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First Blood Home Team! -1/18/12

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:53 am
by Sisip
<04@Sisip> Sisip, dressed in her full team catsuit, pouched belt around her waist, earbud in her ear, hair back in a ponytail and a frown on her face walks slowly around the Westland Lynx, taking care to double check to make sure everything was good with her. She loved this chopper almost as much as she loved Jack! Fingers trail along it's lines as she makes her way along it, giving herself a moment to reflect on what was to come. The alien SpaceFish hang heavy in the sky above them, filling everyone with a sense of dread. Most everyone, maybe. Right now Sisip was actually filled with determined pride. The plan, for now, seemed a sound one, distract it from the outside, hit it on the inside and have ground forces do what they can to take it out from the outside. A gloved hand reaches into one of her pockets and pulls out her phone... and a holowatch. Tapping out a message she sends it off to Nick. ~Meet me on the heli landing pad.~

* SuzthulhuFhtagn is now known as SuzthulhuFeeds

<vile> A wild Nicholas appears! Considering the amount of HATE and RAGE bouncing between Sisip and Nick, it's shocking that he responds in a timely manner. Hell, he's the first on the scene! The scrawny little bastard slinks away from the Sanctum, heading for the choppa and his arch nemesis. There's no cane present today, shockingly, and he's dressed in a less fancy version of his pimpwear(TM).
<vile> A long-sleeved black shirt, jeans, polished shoes, his heated jacket. His tinted glasses are nudged up his nose, adjusted, and he sets his sights on the grousewoman, heading right for her. A wicked smile oozes across his lips and he rumbles with quiet laughter. At least he's not in a foul mood! Then again, 'amused' isn't much better, not when his primary entertainment is the act of grating
<vile> on Sisip's nerves.

* Karys is now known as Krys_Gallagher

<04@Sisip> Looking over as she hears someone approaching her dark eyes fall on Nick. Ug, that smile churned her stomach now. "Nicholas." She holds out the watch towards him. "Put this on and we'll get it fine tuned. You'll be going in with Gina's projection and Seven. Sev will most likely be doing her own thing for a bit but the minute you need out you call it and she'll grab you and go."

* AnE is now known as AnE|Away
* Brad ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* Angel`Pearson ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<vile> The watch is accepted and slipped on. "That's my name, don't wear it out. Well. Soon enough, it'll be Rick." The watch is inspected and he smiles just a touch more. "Gina's projection? Seven? Oh my. I do like the idea of having guards." His arm lowers, he looks up at her and tilts his head to one side. "So. Am I to be doing anything up there? Other than pissing the aliens off and starting
<vile> some sort of interplanetary war and such."
<Angel`Pearson> they gonna eatchuuuu! ))

* SuzthulhuFeeds is now known as Suzthulhu
* Brad is now known as BradBRB

<Suzthulhu> "Hello, Skieweaver, Doppleganger here. I'm setting up down in the team room as we speak. How's the weather out there?" 6Gina, dressed in her full team gear, which consists of one of those smashing catsuits, sipped to her chin, a pair of black cargo pants tucked into steel-toed combat boots, and a SWAT-style vest and utility belt (Batman!), flips a couple switches on the console, changing
<Suzthulhu> 6the mintor views to check out the action by the Lynx. The toom is dark, save for the glow of the monitors, and she glances at those focused on the shipfish as well. "I made a few toys for Seven as well. Just some cyanide bombs that I integrated with the flashy bombs we already had use of. She can toss them into the living areas and such. She can stop by here on her way up."
* AnE|Away is now known as AnE

<Krys_Gallagher> 6Aliens? Really? Everytime she left the Cobalt grounds the shit hit the fan. And this one certainly took the cake! The electrokinetic had been back home in Texas, helping with family matters, when she'd gotten a call for help with what seemed like a desperate situation. Of course she'd come. Decked out in the slinky team catsuit, an array of gizmos and weapons arranged in the pouches
<Krys_Gallagher> 6slung around her waist, she was more than ready to go. Crossing the grounds she picked up the comms, a grin flashing briefly when she heard Gina, then weered away from the helo pad changing course for the Sanctum itself. Team rooms it was! 1"Sounds like this party could use a little sizzle. Glad I appear to have made it in time."

* Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon

<04@Sisip> Sisip frowns just a bit and grumbles, "You're not good enough to be Rick." She snorts softly. "They're not your guards, Nick. Gina will keep her eyes open for you but Seven has her own mission. You're going to go up there and report back anything you can." She digs into one of her pouches once more and pulls out small little .. button looking things. "These are wireless camera's, they'll send feed back to the setup we've got going. Don't play with them." She grabs him by his shirt and tugs him closely, shoving one hand up UNDER it! She's not feeling his girlydude chest up, she's snapping the little camera's onto his pullover in a fairly shiny pattern. If one didn't look closely it would appear that Nick's shirt has a bedazzled maple leaf on its chest! She then reaches up and places an earwig (the com unit) into his ear.. JUST as Gina's voice fills it. "Frightfully chilly, Doppleganger. Just getting our stunt double ready and up to date. I'll let her know when I see her. Going to do a debriefing here on the pad so everyone's in the know."

<@AnE> 6Seven, not being a member of the team, had no idea where the HQ was. It was a sad day when you could successfully hide something from someone who could get to virutally any area of the Sanctum. Either way, she was trotting in the direction of the helipad -- why? Because Sisip hung around helicopters and that was the logical place to be. She didn't sport the 'suit' that she wore during
<@AnE> 6her heists -- that might raise suspicions. Instead, she opted for a number of black clothing items, including a knit cap and black smears beneath her eyes. Seven looked like a genuine burglar -- that was somehow less suspicious? Either way, a hand shot up in a wave to Sisip and Nick as she approached. Even her tail was bundled up in black wool.

<Suzthulhu> 6Gina grins at the other familiar voice in her ear. "Tesla! Long time no see! Bring that hot ass in here and I'll get you up to speed on what's going on." 6She looks down at the monitors again, catching sight of Sisip manhandling Nick and smirks. "Try not to get any on you, Skie. It takes DAYS to get that shit off. I have eyes on you now, setting up the feeds to follow you on your way
<Suzthulhu> up. Checking the cameras inside the Lynx now too. Everything looks green so far."
* Shannon is now known as Kraken

<Suzthulhu> 6Willow is in the medical center, along with much of the rest of the staff, on standby for just in case. Not being a team member, she's not wearing a comms unit, but she knows at least the basics of the situation. Right now, she's standing by a window in one of the triage rooms, looking upa t the shipfish with an uncharacteristically angry expression.

<vile> "I can't argue or agree either way with that. I don't know Rick." The smile brightens a touch and he nods. The shirt grabbing makes him make a rawr sound and laugh. "Oh my. Please be careful. I'm delicate, you know. I'm not into the rough treatment." And then OH GOD WHAT there's a warm hand crammed under his shirt. And he doesn't like it one damn bit: the zombie squirms and complains,
<vile> no longer joking around. The smile is replaced by a grimace. When she gets her hands off him, he wipes at his shirt, dusting it off in an attempt to rid himself of her cooties. "I wanted a comm unit, not to get publically molested. I don't appreciate being manhandled for your enjoyment."

* Sunder (lgjc2@a55580.6ca5ecfe.70.230.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Krys_Gallagher> 6She chuckled, quickening her steps as she navigated through the Sanctum. 1"Yes ma'am, be there in a sec." 6Needless to say she found her way there eventually, slipping inside quietly, green eyes going to the monitors. A brow lifted. 1"Is that Nick? Or Jonas...whichever he called himself. He looks...better." 6Last time she'd seen him he'd been trying to eat a nurse, mind you.

<04@Sisip> The amusement and Nick's discomfort showed in Sisip's expression as she turned to wave at Sev. "Evening sweetheart, you look positively sneaky!" Turning back to Nick Sisip tsks, "Buck up, buttercup. You used to like it when I played rough and I'm sure I'm a whole lot of tenderness when it comes to what the Uidry may do, so do NOT think this is some walk in the park. Got it?" She listens to Gina and gives a wave to the chopper, "Roger that, Doppleganger. Once we've got all our bodies we'll be heading up. Welcome home, Tesla, you picked a fine time. We need all the help we can get these days."

* @Kraken chilly... why did the day have to turn so cold? Ah yes, that whole winter thing. Kevin shivered or shuddered whatever one's body did when cloodblooded and the weather was a bit too low. He was dressed in his special jacket or some variety of it, after all the shipfish needed to see the lure, not clothes, and on the other hand the lure needed to stay conscious... Heading for the
* @Kraken helipad since well, he was going to be dangled from a helicoptor, best place to wait. He had a styrofoam cup of soup held in his hands whether he was holding it to eat or to offset the cold was not known. Possibly both. But there was still a somewhat off look on the squidman's face. Guess was correct, there was already a small group there. 1"Hey..." 6He greeted without a wave, keeping
* @Kraken 6all his arms bunched together.

<Suzthulhu> 6She spins around in her chair when Krys enters, waving and standing up to give the woman a hug. She refrains from copping a feel though, just barely. Sitting again, she gestures toward another chair. "Have a seat! Yeah, that's him. He's doing some... volunteer work for us tonight." 6She rolls her eyes and presses her lips together in a flat line, reaching up to adjust her goggles,
<Suzthulhu> 6perched on her head. Alright so... how much do you know? We have visitors, obviously. They showed up... few weeks ago, meteor shower destroyed the rest of what was left of Cobalt after the redneck incident before. Through the wonders of time manipulation..." 6She makes a broad, sweeping gesture. "Voila, we have our new digs. Anyway, after the smoke cleared, there was this, uh, shipfish,
<Suzthulhu> parked over us. They started making demands, asking for Noa. Gave us a week. In the meantime, we did some recon. Rick went up..." 6She pauses, listening to Sisip, and nods. "Gotcha. Don't forget to send Seven down for her toys." 6And then back to the story. "Tried to set some sensors, ended up poking it in the eye and damaging it, we think. Week deadline came and went, and I think Noa
<Suzthulhu> went into hiding somewhere else, but just yesterday, they came back and demanded Rick instead."
* BradBRB is now known as Brad

<@AnE> 14"...I do?" 6Because you're sneaking in the ship, derpy. She shook her head, then cleared her throat as common sense smacked her in the face, 14"Oh. Yes. I am sneaky." 6Paranoia was going to be the death of her. She looked over and tossed a wave to the approaching Kevin. Why, yes, it was cold. It was only now that she realized that she didn't like it. Not one bit. 14"So, what do
<@AnE> 14I do?"

<vile> Nicholas is white, like he'd been soaked in bleach overnight. Hair, eyes, skin, lips, everything. Stark white, except for his clothes, whose darkness makes him only look all the more pallid. The guy has to weigh 90 pounds soaking wet, bony and too thin to be considered healthy. But hey! He's lucid now and the chowing down he least he's aware and knows what he's doing. He nods
<vile> to Sisip and quietly grumbles. "Yes, yes. I'm sure I had fun" He doesn't sound like he's thrilled at the thought of doing anything remotely touch-feel with her, let alone anything dirty. Once he's convinced he's cootie-free, he forces a pleasant smile. "I'll be fine. I expect a stiff drink waiting for me when I return." The pale man glances around and offers those present
<vile> a nod of greeing.

<Brad> 6Tony doesn't have a keen suit or anything, but he does have plenty of warm clothing. He arrives at the Helipad shortly after Kevin did, steeling his resolve as he walks. He's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, jeans, and a pair of black sneakers. Never really much of the 'stealth' type, his blue eyes glow brightly in the night. He looks nervous as he nods a greeting to Kevin, and he
<Brad> 6rubs his hands together. He doesn't smoke, but this is one of those times he sort of wishes he did. 1"So." 6He flashes the squidman a brief, lopsided grin, then looks around at the rest. 1"Am I late?"
* Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Krys_Gallagher> 6The hug was returned and she honestly did appreciate Gina's efforts to control herself. She'd hate to have to zap the woman moments before an op. Taking a seat she listened closely to the rundown, giving a nod here and there, a brow lifting towards teh end. 1"Any idea why they wanted Noa? Or Rick? I mean, are they after certain abilities or something?" 6Another glance to the
<Krys_Gallagher> 6monitors, watching the new arrivals at the helipad. Seven and Kev she knew. The man with teh glowy eyes...? NOt so much. 1"Alright then, whats the plan? Who do we have and what can they do so I'm forwarned."

* Sunder Makes his way out of his apartment, yawning and in need of caffiene. He was dressed as usual since the whole alien apocalypse pending thing started, the coat of lots of spikes covering up his tac vest loaded up with his team gear.

<Suzthulhu> "Noa's not from Earth either. Who knew? She told us that she was on a planet these things destroyed before. I guess they came here looking for her to finish the job. She said they're hunters. They take what they need and when they leave, there's nothing left." 6Watching the helipad, she notes Tony making his way out onto it. There's a flicker of concern across her features before she
<Suzthulhu> 6turns back to Krys. "Our response to both demands was of course, a resounding 'go fuck yourselves.' I guess they wanted Rick because he fisted their ship. Maybe it was good for them?" 6She chuckles and shrugs. "But seriously, probably because they're pissed he Stooged them. I projected up and did some recon on the inside too, and it's gross. It really is a giant flounder, but those
<Suzthulhu> things carve it out inside to hook up machines and computers. I'd be fascinated if it weren't a, so disgusting and b, threatening to end us all. Plan is, Nick's going to holowatch to look like Rick, Seven is going to go in invisible while I project up to guide them around and keep watch, and Sisip, Kevin, and Tony are going to try to distract it and get the ship to actually move so we can
<Suzthulhu> take it down or something without it crashing down on our heads."

<04@Sisip> As Kevin walked up Sisip moved to the chopper and pulled out a fairly sturdy looking five point harnass. Giving him a quick kiss she begins to buckle him into it. "Ok Kev, this will more than take your weight, so don't you worry. If you need to cut free.." She points to a button, "Press this. It doesn't look like much but believe me, you'll be ok." She hugs him tightly, bonking her forehead to his gently. "Roger Doppleganger." Looking over to Seven the woman tosses her an earwig (com unit, not bug) "Put this in, sweetheart? You also, Tony. No, not late at all." Running through the chicklist in her mind she tries to see where they're lacking. "Nick, Sev, Gina.. Kev, Tony, me... now all we need is a ground force..." She pauses, "Skieweaver to Team, if you have free time we need your muscle. All except Ricochet. You stay in your room." The sad room. Looking to the group she pauses, "Once we know we've got everyone I'll give a briefing. Sev, Gina has some gadgets for you."

* Isaiah heard the tell tale of his earwig buzzing, and responded: "Circuit to Skieweaver, you having a party without me?" He grinned as he started throwing on his gear at a quick pace

* Sunder grumbles, unzips his coat, fishes out the radio and plugs in the headset, swapping his music for it. "oi, i'm 'ere. Tell me where to show up, and promise me there's some coffee there."

<vile> Nicholas falls quiet and takes advantage of this time to light up a cigarette. Odds are, he'll need it. The zombie mills around, waiting for instructions. Oh, if only he'd not agreed to do this bullshit. Why did he agree to do it. Bait. Really? These thoughts and more negative ones run through his mind.

<Brad> "You never let me do anything fun." 6Comes Rick's voice through the comm unit. / Tony takes the little ear unit, and with a raised eyebrow, puts it in his left ear, nodding slowly. 1"Okay." 6He doesn't say anything more than that, and instead hangs back and listens. He knows what he needs to do, and has some opinion on how best to do it, but that can wait until they're in the chopper
<Brad> 6itself and ready to get started. No point in adding his two cents until it's necessary. He looks over at Gina, and shrugs his shoulders once, smiling at her a bit like the new kid at school on the playground during recess.

* @Kraken smiled to Seven, wiggling a tentacle to her before taking a drink from the cup. Mmmmm heat. He seemed a little more awake following the gulp of soup. A nod of greeting to Tony as he arrived. 1"Nope, still preparing..." 6He took another drink. 1"Hey, Krys. Been a while." 6He turned to Sisip, smiling and setting down the half drunk cup. 1"Of course I'll be fine." 6He headbumped
* @Kraken 6Sisip, and was hooked in hopefully with a parachute. 1"Kraken, ready..."

<Suzthulhu> 6Gina's in the team room. But she's watching him through the monitor like a crazy stalker. He can smile at the camera!


<@AnE> 6Seven's expression dropped a little when she looked at Nick. She was inclined to turn away and grimace, still feeling rather intense pangs of guilt due to the dead man's impromptu healing session. The one that she didn't ask for. A friendly wave was tossed Tony's way before she dropped her hands to her sides, drumming them against her thighs, 14"No, no. On time, I think." 6If she made
<@AnE> 6it out of this alive, she was going to make sure to commission Wang for a kickass ninja suit. Not like, a realistic ninja suit, but one of those Mortal Kombat ninja suit. Looking at Sisip, she nodded, 14"Right! The team room. I'll be right back!." 6She paused, then shrugged, rushing off to A.) bug Two about where it was because she was on official business and B.) appear inside, popping
<@AnE> 6in out of nowhere and landing with a light thud, grunting, 14"I heard that you had gadgets and I came as quickly as I could." 6...Not that she knew why she needed gadgets. She wasn't entirely clear about what she was doing up there. Causing mayhem?

<Krys_Gallagher> "Well then, guess that means you'll be zombieing it up down here while projecting so I'll head on up and join the distraction team. See what I can do to help get rid of our rain cloud up there. Take care and good luck, I'll be on the comms." 6She rose to her feet, bending down to give Gina another quick hug, then turned to head back outside. Circuit? She grinned, placing the voice,
<Krys_Gallagher> 6starting to feel fairly optimistic. Joining teh others outside at the helipad she gave a wave to Kev, Seven, and Sisip, then held out a hand towards Tony. 1"Hi, I'm Krys. Tesla on the comms."

<04@Sisip> Sisip grins as two more voices mix with the chatter, "Wouldn't dream of it Circuit, Sunder, welcome aboard. You two just voluntered for the ground crew.. and Tesla, if you're feeling up to it." She clears her voice and looks around, speaking to the group around her and into the com. "Alright everybody.. here's what's going down. There will be three teams. Infiltration, Ariel, Ground. Infiltration consists of Doppleganger, Seven and Nick. They will enter the SpaceFish and do recon. Seven? You get to play mischief gremlin. I need you to try to disable as much as you can. Pretend you're one of your rats rooting through Jack's personal files that one time. Utter destruction. Ariel team will consist of myself, Tony and Kevin. We'll be tasked with luring the fish away through a series of 'please eat me I'm hurt' flailing and light signals to match the creature's bioluminescence... the Ground crew? Once the ship is away from the compound... you guys get the easy job. Take it out."

* Loren ( Quit

* Isaiah is pulling on his gloves as he trots towards the team room, goggles perched on his forehead which is covered by a black bandanna with a bright blue stripe down the middle. "Roger that. Need me outside to wait on the rain?"

<Brad> 6Tony waves in return to Seven, and then she bloops off, which makes him blink. He shakes his head, and rubs his hands together again. He isn't cold, but he's nervous. When Krys introduces herself, he returns the handshake with a somewhat strained smile. 1"Tony Wagner." 6He pauses for a moment, and then clears his throat. 1"Uh... Spectrum. I guess." 6He just came up with that! It
<Brad> 6probably sounds a little bit lame.

<Suzthulhu> 6Seven's sudden appearance causes Gina to jump out of her chair. "Good GOD. Hi!" 6After taking a couple deep breaths, she grins. "Yes! I have toys for you. I added on to the bright flash bombs Jamie made for us awhile back." 6She rips open a pocket on her vest, pulling out four small round items, about the size of pokemon balls and offers them out to Seven. They're silver in color,
<Suzthulhu> 6with four plastic panels that look like light covers, and a small blue button in the center of the top. "They're cyanide flash bombs, so whatever you do, don't take off your breathing unit and inhale these things. Hopefully they'll make the aliens pause for a minute at least, if not choke to death on their own disgusting drool. Anyway, when you're ready to use them, push the blue button
<Suzthulhu> in the center and toss it. It goes off ten seconds later, lights first to stun, then the gas shoots out. Any questions?" 6She tries to think of anything else. "Oh, make sure you have the goggles on. That will negate the bright flash so you can still see." 6As Sisip starts talking, she gets quiet, listening in.

* Sunder Stares at his radio for a long moment. "Uhh, Take it out? We got any artillery 'eavy enough for that? I mean i've got a rifle, a 'andgun an a bloody sledge..."

<vile> Nicholas squints at Sisip and takes a long drag from his cigarette. "I'd like an alias too. What about Fox? I like that. Especially fitting, considering you'll be flinging me into...oh. The Damn. I suppose Kernel of Corn is more fitting, isn't it?" Mutter, grumble. He resumes smoking, keeping to himself. Then! "Waitaminute. Ship...going down." Whirr, click. "Oh. Lovely. I
<vile> suppose I'll just teleport out of there, hm? At least promise you'll find my body parts and put them somewhere relatively safe."

<Isaiah> "Well, I'm thinking between Tesla and myself, we should be able to wrangle up a few hundred thousand Volts and maybe a couple gigajules of power... Fitting really." He chuckles as he puts his hands on his hips and looks up...

* @Kraken sat in his harness, waiting, not yet flashing colors, possibly getting such a wedgie. but saying nothing about it. he wiggled a bit, flexing his tentacles and picking up the remainder of his soup to finish it off and enjoy the sensation of warm on the cold night. He looked up at the shipfish and squinted a bit before playing around with some similar markings along an arm.

<04@Sisip> Sisip grins over at Krys as she appears, giving the woman a wave, "Tesla." Looking over towards Sunder she purses her lips, "No, we don't and I couldn't get approval for firearms this close to the Sanctum, but we have two zorty lightening zapping electric people and a man covered in spikes who.. is REALLY good at improvising." She winks Sunder's way and snickers.. until Nick talks. "Like I said, you call for Seven and she can get in there and get you out. So yes, you CAN just teleport out of there." She pauses, finally adding, "TomCat.. " Her frown lightens, "You were called TomCat.. because you had nine lives." Sisip watches Nick for a moment then shakes her head, "Ok everyone... if you have any reservations.. shutupnick.. then voice them now and you can walk away without any bad feelings.. but once we start this we need everyone focused on their tasks."

<Krys_Gallagher> "Nice to meet you." 6She gave Tony a quick smile then moved over towards Isaiah, nodding at his assesment. 1"Oh yeah, we'll give them some jolts. I just hope its enough. As for you, Nick, I'm sure Sisip has an exit plan for you. Er...right, Sisip?" 6A nod as Sisip explains just that and she looks up at the ship, trying to eyeball any weak spots. 1"Do you want us to try and bring
<Krys_Gallagher> 1it down mostly intact or blow it to smithareens?"

<Brad> "Got it." 6Tony says, nodding his head as Sisip finishes speaking. He clears his throat, and then starts for the copter to get himself strapped in. He tries to get a sense of the size of the helicopter, since he's going to need to be projecting lights AROUND it for the illusion to have any semblance of reality. It doesn't have to be perfect, or even good, it just has to be enticing enough,
<Brad> 6and not look like a helicopter. They'd need to get higher than the shipfish, likely, where it's darker, for it to work properly. 1"Strapped in and ready whenever you are Sisi... uh.. Skieweaver."

<Sunder> ... Right then.. Alright! Ground crew! Who the bloody 'ell are you? Lets gather together and make some plans very, very fast.

<vile> Nicholas might not have two cents to rub together, some of the time, but he can tell there's something up with Sisip when she shares his old alias. "Well then. I'll go by that." The cigarette is snubbed out on the buckle of his belt, the butt flicked to the ground. 'ShutupNick' makes him quietly laugh and he crosses his arms over his chest. A pleasant smile reappears, warming up his
<vile> otherwise cold face. "Sounds good." is muttered. He nods to Krys and looks up at the ship.

* Thomas`Marshall random Thodd is random. He walks up and stands silently next to Sunder, glancing around the group with a bit of a grin on his face. 1"Right'o. I'm guessing I'll keep my feet on the ground and help you out. Any ideas?" 6Yeah, he's been gone for a while, but he heard about the going-ons and decided to come help out. He, of course, was wearing nothing team-related, except for the
* Thomas`Marshall 6old leather jacket with built-in comm on the collar.

<Suzthulhu> 6When Seven leaves, Gina sits back down in her chair, flipping a few more switches on the consoles and starting the recording feeds. "All feeds recording in here, audio and video are all good. Unless there's anything else you need me to do in here, I'm going to hop out of my body and hover around. Just so everyone knows, I can still hear you, talk to you, and if my projection is near
<Suzthulhu> you, I can see you, so feel free to talk to me and all that."
* @Kraken ( Quit (Quit: switchy!)

* Sunder Looks to thomas "Well i'm working on a 'alf dozen, five of which would take the bloody army... Last one is a work in progress, but I need a 'ole lot of help, Quick on your feet? That's a good lad, now we need to grab the rest of the ground crew and get them 'ere. Oh, and go grab your car keys if you 'ave any"
* Kraken ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Kraken

* Isaiah ( Quit (Quit: and thats what you get for joining the army boyo... adventure, mystery...late night calls to report to the reserve center...)

<04@Sisip> "We're trying to drive it away, first and foremost.. but if it won't go? We need to take it out. Right now it's 'giant space fish' or Earth... frankly.. I like Earth morethan I like the giant space fish." Moving over to Nick she taps a button on his watch and BAZINGA!!!!! He's suddenly Rick! Sisip frowns just a bit, not liking that in the least, but staying quiet.. until she pulls out a large ... airhorn. "I want you to stand in the middle of the courtyard and blast this until they see you. If I'm right it won't take them long at all. Just go with them and if you end up being herded into an abbatoire then call for Seven." She presses it into his hands before the woman in the catsuit heads to the chopper. Climbing over towards Tony she hooks him onto the frame of the chopper with some wirerope. "You can lean out and this will hold you, if you need a better reach." She does the same for Kevin once he's ready, only his is attached to the floor, a panel that was obviously removable underneath.

<Thomas`Marshall> /me blinks, 1"Car keys? I don't own a car, so yeah, none of those."
* Thomas`Marshall blinks, 1"Car keys? I don't own a car, so yeah, none of those." 6He gives a bit of a shrug as he stands there, 1"I am pretty quick off my feet though. Flying helps a bit with that." 6He looks around for the others that are going to be part of ground crew, 1"What's this work in progress you have?"

<Krys_Gallagher> "Right. A game plan." 6Attention was returned to Sunder and Isaiah, a nod given to Thodd as he joined the group. 1"Sorry, no car keys here either. I flew in and caught a taxi until it dumped me out, refusing to come any closer to the spaceship. Walked the rest of the way. But you need a few thousand volts going through that bad boy up there, I'm your girl."

<vile> Ding! Rick! Nicholas glances down at the watch, inspects his hands and laughs again. An airhorn! He accepts the thing, nods and heads for the courtyard. Obeying! At least for now. Well, of course he would! This is serious business and not even he wants to fuck this up. There's no amusement to come from a failed mission, after all.

<Brad> "Alright, let's get this show rolling before I shit myself." 6He grins at Sisip as she straps him in, and then looks over at the strapped in Kevin. 1"You doing okay there, bait ball?" 6He snickers, using one of the terms that's been stuck in his head since spending all damn night watching Blue Planet and Planet Earth and surfing the internet to try and learn more about bioluminescent
<Brad> 6deep sea signals. He's just trying to break the tension, for his sake more than anyone else's.
* Brad is now known as Spectrum

* @Kraken he is ready, and camo'd his skin completely black waiting for the right moment to blossom up the I am delicious come eat me colors. 1"Lets do this..." 6He chuckled to Tony. 1"Little cold but doing fine! Just hope this thing doesn't have extendable jaws and just vaccuums me into it mouth...." 6But he was grinning.

* Sunder looks between the two ".. Just the three of us then? Okay that makes this a bit more entertaining.. Well, at least we'll all fit comfortably in my car" He looks to krys "I remember you, electronics 'ate your guts too" He grins a bit and looks to thomas "Fill me in fast."
* Fuzed ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

* Thomas`Marshall grins a bit, words would do the trick, but words were boring. He simply moves his hands out of his pockets and they engulf in flame, 1"And I can fly too." 6He nods a bit, just to add a bit of emphasis to his words. With that, the flames go out, 1"I guess I'll be Skylight for this one."

<Suzthulhu> 6Gina gets comfy in her chair, leaning it back a bit and slouching down into it. Letting her head drop back, she closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. There's that momentary odd sensation of separation, and then she's up and out of her body, drifting higher. She shoots straight up through the Sanctum until she arrives on the outside, up on the roof. Glancing left, then right, she
<Suzthulhu> 6moves over toward the helipad. "Doppleganger, right over the helipad right now. You guys look good."

* Fuzed is now known as Kitalyn

<@AnE> 6Seven collected the gadgets and made sure that she had the protective gear to go with it so she wasn't choked to death or blinded. Ten seconds. Flash. Gas. Got it! Returning to the group was easy enough, and Seven appeared rather suddenly, shaking her head rapidly, 14"I'm back! Sorry." 6She made sure that the flashy bombs were firmly fixed onto her makeshift utility belt, goggles
<@AnE> 6atop her head. 14"Ready for sneakage, let's do this!" 6Right. Her enthusiasm was only slightly frightening -- she was probably just overjoyed that this had nothing to do with that thing she was pants-wettingly worried about.

<04@Sisip> Taking a bit of a breath she looks at Kev and reaches down to unclip the hunting knife sheath from her thigh. Adjusting it just a bit she fastens it to Kevin's upper arm. "If you need to use this.. you use it." A soft moment is taken before Sisip sends her spirit brother down towards the maw of a fish. A soft kiss is given... on his lips even! "And remember, the minute you need to you press that button." Another headbonk is given before she climbs back into the pilot seat and begins to flip some switches, the rotars gearing up loudly. Pulling her headseat on she motions for Tony and Kev to do the same, "Alright boys, let's make someone hungry!" With a frown the injin lifts the chopper up into the air, angling it away as they go off to be all missiony!

<Sunder> Well 'ope you're up for frying a fish the size of a bloody skyscrapper. 'ere's what i've worked out so far, they're going to try to chase this thing away from campus, which is where the car comes in. Now wherever this thing sets the 'ell down, we've got to take care of any alien that comes out with the idea to start slaughtering the 'umans who just wrecked their ride. (he looks to krys) tell me you can electrocute things to a bloody
<Sunder> crisp.

<Krys_Gallagher> 6She looked at Thomas, smiling at the flame show. 1"Oh yeah, I remember you now. Not sure we'll need you to fly, sounds like they already have an aerial group, but you never know. 6Eyes lifted when she heard Gina's voice, then turns to follow the path of the helo as it lifts away. 1"We'd better get in that car to follow, hmmn? Hopefully we can lure it away, I'd hate to see the
<Krys_Gallagher> 1bill to rebuild the Sanctum. And yeah, I'm pretty good at frying things. Don't think I'll be eating any of that particular fish though."

* Lukas` ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Suzthulhu> 14"Alright. I'm going in as well. I'll let you know what they're doing." 6And up Gina goes, trying not to think of shipfish guts as she travels through them, back into the thing the same way she'd gone before. She pauses once inside, getting her bearings, before heading towards the C&C room she remembers from before, figuring that to be a good place to observe their reactions.
* [Tremor] (Tremor@14055b15.6ca5ed39.184.76.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<04@Sisip> The ship hovers in the sky, doomy and gloomy. Spotlights dart too and fro, no real focus in mind. It's waiting, obviously, for Rick to serve himself up as dinner.. PRISONER.. narrator corrects.. serve himself up as a prisoner.

* Thomas`Marshall nods as he listens to Sunder, then his gaze turns to Krys, 1"Right, ya never know." 6He motions for Krys and Sunder to lead the way to said car, 1"Lets get to it." 6Then a gross thought hits him that he just has to share, 1"I'm definitely not looking forward to smelling this thing burn." 6He would follow them to the car and get inside, ready to go

* Sunder shakes his head "Not yet, got a shopping list. Need a firehose or three, and any tools we might need to crack open a fire hydrant, hopefully i've got the right things in my socket set.."

<vile> PRISONER stands in the courtyard under the ship, wishes again that he hadn't done this. He could be feasting on some...thing right now! Not this! But he sighs heavily, glances around to see if anyone else is around. And he lifts the airhorn up. HOOOOOONK, or whatever wretched noise the thing makes. It's loud enough to make him grimace with discomfort. Sigh. Well. At least he can hope
<vile> he's giving someone else a headache with this infernal noise. HOOOOONK.
* Kitalyn is now known as Fuzed

<Spectrum> "Alright!" 6Tony raises his voice over the noise of the chopper, speaking to Sisip. 1"You're going to need to get us above the standard light pollution level. The darker it is around the chopper, the better this will look. I can keep a spotlight on Kraken, make sure he's visible. Just keep us steady as you can, and let's all pray this works." 6He looks over his shoulder at the woman
<Spectrum> 6piloting the helicopter and grins briefly, then looks back at Kevin. 1"You better look delicious, man. I really don't want this thing to get confused and try and mate with us now."

<@AnE> 6She took a moment, looking around for Nick -- or rather, Rick. Rinick? Anyway, she looked for a dude who looked like Rick, and when she spotted him, she melted away into invisibility and trotted after him, the occasional teleport helping her catch up. She appeared behind him, invisibly walking up, her disembodied voice speaking low, 14"Just in case I do not get the chance to tell you
<@AnE> 14this later, Nicholas, I am so-" 6HOOOOOOOOONK. Seven yelped sharply, then fell backwards on her ass, twitching as the horn blared. 14"...hrngh..." 6She was soon patting her ears and checking for blood.

<Suzthulhu> 6If Blatant Boy could have heard Tony, he'd have noted that Rick had already taken care of the foreplay aspect.

* @Kraken seems that little sentense struck a nerve of terror in Sisip. Kevin dropped the grin and looked to her... the knife, he moved foward to hug and nuzzle the grousegirl. 1"I'll be careful, Sisi." 6A kiss! Colors flashed that familiar pattern once again and he returned the action, a dreamy smile on his face after that. 1"I'll remember. Don't worry." 6Headbump! and woooooooooooooosh!
* @Kraken 6they were off. 1"I manage looking delicious without doing anything, get attacked by seagulls all the time!" 6Kevin would shift through some typical patterns and wait for the right moment to go: Hey! Lookit the tasty squid a'dangling!

<Krys_Gallagher> "Better shop quick then, we need to be moving when that thing does."

* Thomas`Marshall would stand there, blinking, 1"Where are you going to get a firehose? Better yet, why do you need one?" 6Yes, he had a very confused look on his face...

* Fuzed walks out of the Sanctum tonight wearing a black hoodie with grey fur lining the hood, REAL fur. Lower half is wearing well fitted and slightly destroyed jeans and chunky 'skater'ish sneakers. A lot was apparently going on so he wanted to watch from outside. So, he is outside! He leans against a random bench, trying to stay away from anyone for the time being, just wanting to
* Fuzed observe for now, idly twisting the platinum ring on his finger as he watches

<Sunder> Well i'd assume from the bloody fire cabinet in any building around 'ere. So get grabbing, we can soak everything down and zap a whole bunch in one go. Now off you go, and grab anything you think you can use meet back 'ere in five minutes tops. That ships only gonna move so quick (He would throw the horns and takes off in a run back towards the apartments.)

<04@Sisip> BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM !!!! The sound of the horn worked! All the lights focused DIRECTLY on PseudoRick! After a moment or so it would appear that he simply... vanished. There was no Star-Trek teleporter noise, no dissolving visually of materials.. just here.. then not. Almost at once ALL the lights went out save for those sliding along the body of the transport fish. | The inside of the fish was rank, putrid smelling and moist... SO VERY MOIST!!! When PseudoRick looked around there were Uidry surrounding him in a semicircle, his back up against a wall. They had things pointed at him that strongly resembled guns. Sisip nods to Tony and the Lynx climbs into the air, "Ok everyone, let's do this!" The chopper heads out into the darkness, away from Cobalt, high enough to be on level with where they thought the fish eye was when Rick (real rick) tried to have fistyintercourse with it. A hatch near Kevin opens up on the floor, dark night below him. Not batman.. just night.

<Lukas`> 6Wings! FlapFlapFlap! Dark batlike ones, buzzing fast. Connected to..what looks like some sort of overly large, overly spikey Deertick. Icky! Worse..was that it was clinging onto the back of one Wilbur Whately..Korrok, or whatever name hw chose. He was moving up towarsd the Lynx. Flying under his own mosters power was for saps. He for one, wasnt gonna let anyone on that shapecehip without
<Lukas`> 6him being present, he wanted in there -sooooooooo- bad. He moved up, feetclaws hooking onto the landing struts of the copter.4 Sorry for my tardiness; I wouldnt miss this for the world..6 He said, as he effectively clung to the underside of a flying helecopter.

* [Tremor] happens on the cobalt property, in spite of all that looks to be going on. He looks up at the darting lights and hears what he could swear was an air horn. Ok, something was very much happening. He might spot
Sunder and the rest up on the pad and breaks into a dash to get to them.

<Suzthulhu> 6And there Gina is when they bring NickRick in. 14"I can see Nick." 6She's whispering, even though she's not talking IN THE SHIP, but Seven's comms unit would still be there, so she's trying to be as quiet as possible. 14"It looks like they have weapons turned on him."

* @Kraken turned the heat on his special suit up a notch, shifted his colors into what he hoped was a good impression a ShipFish scooby snack and with a wave to Sisip and Tony, jumped down the hole! Flickering in some photophores. LOOK AT ME I AM TASTY! He wiggled around too. Wiggle wiggle, mmmm nummy nummy. The sight of Wilbur and a beasty momentarily made him go blue ring colors but he
* @Kraken caught himself and shifted back to something that didn't mean you will die if you eat me.

<Krys_Gallagher> "What teh hell does he want water for?" 6she grumbled, but dashed towards the nearest doorway, looking for a firebox to grab out a length of firehose. She also took the CO2 cannister, just in case. Maybe the aliens wouldn't like carbon dioxide. Who knew. Then back she ran towards the car, green eyes lifting to keep track of what was going on above. 1"Just remember, water is gonna
<Krys_Gallagher> 1mess with both fire and electricity, so I hope you calculated that in."

<Spectrum> 6As Kevin starts looking a tasty morsel, Tony settles into his seat and starts to concentrate. This is more difficult than just making a little globe of light, but it's still something he can do. He closes his eyes, trying to picture in his mind the area around the helicopter, the size they'd want to aim for, and the colors and movements of the light on the shipfish itself. Soon, traces
<Spectrum> 6of light start flickering into existence around the helicopter as the lift up past the ambient light of the campus below and into the more concealing blackness of the sky. Blues, greens, luminescent yellows, they start zigzagging arcs through the sky, first trying to mimic the ship's idle mode. He doesn't know how to signal "i am food", but he can try to signal "i have found food". That
<Spectrum> 6was a common enough communication animals like this would use.

* Thomas`Marshall blinks as Sunder runs off, he sighs heavily before looking to Krys, 1"Great start to a great plan. See you in five." 6He would run to the nearest access to a firehose he had, wherever that would be, then run back to the meeting place. When Sunder and Krys arrived back, they would see him holding the hose over his shoulders like he had done it before, because, well, he has.

<vile> Hearing Seven, Nrick glances around. When he doesn't see anyone milling around, he looks mighty confused! "Huh?" he grunts and wonders where the voice came from. And...WHATTHEFUCKWHEREAMI. Nrick looks around at the aliens...and freaks out. A cold shiver runs up his spine, his hand goes limp. The airhorn falls, clattering to the floor, and he turns around to bolt! But instead of actually
<vile> fleeing anywhere, he slams face-first into the wall, swears, and looks back at the aliens. Maybe if he presses against the thing, he'll...go through it. Or something.

* Sunder Seeing tremor running up he would point at the pad "Oi! Wait there!" Well, it was how he got roped into his first insane mission. He would be back in five with a toolbox, a oddly shaped bag, and a sledge over his shoulder

* Fuzed watches the going ons from his bench, a little envious. This is what he wanted to be be doing. His epiphony the other night about wanting to use his powers is a powerful way had really been on his mind. It was dangerous, deadly, but he wanted to be part of it. And whats he doing? Chilling on a bench watching everyone else.

<@AnE> 6Seven reached out to grab Nick by the ... clothes as the lights hit him. That way, when he was beamed up (or whatever) into the shipfish, she'd go with him! At least, that was the plan. Nervously, she swallowed a lump in her throat, deciding that scurrying out of that room was a good idea. And so that's what she'd do, phasing through aliens invisibly and hoping that she could make her
<@AnE> 6way into a hallway or something. Find some things and such. She felt bad about leaving Nick, especially with all those alien weapons point at him. It was okay though, because she'd come back for him! Eventually.

* [Tremor] reaches the group at the helo pad just as Krys gets back and hears her say something about water, electricity and fire? He has exactly enough time to give her a clueless look before Sunder tells him to wait at the pad. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he would just have to play along and hope for the best. He gives Sunder a nod just before the fellow runs off to get his gear,
* [Tremor] then rushes over to the pad and waits. His hand reaches into his coat to unclasp the bowie knife hidden within.

* Sunder Sets down his gear and looks to krys "I'm good for one, two big zaps at best. Electricity flows through water, an if we can hose some down so I can zap the lot so much the better. (He looks up) An didn't really cost us anything. Alright, nothing to do now but load the motor and get ready to chase a bloody flying fish. (He grins picking everything back up) Parking garage, black magnum with spikes on the bumpers

<04@Sisip> A voice fills the air, english! "You damaged our transport. You will serve Emassai Cha-Skekekel as punishment." Slender frog like hands reach out for PsuedoRick. He has no place to go, the cowardly human. "Come with Uidry. Show quarters." The rooms that Seven searches are all hollowed out areas of flesh, some filled with machines, some filled with what appears to be every day items. Even a place that appears to be a potty room! Sisip jerks just a bit as Wilbur grips onto the Lynx, looking out the window at him, "Welcome aboard Wilbur." She states with a bit of obvious confusion. Balancing with the new weight on board she nods to Tony and Kev, silently wishing her squiddy brother luck as he drops down. She watches closely as Spectrum starts his light show, eyes on the shipfish for any change of movement. There IS! The lights on the vessel seem to speed up, flashing almost erratically now. Either the aliens were having a PseudoRick feast or someone ELSE was hungry!

<vile> Poor Nicholas! Ditched by the person that's supposed to save his ass, left with some pissed aliens with weapons pointed at him. Well. Hopefully those things work quick. And in a deadly manner. But oh! No. He gets to be a servant instead. Well. That'll do! Nrick nods once, he stares at the alien's hand and willingly follows. No point in running, not when his attempt at it already failed.
<vile> "Yes, of course." he mutters, eyes lowered to the floor in a show of submissive body language.

<Lukas`> 6A horrible grin from Wilbur, as he clings to the underside of the helecopter like some sorta evil geckobeast. He mrely waits for the goahead. To either infiltrate, or to just get onboard and kill everything that isnt human enough..

* Thomas`Marshall would follow Sunder to the car, putting the fire hose wherever Sunder wanted it, guessing the trunk, before climbing into the car. He couldn't help but think the ground team was going a bit too slow for things, but only time would tell and he could only hope and do his best to make things work out in the end.

<Suzthulhu> 14"Seven. Straight back, if you face away from Nick, is what I think was the command room. Lots of machines and computers, with a big display screen. The living area is near, too." 6She's watching NickRick, hovering behind the ring of Uidry around him, and follows them as they begin to move. 14"They're herding Nick somewhere. Said he has to serve them because he damaged their transport.
<Suzthulhu> 14He has to serve... Emessai Cha...Skekekel? Must be the name of their leader."

<Spectrum> 6Tony opens his eyes, and he sees a response from the ship. He smiles a bit, and then speaks. 1"Okay, take us away from it, nice and easy as you can. I think I got its attention." 6He keeps the simple 'I am a shipfish' lights going, making their helicopter look like a smaller version of the monstrous beast, as he looks at Kevin. 1"Okay man, get ready to be tasty." 6That said, he starts
<Spectrum> 6changing his pattern. He'd studied squids mostly, ironically enough, as well as some territorial deep sea fish like anglers. Strobing lights start appearing alongside the helicopter, and he hopes like hell that spacefish speak a common language. 'Food! I found food!' he signals as best he can with a series of excited, running lights alongside their craft.

* @Kraken look at me i am sooooo tasty! yum yum yum, granted this camo trick was to make the target think he was tasty but it was a table turner! Much like how they were using it now. A suicidal camo pattern? No! All a ruse! wiggle wiggle! color flash, occassional photophore. Mostly just colors. Tentacles flailed, arms waved, legs kicked - just like wounded, trapped prey; he was brightly
* @Kraken colored and noticable! any sounds he made to the massive beasty were likely lost to the helicoptor blades. He thumbed up to Tony and continued his imitation of a wounded creature. Sticking to the colors and patterns that were intriuging the shipfish the most!

* [Tremor] watches Sunder and the rest running to the car and blinks. The ship was airborne. Was this about to be a dukes of hazzard moment? He stays at the Helipad for now. Keeping an eye on the ship above.
* Loren ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<Krys_Gallagher> "Ok then, so when we get the fish on the ground the water comes into play. Guess I'll be hitting it while up in the air then. You coming?" 6this last was aimed at Tremor and she beckopned him to follow, a glance also sent towards teh fur wearing observer. 1"Rides leaving folks, you want in nows your chance!"

<@AnE> 6What kind of damage was Seven expected to do to a ship that was made out of a fi-- Gina spoke! She looked around and around, following the given directions. Well, there were certainly rooms, but would this one be the control room? She hoped so! It was the same process of phasing that would have her slipping into the room directly across the one from where Nick was held, hand hovering
<@AnE> 6over her belt full of bomb-thingies all the while.
* Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

* Sunder Looks up, lights were flashing bunches so things would get moving soon. He starts jogging to the car and looks back to tremor "If you want to 'elp smash a fish get your arse in gear!" Supplies would get tossed in the back hatch of the wagon, and still plenty of seating room. He'd start it up, giving the supercharged v-8 a heafty rev to make the point to any latecomers

<04@Sisip> The aliens seem pleased with the submission of Nrick and lead him down a hallway. Deeper and deeper into the belly of the beast.. literally. It was strange though, they all seemed to pause at once, looking at each other. A froggy hand was waved and three of them broke off down a different hallway, obviously in a hurry. The fish cared not for the pricking in it's body but DID care for the flashing flailing squid! The transport picks up speed quickly. Sisip focused, moving the chopper ahead of the fish. "Don't want to get too far ahead of the ground crew, Spikey? You guys keeping up?" Things seemed to move quickly now and she didn't want anyone left behind. Seven eventually did seem to locate the 'bridge'... a stack of computers and screens filling the chamber... the chamber that the three Uidry burst into! They go up to the console and begin to hit and talk loudly to the controls.

* Isaiah piles into the vehicle that Sunder is climbing into, having returned from... wherever it was that he had disappeared to. looks like he'd gotten back just in the nick of time too!

* Fuzed is still at his bench watching..

* [Tremor] smirks. Why the hell not? He runs to the car and hops in, making sure to check his seat belt as he speaks in a pour imitation of a police officer to Sunder, "Now son, you plan to keep this thing below the speed limit?" he laughs a little.

<vile> Nrick remains quiet, head bowed, eyes diverted to the floor. He keeps his hands to himself and certainly doesn't start fisting the ship or anything. Or otherwise bring it harm! Instead, he acts like a good boy and patiently waits. ut when several of the aliens bolt off, he glances up and looks around, curious as to what made them act like that.

<Spectrum> 6And then Kevin himself is illuminated. It's not so much a spotlight as it is an aura of light surrounding himself. Lights flash and strobe around the helicopter in that same "Here! Here is food!" pattern Tony is attempting to get across, and it looks for all the world like a smaller version of the shipfish with a very tantalizing, very brightly illuminated morsel dangling from its mouth.
<Spectrum> 6Or at least Tony hopes it does.

<Suzthulhu> 14"Skie, it's working, I think. Three of them just broke off and headed toward the control room. Seven, that means they're heading straight for you. Be on your toes!" 6Well, Seven is -always- on her toes! 14"Do you want me to stay and watch Nick or go check on Seven?"

<Krys_Gallagher> 6She glanced towards Fuzed a final time, but since he didn't seem to be budging she just shrugged and ran for the car, long legs carrying her there quickly. This catsuit was comfy! 1"Looks like its taking teh bair, lets drive!" 6Soon as that thing got over a clear expanse of land teh fireworks could safely start.

* Sunder Taps his comms "Just keep in mind, this thing does not do off roading, and we'll be right with you" He would give tremor a 'are you shitting me' look, taps the stereo's power button and slams the gas. Off they would go to chase after a flying fish with maiden blasting 2 minutes to midnight on the overpowered stereo

<@AnE> 6One hand fell to her side, fingers brushing against the white blade wrapped in electrical tape that she kept strapped against her thigh. Just as she was ready to tear the ship's control panel-mabob into pieces -- three Uidry! Seven shuffled away from the consoles, doing her best to stay quiet. She popped the goggles over her eyes and adjusted the breathing device before unhooking a bomb
<@AnE> 6from her belt. The blue button was pushed, and she started to count, backing towards the door before she hurled it toward the feet of the Uidry!

* Isaiah lets out a whoop! as the Maiden roars and the throttle is goosed... Was it wrong for him to be getting amped? "One Fish Fry, comming up!"
<Krys_Gallagher> *the bait
* Fuzed is now known as KitAway

* Thomas`Marshall looks at Isaiah, smirking a bit, 1"Excited, are we?" 6He gets as comfortable as he can in the car, eyes closed, waiting for the go-ahead for the fireworks... and Oh yes, there will be fire. Lots and lots of fire. He couldn't help but grin at that.

* @Kraken KevinSashimi now a popular meal on two planets! A favorite of seagulls and ginormous flying spacefish! He kept on wiggling and flashing those scrumptious colors and patterns, now aided by Tony woo! wiggling was getting a bit weaker as Kevin was in the cold longer, fingers flexed, temperature was turned a notch more, had to keep the blood warm and pumping! I AM FOOD!

<04@Sisip> Sisip snorts, "We've GOT to get you hooked up with a rally car, Sunder. Really.. how DO you survive without me?" Her reply is full of amusement for a moment before, ".. excellent, Doppleganger. Stay with Nick for now, Sev's quick on the draw with getting out of places. Don't get antsy, Nick, we've got you covered." The chopper moves out over an open field... nice and quiet and out of the way. The fish started actually acting like a fish for a moment, it's bulk twisting as it shot forward, a giant gaping hole opening up where a mouth would be. Inside the fish things started to get a bit rough, the motion causing items to fall from where they were stacked, Uidry toppled over, not accustomed to such sudden movements.

* Sunder There wasn't much for the ground crew to do but chase. To avoid getting stuck he'd stick the the roads as close to the helo as possible. He glances around the car, noting some extra troops "Right, 'eres the plan.. If they manage to get that sucker down, we're on riot control. Anything alien that gets out gets dead, oh and the ship gets dead too since it's sort of alive and all.. But we're it, we're not gettin any 'elp so we
<Sunder> watch each others backs or we're not going 'ome."

<Spectrum> "Shit!" 6Tony was NOT expecting it to move this quickly. He really should have, though, considering it's capable of interstellar travel. 1"Take us up! Take us up!" 6He does not want to get EATEN tonight. He tries to buy them some time and slow the fish down a little by sending globes of light shooting towards it as a brief distraction. Let it think those are little morsels of food like
<Spectrum> 6Kevin, just keep it from engulfing the helicopter and everyone on it for a few moments more. His eyes are dimmed somewhat by the exertion. He doesn't have any light sources to draw from, and it's taxing to keep the light show going, but he's still got at least a 75% charge ready to go.

<vile> Movement! It's not expected. Nrick crouches low to the ground and leans forward. His hands settle on the floor, keeping him from toppling over. His eyes go wide and he...just stays there. The guy has no assignment, other than 'don't freak out'. So that's what he does! Try to not roll around, piss the aliens off or fuck things up.

* @Kraken hole opened... huge mouth, Kevin's huge eyes seemed to get bigger, it took some effort not to go camo or poison colors. Though luckily Tony had the lights, and the ship fish was already planning on eating him. His squid brain was screaming at him to ink it. INK IT but there was nowehre to go if he did. No water, no fuel for his siphon. but Kevin was keeping his courage, maintaining
* @Kraken that tasty tasty pattern. He managed to glance up at the chopper for a moment before BIG FEESHY stole his attention. I am good to eat! Brain continued its oh god why are you not inking this thing?! impulses at the squidman. He ignored them. Wiggle wiggle. EAT ME!

<Suzthulhu> 14"Will do. These guys are falling all over the place in here." 6Reflexively, she dodges a few items that fall from a shelf, even though they pass harmlessly through her invisible, silent projection. 14"Whereabouts are you now, so we know when to get ready to get the hell out of here?" 6Sunder's words, as well as Tony's, ring through her ears, body slumped in her seat. 14"Sunder, as
<Suzthulhu> 14soon as we're clear on recon, I'll head out to you if I can get there and help crack some heads."

* [Tremor] tries to keep himself primed for whatever might happen next. On one hand he's looking over the inside of the car to spot exit points, possible areas of optimal cover and structural instabilitys. That being said, he was also grinning ear to ear and thinking about how this was the most fun he's had in quite a while. He nods at Sunder's battle plan, a sudden thought flashing through
* [Tremor] his mind as his grin is instantly gone, "Wait. Anything alien that gets out? Who else is on board?"

<Krys_Gallagher> "Seven and Nick. And Gina's projection." 6she answered promptly, grabbing hold of the oh-shit handles as they raced along. 1"We've gotta help get that thing down to the ground and then handle whatever comes out. What are you bringing to the table? Not sure we've met so I'm not sure what you're capable of."

<Lukas`> Sisip..just let me know when you'd rather I board the vessel. I am getting a trite bit hungry watching Kevin myself..6 Wilbur comments, from under the cloacked helecopter. He still clung there like a tick, neck twisted right around as to make sure the world wasnt upside down.

<04@Sisip> Sisip jerks the chopper to the side. It was a good thing Tony was strapped in! Let's hope Wilbur had a pretty good grip! Poor Kevin was just a danglin and looking all tasty! The injin's concerned and a bit startled cry was heard over the com unfortunately. "Skieweaver to Ground... please god roast this thing." She was smart enough to know that her chopper wasn't faster than an airborn space fish, especially not with other people on board. Seven's bomb eventually DID go off, only after rolling at the Uidry's feet and them looking down at it almost comically, trying to figure out just what it was. It didn't take much to neutralize the command center for them! The fish lurched forward again and Uidry everywhere seemed to forget their commands and go running all helter skelter, leaving Nrick on his own in the hallway. At Wilbur's voice she calls out, "Soup's on Wilbur, we have a man onboard, if he's there we need him back.. if not... have fun."

* Thomas`Marshall rides in the car silently, moving around very little as the car speeds along, though his eyes were open now, his head was rested back on the seat, just listening to the others speak for a moment before he hears 'roast this thing' over the comms. 1"Did I hear that correctly? Roast it?" 6He looks to the others in the car, 1"Guess we're up."

<Suzthulhu> 14"Seven!" 6As soon as the Uidry scatter, she hisses into the comms unit. 14"Nick is alone. They left him and went running. Let's get out of here. He's four chambers down from where he entered, in one of the living quarter areas. I'll stay until you both are out. Skieweaver, we're getting out of here." 6She hopes to hell the ground team is ready for this.

* Sunder As soon as she made the call he would slam the brakes, the car would screech to a halt "All out! If you can hit the thing do it!"

* [Tremor] frowns, Nick should be fine within reason. Zombies were pretty hard to kill right? Seven on the other hand. He knew she could take care of herself, but there was still something deep down that hated the idea of her being on that ship. He's snapped out of his train of thought by Krys asking what his powers were. Lacking anything witty he just responds, "Call me Tremor. That should
* [Tremor] tell you enough." He braces when the car slams to the halt and is instantly out, bowie knife drawn underhand and a dreadful, menacing hum. He has no way of attacking the ship, better to let the target come to him.

* Isaiah piles out of the vehicle as soon as its stopped, looking up at the spacefish he glances at Tesla "Tag team?" he asks as he starts to strip electrons from everything around him, gathering one hellacious charge in short order

<Lukas`> Oh..wonderful. I do ask though Sisip; that you prevent them from outright destroying the ship before I've had a chance to plunder it a little.6 Wilbur might be a monster, but he was a clever man, and figured that ship held knowledge and secrets that he would -dearly- love to get his hands on. He grinned though; the Deertick thing on his back gurgled and chittered as its wings stretched
<Lukas`> 6out. Wilbur kicked off the bottom of the chopper, the beasts wings flapping languidly as he swept past Kevin..aiming at the beasts open mouth!

<@AnE> 6OH, SHIT. She was tossed around, stumbling and struggling to keep her footing while also keeping quiet. But the bomb went off -- gas and flash, whee! That should have given her enough time to do some damage to the controls. Walking up to the console, Seven sucked in a deep breath and phased her hand down into the console. It would require almost surgical precision were she... doing
<@AnE> 6surgery, but in tearing out wires (or maybe guts.), it was as simple as A, B,C. However, she did jam her blade down against the controls for good measure before she heard Gina, 14"Roger! I'll get him!" 6Out of the control room did she prance, heading in the direction of where she noticed the Uidry taking Nick. Into his... chamber did she hop, her invisibility shimmering away, 14"Hello,
<@AnE> 14Nicholas! I've come to rescue you, if you do not mind too much." 6And she extended a hand for him to take, flashing a bright smile his way. Why, yes, she was excessively chipper for someone aboard a hostile alien vessel. At least nobody knew she was a thief!

* Thomas`Marshall His door opens before the car even stops and he is out, his hands engulfed in flames as his feet touch the ground. Just as quickly, fireballs are sent flying at the ship, not sure where the weak points are, he would send fireballs sailing at each area of the ship he could see, searching for whatever weak points there were to find.

<Krys_Gallagher> 6The fire command was issued and it seemed they were away enough from civilization to bring the ship down. Brakes slammed, tossing her some in the cab, but she shook it off and quickly scrambled from the car, bracing herself and looking towards teh ship overhead. Just looking at her you could see the electrical energies collecting, loose whisps of hair from her braid starting to stand
<Krys_Gallagher> 6on end. 1"Sure. I'm it." 6A grin and she loosed a sizzling bolt, sending it arcing at the underbelly of the fish.

* @Kraken helicopter jerked, Kevin flailed some more - this time as he was swung about wildly. Tasty colors remained up, he flailed a bit more trying to get his cord to stop shaking. And ack Wilbur flying, fire balls, he yanked on the line and stared back at the hole he was dangling from, waving to Tony to pull him up! Ejecting from here noooo not with shipfish about to go up in flames!

<Spectrum> 6Tony does what he can, reaching forward to grasp at Kevin's harness to try and haul him back in. The lights around the chopper go dim, as well as those around Kevin. The thing was already on their tail, no sense expending the energy. He may need all of it if that monster gets any closer than it already is. 1"I've got you!" 6He yells over the din of activity to Kevin, grasping to pull
<Spectrum> 6him fully into the helicopter to keep him from panicking, or worse, falling.

<vile> Nicholas stays where the fuck he is, not knowing where the hell else he should go! What, go look for a hatch to throw himself out of? Fuck no. A teleporter? Maybe they have a parachute backpack...and lo! A Seven! His head snaps up, he offers a bright smile to her and...keeps crouching. He doesn't want to lose his balance and go flailing around. "I'd appreciate it. I think you make a lovely
<vile> knight in shining armor, if I may say so myself." One hand stays on the ground, the other reaches up for the pale devil's hand.

* Edwin ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

* Sunder At this range he couldn't do much, so instead he got to look around. It was a field, no convenint hydrant for his soak and electrocute plan. He would just get to curse a lot and walk around to the back of the car, grabbing the odd shaped bag. From inside he'd grab a good combat blade, clipping it to his vest. He'd also grab the sledge, might need to bash their way inside after all. He'd tap his comm "Skieweaver, we're off
<Sunder> campus. Break out the real combat gear?"

* Isaiah grins and pulls his steel nightstick and holds it out to Tesla "Shall we?" he plants his feet firmly, and already the stick is starting to spark and glow

<04@Sisip> Sisip was so busy trying to make sure her spirit brother wasn't ingested that she barely heard Wilbur. "Spe.... tr... TONY... hit the lever!" The wirerope was attached to a winch, a modified one for just such an occasion. Ok, maybe not a 'save Kevin from a fish' occasion, but the same idea applied. The chopper began to zigzag, picking up speed as she watches Tony go to Kev's rescue. With the squid secured Sisip banks the helo hard, tightly looping back around. Her response to Sunder was sharp, obviously concentrating on keeping them alive, "YES, DAMMIT! KILL IT! TEAM'S CLEAR, GREEN LIGHT! GO!" The fish had watched it's morsel get dragged into the strange ... flying thing. Well it would obviously just have to eat the entire contraption! SpaceFish don't give a fuck! "Hold on boys" is all she manages to say to those on the chopper with her.

<Lukas`> 6Om Nom Nom!. Wilbur dove headlong into the mouth of the creature! His form rippled and twisted as he did, spines emerging...mouths opening, additional arms..etc. Wilbur didnt really ever indulge his SuperMonster form, prefering his summoned creatures. Today though, this was an exceptional circumstance and he felt like getting his claws and talons dirty.

<Krys_Gallagher> 6This was new. And if Gina was present surely she would have some snarky comment about sparking sticks. Just sayin. Krys eyed the nightstick a moment then nodded, grasping the end in one hand so that teh two were essentially sharing a charge, able to build up more. Hopefully teh others were smart enough to stand back well away as they could probably feel their own arm hairs and such
<Krys_Gallagher> 6sticking up.

<@AnE> 14"You flatter me. Oh, while I have you here, I wished to apologize for having you heal my injuries the other day."6Small talk! On an alien ship! Seven was truly something. Taking ahold of Nick's hand, she gave him a gentle tug so he'd stop crouching before tugging him out into the hallway. The three Uidry were down for the count for... Seven didn't know how long, and she wasn't sure
<@AnE> 6how many reinforcements with alien guns were going to come after them. The easiest thing to do was go as far as she could, jump out of the ship, and hope that the nearest solid ground-like surface was close. 14"Don't let go." 6She warned, again, eerily chipper before dragging Nick through the ship, phasing through walls and fishrooms and everything else. It was a bit like being pushed
<@AnE> 6through jello! Eventually, they would wind up -- OUTSIDE! And Seven sucked at calculations, because the closest solid ground-like object was, in fact, the ground, as opposed to maybe the roof. So, they were falling! WHEEEEEE~

* @Kraken colors faded to normal, no more tasty colors maybe even a shade or two duller than his default. 1"Th... thanks.... cold down there." 6It was easy pulling Kevin up, he didn't weigh much. The squidman smiled to Tony and Sisip, he was safe and whole and just... turtled himself inside his heated suit and spent some time lightly dozing/getting back to an active temperature.

<Spectrum> "I can take a shot!" 6He yells at Sisip, now that Kevin is safe and secured. He doesn't WANT to, but he may have to to keep this goddamn thing from DEVOURING them. He starts bracing himself where he is, just in case, glad to be strapped in. If he passes out, at least he won't fall out of the helicopter like so many kaylas. I mean potatoes.

* Sunder Grabs his handgun from the odd bag, shoving it into the holster on his tac vest. Now it was time to get creative. Shipfish was out of his zap range, and anything capable of standing up to interstellar travel wasn't going to notice much. He'd have to let the others do some damage, in the meantime he'd grab the zombie apocalypse bug out bag from the trunk, the few flares from that, and the big jug of rubbing alcohol made for one

<Suzthulhu> "Alright, Seven and Nick are out! I'm heading out to-Jesus, what the fuck is that thing in its mouth??" 6She'd never seen Wilbur before, but on her way out, passes THROUGH him, getting a good enough look at a whole lot of wtf before she finds herself outside as well. She shoots toward the ground. "Ground team, Nick and Seven and I are out. Unleash!" 6Making sure Nick and Seven hit the
<Suzthulhu> 6ground in relatively one piece, Gina heads straight back for her body. Once she's back in the team room though, she takes a bit of time to re-enter herself, careful not to do so too quickly and cause the horrible disorientation that can come from doing so.
<Sunder> quick firebomb

* Isaiah starts the countdown as he just about reaches his max charge... "Ready in 3...2...1... GO!" he channels every jule of energy he can muster through the impromptu lightning rod that he and Tesla were gripping, directing it towards that giant flounder in the sky...

<Suzthulhu> 6~Flounder in the sky... that's where I'm gonna go when I die... when I die and they lay me to rest, I'm gonna go to the fish that's the best...~

* [Tremor] watches the group charging their attacks and looks over at Sunder, sympathizing with the lack of a ranged attack. He hopes that Seven and the others are clear as the order is given to fire, walking out a short distance in front of the group.

<vile> "Quite fine. Healing injuries is what I do: probably the only thing that keeps me in one piece and out of the catacombs." Nrick chimes, stands up from the tug and nods. He doesn't let go of her hand! When they get out of the sh--AAAH FALLING WTF. Nrick squeaks with surprise and stares at Seven, eyes wide. "I'm not in Kansas..." is muttered and he waits to fall to his death and go splat.

<Krys_Gallagher> 6She focused on the countdown, releasing a supercharged bolt at the same instant Isaiah did. Teamwork, baby!! Time to fry that fish up.

* Thomas`Marshall keeps the heat on the fishie, streaming flame across the entire length of the ship, watching for any major reaction, he turns his attention to Sunder for a brief moment, raising a brow before turning his attention back to the ship in the sky

* Isaiah ( Quit (Quit: dang dang dang damn dangit)

<04@Sisip> The chopper continues to bob and weave.. like a leaf on the wind, watch it soar. "Take your shot" She calls back to Tony, though she doesn't give him the luxury of a smooth ride. The fish is entered.. ROUGHLY by Wilbur and it jerks. It was obviously NOT expecting that! When the bolts hit it's flesh it actually, unlike earth fish, emits a highpitched noise that sounds ALMOST like feedback. A familiar noise, one that seemed to happen when the Uidry used their 'view screen'. Apparently not all was love and roses between the Uidry and their transport if they had to HURT it to make it do things. The air stank like a fish fry.. did I say stank? I mean smelled DELICIOUS!

<Edwin> 6Now, if only someone had a swimming pool full of malt vinegar, we'd be set.

* KitAway is now known as Kitalyn

<Lukas`> 6Rip! Tear! Crunch! Snap! Wilbur was indulging here. Hey! Despite being in a giant spacefish; the Vidya didnt taste overly fishy! Wilbur would note the weird minerally taste..something he could almost place.14 Silicon? Interesting..6 He says as he gulped down a leg. His claws were drenched in ship-goo, fangs in viscera..body s plattered in things best left uncomprehended for now.14
<Lukas`> 14Come on now though. A ship like this has to keep its secrets somewhere..6 He muttered to himself as he tore his way through a section of thin fishy bulkhead.14 Datacore..computers, something to make this more then a lunch date..6 Through another bulkhead he went!

<Spectrum> 6He narrows his eyes, and holds both arms out. With Kevin safely inside the chopper, he doesn't have to worry about him getting caught in the blast. He saw... something fly into the creature's mouth, so he doesn't aim there. Well, as well as he CAN aim with the bumpy ride he's got right now. But Tony's not a complainer. He starts focusing, and it starts getting hot inside that chopper.
<Spectrum> 6Kevin might appreciate that, at least. A lot of solar energy is starting to get channeled through Tony's form, and his arms start to glow white hot, indicating it's about to be released. 14"Sorry." 6He whispers briefly to the giant creature, probably just some poor dumb animal that doesn't understand what's going on in the least. And then he fires. Every bit of energy in his reserves go
<Spectrum> 6out, in a massive, searing hot stream of energy towards the area just above its mouth. It's not like one of the bolts he showed Sisip, a focused jab of energy, but rather an unleashed torrent of heat, and light, and fire, and death streaking toward the creature at almost instantaneous speed.

<Krys_Gallagher> 6Fishy didn't like shocks much. Good. Isaiah and Krys were already building up a second charge, the impromptu lightning rod between the two arcing and sparking like mad. Another pair of lightning bolts zthzppt'd through the sky towards the ship overhead, and though they say lightning never strikes the same place twice they were doing their damndest to do just that.

* @Kraken had one tentacle poking out of his warm little heated jacket nest, suckered to the floor of the chopper so he didn't roll all around. But the smell of that shipfish... mmmm something smelled good. Heated jacket was doing its work bringing the chilled squidman back to a fully functional temperature. And as Tony set that blast, the jacket was turned off. He was going to be one dizzy
* @Kraken squid after this with all the rapid temperature shifts, he should just go to bed once this is over!

<@AnE> 14"Uhhh... this is Salem, not Kansas. Uhh-- oh! I forgot to tell Sisip before she asked me to do this," 6Seven was apparently highly skilled at holding conversations in places where she ought not to! 14"I sort of... uh, have never... teleported with anyone before, so... if you could maybe perhaps not be too terribly angry with me if I cannot do it..." 6She squeaked as they steadily
<@AnE> 6plummeted toward earth, still holding (rather, squeezing) Nick's hand.

<@JimmyGym> 6And only Nick's hand. Teleportation error!
<@Kraken> 6splat

<04@Sisip> SO MUCH PAIN! Shipfish had no idea how things went so wrong so quickly! Actually it was probably only thinking 'fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu'! It's insides were twisting and stabbing and it, unfortunately, caused the poor thing to relieve itself. OH! There was the cloaca apparently. Woe be to anyone (ground crew) underneath the flailing spacefish for spacepoo was about to land on them. When Tony's blast, combined with more lightening bolts, seared into it the fish decided that enough was enough. Another feedback like sound and the fish changed course, upwards, flailing and twisting, towards the sky, towards the heavens.. and away from the crazy bastards that made it hurt! Wilbur would most likely notice the change in direction, grabbing only a handful of objects in the meantime.. a gun or three and an odd looking remote.

<vile> Nicholas is amazingly calm given his situation. Most people would be screeeeaming like a slapped bitch. Of course, that's what he wants to do but the noise gets caught in his throat. He makes a pathetic gack sound, like he's choking on something. And he squints at her. "Well. I regret making a comment to her about flinging myself out an escape hatch of the ship. I'm not realy a fan of
<vile> falling to my death but it's not like I won't come back from it. I will, however, remember your failure to properly rescue me. And I'll revoke my earlier comment about you being a knight in shining armor. It's more rusty and you're more of an ass." He sighs dramatically, "But save yourself, if you must. And recover the body. I don't want to wake up getting chewed on by dogs."

<Lukas`> 6A thunderous roar! High pictched, yet resonent and bass filled; the peculiar timbre of Wilburs voice. He was about th pry something out of the wall..when alas, the formerly horizontal floor became much more vertical then he was used to. His talons tore furroughs in the ground as he slid around inside the ship. The electric shocks, and the not tilting thing..had clicked off a little animal
<Lukas`> 6bit of his brain, the bit that told him things were probably getting way to difficult to make the attack worthwhile. The bit that made lions run away if an elephant puts up to muich fight. He began to desperately claw and bite his at the walls, trying to burrough his way a maggot in a roast.

* Thomas`Marshall sees something falling in their direction, not sure what it is, but either way, he makes a break for the car, glad that the doors were still open, and dives inside, hoping that whatever is falling isn't heavy enough to crush a car... and hell, maybe it'll miss the car completely, who knows? If not, it will be one hell of a clean-up.

* Sunder Watches the scene in a mix of disgust and amusement. Thankfully common sense kept you well the hell out from under the friggin spaceship.. fish.. you were trying to crash to the ground. Then it started to turn. He didn't want to when it was so close to his maximum range, but if it was going to try to escape he was going to do what he could. He would aim his arms towards the fish and with a little concentration and a shout he
<Sunder> would release a directed EMP into the damn thing

<Krys_Gallagher> "Its trying to get away. Time to give it all we have. Sorry Sunder." 6And she promptly hold out her other hand, placing it palm down on his vehicle, draining the car's battery for an extra boost of power. The two electrokinetics got off another set of bolts, Krys maintaining hers for a few seconds longer, however much time the drain on the battery would give her. Maybe they could
<Krys_Gallagher> 6bring it crashing down. And hopefully not get pooped on. Because really, who stands under the object they're trying to crash down?

<Suzthulhu> 6Poor shipfishy! Well, sadly it's probably just some poor dumb animal leashed into servitude by the Uidry, who will soon be getting their comuppance. Gina, back in her body, peers from monitor to monitor just in time to see... "Oh man. See, Ricochet, at least you weren't the one getting shit on this time." 6But the shipfish was fleeing, quite obviously. "Looks like it's going to live
<Suzthulhu> another day. I'll get the hazmat gear and open up the outside door to the gym. You guys come inside and go straight to the showers." 6Is she kidding about the hazmat gear? Maybe not. Cuz, ya know, EWW.

* [Tremor] was prepared for a wide array of things, but spacepoo was not one of them. He ponders running back to the car and jumping inside, but that might cost him a strategic advantage. He lifts his coat up to shield his head and frowns at the sudden change in direction of the spacefish. This was going from bad to worse.

<Spectrum> 6With that much energy released, Tony just slumps back into his seat. At least he's strapped in, and doesn't just fall like a sack of kaylas out of the chopper, again. But he's down for the count. He used up his entire reserve in that shot, and that's more than his body is meant to take. Out like a light, no pun intended.
<Suzthulhu> 6Gina's going to have to speak with Sisip about this >=[

<@AnE> 14"No, no, no! I can do this! I have teleported Einstein plenty of time, you are not much bigger than him!" 6She said confidently as the the ground continued to get closer. 14"Just...let me...okay..." 6Teleport. Teleport. Teleport. Bring Nick. Nick is Einstein. Nick is a white rat -- hey, not a bad comparison! Dammit, concentrate! Continuing to squeeze Nick's hand, she closed her
<@AnE> 6eyes and... BAMF. Except without the bamf. Look, they were both gone! When they reappeared, it was ... a lot closer to the ground, actually! It would not, however, be a perfect landing. It would likely end in pain -- but only moderate pain, not death-and-dying pain, 14"Fsghjsfsfhjsffsjhui!"
<@AnE> 6Well, pain for HER, not for HIM. Since he's all dead and shit.

<04@Sisip> With the fish heading back to space Sisip can calm the crazy ass flying she was doing, "Kev, unhook and see to Tony?" The chopper hovers as the woman looks down, "Ew... I don't... know what.. that is... but you guys will probably need decontamination." The shipfish continued to squeal loudly as Wilbur eats his way through it's belly. Probably just in time as the fish is quickly getting up to where the air is too thin to breath. The poor beaten and bruised creature heads off into spaaaaaaaaaace.

* Sunder Someone said something about his car.. And the stereo stopped blasting. But sunder was, well a bit out of it. EMP blasts had a tendency to do that. He also wondered when he ended up falling onto his knees.

* [Tremor] blinks as he finally spots Seven and Nick falling and hitting the ground after the familiar BAMF noise. He breaks into a run towards where the two seem to have landed, doing his best to shake off any stray fish 'leavings' on his coat. He really -loved- that coat too!

<Lukas`> 6Wilbur takes the time to give one last longing look at the Fishes insides. He was sad he couldnt find the data he wanted, or pilfer anything really fancy. He blinked..looking down.14 Oh my..I'm..a fair bit higher then I'd calculated.6 No time to think of alternatives! He braced his hands on either side of the hole, and launched himself into the wild blue yonder. Smoke trailed from him
<Lukas`> 6as he fell. Turns out the electrical attacks and soforth had gotten through to him, and cooked off several of his tendrils. He'd worry about that later through, as he plummets!

<vile> Einstein? If Nick knew that Einstein is a damn rat, he might have taken offense! But he does not. WHUDCRACK. He lands on the ground, the noise pierced by the sound of breaking bones. Fortunately for him, the damage isn't bad enough to bring instant death. Nor can he feel pain! But his body is paralyzed temporarily. He just...lies there, and tries to recover, staring blankly up into the
<vile> sky. "Your armor is still rusty and you are still an ass. I revoke my earlier compliment." is muttered under his breath, aimed at Seven.

<@Kraken> "On it, Sisi." 6Kevin unhooked from the harness and walked across the chopper, feet sticking with each step for a good grip. No use falling down from all that crazy flying. Don't do a barrel roll! Please Don't. He made his way over to Tony to make sure the light controller was alright.

<Suzthulhu> 6Gina hops up out of her chair and heads out of the team room, warping through the Sanctum like her hair is on fire and her ass might be catching. She makes it up to one of the labs and begins donning protective hazmat gear. Seems she wasn't kidding. Zipping up the suit, she pulls the headpiece on and grabs a couple more spare sets, along with a couple of the portable decontamination
<Suzthulhu> 6kits. The bulk makes it harder for her to move as quickly, but she's on her way back downstairs soon enough, waaaaarp, waaaaaaarp. "Correction... ground team, go around the outside to the back medical center entrance for decontamination. Seven, bring Nick to medical too so they can check you both out, just in case. They're on standby. I'll let them know when I get there what's up."

<Spectrum> 6Tony is unconscious, but he's breathing. His body would feel a lot colder than it should, if Kevin's senisitive to that sort of thing. He looks pale, not Nick pale, but pale nonetheless, and there's a sheen of sweat on his skin. He should be alright.

<@AnE> 6Much like Nick, Seven landed with a series of cracks. Unlike Nick, however, she could feel pain. And it felt as though her left arm had been crumpled and pulled out like an accordion, hence the string of gibberish that came out of her mouth. She managed to avoid crying, though, instead sniffing back her tears -- you know, for Nick's sake. 14"S-sorry. That was my first time doing something
<@AnE> 14like that. I... I will do better n-next time. S-stay here." 6Pushing to her feet, she groaned, the arm in question limp at her side, a brow raising as Tremor started over, 14"Oh...h-hey. Did you see us fall out of the big ship? Could you... perhaps do me a huge favor and fetch a doctor. I think I may have broken my arm, and Nick is--" 6Looking over her shoulder, she winced, 14"I did
<@AnE> 14not break his fall as well as I should have."

<vile> "Get back over here." Nick hisses at Seven, narrowing his eyes at her for emphasis. "I'm a goddamn healer. And if I wasn't lying on the ground now, odds are, you'd be seeing me anyway. Don't make me drag myself over to you. That would be embarassing. Now let me do my goddamn job." An arm raises and he makes 'gimme' motions, waiting on her to comply. "I have to see a doctor anyway. No
<vile> telling what I broke, not when I can't feel it."

* Thomas`Marshall raises up inside the car, feeling a bit like a pansy. He gets back out of the car and looks around, then up as the ship sets off to wherever it was going. He steps over and around the spacepoo, making his way to Tremor, Sev, and Nick, raising a brow as he looks to the three of them. Well, at least no one died...

<04@Sisip> The chopper moves back to the Sanctum, settling down on the helipad. She was exhausted... not TONY exhausted but everyone on this particular mission were going to be wiped tonight. She sat for a moment as the rotors slowed, letting her eyes close, "Aeriel team on the ground. Someone get Sev to medical."

* [Tremor] can't help but smile seeing Seven alive. She looked hurt, but she was still alive and selfless as ever. He nods at her request for medical attention and pulls a phone from his coat, hoping the EMP and fireworks didn't knock it out. He smirks at her as he dials, "You did great Sev, don't let anyone tell you different.

<Suzthulhu> 6The medical staff is surprised, but not shocked, to see Gina arrive in hazmat gear and carrying decontamination kits. Of course, there are kits in the med center too, but better to have extra than not enough. "We have... at least six that need transport back here, some of which may be contaminated. I brought extra kits in case." 6The center gets to work, and soon vehicles are on the
<Suzthulhu> 6way to pick up the ground team. "Ground team, medical is sending vehicles out to pick you guys up. Make sure everyone gets loaded up. Who's hurt? Skieweaver, are all of you alright?"

<@AnE> 6Oh, no. He was angry. She recoiled, grimacing, 14"But... I do not want you to hurt yourself more by fixing me..." 6Oh god he was getting madder! 14"Don't yell at me..." 6This was squeaked out in frustration, even if Nick wasn't actually yelling. Now, the tears were just a tiny bit more obvious. Breaking her arm, she could handle. Having someone mad at her? That was a whole different
<@AnE> 6animal. She glanced red-faced over at Tremor, then Thomas and forced a smile, despite the fact that she was about to start bloohooing because Nick wanted to heal her.

<Krys_Gallagher> "Yeah, well, we're going to need a ride. Unless Sunder has enough juice to restart his car. I'm tapped out. Sorry bout that."

<@Kraken> "He's out... I think he overdid it with his powers. I think he feels cold and he's sweaty...." 6Kevin called to Sisip. 1"Probably just needs some rest and food..." 6Kevin was a bit out of it himself, rapid temperature shifts, being dangled as bait for a giant fish, and the harness itself. They won though, right? The squidman's color was still a few shades paler than the norm. He took
<@Kraken> 6a seat near Spectrum to keep an eye on the man.

* Thomas`Marshall looks to everyone near him, 1"I can carry one person back. Who wants to go now instead of waiting around for transport back?" 6He holds out a hand for whoever wants to take it

<vile> "I don't get hurt." He grumbles and makes more grabby motions. Finally, the zombie rolls over, gets up and shambles towards Seven, one arm outstretched. Zombie Nrick! The holowatch still works but fizzles, the image flickering every couple of seconds. "Now you hold still. The doctors can deal with me instead. There's a Twilight Zone marathon on tonight and I plan on watching it. A perscription
<vile> of bedrest will help me accomplish this. Now give me your hand."

* Sunder After having a minute to clear his head he could get back up, he shakes his head "I can't control it that well, more likely to have a car fire than anything else." He would wander around to the trunk, digging about a bit he'd pull out one of those self contained jumpstart kits. "But in chicago winters batteries die an awful lot." Plugging it into the lighter the car would turn right over. "Load in, first stop medical unit."

<04@Sisip> Sisip lets Kev and Tony rest a moment as she shuts everything down, making sure the two are checked into medical. She then goes home and collaspses on the couch, to tell Rick all that happened. Summing it up with "aliens left". YAY no more nights in the sad room unless he willingly wanted to be there!

<Lukas`> 6Well..we have a problem here. The Fish was probably not moving straight up, but gaining altidude as it traveled at high speeds. This will be a problem later. For now though, we have Wilbur falling quite a distance. At a prodigous speed, wind whistling past what he has for ears. His form imploded, back to its not Superform..he slowed a bit, bit still fell. Wings flapping..The WingTick!
<Lukas`> 6It had survived and was there to save its master! It attaches..wings flap. To little, to late. Wilbur begins to pull up from the fall, and this turns his impact into more of a..err..plowing into the soil of a field. His joints twist and bend in weird ways, an elbow snapping, a few teeth being knocked loose. He had bundled up into a ball to save his loot, but now laid there in the field..staring
<Lukas`> 6up at the stars. Back to the original meant he was now several miles away from the Sanctum. He was laughing though, so he might be okay? Or he's just finally snapped right 'round the bend.

* @Sisip ( Quit (Quit: If a Queen Bee were crossed with a Friesian bull, would not the land flow with milk and honey? ~ Oliver St John)
Session Close: Wed Jan 18 22:13:30 2012

Aftermath! -1/18/12

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:18 pm
by Goldbolt
[23:14] * Loren paces inside the med center, her head hurt something fierce and she keeps fidgetting with her necklaces. In her mind, she's useless anywhere but as a supporter, in any form other than healing, and she desperately wanted to help the people here. So she paces and waits to be told something to do.

[23:16] * [Tremor] turns and looks to Thomas and his offer for a ride, "No thanks, I'm sticking with them till help arrives." He glances back to Seven and Nick as they fight over heals or no heals. Well... at least they were ok. More or less... His phone seemed to be busted, which was not a big deal. Everyone seemed to be packing up and heading out. He turns starts heading back to Sunder and his car,
[23:16] * [Tremor] trusting that Nick and Seven will hash out who lets who keep what's broken.

[23:17] <AnE> "But... I..." Don't cry. Crying is dumb. Don't cry. Crying is dumb. Don't cry. The non-broken hand was extended toward Nick while Seven stood there with her lower lip aquiver, behaving as though having her arm healed was the equivalent to a child getting the over-the-knee treatment. There was likely no chance of it 'setting' wrong since it was literally injury transferral, but she
[23:17] <AnE> still felt bad and wanted to make excuses. She looked in Thomas' direction, slowly shaking her head, "...n-not arm's g-getting f-fixed..." I'M A BAD KNIGHT, she thought to herself as a lump formed in her throat.

[23:17] <Suzthulhu> Shortly, several vehicles arrive out in the field where the ground team, Seven, and Nick are, and medical personnel, in hazmat suits, pile out. "If you're contaminated, go to the right. If not, get in the vehicles on the left." The orders come from one of the suited EMTs, and the vehicles wait for folks to get in and all that. Meanwhile, Gina stands by at the back entrance to
[23:17] <Suzthulhu> the medical center, waiting for the vehicles to return with all the people and stuff.
[23:18] <Suzthulhu> ((format fail, but you get the point))
[23:18] <Spectrum> And Tony gets carted into Medical! He's put in a room to recuperate, his vitals are alright, nothing that would cause any real alarm for the staff. He gets med-dressed and put in a bed, looking for all the world to just be completely worn out at the moment.

[23:20] * Kraken yay he was useful! Boo he was in the med center again... So much for his new years resolution to not get hurt... he couldn't even make it past January! annnnd a blood test later it was off to The Kevin Suite for some squid safe temperature controlled therapy tankings. Like Tony, there really was nothing to worry about, but better safe than sorry, and given Kevin's past - the med staff wanted to keep an eye on him and make sure his temperature was stable.

[23:20] * Sunder Blinks when the trucks show up "Well 'ell, I thought we 'ad to get everyone out of 'ere ourselves.." he'd shut the car off. it'd need a jump later but that's what roadside assist was for. off to get cleaned up, recharged a bit, then deal with the tow truck.

[23:20] <vile> Nicholas grabs Seven's hand and holds it firmly. Even if she changes her mind and tries to yank her hand away NOPE.AVI. At least it doesn't hurt! While she could enjoy the feeling of bone moving against bone, knitting itself together, there's no pain involved. The broken arm is mended, any assorted cuts, scrapes, bruises or fractures are all taken care of. And by that I mean transferred
[23:20] <vile> to Nick's body. The zombie wobbles, he releases her hand and flops over. Looks like someone needs some carting around! At least he weighs as much as a feather and won't be much work for the Hazmats to cart around.

[23:21] * [Tremor] stands there in front of the hazmat team, jacket still tainted with spacepoo. He manages to resist the urge to smile and say 'Looks like I'm clean.' Rather, he sighs and heads towards the right as commanded by the medical personnel.

[23:22] * Edwin ( Quit (Quit: Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.)
[23:22] * Kitalyn ( Quit

[23:22] * Thomas`Marshall shrugs, looking to the EMT that showed up, lowering back to the ground, he looks to Sunder and the others, "Shall we?" None of the spacepoo had got on him, but better safe than sorry, he goes right.

[23:22] <Krys_Gallagher> Contaminated? Krys looked herself over, then Isaiah. Nope, no fishy poop here. Just two worn out electrokinetics that couldn't form a spark between the pair of em at the moment. She wobbled abit on her feet, dizzy, but at least she didn't pass out. "Flying... might have to take you up on that offer one day. Sounds fun."

[23:25] * Thomas`Marshall stops just long enough to look back at Krys and nod, "The offer is there whenever you want it." He climbs inside the transport back and sits there quietly

[23:26] <AnE> The feeling of her arm bone being repaired made her want to vomit. But she mostly just kept sobbing and blubbering. Seven did choke out a series of, "I'm sorry... thank you... I'm sorry... thank you..." sounds that were directed toward Nick before she rushed over to get one of the EMTs, directing him over to Nick and peering over the dude's shoulder all the while. She would
[23:26] <AnE> eventually hitch a ride in the cleeeaaan vehicle, but not until she was sure that Nick was... er... in a state where moving him wouldn't make him break into pieces.

[23:26] * Sunder (lgjc2@a55580.6ca5ecfe.70.230.imsk) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)

[23:26] <Suzthulhu> And the EMTs do cart Nick right into the back of an amberlamps and off to medical, offering to let Seven ride with him if she wants. When Tremor approaches to turn himself in to the hazmats, they motion for him to step into the back of a vehicle that looks much like the inside of an Igloo ice chest. Same with TM. Krys and Isaiah get some help into a regular vehicle by some of the EMTs
[23:26] <Suzthulhu> to at least get transported back for some rest! Sunder too, if he wants, or he can follow them back in a convoy. Once they reach the medical center, the contaminated folks are ushered into decontamination showers and are treated to the lovely mess that entails before being taken to isolated rooms for observation until they can be cleared. Nick goes to Hotel St Nick, where his Twilight Zone
[23:26] <Suzthulhu> marathon is already turned on!
[23:29] <Suzthulhu> Once everyone is back and being seen to, Gina strips out of the decontamination gear, discarding it. Since she hadn't been exposed, thankfully she's spared the SHOWER. She heads straight for Tony's room, stepping inside and turning on the lights as she does so. "Hey, you.... you still with us?" Leaning over his bed, she kisses his forehead lightly.

[23:32] <Spectrum> Tony stirs a bit on his hospital bed, not really aware of where he is right now. His eyes open, but they're dim, barely lit at all. He looks up for a moment, trying to get his bearings. He's having a hard time focusing his vision, but it gets there. "Hey, beautiful." He says, after a moment, his voice weak and raspy. He feels weak and pretty much sore all over, the result of expending
[23:32] <Spectrum> that much energy at once. He'll be down for a good day or two, at least. "Think I overdid it."

[23:34] * [Tremor] frowns as he steps up into the ice chest-like transport and it only deepens when he's transfered to decontamination and isolation. This was a familiar feeling to him. The feeling of being watched and treated like a living bomb. It dug up memories of the mental ward and other darker corners. He closes his eyes and makes sure to breath evenly. If he tried to break out it would just
[23:34] * [Tremor] be another mess. He doubted they let these rooms be anything less than mutant proof, so it was pretty much pointless. Still the walls seemed to close in and he worked hard to keep his mind elsewhere. Seven had shown some real guts. He knew she had it in her, but even then, jumping from an alien ship? -Nice- He smirks quietly in his cell - I mean isolation room.

[23:35] <Krys_Gallagher> Ah, Nurse Bonobo. Its just like her first day on campus, being ushered to a bed for rest and given the monkey glare. Memories. She'd have to get her hands on a bunch of bananas if she wante dto get out of here anytime soon.

[23:36] <Suzthulhu> She curls her fingers through his, pulling up a chair and sitting down next to his bed. "You did awesome.It worked perfectly. I'm so proud of you." And she is! He didn't have to do what he did at all, but it had worked like a charm. "It flew away, but I think it'll be back. You just rest. I saw what you guys did. It was beautiful." She kisses his cheek again and lays her other hand
[23:36] <Suzthulhu> on his forehead.

[23:40] <Spectrum> His forehead feels pretty cold and clammy. Eyuch. He smiles weakly, and manages to shrug his shoulders. "Kinda surprised it worked." He says, looking up at her. He's having a hard time staying focused right now, and he's going to need to go back to sleep soon. Preferably with the lights on so he can recharge his batteries. "Everybody else make it out okay?"

[23:41] * Thomas`Marshall ( Quit

[23:42] <Lukas`> Wilbur meanwhile, is walking himself back towards the Sanctum; well..running. He didnt want to get stuck out for overly long, but yeesh..the lights were there in the distance, at least he wasnt lost.

[23:42] <Suzthulhu> "Yeah, we're all fine. Don't worry. Everyone else is being seen to." She makes a note to get a few extra lights brought in for him too. "I'm gonna let you rest, okay? Sleep well. I'll come see you first thing in the morning." She picks up a washcloth from near the sink in his room and uses it to gently wipe his forehead and face off at least. Before leaving, she gives his hand a
[23:42] <Suzthulhu> squeeze again and leaves the lights on.

[23:42] * Loren ( Quit
[23:43] * Suzthulhu ( Quit (Quit: <@Sisip> night! * @Sisip quit <@Sisip> ... fuck)

[23:43] <Spectrum> "Alright." He nods, and then lays back on the pillow. Someone would likely be by to check on him between now and then, but he pretty much just falls dead asleep.
[23:43] * Spectrum ( Quit

[23:46] * Kraken slept peacefully in his special 'water bed' the cold cold weather of the night and being dangled from a helicoptor like he had been was something he'd best sleep off.

[23:47] * Krys_Gallagher ( Quit

[23:48] <vile> By now, Nick is no longer Nrick and is liberated from his holowatch. And he waits for the doctors to swing by to handwave his injuries away. Or not. Maybe. If they're bad enough. It's not like he's suffering, right? Even if he was, he ate part of their staff just earlier this year. It's not very likely he's at the top of their 'to-do' list. Probably right after 'find the aliens and

[23:48] <vile> help them recover from their injuries'. But hey! At least he has Twilight Zone. Yay.
[23:49] <AnE> Seven watched Nick not-sleep. And then a few hours later she steps into the sun and glitters.
[23:50] <Kraken> snrks
[23:52] <vile> Nick will be sure to keep a good supply of holy water and wooden stakes...oh fuck do those work.

[23:56] <vile> The scrawny bastard glances around, confounded! "Ha ha guys. Real funny. Try to convince me I'm nuts again. Get me locked up in here forever. And here I thought you were trying to get rid of me, too." He rolls his eyes and turns up the volume on the TV with his handy dandy remote. With the good arm, of course. The other is in a splint, resting alongside him.
Session Time: Thu Jan 19 00:00:00 2012

[00:05] <vile> Nick glances around, hikes a brow and looks generally confused. The fuck is going on here. But he soon gets it! Ding! OH. He stops acting weird and goes back to watching TV.

[00:20] * [Tremor] (Tremor@14055b15.6ca5ed39.184.76.imsk) Quit
[01:34] * vile is now known as vile|zzz
Session Close: Thu Jan 19 01:37:50 2012