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Gina Goes Shipfishin' 1/15/2012

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:37 pm
by Suzthulhu
<@Sisip> Sisip sits in the team's computer lab, staring at the computer montiors as she'd been doing almost every second since Rick came back from his eye-jabbing jaunt. Reaching for her phone she sighs and taps off a message, not even sure if anything would come of this. ~Ready for your walkabout?~ Could Gina even see inside a living creature?

<Edwin> "Nah, I'm good. Thanks, though." He assures Gina when she offers him another, and then promises to disavow any knowledge if he did anything dumb under the influence. "Sounds like it was a pretty gruesome business." He said, imagining the two of them waist deep in mangled zombie parts. "Right, so that's why I'm trying to take a different approach than I did my first time around. I know there's things that I can do to make myself more effective. And learning how to fight effectively is the first step, before I figure out how to scale it up from four limbs to eight. We'll see how it turns out." If he could combine Capoeira with his spider powers, he'd probably be able to do some seriously insane things in a fight. He definitely needed to find Miles.

> Her phone goes off in her pocket, and she does a little wiggle dance off her seat, fishing it out of her pocket. Reading the text, both eyebrows go up. "Oooh, speaking of doing things with awesome abilities, I need to skidaddle, Eddie." She taps out a quick reply. *Yup, be down in just a minute, gotta drop off a couple things first.* She polishes off her beer and starts gathering things up, stuffing them back into her bags. "Try out the sims and find Miles. Anytime you think you're ready to do some toe to toe... or, leg? work, let me know, alright? It was nice having a drink with you. We'll do it again sometime." And with that, she heads out to drop everything off at her apartment before making her way down into the team computer lab. Letting herself in, she pushes the sleeves of her sweater up. "Heya, Sisip. Ready to see what's inside that thing? Or I guess, hear about it?"

<Edwin> "All right, have fun storming the castle." He gave Gina a wave as she excused herself and gathered up her things. "Thanks for the drink, Gina. I'll see you around." After she left, he picked up his backpack, and headed toward the rec center to find the new location of the simulators. He'd check out Gina's martial arts training sims, and at least get an idea of what he'd need to bring along and what sort of workout he'd be in for when he tried them out for real.

<@Sisip> Looking up she nods, chewing on her lower lip. "Yes. Can you get into a body? I mean, obviously there's something in there, I'm just not sure of your limitations." Patting a chair next to her she smiles, "So how do you want to do this?"

> "Well, I don't see why not. It's just like a ghost I guess. No form, so I can go anywhere." She'd never really moved around -in- something living, but that's because there hadn't really been the cause to do it. Nor is there generally anything large enough to just go wandering around in, aside from whales, and who does that? She takes the offered seat and makes herself comfortable, leaning the back of it back a bit so she can comfortably slouch. "When I go, my body will just be sitting here. I can talk and hear you while I'm out, and I can see and hear what's going on around my astral body, too. I think maybe recording what I say would be a good idea? I can try to sketch some of what I see, but I'm a terrible artist. Maybe someone else can give it a go based on my descriptions, if I see anything?"

<@Sisip> Reaching into one of the desk drawers she pulls out a headset with a mic attached. She hands it over towards Gina and opens up a recording program on the computer, "Ok, we'll keep a record of it then I can bring in someone to render it out." She sighs softly and gives a nod, "Okidoki.. let's get started, shall we?"

> Gina takes the headset and puts it on, bending the mic toward her mouth and adjusting it to sit comfortably on her head and so it woldn't fall off when she goes floppity in the chair. "Alright... here I go." She relaxes back in the chair and closes her eyes, taking a couple deep breaths. A moment or two later, she exhales deeply, and her body goes limp. Her breathing is slow and shallow, and her heartbeat slows as well. "I'm out, heading up now. Into the quad." She can see the spacefish above her, and she rises up toward it slowly, heading toward where Rick had poked it in the eyes before, figuring that to be a good spot to start.

<@Sisip> The shipfish hovers in the air, lights flashing over it's bulk almost randomly now as it had been since Rick poked it in the friggen eyeball. "Ok, Gina. I'm not sure how these fish riding ratbastards work so if they seem to notice you get the hell out of there. We don't know what they're capable of and I certainly don't want them to somehow trap you out of your body."

> "Ohho believe you me, I do not want to be trapped out of my body. I'm not done with it yet." The words are tinged with the smirk her face is incapable of making at the moment. "Alright, I'm going in. I think. Wherever in is." She'd have held her breath if she could, but instead, her body continues its slow breathing as her astral form drifts higher, moving to and then through the... skin? of the shipfish. "I think I'm grossed out. I'm so glad I can't feel anything."

<@Sisip> She was right to think she was grossed out. Inside the shipfish was .. shipfish innards. It was a big fish, what else would there be? Yet the further in she went the more things seemed to change, where sections of meat would normally be there were empty spots that seemed to be filled with .. machines. Lights blipped, actual lights, not bioluminescence. Devices of all sorts sat in the first meatless section. "Shame you can't bring anything back with you," Sisip smirked, "The biology lab would be all over that. I wonder if it's got any nutritional value?"

> She describes what she sees in as much detail as she can. "Wow. Well, it's definitely organic to a point. It has guts. It really is a big... fish sort of. But there are machines in here too, computer banks maybe. Real lights, not the biolums on the outside. It's pretty fascinating actually." Sisip might have a point with the nutrition thing, too. "You know, I wonder if this is some sort of simbiotic relationship? Like, the little guys we saw on the projection do something for thig big thing, and in turn, they live inside it and use it for travel and whatnot. It's not unheard of, just not on this scale, and not with actual machines..." She moves towards different devices and machines, describing them as she can, including what colors the lights are, where they're placed, and how many devices and machines she sees. "I'm going to keep going, see what other chambers there might be." And so she starts to do just that, moving slowly.

<@Sisip> The next chamber looks very much like a living quarters affair. Some of the projected creatures mulling about quietly. There doesn't seem to be anything such as a ventilation system, so whatever they were breathing was most likely foul. Room after room seemed to appear, making the shipfish seem almost like a big intergallactic cruiseship without a pool. The Uidry were everywhere, wandering about this big fish easily. "Roger. Simbiotic? If that thing likes it's little inhabitants and chooses to come to their aid we could be in trouble." She frowns just a bit. How do you defend against a fish larger than your home?

> She pauses at the sight of all the Uidry milling about, instinctively ducking, even though she's not physically there. "Man, these things are everywhere. Dozens of them, easily. This place is disgusting. It has to smell. It just looks like it smells. We need to check the lab for what Rick brought back with him." Though she feels more or less safe, she avoids moving too close to any of the aliens as she starts moving around again, checking out how they seem to live, sleep, eat, whatnot. "I guess it depends on if it's sentient or just reactionary? If it's really alive, it has to have a brain, right? I'm not sure I should go poking around in it though, invisible or not."

<@Sisip> "Yeah, avoiding making the big heavy fish floating above our heads stroke out and flop around on us is probably a good thing." The injin's tone is amused, One of the 'rooms' that Gina enters is obviously in the process of being expanded. By a process is obviously simply a series of Uidry hacking bits of meat away without care, tearing away as they carve a larger space. A space that was filled with odd looking robot type things hooked up to wires and tubes that seemed to disappear into the meat of SpaceFish. The machines seemed to be a combination of what appeared to be leather or flesh and metal, guages and lights obvious yet not lit up.

> "Oh good God. I wish you could see this. They're... building more of something. Another room. But it's not like, hey, let's knock out a wall and build another room. They're hacking pieces of meat off to do it. I think when I come back, I'm going to hurl. There are also more machines, hooked into the flesh of the ship itself, but it doesn't look like they're turned on yet. No lights lit up." The gross out factor is pretty clear in her voice, and if it were possible for an incorporeal body to wretch and vomit, she'd have given the shipfish her own personal interior decorating touch. "That's enough of this room, I think." Eww, eww, ewwwwwww.

<@Sisip> Sisip looks around for a bucket, more than happy to give a titch of assistance and certainly more than happy to keep the team computer lab from stinking like Gina puke. "Hacking off pieces?" She winces just a bit and shakes her head. "I guess that's sort of how you'd have to do it if you were living inside a fish." As she moves onwards she'll get to a room that was obviously the C&C, a great setup of lively blinking and blipping consoles. Readings being taken by mulitple machines and what appears to be an 'in the air' scifi touch screen of sorts that had various glyphs written on it and even an outline of the ShipFish itself. Certain parts of the fish flashed on the screen and if she looked close enough she'd notice one of the flashing was the fish's eye. Way to go Rick.

> "Ooh, looks like I found the brains. Well, the computer brains anyway. Lots of readings being taken in here, probably atmosphere and the like. Lots more machines and computers. And a really big display of the whole ship." She sets into describing the entire display in pretty good detail, just to give a good layout of the ship for the recorder and whoever's going to lay it all out on paper later on. "And wouldn't you know it, looks like Rick may have actually done some damage to that eye. It's blinking on the display. Not sure what that means, but it's obvious it's a concern of some sort. I wonder if that means it's having trouble seeing? Could be something to think about. Poke the other one out too." She studies the glyphs, making note of a couple of them to try to sketch them out when she comes to. "Strange symbols, glyphs of some kind. I'll try to draw a couple of them out and see if we can run them through some sort of recognition program or something. I doubt it's anything recognizeable, but you never know. Anything in particular you want me to look for in here?"

<@Sisip> "Maybe get a really good feel for how they .. control it. What buttons they push, incase we're able to get someone up in there. I'd like to have something a bit better than a monkey smashing a keyboard in order to screw with them if need be." There certainly are some Uidry hitting controls, all of them silent, saying nothing, yet looking at each other and nodding every so often before heading back to their task at hand. They're quite organized, these people, despite their silence.

> That's something she notices as she hangs back, watching them go about their business. "Sisip, they don't... talk. Other than the ship noises and maching noises, it's quiet in here, but they're obviously communicating somehow. They look at each other and nod. Telepaths, probably." Which makes her mildly alarmed, though they don't seem to have noticed her yet, or at all for that matter. She watches them, glancing up at the displays as they push buttons to try and get a sense of what does what.

<@Sisip> Telepaths? Sisip frowns, thinking most likely along the same lengths as Gina, "Alright, come back for now. We'll see if we can do this again but if they're telepathic I don't want to risk them noticing you... if they can." She shakes her head and frowns. One of the displays that shows up at a random button push is ... an obvious conversation being monitored. Someone down below, perhaps a phonecall, but every word was coming through, sounding odd, warped.. as if underwater. Garbled to the point that you couldn't quite hear the words themselves. It was clear, though, that they WERE keeping tabs on Cobalt.

> "Gotcha. On my way now. It'll take me a minute." But before she starts the process of heading back into her body, she notices that transmission on the display. She'll tell Sisip about it when she gets back. Going silent for the time being, she simply drops down out of the ship, straight down for now, until she exits through the skin again and is able to get her bearings. Not so much over the quad anymore, since the shipfish is pretty big, she moves through the building itself, then through the quad, and finally, her body inhales deeply. She swallows, fingers opening and flexing, and her eyes eventually open. Shaking her head a little, she shuts her eyes again and creases her brow. "Ugh, God. So so glad I can't smell, or taste, or touch... those things are just gross." Her stomach turns, and she sits up, leaning over to put her head in her hands. Though she's definitely nauseated, she manages not to barf. "They're listening to us, to Cobalt."

<@Sisip> Sliding a bottle of water towards Gina the woman nods, "I'm not surprised. I know we've been trying to listen to them.. unsucesfffully. But now that we've got a better understanding of what they are maybe it'll be easier to figure out." She frowns. "Thank you, Gina, for doing that. Any bit of intel is good intel."

> She takes the bottle from Sisip with a look of gratitude and unscrews the cap, taking a couple long swallows. "Yeah, I couldn't really make out what it was they were listening to, but right before I left, I heard it. It sounded garbled, like it was coming from underwater or something, but it was definitely speech. Hopefuly whoever listens to this can sketch some things out. I'll check on those labs and see what I can come up with. Now that I've seen some of it, too, that might give me a better idea of what to look for in the lab." She waves a hand, drinking some more water. "No problem. I'll go again if I need to. I didn't notice anything that looked like weapons. Just computers, shipfish meat, and the aliens. Maybe that's a plus."

<@Sisip> Sisip falls aslep in her chair. She'd been busy, doing things and stuff.