!

<MarloCross> Marlo had this already planned," Call Gavin." he said into his headset, after removing the helmet finaly. His face wasn't looking too great, the spew having come out of his helmet the hard way. Gavin's phone would soon be ringing.
<MarloCross> (scratch mine)

<@Jackson> An Uidry pops up as the scene starts to go black. 'Th-th-th-th-that's all, fol-' and then is cleaved in half by Quentin. 'THE FILM HAS ENDED, SINNERS.'

* Fuzed ( Quit

<Krys_Gallagher> She'd be fussed over, cleaned up, and wounds tended to. Looks like an overnight stay for the electrokinetic. Sigh. But at least she'd made it back in one piece!!

* TellaBella (Bellau@6ca5ec7e.6ca5ecf9.64.126.imsk) Quit

<Ahriman> "I got dibs on him next," he grinned. The grin was at his own SUPER CLEVERNESS, since both of their faces were currently occupied. And since they were busy, and terrible conversationalists, he busied himself with trying to get the goo off his guns.

<Brad> Ew, just like, right in front of other people? Gross, Fergus. Gross.

<Ahriman> gunS, plural.

* Suzthulhu ( Quit (Quit: <Crusader> "Dear Eliza. I'm sorry I raped and then ate you. Have this cake.")

<Brad> REEEEEEEWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND. Ted pops out of his fish egg, and looks down at himself. "Why am I all sticky and naked. Did I miss something fun?"
<Brad> And THEN he gets carted off to medical.