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Change of Demands - 1/17/12

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:16 pm
by Sisip
<@Sisip> BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM The sound rocks the Sanctum once again, causing windows to tremble but not break. It was the telltale sign of the great ShipFish, as people were now calling it, drawing attention to itself for whichever purpose best suited it. Lights flashed along it's bulk once more, coming together in an almost impressive bioluminescence display, forming a rectangle on the bottom of the living transport.
<Brad> "Welp." Says Rick, looking out of his window, and then he's springing into action. He'd kept his uniform in his room, and it doesn't take him long to change into it from his street clothes. He takes a second to check to make sure he's zipped everything up, nothing says "I'm not ready for an alien invasion" like an open barn door, after all. His earbud is in place, and he opens his window
<Brad> to bolt through it, running down along the apartment wall for a few steps before springing off and twisting in midair. He lands on the grass of the courtyard with a soft 'fwoompf' noise as his repulsion field cushions him, and then he taps his ear. "Y'all probably don't need me to say it, but I think our deadline's up."
<vile> OH GOD NOISE. Nicholas jumps, startled by the what the fuck is that. Where is safety? Under the chair? Inside the Sanctum? Behind Kevin? Who knows? Because he doesn't. Figuring out that it might be that big scary thing hovering overhead, he looks up and frowns. A glance over to Kevin, who probably goes to security or something, and he bolts inside! It doesn't take him long to find
<vile> others. Also something a bit more substantial to eat, better than a couple stolen bits of sushi. He walks quickly despite the need for a cane. Seeing others in the courtyard, he heads there. Rick is eyed and he looks up again, frowning at the alien ship. "I knew I should have gone into town." is muttered under his breath, as if that would have been any more safe.
* Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<Suzthulhu> "What in the shit??" Gina, doing things Gina has been doing in her free time (no, not that), looks up from a microscope in the lab as a whole tray of beakers threatens to go sliding off onto the floor. Luckily, she's fast enough to grab it, spectral hand steadying it first before her latex-gloved fingers catch the edge of it, saving the lab from a hazardous layer of shattered glass and
<Suzthulhu> shipfish goop, among other things. "Not this again..." Prepared Gina is prepared, and reaches into the pocket of her lab coat, shoving an earbud into her ear. She hears Rick on the other end. "Yeah, I think you're right. On my way down." She rips her gloves off and tosses them, and the lab door is left swinging on its hinges as she warps through it and straight down the hallway to
<Suzthulhu> the stairs. Her gear is in her temp apartment, and she's undressing as she's busting through her own door. Clothes go flying, some coming off, some going on, and spectral hands enable her to lace up her boots rather quickly. She snatches up her vest and belt on her way back out the door. "What's the situation?"
<@Sisip> BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM Again with the noise that seemed to come straight out of Inception! With a shriek of feedback the 'screen' seems to flicker as that wonderful bioluminescense kicks into overdrive, the image of an Uidry forming quickly, it's bulbus head almost glistening and a look of almost arrogant pity on its ugly lips. ( ... wRes-2.jpg )
<Suzthulhu> HYPNOTOAD
<Brad> "Inception noise, lights go flashy." He shrugs as he stares up at the once-more active Shipfish, and brings one hand to shield his goggle-covered eyes from the glare a bit so he can get a better view. "I don't know, it's going all LOOK AT ME I'M ANNOYING again." As the screen brings the visual of the Uidry into focus again, he frowns. "And now the big ugly head guy is going to give
<Brad> us another speech."
* Isaiah blinks.... he slips his earbud in and looks up at the fishyfishyfish-ship floating overhead... "Circuit, checking in. Sitrep?"
* Sunder The metalhead would make his way out of his apartment, he was dressed up in full tactical gear, and well his coat of spikes as it was a bit cold outside. "Another lightshow? Brilliant! Leave it running long enough for me to get the speakers you otherworldly arseholes!" He would shout up at the ship as he wandered into the quad
<Brad> ( ... lowres.jpg)
<vile> Alas! Nicholas has no comm unit yet so he misses out on the chatter. But he continues to stare at the ship and the alien on the screen. A glance over at Rick, he tilts his head and looks up once more. "Where is Chad." is muttered, expecting that's what the alien is going to say. He leans on his cane and...waits for something else to happen. A step away is taken, putting him underneath one
<vile> of the Sanctum's awnings, somewhat-but-not-really hidden from the ship's line of sight.
* Corty is now known as Loren
<Edwin> Eddie has neither a uniform nor an earbud to keep in touch with people, since he wasn't on the team. But it wasn't easy to overlook the noise or the light show out over the courtyard, and he got up from the table in Foodcourtia where he was eating and walked to the nearest window out onto the courtyard, looking up at the screen that formed on the motherfish's underbelly, and the alien
<Edwin> projected therein. This is the first good look he's gotten at any of their kind, and he's decided that they're adorable little scamps. Riiiiiiiiight. He watches for now, since there's not much else he can do. Well, there are a lot of things he can do, but they wouldn't really help the situation.
<Suzthulhu> "Look out below!" She buckles her belt, zips up her vest, and pulls out her goggles, sliding them down over her face before cracking open a window on the second floor and vaulting out of it. Spectrails meet the ground before she does, fanning out in slow motion for a short distance before she impacts, shielded by a flash of grey. "Sunder, Circuit, situation is... about to get really
<Suzthulhu> shitty. They've come for Noa. I don't know where she is, but my answer is no. Anyone else up in comms? Skieweaver?"
* Isaiah ( Quit (Quit: Page closed)
<@Sisip> Sisip's voice comes over the com, "Skieweaver checking in. No time for a quickchange, get to the courtyard and be prepared. We've no idea what these people can, or will, do." When his words finally bubble out, sounding wet, congested, lips moving like a badly dubbed Kung Fu flick which didn't match the words, his tone held the same arrogant pity its face did. "Uidry did not ask much, beings of Earth, one single Chyevalei. Criminal escaped capture, fled like coward to hide and endanger Earth world. You bring Uidry on yourselves. Uidry have no choice now." He pauses for a moment, "I am called Cha-Skekekel, Emassi of Uidry. Earth Handler." Cha-Skekekel's pity turned into a disapproving frown, "Earth beings shall give themselves to Emassi Cha-Skekekel of Uidry for work."
<Brad> "Stay out of sight." He says to the zombie guy, gesturing him to keep low and keep himself safe. Rick may think he's kind of an annoyance, but he doesn't want him hurt or anything. That's Sisip's job, after all. He keeps his eyes locked on the craft, specifically that built-in Jumbotron that's displaying what he assumes is their leader, though from what Gina was able to intel, it was
<Brad> hard to tell one of these guys from another. "Ricochet here... but.. you knew that already. Oh you have GOT to be kidding me." He says, responding now to Chachazergrushkekekekekeke's words. "Not without a benefits package, pal!" He shouts up at the ship.
<vile> "I will." he bobs his head to Rick and figures out that the others are using communication units. Well then! This must be the team. "If things go south, I'm your doctor." A couple more steps back are taken, so he's against the wall of the building. He falls quiet, expecting his words to fall on deaf ears anyway. So like a good little coward, he hangs back and watches from a distance.
<Suzthulhu> "Earth beings aren't going to give you shit except a boot in the ass." Gina almost grins. She lives for this shit, but it occurs to her she might just die for it tonight too. "Think one of Sunder's EMPs will give them a second thought, Skie?" She's already moving along the edge of the quad, eyes focused upward on the projection. "It's like a microwave on living tissue, plus, all
<Suzthulhu> those machines I saw in there too. Sunder, how far can you pulse?"
<@Sisip> Sisip, who had obviously been near the top of the building, had made her way up to the roof and thrown herself off it. Dressed in a pair of boxer shorts and one of Jack's band tshirts the injin plummets downwards before throwing her hands infront of her and blasting wind downwards to break her fall. She lands in a crouch and winces... shit it was cold out here.. even WITH her heater abilities. "Easy Ricochet. Couldn't tell you, it's a big fish. I don't think an EMP will work on a fish." Standing up she brushes her hands off and looks around to see who was in the quad.
<@Sisip> *top of the residential building
* Sunder The latest speech had the metal head quite pissed off, the look he was giving the ship indicated he was about to launch a rather epic rant when the comms unit clipped on his tac gear started shouting, he didn't have the earbud in as he usually listened to his own tunes. He'd grumble and picks it up "Oi, i'm 'ere. You think it's occured to these bloody interstellar idiots we might not 'ave a single bloody 'effin clue who the
<Sunder> bloody 'eck this areshole they're looking for is? Now if they're about to introduce us to a plamsa cannon or somesuch, someone tell me we've got a way to get up there bloody fast"
<vile> Oh look! Sisip returns. At least that damn dog isn't with her this time. When she glances his way, he offers a cheesy smile and wave of a hand. Still hiding, of course. But that's what he's best at. Besides! If the healer gets defeated, how would he be able to his job? Or, at least, that's what he tells himself.
<Edwin> Yep, so much for Ashlynne's hopes that these guys would be cute little ETs that wanted to make friends. Nope, they'd just declared that since the humans hadn't complied, we'd brought this on ourselves. Just like an abusive boyfriend. Lovely guys. And apparently, now everyone had to give themselves up like meek little sheep as a work detail for these guys and their shipfish. This got
<Edwin> better and better. In a way, maybe it was for the best that they'd chosen a mutant school to harass, because they could well get the impression that Earth was full of seven billion people with mutant powers to compensate for our primitive technology. That might make them bugger off and not come back...Or it may lead them to come back with a whole fleet and bombard earth into charcoal.
<Edwin> Either or. Eddie, watching this from the other side of the glass, writes 'MOLON LABE' on the frost he'd created from standing close to the glass and breathing on it. The Spartans' answer to the Persians' demand that they surrender their weapons: Come and take them.
<Brad> "I can get up there." He says through his comm unit to Sunder. "Sorry, Ricochet. Don't think we've worked together. Personal gravity control." He stays where he is, and looks over at Sisip. He's not about to jump on that thing unless specifically told to. "Any plan, boss lady?" / Also roused into action, and with his own comm unit, is Conrad. He's not a member of the team, but usual, and held in both hands is a nasty looking piece of hardware, some kind of modified grenade
<Brad> launcher.
<Brad> as a member of security he's been given an earbud of his own for emergencies such as this. "Buzzard." He says calmly through the link, announcing his presence. "I have weapons primed, if needed." And he does, as he stands atop the residential building. His coat looks even heavier than
<@Sisip> Nothing seems to happen for a bit, the Uidry named Cha-Skekekel still staring down at them from the natural video screen. Finally lights appear all over the shipfish, spotlight in nature, streaming over the Sanctum and it's courtyard in a great display. Were it not for the fact that people knew the ship was a fish the next part would seem almost normal. The visual of the Uidry grows smaller, off to the side, and a large image of Rick with his arm extended and a look of sheer disgust on his features, appears. The Uidry speaks again, "This earthling to be brought to us. Two earth days given. Final chance before Uidry handle Earth." And with that the big screen goes dark, though the spotlights continue to dance around.
<@AnE> SFX conjures up a sitcom audience sigh, "Riiiiiiiick..."
<Edwin> They're apparently still a little pissed off about that eyeball.
<Brad> "Oh for fuck's fucking fuckitty fuck ass shit fuck fucktank fuckshit shitting fucking sake." Rick says, and facepalms. Hard. He looks helplessly over at Sisip.
<Suzthulhu> "Great. Now they want sex." She can't help but make the comment, and sighs as everything goes dark again. She looks between Rick and Sisip, with an expression that plainly says, 'I got all dressed up for this?'
<vile> Blatant Boy passes by long enough to point at Rick and laugh, "Ha-ha."
<@AnE> Annie, being meta as fuck, ensures that everyone who hears Rick's outburst turns around, very slowly, and stares at him.
* Sunder He'd manage to keep his cool for about three seconds. "... NOW YOU BLOODY SHOW US A PICTURE! Where the bloody hell was that a bloody feckin week ago?! How can you possibly build something that can travel across the bloody galaxy and not figure out we might need a frakin clue what we're supposed to look for?!"
* Fuzed, jogs out of the compound and into the courtyard, lurking near the door and catching the last of what was just said..Part of him told him to run like hell, go back to the wintery north, which would be smart. But part of him wanted to be part of this, stick up for his none human friends and such. So he hangs near the door, a cigarette being lit as he watches, then idly
* Fuzed toying with his platinum ring on his finger, just incase..
<@Sisip> Sisip winces as she heads over to Rick and pushes him in towards a door. "Inside... now." -SHOVE- "Ok team... apparently these guys are full of fishshit and like to screw us over. .... " She didn't trust them as far as she could throw their vessel. "I want eyes on this thing 24/7, no questions. If a cloaclaocaaca winks I want it video'd and magnified."
<vile> Nicholas can't help but snicker at the bit about eating people. Oh. He stares at Rick, grinning wolfishly, and makes a show of licking his fingers. "Only if you'll share." but then grimaces and glances around, looking guilty. "Just joking. Really. Er." he mutters and continues to stay where he is, watching the ship.
* Loren walks outside, pulling her hair back into a ponytail as she looks up at the ship with a raised brow "That's disturbing.." Her voice comes out softly, standing just outside the sanctum thinking it was a bad day to leave work early, or maybe she should have stayed in her room.
<@Sisip> Somewhere in the residential tower the light of a window goes out immediately, Rick's phone suddenly BLOWING THE HELL UP. Well not literally.
<vile> Or literally, thanks to James.
<Brad> "Understood." Conrad's voice comes back through the comm unit again. "In the meantime, please keep Richard from consummating his relationship with any more alien spacecraft." That said, he'd start setting up something of a listening post, as best as he could, taking watch for now. / Rick gets RUDELY shoved inside by Sisip. "I didn't do anything!" He protests, but he goes along
<Brad> anyway. Soon enough, they're indoors, and the realization that they are looking for him specifically now kind of sinks in. "Oh fuck.. oh shit. I think I'm... god I think I'm gonna puke." He doubles over, hands clasped on his knees, and heaves. Fortunately, nothing comes of it.
<Suzthulhu> "So..." She heads inside with Sisip and Rick. "We'll set up security feeds on it 24/7, and have someone watching them in shifts. Meanwhile... I think there should be eyes on Rick too. Just because they said two days does not mean they won't come snatch him in two hours. They said a week for Noa and it's been almost two." She pats Rick on the back gently, guiding him over to a chair
<Suzthulhu> or bench or something to sit down on.
* Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
* Fuzed looks over as Loren walks out shortly after him and he nods in agreement."To say the least...." eyes go back to the and then look around at the people running too and fro...Were they at war? Like, legit, any minute they were all gonna be laser beamed to death. Something inside him was strangely calm, like he was ok with the idea, a little...
<@Sisip> Sisip frowns and shakes her head, "We're not waiting around to find out." She heads over to a window and looks at the ship, "I can't move that..." She frowns, "We can't see if Sunder's EMP will work without risking the Sanctum." She wracks her brain trying to think of something. "We need to get someone inside." God she hated to do this, "We'll need Jamie to get us a breathing unit.. and..." Her eyes close as she takes a bit of a breath, "We need to find Seven." Moving over she places a hand on Rick's shoulder and gives it a bit of a squeeze, "Easy there Rick, you're going to be fine... we all are."
<Edwin> He watches Sisip frogmarch Rick back inside the sanctum, and hurries in that general direction, trying to catch up with the team members and at least find out if there was anything useful that he could do, though there really wasn't anything obvious that suggested itself to him right now.
* Sunder Starts making his way towards sis and company, picking up the radio again "If that thing is electric I could.. well... cause it to crash on top of campus and kill us all..."
<Brad> Okay, don't panic. Don't panic. He's led to a chair, and he takes a deep breath as he sits down. Don't panic. Don't panic. He closes his eyes as first Gina, then Sisip pat him on the back in comforting gestures, and takes another deep breath. Find your center, Rick. Find your soft, chewy, nougaty center. "Okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." He says, repeating the mantra a few more times before
<Brad> it sinks in. "Maybe this can work for us." He says, after another pause, and he opens his eyes to look at Sisip, then Gina. He looks at Sunder as well, 'cuz he's there.