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The Many Grousings of Sisip Webster

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:28 pm
by Sisip
Some of Sisip's 'Grouse' moments are pretty humerous, so I decided.. what the hell.. when I find them in my logs I'll put them up here for all to see!


Re: The Many Grousings of Sisip Webster

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:38 pm
by Sisip
Fri Oct 08 16:28:37 2010

[16:34] * Sisip wanders out of the girls dorm, taptapping on her phone. It really amazed her, when she first came here she never wanted a phone, now the injin girl was never seen without it. Amazing what technology could do to a person. She's wearing, today, the first outfit that had been given to her at this age, a pink tshirt with a chibi-chicken on it, a pair of jeans with cargopockets and pink and white -
[16:34] <Sisip> - sneakers. She wore a light fall jacket over it and had her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Yes, she looked 12. There was no way she could escape that yet. The four foot tall girl wanders towards the quad, humming to herself as large brown eyes flick over the grounds curiously.
[16:36] * @Ember` Pouted as the baby helicoptor moved away from her and they guy below yelled... She stopped and hovered in place and thought for a moment... Of course! The baby helicoptor was the man's pet! She sterted down and landed a few feet away from Max, bounding the rest of the distance on all fours. "Where'd you find Hellycoptor eggs?"
[16:36] <vile> Meanwhile, the lanky white monster boagoat creeps behind Sisip. After a bit Laura abruptly stands and looms over the short girl, screeches and hollers: "BOO!" of course, her black lips are drawn back away from those horrible needle-like teeth and her claws are extended. The Nightmare Fuel makes herself look as scary as possible, even making her bulbous eyes protrude a bit more than usual. A
[16:36] <vile> tentacle-like tongue that's covered with thick goo writhes out of her mouth, more gaping than usual as the jaw is unhooked.
[16:37] <Iyala> Erin took a soothing breath and eased his posture to sit more naturally in the couch pulling his red and white Tommy Hilfiger shirt over his blue faded well fitting jeans untucked. He soon nodded a bit and then said in a tired mumble "I did treat another person who had been effected by him, but he also had a heart attack and almost didn't make it, there are risks."
[16:40] <Vitro> Sam pressed a smile at the shoulder patting, eyes widening at the sight of Tanith's own SND. "That'd be... great, relly. I don't really think my abilities are related to earth as my father's. I just don't... well... 'feel' the earth the way I can feel glass around me. it's kinda hard to explain" He said, chuckling. "But I'm sure whatever he has to say can come in handy in
[16:40] <Vitro> understanding them." His pale gray eyes returned to Tanith's own SND, inspecting it for a second. "What is it you do that you need to have it on?" He asked, tilting his head with curiosity.
[16:41] * Sisip 's attention was so focused on the phone in her hands so when Laura appears from nowhere, directly infront of her, screaming and waving her terrifying features in her face the little injin girl lets out a shriek, which is abruptly cut off by a noise very similar to that of lightening. Though no lightening was to be seen. Instead, with little pomp or cirmcumstance, no glowy lights or lifting -
[16:41] <Sisip> - of bodies.. where the 12 year old Sisip once stood there was now a small, fluffy, fuzzy little grouse-chick ( ... k_6442.jpg ). A series of high pitched PEEPing noises can be heard as its little legs try to carry it as fast as it can AWAY from the horrid monster of nightmares.
[16:41] * Maximus phewed to himself. His baby was safe from being petted. While she hovered in thought, he took the time to drop the copter from its high up hover back to ground level, where he'd race it along the ground at high speed. Ember's approach would be heard but not watched, his eyes locked on the low flying R/C. What he heard next nearly send him into a laughing fit. Trying his hardest to k [CUT]
[16:41] * Maximus [CUT] eep himself under control, he simply stated "There's no helicopter eggs Ember....." Sisip would get buzzed by an R/C Apache clipping along at 50mph. Her super short 4 footness rendered her unnoticed. [END]
[16:41] <Maximus> ()()( whoa... )()()
[16:41] * Sisip is now known as SisipGrouse
[16:43] * Tanith lifts his hand a bit and looks at the snd before laughing a bit "Well.. I boost the abilities of others, I've never met anyone else who can do that, but it's plenty annoying if it happens unintentionally. I've got total control over it in normal circumstances, but when I'm really startled or hurt it can kinda happen on it's own. So I wear the SND whenever I'm out of the house."
[16:43] <vile> The Nightmare Fuel bursts into laughter at poor Sisip! Laura is quick to catch up and grabs at the tiny chickie with the intention of giving her a shocking delicate cuddle and pat on the head. "Ohmygawd that is the best thing I've seen all day!" the strange creature chimes with a very creepy giggle. "Aww wookit da poor widdle baby!"
[16:44] * Drew is now known as Xerxes
[16:45] * Xerxes lands on the quad a few seconds later.
[16:45] * SisipGrouse 's little mind goes into panic mode. Not normally calm and collected in normal form she is even more 'bird brained' in this form. All she can see is the nightmare reaching out for her, teeth gleaming. The little chick's heart thumps in her chest as she all but shreeks out her 'PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP' Which, loosely translated for those fluent in Grouse comes out to be -
[16:48] <vile> "Get back here!" the monster shouts at the poor minigrouse. "I'm not going to eat you. That would be unsanitary! There's no telling where you've been. I'd have to wash you first, geeze. Come on! Someone's gonna step on you!" she hollers and continues to chase poor Sisip around, grabbing at her.
[16:48] <MarloCross> <Crippler> Crippler reguarded those risks with a cold indifference," Life is a Zero Sum game, Erin. I'm ready when you are. what do you need of me?" He was very intent on getting it done, his manners asside.
[16:48] <Xerxes> ...
[16:48] <@Jeem> Across the campus, Snakegirl yawns, unhinging her jaw, suddenly hungry!
[16:49] * Xerxes floated towards the peeping curiously, and thus, towards the stooping and flauling Laura... "Oh? What's this then?"
[16:49] * SisipGrouse wobbles around the courtyard in a crazy sort of frantic pathetic attempt at flight, little wings flailing uselessly! "PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP"
[16:50] * Xerxes moves faster and attempts to catch the chick as well. After a moment of -staaaaaaaring- at it in sudden, still, confusion. " way..."
[16:50] <@AnE> SFX pauses to look at chickSisi, clasps her hands together, and 'aw's -- rather, it's a sitcom audience 'aw'ing, all in unison.
[16:50] <Vitro> Sam looked intrigued for a moment. "We learned about that in class just last week. Powers like yours are very rare among mutants, aren't they?" He trailed off for a second, trying to imagine what would happen if his powers were to be amped. Probably it would end up with people getting hurt, at least at this stage when he still couldn't control certain aspects of it. "That kinda
[16:50] <Vitro> happens to me too. I'm working on it, learning some relaxation techniques to avoid glass from breaking when I don't want it to." He bit his lip for a second. "I'm gettin ginto TaiChi and similar stuff. There's a girl who does Yoga and is willing to teach but I haven't approached her yet."
[16:51] <vile> Poor Sisip, being chased by both some Nightmare Fuel and now Xerxes as well! "Here snackie, snackie, snackie..." the girl chimes, her grin widening to an unnatural size...
[16:51] <@Ember`> "No Helicoptor eggs? Then how'd you get it? It's so tiny and cute!" Poor simple Ember. Not quite stupid... just naive and prefering to live in a fantasy land of magic rather than mutations. Short little emby looked at Max's hands and stood on tiptoes. "Whazzat?"
[16:51] * SisipGrouse now had two massive terrifying creatures after her! FUCKSHITNOOOOOORUNRUNHAAAALLPPNOOOOOOOO " PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP" She wobbles her crazy little path towards a bush.
[16:52] * Jules_Aron ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
[16:54] * Maximus blinks at the commotion and nearly mushes his copter into a tree watching what was going on instead of it. His eyes would snap back to the mini copter, bringing back towards him to show Ember. "This is my computer remote. It controls the R/C model there" He says, bringing the mini Apache in to hover infront of them about 3 feet off the ground. A simple flick of the hover hold switch [CUT]
[16:54] * Maximus [CUT] and he'd show her the controller. [END]
[16:54] * Lanse[Dead] is now known as Lanse
[16:55] <Iyala> Erin sighed and glanced at the floor looking disapointed trying to discourage Marlo from asking for help, but once he was inssistant Erin could not ignore it, plus if he said no he was pretty sure Marlo would probably pound him. So he glanced up at Marlo and thought for a moment and said "Lets do it in the medical center incase there is a an emergency?" half asking.
[16:55] * Lanse is now known as Guest65503
[16:56] * Guest65503 is now known as Lanse
[16:57] * Tanith nods "mm, very rare.. the staff kinda spazzed when I first showed up, I think I was the first one on campus at least.. And don't be afraid to talk to people on campus about that kind of thing, they are generally very nice people. Everyone is here to learn or to teach, or both, so please don't let shyness get in the way of meeting people.
[16:59] * @Ember` Commotion almost caught the dragon girl's attention almost the little tiny helicoptor was so much more interesting and attention capturing than a little birdy running around.... but it was a birdy... and little... and looked like a living chicken nugget - only fluffy. Max spoke! attention to him and the baby helicoptor was recaptured. She watched and listened, one could nearly hear the -
[16:59] <@Ember`> - wheels turning. "Not baby... Toy! Toy helicoptor! Wow you make it fly like a real one!" She peered at the controller, poked it (not a button) and even sniffed it.
[17:00] * Xerxes finally bought a clue, and stopped chasing the chick. Thinking quickly, he switched his angle of attack and instead... gets in Laura's way. "Woah, hey! Stop!"
[17:01] <MarloCross> <Crippler> There was some reluctance in Marlo as well, " Fine. Lets go...And Thank you again." He bid Erin to lead as he was in no big hurry to get to the Med Center again.
[17:02] * SisipGrouse finally makes it under a large bush, it's little chicky heart thumping as she quakes and shivers under cover finally. "PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP" Constant peeping from under the bush can be heard, almost desperate. Her little brain unable to stop racing, images off horrifyingly huge beasts racing through her mind. Teeth, hands, tentacles!!??!!
[17:02] <vile> Laura screeches to a halt and frowns at Xerxes, "What?" the thing snaps and scowls, the look downright unsettling.
[17:05] * Maximus simply chuckled at dragon, shaking his head some. Boy did he wish his world was that simple and care free. "Well it is set up like the real thing." He said, watching her poke the controller then sniff it. "It smells like tempered plastic....." hefting the controller back level, he'd flick the switch to snap it out of hover mode "Hey well can you fly?"
[17:06] <Vitro> Sam shook his head. "Oh, it's not that. I'm rarely shy around people..." except if he found himself liking someone, then the became a nervous wreck. "I just didn't really know about these things until recently. I'm trying to take it all in slowly." He chuckled. His hand was extended to hover over the newly formed glass, causing it to compact itself into a marble, which then
[17:06] <Vitro> floated into his hand and he placed into his backpack. "Hey, Tanith, it's been great meeting you, but I have to get going now and get ready for work. Ugh. Can I leave you my number so you can let me know if the job is available?"
[17:06] <@Jeem> Gavin lifts the window to his and Kayla's dorm room, roused from a game of Halo by all the peeping and commotion outside, peering out into the early evening. "What the heck is with all the... what the fuck!" Gavin sets his eyes on Laura and stumbles back away from the window, then crawls back to it, peeking his eyes up over the edge.
[17:07] <Iyala> Erin got to his feet and gathered his books, if Marlo cought a glimpse of the titles they would probably be familiar or else familiar soon, the books going along with younger students' classes. He moved with Marlo a bit awkwardly ready to let him walk ahead first but it took a moment for him to reallise the big guy would rather Erin lead to the medical center, so he shrugged a bit and
[17:07] <Iyala> nodded -
[17:07] <Iyala> - just slightly to indicate he understood and began to walk out of the rec center into the Infirmery at a slow pace that would infuriate some people because his step was slowed sugnifigantly while he dragged the bottoms of his sneakers tiredly on the ground making noisey skuffing sounds against the carpet out of the Rec' and then onto the concrete of the campus making his steps -
[17:07] <Iyala> - louder.
[17:08] <SisipGrouse> PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEEP Yup. She's a grouse. She's a chick. Not much else is going to happen for a while other than the constant peeping from a bush.
[17:09] <MarloCross> <Crippler> He noticed the lethargy in the young man's steps. He was not one to let details go unaccounted for," Is everyone in this Acadey sffering from sleeplessness?"
[17:10] * @Ember` ( Quit (Quit: BBT!)
[17:13] * Maximus the constant peeping could be heard well over the humming, electric motor whine of the R/C hovering infront of him. He'd fly the lil copter off ahead of him, walking off towards the sound of the endless peeping. Whatever it was needed to be scared off to some other bush farther away to endlessly peep there.
[17:18] <Iyala> Erin's pace remained the same while he moved near the courtyard, the frantic peeping causeing a glance into the quad he shivered a bit seeing Laura and glanced behind him to make sure Marlo was there incase the Laura-nightmare thing decided to notice him, however Marlo's sheer size and pressence seemed to be reassureing and his tensed shoulders relaxed while he listened to him talk.
[17:18] <Iyala> Erin -
[17:18] <Iyala> - shrugged a bit and said "I don't know about others but my tiredness is related to my telepathy, can't have one with out the other." still at a slow infuriateing pace to Marlo could take 2 or 3 steps of distance for his every one.
[17:19] * SisipGrouse huddles under the bush, still peeping her damn fool-chick head off. She saw feet... MASSIVE feet. "PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP" Over and over and over again.
[17:22] * Maximus sighed as he neared the peeping bush, landing the copter near by. Clipping the remote to a special hook on his help, he kneeled down before the bush and peered in to see the source of the constant peeping "Its like somebody's playin a recording of a chick on repeat
[17:23] * Tanith smiles and nods, scribbling his phone number down on a napkin and handing it over. "Just give me a call and I'll add you to my phone. It was nice to meet you too dear."
[17:24] <SisipGrouse> FAAAACE!!!!!! HUUUGE FFAAACEEE!! "PEEEEP PEEEEP PEEEEP PEEEEP" She pressed herself back against the branches of the bush, little heart racing. Her young little mind just not able to handle the rational thought of "Dude, it's only Max". Beady black eyes stare back at Max as her little beak snaps open and closed.
[17:26] <Xerxes> don't want to startle the chick, you'll scare it to death.
[17:28] * Lily ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
[17:29] * Maximus - "Yea...sure...scare it to death...." He'd reach in, grumbling under his breath about peepings and wind shear. Nabbing the peeping chick, he'd haul the lil feather duster out of the bush and look it over
[17:29] * Xerxes was actually talking to Laura, the hideous-harmlessness of a woman! But he was nearby.
[17:30] <vile> The monster snorts and wanders away to hide under some kid's Study. That's
[17:31] <SisipGrouse> HOMGNOOOSHITTJACCKPLEASEGODNOOOGETITOFFGETITOFF' She quakes, trying to make herself even smaller than normal, shivering in Max's hand. "PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP"
[17:32] * Xerxes glanced over at Max. "It is probably... Sisip."
[17:32] * Marlo_Cross ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
[17:35] * MarloCross ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[17:35] * Maximus - "I wouldnt doubt it...." He muttered, slipping a 10mp slim line point and shoot out from his pocket. Flicking the camera on, he'd hold the grouse chick with its legs between his fingers and snap a couple pics. Afterwards, he flicks the camera off, pockets it then looks at the chick before cupping it in both hands. "what she wont see wont make'er panic......hopefully"
[17:36] * SisipGrouse goes still, like a stone. The last line of defense for any bird.
[17:37] * Xerxes nods and sighs... "She's not done this in ages, I think." No! The pigeon attack always remains!
[17:37] * SisipGrouse is now known as Sisimun_Away
[17:37] * Jules_Aron ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[17:39] * Maximus took a deep breath, letting it out slowly "Nah.....she hasnt. I guess control drops wit age.........what's Jack's room number?"
[17:42] * Xerxes gave it to him. "I can take her there, if you like."

Re: The Many Grousings of Sisip Webster

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:35 pm
by Sisip
Thu Feb 17 13:13:05 2011

* Sisip nods a bit as she curls up against Eddie, eyes closing as she rests her head on his shoulder. 1"Yeah. Laura... she's like... the only thing I can think of that is mind numbingly terrifying to me.... and she knows that.. she uses it. Gods."

<@AnE> 6The gentle brush of familiar fingers could be felt within Sisip's hair -- of course, while the action was meant to be soothing, in the woman's current state it could very well terrify her! That was, of course, not the aim, but still.

<Rainbow_Dashe> 1"So tie her up in a burlap sack and push her off a bridge," 6she suggests, still tapping out a reply to the message she'd received. She doesn't send that message off with a beep, though - she sends it off with the "save complete!" sound effect. Despite her appearance, Ashe is a complete and utter nerd, apparently.

<David_Wayne> 6the steak LEAPS FOR FREEEEEDOOOOOOM! And slams into the shutting door of the cafeteria. Gravy splatters every-which-way upon impact! And then! Shockingly! THe steak randomly explodes with a (meaty) and sudden *pop!* everything within a 5 foot diameter of the door (on the inside) takes a meat-splattering. Beefy-goodness really should warn a gal before they do that.
<David_Wayne> *SPLOP!*

* @Aconite - Quite relieved at having left the shenanigans of the cafeteria behind, the blonde crosses the distances separating her from the Rec in little time. It's not without some sense of relief that she tackles the door and tosses her person inside. Again, she'd have to shake her head and sigh. Being still more than a little troubled by what she saw back there, Svana just makes for the nearest 101-
<@Aconite> 101-06 couch where she intends to be seated presently, and try to make herself comfortable enough to put the craziness out of mind. Coffee, it's the good stuff -- Mug being raised to her mouth so she can have a sip, something that apparently helps in easing her back into some sense of normalcy. 10

<Edwin> "That's really obnoxious." 6He replies as Sisip confirms that Laura was doing exactly what she thought she was doing. He wipes his fingers off on his napkin and reaches up to stroke Sisip's hair as she curled up on him...only to find another, invisible hand already there. Eddie's brows knit together in a WTF expression for a moment, and moves his hand further up the invisible arm to figure out 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 where the invisible body was standing, and then pokes his index finger at where he was guessing the invisible person's stomach ought to be. 10

* Sisip jumps as she feels the touch. Unfortunately Annie was right. It was enough to push her over that edge and a loud sound, akin to lightening without the light, is heard booming through the cafeteria. Suddenly in Eddie's lap there is no Sisip... there is simply a Grouse. For now. Wings whip out as it bolts away from whatever touched it, across the table and towards the corner of the room.

* Sisip is now known as SisipGrouse

<vile> Laura...slams right into the door! The sound of bone striking metal rings through the cafeteria and the horror slumps to the ground. At least the thing won't be bothering Sisip anytime soon! Invisible birds spiral around its head. If only there was an illusionist around, they could make little birdies circle around its head. Groused-out Sisip lucks out! This time...

<David_Wayne> ...yeeeah I think they got some meat-lovers pi- well fuck me. It's a chicken.

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6The loud noise is enough to startle Ashe momentarily, and she looks over to see Sisip-Grouse running around the cafeteria. Mind you, Ashe has never actually seen Sisip grouse out before, and finds the whole thing hilarious. She tries very hard to stifle her laughter, but the effort quickly fails. Ha ha, oh wow, indeed.

<Edwin> 6Well, Sisip just freaked right out, and this is the first time that he'd seen her grouse trasformation. He'd appreciate that more later. Right now, he had a panicked bird trying to escape from his clutches, and buffeting wings, flailing talons, and a beak to contend with. 1"Gah, what the hell!?!" 6He pinwheels his arms as Sisip gets free and goes running across the table, and loses his 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 balance and tips over, chair and all, with a terrible racket and lands in an uncomfortable looking heap. 10

* David_Wayne pinched the bridge of his nose and stopped humming that song. either he was having a random headache, or he was resisting something. 2"Right. Who here has helped Sisip when she's gone all foul and such?" Yes. His accent -was- british all of a sudden! The uppercrust variety... The proper BBC/Queens English... where the bloody hell did that come from?

<@AnE> 6Blinkblink. A moment after Sisip turned grouse, a sheepish-looking Seven would appear. She placed a finger to her lips, tears welling up in her eyes. Aaaawkward! Her bottom lip quivered for quite some time before she turned tail and bolted right back through the wall through which she had come!

<04@Jeem> 6And doesn't even bother to help with Sisigrouse. What a bitch.

<vile> The hard-headed monster is quick to get to its feet and hears the familiar sound of an animated chicken nugget. Laura springs back into predator mode and bolts for Sisip, tail flying wildly through the air to help it keep balance. The thing's eyes remain widened, stupid brain still locked in predator mode. Someone remind Sisip to thank David later for putting the monster into this
<vile> state.

* SisipGrouse 's wobbily legs bob her from side to side as she weaves a crazy line towards one of the potted trees off... NUUUUUUU! She she's the snakegoatbeasthorror lunge for her and those wings beat as her little birdy brain screams in absolute terror. Talons scratch to find purchase on the floor unsuccessfully. One would think she'd simply take to the air.. unfortunately for her.. she's got the brain of .. well .. a grouse.. so the thought of flight doesn't immmediately take hold.

<Rainbow_Dashe> 1"Seven? Hey-!" 6she says as the invisi-mutant disappears. Then things go from bad to worse, as Laura starts chasing after Sisip-Grouse. 1"Oh, HELLBISCUITS!" 6she says as she points to where the two mutants are, now rising to her feet, and uses a little of what scant solar power she has remaining to detonate a wide-spectrum flashbang right in the middle of the fracas.

* @Aconite - Before making herself entirely too comfortable, the blonde's gotten back up to her feet and set to directing her person towards the Sims -- It is, after all, something she's yet to explore about the school. Plus, it's supposed to be fun. Looks like sheÂ’s going to find out soon enough.

* dusky ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)

* David_Wayne pointes at the dizzied goat-girl... forms a fist with his hand... and then drops it resolutely. Attempting to clobber goatgirl upside the head with his psychokinesis. Obvious? Maybe... but then again, aside from Ashe, everyone else at the table was in the middle of turning into their own personal hot mess.

<Edwin> "She'll be fine once she calms down enough to change back." 6Eddie replies as he pulls himself back up to his feet. And then Laura was going after Sisip. 1"Wonderful." 6He replied as he shook out the cobwebs. 1"All right, All right." 6Looks like it was time for Eddie to change and see if he could help Sisip get away from Laura. He pulls off his leather jacket, tosses it on the chair, and 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 takes a deep breath. 10

<vile> Neither Sisip nor Laura's talons catch on the floor well and that makes turning difficult! Laura loses balance during a sharp turn and its legs fall from underneath it. The monster slams onto its side and skiiiids right into a table. The thing's 300 pound weight moves the furniture easily, making it scoot hard with an audible 'oof' from the thing. And its body jerks, thrashing for a
<vile> moment and it is soon on its feet again. Then everything is bright. And painful! The thing screeches with pain confusion and it just...stands there. The long black tongue flops out and squirms, thick drool dribbling to the tile floor. It blinks rapidly, waiting for its vision to clear. But then it's hit on the side of the head and it screeches again, this time loud enough to give
<vile> surrounding people a ringing in their ears. Its head snaps around and it tries to bite whatever had hit it...but is unsuccessful. Obviously.

* SisipGrouse scrabbles her way beind a big heavy potted tree, shooping down into the pot and trying to make herself look as small as possible, beady black eyes blinking from behind very thin trunks.

* HDark ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

* David_Wayne pursed his lips in annoyance as he brought his hand down and back gracefully. Telekinetically, GoatGirl might get a stinging, distracting, but otherwise harmless slap for her pains. 2"huh... miss ugly-is-a-power is a tougher customer then I considered." While she was busy being feral, David tried to sneak the post hypnotic command 'SLEEP' into GoatGirl's noggin. Maybe that
* David_Wayne would be simple 106--
<David_Wayne> 106--06 and strong enough to do the trick? 10

<Edwin> 6The combination of Ashe's flashbang and Laura's wailing is enough to break Eddie's concentration and prevent him from changing all the way into a giant hairy spider. The intermediate form he's stuck in is almost as grotesque, however. A second pair of arms erupted from his sides, gripping his original pair for purchase as they pulled themselves out--and discarding his t-shirt in the process 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 before it was ruined. Two multi-jointed, hairy arachnid legs sprout from his shoulderblades and hang over his shoulders, constantly twitching and moving about. His eyes become black and bulbous, and blister-like projections at his temples and on his forehead burst open to reveal 6 smaller eyes. His body hair becomes coarse and bristly, and his limbs seem longer and thinner, somewhat out of 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 proportion with his torso now. Eddie heads for the nearest wall and climbs straight up it, scrabbling across the ceiling among the ventilaton registers and light fixtures, trying to position himself above Laura. 106--

<Rainbow_Dashe> 6She seems a bit unsteady on her feet for a moment, especially with the loud screech nearly deafening her, but manages to steady herself well enough. 1"Somebody get that bastard while it's stunned," 6she says. Maybe she could make a break for Sisip? Ah, well...Edwin's sudden transformation means that she probably won't have to. Never let it be said that she didn't contribute,
<Rainbow_Dashe> 6though!

* Aconite is now known as False-Out

<vile> The monster is anything but sleepy: there's too much adrenaline coursing through its system for the command to be successful. The slap results in more wild snapping, trying to bite whateverthefuck keeps hitting it. A rapid blink of its bulbous eyes and sight returns! The thing's head whips around, searching for the grouse, looking everywhere but the ceiling, so Eddie goes unnoticed.
<vile> When the bird isn't found on the initial search, it flops onto its belly, arms folded tightly at its sides, and it slithers forward, going on a hunt for the chicken nugget.

* [AlgebraTest] is now known as Strudel

* SisipGrouse stayes tensly watching the creature. Too close. She was getting TOOOO CLOSE!!!! With an odd sort of squawling sharp noise Sisip bursts from behind the tree, wings flapping as she carries her chicken-like-self over Laura's head, trying to find another hiding spot. Unfortunately this is the cafeteria, not the forest. So she runs ... UNDER A TABLE!!! Because . .. that'll hide her!

* David_Wayne totally looses his concentration when a giant spider-man shows up. 2"...fuck..."

* dusky ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<Edwin> 6Now, in this form, Eddie's navel had a rather odd appearance to it, not least of which were the four finger-like apendages that were currently busy producing silk and weaving it into a silvery cable as Eddie crept across the ceiling, using one pair of his arms to keep the line neatly coiled. He thought he was lined up to pounce on Laura, but then Sisip bolted and made a break for it, and he 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 was back to square one. 1"Damnit." 6He mutters. 10

* JadeElf ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<vile> CHICKEN NUGGET! Laura spots the grouse and its jaw drops with delight, black tongue flopping out again. The slithering gets quicker and it practically flies towards Sisip, tongue drug across the floor, leaving a trail of slime behind it. Right now the only thing on the monster's mind is: DINNER! Or TOOOOY! Whichever one it is isn't very obvious, considering how it had played with the
<vile> steak.

<04@Jeem> 6Blatant Boy screws up his face and groans out, "Ewwww," 6at Eddie's navelfingers... then resumes watching the festivities.

* David_Wayne stares at Edwin. A -LOT-. No. Seriously. That's a big fuck-off wtf if ever he saw one. Absently he lit up a clove indoors to calm himself down... 2"...I'm going to see that shit in my dreams, for sure. Right then..." He frowned and marsheled his scattered concentration and focuses on GoatGirl. Go with what she knows... He attempts to fuel her passion for the chicken, with an
* David_Wayne over-riding 106--
<David_Wayne> 106--06 drive to get RANCH DRESSING -for- the chicken! RAAAANCH! MUST HAVE RAAAAAANCH. He prayed GoatGirl wasn't a sweet-and-sour kinda gal in the back of his mind. 10

* JadeElf ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* JadeElf ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

* SisipGrouse would totally kick Dave in the junk for suggesting creamy toppings for eating chicken with if she even knew what was going on. Instead she scrambles, talons scratching on the floor as she skitters and slides around, weaving and bobbing under the tables and chairs.

* David_Wayne is a psychic ninja that way. He's helping!

<Edwin> 6Laura was bolting across the cafeteria again, and Eddie was scrambling to keep up--the ceiling wasn't terribly accomodating for rapid travel. Whatever were the architects thinking when they designed this place, anyway? He finally thinks that he has a good angle when Sisip switches direction and Laura doubles back, and he leaps from the ceiling to try to pounce on Laura. If he missed, this was 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 going to hurt. A lot. 10

* David_Wayne casts power-word "RANCH-DRESSING!"

<vile> SWING AND MISS! The last thing the true carnivore will touch is ranch! That's for wusses with no taste buds! Meat is the only food! It does, however, serve to upset the monster's belly and it loses some footing and goes down a second time. The thing's skin will surely bruise from all this clattering around! More chairs are thrown everywhere from the monster's body slamming into them.
<vile> The thing slithers after Sisip as quickly as ever after quickly recovering. The black tongue is shot out for the grousewoman like a chamelon going after an insect. And just then! The half-spider-man lands on her body! The guy would find Laura's body to be cold and clammy and...just feel unnatural.

* David_Wayne stares... and heads for the soda machine. This called for a mountain dew for sure.

* SisipGrouse scrabbles right back to the same potted trees she was hiding in before, because it worked so well the first time! So there she is, skootched down as Eddie flings himself on Laura's back and Dave... goes and parches his dry throat? If only mother nature took pop-breaks.
<SisipGrouse> de-parches even

<Edwin> 6Oh, God, that's so gross. And his entire upper body was pressed against it. It was like a slug. Using one pair of arms, his legs, and his spider-legs to try to hold on for dear life, while his secondary pair of arms is working with the cable of spider webbing that he'd made earlier. He was trying to loop it around her neck as the first stage of getting a better hold on her--and ultimately 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 trying to restrain her. If he'd managed to change into a full spider, he could have just bitten Laura, but he had no venom in this form. He really needed to get his transformation under control. 10

* Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon

<vile> Laura is not happy. She is not built to take passengers. She is also large, muscular, very sharp and startled. The monster's head whips around the second Eddie is on her and she first tries to spear him with her sharp horns. And quickly following are a couple of vicious snaps, each time bringing those horrible teeth closer to the man on her. Now the question comes up: what does he plan
<vile> to do now? Other than hang on for dear life, that is. At least Sisip is given time to the same plants she had been in before. GENIUS.

<SisipGrouse> 6They don't call her bird-brained for NO reason!

<Edwin> 6He'd been making this up as he went along, to be honest, and didn't appreciate just how strong Laura was until she started thrashing against him. It iddn

<04@Jeem> 6fail!

<Edwin> 6He'd been making this up as he went along, to be honest, and didn't appreciate just how strong Laura was until she started thrashing against him. It didn't take him long to realize that he'd bitten off more than he can chew. She managed to spear him with one of her horns and puncture his shoulder, and he let go of the strand of webbing when the jolt of pain shot through him. There went his 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 attempt to tie her up. 1"Gah, fuck!" 6He was bleeding now, and he pulled his head back to try to get away from those teeth as she snapped at him. 1"Oh, fuck!" 6Right now, he had no idea whether he'd be in less trouble if he kept hanging on, or if he let go. 10

* David_Wayne leaned back against the wall... and slowly start to -nudge- Laura's adrenaline up. Basically he was slowly turning her own brain into the corner drug-dealer, speeding her mind and thoughts up to the point where the speed of thought became... paralyzing! Or she had a heart-attack. Either or. Meh. Meeeanwhile, he drank more soda.

<vile> The monster goes into a gator-like deathroll in an attempt to knock Eddie right off of her: the 300 pound monster throws herself onto her side and repeatedly moves to smash her rider against the floor. And if that isn't enough, she includes rolling over as well! At least the horns and teeth aren't an issue right now. Just body weight and what could happen if she successfully frees
<vile> herself of him.

* David_Wayne feels Laura's brain's need. The need for SPEED. So he gives it to her.

* Rainbow_Dashe is now known as Ashe|Comatose

* SisipGrouse trembles as she crouches in the same grouping of potted trees, beady black eyes blinking.

<Edwin> 6Because what Eddie needed right now was for Laura to go FASTER in her attempts to kill him. Eddie is bashed against the floor repeatedly and then rolled over on, which would have hurt plenty even if he wasn't already injured from her horn. Every time his wounded shoulder hit the floor or her weight came down on it, it felt like knives shooting through his body. Finally, Eddie can't hold on any 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 longer and loses his grip after being slammed against the floor one too many times, going sprawling among the tables and chairs that Laura's pursuit of Sisip had already up-ended. 10

* Maximus ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

* Lilbrbs ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)

<vile> Laura's head whips around and she glares at Eddie, shooting imaginary daggers at him with her mind. Good thing she's not a telepath! And once she's made her point, the monster goes back on her hunt for Sisip, slithering across the floor with the same quickness she'd been using earlier. Must...find...dinner! Since David had ruined her second helping of meat, she's still rather peckish.
<vile> Oh dear.

<David_Wayne> 6another steak slithers past Laura's stalking, sniffing... uh... nose?

* SisipGrouse stands still, frozen in place. Nuuuuu, go past go past go past. Little birdy brain screaming at her to fly away, run free, run somewhere. Instead she forms a tiny little bird ball.

* Maximus ( Quit (Client Quit)
* Maximus ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<vile> The steak that magically appeared out of nowhere, totally defying the laws of existence since it can't teleport, isn't noticed! Dinner is around here somewhere and she's gonna find it, goddammit. A sniff to the air and her tongue flops around, trying to taste the grouse through the air. The thing's hunt carries it towards the plants...oh no!

* MarloCross ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

* David_Wayne gasps and tries... ... ... nudging Sisips little chickeny brain from -PANIC- to calm. This could take a while as he's fighting the cerbral tides here. In the meanwhile, he sluggishly moves towards spider-freak-Eddie. 2"You... need... bandages.

<Edwin> 6Short of having a gun, he wasn't sure what it was going to take to stop Laura right now. He'd been expecting her to do something after she threw him off, but she apparently lost interest--apparently, he wasn't considered food, nor was he considered enough of a threat to finish off before she went back to hunting for food. He was feeling a little fuzzy-headed from all that pummelling, but he 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 wasn't going to throw in the towel just yet, since he didn't have anyone here that he could just hand things off to while he went to go lick his wounds. 1"Yeah." 6He agrees with Dave, since blood was still oozing from the wound in his shoulder. What exactly was he going to do if he got Laura's attention again? Laura was closing in on the plants where Sisip was hiding, and in desperation, he 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 grabs one of the fallen chairs and heaves it at Laura. This was a bad plan. 10

* David_Wayne starts to turn Edwins shirt into bandages... and then has to watch as a chair goes flying. 2"Uh... What...?" In his 'calm-the-Sisip-down' focus, he was rather much less then physically adroit and alert.

* Maximus is now known as Oliver
* Leones ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

* SisipGrouse stays still, not realizing she's all scenty and tasty smelling. She watches LauraBeast draw closer and closer, her body twitching every now and then.

<vile> Chair! Yes, that is a bad idea! The furniture strikes the monster and one of the chair's legs manages to strike her hard enough to make the beast roar in pain again: the same deafening shriek she had released earlier! So much for calming the birdbrained Sisip down. Perhaps the thing, this close and screeching horrifically, could make her simply faint!

* SisipGrouse fertalizes the tree! No, she doesn't, really, but she does exactly what Vile mentions. Bird's didn't normally pass out, but bird's weren't normally mutant injin squaws. Her little birdy head falls forward as she passes out, her little heart beating too fast, the noies too loud and the stress too great. Yet for some reason, despite the fact that an unconcious Sisip is a calm Sisip... she doesn't seem to change back. This was hardly an exact science, afterall.

<Edwin> 6Eddie clamps his hands over his ears when Laura lets out the horrible shriek. Well, at least he knew *that* did something that she'd felt. What exactly was it going to take to stop her, anyway? 1"Leave her alone, you ugly bitch!" 6What he wouldn't give for a better set of powers more suited to dealing with a situation like this. Or better command of his own powers, frankly. He starts toward 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 Laura again, intent on doing...something to distract her. He had no idea that Sisip had fainted from the shock--he just thought she was too paralyzed with fear to move, which was why he hadn't seen any sign of her since she dived into the plants. 10

* Shannon is now known as Pathogen
* dusky is now known as zzzzz

<vile> But Eddie is too slow! Laura's tongue snaps out to snag the grouse and coil around it...and the monster promptly stands up and turns around, poor Sisip wrapped up by the lewd appendage. And her tail happily wags, mood nothing but chipper now that she has caught the treat! Oddly enough, she doesn't eat the grouse...just yet, at least. Instead she looks like a dog that successfully
<vile> retrieved a treat! And she seems to expect Eddie to give her a pat on the head, too.

* Oliver ( Quit (Quit: User banned)

* SisipGrouse looks like a very dead bird, unresponsive and floppy, paler eyelids closed and her beak open just a bit. Wrapped up in Laura's tongue it's almost impossible to tell if she is breathing. She IS... one just can't see that.

* David_Wayne frowns and stands up, giving Eddie a sluggish look. It was easier to do a person's mind when they where unconcious or sleeping... so he focused on Sisips sleeping bird mind. 2~TRANSFORM BACK TO HUMAN~

<04@Jeem> "What the fuck is going on?" 6Jack barks from across the room, standing inside the door of the cafeteria, arms folded across his chest. He stares across the room, chairs and tables shoved away, flipped and generally disarrayed by Laura and Eddie as the goatbeastthing'd hunted down Sisip, Eddie half-mutated into his spider form, slime trails on the floor, an unconscious Sisipgrouse...
<04@Jeem> 6Jack looks pissed off, staring at the assembled group as he starts to stalk his way over... carefully, avoiding slippery patches on the floor. Jack is wearing his army jacket over a black Ramones t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, with a duffle thrown over one shoulder.

* Leones ( has left #Cobalt*Academy

<David_Wayne> goat... girl... done... it... ~traaaaaansform Sisip~

* SisipGrouse 's unconcious little bird brain isn't really in the most receptive of forms at the moment, so she just sort of .. stays the same. Ah sweet darkness.

<Nicci> And that was when it arrived, something sinuous and feline all at once with a muscular and powerful frame beneath tawny brownish auburn fur that glistened in the lamplight of the quad. Massive wings snapped out behind the creature then drew forward to slow its immediate and sudden descent from seeming nowhere, a serpentine tail flicking around to hiss then open and gape at Laura. The
<Nicci> manticore flung itself claws first toward her with no other intent than to wrestle her to the ground with its own massive weight. Possibly because it too wanted to dine on Grouse.

<vile> Laura is stupid but it doesn't take a genius to know when someone's gonna get hurt. Spotting the severely pissed Jack storming for her, she wilts and eventually flops onto the ground. The look of a dog that just got beat with a rolled-up newspaper makes her look both cute and unnerving. The tongue releases Sisip and lets her flop to the ground. Thankfully the grousewoman isn't hurt
<vile> though she's, admittedly, pretty damp. And covered in Laura's numbing slobber. Oh dear. The thing just...stares up at Jack and...whimpers?

<Edwin> 6He's too slow to stop it. Eddie's felt his stomach roll up and try to wring itself out like a wet dishrag when Laura's tongue snakes around Sisip. But she doesn't eat her. At least not immediately. Eddie was bleeding and dishevelled, and clearly seemed worse for wear when Jack arrives. He blinks when the medic demands to know what the hell was going on. 1"...Exactly what it looks like." 106--
<Edwin> 106--1 6Most of the other people who'd been in the cafeteria had long fled when all hell broke loose. And when Laura spots Jack, she acts like a puppy that's just been caught chewing slippers and gives up. 1"You've got to be fucking kidding me. You *asshole!*" 10

* David_Wayne stopped with his brain-powers and started to help Eddie instead. 2"Eh fuck it, man. At least this stupid shit is over. Lets get you patched up, eh?"

* SisipGrouse lays all goopy on the floor with Laura spit, little birdy chest moving gently as the unconcious grouse breathes slowly.

* Nicci is now known as Nicci-DragonAge
* Jeem is now known as Slender_Man
* Slender_Man is now known as Jeem
* Trish ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy

<04@Jeem> 6Jack glares down at Laura as he strides up to the scene of the... erm. Crime? Attempted Grouseslaughter? "You're a student, Laura. Not an animal," 6he says sharply as he kneels down, gently picking up the passed out Sisigrouse... grimacing at the slobber soaking her to the bone. "Eddie, are you alright?" 6he asks, giving Laura another stern glare before looking over to David
<04@Jeem> 6and Spider-man. His duffle is set on the floor and he grabs a towel out of it, trying to dry off the unconscious Sisip.

* David_Wayne frowned. Edwin was bleeding and banged up... Would transforming make things better or worse? Well Edwin would know, right? 2"Eddie? you're gonna have to change back man. Can you do that? It might help." Quietly, slowly, David's nose begain to bleed. Too much psycho-shennanigans in use? Well maybe.

* SisipGrouse 's light body is picked up by Jack and she's gently dried off. Before long her little beak starts to open and close just a bit before her beady little eyes flash open and she struggles. However even birdbrain Sisip knows Jack's touch and eventually she stops struggling and simply blinks at him.

<vile> "I'mnotaverygoodstudent." she mumbles and...covers her eyes with those long, clawed hands of hers. The monster just...tries to hide. Maybe if she can't see them, they can't see her! Looks like Dillon is going to have another new student soon!

<@Pathogen> 6he's so popular!

<Edwin> "Yeah, mostly. Got my ass kicked. I'll go to the med center and get patched up." 6He said, wiping at his forehead with one of his arms. This is exactly why he'd asked Jack to design some training sims for him. 1"Not my best showing." 6He admits. David was reminding him that he ought to change back--which he really should, unless he wanted to walk across campus to the med center bare-chested 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 in the dead of winter. 1"Yeah, hold on. Give me a minute." 6It required him to focus, which took him some time to do after Laura demonstrated why jumping on her back was a bad thing. Finally, the process reverses itself, and the extra pairs of limbs meld back into his body, the extra eyes disappear, and his limbs regain their normal proportions. The transformation did nothing to change the 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 wound in his shoulder, however. 10

* David_Wayne handed Eddie his shirt. 2Are you going to need a hand?" *drip* *drip?*

* JadeElf is now known as JadeElf{T}
* JadeElf{T} is now known as JadeElf
* Oliver ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
* Prometheus ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
* Lukas` ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Lukas`
* Nicci-DragonAge ( has left #Cobalt*Academy

<Edwin> "Uh..." 6He said, and instead of putting on his shirt, grabbed his jacket, slid his arms into it, then rolled up his shirt and stuffed it inside the collar so that the sleeve of his jacket would provide pressure to hold it in place. 1"I might." 6He decides after a moment of consideration. He'd been banged against the floor pretty hard when Laura started doing her best gator impression, and 106--
<Edwin> 106--6 still felt a little woozy. Maybe now was not the best time to be macho and insist that he was fine. 10

<04@Jeem> 6Jack grimaces as Eddie's limbs suck into himself, then winces at the wound on his shoulder. "Hold on, I keep some gauze in my bag, the med center will have a cow if they know you were with me and I didn't bother to help. Slide your arm out of the sleeve." 6He tugs a button up shirt out of the bag, and then a paper-wrapped gauze bandage. Wrapped up in the blanket, he gingerly sets
<04@Jeem> 6Sisigrouse down on a chair as he sits beside it, then lays the collared shirt around her blanket-mound, one hand resting on her feathered form as he motions Eddie over.
<04@Jeem> 6He casts a glance at Laura as well, frowning. "Don't pout, and don't hide. Just hang out until she reverts."

* David_Wayne sighed as he rubbed his head. The drops become a thin trickle. 2"Animals are hard." Oh well, at least he couldn't do more damage to himself, right?

<vile> The abomination of nature removes its hands from over its eyes and it stares at Sisip. The irises of its eyes widen like a cat that just spot a toy. Chicken nugget! A brief glance is cast at Jac--OH NO SHE'S BEEN SPOTTED! The monster freezes and tenses and it's clear that no good was gonna go down. Maybe it's time for Laura to get enrolled in those control classes Kev is in, too.
<vile> "I wasn't gonna hurt her. I was just catching the peepy." a finger is pointed at Sisip, "Makes fun noises. Squeaky!"

<David_Wayne> christ, she's retarded.

* HDark ( has left #Cobalt*Academy

* Edwin approaches Jack and shrugs out of his jacket again, wincing at the way he had to bend his arm to do it. It hadn't hurt like that putting it on, oddly. He didn't mind that he'd gotten blood on his t-shirt, really. If it didn't come out in the wash, blood stains always looked cool on punk band shirts. He could make up some infinitely more awesome story about how it happened, too. He sits down 106--
<Edwin> 106--06 and lets Jack do his thing. And when Laura finally spoke up, the look on Eddie's face is near murderous. It's a good thing that he didn't have a weapon, because he'd be sorely tempted to shoot her right now. He and Laura are definitely not going to be BFFs. 10

* SisipGrouse fluffs up just a bit in the little shirt nest thing, shimmying down into it just a bit more. She doesn't spot Laura and her reaction, she simply blinks, head tilted just a bit as she stares at something on the shirt. A loose bit of thread. She nips at it with her beak.

* David_Wayne arches a brow. Reaches for a napkin with his mind... and delicately tents it over SisipGrouses head so she can't see. That works for cage birds right? It's about this time that he notices that he's getting close to an anime worthy nose bleed. The next napkin he gets, he uses his hands.

* Sunder (lgjc2@6ca5ecfb.6ca5ed7b.70.230.imsk) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)

<04@Jeem> 6Jack strokes his fingers over the back of his grousey girlfriend's head comfortingly, murmuring, "Laura, stay out of sight until she's back to normal. Do. Not. Leave." 6He used his authoritative voice! Squinting at Eddie's injury, he carefully lays the gauze over the wound, and then reaching down into his bag, tugging out a bit of medical tape. Not that nasty stuff that tears at
<04@Jeem> 6your skin, the nice translucent tape that peels away from your skin painlessly. He applies it to the bandage, creating adequate pressure and ensuring that the gauze will stay in place to keep the wound safe and sound until he gets to the med center. "There we go."

<vile> Laura...stays on the ground as ordered. But she starts to sloooowly slither towards the door as if Jack wouldn't notice if she moved slow enough. Must escape! Without...being noticed. It's worth a try! Creeping silent monster go!

* Oliver 5strolls across the quad, whistling a tune while twirling his truck keys about on his finger. On his right shoulder perches a small, mechanical looking bird with an advanced AI. Another day of work has past the feline by and before calling it a day in his apartment, his growling stomach wants to be fed.....and his frig is empty. So towards the cafe the feline walks. It doesnt
* Oliver 5take lo 12[CUT]
* Oliver 12[CUT]5 ng for him to get there and upon arrival, he pushes the door open and steps in. Ollie now looks human, thanks to the Timex Holowatch on his wrist with Meowex replacing the word Timex. Its your everyday digital watch with a cool blue back light. He looks young, with a pair of black Dockers work pants, a black T-shirt with Perry the Playtipus on the front and back and
* Oliver 5a Cleveland Indians baseball ca 12[CONT.]
* Oliver 12[CUT]5 p worn backwards. Light grayish, silver eyes glance about the cafe but his stomach is in control, so its occupents are paid no mind. 12[END]

* Stygian ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
* Edwin ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Stygian)))
* Stygian is now known as Edwin

* SisipGrouse fluffs up just a bit more, eyes halflidding slightly at the gentle petting of her head. Pleased grousey is pleased. Then it happens, that loud sound of lightening without the actual event. No pomp or circumstance, just a loud noise that fills the cafeteria suddenly. Gone is the grouse, replaced with a Sisip, curled up on the chair, hair still damp. She'd need a shower... and a sense of balance. One woman curled up on the chair appearing suddenly? She gah's and tumbles off the side, landing uncerimoniously in a heap on her rear on the floor.

* SisipGrouse is now known as Sisip