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Invasion & Abduction - 01/19/12

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:50 pm
by Sisip
<@Sisip> People were out in the courtyard, enjoying the alien free sky. The weather, though chilly, was ignored due to the jubliant feeling across most of the Sanctum. The alien scourge had been driven away! It's time to enjoy the evening, thrill about being alive and all that jazz!
* Dillon is now known as Kraken
* [Tremor] (Tremor@14055b15.6ca5ed39.184.76.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<vile> Nicholas continues to derp around in the rec center, making smalltalk with his buddy who seems to have bailed on him or something. SO HE'S LEFT BY HIS LONESOME BECAUSE F YO RP. By now his sushi is gone and he's just left watching TV. By now the news is over with and some stupid love-comedy is on. But he doesn't care: he's too busy screwing around with his phone. As if he has friends to
<vile> text or something. HA!
* Sisip is now known as SisipGM
<Ph`Ahriman> Fergus made sure he was part of the celebrating. Daily exercise and training finished, he found himself in the courtyard, doing whatever it was everyone's was doing. Clad in his comfy slip-on shoes, khaki cargo pants, University Missoula hooded sweatshirt, and black knit cap, with his backpack strapped on, he partied heartily.
* [Tremor] (Tremor@14055b15.6ca5ed39.184.76.imsk) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
* @Kraken hey, Sho can dualwield her characters, she just thinks Kevin might be better choice for the charnick. Dillon was still there with Nick, derpin' around or something. Kevin, almost ready to leave the med center. He was nicely hydrated and had some of that windburn seen to, cause dangling out of a chopper in the middle of the night? Yea, gonna get blasted by a lot of wind and lose
* @Kraken some skin oils!
* Kitalyn is indeed in the courtyard, again in his god damn fur lined black hoodie, looks like wolf...Lower body covered in a pair of black skinnies with chunkie black boots. Someone was feeling emo, he was even wearing some expertly applied eyeliner, smudged just right. He was laying on a bench, watching the sky, now that it was unobstructed, smiling, smoking a cigarette and just being
* Kitalyn chill
* AnE|Away is now known as AnE
* Kitalyn is now known as Fuzed
* Karys is now known as Krys_Gallagher
* [Tremor] (Tremor@14055b15.6ca5ed39.184.76.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* Earth ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<Brad> Rick was a little more cautious about his celebrations today, both given what Nicholas and Dillon had said, and what Ash had gone through earlier this morning with Felipe's return. Conrad? Well, he's always cautious. He's a cautious man. He won't be satisfied they're out of danger until he's personally seen every alien corpse or prisoner. So those two are at their respective places this
<Brad> evening, Rick out in the courtyard, bundled up against the cold, Conrad scanning skyward atop the Residential section of the complex, heavy black coat worn over his security uniform.
<vile> Nicholas stands and strolls over to one of the places in the food court, twirling his cane like a baton all the while. A shit-eating grin is on his face, like it normally is, and he cheerfully places an order for a bottle of water. Some money is slid across the counter and he starts up whistling some kind of chipper tune that's been playing on the radio lately.
<@SisipGM> At least most of the people were thinking it was time to enjoy the evening up until the odd glistening spheres began to drop from the sky. Inky black in colour they fall quickly and bounce when they hit the ground, springing every which way. Some bounced until they stopped, some rolled off the building, some caught in trees. The large black balls seemed to fall everywhere.
<Ph`Ahriman> Miles was in a lab, sulking. He'd heard about people visiting the township, and was severely disappointed that he hadn't gotten to go. Or scrape the ship's discharge off of Rick.
<Suzthulhu> Gina had been in the medical center, visiting with Tony. She'd brought him dinner, something other than hospital food, although what they have now is probably substantially better than before, given the closeproximity of Foodcourtia. Still, with the shipfish gone, it had been easier to leave Cobalt and bring some real food, ministrone soup, some delicious pasta, and a slice of chesecake
<Suzthulhu> from an Italian joint in town. She's just leaving, bent on heading out to at least say hi to a few folks at the celebration, Tony needing to take some more time to rest again. She's about to head out into the quad until an odd sound catches her attention, like hail. It's not hail though, as she soon finds out. She opens the door and yells, "GET THE HELL BACK INSIDE, NOW!!" out into the
<Suzthulhu> quad.
<@Jim-foraging> A seldom seen figure the past few months leans against the wall near the entrance to the rec, Jackson peering up into the sky, his black duffle bag laying on the ground beside him post-workout. Wearing a black peacoat, his hands are tucked into their pockets, Jack watching his breath puffing out past his lips. He'd found a year or two prior that it was nights like this that made him miss
<@Jim-foraging> smoking, sucking down that hot tar to fill his lungs. Who needs cigarettes when there's BIG BLACK BALLS, though? Jack squints at one that lands near him, easing off of the wall.
<Ph`Ahriman> Well.. this was certainly a turn from good. Fergus moved to stand under the walkway running across the courtyard's diameter, slipping off one of his backpack's straps, then unwilling it just a little. No sense in waving a gun around before he was sure he'd need it. He then retrieved his ear piece from one of his many pockets and pushed it into place.
<vile> Oh look! Something odd going on in the courtyard. The zombie tilts his head and wanders over to a window, curious about the...balls. That makes him laugh. Then again, what doesn't? The door is opened and instead of going in, like anyone smart would do, he goes out. A cigarette is taken out of a pack, stuck between his bluish lips and lit up. A couple puffs are taken and he glances over
<vile> at Jack. A pleasant smile is offered to the guy and he gestures to the ball. "I wouldn't suggest poking it."
* Fuzed just blinks a few times as he notices the things falling..then when he realises they were starting to hit things, he is quick to his feet and does his best to avoid any and all of them. Unsure if this was an alien thing, or some persons power being shown off he places a finger to his always present platinum ring and both arms from elbow down are then made of the same metal.Its
* Fuzed mostly hidden by his sleeves though. He too then runs and hides under the the walkway..just watching.
* Sunder He had decided it was about time for some dinner and went to step out, and pauses in the doorway watching the black things.. ".. tha 'ell?"
* [Tremor] had gotten out of Iso a while ago and with great relief. He's back in his usual brown leather jacket, which he had to bitch and threaten just to get it cleared from decontamination. Ether that or he had a replacement handy. Ether one. He's walking across the courtyard area when the black spheres fall from the sky. There is the shortest of moments where he wonders if this kind of
* [Tremor] shit happens anywhere else, and then he takes cover in the door to the rec area.
* @Kraken guess Dillon wasn't there afterall, oh well. Back with Kevin. As always, the squidboy was eager to leave the med center and that cramped little water bed. Just because he was a squishy squid and could probably fit inside a sodacan given enough octo-practice didn't mean he liked being enclosed. He needed space to stretch out. Still human in his thoughts most of the time. He was free
* @Kraken now! Yes! All he wanted to do was eat real food and get inside his tank. But fate has other plans! Big dark sphereical ones! "What now?..." Kevin peered out a window.
* Thomas`Marshall was actually standing right outside the door that Gina just yelled out of, so he would jerk a bit at the yelling, having not seen her, or the things falling from the sky. He looks around with a confused look on his face, "Why?" He notices everyone looking up and does the same, seeing the objects falling, "oooohhhh." He steps the few steps it took to get him inside, and
* Thomas`Marshall stands just inside the door, waiting to see what was going on.
<Krys_Gallagher> Sure, she was out in the courtyard too since that seems to be the "in" thing right now. Krys was dressed in her usual comfortably snug dark-washed jeans, boots worn under, and a deep violet cashmere sweater worn under a black peacoat (yeah, she'd kept her navy one). She crossed the courtyard, really just wandering about so she could get a feel for the place since she ahdn't really been
<Krys_Gallagher> here when the Sanctum had been completed. The balls dropping from teh sky certainly caught her attention and she was quick to duck under the nearest tree for cover, green eyes alert as she scanned the skies for teh source, trying to figure out what the heck was goin on.
<Brad> "Eeeughhhh..." Rick exclaims, jumping with a start as one of those large black orbs lands and bounces near his bench. "What NOW?" He doesn't hesitate, though, and is soon bolting for the Rec center, then inside and down to the locker room to get all his gear. It never rains, it pours. It pours big ol' black balls. / [Conrad] The scarred man narrows his eyes as the spheres start
<Brad> raining from the sky, and he touches one ear to speak softly through his comm unit. "This is Buzzard. There is some sort of situation developing." He remains where he is for the moment, however.
<@Jim-foraging> Jack gives a nod to Nick - along with a relatively steely, cold 'man fuck you you zombie dickbag' look, but that's not much different than the usual look Nick gets. Jack probably gets the same. Reaching up, Jack taps at his ear. "Security, try and get as many younger folk inside as you can. Buzzard, any sign of alien craft?" Looking back to Nick, he tilts his head to the ball. "Well,
<@Jim-foraging> -one- of us has to poke it."
<@SisipGM> All at once the balls on the ground exploded (Yo - Blackstreet say No Giggity) into a splattering of goop and the scent of what could possibly be kelp, unsurprisingly each one containing a figure that resembled ... an Uidry in armor! It was the same sort of mech suit that Gina had seen on her walkabout. They didn't give pause, as soon as they were clear from the black goop of the orbs they raised their arms and began firing the weapons they all held. No bullets came out, instead a sort of concussive sound was heard, followed by their target lighting up as what appeared to be blue bolts of lightening encircled their bodies.
<@AnE> Noa, unsurprisingly, had holed herself up in her tiny apartment most of the time. She was so tired, and knew that the sleep would come any day now. But as she saw the ominous black globes falling from the heavens, she could only hope that day was not today. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out just what was going on. And now people were going to die. Peering out the window,
<@AnE> she frowned, adjusting her watch and throwing on her fur coat before slowly making her way down the hall, eyes narrowing sharply. This, she decided, was her fault, and she was going to fix it before it was too late. Except 'too late' was already in progress.
<vile> It'd probably be a good idea to, you know, be listening in on the team station. So being the brilliant man he is, Nicholas pops a com unit into his ear. A long drag is taken from his cigarette, his cane is nabbed and he seriously considers prodding the ball (giggity) with it. But he's not that stupid, not while there's an innocent bystander nearby! Nooo. If the thing explodes and kills
<vile> this Jack fellow, that wouldn't be good at all. The look Jack gives him makes the zombie arch a brow. "I can feel the love." he mutters and then nods, "Yes, yes. True. I suppose it's me: I'm the immortal alien bait and I have a cane. So get back a bit, just in case it explodes or vomits poisonus gas everywhere." Again the cane extends aaaand touches the ball, just as the damned thing
<vile> explodes! OH GOD EW WHAT THE FUCK WHY! Nick shrieks in horror, raises the cane and points it at the alien in a move of pure genius. "It's one of them! Do something!" Maybe Jack can fling fireballs or lightning. HE CAN HOPE HE HAS A USEFUL POWER.
<vile> *And his suit is covered in green crap. CAN'T FORGET THAT.
<Ph`Ahriman> "Deadeye, in the courtyard. Copy that weird shit sighting," he replied over the comm. He had that strong wish now that he could get his more lethal weapons; what he wouldn't give for a twilight scope right about now. But then those dear alien bastards made that unnecessary. He reached into his bag for a paintball rifle and a hopper full of pepper markers, at the very least. "Permission to use lethal?" he requested.
<Brad> [Buzzard] "No sign of craft..." He scans upward with his special binoculars once more, and then movement, sound, and a fairly pungent odor catches his attention and brings it downward. "We have hostiles. Repeat, hostiles on campus. All security, all available team personnel, we are under attack." It's amazing how he remains so calm, but he's more or less been expecting this. He's
<Brad> a blur black motion in just another moment, shifting in midair as he leaps from atop the building, huge wings unfolding. He circles once to break his fall, and then lands with a heavy thud, massive talons digging into the earth as his enormous hybrid vulture-man form touches down. / [Ricochet] "These guys do not know when to quit!" Rick says through his comm unit as he quickly suits
<Brad> up down below the Rec center. "Ricochet here, not staying in the sad room tonight. Sorry Sisip." He finishes getting himself all zipped up, and then rushes back up and out through the rec building, using the walls and ceilings to avoid any obstacles to get back outside as quickly as possible.
<Krys_Gallagher> From inside a jacket pocket she pulled out a waterproof bag, quickly retrieving an earwig from within and fitting it into place. "Tesla here, anyone on? We have trouble outside if you havn't notcied already. Shit!" The last obviously yelled when aliens started to appear with weapons drawn. She ducked around the tree trunk, hands already alight with crackling arcs, letting loose
<Krys_Gallagher> a sizzling fast bolt at one of the Vidry taking aim at some poor derpy idiot who didn't have enough sense to get inside when things started falling from the sky. "Aliens with guns, folks, time to get your butts out here!"
* Fuzed lets out a litteral yelp as the things start popping open. Those were not the kind of easter eggs he liked..and it was janurary, stupid aliens! As the aliens start charging/shooting he looks around and finds the closest bench and hides behind it for now, just trying to stay unnoticed. Keeping an eye out at the same time he looks for ANYONE he knows. He was so lost with what to do
* Fuzed right now..
<Suzthulhu> There's almost no time to react further. When the balls explode and begin to let out the Uidry (who let them out? WHo? Who? Who?), Gina reflexively jumps back away from the door, pulling it shut with her. "Permission granted. Don't even ask, just fucking kill them." She rips open the front of her coat and sheds it right there in the passageway in front of the window. Like Superman,
<Suzthulhu> she's got her suit on under her clothes and wastes no time ditching unnecessary items, such as her coat and a sweater, to leave her standing in jeans and her boots over her catsuit, vest handy in her black gym bag that is always with her these days. She starts buckling into it immediately.
<@Jim-foraging> "I was kidding! You weren't supposed to actually poke it!" Jack springs back as the orb explodes, arms up and shielding himself... but it's only goop. Goop and an ALIUM. Falling to a crouch, Jack yanks his bag over to him. A black, pistol-shaped leather holster is shoved onto his belt and flipped open, but the handgun within isn't retrieved just yet. The telescoping metal rod is, however,
<@Jim-foraging> one click extending the weapon. "Eidolon here, it's the Uidry. Take'em out," he says over the security comm. Springing forward, he throws himself at his and Nick's alium.
* Sunder Runs right the hell back inside his apartment, shoving the earpiece in and getting on the coms while digging out his bag of goodies "Sunder here! Anyone know if those suit things are electric? Oh and for fecks sake everyone get on campus and start killing xenos!"
* Thomas`Marshall could hear a voice coming through the comm built in to his collar so he pops the earpiece in, blinking as he watches Gina, "Spiffy." He laughs a bit and runs back out of the door she just pulled shut, pushing it closed as he runs out, "Skylight here..." He coughs at the name, but continues talking, "I'm going to see how these guys like fire." With that, he finds the
* Thomas`Marshall nearest target and starts throwing fire at it, all while flying around, attempting to dodge whatever it was they were shooting
<@Jim-foraging> Everyone coughs at the name. Even the Uidry.
* [Tremor] has his knife in an underhand grip before the goop from the orbs finishes hitting the ground. The blade hums menacingly with the vibrations channeled through it. Any slash from his weapon could carve through steel like it was paper, flesh would barely register. A dark grin creeps onto Tremor's lips. Time to find out what these aliens were made of... literally. Suddenly he's a bolt
* [Tremor] in motion. His speed is borderline unnatural, his form low to the ground as the knife sings through the air to slash at the nearest Xeno to the rec center doors.
<@SisipGM> The Uidry closest to Nick whips towards him, the gun in it's mechy grip making a buzzing noise, almost as if it were charging up. The trigger is pulled just as Jack launches himself at the alien, throwing off his aim and causing the Uidry to collapse under Jack. It flails and beats at the man with a surprisingly strong arm! Three other residents drop, surrounded by the blue lightening as more black spacefish eggs fall from the sky, exploding upon contact to release their alien hitchhikers. Uidry spread out, the thudding of their feet on the turf ominous. Oddly enough they were completely silent during the manuevers. One of the aliens, stupidly enough, heads towards Conrad, gun raising with the intent on dropping the man, another alien seems to explode --- Krys's bolt of electricity striking something that obviously should not have been struck! Shards of metal and flesh go everywhere, to the dismay of those closest to it. Todd's fire blast seems to have no affect on the alien at first, the odd suit apparently well made. The Uidry fires wildly at the pyro, trying to down the fellow. Those who'd been hit already don't seem to be dead but wail in pain as they writhe on the ground, unable to do anything else. Tremor's Uidry makes a startled shout and moves to backhand the fellow.
* Earth ( Quit (Quit: Dinner not setting well and tired. Heading out for the night.)
<vile> Nicholas prances between his feet, hopping back and forth, like a girl who just got blasted with some goddamn paint. OH GOD EW EW EW EW EW EW. He slaps at his clothes some, trying to knock some of the kelp crap off of his body. For a person that's been through what he has, and being a zombie, one might think he wouldn't be so easily grossed out. And look at how useful he's proving to
<vile> be! Well. Maybe he could be a distraction or something. And then he has a fucking gun pointed at him. The zombie pauses in mid-wipe, tightens his grip around the handle of his cane and eyes Jack. "I'll..." he starts to talk but falls silent. The fuck is he supposed to do? Oh. The alien's gun. While the Uidry is busy wrasslin' with Jack, Nick goes for the alien's gun and will stomp
<vile> the everloving Christ out of the alien's hand to get it, too.
<Ph`Ahriman> Huzzah! Fergus's right eye filled with red as he attached the hopper to the weapon. "Breathers on near the E.T.s, firing pepper rounds," he alerted over the comm. And then as advertised, he began emptying the hopper of its usually-debilitating contents. He had no idea if they'd be effective against the Uidry,, especially in their suit-things, but he figured if he emptied an entire hopper on one of them, he'd find out.
<Suzthulhu> Gina finishes her superhero show by pulling her goggles out of a vest pocket and pulling them on, as well as a breathing mask when she hears Fergus over comms. Then...WHAM! The door flies back open again, nothing but a blur shooting out of it as she springs into action. She charges straight for the nearest Uidry, hitting him first with a lighter, spectral impact, then with her
<Suzthulhu> full body. That's not all though, since one hand sweeps out to knock the alien's weapon away first thing, and she proceeds to start pounding on it too.
* Thomas`Marshall blinks when the fire does practically nothing, so, all while dodging the concussive lightning shots, he flies for one of the aliens, set on grabbing the thing and flying straight up with it to drop it back to earth, the hard way, without its goopie egg protecting it... Will it work? Maybe, maybe not, but its worth a shot.
<Brad> [Buzzard] Conrad's hideous, half-man/half-vulture eyes narrow at the approaching invader, but he doesn't give him a chance to level that weapon properly. With a beat of his mighty wings, he takes skyward, the force of air from his launch likely buffeting the Uidry warrior and knocking it off balance. He climbs just a short distance upward, and then twists his body to come screaming
<Brad> downward, both sets of foot-talons out and aiming to claw the ever-loving hell out of E.T.'s stupid, smug face there. / [Ricochet] He bursts through the rec center doors, and the first thing he sees is Nick and Jack engaged with one of the Uidry. Well, he sees Jack engaged with it (IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL WISH THEM THE BEST <3) and Nick cowering as usual, but he can't really blame the guy.
<Brad> "Nick! Get inside!" He yells, oblivious to the man's intention of grabbing a weapon at the moment. It's hectic, what're ya gonna do? Jack seems to have his target in hand, so Rick quickly picks his target. He takes a running start, and then leaps into the air, shifting his gravity to give himself a good height, then tucking his body into a kind of ball as he starts to plummet down
<Brad> towards the back of one of the creatures at a completely impossible angle.
* Kraken is now known as Shannon
* Fuzed looks at the residents going down. And the ones fighting. He was terrified, tears streaming down his cheeks. He'd never experianced anything like this before, it shook him down to his core. As another goes down not far from his hiding spot, something snaps. "Fuck...this...." Standing quickly he rips off his jacket, nw only in a t-shirt, and sprints at the closest of the aliens
* Fuzed and leans to punch it in the back with both fists, except both fists become long platinum spikes.
<Krys_Gallagher> Seeing Thomas taking off in the sky was a relief, as was hearing the others over the comms. Good, looks like they had a good sized crew. Apparently the Vidri weren't too happy about their shipfish getting trashed. With her first strike so successful she darted from her tree to the next, another sizzling bolt of electricity loosed at a second Vidry. "Not sure what I hit but they
<Krys_Gallagher> sure didn't like electricity in the back." she relayed over the comms in case there was another electro out there, or someone with a tazer. Quickly she shrugged out of her peacoat, tossing it in one direction while she darted in another, getting off a shot at a third Vidry. She heard the warning about teh pepperspary, but sadly she didn't have a mask on her. Swearing she pulled
<Krys_Gallagher> her sweater up over her mopuyth and nose as best she could. Godo thing she'd gone through OC training in the Navy. It would hurt, but she knew she could fight through the pepper if she got caught up in it.
<@AnE> Stepping out into the cold, Noa ... eurgh. She shuddered, she grimaced, and her pace slowed to a crawl. So cold, so tired. Her coat was tightly hugged around herself as she eyed the chaos. They didn't deserve this. Unhooking her watch, she tossed it aside, the human illusion flickering away as her skin became more transparent and pink. She made the motions of cracking her knuckles, though
<@AnE> her bones were so thin and her skin was so gel-like that it was sort of a moot action. Clenching a fist, a handful of seeds crept down her veins and surfaced through her palm, hurled across the ground. They grew against the cold, rapidly forming into a spotted blue and green plant with a drooling, gaping maw.
<@Jim-foraging> Jack drives his staff into the Uidry's arm to force it aside, to try and give Nick a bit more room to strike at the lightning-gun-thing. As he jerks his head back to avoid one of those powerful blows, he yanks his arm back, and it becomes engulfed in a dark blue/black smoke, wraith-like smokey-talons replacing his fingers. Jack's eyes burn a blood-like color as he thrusts the wraith-arm
<@Jim-foraging> forward and up, hunting for the Uidry's chest or, much preferred, its head, tearing and phasing away at whatever armor - or what else might lie beneath - he can, gouges and chunks disappearing into the ether.
* @Shannon Kevin was doing security things, getting npcs to safety, making sure indoors were secure. And onto the big guns, Shannon. "Ion, coming in." She announced to the other teammates, no earwig for the radiation controller, she could pick up and send the signals fine as she was. And orders were in. Don't hold back. Kill. Not things Shannon liked doing especially with a power that
* @Shannon was widely open to friendly fire and killing teammates as well as baddies... so Shannon was still being careful, filters on her suit set to concussives, she'd fly along the courtyard, taking shots at the Uidry!
* Sunder Blinks at kry's works. He was busy loading rounds in the rifle, but if electric shocks would do some good, he'd save the weight. The rife get set down, the pistol gets stashed in his tac vest and a couple of tazers he had from the team armory get shoved in pockets. Taking a brief moment to calm his nerves he heads for the door, leaning around the corner to get a peek at the situation before charging in.
* [Tremor] 's technique seems rooted in a dark cunning mixed with ferocity. Deception, misdirection, these were the tenants of combat. While one might focus on his blade, which almost wailed in the air with every slash, it was his free hand that was the real threat. As the alien moves to backhand him he swiftly ducks back and reaches out to catch the creature's arm. There's a hiss of pure
* [Tremor] malice and pleasure in his voice, "Gotcha." Should his attack work then an instant vibration would be shot directly into the alien's arm, the kind that makes organs burst like bloody popcorn and bone turn to talcum powder.
<@SisipGM> The gun Nick stomps on suddenly, almost wildly, expells the same blue lightening it shoots, most likely zapping Nick AND the Uidry, Jack uneffected because he's smoke.. not that the pain would matter to the alien, it was dead as soon as Jack's hand materialized in it's chest. The peper rounds took down alien after alien, the creatures obviously not liking the searing pain seeping through their suits and into their porous froggy like skin. A highpitched, inhuman noise rises from them. Screaming? Mayhaps. Way to torture innocent aliens when all they wanted to do was make Rick their cute little CabinBoy! More eggs drop from the sky, seemingly endless. Well, it was a MASSIVE fish, one could only assume it would have a shitton of eggs! Doorways into the Sanctum are breached, Uidry now streaming through hallways! Gina's Uidry flys backwards at the force of impact and most likely would have dropped its weapon anyway, but those thoughts were moot as Gina's fists buckle its armor and quite easily crush the creature within it. Todd's alien puts up one hell of a fight as it's picked up, squirming and bellowing as it's lifted into the air. Once dropped it shrieks and plummets, but not before raising its gun and firing... those blue bolts of electricity clipping Todd's legs painfully. The ET that Conrad tears into loses it's face mask in the scuffle, the alien itself looking up at him with terror filled eyes that are, quite soon, slashed from their sockets. Rick, meanwhile, would hear the satisfying crack of spine as he bowls into the alien! As Fuzed takes off towards one of the Uidry it, certainly, notices him and darts to the side, it's leg extending in an obvious 'trip' fashion. Another Uidry explodes as Krys toasts it, her tactic obviously a good one! As Noa steps out and sheds her disguise a nearby alien freezes and stares. In an almost creepy fashion they ALL turn to look towards her.. well all of them that aren't occupied. Ignoring the massive Audrey II cousin growing quickly they move at once, bolting towards the girl. Like Krys, Shannon's aliens seemed to explode quite easily, though hers seemed to bubble and pop rather than blast outwards! It was almost beautiful in a disgusting way! As Sunder peeks he spots, quite closely, the metal fist of an Uidry mech suit. Spots it in the face, probably in the nose. Aliens could be sneaky also! As Tremor vibrates the alien (Yo, Blackstreet) it doesn't have time to even scream, simply collapsing in place, blood oozing from it's armor.
<vile> Pain is lost on Nicholas as well: the electricity courses through his body, siezing it up temporarily. But he's back in action soon enough. The gun is snatched up and held close to his body, fingers gripping it tightly like he's afraid of losing it. Wide eyes stare at Jack, watching the specteral man tear every last fuck out of the alien. "I..." he starts and clears his throat, "Would you
<vile> like the gun? he offers but doesn't exactly thrust it out to try and make Jack take it. He'd like a weapon, after all, something more substantial than a cane. A quick glance around and he frowns at the other aliens. "There's more. We should do something about that." APPARENTLY THEY'RE A TEAM, at least as far as the zombie is concerned.
<Suzthulhu> "Weak... these things are really, really weak!" Her words come in between slams of her fists as she ensures her Uidry is a pulpy mess and dead-dead. Leaping back onto her feet, she turns just in time to see the rest of them turn. Following their gaze and their eventual stampede, she sees Noa... well, she's not sure it's Noa, since she's gone all SUPAH FREAK and all, but clearly the Uidry
<Suzthulhu> are interested in it, so it must be something! She breaks for the back ranks of them, grabbing one in each hand by the backs of their suits and slamming them together. GINA SMASH.
* @Shannon well looked like Kevin had to fight some hallcrawlers... He would hiss and flash the opposite colors of last nights. These ones meant to scare and drive away, but if need be he would ink 'em no gear on the poor squid though, seeing as he just came from the med center. He couldn't get close enough to tentacle attack or bite them, so lets hope they speak squid and dont't like ink.
* @Shannon Annnnd onto Shannon. She was horrified. She hadn't even put her powers on lethal levels and the seven foot tall alien guys were popping kablam! splatter. If she still had a stomach she'd be feeling quite ill... They just went splatter... pop. Shannon screamed. "They're just popping!" She'd say over the com. pop!
<Ph`Ahriman> As he warned everyone else, he fished out his breathing mask and goggles from his backpack and put them on. With the paintball gun emptied, he used it as an improvised weapon, not giving it much aim since there were more mecha-Uidry, and he figured it was sure to hit them. Or someone else. And with his hands empty again, he yet again went into the backpack, this time pulling from it a pistol, and from one of his many cargo pockets, a
* Fuzed has no fighting expriance so he actaully does hit the tripping leg, but he's pretty spry, and catches himself on one hand, yes, hand. Instinct caused one of his spikes to revert to metal hand. Pushing himself up as quickly as he could both hands are now an array of foot long claw like blades and he goes at the alien bitchface all wild the pepper gas starts to move his
* Fuzed way and his eyes start burning, tearing up. But he doesnt stop
<Ph`Ahriman> <- pockets, a clip. So the pepper rounds worked wonderfully; hopefully those gross bastards effected by it could be taken hostage and autopsied. Finally switching to the lethal rounds, he dodged, ducked, dipped, dove, and dodged around the aliens, humans, and various other obstacles, taking shots at aliens as he passed. His aim may currently have been perfect, but it wasn't until he tripped over something that he remembered he needed
<Brad> [Buzzard] One down, roughly eleven jillion to go. He doesn't waste more than another vicious claw attack to the face to make sure it's down, and then those wings flap again, taking him airborne once more. He lands a short distance away, though, and shifts back to human form quickly. One hand darts into his coat. He'd been prepared. Conrad is always prepared. The reason he wears that
<Brad> heavy coat all the time is evident now, as he unclasps an apple-sized object from a bandolier concealed by it. A shrapnel grenade. Nonlethal, but very painful. He primes it on a five second timer, and then tosses it at the nearest concentration of Uidry. He's already shifting back to hybrid form by the time it's in the air. / [Ricochet] Crunch all you want, we'll make more! That goes
<Brad> through his mind, briefly, as he hears that sound from the impact. His legs kick out, and he uses the falling Uidry as a springboard to continue his momentum, launching off of it with surprisingly powerful leg muscles and shifting his gravity to keep his freefall going. He streaks through the air towards another of the aliens, aiming an attack at its side, and springs off similarly in
<Brad> order to bounce towards a third. He twists his body in midair to bring his leg down on it in a kind of midair, nearly meteoric axe kick to the neck and shoulder area.
<Ph`Ahriman> <- needed to boost his perception, too.
<Krys_Gallagher> Exploding aliens! God she was going to have to stop wearing nice clothes around here, her cashmere sweater gooped and splattered with alien guts. She didn't see what had drawn the attention of the alien hordes, only that they had all (mostly) stopped firing and turned to stare at..something. Good enough for her. She built up a charge, hair practically standing on end since she'd left
<Krys_Gallagher> it down loose today, and held out both hands towards a group of the Vidri. Rather than a single bolt she released a sustained spray of lightning, ala Emperor Palpatine style, aimed for the nearest grouping of Vidri to her position.
* Sunder Was damn lucky he was only peeking out a bit. It mean instead of getting his head caved in, he would just get clip and hurt pretty good. He'd stumble back inside with a shout of pain "You $(%^@#$" The swear would rattle on for a second before reaching around the corner quickly, if the thing was metal he knew what to do. As soon as he touched the damned walker he would discharge, a couple hundred amps would probably do the trick
<Sunder> he figured
* Thomas`Marshall After feeling those bolts graze his legs, his concentration is obviously broken. Mind stops thinking about staying in the air and starts thinking about the shockingly electrifying jolt he just received from the bolts that hit him, which causes him to start falling out of the sky. Half way down, he realizes that he was falling to a not-so-soft landing and starts to slow his descent,
* Thomas`Marshall staying up in the air though. Watching what was going on on the ground, he saw some of the aliens popping and raised a brow, "Not exactly the strongest things I've seen before." The people with comms could hear a soft chuckling coming from him after he spoke
<@AnE> People used to think that the numerous security checkpoints throughout the sanctum were overkill. As fully armed guards rushed from each and proceeded to telekinesis, fireblast, and in some case shoot at the alien menaces invading the hallway, some may have changed their minds! Eden alternated between ushering chil'rens and the less combat-ready folks into a safe spot and charging up
<@AnE> powerful explosions to blow up some alien scum. Security alarms blared, the halls going red. Meanwhile, Noa pursed her lips, widening her stance and throwing her hands into the air -- the chomping plant, creeping towards eight feet in height, with a massive toothy mouth but a rather weak stem, dropped down, aiming to EAT one of the Uidry that was now after its creator. Omnomnomnom. The
<@AnE> fur-clad girl turned and began to run, the dead grass beneath her rapidly growing around her for cover as she darted in the opposite direction.
<@Jim-foraging> "No, you can have the gun. I've got my-" As Jack climbs off of the dead Uidry, he snaps his hand into his holster and whips out the Sauer and aims it over Nick's shoulder, popping off a handful of rounds into another Uidry that was threatening to zappify Nick from behind. Panting slightly, Jack finishes, "... My own." Dropping the pistol back into its home, he stands next to Nick,
<@Jim-foraging> glancing around... noticing the Uidry making like a swarm towards Noa on the other side of the courtyard... and Rick drop-kicking one of the invaders, grinning slightly. As much as he wants to make his way over there, he can see Uidry breaking into the Sanctum. "Let's head inside! Rick! We're going in!" he shouts, grabbing Nick's shoulder and spinning the zombie around to face the rec
<@Jim-foraging> center doors and running towards them.
* [Tremor] doesn't wait for the thing to crumple to the ground before he's off, sprinting to the next target. They were all over the place now, and impulses told him to go wild and kill everything that moved, yes even people. Still, his mental focus seemed to push through and spot the large group headed for Noa and... well... whatever it was she was doing that seemed to have their attention.
* [Tremor] His knife flashes rappidly at the necks of any aliens focused on her.
<vile> "Alright." A nod from him and he tucks his cane through his belt as a makeshift holder, and...freezes. The gun aimed at him, almost at him, startles the undead bastard. But lo! It's not fired at him! A glance over his shoulder, he watches the alien go down. His jaw tightens and he nods at the order. Being as lightweight as he is, and not in a mood to struggle, he's easy to flip around.
<vile> And he bolts for the building. Out of everyone on the compound, he's the last one that'll have to be told twice to run. Well. Other than Croach, that is. Inside the rec he goes, messing with the gun all the while. How does it charge? Shoot a blast of energy? He doesn't know and he only has a couple minutes to figure out. The knobs, buttons, trigger, whateverthefuckthisthinghas, are all
<vile> pushed in a logical sequence. With the business end pointed at the ground, of course. No good would come from friendly fire!
<@SisipGM> They were a team, that had another Uidry coming at them from behind. It had seen Jack phase so it's plan was simple... shoot Nick! The gun was leveled and activated, the zombie being shot again... until, once more, Jack saved Nick's ass! Nick had friends in high places apparently! Those already on the ground, already trapped by the painful blue lightening seemed to just vanish, disappear into nothing. Screams can be heard inside the Sanctum as residents realize their safe hiding spots aren't so safe. Blue flashes can be seen through the windows as more and more people are 'taken' right up until the troops were called out. Like outside the aliens were dropping like flies on the inside, but they weren't dying without stealing a few 'earthlings' first! Gina's ho-down with the Uidry is successful, the two smooshing together with a crunch of bones. Well that worked! Kevin, unfortunately, was immediately recognized as the 'food' portion of last nights clusterfuck of Uidiry asses being handed to themselves. His flailing makes them pause for a moment.. if he could defeat their SpaceFish what would he do to them? Aliens drop infront of Fergus like so many yellow ducks at a shooting range! They may have been a pathetically weak race but damn they were like a swarm of locusts. Fuze slashes through the alien armor and the gurgle of a dying Uidry could be heard, somehow in english, begging for mercy. Conrad's grenade fells the group it's tossed into, their cries filling the quad as Rick bounces like a damn 25 cent super ball off the aliens, snapping necks and backs as he goes! There's a massive explosion as Krys detonates the group in pure Emperor Popatine fashion! As Sunder discharged on the alien the smell of fried froglegs could be detected, the creature cooking quite easily. My they were fragile. They must be italian. Audrey II chomped, crunched and nommed on a few aliens, though Noa herself was followed... up until they hit the grass. A few of them stood around, almost unsure. Perhaps they'd seen THIS tactic before somewhere. Stood around, that was, until Tremor slashed their necks. They dropped to the ground and convulsed just a bit before bleeding out. More trapped residents disappeared in the blink of an eye.
<Suzthulhu> Chloe had been in the library studying when the ruckus broke out. She'd taken to hiding herself under one of the thick tables... until she heard the sounds of screaming in the halls and running, and shooting. Crawling out from under the desk, she makes her way to the library door, flattening herself against it and peeking out. She can see Uidry running by and folks disappearing...
<Suzthulhu> and she's terrified. Terrified, but in a sense, more calm, as she realizes she can't just hide. Self-preservation instinct takes over, and she yanks the door to the library open to face some of the Uidry skittering past. Her eyes go white, then black, and there's a low pulse as she lets that fear wave goooooo. | Gina goes through Uidry like so much confetti, aiming fists and feet at
<Suzthulhu> any she can, plowing through them and taking out as many as possible. She picks up the remains of one and swings it in a broad arc in front of her, her intent to clear more of them out of the quad as she makes her way toward one of the doors. She'll at least cover an entrance to keep more of them from flooding inside.
<Brad> [Buzzard] Conrad takes to the air once more since the shrapnel grenade did its work. The Uidry may not be dead, but they're not getting back up, and they're definitely not having a good day. Another target is spotted, one of the creatures trying to get inside one of the buildings to go after the poor, innocent NPCs that can't defend themselves. He shrieks in midair, a bloodcurdling
<Brad> sound, just halfway between the cry of a bird and the scream of a human. It's enough to give anyone pause, no matter what planet they're from. He descends quickly, talons out and aimed toward the invader. He doesn't intend to kill this one straight away, though, but to grab it and use it as a sort of living bowling ball as he continues his flight, to plow through it's brethren and give
<Brad> the others easier targets. / [Ricochet] "Got it!" He calls to Jack through his comm unit as he sails through the air. He'd seen them run inside, following after some of these bastards. He lands in the midst of a group of Uidry, and grins. "Hey guys, heard you were looking for me." He says to them, to get their attention and taunt them, and then he rockets into the air once more.
<Brad> He doesn't stay up for long before he plummets, not at one of the Uidry, but toward the ground. He springs off the earth with his hands, aiming himself (and both feet) towards one of the aliens' chins in a vicious blow.
* @Shannon ( Quit (Quit: brb)
* Sunder catches himself on the doorframe, taking in some deep breaths. He hated discharging, but at least he was still on his feet. He wouldn't be able to zap anything for a few minutes, so out came the pistol, while he took a moment to examine the uridy's armor, maybe there was something of use on the things.
* Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
* Ahriman ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<Fuzed> People going poof all around, flashes of blue lights in the complex. They were taking people!? This was nuts, all because they wanted ONE person? He eeps as he ducks a blast from one of their guns, BARELY making it. The pepper gas was making his vision blurry so he moves away from the majority of the cloud. He hides/leans against a tree for a second, trying to clear his eyes. Shit burns!
<Krys_Gallagher> As soon as the Uidry went pop, she halted the jedi-show. Prolonged attacks like that drained her much more quickly. Already a thin sheen of sweat was on her brow and as she lifted a hand to wipe it away, her gaze lifted enough for her to see Thomas plummeting earthwards! She froze, eyes wide, and didn't realize she'd been holding her breath until the fire mutant had regained control
<Krys_Gallagher> and righted himself before goin splat. "You ok there, Skylight? Think my heart stopped for a moment. To the rest of you, hit em with electricity and they go pop." And to illustrate her point she let loose another darkside jedi display, hopefully bursting another group of fishy frog aliens, stumbling abit after this recent drain on her energies.
<@Jim-foraging> Jack and Nick make their way into the recreation center... just as a dozen or so people come running through from the rec center, Uidry hot on their heels. Jack slaps Nick's shoulder and points, "There!" and ghosts himself, throwing his wraith-like form at one of the invaders.
* Ph`Ahriman (androirc@14055ad0.6ca5ecdc.32.144.imsk) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<vile> FUCK THIS LIGHTNING! It's a pain in the ass, even if it's not an actual pain in the ass for Nick. When struck, his body is momentarily stunned. It passes, he swears, lifts the gun and fires it off at a...rock. He'll claim that he was aiming for that rock if anyone asks. A quick glance up at Jack then Rick. "We should be protecting him." But then he notices people are being abducted.
<vile> There are no smiles on his face now, not even a little one. This isn't funny, not even to him and his sense of humor is anything but normal. He falls quiet, enters the rec center and snaps the gun up. An Uidry tasked with stealing cowering NPCs is spotted, thanks to Jack, and he...fiddles with the gun. A mechanical whirr can be heard as it charges up just prior to the shot being fired off.
<vile> Of course, he's not the best shot in the world but maybe the futuristic weapon has a targeting device! Or, well, dumb luck. | Elsewhere on the grounds, it's not just NPCs being abducted! Gabriel does his part, taking down what fragile aliens he can, until one sneaks up behind him. One moment he's there, the next there's a flash of blue light and Mr.Birdbrain gets to derp around on the
<vile> alien ship.
* @Shannon they went pop! That was very alarming to poor Shannon, the nuclear mutant immidiately raised the filters on her armor to make her blasts less explodey... hopefully just concussy... worse comes to worst they could probably use a hostage or two! After all they were capturing people! Shoot shoot! nuke time, little nukes... They exploded on a low blast power so a lower caliber was
* @Shannon necessary! Annnnnd with the Squidman. They were afraid of him? Actually afraid? Kevin was one confused squid but used this to his advantage. Grrrr angry colors! Inkings! He hissed at them, showing off that mean looking half beak of his and the tooth lined suckers on those four tentacles, he stepped forward menacingly. Drive them away... "Hsssss!"
<Ahriman> <Fergus> Fergus scrambled to his feet, a vein pulsing into prominence on one side of his head. Well, at least these alien buggers died easily, but sweet flying spaghetti monster were there ever a lot of them. He moves about the courtyard, popping off rounds and splattering Uidry faces as he goes. | <Miles> Miles had been in one of the labs, with his face in a microscope. He attributed
<Ahriman> all the commotion to almost anyone/everyone else in the Sanctum, and ignored it - at least until an alien barged in and ZORTed him. He winced and writhed on the floor in front of the table he'd been at, until Scotty beamed him up.
<@AnE> Noa disappeared within the growing grass, moving her arms around rhythmically to keep it swaying in addition to making it creep higher and higher until it was well over her head. Lowering her hands, she sucked in a deep breath. She came from a place where just past cities were dangerous jungles and sprawling fields. Using nature to her advantage came easily. But she heard the sounds of
<@AnE> SCHINGing metal and gurgling and blood spewing and slowly lowered the grass, looking toward Tremor and blinking. Just once, though. Her expression was blank, hood soon swept up over her head to shield her semi-transparent features.
<@SisipGM> Chloe's fear aura had a strange effect. Though it would most likely not be realized at this precise moment. When the Uidry nearest her are enveloped by it an almost instantaneous scream from ALL the aliens, even those out in the quad, let loose the noise and seem to freeze in place. Most not movement .. aliens are dropped with no resistance, everything just pausing in place as that ear piercing shriek floods over the Sanctum. A few, however, flail wildly, their zort-guns randomly firing. No purpose, just everywhere they point as they scream. If someone were to get hit.. well... bodies were still being sucked up into MotherShipFish. Literally, proof of that as more eggs drop to the ground, splutting open with screaming and writhing Uidry in them!
<Suzthulhu> Chloe barely has time to register that her fear had done something... really unexpected, before she's zapped with a wild flying shot from the trigger-happy aliens and winds up flat on her back on the floor, writhing and unable to move. A second or two later, there is no Chloe anymore. | Gina covers her ears at the sound of the screams, letting out a grunt herself and ducking her
<Suzthulhu> head. "What the shit is happening??" Unaware of what Chloe had done, she only sees screaming Uidry dropping like flies all over the ground. This doens't stop her from kicking the crap out of them though, taking out those nearest her to make sure they don't get up again.
* Fuzed couldnt help but notice the now paralyzed and screaming yuckies and actually smirks a little bit. They wanted to cheat and win by numbers, he would take whatever advantages he could. And as long as it lasts, he is running from Uidry to nasty Uidry, going all magic bullet on them, making delicious alien salsa!
<Brad> [Ricochet] He suddenly thinks he's king badass of badass mountain as the Uidry start crapping their pants. "Yeah, that's what I tought!" He yells, moving to kick one of them while it's down. But then he too is enveloped in brigh lighty, and he finds himself unalbe to move. "Oh you..." He tries to struggle against whatever it is, but his body starts to dissipate quickly, just
<Brad> as others' had, only his eerily echoiing words are left to hang in the quad once he's gone. "YOU CHEATERS!" / [Buzzard] With the Uidry seemingly down, well, Conrad goes to town. He drags his unwilling, and now unconscious passenger, along with him, bowling through the horde. He lets go after a few moments and claws, slashes, scrapes, gouges, and pecks his way through whatever he can
<Brad> find.
<vile> Alien down! Nick is totally going to take credit for that, even if it was really Chloe responsible for insta-KO'ing them all. The undead bastard absolutely beams with delight, possibly even taking pleasure in the collective pain of the aliens. The zort gun is lowered and he bubbles with delight. "Should we really be killing them?" he asks and looks over at Jack again. "Piss them off even
<vile> more, you know. It seems wrong to off them while they're down." But he strolls over to the fallen Uidry he'd shot and gives it a nudge with his foot, leans down and inspects the alien. "They used stun guns, after all, and not death rays. Though the abducting is objectionable. But pissing them off will get the hostages killed." TOO BAD he doesn't know everyone else has gone on a killing
<vile> spree. Aw shucks. "Or hold at least one for questioning.
<vile> "
* [Tremor] just gives Noa a wink and off he goes! If anyone wonders where the maniacal laughter is coming from in all this chaos, one only needs to spot Tremor, carving his way through a crowd, using their own numbers as cover against oncoming blasts. His movements are a spinning flury of vibroblade and shattering grasps. When they freeze in place with their strange noise, he barely slows
* [Tremor] enough to check at what the source might be, noting Sunder and Krys who he knew from the ground team last night looking drained. Thoughts clashed. He seems to halt his assult and redirect himself over towards Krys first, his breathing heavy, but the adrenaline clearly keeping him in the game. He gathers himself enough to form speech and backs up to her in a defensive stance, keeping an
* [Tremor] eye to strike at any closeing targets, "Need a jumpstart?" he offers to Krys over the battle.
<Ahriman> Fergus likewise was surprised and confused at the alien's sudden change in behavior. Especially all the screaming. But he takes advantage of Chloe's accidental Uidry-crippling move, as had others. With a fresh clip, he begins executing frozen aliens one by one. Fuck with his home, will they? Now the ones he'd immobilized earlier with pepper rounds had a fear bomb tacked on top of it;
<Ahriman> Fergus was sure they'd be able to interrogate some of them at this rate.
<Krys_Gallagher> Hands clapped over her ears at the ungodly screaching sounds emitting from the Uidry. To her it was like nails on a chalkboard. Eyes swept over the yard, trying to make sense of it, but also realizing something - with the aliens all incapacitated, they could probably successfully get one alive. Back to the pouch she delved, pulling out a set of those thick ziptie style cuffs, and she
<Krys_Gallagher> darted for the closest fallen Uidry, looking to bind its hands behind its back while it was down and crying like a baby. She glanced up at Tremor when he approached, managing a wan sort of smile. "I've a few more in me, but yeah, I'm going to need to get inside soon and drain one of the powerlines."
* @Shannon Zapped some screaming Uidry on her lower than normal setting, need to stop the piercing yells. They were horrifying! And more residents were being captured. Shannon kept on firing, hoping no more would pop. Please no more pops. None of the people the aliens hit had died, only hurt and then sent up to the ship where who knows what happened to them! Blam blam! Low setting. Please
* @Shannon stop screaming! She flew around, trying to dodge some blasts, not trusting what would happen if her armor was hit. Must dodge. Blam blam, dodge. Kevin, on the other hand had no such luck, being in a hallway and indoors with screaming, flailing, shooting aliens. He'd be hit. But lucky inside so no abducting for the now pain flailing squidman.
<@SisipGM> The screaming continues until a few moments after Chloe's disappearance. The entire force of Uidry left standing drop to their knees, gripping their heads and making strange gurgling noises. The one being bound by Krys didn't argue in the least. Upon closer inspection of the suit it would appear there was a big red button. A real warrior would ask what the big red button on the suit did.. but since this is not Fifth Element chances are it could very well be safe to push. Uidry continued to drop as more and more residents were taken away.
<@Jim-foraging> Jack stands up from downing another, and looks to the Uidry that Nick had stunned with their very own technology. Grunting, he gives it a kick in the side. "We'll keep this one, then." All Jack can think of is the last time that the campus was invaded like this, and Sisip was shot. | Across the Sanctum, those in the courtyard see the entire row of glass windows peering out from the
<@Jim-foraging> library explode with telekinetic force... right before Isabelle is zapped from behind and kidnapped away.
<@Jim-foraging> Oh and Uidry come flying out those windows with the blast, too.
<Suzthulhu> With Chloe out of the picture, action refocuses on Gina. She makes it to one of the doors and slams it shut, using the opportunity of downed Uidry to get between them and the Sanctum, preventing further entry. "EVERYONE, we need to get the Sanctum locked down! Get the doors shut and locked. Get security posted on them to keep these little fuckers outside!" With busted windows though,
<Suzthulhu> it's going to be difficult... she's rained down upon by glass, much of it ending up in her hair and making little cuts on her face. Still, she keeps herself plastered against that door. "Buzzard, get security to lock these damn doors!"
* Ahriman is now known as Archer`Ahri
* @Shannon JJ gets abducted. Why? Cause he's a stupidhead who was overly awed by the loud noises and tech stuff happening outside.
<vile> Nicholas grimaces at the kick, "I said to not kill it. These things look fragile." He would know. A stiff breeze could totally KO him! The bastard quietly sighs and unfastens his belt. It's tugged free from the loops and used to tie up the Uidry, restraining it. Once that's done with, he nabs his cane and the alien gun, stands and resumes looking absolutely horrified that he's covered
<vile> in green kelp gunk. Noticing the red button, he tilts his head and eyes Jack closely. The cane is whipped through the air and totally hits the fucking button quicker than it can be stopped. The red button exists to be pressed and so he does! BECAUSE GOOD THINGS HAPPENED THE LAST TIME HE POKED SOMETHING WITH THE CANE. Read: bad timing, poking an alien ball and it opened. So yay! RED
<vile> BUTTON.
<Krys_Gallagher> She might have manged to avoid getting stunned and aliennapped, but she certainly wasn't quick enough to avoid flying glass. And curiosity about the big red button was pushed aside as she flung herself at Tremor, looking to knock him down to the ground so they wouldn't get impaled.
<Archer`Ahri> Well, that little bit of encouraging was all he really needed. He began backing toward the sanctum, the red in his right eye fading, while his left eye took on the sanguine hue. He stepped through a broken window into the rec, soon having to swap to a fresh clip again. "Last clip; some pepper rounds left, but if they keep coming like this, I'll be out soon," he noted over the comm.
<vile> OH FUCK James got abducted too! NO TECHNOPATHS FOR COBALT. Seriously, what's with these people? At least he managed to have his big ol' Centurion disable some of the damn aliens. But it's not like James can run from the lights. This is unfair treatment to disabled people.
* Fuzed is a nobody on the compound, so he doesnt have an earpiece and knows nothing of what the 'officials' are saying. He doesnt know Noa, so he doesnt know she is the one to they are after. And he has gone a lil blood, yeah, just more hacking and slashing. Someone was going to need some serious therapy after this...and booze, lots of booze...
* [Tremor] frowns spotting Krys' wool sweater and nods, "Yeah, I guess you will." he tells her as he notices the aliens fall to their knees. He too spots the red button too and is about to dare Krys to push it when he's suddenly tackled off his feet by the navy chick so as to avoid the rain of shards. His expression is a split second of anger before realization hits him, "Uhm... thanks." he
* [Tremor] manages before scrambling to get to his feet and in a defensive position with his back again to Krys, "I hope you have a plan."
<@SisipGM> THE BUTTON IS PUSHED THE THE EARTH VAPOURIZES! But no, not really.. all that happens is the light turns off. As more and more people disappear things seem to settle down... right up until almost at once ALL the Uidry vanish. Even the dead ones! Self cleaning aliens, how polite! Well, not all of them. One single uidry remains. Nick's Uidry. Goddammit the little fucker did something right for once! Everything goes quiet, save for the frightened sobbing of the residents.
<@AnE> Noa balled her hands into fists. They seemed to be taking people ... at random? Looking up toward the sky, she began to grind her teeth, the pressure causing the transparency to creep along her face, "...maa'dru daina..." Swearing under her breath, she closed her eyes tightly, weaving around fallen Uidry and conveniently shuffled into the sanctum. Even with her coat, it was too damn
<@AnE> cold. She tugged the hood up and over her head, hissing in frustration. This wasn't what she was expecting, but if they kept this up, the people on the ship would probably be... well, she preferred not to think about it.
<@Jim-foraging> Jack takes a deep breath and steps away from the group, tapping his comm. "Sisip. Sisip, come in." Nick can hear the fearful tone Jack uses.
<vile> What the fuck Nick did something good? Oh. He also totally looted a goddamn alien zort gun, too. That has to count for something! A hog-tied alien and a weapon from space. The zombie sets his cane on the floor and leans on it as he watches the Uidry. When Jack talks into the comm unit, he glances over at the guy and hikes a brow. He stays quiet but offers a faint smile and reaches out
<vile> with an elbow, moving to give the other man a light nudge with it.
<Krys_Gallagher> She pushed herself up from the ground, one cheek bearing a new cat, blood bright red against her skin as it dripped down along her jaw. She plucked a few more pieces of glass from her sweater, wincing once or twice were some of the shards had cut through and into her skin. Plan? He was asking if she had a plan? She blinked, shaking her head, then went still as the fallen aliens all
<Krys_Gallagher> just started to disappear, including her hogtied friend. "Damnit!"
<@SisipGM> The response is obviously coming from inside a chopper, most likely the Lynx. "Rex, I'm sorry, I had to go, I didn't know they'd come back, someone had to tell META. I'm on my way back, I'm sorry." She's obviously stressed and most likely pushing that damn helicopter past what was safe even for her! She'd caught the last bit of the com chatter on her way out of the briefing. | Ashy, meanwhile, was texting like a fiend. She and the rest of the kitchen crew had taken shelter, like her father taught them, in the walk in freezer. She was texting.. and getting nothing back.