BFF 4 EVR! Ashy & Quentin

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BFF 4 EVR! Ashy & Quentin

Post by Sisip »

[07:19] <Brad> Alone and unloved, Quentin continues to stand out in the courtyard, having not moved since returning to his vigil after his completely successful interrogation that clearly ended the appropriate way and was in no fashion a fiasco. Pablo seems to have swept away the pigeon carcasses this morning, likely not even noticing the massive form of the ghostly-
[07:19] <Brad> -Templar and his aura of death and cold and hatred.

[07:23] <@SisipWork> Not entirely unloved. Quentin does have ONE fan in particular. A certain, barely lit girl wearing a self warming winter coat with both pockets containing a little robot friend (Poddy in one and Bit in the other) wanders over towards him. She'd heard the rumours that had circulated about what he'd done to the alien and while most people were avoiding the man she wanted to see who it was that had done such a thing. Tilting her head the glowbug watches him from a distance, not saying much of anything.

[07:26] <Brad> He stands motionless, his somewhat transparent frame wreathed in endlessly flickering blue flames. Those massive hands that had torn the creature in two rest on the pommel of his sword, pointed down with the tip buried in the earth. His blue eyes, fiery like the rest of him, gaze unblinkingly through twin eyeslits in his helmet. He cuts an extremely imposing-
[07:26] <Brad> -figure, and it's likely the reason few pause to chat him up. That and he's... not a particularly pleasant conversationalist to begin with.

[07:31] <@SisipWork> Taking a few steps closer the girl is less cautious and more concerned about the temperature. She hated the cold and it was already barely tollerable as it was. "You killed the alien." It wasn't a question, or even an accusation. It was merely a statement. Honey golden eyes slide slowly over Quentin as she takes another step or two towards him. "Did.. he tell you how to get to his ship?"
[07:33] <Brad> His head shifts slightly, the first sign of movement he's made in many hours. Those burning eyes glare down at the girl, like they're trying to cut through her soul. He regards her for a moment, and then speaks in that low, sickening rumble of a voice. "Yes." He says, perhaps in answer to both questions.

[07:35] <@SisipWork> "How?" At his simple answer her glow brightens and she stands a bit straighter. Please say jetpack, PLEASE say jetpack! Thankfully the two bots were in snooze mode, Bit recovering from his powerdrain and learning about the events and Poddy just being poddy. She didn't want either of them getting upset if they heard she was still interested in getting up there.
[07:37] <Brad> "I grasped one of its weak, frail little arms in each hand, and pulled it apart as one would a game hen." He replies, obviously more interested in explaining that bit of information. He has no idea how to get to the ship, only that the creature had given its exact coordinates.

[07:40] <@SisipWork> Her face scrunches up on one side and she gives him a 'duh' look, "Yes, yes I know that. But how do you GET to his ship? I mean, if someone... like me ... were going to go.. how would they go?" That's not to say that Quentin's fatal dance with the alien wasn't impressive, it simply, at this point, wasn't necessary information. "Would a jetpack work?" She takes another step closer.

[07:41] <Brad> He stares at her for a few long moments, those eyes burning endlessly, cold and empty. He towers over the girl, could easily break her in two with one hand, likely. "Why do you expect me to know this?" He responds, a fair enough question. He doesn't look like the most tech-savvy individual at the Sanctum right now.

[08:03] <@SisipWork> She raises an eyebrow, "Because I asked and you said yes. With that sort of answer most people will assume that means you know. Since.. you said yes." Was the fellow tetched?

[08:08] <Brad> "I was only told where the creatures' vessel is." He says gruffly, a hint of irritation in his voice. He looks upward at the sky then, as if to signify that, then looks back down at the girl, eyes blazing. "It is up to your... people... to find a way there. When that is determined, I will expect to be sent with them to enact proper justice."
[08:11] * vile|zzz is now known as vile

[08:16] <@SisipWork> She looks a bit confused, "Then why would you say yes, if you don't know how to get to the spaceship?" She snorts ust a bit, irritated. "Hasn't anyone told you it's not nice to lie?" Now she was back to square one... no jetpack and no idea how to get up there. Looking back to Quentin the girl frowns, maybe he just didn't KNOW what yes and no meant. "Just so in the future you do not make this mistake again? YES means an affirmative or consenting reply. NO is used to give a negative response. I know it can get confusing sometimes, but the answer you should have given was 'no'."

[08:18] <Brad> "You asked me two questions." The ghost replies, seemingly uninterested in her semantics lecture. "I answered one of them." He flexes his fingers on the pommel of his sword, staring down at her impassively. Don't forget, Quentin, you need these people. They already pitched a fit when you killed the alien, they probably wouldn't take kindly to you-
[08:18] <Brad> -slaughtering their adorable pet moppet.

[08:21] <@SisipWork> Thank goodness Ashy wasn't privvy to internal monologing. An eyebrow raises into an exhaggerated 'Spock' look. "Are you only able to answer one question at a time? Like.. are you a genie that grants wishes? Limitations on how many questions can be answered?" NOW the girl was even more interested. Limitations on questions? She takes another step or two towards Quentin. "You're cold." Blinking she pauses, "But that wasn't a question so it doesn't count! Does it? OH but I answered questions before. Those are hypothetical questions though, I've decided, so you don't have to answer them."

[08:23] <Brad> "No." He says, staring down at her.

[08:24] <@SisipWork> Ashy's brain breaks. "... wut ...?" Honey golden eyes blink at Quentin in confusion.

[08:25] <vile> Oh look. It's that smarmy bastard again! Out of the rec section of the giant donut he heads and into the courtyard he goes. There's something different about the pale man: he looks tired. So very tired, like he'd been hard at work or something, doing more than just running his mouth. The second he's out in the chilly morning air, he lights up a cigarette and takes a couple puffs from
[08:25] <vile> the thing. A heavy sigh is released and his shoulders fall. Today the normally well-dressed zombie is in a plain black long sleeved shirt, jeans and nice sneakers. No fancy pants, not even his cane! Soon enough, he spots the couple of people out already and slinks towards them, moving with his usual slow gait.

[08:26] <Brad> "I choose to answer what I see fit." He replies, fingers flexing on the pommel of his blade again. "I am not here to educate you. I am here to destroy the creatures that committed this crime, bring God's wrath upon them, and send them to whatever Hell awaits them."

[08:30] <@SisipWork> A feigned 'impressed' look comes over Ashy's face as she puts on a fake British accent, "OhhOOooh really now, well I should consider myself lucky then to have had my queries replied unto thusly by .. you ." She pauses, not that good at this sort of thing. Giving up she sticks her tongue at him instead! "Well you COULD answer questions if you WANTED. What if I asked how you were going to 'bring God's wrath' upon them? Would you answer THAT?" Looking up she spots Nick and smiles, waving his way!

[08:32] <vile> Ashy's wave is returned and he continues towards them. It doesn't take long for the guy to arrive. He stands next to the glowbug and offers a nice pat to the shoulder to her in greeting. "Hello." he greets in a soft tone and resumes smoking, sure to blow it off to the side away from the others.

[08:32] <Brad> He tightens one hand around the pommel of his sword, and lifts it, slowly, from the ground. It's a massive broadsword, as solid and yet oddly insubstantial as Quentin himself, and wreathed in that same icy, flickering blue fire. The blade is almost as tall as she is. Double-handed hilt included, the sword likely is at least the same height as her. He holds-
[08:33] <Brad> -it out to the side with one arm, letting her see it. "With this." As Nick approaches, his eyes narrow. He can't help it. Walking corpse. Holy crusader. Not exactly a good match.

[08:42] <@SisipWork> Ashy can't help herself as she oooooooohs softly, honey golden eyes widening at the sight of the sword. "I bet that would kill a lot of them." She nods just a bit. "I'd love to be there to watch you... but I probably will have already rescued everyone by the time you get back to.. NIIICK!" She stops herself, smiling innocently as she remembers Nick was drawing closer. She certainly wasn't planning on doing something stupid again, not Ashlynne!

[08:44] <vile> No self-respecting coward would be able to ignore Quentin's display. A look of horror crosses his face and he takes a step away from the ghost, clearly upset by the giant fucking sword. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out this is a bad situation and that it's about time to run screaming. "Er. Just...stopping by to say 'hi'. I should go get something for breakfast." A nervous smile
[08:44] <vile> is flashed at Ashy and he steps away. "I'll see you around." and he goes! Retreat! Ashley's plan to do something bad can continue! For now, now that the zombie is relocating somewhere a bit safer. Whether he'd heard the bit about 'already rescued' isn't clear.

[08:46] <Brad> He brings the sword down again, and drives it back into the exact point in the ground that he'd driven it in before. He rests his hands back on the pommel, and his helmeted head turns to watch Nick start to scamper off. "You need not fear me." Well you should, but that's beside the point. "I am forbidden from taking action without due cause. Even toward-
[08:46] <Brad> -a... creature... such as yourself."

[08:49] <@SisipWork> A creature .. such as herself? That yucky feeling comes over her that she recognizes from numerous trips out. That tone of disapproval. Frowning the girl puts her hands on her hips, "And what's WRONG with a creature like me? Or have you not looked in a MIRROR yet, ghost boy?"

[08:51] <Brad> "I was referring to the corpse." He says, brusquely.

[08:52] <@SisipWork> OH! Well then. She settles down, hmming. Then pauses, "But he's just like you except for a whole lot smellier, warmer and more approachable. I mean.. you are both DEAD."

[08:53] <Brad> "Technically speaking, I am not dead." He replies again, remaining motionless.

[08:53] <vile> Nick glances over his shoulder at Quentin and gives a quick nod. The retreat continues despite this. Maybe he really is hungry! Or he just finds a giant scary-looking ghost night with an equally big sword to be downright terrifying. So f that mess. Soon enough, his cigarette is snubbed out and tucked behind an ear, and he's heading for the mart for some delicious, bloody meat.

[08:55] <@SisipWork> "Well then he's not either!" Aside from the 'not living' part, of course. The girl grumbles a bit, "still the same sort of." Finding a bench nearby the girl settles down on it, looking over at Quentin for a moment or so, "Do you think we'll save everyone?"

[08:56] <Brad> "That is your concern, not mine." He says, fiery blue eyes staring off into the distance over her head. "I have told you my purpose here."

[08:57] <@SisipWork> This wasn't what the girl wanted to hear so she reaches down with a stretch arm, scoops up a bit of snow, balls it up and tosses it towards the TECHNICALLY SPEAKING not dead Templar Knight. "Well.. whatever." She huffs and looks at the ground.

[09:02] * Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[09:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
[09:02] * Suzthulhu ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

[09:08] <Brad> AN ASSUALT! He springs into action and cleaves her in tw- okay no, he just stands there, the snowball hits him on the left side of his chest. He tilts his eyes back down at the girl. "Girl, do not expect kindness from me."

[09:11] <Suzthulhu> Someone whould really hang a sign on Quentin: "Please do not feed, taunt, torment, speak to, assault, engage, or otherwise harrass the Templar."

[09:14] <@SisipWork> Ashy sticks her tongue out at him again. "If I wanted kindness from you I would have gone all... " And she pulls off the biggest doe eyes ever seen before, complete with a little wobbly lip. "But I don't." Stretchyface returns to normal. "How many do you think you can kill in one swipe? A lot?"

[09:17] <Brad> "A decent enough number." He replies. It is a big sword, after all, and the creatures seem to be fairly frail. Much like carjackers. His fingers flex again on the pommel. He seems completely unmoved by her 'look how cute I am' display.
[09:18] * Ahriman ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

[09:20] <@SisipWork> Ashy tilts her head, watching Quentin, "Do you like being a ghost?"

[09:22] <Brad> "I have been trapped in this form for close to nine hundred years." He says, eyes narrowed again. "When I am not manifest, I am imprisoned in a cell between worlds. I have no capacity for emotion beyond hatred, rage, and an unending thirst for vengeance against those that would harm the innocent." He leans forward just a bit, that cold almost seeming to-
[09:22] <Brad> -reach out towards her. "No. I do not -like- being a ghost."

[09:23] <vile> Into the mart the zombie goes! Now that he's away from the scary fucking ghost, he starts calming down. The usual amused expression settles on his face again and he quietly sighs, relaxing. Over to the tasty, tasty raw meat he heads and mills around in front of the glass, pondering on what he could have for brunch. But, as usual, he gets limited to beef. At least it's not sushi. He watches
[09:23] <vile> as the selected noms are neatly wrapped up in butcher paper. The package is taken to the registers, he pays and wanders out. There's no exact destination in mind...and so he winds up in the rec center, seated in a chair like it's his throne. And he enjoys his meal while watching good ol' Judge Judy.

[09:24] <@SisipWork> Ashy brrr's softly. "Oh. That's too bad. I'd thought it would be sort of interesting but apparently not. Trapped in that form for nine hundred years?" She blinks, not having realized Ted was THAT old. "Well, at least you help people age nicely. Can you fly?"

[09:25] <Brad> "No." He stands straight again, breaking eye contact with the girl. "You talk too much. You all talk too much. You seek to confuse me, to distract me from my duty."

[09:27] <@SisipWork> "Yeah, I'm told that a lot." The girl changes position on the bench so that her knees are hooked around the back of it and she's staring at Quentin upsidedown. "Can you walk through walls?"

[09:28] <Brad> "No." He responds again. This is a test, a test from God. Clearly, this is to test his resolve.

[09:30] <@SisipWork> "Can you slime people?" Her legs kick idly as she makes a frame with her gloved hands and watches the ghost man through it.

[09:31] <Brad> "I do not even know what that means." Nine hundred years of imprisonment. That wasn't enough for you, Lord? Now this?

[09:32] <@SisipWork> "Oh. Well then I guess that's a no." She makes quiet popping noises with her mouth, quite a bit like Donkey during the trip to Far Far Away. "Can you talk to other dead people?"

[09:33] <Brad> "If you continue to pester me, we may both discover the answer to that question." Quentin didn't see that movie. If he had, he may have murdered those responsible.

[09:35] <@SisipWork> She doesn't seem to hear the warning, "Do you miss being alive? I think I'd miss being alive if I were a ghost." She sighs softly.

[09:35] <Brad> "I do not..." He pauses for a moment. "..remember."

[09:37] <@SisipWork> She blinks as he gives an answer she wasn't expecting. Dropping her legs down to the bench the girl sits properly once again and tilts her head as she watches him, "I'm sorry, Quentin. Not remembering must feel horrible."

[09:40] <Brad> He says nothing to that, and simply stands there, motionless.

[09:43] * Reverend ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

[09:43] <@SisipWork> "Do you not remember anything about when you were alive?" Ash asks curiously as she chews on her lower lip.
[09:44] * Ahriman ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)

[09:45] <Brad> "I remember..." His head tilts slightly upward, and his gaze shifts skyward. " Screaming.. I remember..." He stops abruptly, and his gaze swings back down to the girl, eyes blazing. "I do not wish to speak of this." He says, his tone sharp.
[09:45] * Reverend is now known as Ahriman
[09:45] * Ahriman ( Quit (Client Quit)

[09:46] <@SisipWork> She takes a soft breath as she nods, "I'm sorry... I.. sometimes it really helps to talk about things though. Sometimes it helps."

[09:50] <Brad> "It does not help me." He says, glaring over at her. He certainly doesn't look, or sound, like the type that's going to open up his -feelings- in a tender heart to heart.

[09:52] <@SisipWork> Ashy knows not of this, since most of his looks are all the same. "Are you sure? I'm always happy to listen. Gina listened to me last night so now it's my turn to listen to someone. I'm told I'm a very good listener." Says the girl who doesn't seem to shut up.

[09:56] <Brad> He really only has three looks. One says 'I dislike you', another says 'I am going to kill you', and the third says 'I am currently in the process of killing you'. A huge, rumbling sigh reverberates around Ash, emanating from Quentin. "Do you not have someone else you could pester?"

[09:56] * Shannon is now known as Kraken

[09:58] <@SisipWork> That question causes the little girl to freeze, what little glow she had fading from her skin. ".. no .." She looks up to the sky for a moment.

[10:00] <Brad> "Surely you have someone that will be more inclined to listen to your endless prattle." He rumbles again, hands flexing on the pommel of his sword. It's hard to tell who to be more sorry for, the girl or Quentin.

[10:02] <@SisipWork> Everyone was so busy with the aliens and dealing with their own losses. Ash just sort of sits there, a small shake of her head is given as she mumbles " ... no ... "

[10:04] <Brad> "Then surely you have something more productive to do with your time." He replies, not caring about her obvious sadness in the least. "I am told reading a book is an acceptable way to pass one's time."

[10:05] <@SisipWork> This causes Ashy to pull a face, "Books are laaaaame." She sighs and flops down on the bench, "No, I'd rather stay here and talk with you. You're fun."

[10:06] <@Kraken> Izzy telekinetically whaps Ashy for that comment

[10:06] <Brad> (SHE'S IN SPACE.)

[10:07] <@SisipWork> (She's got quite the reach)

[10:09] <Brad> Be strong, Quentin. Maybe they wouldn't get mad if you only took an arm, or a leg. Or just a hand! They couldn't get mad at that. No, no, they probably will. Liberals. He lets out another low, rumbling sigh. "I am not -fun-. I am a weapon of God's wrath and judgment."

[10:10] * @Kraken not as cold as it has been the last few days, maybe he'd be able to go outside without a heated jacket later on. Kevin was feeling better from last night's little chat, sleeping and water had done him well. Same for the thoughts of the Sisip cuddling from before the talk. Brunch was on the squid's mind. A bit too late for breakfast and slightly too early for lunch. So it was off
[10:10] * @Kraken to the foodcourt. And yay! JJ and Ashy could match!

[10:12] <@SisipWork> Ash giggles at that. "No, see, that right there? That's funny! Which makes you fun." Her glow brightens. Who knew that in the entire campus it was the container of Gods Wrath and Juuuudgement that made Ashy feel almost normal. Smiling up at Quentin the girl sighs a bit and nods, "Everything's gonna be ok, you'll see."

[10:21] <Brad> "How... is that... -funny-?" He asks, irritated even further now. He takes his duty very seriously. Punish the wicked, avenge the innocent.

[10:26] <@SisipWork> "It just sounds funny, is all." Ashy remains amused, "You need to relax a little. People will probably let you do more things if you relax a bit." Getting up off the bench she pats it, "Like always standing there. Come sit, you may be surprised." The bench is patted again, like calling a dog.

[10:28] <Brad> "I will remain where I am." He says, hands gripping the pommel of his sword tightly now. "I stand here because it is a vigil. A vigil which, I would remind you -again-, you are disturbing. I will not move unless there is need of me."

[10:31] <@SisipWork> She harumphs. "Well I -NEED- you to sit down!" She tries it that way, completely ignoring the 'you're disturbing me' part of what Quentin was saying.

[10:32] <Brad> "No. You do not." He replies gruffly, fingers uncurling around the sword hilt, and then curling again. Maybe a foot. People don't always need -two- feet.

[10:33] <@SisipWork> "YES, I do! You don't know what I need or don't need! You're not PSYCHIC." She snorts before she hesitates, "Are ghosts psychic?"

[10:35] <Brad> "I. Don't. Know." He says, attempting to psychically will the girl into shutting up, if he is. Though in a manner of speaking Quentin and Ted are psychic, in a broad sense. They can both sense terrible deeds being committed, or when something bad is about to happen.

[10:36] <@SisipWork> Ashy hmmm's softly. "Well we'll have to figure that out!" Putting a finger to each temple her face scrunches up really hard. "What am I thinking?"

[10:37] <Brad> "Is it a new way to annoy me?"

[10:38] <@SisipWork> "No! I'll give you a hint. It's a fruit and it's red!" Her face remains scrunched up as she thinks REALLY hard.

[10:38] * @Kraken he finished up his meal and picked up a few water bottles before heading out of foodcourtia. One of those bottles was grasped in a tentacle as he walked the halls of the Sanctum and would soon enter the courtyard. Tolerably chilly, but it just felt so good to be out and not have to use the heated jacket. Annnd he spotted Quenting and Ashy. He chuckled a bit, walking up to them.
[10:38] * @Kraken "Good morning."

[10:40] * JDead ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

[10:47] <@SisipWork> Hearing her uncle's voice the girl looks up and smiles, looking quite a bit better than she has in a while, "Uncie Kev!" Moving over to give him a hug the girl looks over to Quentin, "Quentin and I were trying to figure out if he's psychic."

[10:50] <Brad> "No, we were not." He responds, staying where he is, glaring at the girl with nothing short of -unbridled hatred-.

[10:50] <@SisipWork> "Yes we were!" She pipes up!

[10:51] * @Kraken uncie Kev, the squidman smiled at that and scooped Ashy up in a hug, some blues flickering across his form for his niece. "Doesn't look like he is."

[10:51] <vile> Once Nicholas has finished off his meal, he crumples up the bag and paper then dumps them in a trash can on his way out. So where to go...not back to the simulation chambers: he's a bit tired of training. While sore muscles are something he can't appreciate, the tightness and reduced agility is something he notices. So he takes it easy...and heads back to the courtyard. Crap that ghost
[10:51] <vile> is still there. But at least Kevin is around. Security! And so he braves the scene again, slinking out and back to the group. A vaugely nervous smile is donned and he tries his best to keep the air of smarm around him. It's not terribly effective, not while rattled. "Adorable." he comments at the squidman and glowbug hug.

[10:54] <@SisipWork> The hug was returned tightly, the stretchy girl clinging to her uncle. "Well we WERE." Looking back to Quentin she dawns alook of patient understanding, "It's ok if you guess a few tmes and get it wrong. That's all just part of the process and nothing to be ashamed about."

[10:56] <Brad> The templar growls something incomprehensible, just an utterance of sheer frustration that reverberates around those nearby.

[10:56] <Suzthulhu> HNNNNNNNNNGH.

[10:59] * @Kraken tight clinging, Kev coiled a tentacle around the glowbug. "Could always try again or a different method, or you could test me or Nick." Yes he knew Nick was there, heard the adorable.

[11:02] <vile> Ohcrap. Kevin nearby or not, Nicholas grimaces and takes a step away. He knows he should just give up and skitter away and hide under a bed or something. But no! Not this time. A deep breath is sucked in, he straightens up his posture and decides he's not going to run like a bitch. NOPE. A smile is forced and he nods to Kevin...and then looks frightened. The attempt to look all strong
[11:02] <vile> and shit fails miserably. "No. You really don't need to do that. I'm quite fine. Really. I'm sure he'll figure out whatever it is eventually."

[11:02] <@SisipWork> He hears his growling and blinks, "Are you ungry? Do ghosts eat?" She tilts her head as she watches Quentin again, shifting her weight from the balls of her feet to her heels. "What is your favourite thing to eat? I like everything."
[11:02] <@SisipWork> *She
[11:02] <@SisipWork> *hungry
[11:02] * @SisipWork can type!!

[11:03] <Brad> "I DO NOT EAT." He practically bellows, and those blue flames that surround his body flare up even brighter for a moment.

[11:05] * @Kraken those blue flames, Kevin showed a bit of blue himself, some faintly glowing rings appearing across his skin. "Ashy, I think we should head inside. Let Quentin stand guard."

[11:06] <vile> Quentin's bellowing makes a terrified 'eep' escape Nicholas and he paws at the air in Ashley's direction. "I think it's time to leave the nice, er, ghost alone. Let's go, er, get something to eat. What about a nice slice of cheesecake? Or a pizza. Let's go get pizza." His speech is quick, hurried, desperate. He doesn't want to see two people get ripped in half this week! He nods to Kevin,
[11:06] <vile> "Yes. That. Please."

[11:06] <@SisipWork> "But he's LOOONLLLEEEYYY!" She whines, "And needs a friend!"

[11:09] <Brad> That's it. He's had all he can stand, and he CAN'T STANDS NO MORE. Abruptly, his fingers lock around the hilt of his sword, and he wrenches it from the ground. Fortunately for the three of them, however, he stalks away from them, off to the side, towards an unoccupied bench in the courtyard. "RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRGGGH!" He roars out-
[11:09] <Brad> -raising the sword high into the air, and then bringing it down on the bench, splintering the unfortunate piece of carpentry to bits.

[11:10] <@SisipWork> She was seconds away from cheer for the fact that he was going to go sit on a bench! Yaaay baby ste.... NOTBABYSTEPSATALL!!!! Her merry glow fades as she watches him with an open mouth. "OOOOooooh Pablo's gonna killll yoooou." Or at least he would if Quentin weren't already dead.

[11:11] <vile> And Nick goes down like a girl on prom night. A terrified shriek fills the air and he just collapses in a dead faint. The wiry zombie lands with a thud in a heap.

[11:14] <Brad> He turns, FUMING. Though he doesn't technically breathe, he still makes the sounds of heavy, labored, angry breaths. His massive sword is held in one hand, the blade resting at an angle on the grass. "It. Was. An. APPLE." He bellows through the courtyard.

[11:14] * @Kraken yea, those blue rings vanished in favor of something more camoflaugey. Nick passed out. Who knew he even could anymore? And Ashy... her glow faded but she didn't seem at all frightened. Ashy was scooped up in his tentacles, protectively. He eyed Quentin, knew enough about him that he would not harm the innocent... There was a fleeting glance to Nick. Then following the next roar
[11:14] * @Kraken he turned to Ashy....

[11:15] <@SisipWork> A squeal of joy errputs from the glowbug as she wiggles her arms from between her uncles tentacles to clap wildly! "You ARE psychic!!"


[11:18] <vile> Nick stays out cold, crumpled in a heap. At least the continued bellowing won't stress him out anymore! He'll wake up eventually.

[11:20] <@Kraken> "Yes. He's psychic. Let's leave him alone to think over his new found ability." Ashy was still held protectively and Kevin would mosey on away to carry her to safety. Then return for Nick unless he woke on his own, or Quentin ate him.

[11:20] <@SisipWork> Hugging up to her uncle the girl giggles, grinning from ear to ear, "I like him. He's personable!" One hand whips up in the air as she waves at Quentin, calling out to him as she's carried away, "I'll be back after lunch! Promise!"

[11:21] <Brad> He turns away again, and begins to stamp one massive, booted foot up and down on one of the larger chunks of the shattered bench. "BLARGHARGHARGHARGHARGH!" he says, the picture of serenity.
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Location: Wharton, TX

Re: BFF 4 EVR! Ashy & Quentin

Post by Sisip »

<@Sisip> Ashy makes her way out of the building, Poddy and Bit in the pockets of her warming jacket. She's got something in her hand and seems to be heading towards one person in particular. One very LARGE person, with a big sword. The girl's glow is back, though certainly not as bright as it was before this whole affair started. "Quentin!!" She calls out, booted feet carrying her towards him.

<Brad> The Templar stands. It's almost poetic. Quentin stands in the same spot of the courtyard that he'd initially planted himself, unmoving, unblinking, and seemingly uncaring of much that goes on around him. He's close to being a fixture at this point. His vigil is important, should the Uidry attack once more, he shall be ready. He shall wreak holy vengeance upon them the likes of which they
<Brad> have never seen. He will send each and every one of them to... oh hell, it's that girl again. He tries to pretend he isn't listening.

<@Sisip> "Quentin! I made this for you!" She smiles as she comes right up beside him and holds out the ... flat looking thing... it looked rigid, yet was made out of some sort of black fabric with cherries on it. "How was your day? Did you see anythin... ew why are all these birds here?" She scrunches up her face as she looks around. Pablo was going to have a fit.

<Brad> Do not kill. Do not kill. Do not kill. Do not kill. Do not kill. Do not, under any circumstances, kill. She is a child. A godless abomination child, but a child nonetheless. "What do you want." He says, already bristling at their interaction.

<@Sisip> Ashy's faintly glowing hand whips out as she thwaks the long length of black rigid fabric against Quentin's wrist. There's a snap sound as ... the snapbracelet curls around the ghost's wrist. Quick as a hummingbird, the girl was, not wanting to be TOOOO close to the cold. YAY SNAPBRACELET! And it was even the right size! She'd had to guess, not being able to really MEASURE the size of his wrist. "I made this for you! You can wear it all the time now!" She smiles brightly. "To show that we're friends!"

<Brad> "What is this?" He finally moves, head tilting to look down at whatever the nuisance had placed on his wrist. Then she explains. Sort of. "We are not friends. I hate you."

<Suzthulhu> "So what do you feel like eating?" Gina opens the door to Tony's apartment, leaning down to give Claude a goodbye scritch under the chin before stepping out into the hallway. "I'm kinda craving a burger, myself. Like, three or four of them." Thank God for Foodcourtia, a smorgasboard of selection for someone like her, who often brought two trays to the table just for herself. Let it
<Suzthulhu> never be said that she's shy about eating! She pushes the sleeves of a black light-weight sweater up to her elbows, waiting for Tony to join her in the hallway before she hooks an arm through his and laces her fingers with his, giving his hand a squeeze.

<@Sisip> Ashy laughs and she nods, "It's ok, I understand. A strong male figure has to maintain his 'street cred'... " Or so she'd learned from the various movies she'd seen. "The braclet can tuck under your sleeve so you can still wear it and nobody can see. It'll be our secret." That last part is spoken in a whisper before she pipes up, loudly, looking around for everyone to see, "Yah I know, I totally hate you too!" An exhaggerated wink is given Quentin's way.

<Brad> <Spectrum> "Um.. salad?" He grins helplessly at Gina, and then he shrugs. "You know I'm a vegetarian." Not militant about it, though, or anything. "They've got a lot of good stuff, I might try the vegetarian curry. Get whatever you want, though." He closes his apartment door and locks it after him, after reaching down to give Claude a pat on the head as well. Corgi had been fed
<Brad> and walked already, so he was fine for a while.

* Karys is now known as Krys_Gallagher

<Brad> <Crusader> Again, there's that long, unearthly rumble that indicates the undead knight is letting out a long, belabored sigh. "No. I actually hate you." He growls at the girl, unable to act on that sheer, burning hatred. "If I were not bound by duty, I would relieve you of your skull, and fashion it into some adornment for my blade."

* Holtzmann (Holtzmann@14055a75.6ca5f09b.177.96.imsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)

<@Sisip> "Oh!" She moves over to a nearby bench and flops down on it... upside down again. "That's kind of neat. I've never had anyone ACTUALLY hate me before. What does it feel like?" Looking at her sword she grins, glow brightening, "I bet it would look great on the pommel. Just sort of sitting there. We could find rubies together to use as my eyes! Can you haunt a ghost? I'd haunt you, we'd be together all the time then, so you wouldn't need to slapbracelet to remember me."

<Suzthulhu> She nudges him with an elbow as they head down the hall toward the stairs. "They have veggie burgers! They're not bad... but they taste much better with about six pieces of bacon." Which defeats the purpose, of course, but she refuses to give up delicious dead animals. She brings his hand up to her lips and kisses his knuckles, then does a little dance twirl under his arm. "Eesh,
<Suzthulhu> after spending all day in the lab, I'm really -really- glad to be out. Ish. Even if it's just heading down to get something to eat. I'm going to turn into a microscope before this is over." She'll likely spend a good part of the night up there as well, since time's running out, but for now, she's happy to be somewhere other than there and dressed in something other than a labcoat.

<@Sisip> *the sword..

<Suzthulhu> Ashy would be truly frightening if she had a sword.

<Edwin> You know she'd have one of those absurdly oversized anime swords.

<@Sisip> She really would.

* Earth ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Brad> <Spectrum> "What? I like curry." He grins at her as she does her little dance twirl, then squeezes her hand. He shrugs his shoulders once more when she comes back alongside him. "Besides, veggie burgers? C'mon. We both know they're not the same." He chuckles a bit as they start down the stairs. "I know what a real burger tastes like." He tilts his head for a moment. "Y'know,
<Brad> you should try some veggie meals. I don't mean go all the way with it, or anything. It's good for you." He doesn't mind other people eating meat. He made his decision, and understands that it's not for everyone. He still couldn't give up eggs and dairy, anyway.

<Brad> <Crusader> Those burning eyes of his close for a moment, and he seems to take a deep intake of breath. He's not alive, so he doesn't need to breathe, but old habits and all that. He lets out a long, slow, frustrated exhale. "Have you ever hated anything, child?" He asks her, unable to mask the irritation in that rumbling, echoing voice of his.

* Kraken is now known as ShoFoodz

<Krys_Gallagher> She was picking at the remains of a salad, green eyes drifting every few seconds to the cellphone laying on teh table. No, not her team phone (that was clipped to her belt, but the phone she'd broken down and bought for herself after first arriving at Cobalt when it was still an academy. Waiting for a call? A text. Maaaybe. She felt a little useless at this point in the plan. She
<Krys_Gallagher> wasn't a scientific sort so all the work trying to develop a toxin was greek to her, and she wasn't a techie so no help there. So she'd been spending time in teh sims, working with her powers and what they knew about the Uidry so far. Every few minutes her gaze would shift towards the windows, keeping an eye on Ashy with Quentin. The girl was probably pushing her luck. No, really.

<@Sisip> "Oh.. I've REALLY disliked someone.. even punched her in the nose." She purses her lips, "It was a really big nose though, mind you." She blinks at upside-down (to her) Quentin, "And I ... really get hurt by my mom.. but that's not because I hate her.. but .. you know." She sighs, glow fading just a bit. "I don't think.. I HATE.. but I can really get frustrated.. but it passes."

<Suzthulhu> "I like veggies just fine. I'll have you know I cannot stop eating broccoli once I start. Those veggie trays at parties?" She looks up at him with a smirk, circling the staircase landing and heading down the next set. "I go for the broccoli first. Then the carrots. And I eat salads all the time. I just... pile on the bacon bits and the chicken, and the ham..." She turns a healthy
<Suzthulhu> salad into a heart attack, more or less, is what she's saying there. "Tell you what. I'll eat -two- burgers and some curry. And then I'm going to find the biggest piece of cheesecake they have and eat that, too." Once they hit the main floor, she turns and heads toward Foodcourtia.

<Brad> <Crusader> "And the creatures above us?" He says. Oh, he knows what's been taken from her. He may remain immobile, but he listens.

<Brad> <Spectrum> "Okay, okay." He laughs, and shakes his head. "Forget I said anything." He's practically dragged along with Gina as she heads for the food court. He's hungry too, though, so it's not all for naught. Once they're there, and they start selecting their respective meals, he heads towards one of the lines to get what he'd decided on. A nice, spicy vegetable curry, delicious
<Brad> stuff, and full of protein and other healthy somesuches. He gets himself a plate of that, and a side garden salad as well as some water to go along with it, and then looks for a table for the two of them. It's prime eating time, so the place is somewhat crowded, but he manages to find a spot for the both of them. He sits down, setting his tray on the tabletop, and waits for Gina to join
<Brad> him before digging in.

<Krys_Gallagher> "Oh, hey Gina. Tony." she spotte dthe two in the line, giving a wave from her table.

* TellaBella ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<@Sisip> This causes the girl to sit up right, looking over at Quentin. Her glow all but vanishes, "I .. don't know." She says quietly, "They're horrible, they took ... everything ... " That lower lip wobbles just a bit as she reminds herself not to cry. ".. but .. what if they don't know any different? I mean.. what if they just don't know .. there's a different way." She pauses, "It's sort of.. like StarWars. All those Storm Troopers? They're just... dudes.. who didn't have a choice." The not-so-glowy girl shakes her head a bit, "Dying because that's what they're supposed to do. It's .. I guess.. I feel sad for them.. more than anything." She sniffs softly, "I do want my family and Rick back though."

<Suzthulhu> She does as promised, going with him to get a plate of the vegetable curry. From there she parts ways with him, ordering two double bacon cheeseburgers with fries and loading them with lettuce, tomato, and onion. Also as promised, she takes some time to seek out a thick piece of New York-style cheesecake. "Hey, Krys!" She'd wave back, but her hands are full, carrying a tray in each.
<Suzthulhu> She stops to get a bottle of water and a bottle of V-8 before wrapping up her purchases and making her way toward Tony. On her way by Krys, she gives her head a jerk. "Don't eat alone, come pull up a chair with us." Making her way to where Tony is sitting, she unloads first one tray, then the other, stacking the trays on top of one another for easy disposal later.

<Brad> <Crusader> OH FOR THE LOVE OF... he lets out another of those rumbling sighs. But something she says stirs something within him, some memory that he can't quite bring to mind. Soldiers having no choice, something... something he'd done. He seems to withdraw into himself for a few moments, going silent, even the constant blue flame that wreaths his body dulling somewhat.

<Edwin> It's OK. We'll show Quentin the movie version of Ghostrider, and he'll be back to his vengeance-fueled self in no time. Sure, he'll kill Nick Cage, but where's the downside?

<Brad> <Spectrum> "Hey." He nods to Krys when she greets the two of them, offering her a brief smile. They'd only met briefly, before they'd gone to try and lure the shipfish away. When Gina sits down, he almost snickers at the TWO heaping bacon cheeseburgers she'd selected for herself. He shakes his head, and takes a bite of his curry. He chews, and then washes it down with some water. "So
<Brad> how are things going in the lab, anyway?" He asks Gina, curious as to whether they'd found anything out, either useful or interesting, about the Uidry.

* AnE|Away is now known as AnE

<@Sisip> Raising a hand to wipe at her eyes a similar, but much smaller, slap bracelet is wrapped around her wrist. D'AWWWWWW BFFs! She notices the change in his flames but doesn't say much of anything for a moment. Her shoulders shrug, "So... pigeons huh? that's sure one way to keep them from pooping on you. Freeze'em."

<Krys_Gallagher> Sure, she could do that. She rose, grabbing her phone and her finished tray, dumping the latter on the way to join the couple. Well, first she'd pop back through the line and grab a slice of chocolate turtle cheesecake, because today was just one of those 'I need chocolate' kind of days. Adding a glass of milk to feel less guilty she took her dessert choice and slid in a seat, giving
<Krys_Gallagher> both Gina and Tony a faint smile. Like Tony, she rolled her eyes at Gina's double helping, though teh sight certainly didn't surprise her. "God I wish I could eat liek that and not blow up like a blimp."

<Edwin> Won't he be surprised if she goes on an online shopping spree! She'd told him that she'd found all sorts of interesting out of the way places with her teleporting and phasing, and he'd remarked once before that it could come in handy some day. He'd guessed that's what she was talking about when she used that suggestive tone, and even if it wasn't, the fact that she'd used that tone at
<Edwin> all was enough to convince him. They drove back to campus, parked, and returned to ground level so Seven could return to the targets she'd set up in the courtyard and put holes in them with her new and awesome bow. He'd been amused by how much testosterone went into the marketing of these bows--they were named things like Destroyer, Mauler, Carnage, or Anarchy. She'd bought a bow model
<Edwin> called Attack, which was positively tame by comparison. He finds a seat on a nearby bench next to Ashy to watch as Seven sets up and gets ready to shoot, since, y'know, getting in the way of the lady with the bow was generally a bad idea. "Hey, Ashy. How're you holding up?"

<Suzthulhu> "Don't you eyeball my food like that!" Grinning playfully, she plops down and dives in without hesitation. She starts with one of the burgers, taking a huge bite out of it. She chews it and swallows, setting the burger down in order to crack open the bottle of water. After taking a few sips, she shrugs. "Eh, we're working on a toxin to use against them now. The cyanide worked, but we're
<Suzthulhu> trying to come up with somethingmore specific and easier to use in a larger capacity." She scoots her chair over to make room for Krys and laughs. "I have to eat like this just to keep the blimp going!" Long hours in the lab, plus maintaining her strict training and workout regimen meant she'd been burning through a lot of calories. "How are you doing, you hot mama, you?"

<Brad> <Crusader> "It is not intentional." The knight rumbles. He hadn't lain a finger on any of the birds. It's not his fault that they attempt to roost upon him, and are then killed by touching his form. Impudent birds. They deserve what they get.

* [Tremor] (Tremor@14055b15.6ca5ed39.184.76.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Brad> <Spectrum> "Gas bomb?" He asks, before taking another bite of his curry. He takes a long sip of water, and sets his glass down, scootching over as well once Krys joins them at their table. "So I'll need to wear a gas mask, or something?" Oh lord, this mission just gets better and better. He sighs, and stabs at his meal with his fork again, taking another bite.

<@AnE> The model may have been called Attack, but Seven had chosen to call her new bow Madeline. Asking why was bound to lead to trouble or an upsetting story of some kind, more than likely. Some people named boats, Seven named bows. There was nothing weird about this -- her last had been called Betty. She offered a wave to Ashlynne and Quentin in passing as she hurried over to the targets
<@AnE> she'd set up on the trees (only after asking Pablo's permission, that is). It was amazing how excited that one person could get over a bow, but there you go. Zipping up her hoodie and sweeping the hood over her head, she sank to one knee and began to set up. It had become colder now, for sure, and it was dark to boot, but the lights that shone down on the courtyard kept it well-lit enough
<@AnE> that her practice wouldn't be impeded.

<@Sisip> Trying to look like she wasn't just moments ago close to bursting into tears she forces a smile as Eddie sits down. "Hey, Eddie Oh... ok. You and Seven go out?" She looks to Quentin, "yeah, it's not your fault. Some birds are just stupid and don't realize it's a bad place to land." Turning back to Eddie she smiles, "Quentin and I were just talking. We totally hate each other." Her face falls serious as she states that, though she does wink knowingly to Eddie. She didn't hate Quentin at all and she knew he didn't hate her!! Watching Seven the girl ooh's softly.

<TellaBella> <Amber Dahl> made her way into the cafeteria, this place was going to have to take some getting used to. She really had no particularly good idea of where anything was, even the maps were confusing to her. A shear miracle she managed to find her way here. She was of course wearing typical outift; jeans, tshirt and a sweater with some decent boots. Not entirely sure what to make of
<TellaBella> everything she followed her nose, which was being led by her stomach.

<Brad> <Crusade> "I truly, truly hate you." He rumbles forth, but remains motionless, otherwise.

<Krys_Gallagher> " 'Hot mama' ... Don't think I've ever been called that before." she said with a laugh. Gina was always good for cheering her up out of a funk, that was for certain. "I'm alright. Just wish there was more I could be doing to help. Checked on Ted's cats this morning, they were looking lonely so I brought them back to my room here. Hell of a lot of paperwork, lemme tell ya. But
<Krys_Gallagher> at least now they have some human company around." she took a bite of cheesecake, savoring, turning over Gina's info in her mind. "Even with masks, the cyanide could prove a problem I'd think. Unless we were in full suits. A specific toxin would probably be best. I've been working on trying to hold a sustained charge for longer, and for overloading any systems we might find in a
<Krys_Gallagher> spectacular, zappy fashion." Another bite of cheesecake before her green eyes turned to Tony. "Glad to see you back up and about."

<Suzthulhu> "We're all going to need to wear breathing masks. I don't know what the air is like up there, but there's no ventilation. It's got to be disgusting... and if the diseases this thing is carrying are any indication? You don't -want- to be exposed to -anything- if you can help it." She's putting that burger away fast in between talking, though thankfully she's not a messy eater. She's just
<Suzthulhu> hungry! "What!" She looks at Krys, incredulous. "Oh honey, you need to hang around better friends. Give me fiiiive minutes." Krys had already shot Gina down, but now it's more a joking flirtation than anything else. She slugs back some more water and polishes off the first burger, looking back and forth from the second to her curry and back again, trying to decide. "Ted's cats? Oh...
<Suzthulhu> you know, I didn't think about that, with big scary being out there and all, what happens to Ted while he's out."

<Brad> <Spectrum> "Thanks. Didn't much like being in a coma." He grins across the table at her, and has another bite of food. Man, this stuff is good, Tony's compliments to the chef. He picks up his glass for another drink, and then sets it down. "Who the hell is Ted?" He asks, suddenly very confused.

<@Sisip> Ashy finally giggles, winking at Quentin. "Yes we're enemies!" Raising her arm she extends it to point secretly at the friendship slapbracelet!

<Edwin> Eddie was one of the few people who'd understand the reason for the name Seven had given her bow, and it was bound to make Seven choke up a little if she had to explain it to others. "Yeah, we just got back. Went over to the Dick's at the Liberty Tree mall in Danvers so Seven could get herself a new bow" He didn't think he needed to explain that the timing wasn't coincidental, and
<Edwin> what Seven was planning to use that bow for. It looked like it meant serious business sitting in the case, even before Seven had picked it up and started loading arrows into the quickdraw quiver. "Oh." He said when Ashy cheerfully told him that she and Quentin hated each other. "That's...good? I guess? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Quentin before, actually." He turned to
<Edwin> the knight, and waved. "Hi Quentin. I'm Eddie."

<TellaBella> <Amber Dahl> Having made her selection shuffed her way to an empty table, unzipping her sweater and setting down her bag next to herself she looked around seeing a few other people. Not really bothering to be noticed, although the subtle glow she was emitting was not exactly helping matters. Food was good, food made things better... even if it meant paying for it later.

<Brad> <Crusader> "Charmed." He rumbles to Eddie, his voice echoing and reverberating around and through the man. And yes, it drips with whatever passes for sarcasm for Quentin. Why would these creatures not leave him alone? HE IS ON A VIGIL. V-I-G-I-L. "I suppose you are here to pester me with inane questions and yammerings like this simpleton girl?"

<Krys_Gallagher> "Surprisingly enough, it was big scary out there who let us know about Ted's pets, if you can believe it. Georgia and I were taking turns going out to feed them and scoop litter, but they just looked so lonesome this morning that I brought them here. Bored, lonely cats get into mischief and he has a pretty nice selection of stuff. Didn't want it to get ruined." She looked back to
<Krys_Gallagher> Tony, offering a smile, then blinked at his question. "Er... Ted is him," a point to the gargantuan knight outside. "Sorta."

* [Tremor] wonders out into the courtyard and watches as Seven sets up for target practice. He didn't even know the girl had a preferred weapon. Maintaining his interest for now, he quietly watches from a distance, also taking note of the ghost knight (hard to miss) and... was that Ash? Tremor keeps himself from reflexively assuming she was in danger near the spectral knight. She was about
* [Tremor] an innocent an individual as he could imagine, but then again, Quentin was Quentin. He makes note to check on this situation after Seven's practice.

<@AnE> Grabbing an arrow, which was briefly twirled in her fingers, Seven began to line up a shot, pulling back and narrowing her eyes a little. "I wonder if perhaps I could get someone in the science department to... I don't know, load up my arrows with something. Like... acid." She mused aloud, having no idea what practical use an acid arrow would have unless she was really trying to
<@AnE> cause someone intense pain. Just holding the thing felt good. "...I cannot believe I didn't get this ages ago..." Almost totally silent as the arrow was released, aiming for one of the tree-nailed targets. It hit -- not dead center, but on one of the outer rings, and she was already grabbing out a second carbon arrow. Where she struggled with the size and weight of the bow Felix had
<@AnE> made for her, this one actually felt... you know, made for her. "Quentin is not a pleasant individual, Eddie." Seven called over her shoulder.

<@Sisip> The once again slightly glowing girl smiles at Eddie and offers an explination, "Street Cred" ... ok, so it wasn't MUCH in the way of explaining! They went to Dicks? Ash had to stop the giggle that welled up, understanding that while she'd never been there it was obviously a store that sold weaponry. "That's cool, sounds like fun." Tilting her head at Seven she ooh's "When daddy and JJ... " She pauses, searching for what she was going to say, glow dying just a bit, "When they get back... they can do that for you.. Seven.." Blinking honeygolden eyes at Quentin, then at Seven she shrugs, "I'unno, he's my friend. He's pleasant to me. Jokes a lot." Spotting Tremor in the distance the girl raises her hand and gives him a wave.

----- EDITED TO ADD -----

A later date!

[07:53] <Brad> There's a low sort of growl then, from the back of his throat (if he technically has a throat, really). His hands uncurl and then curl around the hilt of his blade once more, grip tight as his eyes narrow. She would dare command him twice? He stares down at her for a long, long moment, almost seething. Finally, he speaks again. "Very well." He says, an edge-
[07:53] <Brad> -distaste in his voice. "But I am not responsible for their idiocy."

14[08:01] <@SisipWork> An appreciative smile slips over her lips, "Thank you, Quentin. I appreciate that quite a bit." She would pat the fellow's arm if she didn't know how cold he really was. "I'll urge them not to be idiots. You're not their babysitter." She just doesn't want him to wildly swipe his huge ass sword and take half her dudes out with the aliens.

[08:09] <Brad> "No, I am not." He seems to rankle at the thought. "Would that more at this place realize that fact." His eyes narrow again as he gazes across the courtyard. If he had a mouth, he would be frowning. "I do not understand why so many of your charges have made it their purpose in life to provoke and irritate me."

02[08:13] * SuzthulhuWork ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

14[08:25] <@SisipWork> Sisip laughs softly, "I don't believe they do it on purpose, but you interest them. It's sort of like the British Royal Guard and tourists. It's a badge of honor if you can get them to laugh or interact. You're our British Royal Guard."

[08:26] <Brad> "My patience for it is wearing thin." He replies, hands tightening once more around the hilt of his blade. "Very, very thin."

14[08:32] <@SisipWork> Frowning she purses her lips a bit, "I can talk to them, if you'd like."

02[08:34] * AnE ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
15[08:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +o AnE

[08:34] <Brad> "You will dissuade the girl from pestering me further." He says, bluntly. "The one whose skin is illuminated." He flexes his hands again. "Next time I lose my temper, more than an inanimate object may suffer." He narrows his eyes again, and they seem to flare even colder and brighter for a moment.

14[08:38] <@SisipWork> Dark eyes close as she reaches up to pinch the bridge of her nose, nodding. "Ashlynne. I'll talk to her, Quentin, but I'm not sure if it will do much good. She doesn't seem to understand the idea of people being irritated with her .. sometimes." Focusing on him, though, she frowns, "I would hope you have more control over yourself than that. Lashing out just because you're frustrated is disgraceful and I dare say beneath someone of your stature." Sisip's chiding tone was obvious. "She's a child, certainly you can ignore a child."

[08:39] <Brad> "She is NOT a child." He glares at her, convinced of this fact. "She is damnation in human form."

14[08:43] <@SisipWork> Her eyes roll as she smirks, "It can feel that way at times, yes." Laughing softly she shakes her head, "She's not damnation in human form, she's a young girl trying to cope with having her life torn away from her. Unfortunately you happened to be at the wrong place at the right time."

[08:44] <Brad> "I am here because I am needed here, not because I wish to be." He retorts, looking away from Sisip, and across the courtyard again. "The problems of this girl are no concern of mine. My concern is only to deliver punishment to the creatures above us."

14[08:53] <@SisipWork> Sisip laughs, "Quentin, sweetheart, I don't think ANY of us wish to be here... but here we are." She winks his way even if he'd turned away from her. "So if your only concern is to deliver punishment to the aliens... you shouldn't be bothered by the triflings of a little girl." She says with optimism, "Which is nice, since that means I don't have to command you to not hurt her just because you're irritated. You know, since it isn't your concern."

[08:55] <Brad> "I am not a toy to be played with," He says, and he wrenches that sword from the ground again, gripping it tightly with both hands. He does this slowly, just to make sure Sisip is aware of it. Like the rest of him, the blade is ethereal, and wreathed in blue flame. "Nor am I some lost and damaged pup come here seeking refuge." He turns his head toward her-
[08:56] <Brad> -again, eyes narrowed. "I am an instrument of God's will, condemned to seek out and punish injustice for all eternity. I will not suffer indignities such as THIS..." He takes one hand from the sword, to show her the 'friendship bracelet' that had been placed on him. " longer."

14[09:00] <@SisipWork> Sisip can't help but laugh. "OH Quentin.. that's... so... lovely." A hand slips up to cover her grin as she clears her throat, "I'll ... speak to Ash about presents. Even if they are done out of love." Quite a bit tickled the woman shakes her head, still amused, "I don't think she believes you're a toy. She does that sort of stuff for all her friends." Pausing a moment she offers her assistance, "Would you like me to take it off you?"

[09:02] <Brad> "I will remove it myself." He plants his sword back in the ground and then begins trying to take the bracelet off. However, this proves more difficult than he might have imagined, given the size of his gauntleted fingers compared to the size of the bracelet. He struggles with it for a few moments, becoming more and more visibly agitated.

14[09:06] <@SisipWork> Shrugging her black backpack off her shoulder she digs into it and pulls out her combat suit gloves. Slipping them on she heads towards the fellow. "Here, let me." Focusing her warmth into her hands the girl superheats them to avoid the stinging burn of Quentin. Bapping his gauntletted hand away she grabs hold of the bracelet and removes it for him. "All better?" Jesus dude was cold, even when she was TRYING to stay warm.

[09:07] <Brad> He starts to protest because HE CAN DO THIS, but it's for naught, and the blasted thing is removed. "She put a hex on it." He says, as if that explains everything, sounding damn close to sulky now.

14[09:12] <@SisipWork> It was nice to know all men were alike. Even ancient ghost men. "Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what happened." Examining the bracelet she had to give her neice credit, it was nicely made. "So no killing my neice, yes?" Dark eyes full of amusement watch Quentin closely.

02[09:13] * vile|zzz is now known as vile

[09:15] <Brad> "I cannot make that promise." He grumbles, eyes narrowed again, not full of amusement.

14[09:17] <@SisipWork> Sisip raises an eyebrow, "I hardly think God would demand Ashy to undergo his 'wrath', do you? I'd think he'd be a little more tolerant than that."

[09:18] <Brad> " is my wrath that should concern her..." He attempts to mumble under his breath, but since he's Quentin, he can't really manage that.

14[09:19] <@SisipWork> The woman laughs, "But aren't you God's wrath? The veritable mouth piece for His justice? Smiting evil? Though it may feel like it at times.. Ashy's about as far from evil as you can get."

[09:21] <vile> A wild Nicholas appears! Out of the rec center and into the courtyard, a plastic bag dangling from one of his wrists by the handles. A couple brown paper packets are inside it, probably his lunch whenever he finds somewhere to enjoy it. Perhaps he'd been planning to sit on a bench and eat it least until he spots his two favorite people in the world! Okaynotreally. Pale eyes
[09:21] <vile> narrow at the two and he runs a couple scenarios through his mind of what could happen. Well. Maybe it can't be that bad. He opts to test his luck and stay outside anyway, just making sure to keep his distance from the two...and stay by the doors in case something happens.

[09:21] <Brad> "She is very, very annoying." He says, straightening himself up a bit as he puts his hands back on the hilt of his sword.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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Re: BFF 4 EVR! Ashy & Quentin

Post by Sisip »

[11:56] <@SisipWork> Ashy, in the meantime, waddles outside WITH her kareoke machine! It's black with bright neon pink skulls and hearts on it, with a Monster High logo on the side. In her pockets she has the two bots and two microphones! How can you sing duets if you only have one microphone? Well, it was possible but he wasn't Rick... so she didn't want to get THAT close to him. "Quentin!! LOOOK! I got this!" Happy Ashy is happy!

[12:01] <Brad> "NO." Quentin says, as the girl approaches carrying some kind of abominable looking machine.

[12:02] * @Shannon that took her aback. "What could something like this possibly be punishment for?" Did she want to know? and then Ashy arrived... and Shannon previous statement could apply to that as well. "Umm... hi." She greeted Ashy, glancing at the kareoke machine....

[12:04] * vile is now known as vile|work

[12:05] <@SisipWork> "I know right?!" She takes his 'no' as one of disbelief because he's so happy! "It was pretty cheap also! And it's Monster High! I should bring one of the dolls to show you, they're adorable!" Smiling brightly she waves to Shannon as she sets the machine down and begins to fiddle with functions. "I'm totally gonna sing Aqua.. cause they're fun. Quentin I got something for you also, since you don't really seem like you sing we'll ease you into it. It's called "I'm a midieval Man. All you have to do is talk." She grins over at Shannon again, "We can find something for you also!"

[12:06] <Brad> "Get away from me." He seeeeeeethes in all of his ghostly fury.

[12:08] <@SisipWork> Ashy blinks, "I don't think I know that one." She'd have to do a search on the internet for it, since it was a personal request. "But I'll find it for you."

[12:09] <Brad> "GO AWAY." He raises his voice again, blue flames flaring brighter once more.

[12:11] <@SisipWork> Ashy blinks, looking up at Quentin... a bit startled. "I didn't know you liked Eisley. I gotta say that I think it's a little girly for your range.. but.. we can give it a try." Ashy was never going to tell someone they COULDN'T do something.

[12:12] <@Shannon> "I don't think he's a singing kind of guy...." Shannon slowly lowered herself to the ground.

[12:12] * Jeem ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[12:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jeem

[12:13] <Brad> "Sisip.." He calls out. The woman had promised him she would keep this from happening again. "Sisip!" Fiery blue eyes scan the courtyard, looking for her. "WOMAN! COME BACK OUT HERE AND CLAIM YOUR SPAWN!"

[12:17] <@SisipWork> Sisip winces, having watched the whole thing with amusement. She slowly..... VERRRRYYYYY slowly... heads over. | Ashy, on the other hand, had cued up "Go Away" for Quentin and was holding the mic for him up towards his face with her stretchy arm. Her own mic was on and the music started up. Deciding he needed encouragement she sings, nodding at him to join in whenever, "I am part of your soul, boy, and when you say you're gone.. I have to reach my arms outstretched to you, because I know we're through... sooo go away, gooo away and leave me on my own... go away, go away and leaave me on my ooownnn"

[12:17] * @Shannon poddy picked this very in opportune time to join in.

[12:18] <Brad> Quentin starts trembling. Actually trembling. He's silent, totally silent, but that blue flame is just burning brighter and brighter.

[12:19] <@AnE|Away> The courtyard is notably being emptied, various individuals hurrying in doors ... so that they could watch from the windows.

[12:20] <@Shannon> "Now would be a good time to go. Believe me when I say this, I have experience. He is about to go nuclear. Run!" Shannon would grab a stretchy arm and try to take Ashy with her as she headed for safety!

[12:20] <@Jeem> Gavin walks out into the courtyard as Ashlynne is finishing up 'go away and leeeave me on my ooownnn'. Eyes well up with tears, and he turns and runs back into the residential building bloohooing.

[12:22] <@SisipWork> "Finally it all makes seennse, I could keep this all from yoou, and I could make a statement based on truuth, but then it all comes tumbling down, down down down.. soooo goo away gooo away and leave me on my.. HEY!" Her mic arm is pulled as Shannon tries to pull her away, streeeeetching. "Wut? Who?" The glow leaves her as she fears the sudden abandonment of the quad means ALIENS!!! "RUN QUENTIN!!" And the girl goes with Shannon just as Sisip comes up, trying so very hard not to laugh. Turning off the kareoke machine the injin woman looks up at Quentin, "I'll talk to her. I promise." "RUNNNNN AUNT SISIP!!! RUN QUENTIN!!! THEY'RE COMING!!"

[12:24] <Brad> His head slooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly turns toward Sisip, and those eyes are like tiny suns now. Tiny, blue, hateful suns. Of hate. In a solar system of rage. In a galaxy of fury. In a universe of sheer loathing. "You. Do. That." He forces out, each word coming out like meat through a slow, rusty grinder.

[12:26] <@SisipWork> She tries ... so very hard ... not to laugh. "Though I must say, that was a nice song you chose." Sisip takes a few steps back, unable to help the laughter now.

[12:28] * @Shannon success! She managed to drag Ashlynne away before Quentin could use that sword or his blue fire... "The big guy there..." What did Sisip call him? Ah yes. "Quentin. Doesn't strike me as the singing type. He looked pretty angry."

[12:28] <Brad> CUT TO THE ALIEN SPACECRAFT : Uidry #1 (translated from native speech) : "What is that heading toward the ship?" Uidry #2 : "It would appear to be some form of sonic device." Uidry #1: "It's traveling awfully quickly." Uidry #2 : "It is too small to do any damage." Uidry #3: "Are those microphones attached to it?"
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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